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Topic: Collecting things

1. Have you ever collected anything as a hobby? (What?)

I have an unusual hobby of collecting buttons. I started the hobby when I was ten.
At that time, I lost a cute button shirt, so I have to find another to replace it. I really
love to find different buttons because they have a wide range of shapes, designs,
and colors.
2. What kinds of things do people often like collecting?
Well, I guess it really depends on their taste. Some people like collecting cheap
and simple items such as stamps, keyrings, or toys. However, others enjoy
collecting expensive antiques, watches, jewelry, or even cars.
3. Why do you think people collect certain objects?
I suppose that because collecting things gives people a sense of excitement. When
people are able to gather things that they love, they would feel extremely satisfied,
which helps them release stress and pressure at youwork or school.
4. Is there anything that you would like to collect in the future?
Yes for sure, I always want to enrich my button collection. In the future, if I have a
chance, I will collect rare buttons from other countries.
Topic: Meeting places
1. Where do you often meet your friends?
Honestly, I normally meet my friends at a small coffee shop. A café is very
suitable for a date because we feel more comfortable having a chance to sit and
2. Do you prefer meeting people indoors or outdoors?
Actually, I prefer to be outdoors. Simply because I’m considered myself an
extrovert. I love to go outside with my friend to a café and talk together.
3. What are some good places to meet others in your county?
Well, coffee shops and pubs are what spring to my mind now since they are the
most common places for people to strike up conversations in my nation.
4. Are there any differences between your favorite meeting places now
compared to when you were young?
Absolutely, my preferences have changed a lot. When I was a little, I used to
always want to go to a fast food restaurant or playground, but now, a coffee shop
or a park would be my first choice.
Topic: Talents
1. Do you have a talent or something you are good at?
Well, I think I’m gifted at baking and I learned it from scratch all by myself. I
never failed once I would say and everyone speaks highly of my dessert so I’m
really proud of it.
2. Was it mastered recently or when you were young?
Honestly, I just learned it several years ago when baking became really popular
among young people. I just follow the recipe online and I’ve made cakes by
myself, it’s really fun.
3. Do you think your talent can be useful for your future job? Why?
Well, maybe if I open up a bakery shop in the future which is something I’m really
longing for but currently, it’s just one of my hobbies, and I feel really relaxed and
joyful when I’m doing it.
4. Do you think anyone in your family has the same talent?
Well, yes, my aunt. She started to bake desserts when she got retired several years
ago and she has taught me a lot of recipes.
Topic: Boring things
1. What do you do when you feel bored?
If I feel bored, I will play some games or watch videos on my phone. Otherwise, I
would definitely go out and find somewhere fun to go.
2. What kind of things is boring to you?
Well, lots of things like having a meeting, waiting in line, or doing some
meaningless social activities so basically just those things that I have to do but I’m
not interested in at all.
3. Do you think young people are more likely to get bored?
I would say yes, the younger generation gets bored easily when they have nothing
to do, the primary reason behind this is that the younger generation is very
impatient and wants immediate results without working hard.
4. Why is it that some people work at boring jobs?
Well, I guess it really depends on their personality. Whether the job is boring or
not, if they really want to do it they won’t feel the job is boring.
Topic: Advertisements
1. What kinds of advertisements do you watch?
These days there are so many of these commercials everywhere I click. I have seen
car commercials with some of those top brands like BMW, Mercedes Benz, and
Tesla, advertising their latest model. Other ones are definitely fast food
commercials - McDonald’s, Burger King, KFC, Pizza Hut, you name it... they are
everywhere online and all around the cities on billboards and bus stops.
2. Where can you see advertisements?
Well, I see them everywhere I go, or in everything I enjoy. For example, I see them
on the bus stops, while I wait for the bus or when I look at my mobile phone, I will
see some ads.
3. Do you watch advertisements from the beginning to the end?
Not if I have a choice. If it's on TV, I can't really skip it, and then I watch the
whole advertisement, or I look at my phone for a while. If it's something that
interests me, like an entertaining mobile game or a cool-looking product, then I'd
watch the whole piece.
4. Have you bought something because of its advertisement?
Yes, I’ve done that several times, but I don’t easily get convinced by the
advertisement that I watch. I normally check the reviews of the products before
making a decision because I really want to make sure to buy something which I
believe is of high quality.
Topic: Computers
1. Do you often use a computer?
I use my computer every day, especially during the Covid-19 outbreak when I have
to work from home and study online.
2. How do you usually get online?
I often watch the news, latest movies, and songs and also learn from the various
academic websites as well as chat with my friends.
3. Do you prefer desktops or laptops?
I would say definitely laptop. It is very light and fits my school bag for me to take
to work without difficulty.
4. What do you use your computer for?
I use my computer for surfing the Internet to find material for my school
assignments as well as for entertaining and exchanging with everyone.
5. Do you think it is important to learn how to use a computer?
I think it is important to learn how to use a computer. Because we are living in the
5.0 era with the great advancement of science and technology, so that it is very
necessary to use computers because it will help us to integrate with the times, more
convenient when working, studying or for entertainment
Topic: Watch
1. How often do you wear a watch?
Not at all, I really don’t need to wear one as I have my mobile phone to check the
time every now and then. For me, watches nowadays are outdated since people are
too dependent on using their smartphones in terms of checking the time since it’s
more convenient or handy.
2. What was your first watch like?
It was a digital watch with a small screen. It was one of the most famous brands
called Casio. In addition, it has a metal strap, numerous tuning keys, and alarm
3. What kinds of watches do you like to wear?
I like to wear a digital watch, which is trending now; with this type of watch, I can
synchronize my contact and make calls and listen to music.
4. Do people still wear watches in your country?
I think it’s not as important as before. Nowadays, we have smartphones that we
can use if we want to check the time which is incredibly convenient. I think
wearing a watch in this computer-dependent generation is not a must. It’s just for
Topic: Sitting down
1. Where do you often sit down to relax?
I often sit on the sofa in my living room to unwind. Because it’s extremely
comfortable and beautifully designed.
2. Do you think sitting down with the right posture is important?
Yes, of course. Sitting with a straight back and shoulders will not only improve a
person's physical health but can make them feel more confident.
3. What do you often do when you sit down?
When I have a day off or at the weekend, I can spend all day sitting and watching
my favorite movies

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