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Defining true happiness

This world contains many things; some truly beautiful and

others are curses concealed within beauty. People may think
happiness lies within earning money, getting famous or
anything like that. They think that getting what they want
brings you happiness. But as a matter of fact, it is the
diametrical opposite; because it is the pain of not having what
you want brings you to reality. It brings you to the reality that
everything you want can never be fulfilled, just because our
desires are replaced by others the instant we get what we
want. So, trying to get happiness through expensive things and
money is nothing but straight up materialistic thinking. So, to
understand your disabilities and to learn to live with them is the
way to go. And the moment you realize that everything you
want will not give you any happiness when you get them that is
when things in your life will turn. You will remain humble and
will learn to accept and be happy with the things you have.

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