Thesis Introduction-Murah Harfani

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1.1. Background of the Problem

The growing of mobile technology like smartphone, tablets, gadget, iPhone, iPad, laptop
has influenced the way of people in learning,(Orlando, 2015). Nowadays mobile is becoming
basic need for us. Not only for communication but mobile becoming a tool for some people to
learn something, all information easily we can get by using mobile. This condition force
researchers to use the potential of mobile-assisted language learning (MALL) .Rosell, 2003 state
that if we compare MALL with traditional approach in learning language, MALL will let the
students learn from everywhere, anytime they want (Chen et al., 2019)

In some cases mobile technology are used at school to extend learning in the classroom,
especially in vocabulary learning, that play an important role in learning language. Since
vocabulary become the critical foundation in language learning specifically in speaking, reading
and writing ( Cameron, 2001) the amount of vocabulary will influence the ability in language
learning ( Meara & Jones, 1987) . Unfortunately most of EFL learners think that learning
vocabulary is too difficult for them especially in memorizing all words need to repeat them for a
long period of time (Namaziandost et al., 2021)

This becoming a challenge for EFL teachers how do they motivate their students to be
constantly learning language by using mobile technology even they do not in the same place with
them. English teacher should be creative here. What application their students must learn to
enhance their knowledge in English and how to make them interested learning English without
teacher beside them to control their learning process. In the era of technology almost everyone
has their own handheld mobile devices. By using mobile devices, it is easily for us to interact
with people from anywhere in the world with internet access. In a short time, people from
different places can easily get information and chat with others.
The term of “mobile” showing the “mobility” or the ability to move easily and freely
from one place to another. Mobile learning refers to the implementation of mobile devices in any
branch of study. That’s why many of English language practitioners try to use this in order to
make expansion in learning language. Mobile technology features such as the portability and
information accessibility plays a major role in the enhancement of English language teaching and
learning (Khalitova & Gimaletdinova, 2016)

Nowadays almost middle school students have their own mobile. Most of their time
spend with their own mobile. So many applications they have, game is becoming one of
entertainment application they like most (Di Paola et al., 2019). It can be a reason for language
teacher to make revolution in learning by using mobile game application. The utilization of
mobile game maybe can be a solution for EFL students in learning language. They can learn
language with different experiences trough gamification Learning language without tension and
enjoying all experience t in learning language with mobile game application even in the
classroom or outside classroom (Hao, Y, 2019)

Duolingo as an interactive mobile game- based learning (MGBL) can be a choice to the
teachers and learner, how in this situation the teaching learning process of EFL can be useful and
helpful even it is for teacher or students itself. Here the students are force to build their own
motivating in learning English vocabulary with astronomically. How they can enjoy learning
EFL with their mobile. How this mobile game application can give a good outcome for them in
learning English.

1.2 Research Novelty

Concerning many research related to gamification show many impact on EFL vocabulary
leaning and various research methods are used, and most of interest reported the advantages of
gamified vocabulary , that’s involved the performance of improvement in learning experience (
Xu et all., 2020 ; Wu& Huang, 2017; Wong et all., 2020) enhancement of motivation ( Chang et
all., 2016 ; Ciampa, 2014; Reynolds & Taylor , 2020) enhancing learner autonomy
(ebrahimzadeh & Alavi, 2016; Korlu& Mede 2018) efificacy and benefit ( Fithriani, 2020)
In contrast with positive impact some studies have found that gamification neither
enhance the students’ performance in learning language ( Calvo- Ferer, 2017 ) nor enhance
students’ motivation ( Tanaka, 2017). Moreover, the utilization of gamified through mobile
device was not effectively depend on the learners’ preference that use it just to get personal
enjoyment and social aim but it did not use as educational tools (Stockwell, 2010)

In consideration of the utilization of gamification in enhancing EFL learners’ vocabulary

and motivation, more studies are important to give the learners new insights in educational . How
they use gamification to get more knowledge especially in learning vocabulary in EFL
education. More studies that exploring gamification on EFL context not only focus on the design
of research itself but also how students get experience during the process of learning through
it. .Even many studies related with gamification but little study related to the utilization of
duolingo in middle school that focused on how to enhance students’ vocabulary and motivation
in EFL Learning.

1.3. Identification of the problem

Based on the explanation above the growing of technology influences the student’s style
in learning second language. By using mobile students’ are easily to access everything even it is
learning by using their mobile. Mobile learning in here is refers to how people use of mobile
devices in any branch of study such as learning language. Duolingo is an example of mobile-
ssisted language learning (MALL) which will make the students enjoy and feel that they never
forced in learning language. This study will focus how effective is Duolingo as tool of
education in enhancing Middle School Students’ Vocabulary and Motivation in EFL Learning

1.4. Formulation of the problem

Based on the scope and limitation of this research, the problems are formulated as the
1. To know the utilization of Duolingo as MALL application in to enhance middle school
students’ EFL Vocabulary?
2. How do EFL learners perceive the impact of mobile game-based apps on their motivation to
learn English?

1. Objective of the Study

The study is objected to find the following purposes :

1. To know the utilization of Duolingo as MALL application to enhance middle school

students’ EFL Vocabulary
2. To know EFL learners perceive the impact of mobile game-based apps on their motivation
to learn English


Calvo-Ferrer, J. R. (2017). Educational games as stand-alone learning tools and their motivational effect
on L2 vocabulary acquisition and perceived learning gains. Journal of Educational Technology,
48(2), 264-278. bjet.12387

Cameron, L. (2001). Teaching languages to young learners. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Chen, C. M., Liu, H., & Huang, H. Bin. (2019). Effects of a mobile game-based English vocabulary learning
app on learners’ perceptions and learning performance: A case study of Taiwanese EFL learners.
Di Paola, F., Inzerillo, L., & Alognaa, Y. (2019). A GAMING APPROACH for CULTURAL HERITAGE
KNOWLEDGE and DISSEMINATION. International Archives of the Photogrammetry, Remote Sensing
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Fithriani, R (2020) The Utilization of Mobile-assisted Gamification for Vocabulary Learning: Its Efficacy
and Perceived Benefits

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school students struggling with English vocabulary learning. Computers in Human Behavior.

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effective online instruction.
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on students’ vocabulary knowledge. Computer-Assisted Language Learning Electronic Journal,
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Tanaka, M. (2017). Examining EFL vocabulary learning motivation in a demotivating learning
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Wu, T.T., & Huang, Y.-M. (2017). A mobile game-based English vocabulary practice system based on
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