Guidelines ProjectProposal

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CENTRAL WOOL DEVELOPMENT BOARD, MINISTRY OF TEXTILES, GOVT. OF INDIA Opp. Krishna Mandir, Bhagat Ki Kothi, Pali Road, Jodhpur. 342 001 (Raj.) 2433967, 2616328 Bax No. 91-291-2439017 No= CWDB/New Plan/2019-207 | $3 @ Date: 16" Sept., 2021 Office Memorandum Sub.: Integratéd Wool Development Programme (IWDP) for implementation during FY 2021-23 16 2025-26 — Circulaticn of Guidelines for submission of new project proposals — regarding, Ret: MOT file no. 2/29/2020-W&WT dated! 15" Sept, 2021. As you aie aware that the Central Wool Development Board (CWDB), Ministry of ‘Textiles is implementing Integrated Wool Development Programme (1WDP) for development of Wool Sector since 12" Plan period with the help of Centra/State/UT Government Departments/Organizations, Animal Husbandry/ Industrics Departments, Sheep & Wool Boards/Corps, in all major wool producing/potential areas of the country. ‘The Ministry of Textiles (MoT) has approved new Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) by rationalization, modification and enhancement of financial provision under existing seheme through SFC approval. MoT has approved the guidelines of IWDP vide above referred letter dated 15" Sept.,2021 for effective implementation of projects with 100% funding pattern, IWDP has following component : — ___ (Rs. in Crore) Components under “Integrated Wool Development Programme’ | Budget allocation (wo?) ies for five years 1 Wool Marketing Scheme (WMS) itt 12.42 If Wool Processing Scheme : (WPS) A 31.30 III, HRD & Promotional Activities Scheme (HRD) i 18.48 IV, Pashmina Wool Development Scheme (PWDS) 29.25 Total (to IV) 91.45 . Expenses to Implementing Agencies @ 2% of project cost Ta Total (Ito V) 93.28 Age 20,00 tted Tiabilities under 12.71 existing schemes in arene ees Total allocation (I to VIN) for FY 2021-22 to 2025-26 Rs. 125.990) ‘The Guidelines have been prepared with an aim to bring clarity ii implementation of schemes and modified according to the demands of the various stakeholders, Following major changes have been made in the new Wool Sector Schemes (IWDP) to ensure their successful implementation:- 1. Funding pattern in the WDP schemes has been reverted to 100%, i 2. New provision has been made for providing Administrative Expenses @ 2% of total project to the concerned Implementing Agencies under IWDP to meet out their overhead expenses to implement the projects in an effective manner. | 3. Realizing that there is shortage of resources with State Governments Implementing Agencies (IAs) to run the Common Facility Centres (CFCs) and it has been incorporated in the guidelines that the State Implementing Agencies (IAs) may have the option to implement/run the project on contract/icasc basis. Also, the component of construction of building for housing the machinery at the cost of not more than 25% of total project cost has been included, Which would attract bettet proposals, 4. Bffective feedback mechanism has been Incorporated in these giildelined ‘so that there is effective flow of information between the Implementing Agetcy (1A), CWDB and Ministry of Textiles. Detail guidelines for implementation of WIP (Wool Sector sciemte) contabiing details like eligibility ctitéria of Implementing Agencies, provision for financiit arrangements, project appraisal/approval procedure, release of funds, thonitoring & evaluatloh of projects, projects implementation conditions, sith-components wise allocated budget, Unit: Price, Physical Targets, beneficiaries and output outcome indicators 1s eitclosed herewith with along with prescribed format (Annex.-1) to submit fresh project proposal with DPR. ‘The sme gildefine is also available on web site of CWDB ic. {or invitation of new ptoposals. AS above, it is requested fo prepare suitable project proposal «is per your requireinent under the components of IWDP as per the guidelities under prescribed format as Anuiex.-1 along with the DPR arid other supporting documents. Kindly submit fresh projeet proposals initially for implemen current FY 2021-22 and 2022-23 to this office as first batch/demarid latest by * Oct., 2021 for consideration aid approval of Project Committee and Technical Committee of wor, Soft copy of éach new project proposal along with enclosures may also be send on Board’s e-mail , separately. Brols As above, Vw (Gp.Capt K $ Shekhawat ) i Executive Director Copy for information & necessary action to 1. ‘The Secretary, Animal Husbandry, Govt, of Uttrakhand, Seeyeteriat, Dehradun (Uttarakhand) 2. ‘The Sectetary, fndustries and Commerce Depit.,, Govt, of Uttrakhaind, Seereteriat, Debradun (Uttarakhapd : 3, -|. The Secretary, Industries and Commerce, UT of J&K, Srinagar 4, The Seoretary, Animal Husbandry Deptt, UT of J&k, Srinagar 5, Shri Saugal Biswas, ‘Secretary/Divisional Commissioner (RDIFCS& CA/Industties! 11/ Transpors), UT of Ladakh, Leh. ‘The Chalrman, Khad} & Village Industries Commissign, Mymbal, 7, The Director, Industries & Commence Dept, Govt. of Punjab, Chandigarh. (Punjab) ¢ ell dinind@pyniad, : 8. ‘The Director, ‘animal Husbandry Deptt, Govt. of Rajasthan, “vaipur : in& 9. The Director, — of Industries, Goyt, of Rajasthan, Jaipur 10. ‘The Jt. Director, Deptt. of Industries, Govt. of Rajasthan, Bikaner Il. The Secretary, Textiles Committee, Mumbai 400025 12, The Director, Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute. (CSWRD, director 21 28, 23. 24, 25. 26. 21. 28, 29. 31 32, 33, 34. 35, 36. 37, 38, 39, 40. 41 42. 43, 44, 45. 46. 47. 48. 49, 50, The Director, Sardar Vatlabhbhai Patel Intenational School of Textiles and Management, Coimbatore Dr. Avinesh Anand, CEO, Uttarakhand Sheep & Wool Development Board, Dehradun ‘The Managing Director, HP State Woo! Procurement & Mkt. Fed. Ltd., Shimla ‘The Director, Wool Research Association, (WRA) Thane wra@wraindiacom = The Executive Director-cum- Scctetary, Wool & Woollen Expott ” Bfotiioifel Council,NEW DELHI headoffice@wwepelndia.taiit * Director, Indiati Institute of Carpet Technology, BHADOHI, U.P. : cee ‘The Maiaging Director, Karnataka Sheep & Woo! Deve, Corp, Lid., Baligalaut THE DIRECTOR, INDIAN JUTE INDUSTRIES’ RESEARCH AssOclATION, KOLKATA (WEST BENGAL)’& direclordpliiry, THE DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, UT OF JAMMU. & KASHMIR, KASHMIR . THE MANAGING DIRECTOR, PUNJAB STATE INDUSTRIES DEVELOPMENT. CORP LTD (PSIDC}, GOVT. OF PUNJAB, CHANDIGARH. mdpsider MANAGING DIRECTOR, TELANGANA STATE SHEEP AND. GOAT DEV, CO-OP, FED. LTD. HYDERABAD-28 , TELANGANA™ mail tssheepfed@giidil:coni ‘THE JOINT DIRECTOR, INDUSTRIES AND COMMERCE, UT OF JAMMU & KASHMIR, KASHMIR ‘The Mahaging,Director, Maharashtra Mendhi Va Sheli Vikas Matiamandal Ltd., Pune. The Director, Animal Husbandry Depit., Govt. of AP., Hyderabad, AP ‘The Director, Animal Husbandry Deptt., Govt of Punjab, Chandigarh ‘The Director, Animal Husbandry Depit., Govt of Uttarakhand, Dehradun. ‘The Managing Director, J. & K. State Sheep & Sheep Product Development Board, Srinagar, kashmirmerino.sheep@zmailicom , ‘The Director, Animal Husbandry Deptt., Govt. of UP, Lucknow. ‘The Director, Industries Deptt., Govt. of UP, Lucknow The Director, Industries Deptt., Govt. of Uttarakhand, Dehradun ‘The Director, Industries Deptt., Govt. of H.P., Shimla ‘The Director, industries Deptt., Govt. of Harayana ‘The Director, Industries Deptt., Govt. of Gujarat, Gandhinagar The Director, Sheep Husbandry Department, UT of J&K, Srinagar ‘The Director, Department of Industries, UT of J&K, Sr ‘inagar ‘The Divisional Commissioner, Leh , Ladakh ‘The Director, Animal, Sheep Husbandry and Fisheries Department, UT of Ladakh, Leh. & ‘The Director, Department of industries, UT of Ladakh, Leh, The Distt. Sheep Husbandry Offiger, OU of LAHDC, Leb. ‘The Distt. Sheep Husbandry Offiger, OU of LAHDC, Kargil. ‘The Director, Craft Development Institute, U-T. of Jammu & Kashmis, Srinagar. ‘The Director, Handicraft Deptt., Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok Executive Director, Wool Industries Export Promotion Council(WOGLTEXPRO) ‘The Dean, Textile Division, IIT, Delhi. DR. A K MALHOTRA, DIRECTOR I/C, CENTAL SHEEP BREEDING FARM HISAR (HARAYAN), 01662- 264329, 264 263 hisar.csbfi Shri H K Nanda, Director, (Fibre-II) Ministry of Textiles, NEW DELHI, for information Shri J K Dora, Under Secretary, Ministry of Textiles, NEW DELHI, for informatior Executive Director File No.2/29/2020-W&WT No. 2/29/2016-W& WT Government of India Ministry of Textiles (Fibre-II Section) Udyog Bhawan, New Delhi 15th September, 2021 1, The Textile Commissioner (Ms, Roop Rashi) Office of the Textile Commissioner, Nishta Bhawan, 48, New Marine Lines, Mumbai-400 020. 2. The Executive Director, (Gp Capt. K.S. Shekhawat), Ceniral Wool Development Board, C-3, Shastri Nagar Jodhpur, Rajasthan. Sub: Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) for implementation during 2021-22 to 2025-26- Approved Guidelines ~ reg sir, Tam directed to refer to the subject mentioned above and to forward herewith a copy of the Approved Guidelines for implementation of Integrated Woo! Development Programme (IWDP) during the period 2021-22 to 2025-26 for information and necessary action. It is requested that the Approved Guidelines may also be circulated to all the stakeholders/eoncemed State Governments. The Approved Guidelines may also be uploaded on the website/portal of the Central Wool Development Board for information off all concerned. File No.2/29/2020-W&WT Encl: As above Yours faithfully, ALS (LK. Dora) Under Secretary to the Govt, of India Copy to: 1, PPS to Secretary(Textiles) 2. PS to Joint Secretary (Fibre) 3, PA {o Director (Fibre-II) 4. DS, IFW (Sh. R. Mohanty), Ministry of Textiles 862 325701/2021INTC Guidelines for implementation of Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) of Ministry of Textiles for Development of Wool Sector scheme during FY 2021-22 to 2025-26 © Component and sub-compohent wise Guidelines of Integrated Wool Development Programme (iWDP) GENERAL GUIDELINES of IWDP 3 1 | COMPONENT: WOOL MARKETING SCHEME. (WMS) Py | Creation of Revolving Fund for marketing of raw wool 10 1.2 _ | E-portal for marketing / auction of wool and Development of MIS |, | 1.3 | Financial assistance for formation of Wool Producers Socictics/Self 12 Help Group (SHGs) : 14 | Organizing Buyers-Seller meets 4 1,5 | Financial assistance to strengthening infrartructure required for wool 1s Marketing in existing/new wool Manai/Grading and Collection centres (Storage halls, auction facility, testing, platform etc.) ee 1.6 | Organization of domestic independent Woolen Expos 16 1.7 | Organizing domestic expo om hiring sta! basis 18 2 | COMPONENT : WOOL PROCESSING SCHEME (WPS) Establishing Common Facility Centers (CFCs) for wool processing machine, testing equipments and designing software's including i __| hardware (CAD) HH ancial assistance for distribution of small tools for manufacturing | 35 of woolen items (Handlooms/ carpet looms, knitting machines, spinning cherkha) COMPONENT : HUMAN RESOURCES DEVELOPMENT & PROMOTIONAL ACTIVITIES (HRD) 3.1 | Short Term Training Programme for Manufacturing / weaving of | 27 A 7 Page 1 of 52 325701/2021INTC woolen items te Training to industrial workers Training on Machine sheep shearing Research and Development projects aI {International / Domestic Cooperation Stakeholders meeting / 2 conference Organizing Seminars/ Workshop / Sheep Mela, Fair, Meet 33 3.7 | Wool Survey, Study on wool Sector 34 3.8 | Operating existing Wool Testing Lab at Bikaner (Raj.) including up-| 36 gradation and WDTC/TSC at Kullu (HLP.) 3.9. | Publicity of Scheme, Monitoring of Projects, visits, evaluation of | 37 projects/Schemes & Awareness Programme for Swachhia ete 4 [COMPONENT : PASHMINA WOOL DEVELOPMENT SCHEME (PWDS) “4.1 | Revolving fund for pashmina wool marketing (For UT of J&X & UT | 33 | | ofLadakh) a a 4.2 _ | Setting of machines for pashmina wool processing 30 4.3 | Construction of shelter shed with guard rooms Tor pashmina goat, 4l 44 | Distribution of portable tents with accessories 6 4.5 | Distribution of predator proof corral with LED lights 44 4.6 | Testing equipments including DNA analyzer for identification/testing | 45 of pashmina products 4.7 | Development of showroom at Dehairing Plant premises at Leh 46 4.8 | Development of Fodder land/Govt. farms for pashmina goats 47 B. | Annexure-1; Format for submission of project proposal 49 Loe Annexure-Il ; Format for submission Progress Report 50. Aor Page 20/52 863, 325701/2021/NTC Central Wool Development Board (Ministry of Textiles, Government of India) Ax Guidelines for implementation of Woot Sector Programme i.e. Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) from FY 2021-22 to 202! 1 1M 13 6. Programme: The Wool Sector Programme of Ministry of Textiles namely ‘Integrated Woot Development Programme’ (WDP) is an integrated programme which will be implemented during the petiod of 15 Finance Commission i.e, from 2021-22 to 2025 26 in all wool producing States a3 per the approved SFC, Sub-schemes/Component- wise finaneial allocation for five years under IWDP is as under (Rs. in Crore) Budget allocation Components under Programme’ (WDP) T. Wool Marketing Scheme (WMS; SrsEseESnnaE Ii. Wool Processing Scheme : (WPS) IH HRD & Promoti GARD) IV. Pashmina Wool Development Scheme (PWDS) V. Administrative | project cost ing Agencies @ 2% of | Total (Tio V)_ Vi. Bsiablishment&e Administative Exponses for Nodal Agency L(CwDB) __ Vil. Finaneial pro inet previouscommitted liabilities 1271 under existing schemes in FY 2021-22 including future expenditure for ongoing. sheep shearing projeet by IIT, Delhi Total allocation (I to Vil) for FY 2021-22 to 2025- . The guidelines contain details of sub-components under the programme ic. Eligibility Criteria, Budget Ceiting, Allocated Budget, Unit Price, Funding Pattern, Implementing Agencies, Physical Targets, beneficiaries and output outcome indicators and are given separately, ‘The Nodal Agency for the implementation of Integrated Wool Development Programme (WDP) will be Central Woo! Development Board (CWDB). ASP Page 3 of 52 864 865 325701/2021NTC 14 For effective implementation of the projects, administrative expenses @ 2% of total project cost would be provided to the Implementing Agencies under IWDP fo mect out their overhead expenses fo implement the projects. 1.5 Administrative and Establishment outlay of Rs, 20 Crore (including in the overall outlay of the scheme of Rs. 126 Crote), as per the breakup given in above table, pertains mainly to the Salary, Allowances, Wages and Statutory payments/dues and. Establishment es of the CWDB. Expe 2 Implementing Agencies:~ 2.1, ‘The Wool Sector Schemes under Integrated Wool Development Progeamme (IWDP) except RéeD sub-compouent under HRD Component/scheme will be implemented through concerned CentralState/UT Government Departments/Organizations as uncler: 4) Central/State /UT Govt, Sheep & Wool Boards! State Govt, Comporations/Federations b) Central/State/UT Statutory, Autonomous and Advisory Bodies/Departments ©) State/UT/Central Govt, Animal Husbandry! Industries/Cooperative Departments, 4) Central/State/U'T Government Departments/Organizations. ©) Universities of State/Central Govt, 5) Govt, marketing event organizers e.g, District Industries Centre(DIC), Khadi & Village Industries Commission (KVIC) ete. (for organization of Woollen Expos) 2.2 R&D subcomponent under HRD Component/scheme will be implemented through following Implomenting Agencies es under: a) Centtal/State/UT Govts, Autonomous/Statutory Bodies/Research & Development Institutions. Textiles Research Associations (TRAS) as approved bodies by Ministry of Textiles for conducting testing, R&D activitics related to textiles sector. b)_ Universities of State/UT/Central Govt, ©) Centra/State/UT Government Departments/Organizations 3 3.1 The Ministry of Textiles will place the annual funds to the Central Woo! Development Board (CWDB) under one head i.e. Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP). As per the SFC Note, IWDP is a Central Sector Scheme for development of Woo! Sector, hence funding pattem would be 100% grant from CWDB to the respective implementing agencies for implementation of the projects. 3,2. Re-nppropriation of allocated funds under schemes/sub- schemes/components/sub: components would be made as per requirement/demand from State/Centra/UT Govt, ‘organization’ Implementing Agencies (IAs) with the approval of the Executive Committee of Nodal Agecy (CWDB), within the approved SFC limit, ASD — Page 4 of 52 325701/2021/NTC 4 42 43 44 Sul 52 33 Project Proposals:~ In order to seek the financial assistance under components/sub-components of programme, the Implementing Agencies (IA) will prepare Detail Project Report (DPR) as per financial and physical scheme norms containing existing scenario of the project area, methodology for implementation, location, available manpower , infrastructure, expected output and outcome indicators in quantifiable terms and likely employment generation (if any), number of individual bencficiaties, if any, with details such as Aadbar card number, bank account details, PAN card (iP applicable), mobile number, their category (SC/ST/Women/General), year wise physical and financial action plan, specification oF items, timelines etc, in the prescribed format (Annexure-t) and will submit the proposal {tn both hard and soft copy) to CWDB with all supporting documents for consideration of project proposal. Implementing Ageney (1A) should ensure proper backward! ancl forward linkages in the value chain for a balanced growth of the woo! sector, while formulating the project proposal In case of R&D project, MOU shall be mandatory with the Nodal Agency i.e. Central Wool Development Board for non-disclosure of information and patent, as well as commmercialization plan with industry. ‘Textile Parks under SITP Scheme of Ministry, may submit project proposal for procurement of plant & machinery, testing equipment specific to wool, under various componerts/sub-schemes of TWDP. ‘The project proposals us per scheme norms shall be forwarded by SPV of concerned Textile Park to CWDB for implementation. Project Appraisal’ Approval & Release of Funds: Eacty individual Project proposal costing up to Rs.40 Lakh would be sanctioned by the Project Committee (PC) far implementation, Project Proposals costing above Rs.40 Lakh and having all the required documents! information as per prescribed format and fulfilling the criteria of concemed scheme/sub-scheme will be scrutinized by the Project Committee and will be placed before the Technical Committee (TC) for consideration ‘and approval under the chairpersonship Textile Commissioner ‘The Technical Committee (TC) of IWDP will approve each individual project proposals requiting financial assistance above Rs, 40 Lakh and up to Rs, Three Crore from CWDB along with approval of year wise fund released. The TC will recommend the each individual project proposals with financial assistance above Rs, Three Crores to Executive Committee (EC) of CWDB, Composition of Project Committee (PC) of IWDP :- 1. Executive Direetor; CWDB ~ Chairman Il, Director; Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanager (Jaipur) Page S of 52 ASEM 866 867 325704/2024/NTC UL. Divector, Regional Office of Textile Commis IV, Under Secretary (IFW), MOT V. US (Fibre concenned with Wool Division); MOT In addition to the above, the Project Commitiee may also invite any subject expert from the concemed CentralState/UT Govt. Deptt,, Implementing Agencies, Research organizations and academies as per requirement, as a Special invitee. Authorized representative of concemed member/Organization may attend the meeting. net, Noida 3.4 Composition of Technical Committee (TC) of DP 1, Textile Commissioner (TXC)~ Chairman Director; Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute, Avikanagar (Jaipur) 1, Direotor/Dy. Seoretary/US (Fibte :concerned with Wool Division), MOT IV. Diector/Dy, Secretary Under Secretary; Integrated Finance Wing, MOT, V. Director , Animal Husbandry/ Industries Dept., Govt. of Rajasthan VI. Ditector, Animal & Sheep Husbandry/ Industries Deptt., UT of Ladakh, Leb VIL. Managing Director, H. P. State Coop. Wool Procurement & Mkt Fed, Lic, Shimla VIII Managing Director, Karnataka Sheep & Wool Development Corp, Ltd., Bengaluru 1X, CEO, Uttrakhiand Sheep & Wool Development Board, Dehradun. X, Executive Director; CWDB ~ Member Secretary In addition to the above, the Technical Committee may also invite any expert from the concerned CentralStale/UT Govt. Deptt, Implementing Agencies, Research organizations and acasemics as per requirement, as a Special Invitee. Authorized representative of concemed member/Organization may altend the meeting. 5.5 Each individual project proposal costing above Rs, Three crores as recommended by the ‘Technical Committee will be put up before the Executive Committee (EC) of CWDB for consideration. For proposals above Rs, Thive erores, the recommendation of the EC will bbe subsnitted for approval of the Secretary (Textiles), 5.6 Composition of Executive Committee (EC) of CWDB: 1. Chairperson Joint Secretary (Pibre/Wool); Ministry of Textiles Il, Textile Commissioner (TXC), Ofo of TXC, Mumbai IL, Director/Dy. Secretary/US (Fibre :concemed with Wool Division); MOT IV. Dy. Sceretary/Director; Integrated Finance Wing; Ministry of Textiles, V. Director (industry/VSI), NITI Aayog, New Delhi VI. Director, Animal & Sheep Husbandry/ Industries Deptt,, UT of Ladakh, Leh VII, Director; Central Sheep and Wool Research Institute (unit of CAR), Avikanagar VIUL, Managing Director, Kamataka Sheep & Wool Development Corp., Bengalunt IX. CEO, Uttrakhand Sheep é& Woo! Development Board, Dehractun X. Executive Director; CWDB as Member Secretary. Chairman of EC may invite the concerned HOD oF project implementing agency and subject experts for consideration of projects. Authorized representative of concerned members may attend the meeting, BO) Page 6 of 52 868 325701/2021INTC 5.7 After approval of projects by the Project Committee! Technical Committee! Executive Committec#Secretary (Textiles), Sanction Order for releasing the grant will be issued by the Executive Director, CWDB slong with terms and conditions in prescribed installments as per GER and Scheme guidelines, 5.8 Implementing Agency will send the monthly/quatterly Progress Report of the projects, containing physical and financial achievements to CWDB. A copy of format to submit progress report by the Implementing Agencies is enclosed as A\ 5.9 All Implementing Agencies will submit Utilization Certificate for the released grant as preseribed under GER, to CWDB supported by a statement of component-wise physical ‘and finaneial progress, achievements and inspection report for the funds released along, with a request for release of next grant, if way. A 5.10 The Executive Director, CWDB may incur contingency and statutory dues like rent, clectricity & water, telephone, stipend, honorarium, stationery, chemicals, raw material (yarn), taxes for smooth running of Board's own branch Centres at Bikaner and Kullv under HRD component of [WDP scheme within limits of allotted budget provisions for the purpose and will place before next/subsequent meeting of Technical Committee for obtaining post facto approval , Monitoring and Evaluation: 6.1 Bach project shall be inspected by a team constituted of minimum two members. Satisfactory inspection report shall be manciatory for release of next installment 6.2. ‘The CWDB shall include members from office of Textile Commissionet/Central Sheep & Wool Research Institute (CSWRI)/ Concemed State/UT Govt Dept. for inspection. Representative of CWDB would be mandatory. 63. Projects up to Rs.40 Lakh shall be reviewed and monitored by Project Committee, Projects above Rs.40 Lakh and upto Rs.3 Crores shall be reviewed by Technical Committee, Projects above 3 Crores which were recommended by EC shall be reviewed and monitored by Executive Committee. 64 There shall be minimum two meetings of the TC in cach Financial Year 7. Independent Evaluation of IWDP:- ‘The third party/independent evaluation of the Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP) will be done in the last year of the Plan period (FY 2025-26) by am Extemal Agency/ Third Party Evaluation agency. Implementation Conditions to be followed by TAs:~ ASS Page 7of 52 325701/2021/NTC 81 82 83 a4 86 aT 88 89 8.10 8.41 ‘The procedural conditions to be followed for implementation of the schemes in the project are as under ‘The linplcmenting Agency (IA) availing support under schemes will be responsible for implementing the project components as per the guidelines and will make efforts to achieve the targets envisaged under the project within the time period mentioned in DPR. The grant shall be released in two/ three installments as per GER under the !WDP scheme, The number of installments to be released shall be &s specified in the each sub- component-wise guidelines, Further assistance/grant-in-aid under the schemes to Implementing Agencies shall be Feleased based on the progress made in the project. Jn case of any unjustified, unreasonable lapses in the implementation of the project, 1A shall refund entire grant with penal interest as per‘ GOI institutions, Each project has to be implemented within the time limit prescribed/approved by the Project Committee (PC\/Technical Committee (TCyExecutive Committee (EC) respectively. Extension of the timeline of projects up to Rs.40 Lakh shall be approved by Project Committee. Extension of the timeline of projects above R8s.40 Lakh and upto Rs.3 Crores shall be approved by Technical Committee. Extension of the titieline of projects above 3 Crores shall be approved by Executive Committee. LA in case seeking extension of timelines for implementation of projects, it shall forward a written request with appropriate justification to CWDB, {mplementing Agency (1A) has to submit a closure report containing outcome of the project, grant utilization ete, to CWDB, CWDB will place report before the project approving Committee i.e. Project Committee (PCYTechnical Committee (TC}fExecutive Committee (EC) and the concerned Committee shall approve the closure of the projects. Before submission of closure report by the 1A, inspection of the project shall be mandatory by a team constituted by CWDB. All expenditure shall be incurred in accordance with principles/ guidelines of General Financial Rules (GFR) 2017 of Govt. of India and scheme guidelines. 4n case of non-implementation of project by TA entire grant shall be refunded to CWDB along with penal interest as per GOT instructions and in case of partial implementation of any project the unspent amount shall be refunded to CWDB along with penal interest as pet GOT insteuctions. Any unspent amount shall be refunded to the Central Wool Development Board (CWDB) after the completion of the project. The amount will be utilized for the purpose for which it has been sanctioned and shal not be diverted for any other purpose whatsoever without prior approval of the coupetent authority, If grantee fails to utilize the grant for the purpose for which the same has been sanctioned, grantee will be required to refund the amount of grant with penal interest as per GOI instructions to CWDB. The implementing Agency shall submit Monthly/Quarterly Progress Reports containing physical and financial progress details and details of the individual beneficiaries if any covered during period as per prescribed format, to the CWDB. (Enclosed as Annexure 1D. foe regents 869 325704/2024/NTC 814 B15 816 817 B18. 819 21 8.22 8.23 8.24 8.25 8.26 all submit its accounts for audit promptly whenever The Implementing Agency s vequired by CWDB. The Implementing Agency shall maintain a register in prescribed format of General Financial Rules 2017 of the permanent snd semi-permanent assets, aeqnited wholly or partly out of the grants The Utilization Certificate in the format prescribed under the General Financial Rules 2017 shall be furnished by che Implementing Agencies to the CWDB immediately after the close of the financial year or before the request of release of next installment. ‘The Implementing Agencies has to submit an Undertalcing stating that it will follow the conditions as prescribed in the Sanction Order The Scheme for which the grant is sanctioned will be inspected and evaluated by CWDB or by a team or by any other persons/ agency duily authorized by the CWDB to assess impact of the respective scheme in the project areas as per need, ‘The implementing agency is bound to follow the Right to Information Act, ‘The owner ship of buitding, if any, constructed with the Grant in aid shall vest with the grantee and JA would be responsible for maintenance of such building, The assets acquired wholly or substantially out of the Board's grant-in-aid would not, without the prior sanction of the Board, be disposed off, eneumbered or utilized for the purpose other than that for which the grant was sanctioned. Implementing Agency should ensure that selected beneficiaries are not receiving benefits of identical nature fiom other scheme/programme of State/CentraVUT Government to avoid duplication The Implementing Agency (1A) shall use AADHAR Card for identification of individoal beneficiaries under the projects wherever applicable and release funds through the Direct Benefit ‘Transfer (DBT) mode, strictly following the prescribed DBT guidelines regarding protection of privacy rights of an individual ‘The Implementing agency should maintain proper record of all beneficiaries like name, address Aadhar card number, bank account details, PAN card (if applicable), mobile number along with their category such as Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribe (STYBPL/OBC/Women ete. iPapplicable under the project and will submit to CWDB. ‘The Implementing agency will keep evidence (photographs/video recording) of major sotivities implemented under the scheme, JA will bear the cost of maintenance of all equipment/machineries procured under the project. I will be the responsibility of FA to Keep all equipment in functioning order Machinery/plant installed, under the scheme will stand transferred to the Implementing Agency after seven years of commissioning, Implementing Agencies shall submit the documentary proof of land slong with clear title deed/iease deed and non-encambrance certificate of land under project for establishing CFC under Wool Processing Scheme for construction of building, if required In case the project is being implemented by any other agency under Govt Implementing Agency, the overall responsibility shall vest with Central/State/UT Govt agency. Funds will release to Centra/State/UT Govt. agency and Utilization Cextifieate shell be furnished by the Central/State/UT Govt. agency. AYP) - Page 9 of 32 870 ert 325701/2021/NTC Sub-component wise detailed guideline for implementation of Integrated Wool Development Programme (IWDP’ 1, NAME OF COMPONENT : WOOL MARKETING SCHEME (WMS) 1.1. Sub-component : Crea Fund for mar! wool: Ld, Objective- Sheep breeders belong to an un-organized sector who sell their wool in small volumes. In the present set up sheep breeders are compelled to sell their produce at the prices diclated by traders due to their economic compulsions, low contribution of wool in sheep economy & low volume and distant location of markets, ‘The prevailing system of wool ‘marketing is less beneficial for the sheep breeders and the main share of the profit goes to the middlemen, Therefore, there is a need to procure wool directly from the wool growers on a fixed price by the State Govt. organizations. Financial assistance would be provided to State Govt. organizations for procurement of wool on fixed price directly from wool growers, 1.1.2, Implementing Agency (1A) a) State/UT Govt, Sheep & Wool Boards! State/UT Govt, Corp. /Federations. . b)State/UT/Central Govt, Depattments/Organizations. ©) Any other Govt, Marketing Ageney 1.1.3, Conditions Page 10 of 52 Aue) 325701/2024NTC ao «i) Gi) (iv) w (wi (vii) (viii) ix) &) xi) (ii) (xi) (xiv) Implementing Agency (1A) shall procure wool direetly fiom sheep breeders or their societiesSHG/Group. Purchase price of mw wool shall be approved from concemed State/UT Govt. Deptt Payment (o the beneficiaries will be made through transfer of funds in to beneficiaries bank account through online transfer/Cheque/D.D. ‘The Implementing agency should maintain proper record of all beneficiaries like nam address Andbar card number, bank account details, PAN card (if applicable), mobile number along with theit category such as Scheduled Caste (SC) & Scheduled Tribe (ST)/BPLIOBC/Women ete, if applicable under the project and will submit to CWDB. ‘The Implementing agency will keep evidence (photographs/video recording) of major activities implemented under the scheme 1A will not book any financial losses from grant provided as revolving, find. A will famish detailed record of all the beneficiaries in digital form along with physical report to CWDB. 1A will submit detailed statement containing quantity of wool procured, list of wool growers from whom wool procured, areas, procurement rate of wool, wool sale details, and grant utilized on quarterly basis to CWDB. 1A will submit an undertaking that it has necessary inftasiruetere for taking up the activity, terest gained if any against the revolving fund will be credited to CWDB on completion of ench financial year {n case of non-anilization of Revolving Fund more than 12 months, the Implementing. Agency shall refund the entire grant amount with penal interest as per GOI instructions, fo CWDB. IA has to submit a fresh proposal for further requirement for releasing Revolving Fund with justification to CWDB In case the State/UT Govt, fails to fix the price of wool in any financial year and no Procurement of wool is done, then the revolving find shall refunded to CWDB and Jresh proposal be submitted for revolving fund requirement. Apart fiom the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable. The grant amount shall be released in following manner ;~ a) 1" installment : 60% of the total grant atthe time of sanction of the project b) 2" installment : 40% after receiving UC of 1* installment and inspection report 1.1.4, The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome indicators for § years are as under Diteame Timp Ualt_priee | Oatpat Year wise inintive wa Target = ‘Alacaion | for 5 years Tnieator ‘Duteoine | Tadlentor | Gieaios GF | Unit “pris | Cretln — af [Naot Presurenr | Waal Tmpraved Revolving | =Sozaen | Revolving | revolving ent ot | procarod | serio Fund fo Fund fa | fe woot | ln Ky and | economic marketing of | Yargete for | meting of | projects 10. oF woo! | cadition raw woo! | fiveyears | aw woo! | tantioned jgoweie | of woo! (Allocations | 7 its of Fenetined | gowns ss taien) | Revowing | | a a 1 Page 11 of 52 872 873 Sub: Unit price { Oniput wise fudieative | Outcome ‘TWapaet 1.2, Sub-component : Development of MIS 1.2.1, Objective: The aim of sub-component is to create a digital platform for e-auction of raw woo! by Govt. organizations for industry use. Financial assistance will be provided to develop * E-Portals for auctioning of wool. E-portal_for_marketing/ auetion of wool_and 1.2.2. Implem 1 Agency (LA) 4) State/U'T Govt, Sheep & Wool Boands/ State/UT Govt. Corp, (Federations. . b) Research & Development Institutions of State/UT/Central Govt ©}. State/UT/Central Govt. Departments/Organizations ) Any other Govt, Marketing ageney 1.2.3. Conditions () The finds will be provided for development & designing of e pottal for ‘marketing/auetion of raw wool. This will be a onetime grant (i) 1A shall furnish details of availability of wool quantity, quality and sale price for marketing facilities at portal ii) 1A will be responsible for smooth functioning, maintenance and up gradation of soflwarcihardware of c+ portal and auction of raw wool which shall be open to all buyers (iv) The IA may seek professional help for development of e-portal (v) Time period- The projeet shal! be completed within 12 months ftom the release of |" installment (vi) Apart fiom the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable. (vii) The grant amount shall be released in following manner := 4) Hinstallment : 60% of the total grant at the time of sanetion of the project b) 2% installment : 40% after receiving UC of 1* installment and inspection report 1 yen The budget allo ave as under= 5 Gait components | pee and Talento | Target Ou ater [oarpar | ateater | Aas) "| Page 12 of 52 874 325701/2021NTC Fee toe [= Fontenot] yeas a [in | a [3s |e | | afar fa Tee EP itr ear” Fay ranking 7 |S kh | essiot fr | pal Poot pol | fo doctor» of poral fx | Snead Snine | Eeaed | tine earch raat aeeenatey | leoraes oe Bevtopmon | fave | eutan of | wn von! Cali | ems | Sool wot | any {aaenton: | Epona | Bevopmen | tne tty | Clee |e Ms | | analy tity ‘socionot | | 1.2.5, Beneficiaries Wool prowers, wool growers co-operative societies, SHG, et. | | 1.3. Sub-component: (j). Financial_assistance_for_formation_of Wool | Producers Societies/Self Help Group (SHGs) 1.3.1. Objective- - In the present set up sheep breeders are compelled to sell their produce ‘at the price dictated by traders due to their economic compulsions, low contribution of woo! in sheep economy & low volume and distant location of markets, Normally, the Sheep breeders do not transport their wool to the market and a substantial quantity of wool is purchased by the local traders and / or outside traders at relatively low price. There is need to form wool producer societies/SHGs to increase the bargaining power of wool growers 30 that the wool producers ean sell woo! in bulk to fetch better prices. The aim of the subcomponent is to facilitate the IAs to form wool producers societies/SHGs, 1.3.2. Implementing Ageney (IA) 4) Animal Husbandry Departments; Central/State (UT Govt. Sheep & Wool Research Institutes/ Boards/ State Govt. Corp. /Federations b) State/UT/Central Govt, Departments/Organizations 1.3.3. Conditions (Group of wool producers (Society/SHG ete.) will be formed by the IA and shall registered them with the relevant Govt, body. Gil) 1A has to furnish detailed record of ail the beneficiaries in digital form along with physical report to CWDB. (iii) Woo! producers or their groups can become members of the society and shall work under the guidance of the TA. (iv) The CWDB may also invite Kriya-Vikraya Cooperntive Sooiety/Ktishi Vigyan Kendval Sahakari Samittee etc, that are already established and working i States/Distriet/Village level in the interest of farmers for Agriculture/Dairy commodities under various Centra¥State Govt, Programmes, (0) Time period- The project shall be completed within 12 months from the release of I installment (vi) Apact from the above conditions the general guidelines in pata 8 shalt also be applicable. ROP Page 13 of 2 875 328704/2024NTC (vii) The grant amount shall be released in following, manner 1) installment : 60% of the total grant at the time of sanction of the project b)_ 2" installment : 40% afer receiving UC of 1 in tallment and inspection report The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome indicators for 5 years are as under ‘vipat Year ie Trap cat ‘ipa ines | Fn — WoT] [> Bag or aks | assitance for | Soictieu Soci | jel Fomation ot | HG SHG | 6 Oypmizaion Targets | woo! sanctioned feet | wl prods swe for Sssel | | Sear Heip Groupe | | (SH) (SHsjint {Allestion- oe | Ns pee eet a 1.3.8. Beneficiaries Wool growers, wool growers co-operative societies, SHG, etc. 14, Sub-component : Ory ng Buyers-Seller meets 1.4.1, Objective- The aim of component is to provide facility to the wool rowers tor sale of raw wool directly to woolen industry by inviting user industry in the woo! growing areas inancinl assistance will be provided 10 conduct meetings of wool growers and woolen industey/traders at wool growing areas by inviting the industry/ traders. "1.4.2. [Implementing Agency (IA) 4) Central/State /UT Govt. Sheep & Wool Research Institutes! Boards/ State Govt. Corp, {ederations and Central Wool Development Board by State/UT/Central Govt. Department/Organization. 143. Conditions () 1A may invite individual wool grower or their group (SHG/Societies) and wool waders, incustries for the meet i) Buyer seller meet will be organized by the 1A. (iil) The CWDB will provide financial assistance as per requirement of IA. (iv) TA shall furnish report of the meet along with price/quantity of wool sold to CWDB. {v) 1A will finalize the location and participants of meet, Amy Page 14 of 52 876 325704/2024/NTC (vi) Time period The project shall be completed within 12 months from the release of 1* installment (vii) Apart from the above conditions the generat guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable. (ii) The grant amount shall be released in following manner = a) 1" installment : 60% ofthe total grant atthe time of sanction of the project b) 2" installment : 40% ater receiving UC of 1* stallment and inspection report for 1.44. ‘The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome indicat ave as under Unit_ price | Ovint ear Tinpact tomponents | and Target, | ont Falloetion | for Syears Tieton [20 | 22 See itn | ne Organizing | Ua prise | Financial [Woof |2 2 [3 Noo? | Woo! | Beier woul Buyers 2hakh | asasant for | Bayer Buyer [soldin | marketing Seller mas Onzing | seller moss seer | Buyer- | eppertities Tues for | Buyers Seer | sanconed meets fear | forbuyers (Aloe five year | moet teanize | aeee ca | ond sets Ra 247 [Zevon | sanctioned a tak) eee Bele pare 1.4.5, Beneficiaries- Wool growers, traders, wool growers co-operative societies, SHG, ete 1,5, Sub-component ; Financial assistance to strengthening infrastructure required for wool Marketing in existing/new wool Mandi/Grading and collection center (Storage halls, auction facility, testing, platform ete.) | 15.1. Objective-At present most of the States do not have proper and regular woo! Mandis. | except for State Agriculture Marketing Board/ Marketing Commitice operating wool Mandis. The infrastructure of MandifGrading or Collection Centres needs to strengthen, Quality Testing of wool, proper storage of wool , grading and primary processing facilities do not cexist in most of the Mandis, Financial assistance will be provided to the wool producing States or wool Mandis authorities for setting up of necessary infrastructure to establish and regulate these woo! MandifColleotion Centres. 4.5.2. Implementing Agency (IA) 4) State/UT Govt. Sheep & Wool Boardy State Govt. Corp, /Federations. . )_ State/UT/Centrai Govt, Departments/organizations ©) Govt, Mandis development authorities 1.5.3, Conditions RX) : | Page 15 of 52 | 325701/2024NTC (JA should submit DPR including technical specifications nfrastructure at wool Mandis/Grading and Collection Conters, jon of building/Strengthening of infiaswucture for woo! grading & marketing Gi) ng ol Contre would have to be undertaken by CPWD/PWD. (iii) All the equipment, machines shall be procured as per GFR norms (iv) Recurring cost shatl be bome by [A (¥) Time period- The project shall be completed within 18 months from the release of 1 instalment. (vi) Apart from the above conditions the gencral guidelines applicable. (vii) The grant amount shall be released in following manner := 877 il item wise cost for 1 para 8 shall also be 4) 1* installment : 60% of the total grant at the time of sanction of the project b) 2 installment : 40% after receiving UC of 1 installment aud inspection report 1.5.4, ‘The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome indicators for S yours are as under- : " Sub Ua ‘utpur ‘ateone Topic components | pee ‘ult taMestion | fad | eatpar feator | 21 [22] 23 [24] 25 | Tongst a oc for a2 [25 | 24 | 25/26 | ie . | Fomine fast —~PWo, oF PP I) Baier More sssiance to | pice | ansiton for | Manis ines fies Srenathonin | So adh | Strengthenin | covered nicure | Mandi’ | (ntoroge ee s for at | Grading | tlh, ies | tangas | infastuctr | jnfasrel Woot | Galtectio | Gray for TNS | for five [© eequited | re Mancit | necter | testing, rmmteing | years 4 | f° woo! | svengthen Gradin | stengtre | platform | exci” | Mandies | sackaing in| ing gcolle} ned. | ote) Tow woot | Gracing’ | existing? tion ‘wool sind | Collectio | new woot ceier Mandi tr ad fy ManivGra marketing Caieston” | Centers | diag and | orsed Cents Caliewion Facility for song a Aetion ea {storage fonline fei, halls, wool tesa suction Inarkting Pinney faci, Beter rte 7 ae | (Atioaton. plato rate ato fattioned eae Lan J Sai cinta aT 1.5.5. Benefic SHG, ete. ies- Wool growers, traders, industry, wool growers co-operative societies, ASP) Sub-component : Organization of domestic independent Woolen Expo Page 16 of 52 325704/2024NTC . c 1.6.1. Objective-Marketing of woolen products is a weak aren and needs to be addressed by organizing woolen expos at regular intervals’ The aim is to provide support for marketing of Woollen products, and to belp woken attisans/weavers, societies extend their outreach to buyers and open new marketing avenues“for Woollen products. This component will help in creating additional marketing avenues for wootlen products like: svoolen handiooms, earpeis, woolen Khidi items, namdas, tweeds, bandloom fabries, woollen decorative items, blankets, Kaunblies etc. Exposure to new markets through this seherix: will create fiesh demand which will boost the overall development of this sector Woollen, Expos (exhibition-cum-sale of ‘woolen products) will be organized unger this component dit ig the Plan period. 1.6.2. Implementing Agency (IA) | a) State/UUT Govt. Sheep & Wool Boards! State Govt, Corp. ‘Federation b)_State/UT/Central Govt. Departments/organizatio ©) Govt. Marketing event organizers e.g. District Ind stries Deptt / Centres (DIC), Khadide Village Industries Commission (KVIC) ox 1.6.3. Conditions (Duration of independent expo will be normaly be 7 days and may be extended up to 1S days within maximum budget limit of su'ycomponent (ii) The tender notice regarding construction «.f pavilion, publicity ete. should be 9s per GER (iii) 14 will constitute a tender opening cum working commitiee having one representative from CWB. (iv) 1A will verify all the bills/vouchers/documents (1) IA will invite the participants and finalized the list of participants. It will also ensure the required number of participans. (vi) CIDB may also forward the appiications about participants to LA for consideration, (vii) Participants must be engaged in manufacturing of woolen items & registered with relevant Govt, departments ike Industries/DIC, Development Commissioner; HandloonvFlandicraf, KVIC/Kyadi institutions ete (vill) Extension/Reduetion of Expo duration will require prior approval of CWDB (ix) The advertisement for publicity of Expo in newspaper shall be given on the DAVE rates. (%) IA shall ensure all precautions related to safety and shall provicle general amenities at the Expo site (i) LA will record stall the participants. (xii) Time period The project should be completed within 12 months from release of |* instalment (xiii) Apart fiom the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable, daily sales and will provide it 10 CWDB along with details of (xiv) The grant amount shall be released in fotlowing manner :- a) 1* installment : 60% of the total grant at the time of sanction of the project OL Page 47 of 82 a78 879 325704/2021NTC 5) 28 installment : 40% after receiving UC of 1* installment inspection report and 600 subsnission of authenticated vouchers/bills price, physical targets, output outcome indicators for § 1. The budget aliccation, un J wat Supa Year wet Tapa comanens | pele and a Ft | Far Taaietar BE ms : ico sean n |b ace [es Gait pi | inet —— Rak FFT Noo at Na of] Reali Onanization |=40LaE | saan te | Pepe Domest | wearers | nmieting of Doestie Oraminaion.| sence ie | ees or indcpendon | tae | of Domestic Expo atens | woolen Woollen | fr five | independent avon | Ute | predic fr Exo | yee te | Wowten ce Vent | Sasa independ | Fo ca | wees fatecatan | repo | sinsioned sient ts Secltinsiey Cia 1.6.5, Beneticiaries. Weavers, artisans, co-op. socictics, Govt/UT dept, SHG.NGO ete, 1.6.6. Bifurcation of budget provision for organization of domestic independent Woolen = Expos is. as under: |. | Number of participants (Societies, Khadi Institutions, woolen | $0 Numbers arlisans/weavers, Govt Organizations, Cooperative Societies and Other pri isties engaged in manufacturing of woolen itemsetc) | | 2.| Cost of construction of pavilion having minimum 50 stalls, office, | Rs. 25 lakhs arrangements for gathering hall, VIP lounge, security room, fire brigade, generator & refreshment/foodésitting area for duration of 7 to 15 days 3. | Cost of infiastructure including ground rent, water, electricity, generator, | Rs, $ lakhs license fae, taxes, insurance charges, security & guards, vehicle hiring, workshops ete, cs _ 4.| Publicity campaign including publishing in newspaper advertisement (on | Rs. 5 lakhs DAVP ate), banners, hoardings, audio-video shows and other display srtangements etc. Invitation cards, inaugural & closing functions, cultural programme ot : 5.] Cost of general ameniliesicivil facilities, parking facility, VIP visit | Rs. $ lakhs |__| arrangements expenses etc Rs. 40 aks IAs) Page 18 of 52 325701/2021iNTC NOTE: Infer-component adjustment of the expenditure would be permitted within the Expo, depending on local conditions, city/location and actual cost on case to case basis by Executive Director, CWDB within the limit of Rs, 40 lakhs for one Woollen Expo. 1.7, Organizing domestic Woollen Expo on hicing stall basis 1.7.1. Objective. Apart fiom organizing independent Woollen’ Expo, the Board will also organize Woollen Expos by participating in district level reputed fairs/Melas with financial provision up to Rs, 7.50 lakh per event for hiring stalls to provide marketing platform for woolen products manufactured ie, aitisansy/ weavers, societies etc. during winter season in all States. Normally 30-40 Stalls would be hited for a period of 7 to 10 days in these Expos, however in case there is more demand then more stalls may be hired for which approval will be granted by Executive Director, CWDB on case to ease basis. Stall Hiring charges for these Expofexhibitions would be limited up to Rs, 25,000/- per stall. Publicity campaign for woollen stalls ineluding publishing advertisement in newspaper, banners, hoardings, audio-video shows, taxes ete. all expenses included in Rs, 25,000/-, 1.7.2, Implementing Agency (IA) a), State/UT Govt. Sheep & Wool Boards! State Govt. Corp. /Federations, b) StatesL7T/Central Govt. Departments/Organizations, ©) Govt, marketing event organizers ic. District Industries Deptt./ Centres (DIC), Khadi& Village Industries Commission (KVIC) ete. 1.73. Conditions (1A will invite the participants and finetized the list of participants. t will also ensure the required no. of participants. (il) CWDB may also forward the applications to 1A for consideration. Gili) Participants must be engaged in manufacturing of woolen items & registered with relevant Govt, departments like IndustrieDIC, DC (Handloom, Handicraft), KVIC/ Kadi institutions ete. (iv) Maximum stall hiring charges s charges/publicity/ taxesiGST ete. (¥) TA shail ensure all precautions related to safety and shall provide general amenities at the expo sit. (vi) 1A will record stall wise daily sales and will provide it to CWDB along with details of the participants (vii) Time period- The project should be completed within 12 months of release of 1" installment (viii) Apart fiom the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable Rs, 25000/- per stall including all ASO age 9 of 32 880 881 325701/20211NTC (ix) The grant amnunt shall be released in following manner :- 48) 1 instaltment : 60% of the total grant atthe time of sanction of the project ') 2° installment : 40% after receiving UC of t* installment anc! inspection report 1.7.4. ‘The budget allocation, ui years are as under come indicators for 5 it price, physical targets, output 01 ‘Unit pice | Ome “Gate fmponents | and Target | Taloeion | onsen [5 ‘ito [Tacs ‘Organizing, | Unit” price No. of | No. of | Noof | Availabiiay | domes "30 fir| Exo an Domet | weavers | of mokeng expo on | tak | Sraneng | Hig. sa ope] faite inne salt onesie co ian | weoten tro | Tongs te | ean on Bing | Unie” | reer tr fveyees= | hina sl frat | beette | It ¢attcatiow: | 10” Expes | bas tess [On | ener fa | on Name | sinned cis ss tm ts any cece Pit nit iaries- Weavers, artisans, co-op. societies, woolen consumers. 2, COMPONENT : WOOL PROCESSING SCHEME (WPS. 2. . Sub-component : Establishing Common Facility Centers (CFCs 2.1 Objective. The Woollen industry suffers from inadequate and outdated processing facilities. The pre-loom and post-loomt facilities are required to be modernized for ensuring, quality finished product. Quality finishing of the woollen products will not only increase use of indigenous wool but will also make the product more competitive in the international market. It will also assist in procuring better price for wool growers and will make quality raw material available fo the Khadi and Handloom sector. Owing to overall size of the woollen industry and specialized nature of equipments required for processing, the industry has been dependent on imported plant and machinery. With this view setting up of Common Facility Centre for all kind of woo! and woollen processing facilities like-woo! scouring, drying, carding, dyeing, knitting, weaving, felting/non woven, and finishing are proposed to be taken up by the CWDB for the integrated processing of raw’ woo! and woolens in wool producing and wool trading areas. Establishing such plants/centers will increase wool processing capacity and will result in value addition to Indian wool industry and will create more employment opportunities and income generation in the country. Provision for construction of building for housing the plant .and machineries has also been made under this component, MSL — Page 200852 325704/2024/NTC 2.1.2. Implementing Agency ai) “ Gi) (iv) ) (wi) (vii) The project proposal may be vetted if required by any technical inst 8) Ceniral/State /UT Govt, Sheep & Wool Boards/ State Govt. Corp./Federations, b) Research & Development Instiutions/industries Dept, of State/UT/Central Govt ©) Statc/UT/Central Govt. Department/Oryanization. 4) Central/State LAs may implement projects on contract/iease basis Conditions Implementing Agency (1.A.) should have land (Leasehold/tiechold) and working capital before submission of the project submit clear owner ship after sanction of the project and before release of funds for construction of building, if required. Time Period-The project shall be completed within 24 months from release of 1 installment. ConusalState/UT [As may have the option to iinplementérun the projects on contraetilease basis, However, Central’ Staley UT Govt. agency shall be solely responsible for implementation foperation of such CFCs and will submit Utilization Coitificate to CWDB, ‘The CEC project may be submitted for wool processing activities like- wool scouring, carbonizing, spinning, dyeing, Weaving, Finishing machines (Shaw, Carpet, fabric, etc), Non woven, Felt Knitting, and ETP IA will get all statutory approvals’ clearance like- pollution, environmental ete., if required and shall bear charges towards them, While formulating project proposal 1A should ensure proper backward and forward linkage in the value chain for a balanced growth of the woo! sector and will also submit the outcome indicators on the project proposed. ute as decided by the CWDB, after technical vetting, the proposal will be placed before T.C, & E.C. for further consideration and approval (viii) CWDB will provide grant only for procurement of machinery and construction of (ix) @ (xi) building, aay type of recurring expenditure shal! be bome by the LA. No establishment cost (manpower) would be borne by CWDB. ‘The IA shall maintain a register in prescribed form of GFR of Permanent and Semi permanent assets acquired wholly or partly out of grant of CWDB and submit to the Board 1A will bear the cost of maintenance of all equipment/machineries brought for CRC. (xii) Cost wwards AMCYinsutance of equipment shall be bome by IA. It will be the (xii (xiv) ow) vi) responsibility of LA to keep all equipment in functioning order. }) Construction cost related to housing of CFC machinery shall not exceed 25% of the sanctioned grant and 1A will maintain the building. Construction of building would have to be undertaken by CP WD/P WD. ) After 7 yeurs of commissioning of CFC, machinery/Plant installed under the scheme wil be transferred to TA. All the machines shall be procured as per GFR norms. ’) Only new machines shall be procured, Page 21 of 82 dowry 882 925701/2021INTC (xvii) 1A will submit quantity of wool processed/product mamufactured/processed and details of the facilities provided to beneficiaries and processing charges levied on snontly/quarterly basis to CWDB xviii) Tentile parks under SITP scheme of Ministry, may subrait proposal for procurement of plant and machinery. The project proposal as per norms of scheme shall be forwarded by SPV of Concerned Textile Park to CWDB for consideration, An undertaking shall also be submit by IA that the scheme fas not been funded through any other Govt agency. (xix) Apart from the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable. (ax) The grant amount shall be released in following manner : a) 1* installment ; 60% of the total grant atthe time of sanction of the project by 2 installment : 30% after receipt of UC, machines and inspection report ©) 3% installment: 10% after receiving UC of 2 installn plant/machines and inspection report. nt, commissioning of 2.1.4. ‘The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome indicators for 5 _years are as under- ‘Unit price | Owtp Ye wise nae [ Osicome Tinpact Components | ae Target | bate Allocation for 3 years [ou Tindiea [21 [22-[23 | 24 | 25 | [i [ha [as |e fas fie [OM [eet a ee ee cre. ya |" yor Eating | sie crite | ot | groves (Ces) nat | Tarts | Common |e tel | pews | oa Proesxing "| He exe | Feit Centers Sate) | proesing facies” ike | 4a or | (CFE) tr ol ree | lines we | ee treet |= eter pressing | maine ke tina |" cog ces | Seog, step | ot Dye Garin ree | domes wee Spine cin | oa Finan Dyn ae |e ba wane were es Sine Cat Fring fs ti, Nen cine Sr weve Fe atc, L __| men age 22 of 52 IRD — 883 325701/2021INTC [Sa ie pre vise Tete components! | ana Prgst | Allocation | Tor Syears [aap Tndiea P20] 7] 2H YB [3S for cr ia [in [as an [RE | Rin Bie, acy, Tie Angora. wool Non woven, Pel tac Proeesing, and Kiting, ETD inciting ‘Ange. woo! souscvtion of boiling fee chins. constuetion of [tlecation- Re. boulkng fae 2000 Lal) sachin oy jatiese Woolen entrepeneais, Wool rowers, Weaver, arias, 0-0p, societies SHG. 2.2, Sub-component: Financial assistance for sheep shearing machines 2.2.1. Ohjective- Manual shearing is not only expensive and time consuming but it also reduces the quality of wool in terms of fibre length. While on the other hand machine shearing is cheap, quick and it improves the fiber length, Wool yield per animal also increases approx. by 7-8%. Hence there is need to provide more sheep shearing machine to cover more sheep under machine shearing specially in the hilly states producing fine quility wool, Financial assistance will be provided to procure shearing machines to undestake the machine sheating activity 2.2.2, Implementing Agency: 4) Animal/Sheep Husbandry Departinents, b). Stte/UT Govt, Sheep & Wool Boards/ State Govt. Corporations/Federations. ) Research & Development Institutions of State/UT/Central Govt 4) State/UT/Central Govt, Departments/Organizations. 2.2.3. Conditions:- (While formulating project proposal 1A should ensure proper backward and forward linkage in the value chain for a balanced growth of the wool sector and will also submit ‘outcome indicator of the proposed project. (i) CWDB will provide grant for procurement of shearing machine with spare parts and any type of recurring expenditure shal! be borne by the L.A, iii) ‘The 1A shall maintain a register in preseribed form of GFR of Permanent and Semi permanent assets acquired wholly or partly out of grant of CWDB and submit 19 the Board, (iv) Time Period- The project shall be completed within 12 months from the release of 1 installment ()_ Noestablishment cost would be provided by CWDB (vl) Cost towards AMC of equipment shall be borne by 1A (vii) 1A will provide machine shearing facilities to wool growers, (vill) 1A will provide details of the shearing activity like no. of sheep covered, details of the wool growers, shearing charges, and will submit to CWDB on monthly/quarterty basis. age 23 of 52 885 325701/2024INTC (ix) 1A will bear the cost of maintenance of all equipment/machinevies. (x) Iwill be the responsibility of JA to keep all equipment in functioning order. (xi) After 07 yeuts of procurement of shearing machines under the scheme will be transferred to 1A (xii) 1A will provide shearing fheility to wool growers at their migeatory route (xiii) 1A may lease Shearing Machines to village Panchayats for shearing in the villages itsett (civ) All the machines shall be procured as per GFR norms. (av) Only new machines shall be procured (avi) Apart from the above conditions the general guidelines in para 8 shall also be applicable. (xvii) The grant amount shall be released in following manner = 4) (* installment : 60% of the total grant atthe time of sanction of the project b) 2" installment : 30% after receipt of UC, machines and inspection report ©} 3 installment: 10% after receiving UC of 2° installment and inspection report. ientors for § 2.24 The budget allocation, unit price, physical targets, output outcome years are as under- Sa anor Yeates | Uaioe ret Samper | pre and maa : Fae | Page | aia —— Pear [9] [TS or s sa boa |e | ig [Onto | inaicn | ; as | n [is [ne [Om™ | Finoeial ‘Unit price | Financial | Ne. of | 90 | 20 [30 | 20 [10 [No of | No.of [+ Awilsbilayof tounmnee | S312tn | one rf Shing ewig [op | omena eee pee seo Encin| wont | stowe | aac Saint” | twee | estoy — | Sratoes | ecw [on | fy tenes | ere | cds in eae yon | actos yal er Catocain- | Tt ep nan eto | cre + Tagrenen iy | cis peer Saisie L_ im 2.2.5. Beneficiaries- Wool growers/industries 2.3. Sub-component: Financial assistance for other machines / equipment like:- bale press machine, testing equipment and designing software's including hardware (CAD). machines wh 2.3.1. Objective- In the existing wool Mandis there is lack of bale press eh form the wool bale resulting in reduction of transportation cost. Lack of wool testing ‘equipment leads to sale of wool on cheaper rates, therefore, there is need to set up bale press machines and wool testing equipment either in the woo! Mandi or in the existing laboratories of the States/UT. ‘This separate component would provide a comprehensive service package of quality parameters for wool testing equipment, installation of bale press machines to reduce packaging, and transportation cxpenses of wool and creating facilities, Assistance would also “be provided to purchase designing software with hardware, 2.3. ig Agency: ASO Page 26 of 52 Implement

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