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DissertationNo Title MajorID

112 A Study Toward More Accessible and Suitable Spatial Informat

124 The Role of the Public Sector on Regional Economic Develop EG1D
196 Effectiveness of Store Window Display in Designer Stores on CMN12
256 Allocation of Costs in Arbitration: Black and White or Shades L34
273 Implementation of the Person in the Middle attack using thirdCS97
312 The impact of competition law on the performance of teleco L34
421 A Comparative Study of the Relationship between Life Satisf EG1D
431 The Norm Formation and Limitation in Arms Export Ban L34
561 An investigation of the Military Training Instructor Develop MGT5
Date Author Status
1/12/2020 Marina Completed
7/27/2020 Kim Completed
12/15/2020 John Completed
8/13/2021 Barbie Completed
9/6/2021 Katina Completed
12/25/2021 Taylor Completed
3/17/2022 Ken In progress
7/14/2022 Lana In progress
1/2/2023 Dany Not Started
Status Count of Status
Completed 6
In progress 2
Not Started 1
Count of Status

Completed In progress
Count of Status

In progress Not Started

Dissertati Title MajorID Date Author Status
112 A Study Toward More AccessiblCMN12 43842 Marina Completed
124 The Role of the Public Sector EG1D 44039 Kim Completed
196 Effectiveness of Store WindowCMN12 44180 John Completed
256 Allocation of Costs in Arbitrat L34 44421 Barbie Completed
273 Implementation of the Person CS97
i 44445 Katina Completed
312 The impact of competition lawL34 44555 Taylor Completed
421 A Comparative Study of the ReEG1D 44637 Ken In progress
431 The Norm Formation and LimitL34 44756 Lana In progress
561 An investigation of the Milita MGT5 44928 Dany Not Started
SupervisorID Name Nation Sex Speciality Title Workplace
11220455 Tony England Male Management Doctor Harvard
11229574 Aki Japan Female Computer Science Doctor MIT
10346745 Hoang Vietnam Male Communication Professor NEU
19382293 William England Male Economic Doctor Oxford
12384509 Silla Thailand Male Law Doctor Cambridge
12867234 Rachel India Female Communication Professor Oxford
12245738 Holland England Male Law Doctor London
11223456 Linh Vietnam Female Communication Doctor FTU
11228573 Adele England Female Management Doctor Harvard
19387346 Julien Mexico Male Philosophy Professor Cambridge
11345628 Son Heung Korea Male Economic Professor MIT
ParticipationNO DissertationNO SupervisorIDRole
1 112 12867234 Guidance
2 124 11345628 Guidance
3 196 12867234 Checker
4 256 12245738 Guidance
5 273 11229574 Checker
6 312 12245738 Guidance
7 421 19382293 Guidance
8 431 12384509 Checker
9 561 11228573 Checker

(empty) Status
Date Completed In progress Not Started Total Result
Total Result

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