Mil Reviewer 4TH Quarter

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MIL REVIEWER (4th Quarter) time, receiving turn by turn directions, viewing virtual recipes

while cooking, and even seeing friends' locations while

LESSON 8: CURRENT AND FUTURE TRENDS OF walking down the street.
GPS – Global Positioning System. An accurate worldwide INDIVIDUAL
navigational and surveying facility based on the reception of
signals from an array of orbiting satellites. 1. Improved Quality of Life
The media and information age has greatly improved
Massive Open Online Content (MOOC) is defined the quality of life by making communication easier,
by Educause as a model for delivering learning content online information more accessible, and research more convenient.
to any person who wants to take a course, with no limit on Media literacy allows individuals to evaluate information,
attendance. It can be characterized by the following: raise awareness, and prevent foolishness, and access business
A. A revolutionary approach to education that veers away and job opportunities. It also improves information literacy
from the physical to the virtual skills and enhances communication skills.
B. A kind of learning that happens online, breaking the
norm of traditional schools or universities for higher 2. Greater Political Participation
education. The media plays a crucial role in encouraging greater
C. Utilizes information technologies like analytics to help political participation by informing the public about
instructors gauge their student’s learning. government activities and issues. This leads to a more
D. Emphasis on connectedness. politically engaged, active, smart, and concerned citizenry,
who can take a more responsible role in the government.
Check out some of these emerging technologies and trends.
3. Better Economic Opportunities
Haptics Technology is a technology that utilizes the sense of The media industry has grown in the information age,
touch by applying force, vibrations and/or motions to the user creating more opportunities for individuals to earn additional
through computer applications. It is commonly used in income through open content contribution and advertising
gaming controllers, joysticks, and steering wheels and is revenue. New media platforms have also led to the creation of
becoming more prevalent in smartphones. It is also being used new jobs such as social media managers and multimedia
in virtual reality systems, adding the sense of touch to specialists, which in turn can boost the economy. Media and
previously visual-only solutions. Haptic has various potential information literacy is becoming increasingly important in job
applications in industries such as gaming, movies, markets, especially in developing countries where
manufacturing, medical, and more. employment is a major issue. The media industry plays a vital
role in addressing this problem.
Contextual Awareness is the ability of future devices to learn
about the user's life by combining information from hard 4. Improved Learning Environment
sensors (location, conditions) and soft sensors (calendar, Media and information have improved the learning
social network, past preferences). With this information, environment by making information more accessible and
devices can anticipate the user's needs, such as suggesting to sought after, turning learning into a choice rather than a
leave early to avoid traffic or automatically selecting TV necessity. This has led to an increase in technological literacy,
preferences based on the person holding the remote control. broader knowledge, and educational interest, making learning
more fun and easy.
Voice and Tone Recognition Technology can be used to
confirm a person's identity and detect their health or emotional 5. More Cohesive Social Units. Others
state. This technology has potential applications in security Media and information literacy can lead to more
and healthcare, particularly in mobile applications. cohesive social units by promoting social activity, facilitating
communication, increasing awareness of different groups in
Intelligent routing to devices is a future technology that uses society, raising respect for cultural and linguistic diversity,
smartphones and mobile devices with GPS (global and enabling individuals to explore and discover new places.
positioning system) and photo capabilities to efficiently These abilities are important for personal development, social
report and address street-based issues. It allows staff to change, and achieving specific goals and job purposes.
quickly and accurately notify the appropriate team for action.
Eye Tracking Technology uses sensors to measure eye Media and information literate - enables people to interpret
positions and movements, which are then analyzed by and make informed judgments as users of information and
computer applications. It has potential applications in law media, as well as to become skillful creators and producers of
enforcement for lie detection, airport security for identifying information and media messages in their own right.
suspicious behavior, safety for alerting and awakening drowsy Literacy - the ability to read and write.
or distracted drivers, and healthcare for assisting people with Literate - educated, cultured, able to read and write
disabilities or paralysis in communication and mobility. It also Netizen- (informal word) a user of the internet, especially a
has potential for improving human-computer interaction by habitual or avid one.
using screen icons and eye movements instead of a mouse and Cohesive - “to cleave together.” Cohesive things stick
keyboard. together, so they are unified

Internet Glasses are a developing technology that can display

images directly onto the retina, allowing the user to see the
images without blocking their sight. These glasses have LESSON 11: DIFFERENT DIMENSIONS OF PEOPLE
potential uses in fields such as e-gaming, military defense, and MEDIA
more. Experts predict that in the next 10-20 years, internet (AUDIO INFORMATION AND MEDIA AND MOTION
glasses will replace smartphones. They can be used for various INFORMATION AND MEDIA)
purposes such as seeing building schematics and locations of
others, giving speeches while information is streamed in real- Study these terms
●Audio - sound, especially when recorded, transmitted, or
reproduced. Units of Sound
●Tape - magnetic tape on which sound can be recorded. 1. Decibel - or simply dB, noise of sound measurement.
●CD (Compact Disc) - a plastic fabricated, circular medium 2. Hertz - or simply Hz, unit of sound frequency.
for recording, storing, and playing back audio, video, and 3. Phon - unit of subjective loudness.
computer data.
●USB Drive - an external flash drive, small enough to carry Characteristics of a Sound
on a key ring that can be used with any computer that has a 1. Volume - intensity of a sound.
USB port. 2. Tone - the audible characteristic of a sound.
●Memory Card - is a small storage medium used to store 3. Pitch - is how high or low a sound is.
data such as text, pictures, 4. Loudness - refers to the magnitude of the sound
audio, and video, for use on small, portable, or remote heard.
computing devices.
●Computer Hard Drive - secondary storage devices for Purposes of a Sound
storing audio file. 1. Give instruction or information.
●Internet / Cloud - websites or file repositories for retrieving 2. Provide feedback.
audio files, and more 3. To personalize or customize.
precisely the files are stored in some data center full of servers
that is connected to the internet. Elements of Sound Design
●Manipulative Media – items or tools used to aid in hands- 1. Dialogue - speech, conversation, voice-over.
on learning. 2. Sound Effects - any sound other than music or
●Interactive Media – a method of communication in which dialogue.
the program's outputs depend on the user's inputs, and the 3. Music - vocal or instrumental sounds (or both)
user's inputs in turn affect the program's outputs. combined in such a way as to produce beauty of form,
●Simulations – defined as any software which attempts to harmony, and expression of emotion.
simulate real life.
●Gamified Education (Gamification) – the use of game Principles of Sound Design
design elements in non-game contexts. 1. Mixing - the combination, balance and control of
●Media manipulation – is a series of related techniques in multiple sound elements.
which partisans create an image or argument that favors their 2. Pace - time control, editing, order of events (linear,
particular interests. non-linear or multi-linear)
●Hoax – is something intended to deceive or defraud. 3. Stereo Imaging - using left and right channel for
●Codes – are systems of signs, which create meaning. depth. This refers to the aspect of sound recording and
●Interactivity – the communication process that takes place reproduction.
between humans and computer software. 4. Transition- how you get from one segment or
●Multimedia – using more than one media. element to another.
●Digitized – media elements have been captured in a code
that the computer can understand. Hearing vs Listening
●Graphics – visual images produced by computer processing.
● Hearing - the act of perceiving sound by the ear.
●Animation – is a method in which figures are manipulated
to appear as moving images. ● Listening - requires concentration so that your brain
processes meaning from words and sentences.
Types of Audio Information
Listening leads to learning.
1. Radio Broadcast - live or recorded audio sent through
radio waves to reach a wide audience.
What is a Motion Media?
2. Music - vocal or instrumental sounds combined in such a
-is visual media that gives the appearance of a
way as to produce beauty of form, harmony, and
be a collection of graphics, footage, videos. It is combined
expression of emotion.
with audio, text and /or interactive content to create
3. Sound Recording - recording of an interview, meeting, or
any sound from the environment.
4. Sound Clips / Effects - any sound artificially
2 Forms of Motion Media:
reproduced to create an effect in a dramatic presentation
(Ex. Sound of a storm) 1. Informal - created by individuals often for personal
Audio Podcast - a digitally audio, video file or recording, 2. Formal – created by professionals who follow
usually part of a themed series, that can be downloaded from a industry standards in creating, editing and producing
website to a media player or a computer. motion media

Audio File Formats Steps in Formal Production of Animations:

1. MP3 (MPEG Audio Layer 3) - a common format 1. Writing the Story
for consumer audio, as well as a standard of digital audio 2. Script is written and dialogue is recorded
compression for the transfer and playback of music on 3. Animators sketch major scenes, in between fill in the
most digital audio players. gaps
2. M4A / AAC (MPEG4 Audio / Advanced Audio 4. background music and background details are added
Coding) - an audio coding standard for lossy digital audio 5. drawings are rendered
3. WAV – is a Microsoft audio file format standard for TYPES OF MOTION MEDIA
storing an audio bit stream on PCs. It has become a ● ACCORDING TO FORMAT:
standard file format for game sounds, among others
4. WMA (Windows Media Audio) - is an audio data ✔ ANIMATION – Animated GIFs (Graphic
compression technology developed by Microsoft and used
Interchange Format), Flash, Shockwave, Dynamic
with Windows Media Player.
✔ VIDEO FORMATS / VIDEO CODECS – MP4, ✔ Other data may be presented best using still images.
DivX, MPG, 3GP, AVI, MKV, etc. Examples are graphs, diagrams, maps.
✔ It is subject to misinterpretation
✔ Education 1. Speed - A fast movement gives vigor and vitality,
intensifying emotions. A slow movement connotes
✔ Entertainment lethargy, solemnity or sadness.
✔ Advertising 2. Direction - indicates a movement from one direction
to another. It can also refer to the growing or shrinking
of an object.
● ACCORDING TO SOURCE: 3. Timing - can be objective or subjective. Objective
timing can be measured in minutes, seconds, days, etc.
✔ Personal Subjective timing is psychological or felt. Timing can
be used to clarify or intensify the message or the event.
✔ Social Media Using a pause can help time the events
4. Transition – used to switch between scenes
✔ Media Companies
5. Sound and Color – adds meaning to the motion
6. Blurring – In animation, blurring can provide the
● ACCORDING TO AUDIENCE: illusion of fast movement. In videos, it is often used to
censor information for security or decency.
✔ Private /Public

✔ General / Directed


● Determining the Credibility of Motion Media:

✔ Validity of Information

✔ Source

✔ Relationship of the Author to the event

● Technical Methods to Detect Fake/Tampered Video:

1. Smoothness of the Video - This is often detected
when movements are not smooth; when action seems
to jump from one position to another, as if some
action was missing
2. Lighting Coverage Matches - One way to detect
lighting matches is to look at the shadows; the source
of light determines the size and direction of the
3. Scale and Size Consistent - scale refers to how the
size of the objects in reference to one another are
near the real thing. If the picture is reduced or
enlarged by a certain percent then all of the objects
should be resized by that percent. Objects that are far
away are usually smaller than objects that are nearer.
● Advantages of Motion Media:

✔ It captures motion in a manner that can be viewed

✔ It can show processes in detail and in sequence

✔ It enables learning with emotions

✔ It can cut across different cultures and groups

✔ It allows scenes, history, events and phenomenon to be

● Limitations of Motion Media:

✔ Compared to other forms of visual media the viewer

cannot always interrupt the presentation.
✔ It is often times more costly than other forms of visual

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