Mentor Merlin Sales Training Program Outline

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Mentor Merlin Sales Training Program Outline

1. Product Knowledge: Understanding NMC CBT, OET, and OSCE course programs,
Exam details, and the NMC Registration process.
2. Sales Tools: Mastery of HubSpot CRM, Google Sheets, 3CX, and WhatsApp for
effective lead management and communication.
3. Sales Skills: Skills like effective sales calling, pitching, handling objections related to
pricing, email formatting, and rejection management.
4. Performance Metrics: Training on how to meet KPIs such as monthly targets, call
handling, live chat, response time, task follow-up, and ticket resolution.

Week 1: Introduction and Exam Overview

1. Day 1: Orientation
ERP Onboarding
Orientation Company History and Culture
Introduction to the Sales Team and Structure
2. Day 2-3: Exam Overview
Overview of NMC CBT, OET, OSCE exams and the NMC Registration Process
Session with a coordinator or an experienced team member to explain the exams
and registration process
3. Day 4-5: Product Deep Dive - NMC CBT & OET Courses
Detailed understanding of both courses
Task: Create a mock sales pitch for both
4. Day 6: Product Deep Dive - Comprehensive OSCE Training Program
Detailed understanding of the program
Assignment: Draft an email addressing common objections

Week 2: Sessions with Trainers and Sales Tools Training

1. Day 1: Session with OET Trainer

In-depth understanding of OET training program
Task: Create a Report on OET
2. Day 2: Session with OSCE Trainer/Coordinator
In-depth understanding of OSCE training program
Task: Create a Report on OSCE
3. Day 3-5: HubSpot CRM and 3CX Training
Lead Management, Making and Tracking Calls
Task: Role-play lead management and calling scenarios
4. Day 6: Google Sheets and WhatsApp Training
Tracking Daily Revenue, Managing Candidate Timelines, and Effective Messaging
Assignment: Create a mock tracking sheet and engage in mock messaging

Week 3: Sales Skills Training

1. Day 1-2: Sales Pitching and Calling

Effective Sales Scripts and Handling Objections
Task: Role-play a sales scenario
2. Day 3-4: Communication Skills
Email, Calls, and Face-to-Face Communication Best Practices
Task: Engage in mock communication exercises
3. Day 5: Handling Rejection
Techniques to Bounce Back
Assignment: Reflect on Personal Experiences and Share Strategies
4. Day 6: Quiz and Assessment
Sales Skills Quiz

Week 4: KPIs, Performance Metrics, and Finalisation

1. Day 1-2: Understanding KPIs

Monthly Targets, Live Chat Handling
Task: Simulate live chat scenarios
2. Day 3-4: Time Management
Effective Ways to Meet Response Time, Task Follow-up, and Ticket Resolution
Assignment: Plan a Mock Week Schedule
3. Day 5: Final Assessment
Comprehensive Quiz Covering All Training Modules
4. Day 6: Graduation and Feedback Session
Graduation Ceremony
Introduction to the Respective Sales Team
Gather Feedback on the Training Program

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