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School Year 2020-2021



Homework No. 1 Score:

Name: Yousif Mohamed Alrafaei Date: 20 September 2023

Subject: English Teacher: Miss Carmen

Instructions: We are on a mission to find the treasure. There are three levels to reach it. Always
remember our school’s core values: ALIA.
A: Climb the Mountain (6 items x 1 point each) = 6 points

Multiple Choice. Analyze the following evidence from “And of Clay Are We Created.” Identify
what readers learn from the dialogue of the characters. Write the letter only on the space
1. “Don’t worry, we’ll get you out of here,” Rolf promised ______
a) determination and wanting to help.
b) pessimism and desiring to go home.
c) dejection and wishing to aid.

2. “The sky is weeping,” Azucena murmured, and she too began to cry.” ____
a) an understanding that she will likely die.
b) an understanding that she will unlikely die.
c) an understanding that she will be rescued.

3. Despite the quality of the transmission, I could hear his voice break and I love him more
than ever.” ______
a) compassionate and desperately wants to help Azucena.
b) indifferent and seriously needed and drink.
c) heartless and seriously needs to watch Azucena.

4. Don’t leave me alone here,” she begged ______

a) very reassured b) very frightened c) very comforted
5. Don’t cry, I don’t hurt anymore. _______
a) acceptance of payment b) acceptance of life c) acceptance of death

6. Immobility and tension had greatly weekend here, but . . . Her tone was humble, as if
apologizing for all the fuss. ____
a) Even though she’s in need of help, she doesn’t want to trouble other.
b) Doesn’t want to inconvenience other, she’s suffering though.
c) All of the abov

L: Swim the Ocean (2items x 1 point each) = 2 points

Read the following excerpts. Then, complete the chart by listing the major events (at least two
events) that the author describes. You don’t need to include all the details.
1.“As Beidleman’s group resumed their descent, a volley of grapefruit-sized stones came whizzing
down from the upper mountain and one of them struck a Sherpa in the back of the head.”

Sequence of Events
1 event: As Beidleman’s group resumed their descent.

2nd event: Stones whizzed down.

3rd event: A stone struck a sherpa.

2.“Despite this second blow, after a few minutes the stricken man gasped violently and began
breathing again. Beidleman managed to lower him to the bottom of the Lhotse Face where a dozen
of the Sherpa’s teammates met them and carried the injured man to Camp Two.
Sequence of Events
1 event: Man gasped violet.

2nd event: Beidleman managed to lower him.

3rd event: Carried the injured back to camp.

IA: Grab the Treasure (2 item x 1 point each) = 2 points

Compare and Contrast. Answer the following questions with complete details. Your response
can vary from 75 to 100 words.

1. Who do you think would be more likely to survive in a disaster situation – Rolf Carlé or Jon
Karakauer? Support your answer with textual evidence.

Rolf Carlé adaptable when disaster strikes. He finds alternate routes. Pushes truck out
when stuck. Prioritizes interviews despite risks.
Jon Krakauer overwhelmed on Everest. Focused only on own survival. Exhausted and
poor judgment. Lacks adaptability of Rolf Carlé.
Rolf Carlé more likely survive disaster due to grit and resourcefulness. Krakauer
makes poor decisions under pressure.
Rubrics: Content: 1 Grammar: 0.5 Mechanics of writing: 0.5 _____

2. Reread the opening scene of each selection. Which scene is more effective, and why?

The scene from Into Thin Air is more effective due to its vivid sensory details,
emotional experience, and connection to the story's context. It grounds the reader,
conveys distress, and builds on the reader's investment in the climbing expedition. In
contrast, the scene from Clay lacks grounding details, a clear viewpoint character,
connection to the larger story context, and emotional nuance.

Rubrics: Content: 1 Grammar: 0.5 Mechanics of writing: 0.5 _____

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