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English Language I

1º Grado en Estudios Ingleses

Facultad de Filosofía y Letras

Universidad de las Illes Balears

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WUOLAH: @neuus6

Unit 1. Changing the planet

Words from the unit – Unknown words from the reading
atmosphere atmosfera fertilizer fertilitzant

erosion erosió deforestation desforestació

desertification desertificació pollution contaminació

to overgraze pasturar en excés a buildup construcció

herder pastor dramatic dramàtic

devoted to dedicat a to eliminate eliminar

perspective perspectiva profound profund

consequence conseqüència concept concepte

criteria (pl) criteris current actual

essentially essencialment to satisfy satisfer

to transform transformar to deplet destruir

to struck a chord tothom està d’acord to quadruple quadruplicar

win out guanyar a dam presa

ice cores nuclis gelats avert evitar

to be coined by inventat per to decipher descobrir significat

discernible detectable to stave off evitar

to drag on continuar destruction destrucció

dwelling casa to combat combatir

preservation conservació relatively relativament

subtle sutil to be tasked with estar encarregat de

to determine determinar

● We refer to ideas we have mentioned before in the text with pronouns (one(s),
another, the other), demonstratives (this, that, these, those) and synonyms.
● An essay is a short piece of writing that responds to an essay prompt and includes
an introduction (+ thesis statement), body (+ transitions), and a conclusion.


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WUOLAH: @neuus6

Unit 2. On the edge

VOCABULARY: Words from the unit – Unknown words from the reading
poaching caça furtiva feasible factible

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predator depredador prey presa

secretive sigiós lethal mortal

dedicated dedicat/da to assess examinar

resolve resolució to project projectar

to acknowledge reconèixer apparently aparentment

authority autoritat hypothetical hipotèticament

priority prioritat indifference indiferència

unnerving desconcertant defining attribute atribut definidor

annihilation aniquilació botched fracassat

to disperse dispersarse unwelcome revelation revelació no desitjada

harboring albergar dominant dominant

food chain cadena alimentària to stabilize estabilitzar

to threaten amenaçar to exacerbate empitjorar

to sacrifice sacrificar initiative iniciativa

funding finançament component component

safeguarding protegir strategy estratègia

retractable retràctil tenable sostenible

corridor passadís heady experience exp embriagadora

to rebound repercutir zealotry fanàtic

a dawn posta de sol haze boira

whiskers bigotis shatter trencar

core breeding grounds nuclis de cria to break the spell rompre l’encanteri

scattering dispersió mission drift deriva de la missió

to monitor controlar summit “cumbre”

Writing skills: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that gives more information. We use
commas, dashes or colons. E.g.: It was said by Kim Kardashian, a worldwide celebrity.


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WUOLAH: @neuus6

Unit 2. On the edge

VOCABULARY: Words from the unit – Unknown words from the reading
poaching caça furtiva feasible factible

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predator depredador prey presa

secretive sigiós lethal mortal

dedicated dedicat/da to assess examinar

resolve resolució to project projectar

to acknowledge reconèixer apparently aparentment

authority autoritat hypothetical hipotèticament

priority prioritat indifference indiferència

unnerving desconcertant defining attribute atribut definidor

annihilation aniquilació botched fracassat

to disperse dispersarse unwelcome revelation revelació no desitjada

harboring albergar dominant dominant

food chain cadena alimentària to stabilize estabilitzar

to threaten amenaçar to exacerbate empitjorar

to sacrifice sacrificar initiative iniciativa

funding finançament component component

safeguarding protegir strategy estratègia

retractable retràctil tenable sostenible

corridor passadís heady experience exp embriagadora

to rebound repercutir zealotry fanàtic

a dawn posta de sol haze boira

whiskers bigotis shatter trencar

core breeding grounds nuclis de cria to break the spell rompre l’encanteri

scattering dispersió mission drift deriva de la missió

to monitor controlar summit “cumbre”

Writing skills: An appositive is a noun or noun phrase that gives more information. We use
commas, dashes or colons. E.g.: It was said by Kim Kardashian, a worldwide celebrity.


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WUOLAH: @neuus6

Unit 3. Beauty and Perception

principles principios, moral to condemn condenar

intrinsically intrínsecamente to fleet acelerar

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proportion proporción,parte to dapple motear

geometric geométrico a razor máquina de afeitar

pleasing agradable harsh duro

to vary variar, cambiar a preface introducción

widely ampliamente morning fog niebla matutina

context contexto serpentine serpentino, astuto

insight conocimiento arrangements arreglos

exposed to exponerse a to draw in atraer a

to violate violar, transgredir striking llamativo

crucial crucial appealing atractivo

notion idea, noción to endow dotar

to pursue seguir excruciating insoportable

balance equilibrio bypass ronda

depression depresión fleeting breve

ethics ética to range oscilar

imperfect imperfecto gradation gama

to rise above estar por encima de eleted muy feliz

to ignite encender to soothe calmar el dolor

to delight encantar a time exposure exposición de


to soar elevarse, planear traffic merge unión de tráfico

to endow dotar de algo a feather pluma

to be in concert en vivo, en concierto pursuit persecución

flawless perfecto painterly pictórico

a wart verruga to embrace abrazar

appeal encanto to impart contar algo


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sublime grandioso a shaft of light rayo

to emote exteriorizar wider más amplio


to usher to guiar, acompañar node nódulo

surreal surrealista tone tono

chaotic caótico foreground primer plano

aesthetically pleasing agradable a la vista within the frame dentro del marco

to illuminate iluminar atmospheric atmosférico

Unit 4. Rethinking business

lead time tiempo de elaboración initial public offering oferta pública inicial

profits beneficio stock-out sin existencias

apparel ropa to bombard bombardear

retail venta al por menor high traffic gran tráfico

headquarters oficina central pricey caro

brand marca in-house interno

chief executive alto ejecutivo pace ritmo

competitor competidor steep discounts excesivos descuentos

eponymous epónimo batch grupo, lote, tanda

merchandise mercancía to miss the boat perder el tren

outsource subcontratar shipment el envío

shortage escasez to knock down derribar

to deviate from desviarse de la to serve as a servir de

the norm norma reminder recordatorio

parent company sociedad controlante supply chain cadena de suministro

retailer minorista like clockwork como un reloj

cachet caché from scratch de materias primas

to hail from venir de high-end de calidad superior

enlightened de mente abierta artisans artesano


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Unit 5. Working together

to accomplish conseguir by trial and error por ensayo y error

to ensure asegurar to blaze the trail abrir paso a

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to scatter dispersar relevant relevante

collectively colectivamente realistically de forma realista

to enhance mejorar, aumentar swarm multitud

crowdsourcing colaboración masiva consensus consenso

capabilities capacidades to inspect inspeccionar

precisely precisamente recruitment reclutamiento

defense justificación a raft una balsa

simulation simulación to add up sumar

emergent emergente to enable activar,habilitar

a matter of life or death asunto de vida o muerte to cope with enfrentarse a algo

to set in motion poner en marcha a flock multitud,rebaño

to break down romperse to swirl girar

to scout explorar deceptively falsamente

to flap batir steering dirección

the bottom line conclusión flooding inundación

a flocking una manada de to depict representar

to spread out extender to eager tener ganas de

to pivot girar, depender to resemble parecerse a

wireless inalámbrico a gear velocidad, marcha

to spot prestar,manchar to flush out eliminar

gliders planeador a herd manada, multitud

shrewd astuto weighted con peso

wise inteligente slavishly servilmente

fads tendencias attorneys abogados


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WUOLAH: @neuus6



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1. Articles:
A / AN (indefinite article):
● A: before consonant sounds and before u/eu when pronounced / j /: a brainwave, a
doctor, a university, a euphemism,...
● An: before vowel sounds and words that start with silent h: an article, an hour,...
● A / an:
○ with singular countable nouns: a garage, an opinion,...
○ to introduce a concept: They a building a new block of luxury apartments
○ to refer to smth indefinite: I’d love to live in a luxury apartment one day.

THE (definite article):

● With singular countable nouns (the garage), plural nouns (the latest computers)
and uncountable nouns (the purest water).
● We can omit it with uncountable and plural nouns: peace, efforts,...

1. Form: articles proceed nouns and some other words (few, little and adjectives) in a
noun phrase: A few small paper clips?; The last bracelet,...
The article is usually the first words in a noun phrase but note:
● all/both/half+the: Have you received all the info? I’ve paid half the amount.
● quite/rather/such/what/half + a/an: I’ve got quite a difficult problem.

2. Naming, describing and classifying:


● We use a/an when we name or describe smth: That’s a bee


● Although a/an is similar in meaning to one, is no identical: There’s a room

available (at least one, maybe more); There’s one room available (only one)

● We use a/an when we refer to one example of a group: An Indian elephant.


● We usually refer to the whole group with the plural, without the definite article:
African elephants.

Formality check:
● In a more formal context we use the with a singular noun to generalise about
the whole group or species: The African elephant.


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WUOLAH: @neuus6

● We use a/an when we talk about one ex in a group of species: An elephant


● We do NOT use a / an when we refer to the whole group: I hunt elephants.


● We can also use the with an adj to refer to a group of people: the homeless

● This is possible with nationality adjectives that end in -ch, -sh, -ese, -s: the
French. But, for others we use a plural noun: Italians.

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3. Known or unknown information:

● We use a/an to introduce info that is not known to our reader, but we use the
when the info is known.

● We usually use a/an for the first reference to something in the text, but the for
subsequent references.

● We do not always have to mention something for it to be known to the listener

we consider that it is known in the following situations:

Situation Example

Smth is unique (only one of it) The BBC’s funding is under threat

Superlatives The greatest monitor

The context makes it “known” She’s in the dining room

The speaker’s and listener’s shared She’s gone to the dentist (both know
knowledge makes it “known” which dentist is)

A relative clause makes it “known” She is the writer who shot to fame

A prep phrase makes it “known” Meet me in the café next to the bus

4. General and specific:


● With plural nouns and uncountable nouns we use either the or no article. We
don’t use an article when we want to refer to a group or class in general.

● We only use an article before an abstract noun if we wish to talk about a

specific type of noun: It is impossible to live without hope.

● We don’t use an article in front of nouns such as hospital, prison, or school if

we are focusing on their function: His son is in prison.

● If we focus on a building, we use an article: Is there a school in the village?


● Academic English: The definite article is very common, particularly with a

prep phrase that identifies the noun: They harm the ecology of waterways.


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WUOLAH: @neuus6

7. Fixed common uses:

1. No article -

Names James, President Material, Made of silk, Breathe

and titles Obama, Mr Jones liquid, gas pure oxygen

Continents & Europe, Africa, Asia, Building and Central Station,

countries Japan, Argentina institutions Yale University

City, road, Vancouver, Times Sports & She plays tennis.

square, park Square, Hyde Park illnesses He’s got lung cancer

Mountains Mount Everest, Languages He speaks Spanish.

and lakes Mount Kilimanjaro and subjects I’m studying English

meal(time)s Have you had lunch? magazines Cosmopolitan, Vogue

Shops and Walmart, Harrods, Noun + The train goes from

companies Toyota number Platform 10. See page 4.

2. Definite article THE

Some countries The USA Measurements Buy it by the gram!

Geo names / The West, the Instruments and She plays the piano
physical environment country, the city newspapers The Daily Mirror

Time, date, period In the morning Gram The more the merrier
constructions The last time

The media Listen to the radio! Noun + of The Uni of California

We usually use a possessive adjective (not the) to refer to parts of the body: Raise
your hand. We can use the in prep phrase: I get pain in the ankle when I stand up

3. Indefinite article A / AN:

Jobs, nationalities and beliefs I’m a structural engineer. He’s an italian

Large numbers and fractions A million, a fifth, a hundred thousand,

Prices, speed, frequency Two dollars a kilo, once a day, 20 km an hour

8. Quantifiers and demonstratives

● Quantifiers are used before a noun to specify the amount or quantity. There are
words such as some, any, much, many and a lot of.


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● We use some and any for indefinite quantities (we don’t want to specify how much or
how many of something). We usually use some in positive sentences any in
questions and negatives: I’ve got some money; Have you got any coins?; I don’t
have any money.
● We use much and many in questions and negatives, but we prefer to use a lot of in

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positive statements: I haven’t got much time; I have a lot of free time today.

1. Form:


No I have no idea I’ve got no coins I’ve got no money

None of the X None of the details None of the info

Neither Neither cat Neither of the cats X

Either Either twin Either of the twins X

Any Any document Any (of the) documents Any (of the) info

Both X Both (of the) awards X

Few / Little X (a) Few (of the) sweets (a) little (of the) water

Half Half (of) the task Half (of) the tasks Half (of) the work

Some Some chance Some (of the) jewels Some (of the)

Several X Several (of the) X


A lot of A lot of the chat A lot of (the) ideas A lot of (the) time

Many / much X Many (of the) chairs Much (of the) furniture

Most Most of the holiday Most (of the) apples Most (of the) fruit

Each Each applicant Each of the applicants X

Every (one Every page Every one of the pages X


All All (of) the problem All (of) the problems All (of) the trouble

2. Use:

● With most quantifiers, using OF THE before a plural or uncountable noun

changes the meaning of the noun from general to specific: I’d like some
jewellery (general) / I’d like some of the jewellery (specific jewellery)

● A little/ a few mean “a small amount / number of. However, without the article
little or few have the meaning of “not enough”.



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● When we use few or little with a noun that has a negative meaning (problems,
difficulty,...) the sense becomes positive: There were few issues.

● Formality check: In Informal and spoken English we prefer to use very before
little and few.

● Each and every describe “more than once”, but each focuses more on

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individuals. While every focuses on individuals as members of a group. Each
refers to 2 or more things, every refers to more than two.

● It is possible to use any + a singular countable noun, but meaning “it doesn’t
matter which”: This made it impossible for any plane to land.

● Some can be used in a similar way, but the meaning is more derogatory. It
can be positive in exclamations.

● We can use quantifiers


○ (except no and very) without a noun when the meaning is obvious.

○ When used as a subject, some quantifiers take singular (each, either,
much) and plural (both, several, a few, many) verbs.
○ Others take singular or plural verbs: any, half, some, a lot, all,...

● We use demonstratives this / these to refer to someone or something known or
close to the speaker, and that / those for someone / something further away: I
think that these shoes are lovely; I prefer those in the window.
● Demonstratives can express closeness or distance in time as well as space: These
last two weeks have been difficult; Those were the happiest years of my life.

1. This, that, these, those:


● We can use that/those when we want to suggest that there is some emotional
distance between ourselves and the person / thing we’re talking about. We
may even dislike or disapprove of the person / thing.

● We use them as pronouns to refer to a noun, thing or idea: That’s stupid.


● We can use them with a relative clause or one/ones or those + of you/us/them

as an alternative to the one(s): For those of you interested in…
● Formality check: In informal speech we can use this or these to introduce a
topic or start telling a story (this woman came up). In certain expressions, we
can use this or that instead of so to intensify an adjective (do you think you’re
that clever?). We use this/that to start a phone call: Is that Jess?



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WUOLAH: @neuus6

MODULE 5 – Tenses
Auxiliaries and have got:

1. Auxiliary verbs:
a. We use have and be to make perfect, continuous and passive forms of

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tenses: I haven’t seen her for ages.
b. We use do to form questions and negatives in the present and past simple.
c. We can omit the auxiliary and the subject in informal English and headlines:
Terrorists arrested in down raid.
2. Contractions + auxiliaries: usually in speech and informal writing
a. In spoken English, we can combine contracted NOT and contracted
auxiliaries with modal verbs: He should’t’ve done it.
b. We don’t contract was and we don’t use contractions in formal English.
c. Ain’t is used informally in some dialects: I ain’t going to the party.
3. Be, have and do as main verbs:
a. Be = Exist, located in, behave
b. Do = perform an action or complete a task
c. Have = possession, inclusion, relationship, experiences and actions; have +
noun (to have an appointment)
d. Have got = it’s an alternative to have for possession and for obligation. Ex: I
have got a car // I have just got a degree in English Studies.

Present Simple and Continuous:

Present Simple Present Continuous

permanent situations, facts and opinions temporary situations or actions in progress

regular actions with adv of frequency repeated actions (+ always, forever,...)

give directions or instructions used in sports commentaries when it’s in progress

Newspaper headlines Describe pictures or beginnings of books, films

In formal speech or writing Describe changing things or trends

Past simple and continuous; used to and would:

1. Past simple: completed actions and situations + interrupted actions
a. Actions happening at the same time (while), repeated actions, sequences of
actions, one action resulting in another and states in the past.
b. Interrupted actions (When / While / As) → short action
2. Past continuous: past actions and situations in progress
a. The action began before this point and continued after it.
b. We use it with temporary & changing actions, and to provide a background
c. To describe unfulfilled arrangements and to make requests politely.
3. Used to (≠ get used to) & Would (we mention the past time or situation): to describe
actions which happened regularly in the past but no longer now.



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WUOLAH: @neuus6

Past Perfect Simple and Continuous:

1. Past Perfect Simple: to describe a single action, repeated action, completed before
a time in the past (when, by the time,...); to describe a situation that happened before
a past event

2. Past Perfect Continuous: ongoing situation or action which continued up to, or

stopped just before (before, by the time, for, since…)

3. Both to describe the reason for a past action/situation.

4. We play with Past Simple and Past Perfect in sequence of past actions (just,
already, as soon as, when, before, after, EVER), to describe unfulfilled past intentions
(hope, expect, want, plan, think about, wish…)

Present Perfect Simple: already, always, ever, never, recently, so far, still, to now, yet,…
● Unfinished actions and time, present result and indefinite time
● Completed and repeated actions, permanent situations and focus on present result

Avoid confusing with:

● Past S: finished actions and time, no indication of present relevance, definite time
● Present PC: continuation, + duration of action, temporary situation and focus on act

Stative verbs:
Existing or being Be, consist of, contain, exist

Possessing Belong to have, own, include, lack, possess

Feeling or wanting Adore, want, desire, wish, trust, detest, dislike, know

Thinking or believing Believe, doubt, expect, feel, understand, imagin, realise

Appearance Appear, resemble, seem

Other Concern, cost, depend, fit, matter, mean, mind

Using these verbs in continuous:

Being = to behave Thinking of = to consider Appearing = to perform

Having = to experience Meaning to = to intend Weighing = action of weighing

Can/Could + sense verbs (see, hear, smell) in Simple and when we are doing it unconsciously in
Continuous (Shhh…I’m hearing the news). Sometimes both (I feel/I‘m feeling tired)

Performative verbs can perform the action they describe when they are used in the present
1st person: accept, agree, apologise, congratulate, declare, deny, refuse, order,…



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