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4) Ditensiz (irregular) fillerin past bigimi ise tabloda g6rildiigt gibidir. AN ALPHABETICAL LIST OF IRREGULAR VERBS SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST FORM PAST PARTICIPLE | FORM PAST PARTICIPLE arise arose arisen ‘fling ‘flung ‘flung be was.were been fy flew flown bear bore bome/bom — | forbid forbade/forbid forbidden beat beat eatenbeat | forecast forecast forecast become became become forget forgot forgotten begin began begun forgive forgave forgiven bend bent bent forsake forsook forsaken bet et bet * free froze frozen bid bid bid eet got gotten * bind bound bound ive gave aiven bite bit bittenbit 0 went gone bleed bled bled grind ground ‘ground blow blew blown ‘grow grew ‘grown break broke broken hang hung ung breed bred bred have had had bring brought brought hear heard heard broadcast broadcast broadcast hide hid hidden build built built hit hit hit burst burst burst hold held held buy ought bought hurt burt hurt cast cast cast keep kept kept catch caught caught know knew known choose chose chosen ly hid laid cling clung clung lead ed led come came come leave left left cost cost cost lend lent Tent creep crept crept tet let let cut cut cut lie lay fain deal dealt dealt light livlighted livlighted dig dug dug lose lost lost do did done make made made draw drew drawn ‘mean meant meant eat ate eaten meet met met fall fell fallen mislay mislaid mislaid feed fed fed mistake mistook mistaken feel felt felt pay paid paid light fought Fought put put put find found found quit quit quit fit fit fier read: read read flee fled fled rid rid rid ELS 19 SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST SIMPLE SIMPLE PAST FORM PAST PARTICIPLE_ | FORM PAST PARTICIPLE, ride rode ridden stand stood ‘stood ring. rang. rung steal stole stolen rise rose risen stick stuck stuek run ran run sting stung stung, say said said stink stankistunk stunk see saw seen strive strove striven seck sought sought strike struck struckistricken sell sold sold string strung strung send sent sent swear swore sworn set set set sweep swept swept shake shook shaken swim swam swum shed shed shed swing swung swung, shine shoneishined shone/shined | take took taken shoot shot shot teach taught taught show showed shownlshowed | tear tore tom shrink shrank/shrunk shrunk tell told told shut shut shut think thought ‘thought sing sang sung throw threw thrown sit sat sat thrust thrust thrust sleep slept slept understand understood ——_ understood slide slid slid undertake undertook undertaken slit slit slit upset upset upset speak spoke spoken wear wore worn speed spedispeeded —spedispeeded | weave wove woven spend spent spent weep wept wept spin spunispan spun win won won spit spit/spat spit/spat wind wound wound split split split withdraw withdrew ‘withdrawn spread spread spread wring wrung wrung, spring sprang/sprung sprung waite wrote written + Bu filler igin American English ve British English arasindaki farkbiiklara dikkat ediniz. American bet bet -bet fit - fit - fit get get- got-gotten quit-quit-quit British bet -bet-bet or bet -betted - betted fit- fitted - fitted et - got - got quit - quitted - quitted American English'de diizenli olan baz filler British English'de dizensiadir 20 ELS Americar spilled, etc. wum-bumed, dream-dreamed, kneel-kneeled,lean-leaned, smellsmelled, spill: British: burn-burnt, dream-dreamt, kneel-knelt, lean-leant, smell-smelt, spill-spitl 1-11 CONFUSING VERBS a) raise, raised, raised [iransitive) The supermarket raised its prices twice last week. ©) arouse, aroused, aroused [iransitive) ‘The man’s peculiar behaviour aroused the police's suspicion, ©) Set set, set ftransitive) We set the chair at the head of the table g) lay, laid, laid firansitive) We laid the carpet after we'd painted the walls, 1) bind, bound, bound /tie up) He bound the dog to the fence with a long rope. 1 find, found, found I found your pen on top of the fridge m) grind, ground, ground (crush into powder) In the past people ground wheat into flour using large stones. 0) wind, wound, wound [nwist, turn) He wound the string into a tight bal. 4) fall, fell, fallen She fell as she was getting off the bus 5) see, saw, seen They saw an accident while driving to work. 1) bang, hung, hung /suspend something! They hung a flag from the window for Republic Day. b) rise, rose, risen intransitive) Prices rose three times last week. 4) arise, arose, arisen fintransitive) Their suspicion arose because of the man's peculiar behaviour. 5 ‘My father sat at the head of the table. sat, sat fintransitive) b) lie» lay, lata intransitive) I Jay on the sofa after dinner and went to sleep, J) bound, bounded, bounded (1. border 2. Jump) Luxembourg is bounded by Belgium, Germany The dog was bounding across the field. 1] found, founded, founded festablish) ‘Mao Tse-Tung founded the People's Republic of China. 1) ground, grounded, grounded [compel to stay on the ground) The authorities grounded the plane for safety checks p) wound, wounded, wounded finjure) The gun shots wounded several people. +) fell, felled, felled feut down) They felled the tree because it was getting too big 1) saw, sawed, sawedisawn fout with a saw) He sawed the wood into equallengths. vj hang, hanged, hanged (kill someone bby hanging) ‘The leader of the Pakistani military coup, General Zia ul-Hug, banged President Bhutto in 1979, lie "yalan séylemek’ anlamindaysa, diizenli bir filldir: She fied to us about her coming late,

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