A Lessons Learned Tool For Organizational Learning - 2020 - Automation in Const

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Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

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Automation in Construction
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A lessons-learned tool for organizational learning in construction T

Gorkem Eken, Gozde Bilgin , Irem Dikmen, M. Talat Birgonul

Department of Civil Engineering, Middle East Technical University, Ankara 06800, Turkey


Keywords: Organizational learning has been identified as a core competency for project-based companies with industry
Lessons learned management specific challenges. In this study, it is hypothesized that a web-based lessons learned management system may
Organizational learning help construction companies to manage lessons learned effectively. A lessons learned management process
Process model model (LLMPM) was proposed for capturing and transferring knowledge across projects. Expert review meetings
Web-based tool
with participants from both academia and private sector were carried out to develop LLMPM. The identified
Construction management
requirements were actualized through generation of a web-based IT tool (LinCTool) with abilities of capturing,
storing and disseminating lessons learned. Black-box testing was used to verify LinCTool and interviews were
conducted with experts as final testing to evaluate its effectiveness and usability. Results show that LinCTool has
a potential to enhance organizational learning in companies by assigning multiple users having different re-
sponsibilities/roles in the learning process, categorizing lessons learned using a taxonomy and retrieving lessons
learned considering project similarities.

1. Introduction foster their performances and gain competitive advantage [16–18].

This study aims to introduce a process model for managing LL, as
Learning is defined as ‘knowledge acquisition’ and it involves the well as to demonstrate development of a web-based tool that can be
processes where members of an organization share, generate, evaluate, used to capture, disseminate and reuse LL. First, research background
and combine knowledge [1]. Kululanga et al. [2] define organizational and findings of an extensive literature review on OL and LL will be
learning (OL) as “the systematic promotion of a learning culture within given, research methodology will be explained and then, the generic
an organization such that employees at all levels, individually and process model for management of LL will be depicted. Secondly, a web-
collectively, continually increase their capacity to improve their level of based LL management tool which is entitled as LinCTool, using the
performance”. Although the importance of OL has been extensively proposed process model will be given. Finally, the results of testing and
discussed in the construction management literature [3–7]; it has also validation of LinCTool will be presented, followed by the conclusions.
been reported that required level of OL could not be achieved within
the construction industry yet due to the lack of learning culture and 2. Research background and motivation
tools to support OL [8–12]. Although a vast amount of knowledge is
gained during projects, companies can hardly manage and utilize ac- Argote [1] defines OL as “a change in the organization's knowledge
cumulated knowledge in forthcoming projects [13,14]. The knowledge that occurs as a function of experience”. OL principles need to be ef-
is generally lost by the end of the projects and companies cannot ef- fectively integrated into business processes or value chain of the or-
fectively learn from their experiences. Learning culture and supportive ganization to be successfully implemented. OL is facilitated when in-
solutions are required to reverse this trend and make construction dividual insights and skills are assimilated into organizational routines,
companies convey their experiences in projects to organizational level practices, and beliefs [19]. Knowledge of the individuals need to be
where the accumulated knowledge may stay alive to continuously serve embedded in a non-human repository such as routines, structures,
for the company. Learning from projects may be facilitated by using a culture, and strategy and made available for use (e.g., transactive
manageable format to capture lessons first and establishing a me- memory) to enable learning at higher levels [5,18,20,21]. Tools are
chanism to disseminate lessons learned (LL) successfully [15]. Com- required for easy acquisition, storage, and sharing of information
panies may establish their own knowledge assets that would best serve [1,22]. Individuals can share their narratives about their practices
for the specific needs of the company. Utilization of this asset may through a discussion forum or a lessons learned database; and so their

Corresponding author.
E-mail addresses: eken@metu.edu.tr (G. Eken), gbilgin@metu.edu.tr (G. Bilgin), idikmen@metu.edu.tr (I. Dikmen), birgonul@metu.edu.tr (M.T. Birgonul).

Received 25 April 2019; Received in revised form 17 September 2019; Accepted 4 October 2019
0926-5805/ © 2019 Published by Elsevier B.V.
G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

actions and views can be made explicit and therefore the spatial, tem- mechanism”, “lessons learned retrieval mechanism” and “user types
poral, functional boundaries of their organizations can be overcome and authorization system”. Fundamentals of the LLMPM were initially
[23]. Within this context, knowledge management practices enable the identified by the research team as a result of the literature review.
use of the past to structure the future [24]. By utilizing an organiza- Then, LLMPM was discussed with experts, who work in construction
tional memory, the scattered information from different sources can be companies and academia, in a combined meeting details of which will
unified and knowledge of the past, which can be expressed as the be given in the following sections. One of the goals of this research was
shared interpretation of the past, can be used to improve the current developing a computer program that can be accessed through web
organizational activities. This valuable past knowledge becomes a browsers to facilitate live capture of the lessons learned information
strategic advantage/asset for the organization and can be used by the and storing them in a centralized location. To achieve this objective, a
organization in making sense of the present [25]. web-based tool that works in Microsoft Web Server and uses MS SQL
According to Carrillo et al. [26], “lessons learned are the intellectual server as a database was developed according to requirements identi-
assets used to create value based on past experience”. According to fied in LLMPM. Tool integrity and verification of features were tested
Weber et al. [27], lessons learned have still been an evolving topic. by Black-Box testing methods before validating tool through expert
Arditi et al. [28] define LL as all experimental knowledge that can be review meetings about the outputs of the system.
used to avoid failures and improve efficiency by applying the previous
experience, which is called as ‘knowledge artefacts’, to a task, a decision 3.1. Need analysis
or a process. Technical and organizational know-how constitute the
knowledge assets of the organizations as the competencies that identify Critical features and tasks that were determined as a result of a
the competitive position of the organizations. This knowledge builds literature survey on LL in the construction industry are summarized as
intangible assets of the company that are difficult/impossible to imi- follows;
tate. Such competencies are generally created through repetitively 1. Identification of necessary project attributes in the context of
performed activities within organizational processes/routines; so they lessons learned.
cannot be bought, they have to be built [6,29]. Thus, LL constitutes a 2. Identification of requirements of a lesson learned card to effec-
crucial part of OL. tively capture tacit and explicit knowledge.
Project-based organizations learn from their “members/teams” 3. Identification of retrieval mechanisms that are most beneficial to
while they solve project-based problems and organizations can accu- facilitate knowledge sharing.
mulate the knowledge of projects in an organizational stock that would 4. Identification of logic for determining project similarity and de-
serve as common practices to be used in the future [18,30]. In the study veloping a calculation method for similarity-based search.
of Kululanga et al. [31] “review from failures/successes” is identified as 5. Development of a construction taxonomy that can be used to tag
one of the leading learning mechanisms by the construction con- lessons in order to facilitate lesson query.
tractors. Since projects are unique, there is no standard set of practices 6. Development of methods to query lessons according to projects
applicable to all projects. The unique solutions to problems within each attributes.
project constitute the tacit knowledge kept by individuals. Due to the 7. Identification of user roles with different authorizations to es-
nature of construction projects, namely considering the changes in tablish a well-organized system.
project locations and teams, this knowledge needs to be converted to 8. Identification of administrative functions to increase system in-
organizational knowledge [32]. tegrity and facilitate maintenance processes.
Strategies that are used to manage knowledge within a company can 9. Development of a web-based tool to foster knowledge capturing
be divided into two categories as “techniques” and “technologies”. and sharing without location and time restriction.
Techniques refer to non-IT tools that are more related to human re- 10. Development of user-friendly interfaces for entry and retrieval
source management. On the other hand, technologies refer to IT-tools of lessons learned as well as creation and display of projects.
that are based on developing a system to manage knowledge with the
help of information technologies [33]. These technologies emerged to 3.2. The lessons learned management process model
facilitate managing knowledge through articulation, storage, transfer,
creation, and retrieval [22,23,34]. In the construction management The initial process model was developed according to the pre-
literature, there are various technological solutions developed to facil- defined needs. Simple presentation of the proposed structure is pro-
itate OL. In this study, 13 tools developed for this purpose were re- vided in Fig. 2. LL management tool is located at the center of the
viewed and their application domain, knowledge acquisition, tool system and the tool provides an interface for accessing the database. A
platform, classification system, retrieval system and control system centralized system that can be accessed through web browsers has the
were compared. The tools depicted in Table 1 are all aimed at facil- potential to increase accessibility and widespread use of the system
itating OL and listed in ascending order of their publication years. since there is no need to set up any program to client devices. Cloud-
Within this context, the main objective of this research was to de- based document sharing system is integrated to the model for sharing
velop a lessons learned management process model (LLMPM) that additional documents as supportive information. In general, companies
provides a comprehensive walkthrough for managing lessons learned have document management systems, which have different access pri-
considering all of the above mentioned requirements and to create a vileges according to employees' status. Additional document links can
web-based tool to successfully implement this process model. be added to lessons learned forms in order to share supportive in-
formation regarding lessons in the proposed model. However, access
3. Research methodology control has to be arranged in the cloud server or document management
system of the companies according to privileges of users in these sys-
The steps of the research are needs analysis to identify system re- tems.
quirements, development of a lessons learned management process The process model of the developed system is presented in Fig. 3.
model (LLMPM), implementation of this model in the computer en- Lessons learned entries are grouped under the related projects in the
vironment, and verification and validation of the generated tool. As it is proposed model. Thus, in order to add a lesson, the project, which the
presented in Fig. 1, the first step involves an extensive literature review lesson is related to, must be identified in the system. After a lesson is
on organizational learning and lessons learned management. Previous entered to the system, it should be reviewed by the authorized person
efforts were analyzed by an in depth literature review, and three critical for its potential to be included in the organizational memory. When all
areas for this kind of tools were identified as “lessons learned capture these processes are completed, the lesson becomes ready to be retrieved

Table 1
Comparison of previous organizational learning tools.
Research 1. Application domain 3. Tool platform 5. Retrieval system
G. Eken, et al.

2. Knowledge acquisition 4. Classification system 6. Control system

Lessons-Learned Generator (LLG) [35] 1. Specific to the design review process 3. Standalone program 5. Abstracting according to comment usage
2. Design review comments 4. MasterFormat, predefined unstructured 6. No review and approval process
Interactive Knowledge-Intensive System for Constructability (IKIS- 1. Specific to constructability issues 3. Standalone program at head office 5. Direct search using keywords and master format
Constructability) [36] 2. Personal interviews with construction experts 4. MasterFormat, unstructured keywords 6. Monthly meetings with TQM committee
Constructability Lessons Learned Database (CLLD) [37] 1. Specific to constructability issues 3. Microsoft Lotus 5. Direct search using keywords
2. Personal interviews with construction experts 4. MasterFormat, unstructured keywords 6. No Information
Organizational Knowledge Bank (OKBank) [38] 1. All phases and all types of projects 3. Web-based 5. Direct search using classes
2. Entry by the “Knowledge Source” directly 4. Division, type of issue, phase of work 6. Review by a designated person
Project Navigator [39] 1. All phases and all types of projects 3. Standalone desktop tool with predefined LL 5. Direct search using project phase information
2. Investigation current problems, techniques by 4. Multimedia file formats and project phase 6. Release of a new version with an updated library
research team
KyTC Lessons Learned System [40] 1. Specific to all phases of transportation projects 3. Web-based 5. Search by keyword and project information
2. Entry by the “Knowledge source” directly 4. Keywords, type of work, and project 6. Review by a designated person
The design review checking system (DrChecks) & the corporate lessons 1. Specific to the design review process 3. Web-based 5. Direct search using keywords, location, client
learned (CLL) [41] 2. Entry by the “Knowledge source” directly 4. Keyword, location, client, disciplines 6. Review by experts through email
Capture and Reuse of Project Knowledge in Construction – CAPRIKON 1. All phases and all types of projects 3. Web-based 5. Search through free text and project information
[42] 2. Entry by the “Knowledge source” and regular 4. Knowledge category and type, project 6. Validation by meetings and online review by
meetings information experts
Knowledge Platform for Contractors (KPfC) [9] 1. All phases and all types of projects 3. Web-based 5. Search through knowledge type, project and

author info
2. Knowledge entry by the knowledge manager 4. Project name, knowledge type, LL author 6. Review by a designated person
CMAID- A lessons learned system in construction management practices 1. Specific to construction management domain 3. Microsoft Access 2003 5. Search with taxonomy and keyword
[28] 2. Entry by the “Knowledge source” directly 4. CM taxonomy, and unstructured keywords 6. No Information
Mobile Cloud Shared Workspace (MCSW) [43] 1. Specific to construction site processes 3. A mobile platform that provides workspace 5. Direct search using keywords
2. Entry by the “Knowledge source” directly 4. No Information 6. No Information
Work of Oti et al. [44] 1. Specific to the construction phase 3. Excel spreadsheet and Navisworks 5. Access to LL by selecting items in the
2. Knowledge acquisition is not a concern in the 4. Relating lessons learned with model items 6. No information
research in BIM
Work of Kim and Chi [45] 1. Specific to construction accidents 3. Online platform 5. Natural Language Processing
2. Automated analysis of accident reports with 4. Unstructured text data with machine 6. No review or approval processes for LL entries
machine learning learning

1. Application domain: A tool may cover the whole construction domain and be specific for a single type of project. Findings from literature review demonstrate that most of the available tools are developed for “specific
types of knowledge”, “specific types of projects” or “specific phases of construction projects” [28,42]. Tan et al. [42] argue that OL system should be able to capture all project knowledge “irrespective of the type of
project, the type of construction organization and project phases”.
2. Knowledge acquisition: The primary aim of a lessons learned system should be effective capturing of tacit knowledge [46] as well as explicit knowledge and its reliability/effectiveness should be checked/ensured.
Effective strategies for timely capture and successful representation of knowledge within the corporate memory are needed. Knowledge capture is proposed to be at the time that knowledge is created [6]. The time-lag
between occurrence of a lesson learned and its recording time may result in loss of some critical details and lead to a decrease in its reliability [47]. Real-time knowledge capture process and direct knowledge entry by the
source are considered to be important features that improve knowledge acquisition process.
3. Tool platform: The platform of the tool is related with its accessibility and integration with other tools. Most of the available tools are web-based.
4. Classification system: The captured knowledge should be organized, represented in an easily understandable format and indexed to make them fully accessible for other individuals in the organization [42,47]. A
classification system is needed for the users to easily review and extract relevant lessons for the intended use. A suitable taxonomy should be implemented together with complementary indexing options.
5. Retrieval system: Considerable importance should be given to the mechanisms for searching and retrieving the stored lessons [48]. It is argued that direct search has the potential to create problems in the process of
retrieving related lessons due to requirements of exact matching with previously entered data. Utilization of a taxonomy is preferred.
6. Control system: As mentioned by Caldas et al. [49], “the quality of lessons learned is more important than the quantity of lessons in the database”. Establishment of a control system can ensure validity and quality of
lessons learned [47,49].
Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977
G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Fig. 1. Research methodology.

through search mechanisms by authorized users. tree, deleting/modifying existing lessons cannot be granted to every
Detailed responsibilities of user types in the proposed model can be user in the system since changes done by irresponsible users may ruin
seen in the use case diagram given in Fig. 4. As it is stated, the lesson the system integrity. To overcome this problem, typical roles to manage
has to be reviewed and approved in order to be added to the organi- the system were created as the default list, and the required author-
zational memory. So, there is a need for different type of roles and ization for each role was identified. Four main user roles were proposed
responsibility definitions to implement the developed model properly. in the system as “project coordinator”, “knowledge manager”,
One of the objectives in the system is live capture of knowledge; “knowledge source”, and “knowledge seeker”.
however, the value of the entered lessons must also be controlled by “Project coordinator” role was created to limit the number of users
experts to eliminate useless data and maintain the quality of the system. who are authorized to define projects in the system. This role is privi-
Defining roles is important to preserve the structure of the proposed leged to create, modify, and delete the projects in the system. This role
system. Rights of operations such as creating a project, editing the tag- can be assigned to an employee, who works in the head office and is

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Pc Pc Pc ... Pc
Knowledge Seeker 1 Knowledge Seeker 2 Knowledge Seeker 3 Knowledge Seeker n

Cloud Server

Web Interface for Lesson Retrieval

Knowledge Source 1

Knowledge Source 2 Learned
Entry and

Web Interface for Lesson Entry Database
Knowledge Source 3

LinCTool Server

Knowledge Source n

Pc Edit/Delete Lessons
Knowledge Manager Maintain the
System Integritiy

Web Interface for Knowledge Manager

Fig. 2. Representation of proposed structure for lessons learned capture and sharing.

responsible for project contracts. “Knowledge manager” is responsible restraining unqualified personnel from doing aimless changes in the
for reviewing the entered lessons and maintaining the system quality by lessons. Employees, who are identified as qualified enough to convey
editing, deleting, and approving lessons according to values of the their experience to the knowledge management system, are authorized
lessons. It is expected that live capture of the lessons can be achieved with the privileges of “knowledge source”. Other employees, who are
through the web interface. This ability provides a chance to decrease eligible with accessing corporate memory, are privileged to access to
the loss of knowledge; however, it may also lead to an overload in the the lessons learned through the “knowledge seeker” role. Users, who
system with useless information. To overcome this problem, company are defined as “knowledge seeker”, are able to search and display les-
may need to hire a person to work as “knowledge manager” with the sons that have been entered already; however, they cannot make any
main duty of handling the overall system. Approving, editing, and de- change in the system or add anything to the system.
leting operations of the lessons are under the authority of the “knowl- There are two main workflows in the system. First one is “recording
edge manager”. When a lesson is entered into the system, it is auto- previous experiences” in a structured form and the second one is “re-
matically labeled as unapproved. If a lesson is considered as valuable, it using this information” in forthcoming projects. Fig. 5 represents the
is approved by the “knowledge manager”; otherwise, it is deleted from process details of adding a lesson learned to the lesson learned data-
the database. Expected benefits of these restrictions can be stated as base. When a lesson is to be added to the system, first of all, the ex-
increasing reliability of the knowledge stored in the system by istence of the related project has to be checked. If the project has not

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Lesson and
Project Project
Define Project Inputs Related
Inputs Actors

1 Actor
Add Actor Information

Coordinator 2

Project Knowledge Start
Coordinator Source

Event Occur Tag Tree Knowledge Value

Create Project Information Company Needs

Enter Lessons Lesson

Candidate Deleted Lesson Knowledge
Learned Approve/Edit/
Delete Lessons
Project 4 Approved
5 New Lesson
Knowledge Knowledge Retrieve Lesson
Source Manager Related
6 Lesson

Similarity Tag

Searh Knowledge

Fig. 3. Process model.

Define Contract Type

Calculate Similarity

Define Project Type <<extend>>

Define Search Objective and
Define Partnership Type <<extend>> Select Search Option

<<extend>> <<extend>>
Create List of Related Lessons
Add Project
<<include>> Knowledge Seeker

<<include>> Review Lesson Learned
Project Coordinator
Define Technologies <<extend>>

<<extend>> Create Lessons Learned Database

Add Actor <<include>>

Approve Lessons Learned

Add Lessons Learned
Edit Lessons Learned
<<include>> <<extend>>
Knowledge Source
Knowledge Manager
Specify Related Tags
Delete Lessons Learned


Edit Tag Tree

Fig. 4. Use case diagram of LLMPM.

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Enter Lesson Learned

Does related project is available in the system ?


Create Project

No Are necessary project inputs available ? No


Define Project Inputs in the

Is project creation completed ?


Are necessary lesson inputs available ? No


Define Lesson Related Inputs

No Are necessary tags available ?
in the System


Modify Tag Tree Is lesson learned creation completed


Review Lesson Learned

Edit Lesson Learned No Is lesson satisfy requirements ? No Delete Lesson Learned


Approve Lesson Learned

Approved Lessons Lessons Learned

Learned Database

Fig. 5. Flowchart of the lesson entry.

been entered into the system earlier, it has to be created with necessary Flowchart presented in Fig. 6 summarizes the lesson retrieval system
project inputs by the “project coordinator” before adding any lesson. developed under this research. Search can be done according to the
Lesson entry is in the responsibility of the “knowledge source” role; project attributes through “filtering” and “similarity” search while it
however, quality checking of the entered lesson is done by “knowledge can also be based on lesson content through “tag based” search. In the
manager”. Once a lesson is created, it is stored in the database, but it is proposed model, related lessons are listed following the search, and
not presented to the user until it is approved. “Knowledge manager” can user can use “secondary search” option to narrow down the results
edit lesson before approving or can delete it without approving. After a according to the specific lesson attributes. After that, the listed lessons
lesson is approved, it can be reused by other employees in order to are reviewed by the user and knowledge transfer is completed.
fulfill company objectives easily. The main structure of the developed database, which is necessary to
Creating a structure that would be capable of facilitating retrieval of store and retrieve the lessons learned, is depicted through entity re-
the right lesson when it is required is an important and challenging lationship diagram provided in Fig. 7. The diagram includes all tables
process in developing a knowledge management system. The model that are related to projects and lessons in order to present the relations
presents three search options as the retrieval mechanism for lessons. between the inputs that would be entered by the system users.

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Fig. 6. Flowchart for the lesson retrieval.

Details of the project entry form, lesson entry form, and search where “1” means the least important and “5” means the most im-
mechanisms will be further explained within the section on details of portant. Survey results show that “country”, “project type”, “client”,
LinCTool. Building blocks of LinCTool that are found as a result of a “technology” and “contract type” are the most important attributes to
survey conducted are project attributes to be utilized in the system, define similarities between projects. Responses are summarized in
project similarity calculation method for lesson retrieval, and con- Fig. 9 and weights utilized during similarity assessment based on these
struction taxonomy as the reference structure for lesson categorization responses are depicted in Table 2.
(i.e., tagging system) in the developed model. The major idea in the paper is that people can still learn from pre-
vious projects even if they are not the same in terms of all project at-
tributes. The tool retrieves information about previous projects even if
3.3. Project similarity survey
they do not match with the current project 100% but share some in-
formation that may be relevant/useful. For example, even if the two
A survey was conducted among construction professionals to iden-
projects are not the same (such as a highway project and a HEPP) but
tify project attributes that can be used for defining similarities between
carried out in the same country, some lessons learned about country
projects. The survey was designed as an online questionnaire and 280
conditions such as bureaucracy and working culture can be shared. If
construction professionals were invited to participate. 108 professionals
decision-makers aim to utilize only the projects that match 100% for
participated and completed the survey successfully. All participants
learning, some valuable lessons learned could be wasted.
were working in the construction sector and were experienced with
different project types. 66% of respondents had at least M.Sc. degree.
Education level, experience, and their current positions are given in 3.4. Similarity calculation method
Fig. 8 in addition to age and turnover range of the companies that the
participants were working. Similarity calculation is based on “overlap” similarity measure
The survey was designed to identify the significant project attributes where the categorical data similarities in terms of the number of
and their weights for similarity calculations. In the survey, importance matching attributes between two projects add up to overall similarity
of each attribute was asked to the participants in 1 to 5 Likert scale, between two projects [50]. With this regard, attributes of the selected

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Fig. 7. Entity relationship diagram of the database.

project are compared with the attributes of other projects in the data- 100% if Ak = Bk
sk (Ak , Bk ) = k = 1, …, nk
base and “similarity rates” are calculated between the project in ques- 0 otherwise (2)
tion and the others. In this model, each attribute has a weight, which
was obtained from survey results, and when the project attributes are where; A and B implies projects and S(A, B) stands for total similarity
matched, the project similarity rate is increased by the amount of the rate for those projects. wk is the weight of attribute k, sk(Ak, Yk) is the
attribute weight. For example, when all the attributes are matching for per-attribute similarity, and nk is the maximum number of attributes,
two projects, the similarity rate is calculated as 100%, similarly, if only which is used to define total similarity.
the “country” and “client” attributes are matching, similarity rate is
calculated as 40.44%. The procedure of the similarity value calculation 3.5. Construction taxonomy
is presented in Fig. 10.
Calculation method can be formulated as given below; Construction taxonomy was generated based on literature review
findings. Developed taxonomy covers 2043 items in a tree structure that
has eight levels. It was structured upon four main categories as “pro-
S (A, B ) = wk sk (Ak , Bk )
k=1 (1) ject”, “process”, “actor”, and “resource”.
“Project” category is composed of “125” items that can be used to
label lessons according to project types. Within this context, three

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977


PhD. M.Sc. B.Sc. 0-5 6-10 11-15 16-20 21 and more

7% 0-100 Million TL
28% 24%
34% 100-500 Million TL

58% 500 Million TL and

59% More
22% 23%


Head Office Manager

3% Technical Office Engineer / Expert
4% 24% 18% 0-10 years
5% Planning Department Engineer
11-20 years
9% General Manager / Assistant General Manager / Shareholder 41%
14% 21-30 years
Project Manager
31-40 years
14% Bid Prepareation Engineer
17% 41 years and
16% Conctract Management Engineer 10% more
Cost Control Engineer

Fig. 8. Information about survey participants.

Fig. 9. Responses to the survey.

different sources, which are published by EuroStat [51], International were merged in a single body to develop a project taxonomy that would
Organization for Standardization [52], and Construction Project In- be comprehensive enough to label lessons. The main objective of
formation Committee [53] were used for developing the “project” ca- creating the “actor” taxonomy was labeling the lessons with the related
tegory. These documents were analyzed and the extracted concepts information of the parties. “Actor” taxonomy was designed not for

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Table 2 equipment” are mostly taken from ISO/TR 12603: 2010 [70], in addi-
Survey results and attribute weights. tion to the work of Peurifoy et al. [71]. Other four sub-categories were
Attribute Standard Average Ratio Weight in compiled by using resources provided by El-Diraby et al. [56], Hughes
deviation terms of % and Murdoch [54] and International Organization for Standardization
Country 0.78 4.17 4.17/19.98 = 0.2087 20.87
The overall construction taxonomy is provided in a tree format to
Project type 0.73 4.41 4.41/19.98 = 0.2207 22.07
Client 0.88 3.91 3.91/19.98 = 0.1957 19.57
facilitate the process of finding necessary tags by providing main ca-
Technology 0.93 3.89 3.89/19.98 = 0.1947 19.47 tegories at first. In the proposed system, when a sub-item is assigned to
Contract type 1.05 3.60 3.60/19.98 = 0.1802 18.02 a lesson as label, the ancestor categories are automatically assigned to
Total 19.98 100 the lesson. With this feature, lessons can be retrieved in case of a
general search with an upper-level category rather than only providing
a specific search with the exactly assigned tag. First three levels of the
capturing the actors in person (i.e., names of the actors), it was de-
developed taxonomy are given in Appendix A.
signed to present information about related parties in terms of titles.
This means that lessons can be labeled with information such as de-
partments, sub-contractors, employees using this category of the tax- 3.6. Validation of the lessons learned management process model
onomy. The “actor” taxonomy contains “71” items and these items were
collected from two different main sources, which are Construction Validation of the LLMPM was done by an expert review meeting,
Project: Analysis and Terminology [54] and ISO Standard No: 6707- which was held with four different experts having different capabilities.
2:2014 [55]. “Process” category was divided into five sub-categories as Two of them were from the academia and other two participants were
“feasibility”, “design”, “contract formation”, “construction”, and construction professionals. One of the experts was working in a soft-
“management” all of which contain “1588” items in total. “Feasibility”, ware company that is specialized in software development for con-
“design”, and “contract formation” categories were mainly developed struction companies. The other construction professional was working
according to Roles in Construction Projects: Analysis and Terminology as a knowledge manager in a construction company that is listed among
[54]. Also, works of El-Diraby et al. [56] and Dykstra [57] are the other the top construction companies in the Engineering News-Record 250
two resources, which were used to develop these sub-categories. (ENR-250) list. A prototype was prepared, and access link to the pro-
“Construction” sub-category was structured with the help of four dif- totype were sent to experts 10 days before the meeting date.
ferent sources but it mainly depends on the classification of Construc- Participants found a chance to analyze the system within these 10 days.
tion Specifications Institute (CSI) [58]. Other three resources, which After the pre-evaluation period, all participants were invited to a
were used to develop the taxonomy for this sub-category, can be listed meeting where research team made a presentation about the developed
as works of El-Diraby et al. [56], Hughes and Murdoch [54], and system before the question and answer session. Then, an evaluation
Chudley and Greeno [59]. Arditi et al. [28], Bilgin [60], Dykstra [57], form was distributed to the participants to get their feedback on the
Fewings [61], Hinze [62], Kerzner [63], Nicholas [64], Peterson [65], proposed system. 17 questions under six categories were asked and
PMI [66], Schaufelberger and Holm [67], Sears et al. [68], Yıldız [69] obtained average scores (1–7 Likert Scale) are given in Table 3. Results
are referenced to define “management” taxonomy. “Resource” tax- show that the proposed model generally meets the expectations of the
onomy contains “258” items, which are divided into six categories as experts.
“sub-contractor”, “construction machinery and equipment”, “software”, Expert recommendations to further revise the model mainly in-
“manpower”, “personnel”, and “material”. “Sub-contractor” category cluded two critical issues. One of them was the necessity of a search
was developed using [54]. Items in the “construction machinery and mechanism in the tagging structure, which may decrease the necessary
time to find intended tags. Finally, improving the lesson approval

Fig. 10. Project similarity calculation procedure.

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Table 3
Expert meeting evaluation form results.
Expert Completeness/coverage Suitability/accuracy Usefulness Usability Receptiveness Overall Average

1 5.5 5.5 7 5.6 6 6.14 5.77

2 6.25 6.5 7 6.4 5.67 6.14 5.97
3 6.25 6 7 6.6 6.67 6.14 6.50
4 6 6 5 6 5 5.43 5.75
Average 6 6 6.5 6.15 5.5 5.83 6

mechanism in order to ensure the quality of stored lesson learned and

decreasing knowledge overload was proposed. All these suggestions Lesson Entry
were taken into consideration in the development of LinCTool.

Knowledge Source
4. Learning in construction tool - LinCTool

Learning in Construction Tool (LinCTool) is a web application, Lesson View

which is hosted in Microsoft Web Server and was developed on top of
ASP.NET MVC framework. The tool is compatible with the most used Knowledge Seeker
web browsers as well as mobile devices. Users do not have to install any
extra program in the client device to access the tool. All calculations are
Lesson Approval
done at the server side that was programmed with C# and an SQL
server is used as a database to store all information. Users can access to Knowledge
the current version of the tool through “https://www.linctool.com” Manager
web address. The tool contains “25” screens, which were developed to
respond all functions defined in the process model. The tool functions Lesson Editing
can be divided into four main categories, which are “administrative
settings”, “lesson categorization information”, “entry of lessons Project
learned” and “retrieval of lessons learned”. Coordinator

4.1. Administrative settings Project Creation

The tool was designed with the functionality of providing flexibility

Descriptive Roles of User Types
for improving lesson tagging system, modifying user roles, and chan-
ging attribute weights in similarity calculation according to company Supplementary Roles of User Types
needs and preferences. The developed construction taxonomy is in-
tegrated to the tool as a tagging system. Taxonomy is provided to be Fig. 11. Relation between user types and roles.
modified to meet company specific requirements by adding new tags
into the hierarchy through the editing area. In addition to that, simi-
larity survey results were used as default values, but the weights of the 4.2. Lesson categorization information
attributes can also be modified according to company preferences from
the project similarity coefficient screen. Captured information in this system can be divided into two cate-
Access to the system is enabled through identified usernames and gories as “general attributes” and “lesson specific information”. General
passwords for the users. A user management system can be established attributes are composed of data related to actors and project informa-
through addition of new users by the system administrator through tion that is only used to categorize and retrieve lessons, while lesson
entering contact information and assigning roles from the designated specific information is directly and only related to identification of
area. Roles are used for defining the privileges of users in terms of al- unique lessons. A database was developed in order to capture “actor”
lowed actions and accessibility to screens. Proposed LLMPM defines data in a structured form and simplify the actor-adding process for the
user types such as “knowledge manager”, “knowledge seeker”, etc., and projects and the lessons. This database contains “name” and “contact
LinCTool is capable of realizing this function through created roles. information” of people, companies, and institutions. This method pro-
Tool functions are divided into seven categories as “lesson approval”, vides a solid structure for recording actors related to lessons and pro-
“lesson editing”, “lesson entry”, “lesson view”, “project creation”, “user jects. Similarity calculation is based on client information, so use of
management”, and “system administration”. “System administration” actor database for adding clients to projects prevents possibility of
role is the main role that is privileged to execute all actions required for miscalculation of similarities due to the misspelling of client informa-
fully utilization of LinCTool. “Lesson approval” and “lesson editing” tion. Actor database is also used in lessons learned capture procedure to
roles were designed to access areas related to approval and editing add related individuals. Storing actors in a structured form together
respectively where the same logic also applies “lesson entry” and with contact information improves accessibility of the actors when they
“lesson view” roles. “Project creation” role was designed to give the are needed for further information.
ability to selected users for creating projects and editing necessary Recorded project attributes such as the “project types”, “contract
project inputs. “User management” role is provided for the authorized types”, “partnership types”, and “technologies”, are used in “similarity”
user for creating new users in the system and assigning roles to them. and “filter” searches during the lesson retrieval processes. These four
Relations between LinCTool roles and user types that are defined in the attributes can be predefined in the database so that user can directly
LLMPM section are presented in Fig. 11. Additionally, new user roles select them from inputs in creation of a new project. This ability was
can be defined, user roles and their privileges can be modified ac- found necessary to eliminate possible mismatch due to expressing the
cording to company needs through the related screen located in the same thing with different wordings or miswriting of the same attribute.
tool. Two of the developed lesson retrieval systems are based on linking

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

lessons with projects, as a result, projects need to be created before it hard to search all the items manually. Search function among con-
entering related lessons to the system. Projects are recorded with pre- cepts on the tag tree was developed to ease finding the intended tags.
defined attributes and managed by “project coordinator” with the Results are displayed simultaneously with their position in the hier-
purpose of facilitating lessons retrieval process and providing extra archy. This search option dramatically decreases the necessary effort
information about lessons. Projects are created by entering “14” data needed to assign tags. Conservation of the tree structure is important in
that is specific to a project. Seven of them, which can be listed as the labeling process as well, since the upper-level (parent) tags are
“project type”, “client”, “country”, “partnership type”, “partner com- added to the lesson together with the selected (child) tag. The search
pany”, “contract type”, and “technologies”, are stored in the project function in the tag tree was created with the ability that provides in-
inputs database and the actor database. Other recorded project attri- formation about the location of the results. So that, hierarchical loca-
butes are “project name”, “project scope”, “start” and “end dates”, tions of the tags are preserved in the results to exhibit which upper-level
“planned project duration”, “contract price” and “expected cost”, which tags will be assigned together with the selected tag. Upper-level tags are
are entered through different entry options specific to type of data. added automatically for preserving connection between main headings
and the lesson and this provides a chance to retrieve lessons when a
4.3. Entry of lessons learned user initiates a wider scope search by preferring upper-level tags.
Additionally, lesson creation “date” and the “user” who creates lessons
A pre-defined structure as the lesson entry form is provided for are saved automatically to link the lessons with timeline and in-
systematic categorization of lessons where flexibility is to be provided dividuals.
through free-text areas and customizable tag tree. In this system, les-
sons learned are mainly captured through free text areas that provide a 4.4. Retrieval of lessons learned
chance to enter freely every detail of an event without limitations. Two
free text areas that are named as “event description” and “re- The search functions were developed in three modes, which are
commendation” are used to share knowledge among the company for “filter search”, “similarity search”, and “tag-based search” to provide
future projects. The system does not contain a “document upload and flexibility to the user for finding related lessons in different situations.
share system” since the probability of causing problems in terms of “Filter search” and “similarity search” use project attributes to list re-
confidentiality of documents. However, it is known that contracts, lated lessons based on benchmarking similar projects, on the other
images, and other documents may be needed to fully describe the si- hand, “tag-based search” uses the tag tree to find lessons, which may be
tuation as the explicit data. These types of documents can be attached useful for in depth investigation of content specific lessons.
to the lesson by adding access links to provide extra information in “Filter search” is based on finding related projects according to five
addition to narratives. Sharing materials through a cloud system pro- project attributes that are defined in the project creation phase. Project
vides a chance to restrict access to documents even though users are attributes, that are used in filtering, are “country”, “project type”,
authorized to access lessons. The “project title”, in which the event had “contract type”, “client”, and “partner company”. Search inputs are
occurred, is entered from the project database to the lesson learned in automatically filled from the database through dropdown menus and
order to use it in the retrieval process and not to lose the context of the keyword search areas, which are directly connected to the database.
project. “Project title” creates a relationship between lesson and the This prevents empty search results, which may be faced when the
project. search is done according to text entered freely by users. The user is
LL form has a “title” section, which is used as brief introductory allowed to make multiple selection on fields to narrow down the scope
information about a lesson. This title is used in quick representation of of the search. For example, a search can be done according to “office
the case to the users as the summary listing of lessons in the retrieval building” projects, which were constructed in “country a” and executed
mechanisms of lessons learned. “Best practice” checkbox is used to label under conditions of “contract type b”. Search results are provided as a
and categorize lessons to distinguish them as best practices or failures. joint list of the three attributes, which includes list of related projects
Ultimately, lesson learned can be related to a best practice or a failure; and the lessons that were entered to the projects previously.
however, users may not be willing to select the failure option while Developed project similarity calculation method is used to find si-
entering information. To decrease this effect, the tool is developed in a milar projects to the project in question. The project should be defined
way that lessons, which were not labeled as a best practice, are im- in the system through the project creation system to use the similarity
plying that they are associated with a failure/problem. search. As mentioned before, the similarity calculation depends on
“Effect” of an event on “project duration” and “cost” is recorded matching of five project attributes that can be listed as “country”,
separately in order to help to categorize lessons and improve the search “project type”, “contract type”, “technology”, and “client”. Each attri-
capability. The “degree of the effect” can be entered in the system bute has different weight, and similar projects list is presented with
through a 5-point scale in addition to its entry in “actual” units in order similarity ratios, which are calculated according to predefined weights.
to simplify required data. Each effect can be labeled with one of the Result screen of “similarity search” is similar to the “filter search”.
provided scale as “very low”, “low”, “medium”, “high”, and “very Projects in the order of similarity and their lessons are presented to the
high”. “Actual amounts” may also be recorded through designated user for review.
areas; however, capturing actual amounts may not be possible when Last lesson retrieval option is the “tag-based search”. Construction
amounts are not exactly known or difficult to calculate distinctly due to taxonomy, which was used as a tagging structure, is used to search
concurrent factors, this is why they are left as optional entry areas. among previous lessons by matching the selected tags and the assigned
“Actor” information, which is necessary for improving search cap- tags. The “tag-based search” screen was developed to provide the
ability and providing contact information of the involved actors, can be ability to the user to select intended tags from the tag tree that is lo-
added from the actor database. However, this is not compulsory for cated in the search screen. Similar to tag assignment in the lesson entry
creating a lesson. This system does not provide any information about process, the tree structure is presented up to two levels in its default;
the role of an actor in a lesson; rather it provides contact information however, the user can manually expand it to see all the levels according
about the actors, which are mentioned in the event description part of a to depth of investigation or can use the keyword search mechanism,
lesson. which is also used in the tag assignment screen. When a keyword is
The complete list of “construction taxonomy” is provided in the entered by the user, the corresponding results are displayed simulta-
lesson entry screen as an extendable tag tree, and related tags can be neously even if the tag is not open/visible in the current outline level.
added from this tree structure to the lesson. As mentioned before, Lessons are listed for the review if selected search tags are matching
construction taxonomy contains “2043” concepts in total, which makes with the tags, which were assigned to the lessons learned entries in the

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Fig. 12. Similarity search result screen.

Fig. 13. Lessons learned card.

database. As an example, the similarity search result screen is provided review process can be done by opening the lesson cards from search
in Fig. 12. results. An example of a lessons learned card is given in Fig. 13.
In addition to the three main search mechanisms, a “secondary
search” area was developed to help users to narrow down search re-
sults. The secondary search area can be used in combination with all 5. Testing and validation of the tool
search mechanisms. All “tags” that were assigned to the lessons listed in
the results become selectable through a dropdown menu in the sec- As initial effort on testing, validation study of the LLMPM was
ondary search area for selection for further filtering. This helps users to mainly carried out by the “expert review meeting” as it is presented in
focus on specific lesson topics in filtering and similarity-based searches. the previous section with the participation of four professionals
The secondary search area also provides the ability to filter main search working in the private sector and academia. For the verification of
results through the attributes of “effect on project duration”, “effect on LinCTool, researchers conducted an initial evaluation of tool functions
project cost”, and “best practice/failure”; moreover, it eases to find by black-box testing methods. Within this context, a sample case, which
lessons that are related to the specific “actors”. The user can retrieve was aimed to be representative for typical processes in utilization of
lessons that specific actors are involved or focus only lessons that have LinCTool, was developed by researchers by defining “11 hypothetical
high effects on duration and cost. Additionally, filtering the results projects” and “39 LL”. Researchers tested the tool operations such as
according to “date” of lesson capture is another function of secondary search mechanisms and similarity calculations. In addition to that, user
search option. Filtering option according to “approval status” of a type privileges were controlled to be sure that the tool is working as
lesson is integrated to facilitate finding and viewing newly created or expected and capable of establishing a user management system.
unapproved lessons by the authorized users, which are namely the Generation and analysis of the sample case mainly served for verifica-
“knowledge managers”, and this option can be used only by authorized tion of LinCTool. “Validation” testing of LinCTool was carried out with
users. Secondary search is optional and it can be used to decrease the the contribution of different company professionals using the same
volume of lessons listed if the scope of the search is clear. The lesson hypothetical cases utilized during verification.

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Table 4
Participant responses to predefined interview questions.
Expression Participant Avg.

1 2 3 4

1. Lesson learned entry form is suitable to capture an event without losing information. 5 6 5 6 5.50
2. Project information, actor information, effect levels, and tags provide necessary information for categorizing lessons in the purpose of retrieving 5 5 5 5 5.00
3. Developed construction taxonomy to label lessons according to their context is very functional. 5 6 5 6 5.50
4. Event Description and Recommendation sections as a free text are suitable for capturing details of the lessons. 6 6 5 6 5.75
5. The filtering method according to project attributes is very useful to retrieve lessons. 5 6 5 5 5.25
6. Retrieving lessons by calculating project similarities is very logical and useful. 6 6 5 3 5.00
7. Using the tag tree to label lessons according to context and retrieve them is very useful. 5 5 5 6 5.33
8. LinCTool provides the ability to find related lessons easily with the help of three search mechanisms. 5 5 5 6 5.25
9. My general opinion about the proposed system is positive. 5 6 5 6 5.50
Overall 5.2 5.6 5.0 5.4 5.34

5.1. Interviews with company professionals started a reward mechanism within the company; however, they
complained that they could not obtain a standard in the quality of
Four company professionals from three different companies, who the lessons learned. It was concluded that assigning a person as the
are different from the participants in the initial workshop about the “knowledge manager”, who collects necessary information from the
process model, attended to the workshop held for the validation process related managers to approve or reject lessons, might be a solution
of LinCTool. All participants had more than 10 years of experience in for the identified quality problem as it is proposed in this research.
the construction industry and been working in construction companies, • “LL capture system” of LinCTool was found usable by all of the
which were listed in the ENR top 250 construction companies list. All of participants. Free text areas were considered sufficient to capture
the participants were familiar with the concept of organizational and disseminate event details and personal evaluations. Also, au-
learning and LL systems. “Participant 1” previously started an initiative tomatic addition of upper-level tags was seen as a useful feature in
to develop a lesson learned management system in his company but this terms of providing the necessary flexibility to users in the retrieval
initiative could not have been concluded. The company, which steps. Interview results showed that capturing the “effect on dura-
“Participant 2” and “Participant 3” were working, has been already tion” and “cost” in the “1–5 scale” could provide enough detail for
utilizing a lesson learned management system. “Participant 3” was re- evaluating the severity of an event. “Participant 2” proposed to
sponsible for developing and managing the LL system in this company. capture also the “effect on quality”.
The company of “Participant 4” has been also trying to develop a lesson • Proposed “user types” and “roles” were found satisfactory by all of
learned management system but the efforts have been very limited in the participants; however, a common comment was implementing
the period that the interview was made. this structure in a real company to measure its efficiency.
At the beginning of the workshop, the proposed system as the basis “Participant 1” raised some doubts related to the company organi-
of model, especially capture and search mechanisms of LinCTool, were zational structure that limits information flow inside the company.
explained to participants. After the informative introduction, specific On the other hand, “Participant 2” and “Participant 3” focused on
functions of LinCTool were demonstrated using hypothetical cases. “knowledge manager” role to see whether it would be capable of
After the discussions, a set of questions that was prepared to test solving the quality problem, which they were faced with in their
LinCTool's functionality was administered to the participants. Some previous initiatives, or not. The “online structure” of the tool was
findings about the strengths and weaknesses of LinCTool from the appreciated and found essential for this type of systems.
workshop are listed as follows:
Following the discussions, the participants were asked to grade the
• The “similarity search” option was appreciated by “Participant 1”, expressions given in Table 4, on a “1–6 scale” As a result, the overall
“Participant 2” and “Participant 3”. It was stated that using project impression of the participants about LinCTool can be stated to be
similarities to determine possible problems and improvements in the “positive”.
previous work processes could be very useful and this might help to Results of the interviews show that LinCTool has the potential to
get an overall idea about the new project. However, they also un- solve some of the problems that have been faced by the participants in
derlined that “reporting” options should be included to get full their companies. According to participants, LinCTool with its “online
benefits of similarity search. Lack of saving and reporting mechan- structure” and “retrieval options” has the potential to disseminate
isms was seen as a drawback of the system. On the other hand, knowledge within the company if company culture allows employees to
“Participant 4” argued that “project similarity calculation” could not enter their experiences to the system without any barrier. Company's
be generalized for all project types, weights might be customized for enthusiasm about establishing LL management system together with a
different types of projects. well-designed IT solution in order to create a company memory plays
• All participants appreciated the content of “construction taxonomy”, an important role in overcoming most of the problems. Some barriers
its representation and editing option of the tag tree to modify it that originated from employee attitude might be solved with in-house
according to company specific needs. According to “Participant 2” training, encouragement and well-defined responsibilities.
and “Participant 3”, new tags might be needed such as materials
used, etc.
• “Participant 2”, “Participant 3”, and “Participant 4” mentioned that
6. Conclusions
they faced some problems in practice, which were mostly related to
This study aims to propose a process model for management of
the “lesson retrieval process” and the “quality of lessons”. They
lessons learned in construction companies at the organizational level
confirmed that “search options” provided in LinCTool might solve
and demonstrate development of a tool, namely LinCTool, using the
lesson retrieval problems. “Participant 2” and “Participant 3” con-
proposed process model. Research findings demonstrated that mapping
veyed that they achieved to collect too many lessons when they
the lessons learned through a taxonomy can facilitate categorization of

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

lessons and their retrieval when needed. The centralized system and questions. For example, “Did any fatal accident occur or not?” question
user management capability result in an approval mechanism under the might be needed for health and safety related lessons, on the other
control of authorized users ensuring quality of the lessons learned. The hand, “What was the weather temperature?” would be an important
process model, namely LLMPM, similarity assessment method and question for cast in place concrete lessons. In this research, it is assumed
construction taxonomy within LinCTool can be listed among contribu- that knowledge sources are qualified to enter all the necessary in-
tions of LinCTool to organizational learning literature. formation related to an event to the provided free text areas. Therefore,
LinCTool can be easily integrated into companies' information performance of LinCTool can be improved by incorporating necessary
technology infrastructure with minimal modifications. Defined user explanations and guiding questions for lessons learned entry.
types require a minimum effort to manage and maintain a company Although the benefits of utilizing LinCTool in companies are high-
specific LL management system. LinCTool facilitates management of all lighted by the company professionals involved in this study, the time
types of LL that may be encountered in all project types at a single and effort spent on developing this system, should also be considered to
platform, which is not covered in previous works. Capturing all LL in- understand its feasibility. Further studies should be conducted to reveal
formation in a single system may help the user to oversee/consider all whether the return on investment justifies deploying such a system.
possible problems and most critical stages of the project in question at a Another limitation of this study is the interoperability capability of
single search. LinCTool. LinCTool is designed to work as an online tool; however, data
However, as highlighted by various researchers, there are various import and export capability limits its usability. This was also specified
limitations/barriers in the implementation of LL systems in practice due by the participants at the validation interviews. All of the participants
to human and cultural issues such as hindering the actual causes of mentioned that creating reports and exporting to Excel sheet options
problems/failures due to possible negative consequences of acts, re- would be very important to enhance usability of such a system. Thus,
luctance to obtain external advice and internal competition. Companies the function of exporting data to a commonly used software platform
aiming to utilize LL systems are advised to formulate necessary strate- such as Microsoft Excel may be considered in the future.
gies to minimize these limitations before implementing the relevant LL
tools. Moreover, data confidentiality and security can be barriers for Declaration of competing interest
implementation of LL systems. LinCTool works in Windows server with
minimal firewall protection because it is used as a prototype. Further The authors declare that they have no known competing financial
improvements shall be made to ensure data security before it can be interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to influ-
implemented in companies. ence the work reported in this paper.
There are some limitations and/or assumptions in this study.
Developed lessons learned entry form can successfully capture the in- Acknowledgements
formation related to an event and categorize them; however, quality of
the lessons highly depends on user inputs/behavior. It is believed that This work was supported by a grant from The Scientific and
users can be guided in the LL entry process by addressing predefined Technological Research Council of Turkey (TUBITAK) [grant number
questions; however, each topic may necessitate framing different 213M493]. TUBITAK's support is gratefully acknowledged.

Appendix A

Table A.1
First 3 levels of the construction taxonomy.

Number Items

1 Project
1.1 Buildings
1.1.1 Permanent buildings
1.1.2 Mobile and temporary buildings
1.1.3 Underground buildings
1.2 Civil engineering works
1.2.1 Ground contouring
1.2.2 Transport infrastructures
1.2.3 Harbors, waterways, dams and other waterworks
1.2.4 Pipelines, communication and electricity lines
1.2.5 Complex constructions on industrial sites
1.2.6 Other civil engineering works
2 Actor
2.1 Client
2.1.1 Project sponsor, funder
2.1.2 Client's representative
2.1.3 Client liaison officer
2.2 Constructors
2.2.1 Main contractor
2.2.2 Design contractor
2.2.3 Management contractor
2.2.4 Principal contractor
2.2.5 Partial responsibility
2.2.6 Direct contractor
2.3 Dispute resolvers
2.3.1 Adjudicator
2.3.2 Arbitrator
2.3.3 Mediator
2.4 Regulators
2.4.1 Statuary authorities
(continued on next page)

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

Table A.1 (continued)

Number Items

2.4.2 Local authority

2.5 Staff
2.5.1 Feasibility consultant
2.5.2 Construction manager
2.5.3 Design
2.5.4 Financial
2.5.5 Administration
2.5.6 Site inspector
2.5.7 Worker
3 Process
3.1 Feasibility
3.2 Design
3.2.1 Stage
3.2.2 Design branch
3.3 Contract formation
3.3.1 Define the work to be done
3.3.2 Agree on contractual terms
3.3.3 Identify the builder
3.3.4 Identify the price
3.4 Construction
3.4.1 Site works
3.4.2 Construction works
3.4.3 Conveying equipment
3.4.4 Mechanical systems
3.4.5 Electrical, communication and automation systems
3.4.6 Utilities
3.4.7 Transportation
3.4.8 Waterway and marine construction
3.4.9 Plant equipment
3.5 Management
3.5.1 Time management
3.5.2 Financial management
3.5.3 Quality management
3.5.4 Human resource management
3.5.5 Risk management
3.5.6 Claim management
3.5.7 Safety and environmental management
3.5.8 Procurement management
3.5.9 Communications management
3.5.10 Contract management
4 Resource
4.1 Sub-contractor
4.1.1 Domestic sub-contractor
4.1.2 Nominated sub-contractor
4.1.3 Labor-only sub-contractor
4.1.4 Specialist sub-contractor
4.2 Construction machinery and equipment
4.2.1 Earth-moving machinery and equipment
4.2.2 Foundation and drilling equipment
4.2.3 Equipment for preparing, conveying and compaction of concrete, mortar and processing reinforcement
4.2.4 Lifting machinery and equipment
4.2.5 Access machinery and equipment
4.2.6 Equipment for installation, finishing work and maintenance
4.2.7 Road construction and maintenance machinery and equipment
4.2.8 Machines and equipment for specialized works and processes in construction
4.2.9 General-use machinery and equipment used in construction
4.3 Software
4.4 Manpower
4.4.1 Foreman
4.4.2 Labor
4.5 Personnel
4.5.1 Feasibility consultant
4.5.2 Construction manager
4.5.3 Design
4.5.4 Financial
4.5.5 Administration
4.6 Material

G. Eken, et al. Automation in Construction 110 (2020) 102977

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