Diagnostic Test 3rd Year Secondary School

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El- Student Name:

Diagnostic Test/ 3 year of secondary Fath ..............................................
school/ 2023-2024 School Class: .........................................
Date: ..........................................

I. Reading Comprehension:
I work for an international sports company. There are five other people work in the office with
me, three men and two women. They come from different countries. Marcus is the manager. He is quite
young at 30 for the position he holds. Marcus was born in Jordan.
Travis is the accountant. He's about 62 and comes from Liverpool in the U.K. He loves football
very much and is always talking about his team. There is also a trainee working in the office, his name’s
Fred and he jokes a lot and is always making people laugh. Fred comes from Syria.
Fatima and Maria are both 25 years old. They work in the legal department of the office. They are
both lawyers who spent many years at university getting to the position where they are. Fatima was born
in Dubai and Maria is Italian, from Milan.

1. Complete the following table from the passage:

1 2 3 4 5





2. Read the sentences carefully and choose the correct option:

1) Hello! My ................... is Thomas. A) name's B) names C) name
2) ................... are you from? A) Who B) How C) Where
3) She’s ............... engineer in Lisbon. A) a B) the C) an
4) Angela................ not speak German A) do B) does C) don’t
5) Lisa........................ blonde hair and blue eyes. A) is got B) has got C) have got
6) Is this watch.....................? A) yours B) your C) the your
7) This was......................summer in my life! A) the better B) the good C) the best
8) He started playing the piano when he........... five. A) is B) was C) were
II. Functions:
1) Choose the correct answer:
1- What do you think the weather will be like when we 3- I like inviting my friends around for dinner. I enjoy
go to the mountains? cooking a special meal for them.

A- I don't think so. A- Expressing dislikes.

B- I think it'll be warm and sunny. B- Expressing disagreement.

C- I hope so. C- Expressing likes.

2- What do you want to do in the future? 4- I'm so sorry I forgot about your DVDs.

A- I think that's awesome. A- Expressing hope.

B- I'd really love to live in Australia. B- Apologizing to someone.

C- I'd love to do it. C- Complaining about something.

III. Grammar:
1) Fill in: am/ am not/ is/ isn’t/ are/ aren’t/ has/ hasn’t/ have/ haven’t.
A) Where............... John from? .............. he from Canada? No, he ................ .
B) Who................... you? I ..................... Tony. …............ you a doctor Tony? No, .................. a doctor.
C) Brian.......................... got a brother. He’s an only child.
D) ................ you got a dog? No, I...................... . I ................... a cat.
E) Sam.................... got two uncles and one aunt.
2) Put the adverb in the correct place.
a) He is late for school. (never) .............................................................................................
b) He goes to work by train. (usually) ...................................................................................
c) They go dancing on Saturdays. (often)..........................................................................
d) Bob cooks dinner for his family.
3) Circle the correct answer.
a) This/These is an expensive scarf.
b) That man is following us/we!
c) I don’t like any/some American movies.
d) Jean lives/lived in Brighton, UK with her family.
e) He surfs the Net in/on the evening.
f) I usually go to bed at/on 10 o’clock.
g) Steve and Mary doesn’t/don’t live in Mexico anymore.

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