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Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

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The sauropod record of Salitral Ojo del Agua: An Upper Cretaceous

(Allen Formation) fossiliferous locality from northern Patagonia,
Mauro Aranciaga Rolando a, b, *, Jordi A. García Marsa
 a, Federico L. Agnolín a, b, c,
a n Rozadilla , Fernando E. Novas a
Matías J. Motta , Sebastia a

Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Rivadavia’, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y T
ecnicas e CONICET, Buenos Aires,
Museo Municipal de Ciencias Naturales “Carlos Ameghino”, Mercedes, Argentina
c n de Historia Natural “F
Fundacio elix de Azara”, Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Antropología, Universidad Maimo nides, Buenos Aires, Argentina

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: The record of sauropods in the Upper Cretaceous of Patagonia is rich. However, there are still several
Received 2 October 2020 blanks on this record. Here it is described a new sauropod assemblage coming from the Salitral Ojo de
Received in revised form Agua Area, Río Negro province, northern Patagonia, Argentina (Allen Formation; Maastrichtian). Remains
21 August 2021
of indeterminate saltasaurines, aeolosaurines, as well as new specimens of the small saltasaurine
Accepted in revised form 5 September 2021
Rocasaurus muniozi and the new eutitanosaur Menucocelsior arriagadai gen. et sp. nov., are described. The
Available online 20 September 2021
new eutitanosaur is represented by an incomplete caudal series and some appendicular bones that
indicate that it does not belong to any previously recognized eutitanosaur clade (e.g, Colossosauria,
Saltasaurinae, Aeolosaurini). The co-occurrence of several roughly coeval titanosaurs in a restricted area
Menucocelsior (as occur in Bajo de Santa Rosa, Salitral Moreno and Salitral Ojo de Agua sites) with different body plans,
Rocasaurus muniozi indicates that they probably occupied particular ecological niches and that probably competition for
Sauropod osteoderms resources was limited, allowing the connivance of several taxa in a single locality and age. This pattern is
Maastrichtian not observed in other sites of the world. Based on these records and on the high diversity of osteoderm
Patagonia morphotypes recovered, it appears to be certain that palaeoecological conditions in the area were able to
sustain and promote the flourishing of many species of titanosaurs.
© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction In this regard, during 1989 and 1994 several expeditions carried
out by the Museo de Geología y Paleontología de la Universidad
The fossil record of sauropods in Patagonia is one of the richest Nacional del Comahue (Neuque n Province, Argentina) and the
in the world, with more than 50 formally described species. Up- Museo Provincial “Carlos Ameghino” (Río Negro Province,
permost Cretaceous (CampanianeMaastrichtian) beds of northern Argentina) resulted in the finding of one of the most prolific fossil
Patagonia are well-known by its high diversity of sauropods, spe- sites that yielded sauropod remains from the Allen Formation. This
cifically titanosaurs (Salgado and Bonaparte, 2007). As an example site, known as Salitral Moreno, at northern Río Negro Province,
of such diversity, more than four different taxa are known from yielded six different titanosaur species, including Rocasaurus
roughly coeval outcrops of the Maastrichtian Allen Formation: muniozi, Aeolosaurus sp., and four still innominate taxa (García and
Rocasaurus muniozi (Salgado and Azpilicueta, 2000), Aeolosaurus sp. Salgado, 2013). This indicates that the diversity of sauropods in the
(Salgado and Coria, 1993), Bonatitan reigi (Martinelli and Forasiepi, Allen Formation still awaits further discoveries.
2004), and Antarctosaurus wichmannianus (von Huene, 1929). The aim of the present contribution is to describe a new
sauropod fauna coming from the Allen Formation beds at “Salitral
Ojo de Agua” site, near Arriagada Farm, northeastern Río Negro
* Corresponding author. Museo Argentino de Ciencias Naturales ‘Bernardino Province, Patagonia, Argentina. This fossil site has yielded remains
cnicas e CONICET,
Rivadavia’, Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Te
of pterosaurs and plesiosaurs, as well as diverse dinosaurs
Buenos Aires, Argentina.
E-mail address: (M.A. Rolando). including alvarezsaurid theropods, hadrosaurid ornithopods, and
0195-6671/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

sauropod nesting sites (Salgado et al., 2007, 2009; Novas et al., Eutitanosauria Sanz, Powell, Le Loeuff, Martínez and Pereda-
2012). However, no sauropod bones from this site were described Suberbiola, 1999
up to the date.
Menucocelsior gen. nov.
Zoobank registration: 7509E30A-DAA6-
2. Materials and methods

The specimens here described come from the Cerro Matadero Etymology. Menuco, from the Mapundungún, meaning waterhole.
site (67 230 22.1300 W; 39 300 27.0800 S; Fig.1), located within the This refers to the fossil site “Salitral Ojo de Agua”, and celsior, from
Arriagada Farm, at 70 km south from General Roca city, Río Negro the Latin, meaning major.
province, Argentina. This area is known as “Salitral Ojo de Agua” Diagnosis. Mid-sized titanosaur of strongly procoelous caudal
(Agnolín et al., 2012) and exhibits outcrops pertaining to the Allen vertebrae and stout humerus diagnosable on the following com-
Formation (Maastrichtian; Garrido 2010). This stratigraphic unit is bination of characters: 1) first two anterior caudal vertebrae with
composed by sandstones, mudstones and pelites reaching about 70 transverse processes that are rod-like and dorsoventrally low
m thick that represent shallow water courses, bearing freshwater (probably autapomorphic); 2) first and second caudal vertebrae
and brackish vertebrates and mollusks (Casadio, 1994; Martinelli with transverse processes that are subtriangular in contour and
and Forasiepi, 2004). laterally oriented in dorsal view; 3) second caudal with ante-
Dinosaurs are well-known in Allen Formation, and include non- rodorsally oriented prezygapophyses; 4) mid-caudal vertebrae
avian theropods such as the abelisaurid Quilmesaurus curriei (Coria, with neural arches located posterior to the anterior margin of the
2001), indeterminate tetanurans (Coria and Salgado 2005), the centrum; 5) humerus with well-developed supraectepicondylar
alvarezsaur Bonapartenykus ultimus (Agnolín et al., 2012), the large- ridge, forming a prominent flange of bone (probably autapomor-
sized unenlagiid Austroraptor cabazai (Novas et al., 2009), as well as phic); 6) humerus with short deltopectoral crest that does not ex-
the birds Limenavis patagonica (Clarke and Chiappe 2001) and tends up to the mid-length of the bone; 7) short and stout fibula
Lamarqueavis australis (Agnolín, 2010). Closer to Cerro Matadero with transversely narrow distal end; and 8) distal end of fibula with
site, a single isolated and incomplete vertebra (specimen MPCN- proximodistally expanded and prominent anterior flange, repre-
PV-802) of an indeterminate saltasaurine sauropod was found in senting more than one quarter of the total fibular length (probably
coeval beds from the nearly located Cerro Guerra site, which yiel- autapomorphic).
ded remains of giant pterosaurs belonging to Azhdarchidae (Novas
Type and only included species. Menucocelsior arriagadai sp. nov.
et al., 2012).
For the nomenclature of vertebral laminae, it is used Wilson Menucocelsior arriagadai gen. et sp. nov.
(1999), and for vertebral fossae that employed by Wilson et al.
Etymology. The specific epithet refers to “Beto” Arriagada and his
(2011). In the case of osteological nomenclature of caudal vertebrae
family, the owners of the Farm that includes the fossil sites here
it is followed that of Campos et al. (2005). The taxonomic nomen-
reported, which are also enthusiastic on preserving fossils from the
clature follows Salgado and Bonaparte (2007). The name of the clades
area and usually help us to find fossil sites during our fieldtrips.
such as Eutitanosauria, follow the topology and diagnosis of previous
Holotype. MPCN-PV-798, associated specimen (Fig. 1B-C) consisting
authors (Carballido et al., 2017; Gonza lez-Riga et al., 2019).
on first, second and probably third caudal vertebrae, three distal
Regarding osteoderms, several authors have proposed different
anterior-caudals, six proximal mid-caudals and five distal mid-
schemes for classifying titanosaur scutes (von Huene, 1929;
caudals, right humerus, left fibula and incomplete metapodial.
Bonaparte and Powell, 1980; Salgado, 2003). It is followed the system
The position of the vertebrae is determined on the basis of com-
proposed by D'Emic et al. (2009) because it includes the largest
parisons with complete or nearly complete caudal sequences of
known morphological osteoderm diversity. Following this classifica-
some titanosaurs as Trigonosaurus, Baurutitan, Overosaurus, Neu-
tion, four different morphotypes are recognized (Morphotypes 1 to 4).
quensaurus Narambuenatitan and Notocolossus (Campos et al.,
Regarding the relative locations of specific structures within the
2005; Kellner et al., 2006; Filippi et al., 2011; Coria et al., 2013;
osteoderms, we adhere to the terms ‘superficial’ and ‘deep’ pro- lez-Riga et al., 2016). The elements identified as first and
posed by Hill (2006, 2010). These terms are synonyms of ‘external/
second caudals differ from other caudal elements, in that they show
basal’ (Scheyer and Sander, 2004), ‘distal/proximal’ (Main et al.,
anteroposteriorly short and dorsoventrally high centra, and later-
2005), and ‘external/internal’ (D'Emic et al., 2009). It is used the
ally oriented transverse processes lacking a posterior tilting. The
term ‘marginal region’ to refer to the area of contact between the
element identified as the first caudal shows a centrum with a
superficial and deep faces, as proposed by Cerda et al. (2015).
transversely width that surpass its dorsoventral height; when
Because in most osteoderms cannot be established which portion is
compared with other caudals (including the second one) it lacks a
cranial or caudal, we use ‘cranial/caudal’ (CR/CA) referring to one of
well-defined ventral longitudinal groove, and shows prominent
the edges of the osteoderm as proposed by Cerda et al. (2015).
spinodiapophyseal and centrodiapophyseal laminae (this later
According to the terminology employed by von Huene (1929) and
lamina is retained in the second caudal but it is poorly developed).
Salgado (2003), it is used the term ‘cingulum’ to refer to a periph-
More distal caudals show elongate and dorsoventrally low centra
eral ring of tubercles running along the external margins of the
with a well-defined ventral groove. Distal anterior caudals are
notably smaller than the anteriormost ones but still retain a short
Institutional abbreviations. Museo Provincial “Carlos Ame-
and wide centrum, and a shallow ventral longitudinal excavation.
ghino”; Cipolletti, Río Negro Province, Argentina, MPCA; Museo
They show a centrum with the anterior articular surface that is
Patago nico de Ciencias Naturales, Vertebrate Paleontology collec-
ovoidal in contour, with a transversely oriented main axis. Mid-
tion, General Roca, Río Negro Province, Argentina, MPCN-PV.
caudals show centra that are relatively elongate, lack a ventral
longitudinal groove and exhibit a reduced transverse processes. As
3. Systematic paleontology occurs in most titanosaurs mid-caudal centrum length progres-
sively increases from proximal to more distal elements.
Sauropoda Marsh, 1878 Diagnosis. The same as for genus by monotypy.
Titanosauria Bonaparte and Coria, 1993

, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

Description. All caudal vertebral centra (Fig. 2e4) are strongly lack a ventral longitudinal ridge or groove. The lateral surface of the
procoelous with anteriorly positioned neural arches, as occurs on centrum is less concave than in more proximal caudals. The apex of
most titanosaurs. With exception of the first caudal, the remaining the convexity of the posterior articular surface is just slightly
elements show a longitudinally concave ventral surface, but lack dorsally displaced above the mid-height of the centrum. The neural
well-defined longitudinal groove and keels. There is no external arches are located at the anterior half of the vertebral centrum, but
evidence of pneumaticity in any preserved caudal vertebra. The do not reach its anterior margin. The prezygapophyses are rela-
centra lack internal camellate structure. tively short and slightly surpass the anterior margin of the centrum
Most proximal caudals (Fig. 2) exhibit anteroposteriorly short and (Fig. 4O). The transverse processes are represented by a conspicu-
dorsoventrally high centra, with notably concave lateral surfaces. ous dorsoventrally low and anteroposteriorly elongate ridge placed
The concave anterior articular surface is delimited by a prominent at the limit between the centrum and the neural arch.
osseous ring. The first caudal centrum is transversely wider than The neural spine is relatively thick but dorsoventrally low and
dorsoventrally tall, whereas the second caudal is taller than wide. anteroposteriorly short (Fig. 4O). It shows a well-defined prespinal
The anterior articular surface on proximal caudals is canted and lamina and a very wide and deep “V”-shaped prespinal fossa (Fig.
thus the dorsal margin extends anteriorly beyond the ventral one. 4K). The spinoprezygapophyseal laminae are very well-developed
The apex of the convexity of the posterior articular surface is and relatively thick, being separated from the prezygapophyses
slightly dorsally displaced above the mid-height of the centrum. by a longitudinal lateral groove.
The lateral surface of the centra shows two symmetrically located, Distal mid-caudals (Fig. 4P-T) are strongly procoelous and relatively
ellipsoidal-shaped and relatively large-sized foramina. elongate, much more than other caudals. In anterior and posterior
Neural arches of first and second caudals are poorly preserved, and views, the centra are roughly subcircular in contour (Fig. 4R-S).
the neural spine has been broken off. The preserved portion in- They lack a ventral longitudinal ridge or groove. The lateral and
dicates that the neural arches were anteriorly oriented, ante- ventral surfaces of the centrum are notably anteroposteriorly
roposteriorly short, dorsoventrally low, and transversely wide. The concave. The apex of the convexity of the posterior articular surface
base of the neural spine suggests that it was very broad and thick, is dorsally displaced above the mid-height of the centrum. The
subtriangular in cross-section with the apex posteriorly oriented. neural arch is not anteriorly oriented, and does not reach the
Transverse processes are laterally oriented and subtriangular in anterior margin of the vertebral centrum (Fig. 4T). The neural spine
contour when viewed dorsally. is relatively thick but dorsoventrally low. The prespinal fossa is very
The first caudal (Fig. 2) shows a badly damaged neural arch. The deep, narrow and “V”-shaped (Fig. 4P).
spinodiapophyseal lamina is prominent. The neural canal is trans- The humerus (Fig. 5A-E) is represented by a right element lacking
versely wider than dorsoventrally low. The transverse processes are the proximal articular surface and having a slightly eroded delto-
posterolaterally oriented and sub-horizontally positioned. They are pectoral crest. It is relatively robust and straight-shafted. Its prox-
rod-like and dorsoventrally low, especially at their base, and lack a imal and distal ends are not greatly expanded (Fig. 5A-B). The
dorsal tubercle. The anteroventral ridge is well-developed and ex- lateral margin of the shaft is nearly straight; whereas the medial
tends along the transverse process. The anterior cen- margin is smoothly concave (Fig. 5C-D). The shaft is strongly
trodiapophyseal lamina is represented by a poorly developed ridge anteroposteriorly compressed, transversely expanded and is ellip-
of bone. It shows a ventral longitudinal depression that is delimited tical in cross-section.
by two subparallel thick and rounded ridges that end on haemal In spite of being partially preserved, the shaft lacks strongly
facets (Fig. 2D). divergent medial and lateral margins.The lateral margin of the
The second caudal (Fig. 3) is nearly completely preserved, and proximal end shows a relatively thick deltopectoral crest (Fig. 5A).
shows eroded neural spine and the left postzygapophysis. The It is dorsoventrally short and does not reach the mid-length of the
neural arch is anteroposteriorly narrow and shows anteriorly ori- bone. It lacks a distal torsion and expansion and lacks a distolateral
ented anterior and posterior margins (Fig. 3E). Spinoprezygapo- bulge (for the anchoring of M. latissimus dorsi; Otero, 2010) in
physeal laminae are narrow and prominent, and joined together posterior view (Fig. 5B). The anterior fossa (coracobrachial fossa in
form a “V” in dorsal view (Fig. 3C). The prezygapophyses are rela- Gonza lez-Riga et al., 2016) is deep and wide, subtriangular-shaped
tively elongate, narrow and rod-like, with small articular surfaces. in contour, and with a distally oriented apex (Fig. 5A-E). It is not
In dorsal view, both prezygapophyses are separated by a “U” shaped delimited by well-defined ridges or crests. There are no well-
intraprezygapophyseal space. Centroprezygapophyseal laminae are developed bumps for the abductor musculature.
columnar, relatively thick and well-defined (Fig. 3B). The spino- The distal end of the bone is medially oriented. In posterior and
diapophyseal lamina is poorly defined. As occurs with the first anterior views, the humerus lacks supracondylar ridges (Fig. 5E).
caudal, the transverse processes are rod-like and dorsoventrally The supraectepicondylar ridge is represented by a prominent flange
low. of bone. The radial and ulnar condyles are slightly twisted with
Distal anterior-caudals (Fig. 4A-J) are represented by isolated centra respect to the proximal end of humerus. Both condyles are sub-
(with fragments of the base of the neural arch). They show a more equal in size and shape, however, the ulnar one is slightly smaller
prominent procoely than anteriormost caudals. In lateral view, the and more distally extended than the radial one. A well-defined
centra are strongly anteroposteriorly concave, and show a notably posterior distal fossa (olecranal fossa in Gonza lez-Riga et al.,
concave ventral surface (Fig. 4G). There is no ventral longitudinal 2016) is present.
groove. The posterior articular condyle is deeply convex, separated The left fibula (Fig. 5F-I) shows a relatively stout and straight shaft
from the centrum by a neck and is notably transversely expanded that is subtriangular in cross-section. Both proximal and distal ends
(Fig. 4B). The apex of the convexity of the posterior articular surface are poorly expanded (Fig. 5F-G). The proximal half of the bone is
is closer to the dorsal part of the centrum. The transverse processes slightly sigmoidal in outline. In lateral view, the proximal end of the
are represented by their bases, are relatively robust and ante- bone is gently convex, with exception of a pronounced and rela-
roposteriorly extended. Together with the dorsal tuberosity they tively well-defined anterolateral depression. At the proximal third
form a prominent and laterally oriented bulge. of the shaft exist a flange-like, anteroposteriorly narrow, and single
Proximal mid-caudals (Fig. 4KeO) are strongly procoelous and lateral tuberosity (Fig. 5F, H), very different from the condition
anteroposteriorly elongate. In anterior and posterior views, the observed in Laplatasaurus (Gallina and Otero, 2015). The distal half
centra are roughly sub-quadrangular in contour (Fig. 4MeN). They of the shaft shows roughly subparallel anterior and posterior
, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

Fig. 1. A, map showing the fossiliferous localities where the fossil was extracted; B, map showing the quarry that yielded the holotype of Menucocelsior arriagadai (MPCN-PV-798;
shaded in light grey) found together with intermixed bones of hadrosaurs (shaded in dark grey); C, silhouette of Menucocelsior arriagadai showing the preserved bones in white.
, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

margins, and its lateral surface is homogeneously convex. The distal Gallina and Otero, 2015; Gallina and Apesteguía, 2015). Further,
end of the bone shows a prominent anterior flange that is prox- the presence of a well-differentiated and proximodistally
imodistally expanded and represents more than one quarter of the extended supraectepicondylar ridge (sensu Powell, 1992), is a
total fibular length (Fig. 5F, G, I). feature uncommon in titanosaurs and present in few selected
In medial view (Fig. 5I), the proximal end shows a flat and sub- taxa, such as Saltasaurus and Muyelensaurus (Powell, 1992; Calvo
triangular surface for articulation with the tibia. Distally, the shaft et al., 2007).
shows a poorly defined longitudinal groove that ends at the distal The fibula of Menucocelsior is relatively short and stout, but not to
third of the bone. In lateral view, the distal end of the bone is not the degree observed in saltasaurines such as Neuquensaurus and
expanded, being subequal in width to the fibular shaft; it is sub- Saltasaurus (Powell, 1992; 2003). Further, it is nearly straight, in
circular in cross-section. contrast with the strongly sigmoidal proximal half exhibited by
In both anterior and posterior views (Fig. 5F-G), the fibular shaft is saltasaurines (Gonza lez-Riga et al., 2019). The lateral tuberosity is
narrow and shows slightly divergent proximal and distal ends. The single and relatively prominent, being different from the double
later lacks prominent anterior and posterior expansions. condition observed in several titanosaurs (e.g., Epachthosaurus,
Remarks. Menucocelsior is referred to the Eutitanosauria on the Laplatasaurus, Uberabatitan, Antarctosaurus; Salgado et al., 2015).
basis of procoelous anterior and mid caudal vertebrae, and neural The distal end of the fibula in Menucocelsior in side view is poorly
arches of caudal vertebrae located at the anterior half (Salgado et anteroposteriorly expanded. On the other hand, in Aeolosaurus and
al., 1997; Bonaparte, 1999; Powell, 2003; Gonz alez-Riga et al., Neuquensaurus the distal end shows a notably expanded distal end
2019). Further, Menucocelsior differs from non-eutitanosaurs as with a strongly convex and somewhat pulley-shaped distal surface
Narambuenatitan, Malawisaurus and Epachthosaurus in lacking (von Huene, 1929; Powell, 2003).
elongate and narrow neural spines on mid-caudal vertebrae (Jacobs The distal end of the fibula in Menucocelsior shows a prominent and
et al., 1993; Filippi et al., 2011). proximodistally extended bony flange that strongly diverges from
Among eutitanosaurs, Menucocelsior differs from the giant colos- the shaft. A condition absent in most titanosaurs (e.g., Bonitasaura,
sosaurians (such as Futalongkosaurus, Patagotitan or Notocolossus) Laplatasaurus, Rapetosaurus, Epachthosaurus; Curry-Rogers, 2009;
not only in body size, but also on several additional features, Gallina and Otero, 2015). An extensive crest is also present in some
namely relatively elongate caudal vertebral centra, humerus with titanosaurs such as Neuquensaurus (Otero, 2010) and Mendoza-
well-defined distal condyles and deltopectoral crest not distally saurus (Gonza lez-Riga et al., 2019), but in both cases the bone
expanded and lacking a medial tilting (Gonz alez-Riga et al., 2016, flange is not as prominent as observed in Menucocelsior.
2019). Finally, Menucocelsior differs from the roughly coeval Antarctosau-
Menucocelsior differs from saltasaurines, such as Pellegrinisaurus, rus wichmannianus in addition to the great size-disparity, in having
Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus, in lacking dorsoventrally depressed much more robust humerus, presence of supraectepicondylar crest
caudal centra and large cells of spongy bone, humerus lacking a and in lacking a strong ventral ridge delimiting the coracobrachial
prominent posterolateral bulge on deltopectoral crest, radial and fossa (von Huene, 1929).
ulnar condyles not well-separated and lacking supracondylar In addition to the above-mentioned combination of characters,
ridges (Powell, 1992; Salgado, 1996; D'Emic, 2012; Gonza lez-Riga et Menucocelsior exhibits several traits that are unique or scarce
al., 2019). among titanosaurs. As for example, the anterior caudal vertebrae of
Aeolosaurines, in contrast to Menucocelsior, show unique caudal Menucocelsior show a combination of characters that is not known
vertebrae characterized by neural arches with notably narrow, in other titanosaurs, including: centra with sub-quadrangular
elongate and strongly anteriorly projected prezygapophyses and anterior articular surfaces and ovoidal posterior articular surfaces
neural spines, and caudal centra being dorsoventrally tall and that are ventrally narrow; ventral surface excavated by a shallow
having a transversely narrow ventral surface (Salgado and Coria, longitudinal concavity; transverse processes dorsoventrally low
1993; Salgado et al., 1997; Kellner and Azevedo, 1999; Powell, and with a narrow base; transverse processes relatively elongate
2003; Franco-Rosas et al., 2004; Casal et al., 2007; Calvo and and posterolaterally oriented, lacking a ventral tilting; first caudal
Porfiri, 2010; Santucci and Arruda-Campos, 2011; Martinelli et al., vertebra having a well-developed anteroventral ridge along all the
2011; Coria et al., 2013). The neural arches of Menucocelsior are length of the transverse process. As indicated above, this combi-
incompletely known. In spite to that, at the anterior caudals the nation of characters is absent in most members of saltasaurines,
neural arches appear to be anteroposteriorly short and probably the aeolosaurines and colossosaurians (Powell, 1992, 2003; Martinelli
postzygapophyses were located at the anterior half of the vertebra, et al., 2011; Gonzalez-Riga et al., 2016, 2019), and other eutitano-
a condition that occurs in aeolosaurines (Casal et al., 2007). How- saurs as “nemegtosaurines” (e.g., Bonitasaura, Rapetosaurus; Curry-
ever, in contrast to aeolosaurines, Menucocelsior anterior proximal Rogers, 2009; Gallina and Apesteguía, 2015), and the Brazilian
and mid-caudals show neural arches that are not continuous with Trigonosaurus (Campos et al., 2005), and Baurutitan (Kellner et al.,
the anterior margin of the centrum (Casal et al., 2007), a condition 2006). Further, derived titanosaurs, including saltasaurines, Ala-
that is widespread among titanosaurs (Powell, 2003; Campos et al., mosaurus, Antarctosaurus, and Baurutitan exhibit a derived
2005; Santucci and Bertini, 2006). biconvex first caudal centrum (Calvo and Gonz alez-Riga, 2003;
Menucocelsior humerus differs from saltasaurines such as Sal- Kellner et al., 2006; Novas, 2009; see different interpretation in
tasaurus and Neuquensaurus in being more gracile, lacking D'Emic and Wilson, 2011). In spite of the important differences
strongly expanded proximal and distal ends, in having delto- noted above, Menucocelsior resembles Trigonosaurus and Baurutitan
pectoral crest that does not extend more than half the length of in that the first and second caudals show relatively narrow and
the bone, distal condyles not anteriorly beveled, and in the dorsoventrally low transverse processes, a condition uncommon
absence of well-defined posterior distal fossa and supracondylar among titanosaurs (Campos et al., 2005; Kellner et al., 2006).
ridges (Powell, 2003; Otero, 2010). It also differs from material In sum, Menucocelsior is an eutitanosaur that is clearly distin-
referred to Laplatasaurus, Rapetosaurus, Bonitasaura, aeolosaur- guishable from coeval members of the clade. Its anatomy distin-
ines and its kin (as Petrobrasaurus, Gondwanatitan, Muyelensaurus guishes it from main titanosaur subclades, and lacks most
and Aeolosaurus) by having more robust proportions and a apomorphic features of saltasaurines and aeolosaurines. Because of
distally extended radial condyle (Kellner and Azevedo, 1999; the paucity of the available material and the absence of clear syn-
Calvo et al., 2007; Curry-Rogers, 2009; García and Salgado, 2013; apomorphic features with other titanosaurs, the phylogenetic
, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

Fig. 2. First caudal vertebra of Menucocelsior arriagadai in posterior (A), anterior (B), dorsal (C), ventral (D) and lateral (E) views. Abbreviations. avr, anteroventral ridge; cdl,
centrodiapophyseal lamina; hf, haemal facet; nc, neural canal; ns, incomplete fragment of neural spine; prz, prezygapophysis; Spdl, Spinodiapophyseal lamina; tp, transverse
process; vf, vascular foramen; vg, ventral groove. Scale bar: 10 cm.

, F.L. Agnolín et al.
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position of Menucocelsior among eutitanosaurs should still be The 12th cervical arch (Fig. 8) was identified based on comparisons
regarded as uncertain. with available complete titanosaur vertebral series, specially sal-
tasaurids such as Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus (Powell, 2003;
Saltasauridae Powell, 1992
Salgado et al., 2005a; Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015). In any case, the
Aeolosaurini Franco-Rosas et al., 2004
vertebral position is tentative because among titanosaurs cervical
Genus and species indeterminate number is variable (Curry Rogers, 2009). The element here
described resembles 12th cervical of other titanosaurs in that the
Referred material. MPCN-PV-799, four incomplete distal caudal
neural arch is relatively robust and anteroposteriorly short (indi-
vertebrae (Fig. 6).
cating that the vertebra was not very elongate), in having a thick
Description. Available vertebrae are poorly preserved, eroded and
neural spine that is pyramidal-shaped and anteroposteriorly com-
lack zygapophyses (Fig. 6). The centrum is elongate and strongly
pressed; the prezygapophyses are robust, short and strongly
procoelous. The apex of the convexity of the posterior articular
separated from the midline of the vertebra; the diapophyses are
surface is slightly dorsally displaced above the mid-height of the
prominent and strongly laterally projected, with a wide articular
centrum. The vertebrae lack internal camellate structure.
surface for the rib; and a relatively narrow prespinal fossa and a
The lateral faces are sub-vertically oriented being sub-rectangular
wide and shallow postpinal fossa.
in lateral view and nearly straight, being gently anteroposteriorly
In anterior view (Fig. 8A-A'), the neural arch is roughly sub-
concave (Fig. 6E). The lateral face of the centrum is continuous with
triangular in contour. The neural spine is subtriangular shaped, its
the lateral surface of the neural arch. The neural arch is located at
top being rounded and transversely thick. The spine along all it
the anterior margin of the centrum; it is transversely narrow and
dorsoventral extension shows slightly divergent lateral margins.
dorsoventrally tall, with relatively narrow and tall neural arch
The spinoprezygapophyseal laminae are transversely wide and
pedicles (Fig. 6A, E). In spite of being poorly preserved the anterior
gradually fuse with the neural spine. These are separated by a very
margin of the neural arch appears to be strongly forwardly tilted.
deep and wide spinoprezygapophyseal fossa. The median prespinal
The ventral surface of centrum is transversely narrow and ante-
lamina (sensu Salgado and Powell, 2010) is relatively narrow and
roposteriorly concave and lacks a well-defined longitudinal groove
low, and does not reach the bottom of the prespinal fossa. The
(Fig. 6B).
intraprezygapophyseal lamina is sharp and sub-horizontally ori-
Remarks. Distal caudal vertebrae (Fig. 6) here described are poorly
ented. The prezygapophyseal facets are relatively large, ovoidal in
preserved, and thus lack several diagnostic features. However, a
contour and slightly medially oriented. Ventral to the pre-
combination of characters is shared with Aeolosaurus, including
zygapophyses it is observed the prezygodiapophyseal lamina,
transversely narrow vertebrae (especially the ventral surface of
which is nearly subvertically oriented and shows a laterally concave
centrum), lateral surface of centrum nearly straight and continuous
margin. The diapophyses are anterolaterally oriented and do not
with lateral surface of neural arch, and neural arch located at the
fuse to the cervical rib. The anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina is
anterior edge of the centrum with its anterior margin strongly
ventrally concave and laterally projected. Anteriorly, a short,
forwardly oriented (Powell, 1987, 2003; Franco-Rosas et al., 2004;
strongly ventrally concave and notably laterodorsally projected
García and Salgado, 2013). Several species of Aeolosaurus are known
centroprezygapophyseal lamina is observed. The neural canal is
from roughly coeval beds in Argentina, Brazil and Tanzania (Powell,
relatively small and ovoidal in contour, being delimited by dorso-
1987; Salgado and Coria, 1993; Salgado et al., 1997; García and
ventrally low and transversely thick peduncles formed by the
Salgado, 2013; Gorscak et al., 2017), thus the finding of a member
centroprezygapophyseal laminae.
of this genus or a closely related form in Arriagada Farm is not
In posterior view (Fig. 8B-B'), the neural arch is subtriangular in
shape. The neural spine is delimited by very thick and prominent
Saltasaurini Salgado and Bonaparte, 2007 spinopostzygapophyseal laminae. The spinopostzygapophyseal
fossa is very wide, deep and subtriangular in contour. It shows a
Rocasaurus muniozi Salgado and Azpilicueta, 2000
nearly smooth surface. The intrapostzygapophyseal lamina is
Referred material. MPCN-PV-800, associated specimen consisting relatively acute and posteriorly projected. The postzygapophyses
on cervical 12 neural arch, indeterminate posterior cervical are subtriangular in contour and its articular facet is ventrally ori-
centrum and neural arch, neural arch of the second dorsal vertebra ented. Posteriorly, the postzygodiapophyseal lamina is relatively
(Figs. 7e9) and a fragmentary ischium. narrow and obliquely oriented, forming the roof of a relatively
Description. The material here described consists on vertebral ele- narrow but deep postzygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa. The
ments that belong to a very small titanosaur (Figs. 7-9). The neural centropostzygapophyseal laminae are transversely narrow and
arches are not fused to the vertebral centra, a condition that probably form the peduncles of the neural arch. They are slightly constricted
indicates that the specimens here described were not somatically at mid-height. The neural canal is taller than wide, being much
mature. It is worth to mention that most known specimens of narrower in anterior view.
Rocasaurus lack strong vertebral neural arch-centra connection In lateral view (Fig. 8C-C'), the neural arch is roughly subtriangular in
(Salgado and Azpilicueta, 2000; García and Salgado, 2013). contour. The zygapophyseal peduncles are relatively short and
The only available cervical centrum (Fig. 7B-G) is poorly preserved indicate that zygapophyses probably do not extend beyond anterior
and strongly abraded, showing a camellate internal structure. The and posterior edges of centrum. The prezygapophyses are notably
centrum is very elongate and relatively low (it is shorter in Sal- dorsally flexed. The neural spine is subtriangular in contour, being
tasaurus; Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015), strongly opisthocoelous and anteroposteriorly narrow but transversely thick. On its lateral sur-
with a lateral pleurocoel that occupies approximately half of its face, the spine shows a very wide, deeply excavated, well-defined
total height (Fig. 7B). In anterior view (Fig. 7G), the centrum is and smooth spinodiapophyseal fossa. This fossa is subdivided by a
roughly sub-quadrangular in contour. The base of the parapophyses short epipophyseal-prezygapophyseal lamina connecting the pre-
have been preserved, they are relatively robust and are ven- spinal and the postzygodiapophyseal laminae. The neural spine is
trolaterally projected. The neural canal is relatively large, being connected with the prezygapophyses by strong spinoprezygapo-
transversely wider than dorsoventrally tall (Fig. 7D). It is nearly as physeal laminae. These laminae are thin, acute and extend laterally.
tall as half of centrum height. Both delimit a huge and subtriangular spinoprezygapophyseal fossa.

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Fig. 3. Second caudal vertebra of Menucocelsior arriagadai in posterior (A), anterior (B), dorsal (C), ventral (D) and lateral (E) views. Abbreviations. avr, anteroventral ridge; cdl,
centrodiapophyseal lamina; hf, haemal facet; nc, neural canal; ns, incomplete fragment of neural spine; prz, prezygapophysis; Spdl, pinodiapophyseal lamina; Sprl, spinoprezy-
gapophyseal lamina; tp, transverse process; vf, vascular foramina; vg, ventral groove. Scale bar: 10 cm.

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Fig. 4. Distal proximal (AeJ), Mid-proximal (KeO) and Mid-distal (PeT) caudal vertebrae of Menucocelsior arriagadai, in dorsal (A, F, K and P), ventral (B, G, L and Q), anterior (C, H, M
and R), posterior (D, I, N and S) and lateral (E, J, O and T) views. Abbreviations. dtu, dorsal tuberosity; fos, fossa; hf, haemal facet; na, base of the neural arch; ns, neural spine; poz,
postzygapophysis; prz, prezygapophysis; Sprl, spinoprezygapophyseal lamina; Sprf, spinoprezygapophyseal fossa tp, transverse process; Scale bars: 10 cm.

Such fossa shows two thin and short prespinal lamina on its anterior transversely wide prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa is
surface. observed. The postzygapophyses are transversely narrow and ellip-
In dorsal view (Fig. 8D-D'), the prezygapophyses are anterolaterally soidal in contour. Both are joined by a posteriorly concave intra-
directed and show oval-shaped and flat articular facets. Between postzygapophyseal lamina. The intraprezygapophyseal lamina is nearly
both prezygapophyses it is observed a transversally wide, deep and straight.
subtriangular-shaped spinoprezygapophyseal fossa. The dia- The second dorsal vertebra (Fig. 9) is represented by a nearly
pophysis is subtriangular in contour. The neural spine is broken, but complete neural arch only lacking the tips of the neural spine and
it seems to be transversely wider that anteroposteriorly long. the diapophyses. The neural arch is subtriangular shaped in ante-
Posterior to the neural spine, two divergent and strong spino- rior and posterior views. This element is identified as a second
postzygapophyseal laminae are observed. These delimit a notably dorsal because the parapophyses are located at the base of the
deep and subtriangular-shaped spinopostzygapophyseal fossa. A neural arch, the neural arch is notably anteroposteriorly com-
wide but shallow spinodiapophyseal fossa is present. pressed, the diapophyses shows a subtriangular and wide cross-
In ventral view (Fig. 8E-E'), the diapophysis shows a relatively large section, and the neural spine is not strongly posteriorly tilted.
articular surface. At its base it exhibits a relatively small but deep and In anterior view (Fig. 8A-A'), the neural spine is subtriangular in
well-delimited centrodiapophyseal fossa. This fossa is delimited ante- contour and shows a nearly subvertically oriented anterior surface. It
riorly by the anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina. More anteriorly, a shows a very transversely wide and deep prespinal fossa. The

, F.L. Agnolín et al.
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Fig. 5. Appendicular bones of Menucocelsior arriagadai. Right humerus in anterior (A), posterior (B), right lateral (C), left lateral (D) and distal (E) views. Left fibula in anterior (F),
posterior (G), lateral (H) and medial (I) views. Abbreviations. afl, anterior flange; afo, anterior fossa; ast, articular surface for tibia; dpc, deltopectoral crest; igr, intercondylar groove;
lt, lateral tuberosity; pdf, posterior distal fossa; rc, radial condyle; sec; supra ectepicondylar crest; uc, ulnar condyle. Scale bars: 10 cm.

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Fig. 6. Isolated caudal vertebra of an indeterminate Aeolosaurini (MPCN-PV-799), in dorsal (A), ventral (B), anterior (C), posterior (D) and lateral (E) views; and the Saltasaurini
indet. (MPCN-PV-801). Scale bars: 10 cm. Abbreviations. ce, centrum; na, neural arch; nc, neural canal.

spinodiapophyseal lamina is sharp, dorsolaterally concave and later- spine. Together the spinoprezygapophyseal laminae conforms a
ally defines the dorsal edge of the diapophysis. The prespinal lamina is roughly hourglass contour in anterior view and reach the pre-
well-developed, dorsoventrally extended and reach the base of the zygapophyseal facets. Such facets are anteromedially oriented. Both
spinoprezygapophyseal fossa as the most preserved point of the are connected through a sub-horizontally oriented and anteriorly
neural spine. The spinoprezygapophyseal laminae show a concave projected intraprezygapophyseal lamina forming a prominent shelf
lateral margin, and probably extended up to the top of the neural that conform the base of the spinoprezygapophyseal fossa. Just lateral

Fig. 7. Interpretative figure showing the distribution of the bones at the quarry that yielded the new specimen of Rocasaurus muniozi (MPCN-PV-800; shaded in black), and an
indeterminate Saltasaurini (MPCN-PV-801; shaded in grey) (A). Incomplete cervical vertebra of Rocasaurus muniozi in dorsal (B), right lateral (C), anterior (D), ventral (E), left lateral
(F) and posterior (G) views. Abbreviations. na, neural arch; nc, neural canal; par, parapophysis; pl, pleurocoel; vs, ventral surface. Scale bar: A, 70 cm; B-G, 5 cm.

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Fig. 8. Neural arch of cervical 12 of Rocasaurus muniozi, in anterior (A, A'), posterior (B, B'), lateral (C, C'), dorsal (D, D') and ventral (E, E') views. Light grey parts indicate deep
structures. Dark grey areas indicate broken or missing parts. Scale bar: 10 cm: Abbreviations: Acdl, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; Cdf, centrodiapophyseal fossa; Cpol,
centropostzygapophyseal lamina; Cprl, centroprezygapophyseal lamina; di, diapophysis; Eprl, epipophyseal-prezygapophyseal lamina; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; Podl,
postzygodiapophyseal lamina; Po-cdf, postzygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; poz, postzygapophyses; Prdl, prezygodiapophyseal lamina; Prsl, prespinal lamina; prz,
prezygapophsyes; Spdf; spinodiapophyseal fossa; Spof, spinopostzygapophyseal fossa; Spol, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina; Sprf, spinoprezygapophyseal fossa; Sprl, spinopre-
zygapophyseal lamina; Tpol, intrapostzygapophyseal lamina; Tprl, intraprezygapophyseal lamina.

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to the prezygapophyseal articular facets a short prezygodiapophyseal this taxon, when compared with other members of Saltasaurini
lamina is present. In anterior aspect, this lamina is laterally concave. such as Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus. In this sense, Salgado and
The centroprezygapophyseal laminae are curved and ventraally Azpilicueta (2000) noted some features for the holotype spec-
concave, dorsoventrally short and placed at mid-length in the neural imen Rocasaurus that are not mentioned in other saltasaurines and
peduncles. This lamina laterally delimits a shallow and subcircular- may be regarded as diagnostic for Rocasaurus. These features
shaped centroprezygapophyseal fossa. The neural arch peduncles together with others here recognized, and the fact that the Roca-
show a strongly concave lateral surface. The neural canal is subcircular saurus holotype comes from the same geological unit, allow refer-
in contour. ring the specimens here described to this taxon.
In posterior view (Fig. 8B-B'), the diapophyses are subhorizontally Salgado and Azpilicueta (2000) proposed the presence of ante-
oriented and show gently concave dorsal and ventral margins. The roposteriorly compressed neural spine on dorsal vertebrae as
postzygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa is shallow, and ex- diagnostic of Rocasaurus. In the specimen here described, as occurs
hibits on its medial corner a deep and suboval-shaped pneumatic in the holotype, the anterior and posterior margins of the top of the
foramen. The postzygapophyseal shelf is poorly preserved and neural spine are roughly subparallel to each other for almost a
abraded. The spinopostzygapophyseal lamina is relatively promi- quarter of its total dorsoventral height. On the contrary, in Sal-
nent and dorsoventrally short. The postzygapophyses are ovoidal tasaurus and Neuquensaurus the neural spines of the last cervicals
in contour and posterolaterally oriented. They are distally are anteroposteriorly thicker than in Rocasaurus, showing anterior
extended by means of a poorly defined centropostzygapophyseal and posterior margins in side view that are strongly divergent for
lamina. This lamina is thin, laterally projected and dorsoventrally almost all their length, and the top of the neural spine is notably
short. bulkier (see Powell, 1992, 2003; Salgado et al., 2005a). This con-
The postzygapophyses form the dorsal limit of a deep and well- dition appears to the even more evident in Saltasaurus, in which the
defined spinodiapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal pneumatic fossa. neural spine is notably low and mound-like (Powell, 1992).
There exists an additional subcircular pneumatic fossa located As noted by Salgado and Azpilicueta (2000) in the dorsals of the
dorsomedial to the postzygapophysis and that delimited a poorly holotype of Rocasaurus, as well as in the specimens here described,
defined lamina that extended towards the top of the neural spine. anterior and posterior centrodiapophyseal laminae are represented
The presence of a pneumatic fossa cannot be observed on the right by a single, robust and prominent bone buttress. This contrast with
half of the vertebra due to poor preservation. Distomedially to the the deeply bifurcate centrodiapophyseal lamina observed in dorsals
postzygapophysis, there is another subcircular-shaped pneumatic of Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus (Powell, 1992; Salgado et al.
fossa. 2005a; Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015).
In dorsal view (Fig. 8C-C'), the prezygapophyses are notably ante- In addition, there are several features shared by specimens here
roposteriorly compressed, being elliptical-shaped in contour. The described and Rocasaurus holotype that sustain they belong to the
diapophyses are stout, transversely short and slightly anteriorly same taxon. In Rocasaurus specimens the postzygapophyses of the
oriented. Dorsolateral to the diapophysis a subcircular pneumatic cervical vertebrae are not strongly projected outwards and back-
foramen is present. wards as in other saltasaurines such as Neuquensaurus and Sal-
In lateral view (Fig. 8D-D), the neural arch is strongly ante- tasaurus, being similar to the plesiomorphic titanosaur condition
roposteriorly compressed. The neural spine is notably ante- (see Salgado et al., 1997).
roposteriorly compressed and is slightly posterodorsally oriented. Rocasaurus specimens resembles Neuquensaurus but differ from
The prezygapophyses are poorly anteriorly projected and sub- Saltasaurus in several features, including cervical vertebrae with
horizontally oriented. The diapophyses are subtriangular in cross- straight intraprezygapophyseal lamina on cervical vertebrae (U-
section. The postzygapophyses, diapophyses and pre- shaped in Saltasaurus; Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015) and a shallow
zygapophyses are roughly at the same level. At the right side of the centroprezygapophyseal fossa (deep and well-defined in Sal-
neural arch the anterior centroprezygapophyseal lamina is notably tasaurus; Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015). However, Neuquensaurus
thick, rounded and conforms a strong buttress. The cen- shows on cervical 12 stout diapophyses that are deep, strongly
trodiapophyseal lamina is strongly posteriorly concave. It ends at projected outwards, and slightly bent downwards (Salgado et al.,
the dorsal margin of the parapophysis, which is partially included 2005a). In Rocasaurus, as is the case of Saltasaurus and other tita-
within the base of the neural arch. At the left lateral side of the nosaurs (e.g., Isisaurus; Jain and Bandyopadhyay, 1997) the dia-
neural arch shows anterior and posterior centrodiapophyseal pophyses are notably weak and poorly laterally projected.
laminae. Both diverge ventrally: the anterior reaches the para- Further, the new specimen provides additional features that prob-
pophyses and the posterior one reaches the posterior corner of the ably constitute autapomorphies of Rocasaurus. These include:
neurocentral suture. Within these laminae, is observed a deep,
well-defined, and ellipsoidal-shaped centrodiapophyseal fossa. On - Cervical 12 in anterior view with the spinoprezygapophyseal
the right side of the element, this fossa is absent and the unique laminae strongly separated from each other. In the case of
centroprezygapophyseal lamina joins the base of the cen- derived titanosaurs, as occurs in Neuquensaurus, both spinopre-
trodiapophyseal lamina. These laminae delimit dorsally a deep and zygapophyseal and prespinal laminae form a prominent complex
well-defined prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa. structure that extends along all posterior cervical and dorsal se-
Remarks. Specimens here described constitute an important addi- ries (Salgado et al., 2005a). In cervical 12 of Neuquensaurus this
tion to the knowledge of Rocasaurus muniozi. This taxon was orig- complex is transversely narrow because the spinoprezygapo-
inally described by Salgado and Azpilicueta (2000) who based their physeal laminae are very close to each other and are notably
description on a partially preserved skeleton including part of the curved towards the midline of the neural arch (Salgado et al.,
vertebral column, as well as several referred specimens. Later, 2005a). The same occurs in the anterior surface of the short-
García and Salgado (2013) added some additional material to ened neural spines known in Saltasaurus (Powell, 1992). In the
Rocasaurus and recognized that several bones that were originally case of cervical 12 of Rocasaurus both spinoprezygapophyseal
referred to the taxon belong to other titanosaur taxa. laminae are far to each other and are nearly subvertically ori-
Present contribution adds two vertebral positions that were pre- ented, being just gently curved towards the midline. In this sense,
viously unknown in Rocasaurus. New elements are very well- the separation between both laminae is 46 mm on dorsalmost
preserved and exhibit several features that may be diagnostic for point and 54 mm closer to its ventral margin. This results in a
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relatively wide and flat complex surface that is not present in centra (which are relatively small when compared with neural arch
other saltasaurines. size) and very small ovoidal-shaped lateral pleurocoels that lack
any subdivision. They show internal camellate tissue. Based on this
- Second dorsal with notably anteroposteriorly compressed shared combination of characters the specimens are tentatively
articular facets of prezygapophyses. The second available dorsal thought to belong to the same innominate taxon.
vertebra of Rocasaurus exhibits anteroposteriorly compressed The anterior dorsal vertebra (MPCN-PV-801; Fig. 10) is represented
and transversely expanded prezygapophyseal articular surfaces, by a nearly complete neural arch lacking neural spine and right
which are ellipsoidal in contour and have a transversely oriented diapophyses; the vertebral centrum is strongly abraded. The pre-
major axis. This condition appears to be correlated to the strong served portion of the centrum indicates that it was relatively small
anteroposterior compression of the entire neural arch. In and opisthocoelous, as occurs in most titanosauriforms (Salgado et
contrast, in Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus, as occurs in other al., 1997). On its lateral surface, near to the dorsal margin is located
titanosaurs, the articular facet of the prezygapophyses in second a small subtriangular pleurocoel, just below the base of the neural
dorsal (and in other anterior dorsal vertebrae) is subcircular or arch. This vertebra is identified as a fourth element by having the
slightly ovoidal in contour, having its transverse and ante- following combination of characters parapophyses near to the mid-
roposterior axes roughly subequal in size (Powell, 1992; 2003). height of the neural arch, parapophyses robust, prominent and
dorsoventrally higher than anteroposteriorly long, weak para-
- Complex posterior surface of second dorsal, with several podiapophyseal laminae, and a wide, deep and subtriangular-
pneumatic cavities and laminae. The posterior surface of the shaped prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa. This results
dorsal vertebrae in titanosaurs is usually complex (e.g., from comparisons with complete vertebral columns of derived
Bonaparte, 1999). In the case of Rocasaurus it is particularly titanosaurs such as Overosaurus, Saltasaurus, and Neuquensaurus
pneumatic and has been considered as “hyperpneumatic” (Cerda (Powell, 2003; Salgado et al., 2005a; Coria et al., 2013; Zurriaguz
et al., 2012). At the second dorsal vertebra, Rocasaurus exhibits a and Powell, 2015)
conformation that as a whole is not present in any other titano- In anterior view (Fig. 10A-A'), the neural arch shows diapophyses
saur. At least, four pneumatic foramina have been identified. that are robust and strongly dorsally oriented, which results in
Medial to the spinopostzygapophyseal is an additional lamina relatively transversely narrow vertebra. The diapophyses show a
that is laterally delimited at its base by a deep and well-defined well-defined and sub-parallel prezygoparapophyseal and
pneumatic foramen. Ventral to the postzygapophyses, the cen- parapodiapophyseal laminae that delimit the anterior surface from
tropostzygapophyseal laminae are very prominent but dorso- the lateral faces of the diapophyses. These two delimits a small and
ventrally low and delimit very deep and ellipsoidal-shaped oval prezygapophyseal-paradiapophyseal fossa. The pre-
postzygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal pneumatic fossae that zygapophyses are strongly transversely expanded and ovoidal in
are clearly visible when the neural arch is observed from the contour. They are connected to each other by means of a strong and
sides. Medially there is an additional lamina that delimits a well- dorsally concave intraprezygapophyseal lamina. This lamina is
developed and subcircular-shaped foramen. This combination of strongly separated from the dorsal edge of the neural canal. The
characters resembles is some way the morphology observed in intraprezygapophyseal lamina is dorsally bounded by a very wide
other titanosaurs such as Neuquensaurus (Powell, 2003) and and deep spinoprezygapophyseal fossa. Immediately below to the
Rapetosaurus (Curry-Rogers, 2009) but in both cases the surface is base of the prezygapophyses, there is a dorsoventrally short cen-
far less complex and lacks prominent fossae and laminae, con- troprezygapophyseal lamina that reaches ventrally the dorsal
trasting with the condition of Rocasaurus. margin of the neural canal. Laterally, these laminae are delimited by
In sum, dorsal and cervical vertebrae of Rocasaurus muniozi here very large pneumatic centroprezygapophyseal fossae that are
described clearly depart from that known in other titanosaurs, subdivided by a strut of bone. Both centroprezygapophyseal
including the saltasaurines Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus. laminae together with the intraprezygapophyseal lamina form a
prominent complex that probably functioned like an accessory
Genus and species indeterminate
articulation, probably similar to a hyposphene-hypantrum (see
Referred material. MPCN-PV-801, partially preserved fourth dorsal Apesteguía, 2005). The neural arch peduncles are thick and
vertebra (Fig. 10) and one incomplete and abraded cervical centrum dorsoventrally tall and delimit an ovoidal neural canal that is
coming from the same quarry that yielded the materials of Roca- dorsoventrally taller than transversely wide.
saurus described above; MPCN-PV-802, incomplete ninth dorsal In posterior view (Fig. 10B-B'), the surface of the neural arch is almost
vertebra (Fig. 11). flat, and the postzygapophyses do not project much posteriorly. The
Description. Dorsal vertebrae are represented by an incomplete posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina is thick and well defined and
anterior element (fourth dorsal) and an incomplete posterior delimits the lateral edges of the neural arch. The postzygapophyses are
element (ninth dorsal). The first was found associated with the not preserved but the centropostzygapophyseal laminae are observed.
materials of Rocasaurus but represents a much bigger individual. They are nearly straight and prominent. They are laterally bounded by
Because of size differences and absence of apomorphic Rocasaurus wide and relatively shallow, but well defined, subcircular fossae. Be-
features, this element is referred as an indeterminate saltasaurine. tween both centropostzygapophyseal laminae form a prominent
The second element was found in Cerro Guerra locality (approxi- structure that probably articulated with the complex formed by the
mately five kilometers away from Cerro Matadero locality). Both centroprezygapophyseal and intraprezygapophyseal laminae.
elements lack hyposphene-hypantrum accessory articulations as in In lateral view (Fig. 10C-C'), the centrum is dorsoventrally low and
derived titanosaurs and share notably anteroposteriorly shortened shows a deep and subrectangular-shaped pleurocoel. A short,

Fig. 9. Neural arch of dorsal 2 of Rocasaurus muniozi, in anterior (A, A'), posterior (B, B'), dorsal (C, C') and lateral (D, D') views. Light grey parts indicate deep structures. Dark grey
areas indicate broken or missing parts. Scale bar: 10 cm: Abbreviations: Cdf, centrodiapophyseal fossa; Cdl, Centrodiapophyseal lamina; Cpol, centropostzygapophyseal lamina;
Cprf, centroprezygapophyseal fossa; Cprl, centroprezygapophyseal lamina; di, diapophysis; for, foramina; nc, neural canal; ns, neural spine; par, parapophysis; Pcdl, posterior
centrodiapophyseal lamina; Podl, Postzygodiapophyseal lamina; poz, postzygapophyses; Prdl, prezygodiapophyseal lamina; Prsl, prespinal lamina; Pr-cdf, prezygapophyseal-
centrodiapophyseal fossa; prz, prezygapophsyes; Spdl, spinodiapophyseal lamina; Spol, spinopostzygapophyseal lamina; Sprf, spinoprezygapophyseal fossae; Sprl, spinoprezy-
gapophyseal lamina; Tprl, intraprezygapophyseal lamina.

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Fig. 10. Anterior dorsal vertebra of an indeterminate Saltasaurini (MPCN-PV-801) in anterior (A, A'), posterior (B, B'), left lateral (C, C') and right lateral (D, D') views. Light grey parts
indicate deep structures. Dark grey areas indicate broken or missing parts. Scale bar: 10 cm. Abbreviations: Acdl, anterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; Cpar, centroparapophyseal
lamina; Cpol, centropostzygapophyseal lamina; Cprf, centroprezygapophyseal fossa; Cprl, centroprezygapophyseal lamina; di, diapophysis; nc, neural canal; par, parapophysis;

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vertical and stout anterior centroparapophyseal lamina is present. prespinal lamina. In lateral view, the neural arch is ante-
The neural arch is anteroposteriorly short and dorsoventrally tall. roposteriorly narrow and dorsoventrally tall. The pre-
The parapophyses are prominent and located at base of the dia- zygapophyses are prominent and show a convex anterior edge.
pophyses. They are ovoidal in contour and very high with a The parapophyses and diapophyses are not preserved. The pos-
dorsoventrally oriented main axis. Posteroventral to the para- terior centrodiapophyseal lamina is relatively thick and shows a
pophysis there is a shallow parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal bifurcation near its base that results in a well-defined unnamed
fossa. Within this fossa there are two small cavities that are sepa- parapophyseal lamina (sensu Salgado et al., 2005a) as occurs in
rated by an obliquely oriented strut of bone: a posterior and blind Neuquensaurus. This lamina delimits ventrally a wide
one and an anterior, bigger and pneumatic one. From the ante- parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa that is subdivided by
rodorsal corner of the parapophyses a short but well-defined pre- several struts of bones, resulting in a notably complex neural arch.
zygoparapophyseal lamina is present. This lamina shows on its The unnamed parapophyseal lamina delimits dorsally a wide and
posterior margin a small but deep (the fossa is much shallower and deep prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa. The anterior
less defined in the left side of the vertebra). Such fossa is the margin of this fossa is delimited by a notably thickened but
prezygapophyseal-paradiapophyseal fossa which is deep and pos- dorsoventrally low centrodiapophyseal lamina. There are two
teriorly delimited by a narrow but well-defined and prominent relatively small pneumatic cavities lateral to the prezygapophyses.
paradiapophyseal lamina. The diapophyses are thick and robust, In the left lateral view, the neural arch lacks such complex lami-
roughly ovoidal in cross-section. Posteriorly, the diapophyses show nation and fossae. A rudimentary unnamed parapophyseal lamina
a thick, subtriangular and prominent posterior centrodiapophyseal is represented just by its base.
lamina, that forms the lateral margin of the posterior neural arch An isolated fragment of neural arch of an indeterminated vertebra
pedicles. This lamina and the paradiapophyseal lamina delimit the includes relatively small and subcircular-shaped prezygapophyses.
prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa, which is sub- The prezygapophyseal facets are horizontal. Immediately lateral, it
triangular and deep. is observed a deep and round foramen. A thin, laterally concave and
Posterior dorsal vertebrae are represented by an incomplete dorsal anterolaterally projected unnominated lamina it is observed.
9 that lacks the dorsal half of the neural arch and the left post- Remarks. Specimens here described are referred to Saltasaurini
zygapophyses (MPCN-PV-802; Fig. 11). It shares with the ninth based on the presence of complex fossae below the transverse
dorsal of derived titanosaurs as Neuquensaurus and Overosaurus process (with multiple crisscrossing laminae a morphology shared
(Salgado et al., 2005a; Coria et al., 2013) strongly dorsally placed with Rocasaurus, Neuquensaurus, Saltasaurus), and presence of an
parapophyses and diapophyses, transversely wide peduncles of unnamed additional parapophyseal laminae (as present in Roca-
neural arch, parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa that is saurus, Neuquensaurus, Saltasaurus) (Salgado et al., 2005a;
notably complex, subtriangular shaped in contour and with an Zurriaguz and Powell, 2015) (Fig. 11F-J).
anterodorsally oriented tip and prezygapophyses that are placed far In the specimens here described, the pleurocoels of the vertebral
from each other in anterior view. centra are relatively small to moderate in size and lack internal
The neural spine was not preserved. The centrum is notably short subdivisions, features that clearly distinguish them from several
and shows a longitudinally concave ventral surface. There is no sign derived titanosaurs as Neuquensaurus, Rapetosaurus and Muye-
of longitudinal groove or keel. In lateral view, the pleurocoel of the lensaurus (Salgado et al., 2005a; Calvo et al., 2007; Curry-Rogers,
centrum is relatively small (representing approximately less than 2009), being similar in this aspect to some colosossaurians as
one fourth of total centrum length), shows an anteroposteriorly Mendozasaurus (Gonz alez-Riga, 2003). In anterior and posterior
oriented main axis and is dorsally delimited by a prominent views, the dorsal 4 MPCN-PV-801 exhibits a wide space between
osseous edge. the articular surfaces of the prezygapophyses. In anterior view, this
In anterior view (Fig. 11A-A'), the diapophyses are robust and space is occupied by a subtriangular, flat and anteriorly facing
strongly dorsolaterally oriented. The prezygapophyseal facets are surface which is delimited by the intraprezygapophyseal and cen-
flat, strongly medially facing and round. Lateroventrally to the troprezygapophyseal laminae. This surface has its counterpart on
prezygapophyses, it is observed a smooth, thin and curved pre- the posterior side of the bone. In this sense, the posterior side of the
zygoparapophyseal lamina. Between this lamina and the cen- vertebrae shows a subtriangular, flat and posteriorly facing surface.
troprezygapophyseal lamina are observed, in the right side of the As in the anterior side, here this surface is delimited by laminae, in
element, two deep and oval pneumatic foramina within a shallow this case, the centropostzygapophyseal laminae. These anterior and
fossa. This fossa is the prezygapophyseal-paradiapophyseal fossa. posterior flat surfaces show deep cavities on each lateral side. This
On the left side, only one bigger pleurocoel is observed. The morphology contrast with some titanosaurs which shows a very
intraprezygapophyseal lamina is thin, anterior projected and “V” reduced space between the both zygapophyses and dorsal margin
shaped. The anterior surface that surrounds the neural canal is flat of neural arch (e.g., Trigonosaurus, Rinconsaurus, Notocolossus,
or slightly concave. The neural canal is round. Bonitasaura; Calvo and Gonz alez-Riga, 2003; Campos et al., 2005;
In posterior view (Fig. 11B-B'), the posterior surface of the neural Gallina and Apesteguía, 2015; Gonza lez-Riga et al., 2016) or show a
arch is almost flat or slightly concave. The posterior cen- wide space but devoid of strong and acute centrozygapophyseal
trodiapophyseal lamina is robust, slightly posteriorly projected and laminae and associated concavities (e.g., Aeolosaurus, Muyelensau-
laterally concave. The neural canal is oval, being wider than tall. The rus, Barrosasaurus, Neuquensaurus, Rapetosaurus; Calvo et al., 2007;
centrum is rounded in contour and deeply concave, being deeper in Curry-Rogers, 2009; Salgado and Coria, 2009; Santucci and Arruda-
the center. Campos, 2011). Mendozasaurus shows a similar conformation of the
In dorsal view (Fig. 11E-E'), the bone is badly damaged. The pre- anterior complex of laminae, but in posterior view, it exhibits wide
zygapophyses are flat and round in contour. A deep prespinal fossa and well-defined infrapostzygapophyseal fossae (Gonza lez-Riga,
is observed. Within this fossa it is observed a thin median 2003). Posterior dorsal vertebra here described shows a well-

Pcdl, posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; pl, pleurocoel; poz, postzygapophyses; Pp-cdf, parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; Ppdl, paradiapophyseal lamina; Prdl, pre-
zygodiapophyseal lamina; Prpl, prezygoparapophyseal lamina; Pr-cdf, prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; Pr-ppdf, prezygapophyseal-parapodiapophyseal fossa; prz,
prezygapophsyes; Tprl, intraprezygapophyseal lamina; Sprf, Spinoprezygapophyseal fossa.

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defined unnamed additional parapophyseal lamina (Fig. 11F-J), a It is an osteoderm of the kind having a ‘bulb and root’ (e.g., Le Loeuff
feature previously reported only for the Saltasaurini sauropods et al., 1994; Csiki, 1999; Vidal et al. 2014; Cerda et al., 2015). The
Rocasaurus, Saltasaurus and Neuquensaurus (Zurriaguz and Powell, bulb area is very damaged and only preserves a thick marginal
2015). region at the cranial edge. It shows a convex surface with an
The incomplete preservation and dissociated nature of specimens ornamentation composed by some small (0.1-0.9 mm) foramina.
MPCN-PV-801 and MPCN-PV-802, together with the combination The marginal area of the bulb exhibits several grooves and ridges
of characters that distinguish both from other saltasaurines, pre- arranged subparallel to each other and having a superficial-to-deep
cludes identification beyond Saltasaurini indet. orientation, that are continuous along the root. The ridges are
Osteoderms. Osteoderms are described separately from other oste- composed of narrow and subparallel fibers of bone. The surface
ological remains because they have their own nomenclature and exhibits a rugose texture at the intersection between the bulb and
classification. All the osteoderms here described come from the root. The deep surface of the root is flat and possesses coarse
Cerro Matadero site and were found isolated, far from any titano- intercrossing grooves and ridges of irregular fibers. It shows
saur skeleton. Based on osteoderm classification employed D’Emic numerous foramina of different sizes (0.1-3 mm), and relatively
et al. (2009), two different morphotypes have been found. Based on large vascular foramina (5-10 mm). Three very large vascular
D’Emic et al. (2009) these osteoderms may be characterized by: foramina are very close to each other and are placed at the bottom
Morphotype 1 (Ellipsoid). These osteoderms are relatively large of the deep surface. This complex of foramina is delimited by inter-
(from 3.7 to 59 cm) and oval-shaped in external and internal views. crossing grooves forming a rhomboidal contour.
Ellipsoid osteoderms are known from South America, Africa, MPCN-PV-805 represents a Morphotype 1 of D’Emic et al. (2009).
Madagascar, Europe, and India, and have been attributed to Men- This is ellipsoidal and the largest osteoderm in the sample (Fig. 12
dozasaurus, Maxakalisaurus, Magyarosaurus, Aeolosaurus, Rapeto- H-J), and is of the kind having a ‘bulb’ morphology (e.g., Salgado and
saurus, and Malawisaurus, and Saltasaurus (Le Loeuff et al., 1994; Coria, 1993; Le Loeuff et al., 1994; Gonza lez Riga, 2003). The su-
Csiki, 1999; O’Leary et al., 2004; D’Emic et al., 2009; Vidal et al. perficial face is convex but is badly abraded and does not offer
2014; Cerda et al., 2015). diagnostic details. The thick marginal region is relatively well-
Morphotype 2 (Keeled). This includes subcircular to oval-shaped preserved and it is characterized by having superficial-to-deep
scutes (ranging from 7.2 to 20 cm) with one or more longitudinal oriented grooves and ridges that are subparallel to each other.
inner keels. They have been found from Argentina and Madagascar The ridges are composed of narrow fibers of bone. The deep surface
and have been attributed to Neuquensaurus, Saltasaurus, and Aeo- is damaged and lacks anatomical details.
losaurus (Powell, 1992, 2003; Salgado et al., 2005a). MPCN-PV-806 represents an ellipsoid Morphotype 1 of D’Emic et
al. (2009). This osteoderm is very incompletely preserved and its
Description. MPCN-PV-803 corresponds to the Morphotype 2 of
deep surface is totally lost (Fig. 12 K-L). The broken sections reveal
D’Emic et al. (2009). It is a flattened and keeled element with an oval
compact bone without any large openings or ducts. The osteoderm
outline in superficial view (Fig. 12 A-D). The cingulum is well
presents ‘bulb’ morphology, but a ‘bulb and root’ morphology
developed, and exhibits thick tuberosities. The central area of the
cannot be discarded. The superficial face of the osteoderm is
superficial surface is relatively small. The foramina of the superficial
concave in the center of the bulb, and with a radial ornamentation
surface are more abundant than those located on the deep surface,
of foramina (1-3 mm) and fine fibers of bone.
with an abundance of larger (1-3 mm) and smaller (0.1-0.9 mm)
Remarks. Titanosaurs were one of the few sauropods that exhibited
foramina. A narrow and deep longitudinal crest is present at the deep
a dermal armor (D’Emic et al. 2009). The presence of osteoderms in
surface. This longitudinal crest is laterally bounded by concave sur-
titanosaurs was first reported by Depe ret (1896), who described a
faces. Vascular foramina of the deep surface are less abundant than
thick osteoderm tentatively assigned to ‘Titanosaurus madagascar-
those of the superficial face and show scarce large foramina.
iensis’ from Madagascar (currently a nomen dubium; Wilson and
The texture of the superficial surface is nearly smooth, showing
Upchurch, 2003). Piveteau (1926) reinterpreted it as belonging to
only foramina and some grooves. Towards the marginal area, the
an ornithischian dinosaur, and the idea of osteoderms in titano-
texture becomes more irregular, with abundant narrow fibers of
saurs was abandoned for many years. In this way, the first detailed
bone, which are almost radially oriented. The texture of the deep
description of titanosaur osteoderms from Patagonia was provided
face consists of coarse intercrossing grooves and ridges of irregular
by von Huene (1929), from the locality of Cinco Saltos (Rio Negro
fibers. This pattern changes at the longitudinal crest, where the
Province, Anacleto Formation) who assigned them to an ankylo-
grooves and ridges are oriented subparallel to the main axis of the
saurian ornithischian (‘Loricosaurus scutatus’). Definitive evidence
crest. The fine texture of the deep face consists of fine fibers ori-
of osteoderms in titanosaurs was presented by Bonaparte and
ented according to ridges arrangement.
Powell (1980) for Saltasaurus loricatus from northwestern
MPCN-PV-804 corresponds to the Morphotype 1 of D’Emic et al.
Argentina (Bonaparte and Powell, 1980; Powell, 1980, 2003). Since
(2009). This osteoderm is a large and oval-shaped element when
then, titanosaur osteoderms have been found isolated or associated
viewed from its superficial face (Fig. 12 E-G). This specimen is
with other bones in Africa, Australia, Europe, Pakistan, India,
incompletely preserved and its superficial face is badly abraded.
Madagascar, North and South America (Sanz and Buscalioni, 1987;
The broken section reveals compact bone without inner large
Salgado and Coria, 1993; Le Loeuff et al., 1994; Azevedo and Kellner,
openings or ducts.
1998; Dodson et al., 1998; Csiki, 1999; Gonza lez Riga, 2003;

Fig. 11. Posterior dorsal vertebra of an indeterminate Saltasaurini (MPCN-PV-802) in anterior (A, A'), posterior (B, B'), left lateral (C, C'), right lateral (D, D'), and dorsal (E, E') views.
Close-ups of dorsal vertebrae of different saltasaurini from Argentina showing the complex laminae in the lateral side f the vertebra: middle dorsal of Neuquensaurus (F), middle
dorsal of Rocasaurus (G), posterior dorsal of Saltasaurus (H), middle dorsal of MPCN-PV-801 (I), and anterior dorsal of MPCN-PV-802 (J). Light grey parts indicate deep structures.
Dark grey areas indicate broken or missing parts. Scale bars: 10 cm. Abbreviations: Mprsl, Medial prespinal lamina; nc, neural canal; pl, pleurocoel; Pcdl, posterior cen-
trodiapophyseal lamina; Pp-cdf, parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; Prpl, prezygoparapophyseal lamina; Pr-cdf, prezygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; Pr-ppdf,
prezygapophyseal-parapodiapophyseal fossa; Prsf, prespinal fossa; prz, prezygapophyses; Tprl, intraprezygapophyseal lamina; Upl, unnamed parapophyseal fossa. Numbers
indicate within circles: 1- Posterior centrodiapophyseal lamina; 2- Unnamed parapophyseal lamina; 3- Accessory Posterior centrodiapophsyeal lamina; 4- Prezygapophyseal-
centrodiapophyseal fossa; 5- Parapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa; 6- Postzygapophyseal-centrodiapophyseal fossa and 7-Centroparapophyseal fossa. Red circles shows
laminae and dark circles show fossae. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)

, F.L. Agnolín et al.
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Fig. 12. Titanosaur osteoderms. MPCN-PV-803 in superficial (A), lateral (B), deep (C) and cranial-caudal (D) views. MPCN-PV-804 in deep (E), lateral (F), and cranial-caudal (G).
MPCN-PV-805 in deep (H), cranial-caudal (I) and superficial (J). MPCN-PV-806 in superficial (K) and lateral (L). Abbreviations. b-r, bulb-root transition. Scale bars: 10 cm.

Malkani, 2003; Powell, 2003; Salgado, 2003; O’Leary et al., 2004; Upper Cretaceous of northern Patagonia (Anacleto and Allen
Gomani, 2005; Marinho and Candeiro, 2005; Salgado et al., 2005b; formations).
Kellner et al., 2006; D’Emic et al., 2009; Curry-Rogers et al., 2011; However, in spite that osteoderms are relatively abundant in the
Marinho and Iori, 2011; Molnar, 2011; Soto et al., 2012; Díez Díaz et fossil record of Patagonia, they are often found isolated, and with
al., 2013; Lindoso et al., 2013; Vidal et al., 2014; Carrano and D’Emic, only few cases were being closely associated with titanosaur
2015; Cerda et al., 2015; Zurriaguz, 2017; Zurriaguz et al. 2017). The specimens, and thus, referral of isolated osteoderm to any titano-
most abundant record of titanosaur osteoderms comes from South saur clade is uncertain. In this regard, Salgado and Coria (1993)
America, especially from Argentina, and several elements have described titanosaurian osteoderms belonging to the genus Aeolo-
been collected from the Upper Cretaceous deposits of northern saurus, and Salgado et al. (2005a) analyzed osteoderms belonging
Patagonia (Cerda et al., 2015). Salgado (2003) described several to Neuquensaurus. More recently, Zurriaguz et al. (2017) described
isolated osteoderms from localities close to Cerro Matadero (Cinco seven osteoderms associated to a saltasaurine tail belonging to at
Saltos, Lago Pellegrini, Salitral Moreno and Salinas de Trapalco  ; Rio least two morphotypes (keeled and cylindrical).
Negro Province), and more recently, Cerda et al. (2015) realized a For this reason, comparisons with previously described osteoderms
study concerned with the gross morphology, internal micro- clearly referable to a titanosaurian clade and present specimens are
anatomy, and bone histology of titanosaur osteoderms from the difficult. The specimen MPCN-PV-803 resembles the overall

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morphology to those referred to Neuquensaurus australis (Salgado that sauropod armors were morphologically diverse at Cerro Mat-
et al., 2005a; Cerda et al., 2015) and some isolated osteoderms adero, and indirectly indicate the presence of different sauropod
documented by Cerda et al. (2015), especially MPCA-Pv 6696 and clades.
MPCA-Pv 12342. Nonetheless, MPCN-PV-803 shows a higher
number of large foramina on its superficial face, which is unknown 4. Discussion
in other osteoderms from Patagonia.
MPCN-PV-804 is similar in most anatomical details, but smaller, to The record of Upper Cretaceous sauropods in Neuque n Basin is
the osteoderms described by Le Loeuff et al. (1994) from the Upper the richest from South America. It includes about 32 different
Cretaceous of France and referred to Ampelosaurus, and to the species, most of them belonging to titanosaurs (Salgado and
specimens MPCA-Pv 367/2 and MPCA-Pv 67 described by Salgado Bonaparte, 2007; Novas, 2009). To these, is added here the new
(2003) and Cerda et al. (2015) from Salitral Moreno site (Río genus and species, Menucocelsior arriagadai.
Negro province, Patagonia, Argentina) referred as indeterminate Several previous contributions analyzed the notably diverse
titanosaurs. MPCA-Pv 367/2 (Salgado, 2003) is a very massive sauropod assemblages from Patagonia (e.g., Bonaparte, 1996;
element, and its “bulb” is comparable in size and shape with that of Leanza et al., 2004; Salgado and Bonaparte, 2007; Novas, 2009;
MPCN-PV-805 here described. Juarez-Valieri et al., 2010). Patagonian titanosaurs are almost
MPCN-PV-806 is an incomplete element, but resembles on its grouped in three main clades: the small-sized Saltasaurinae, the
slightly concave superficial surface titanosaur osteoderms recov- gracile-limbed Aeolosaurini, and the gigantic Colossosauria. In
ered from Spain (Vidal el al., 2014). However, the transition be- addition, there are several taxa of uncertain affinities among tita-
tween superficial and marginal region is not as abrupt as in the nosaurs, including Laplatasaurus, Narambuenatitan, Antarctosaurus,
material described by Vidal et al. (2014). MPCN-PV-806 is notably and others.
different from other known osteoderm previously recovered in At first sight, when the Upper Cretaceous sauropod faunas from
Patagonia. Austral and Golfo San Jorge basins are compared with the Neuque n
The possible function of osteoderms in titanosaurs has been much basin, some differences come to light (Fig. 13). One of these dif-
debated. Some have suggested that osteoderms might have been ferences is the scarcity of small-sized derived aeolosaurines and
related to mineral storage of calcium (Sturkie 1967; Curry-Rogers et total absence of saltasaurines in the first two basins. At the Neu-
al., 2011; Cerda et al., 2015) which may allow the rapid mobilization que n Basin gigantic colossosaurians are absent from the record
of minerals to the body during the oogenesis (Vidal et al., 2017). In since the Campanian. Whereas colossosaurians appear to be
this regard, paleohistological analyses indicates than the primary abundant and diversified up to the latest Cretaceous at Austral and
bone tissue of osteoderms is composed of structural fiber bundles Golfo San Jorge basins (see Novas et al., 2019). In spite to that,
that are ossified by dermal metaplasia and suggests that the relatively large sauropods are not totally extinct from Neuque n
osteoderms were entirely imbedded in the stratum compactum of basin, with Antarctosaurus wichmannianus (probably belonging to
the dermis (Cerda et al., 2015). Another highly plausible function the Aeolosaurini-Saltasaurinae lineage; Novas, 2009) and still
for osteoderms is the defensive role, especially in small species as innominate taxa (FLA pers. obs.) filling the ecological niche of giant
saltasaurines or in early ontogenetic stages of larger taxa, which herbivorous forms during the Maastrichtian. Saltasaurines appear
probably needed extra defense against predators (Marinho and Iori in the record by the Campanian (Anacleto Formation) but always
2011). In this sense, the general consensus is that probably some retain a low taxonomic diversity.
titanosaurs were armored forms (Sanz and Buscalioni, 1987; D’Emic In the case of Austral Basin, in spite that the record is still not
et al., 2009; Curry-Rogers et al., 2011). complete, the sauropods appear to be not very diverse (Fig. 13). For
In addition, the osteoderm arrangement on titanosaur body is far example, from Chorrillos beds, the single colossosaurian Nullotitan
from certain. Several different proposals on osteoderm disposi- is known, and represented by several individuals along the strati-
tion include osteoderms restricted to the sacro-pelvic region graphic column (Novas et al., 2019), whereas for Cerro Fortaleza
(Sanz and Buscalioni, 1987) or osteoderms with flat bulbs in the beds only the gigantic and closely-related forms Puertasaurus and
dorsal and sacral regions and osteoderms with convex bulbs Dreadnougthus were discovered (it should be noted that unpub-
restricted to the scapular region (Le Loeuff et al., 1994). Salgado lished remains indicate the presence of an additional smaller tita-
(2003) suggested that symmetric osteoderms formed a sagittal nosaur species) (Novas et al., 2005; Lacovara et al., 2014).
row and parasagittal rows were composed by asymmetrical Saltasaurines and aeolosaurines are totally absent from the Austral
osteoderms. He based this proposal in the fact that in the extant basin, and the former appear to be absent south to 42 S latitude
Alligator mississippiensis, the osteoderms become increasingly (Salgado and Bonaparte, 2007).
more symmetrical towards the midline of the body. In the case of Previous authors noted the extinction of rebbachisaurids at the
keeled osteoderms, because they possessed vaulted margins (in CenomanianeTuronian boundary (Coria and Salgado, 2005). At this
some cases more ventrally projected than the midline ventral boundary, several basal titanosauriforms also became extinct
keel), it is likely that they belonged to the narrower portions of (Salgado, 2001; Lamanna et al., 2001; Apesteguía, 2002). Posterior
the body, probably the top of the back, or the middle and distal to this extinction, titanosaurian sauropods underwent an extensive
regions of the tail (Cerda et al., 2015). radiation (Salgado et al., 2004; Coria and Salgado, 2005; Gallina and
In specimens here reported, it is difficult to indicate to which part of Apesteguía, 2015; Apesteguía, 2007). In spite that since rebbachi-
the body, or to which kind of titanosaur they belong. The keeled saurid extinction titanosaurs increase their diversity, at the Neu-
specimen (MPCN-PV-803) based on its shape and morphology may que n Basin some kind of “evolutionary explosion” occurred at
belongs to the tail (or less probably the midline of the back) of a Campanian times, with aeolosaurines, saltasaurines, and basal
saltasaurine titanosaur. The large bulbous specimens (MPCN-PV- eutitanosaurs being highly diversified. This “explosion” is even
804 and MPCN-PV-805) may belong to the sacro-pelvic area of more evident by the latest Cretaceous, were almost all localities
Aeolosaurine titanosaurs, based on gross similarities with osteo- yielded more than one coetaneous sauropod species.
derms reported by Salgado and Coria (1993). The position and af- For example, Salitral Moreno (a small and poorly exposed area)
finities of osteoderm MPCN-PV-806 are far from certain. has yielded at least 6 different titanosaurs that roughly coexisted at
In sum, in spite that the referral of isolated osteoderms to any the same time (see García and Salgado, 2013), whereas in Salitral
titanosaur clade is uncertain, the specimens reported here indicate Ojo de Agua, 4 different coeval taxa have been found (Fig. 13). In the
, F.L. Agnolín et al.
M.A. Rolando, J.A. García Marsa Cretaceous Research 129 (2022) 105029

Fig. 13. Figure showing sauropod diversity through time along late Cretaceous beds from each main sedimentary basin from Patagonia. Each sauropod clade is shown separately. At
the bottom, the total number of sauropod species on each sedimentary basin through time is shown. Abbreviations. Aeolos, Aeolosaurini; Ala, Los Alamitos Formation; B.C., Bajada
Colorada Formation; B. de la Carpa, Bajo de la Carpa; Camp, Campanian; Cenom, Cenomanian; Chorr, Chorrillo Formation; Co. Fort, Cerro Fortaleza Formation; Co. Lisandro, Cerro
Lisandro Formation; Colos, Colossosauria; Coni, Coniacian; Maas, Maastrichtian; Rebb, Rebbachisauridae; Salt, Saltasaurini; Sant, Santonian; Titan, non-Saltasaurinae Titanosauria;
Turon, Turonian. The relative ages of the stratigraphical units are a modified and simplified version of previously published information (Garrido, 2010; Novas et al., 2005, 2019;
Casal et al., 2016; Ibiricu et al., 2019). Number of species is based in the case of Austral Basin on Novas et al. (2005, 2019), in the San Jorge Basin on Ibiricu et al. (2011), and the
Neuque n Basin on a large number of publications cited in the main text.

case of Salitral Moreno, there are aeolosaurines, saltasaurines and On the other side, aeolosaurines were medium-sized slender
four additional titanosaurs of uncertain affinities that do not belong limbed titanosaurs with a brachiosaur-like ilium and with fore-
to the above-mentioned clades. The co-occurrence of large herbi- limbs longer than hindlimbs (Coria et al., 2013). Further, the tail of
vores in coeval beds is striking, and is very different from what is to aeolosaurines was strongly modified (Salgado and Coria, 1993) with
be expected if it is employed here extreme actualism (see Bakker, very long zygapophyses and anteriorly projected neural arches, that
1977). However, recent work indicates that titanosaurs from conferred some rigidity to the tail. Recent analysis indicates that the
different lineages were rather divergent in body plan and, conse- tail of aeolosaurines was sigmoidal in contour, presenting a pro-
quently, niche occupation. tonic conformation (Silva-Vidal et al., 2020).
In this sense, saltasaurines, represented in Allen Formation by In addition, Antarctosaurus wichmannianus, considered as one of
Rocasaurus, were very small and robustly built taxa, that had the largest known dinosaurs described at that time (von Huene,
facultative bipedalism (Powell, 1992, 2003) and possessed an 1929; it probably reached 34 m in length; Mazzetta et al., 2004),
incredibly pneumatized postcranial skeleton, including both gir- was proportionally slender-limbed and gracile (Powell, 2003). Its
dles and limb bones (Cerda et al., 2012). Bonatitan reigi that also snout was different from other titanosaurs; it was subquadrangular
comes from Allen Formation, but at the Bajo de Santa Rosa locality in shape and show extreme convergences to that of rebbachisaur-
(see Martinelli and Forasiepi, 2004; Salgado et al., 2015), was a ids, suggesting a highly derived feeding mechanism (Apesteguía,
small but gracile-limbed form that lacks the extreme pneumati- 2004; Martínez et al., 2016).
zation observed in saltasaurines, as well as the adaptations for Thus, in spite of the co-occurrence of different titanosaurs (as
bipedal stance. Further, its small size, about 3 m in length, in- can be seen in Bajo de Santa Rosa, Salitral Moreno and Salitral Ojo
dicates that Bonatitan occupied one specific niche not matched by de Agua) their different body plans indicate that they occupied
other titanosaurs. particular niches and that probably competition for resources was

, F.L. Agnolín et al.
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limited, allowing the connivance of several taxa in a single locality Special thanks to A. Martinelli, M. Ezcurra, L. Salgado, V. Zurriaguz
and age. This is not observed in other sites around the world. and M. Militello for their comments on fossil specimens here
The large diversity and morphological disparity of sauropods is described. We also thank M.D. Ezcurra, M.G. Martinelli, M. Reguero,
in some way, is also sustained by the high number of different ~ oz for their help during the revision
J. Powell, P. Chafrat and C. Mun
kinds of osteoderms that have been reported from Maastrichtian of the paleontological collections under their care. We also thank to
beds at northern Patagonia (Salgado, 2003; Cerda et al., 2015; Pablo Chafrat, Franco Migliaro and all the staff of the Museo
Zurriaguz, 2017). However, in the case of osteoderms, their high Patagonico de Ciencias Naturales (General Roca city) their invalu-
morphological diversity at a single site may be explained by able help during our paleontological expeditions. We sincerely
different ways: 1) shape variation within a single individual; 2) thank the crew of the LACEV (Laboratorio de Anatomia Comparada
intraspecific variation (e.g., sexual dimorphism), 3) develop- y Evolucion de los Vertebrados), especially to Julia D'Angelo, Ana P.
mental state of the osteoderms (Cerda et al., 2015); and 4) Moreno, Marcelo P, Isasi, Gonzalo L. Mun ~ oz, Gabriel Lio and Adriel
osteoderm function (e.g. Curry-Rogers et al., 2011; Cerda et al., R. Gentil for their hard work during the field trip. Finally, we thank
2015). The “developmental state” hypothesis proposed by Cerda to the editor of Cretaceous Research and two anonymous reviewers
et al. (2015) could be applied to osteoderms recovered from for reviewing and considering this publication. This project was
Salitral Ojo de Agua, especially those included within the Mor- supported by National Geographic Society (Grant Number:
photype 1 (MPCN-PV-084,805,806; following D'Emic et al., 2009). CP050ER17) to MAR and PICT 2018-01390 to FLA.
However, because these osteoderms were not found in close as-
sociation with any other sauropod bone nor even between them,
this hypothesis should be taken cautiously. References
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