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Week 1 Vocabulary List Week 2 Vocabulary Lis

Medical Career Paths - Unit 1 Departments pp.4-5

1 department (n)
2 Emergency (n) 1
3 Radiology (n) 2
4 appointment (n) 3
5 Pediatrics (n) 4
6 Orthopedics (n) 5
7 Cardiology (n) 6
8 Dermatology (n) 7
9 Pathology (n) 8
10 Pharmacy (n) 9
11 test (v) 10
12 medicine (n) 11
13 patient (n)
14 prescription (n)
University College London Hospital video + worksheet 14
15 locate/located (v) 15
16 sick (adj) 16
17 surgery (n) 17
18 dedicated (adj) 18
19 values (n) 19
G4GW Academic Vocabulary p. 11 21
20 available (adj) 22
21 consistent (adj) 23
22 essential (adj) 24
23 likely (adj) 25
24 necessary (adj) 26
25 similar (adj) 27
26 different (adj) 28
27 useful (adj)
28 willing (adj)
29 important (adj) 29
Nursing Career Paths – Unit 2 Departments p. 6 31
30 deal with (v phr) 32
31 diagnose (v) 33
32 operate on (phrasal v) 34
33 instrument (n) 35
34 facility (n) 36
Hospital Departments (speaking class) 38
35 Geriatrics (n)
36 Oncology (n)
37 Nephrology (n) 39
38 Ophthalmology (n) 40
39 Urology (n) 41
40 Obstetrics (n) 42
41 ENT (Ear, Nose and Throat) (n) 43
42 Neurology (n) 44
43 Physiotherapy (n) 45
NHS Reading and worksheet 47
44 health check (n) 48
45 pre-existing condition (n) 49
46 symptom (n) 50
47 prevention (n)
48 damage (n)
50 treatment (n)
51 research (n)
Week 2 Vocabulary List Week 3 Vocabulary List

Medical Career Paths - Unit 2 Hospital Staff pp.6-7 Career paths- hospital equipment p8-9

cardiologist (n) 1 wheelchair

surgeon (n) 2 bedpans
anesthesiologist (n) 3 gowns
pediatrician (n) 4 syringes
obstetrician (n) 5 biohazard
radiologist (n) 6 waste
lab technician (n) 7 oxygen tanks
general practitioner (G (n) 8 pressure mattress
head nurse (n) 9 gauze
pharmacist (n) 10 incision(s)
chief (adj)
Medical Description equipment (s) Worksheet
Medical staff onboard a cruise ship
staffed (v) 11 autopsy table
on call (adj phr) 12 hot water bottle
experience (n) 13 kidney dish
require (v) 14 scalpel
a minimum of (n phr) 15 Internal camera
employ (v) 16 specimen dish
at least (adj phr) 17 walking stick
basic (adj) 18 ointment
advanced (adj) 19 saline bag
training (n) 20 scrubs
procedure (n)
treat (v) Diagnostic Equipment p 26
respond (v)
assist (v) 21 medical imaging
evaluate (v) 22 ultrasound
stabilize (v) 23 CT Scan
24 endoscopes
National Geographic - Grammar for Great Writing p.23 25 technique
access (n) 26 two dimensional
benefits (n) 27 radiography
consequences (n)
control (n)
difficulty (n) Health Tablet pp 60-61 video worksheet (speaki
effect (n) 28 Diagnostic tests
meaning (n) 29 pre-natal screening
opportunity (n) 30 underprivileged
right (n) 31 brainchild
time (n) 32 the masses
33 trickle down
Dream Jobs: Doctor and researcher 34 healthcare innovations
researcher (n) 35 affordable
adolescent (n) 36 benefit
mental (adj) 37 device (s)
emotional (adj) 38 poverty
behavioural (adj) 39 environment
disorder (n) 40 clinic
science (n) 41 health tablet
grow up (v)
raise (v) Medical Deliveries by Drone
struggle (v) 42 drones
option (n) 43 container
affect (v) 44 vehicle(s)
45 excited

Acedemic Vocab p.36

46 health
47 economic
48 participate
bulary List Week 4 Vocabulary List

spital equipment p8-9 Medical Career Paths – Book 3 Unit 2 Communicating with Staff
1 status (n)
(n) 2 concise (adj)
(n) 3 near miss (n phr)
(n) 4 document (v)
(n) 5 assessment (n)
(n) 6 plan of care (n phr)
(n) 7 medical record (n)
(n) 8 comprehensive (adj)
(n) 9 include (v)
(n) 10 judgment (n)
(n) 11 thorough (adj)

tion equipment (s) Worksheet Linguahouse - Writing Emails worksheet

12 attachment (n)
(n phr) 13 disclaimer (n)
(n phr) 14 concise (adj)
(n phr) 15 reply (v)
(n) 16 proof-read (v)
(n) 17 formal (adj)
(n) 18 informal (adj)
(n) Tips for Good Email Writing
(n) 19 friendly (adj)
(n) 20 polite (adj)
21 blank (adj)
22 summarize (v)
23 pleasant (adj)
(n phr) 24 content (n)
(n) G4GW p. 45 - Stative Verbs
(n) 25 own (v)
(n) 26 belong (v)
(adj) 27 hate (v)
(n) 28 seem (v)
29 agree (v)
30 disagree (v)
60-61 video worksheet (speaking class)
(adj phrase) G4GW p. 42 - Academic Vocabulary
(n phr) 31 become (v)
(n) Dangers of Poor Communication in Healthcare
(n) 32 barrier (n)
(phr verb) 33 communicate (v)
(adj phr) 34 communication (n)
(adj) 35 provider (n)
(n) 36 properly (adv)
(n) 37 emphasize (v)
(n) 38 satisfaction (n)
(n) 39 lead to (phrasal v)
(n) 40 standard (adj)
(n) 41 insurance (n)

es by Drone LinguaHouse - Problems & Suggestions worksheet

(n) 42 suggest (v)
(n) 43 suggestion (n)
(n) 44 suppose (v)
(adj) 45 worth (adj)
46 reject (v)
47 afraid (adj)
48 regular (adj)
(n) 49 spare (adj)
(adj) 50 submit (v)
(v) 51 efficient (adj)
52 additional (adj)
53 responsibility (n)
Week 5 Vocabulary List

mmunicating with Staff Career Paths -Physical Examinations

1 body language (n phr) 1

2 vital signs (n phr) 2
3 pulse (n) 3
4 ausculation (n) 4
5 percussion (n) 5
6 palpation (n) 6
8 diagnosis (n) 7
10 temperature (n) 8
11 posture (n) 9
Linguahouse- Visiting the Doctor-worksheet 11
12 headache (n) 13
13 sore throat (n phr) 14
14 sneeze (v) 15
15 earache (n) 16
16 backache (n)
17 toothache (n)
18 allergy (n) 17
19 indigestion tablets (n phr) 18
20 stomachache (n) 19
21 aspirin (n) 20
Grammar for Great Writing p55-60 22
22 introduce (v) 24
23 identify (v) 25
24 disappear (v) 26
25 represent (v) 27
26 immigrate (v) 28

opposites 2-worksheet
27 deteriorate (v) 30
28 malignant (adj) 31
29 chronic (adj) 32
30 shingles (n)
31 tumor (n)
32 reappear (v) 33
33 undergo surgury (n phr) 34
Telemedicine worksheet 36
34 music festival (n phr) 38
35 asthma (n) 39
36 inhaler (n) 40
37 drugstore (n) 41
38 specialists (n) 42
39 telemedicine (n) 43
40 government (n) 44
Communicating with an angry patient- Worksheet 46
41 receptionist (n) 48
42 refilled (v) 49
43 explained (v) 50
44 efficiently (adv) 51
45 immediate attention (n phr) 52
46 predictability (adv)
47 flexibility (adv)
48 explanation (n)
49 information (n)
50 basketball (n)
Week 6 Vocabulary List

The Black Death, 1348

plague (n)
spread (v)
cargo ship (n phr)
fleas (n)
germ (n)
attack (v)
sore (n)
alive (adj)
sickness (n)
fear (v)
punish (v)
through (prep)
dying (n)
funeral (n)
rot (v)
boil (n)

Early face masks during the pandemic of the 1900s

protective (adj)
divide (v)
grip (v)
deadly (adj)
originate (v)
recommendation (n)
curb (v)
ordinance (n)
refuse (v)
manufacture (v)
ineffective (adj)
issue (n)

Academic Vocabulary p.75 G4GW

attend (v)
teach (v)
try (v)
use (v)

Pandemic Millionaires Reading & Questionnaire

tough (adj)
twist (n)
report (n)
rose (v)
gain (v)
sector (n)
lockdown (n)
boost (v)
speed up (v)
advancement (n)
to take years (v phr)
to amass (v)
donate (v)
lag behind (v phr)
disastrous (adj)
impact (n)
extreme (adj)
concern (n)
population (n)
society (n)
Week 1 Vocabulary List

Medical Career Paths - Unit 1 Departments pp.4-5 (n)

1 department (n) (v)
2 Emergency (n) (adj)
3 Radiology (n) (adv)
4 appointment (n) (prep)
5 Pediatrics (n) (adj phr)
6 Orthopedics (n) (n phr)
7 Cardiology (n) (v phr)
8 Dermatology (n) (phrasal v)
9 Pathology (n)
10 Pharmacy (n)
11 test (v)
12 medicine (n)
13 patient (n)
14 prescription (n)

University College London Hospital video + worksheet

15 locate/located (v)
16 sick (adj)
17 surgery (n)
18 dedicated (adj)
19 values (n)

G4GW Academic Vocabulary p. 11

20 available (adj)
21 consistent (adj)
22 essential (adj)
23 likely (adj)
24 necessary (adj)
25 similar (adj)
26 different (adj)
27 useful (adj)
28 willing (adj)
29 important (adj)

Nursing Career Paths – Unit 2 Departments p. 6

30 deal with (v phr)
31 diagnose (v)
32 operate on (phrasal v)
33 instrument (n)
34 facility (n)

Hospital Departments (speaking class)

35 Geriatrics (n)
36 Oncology (n)
37 Nephrology (n)
38 Ophthalmology (n)
39 Urology (n)
40 Obstetrics (n)
41 ENT (Ear, Nose and Th (n)
42 Neurology (n)
43 Physiotherapy (n)

NHS Reading and worksheet

44 health check (n)
45 pre-existing condition (n)
46 symptom (n)
47 prevention (n)
48 damage (n)
49 treatment (n)
50 research (n)
noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
preposition ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of the sentence
adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
noun phrase group of words that are a noun
verb phrase group of words that are a verb
phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
ther part of the sentence
Week 2 Vocabulary List

Medical Career Paths - Unit 2 Hospital Staff pp.6-7 (n)

1 cardiologist (n) (adj)
2 surgeon (n) (adv)
3 anesthesiologist (n) (prep)
4 pediatrician (n) (adj phr)
5 obstetrician (n) (n phr)
6 radiologist (n) (v phr)
7 lab technician (n) (phrasal v)
8 general practitioner (GP) (n)
9 head nurse (n)
10 pharmacist (n)
11 chief (adj)

Medical staff onboard a cruise ship

12 staffed (v)
13 on call (adj phr)
14 experience (n)
15 require (v)
16 a minimum of (n phr)
17 employ (v)
18 at least (adj phr)
19 basic (adj)
20 advanced (adj)
21 training (n)
22 procedure (n)
23 treat (v)
24 respond (v)
25 assist (v)
26 evaluate (v)
27 stabilize (v)

National Geographic - Grammar for Great Writing p.23

28 access (n)
29 benefits (n)
30 consequences (n)
31 control (n)
32 difficulty (n)
33 effect (n)
34 meaning (n)
35 opportunity (n)
36 right (n)
37 time (n)

Dream Jobs: Doctor and researcher

38 researcher (n)
39 adolescent (n)
40 mental (adj)
41 emotional (adj)
42 behavioural (adj)
43 disorder (n)
44 science (n)
45 grow up (v)
46 raise (v)
47 struggle (v)
48 option (n)
49 affect (v)
noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
prepositio ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of the sentence
adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
noun phrase group of words that are a noun
verb phrase group of words that are a verb
phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
the sentence
Week 3 Vocabulary List

Career paths- hospital equipment p8-9 (n)

1 1 wheelchair (n) (adj)
2 2 bedpans (n) (adv)
3 3 gowns (n) (prep)
4 4 syringes (n) (adj phr)
5 5 biohazard (n) (n phr)
6 6 waste (n) (v phr)
7 7 oxygen tanks (n) (phrasal v)
8 8 pressure mattress (n)
9 9 gauze (n)
10 10 incision(s) (n)

Medical Description equipment (s) Worksheet

11 11 autopsy table (n phr)

12 12 hot water bottle (n phr)
13 13 kidney dish (n phr)
14 14 scalpel (n)
15 15 Internal camera (n)
16 16 specimen dish (n)
17 17 walking stick (n)
18 18 ointment (n)
19 19 saline bag (n)
20 20 scrubs (n)

Diagnostic Equipment p 26

21 21 medical imaging (n phr)

22 22 ultrasound (n)
23 23 CT Scan (n)
24 24 endoscopes (n)
25 25 technique (n)
26 26 two dimensional (adj)
27 27 radiography (n)

Health Tablet pp 60-61 video worksheet (speaking class)

28 28 Diagnostic tests (adj phrase)
29 29 pre-natal screening (n phr)
30 30 underprivileged (adj)
31 31 brainchild (n)
32 32 the masses (n)
33 33 trickle down (phr verb)
34 34 healthcare innovations (adj phr)
35 35 affordable (adj)
36 36 benefit (n)
37 37 device (s) (n)
38 38 poverty (n)
39 39 environment (n)
40 40 clinic (n)
41 41 health tablet (n)

Medical Deliveries by Drone

42 42 drones (n)
43 43 container (n)
44 44 vehicle(s) (n)
45 45 excited (adj)

Acedemic Vocab p.36

46 46 health (n)
47 47 economic (adj)
48 48 participate (v)
noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
prepositio ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of the sentence
adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
noun phrase group of words that are a noun
verb phrase group of words that are a verb
phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
the sentence
Week 4 Vocabulary List

Medical Career Paths – Book 3 Unit 2 Communicating with Staff

1 status (n)
2 concise (adj)
3 near miss (n phr)
4 document (v)
5 assessment (n)
6 plan of care (n phr)
7 medical record (n)
8 comprehensive (adj)
9 include (v)
10 judgment (n)
11 thorough (adj)

Linguahouse - Writing Emails worksheet

12 attachment (n)
13 disclaimer (n)
14 concise (adj)
15 reply (v)
16 proof-read (v)
17 formal (adj)
18 informal (adj)

Tips for Good Email Writing

19 friendly (adj)
20 polite (adj)
21 blank (adj)
22 summarize (v)
23 pleasant (adj)
24 content (n)

G4GW p. 45 - Stative Verbs

25 own (v)
26 belong (v)
27 hate (v)
28 seem (v)
29 agree (v)
30 disagree (v)

G4GW p. 42 - Academic Vocabulary

31 become (v)

Dangers of Poor Communication in Healthcare

32 barrier (n)
33 communicate (v)
34 communication (n)
35 provider (n)
36 properly (adv)
37 emphasize (v)
38 satisfaction (n)
39 lead to (phrasal v)
40 standard (adj)
41 insurance (n)

LinguaHouse - Problems & Suggestions worksheet

42 suggest (v)
43 suggestion (n)
44 suppose (v)
45 worth (adj)
46 reject (v)
47 afraid (adj)
48 regular (adj)
49 spare (adj)
50 submit (v)
51 efficient (adj)
52 additional (adj)
53 responsibility (n)
(n) noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
(v) verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
(adj) adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
(adv) adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
(prep) prepositio ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of the sentence
(adj phr) adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
(n phr) noun phrase group of words that are a noun
(v phr) verb phrase group of words that are a verb
(phrasal v) phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
ther part of the sentence
Week 5 Vocabulary List

Career Paths -Physical Examinations

1 body language (n phr)

2 vital signs (n phr)
3 pulse (n)
4 ausculation (n)
5 percussion (n)
6 palpation (n)
7 diagnosis (n)
8 temperature (n)
9 posture (n)

Linguahouse- Visiting the Doctor-worksheet

10 headache (n)
11 sore throat (n phr)
12 sneeze (v)
13 earache (n)
14 backache (n)
15 toothache (n)
16 allergy (n)
17 indigestion tablets (n phr)
18 stomachache (n)
19 aspirin (n)

Grammar for Great Writing p55-60

20 introduce (v)
21 identify (v)
22 disappear (v)
23 represent (v)
24 immigrate (v)

opposites 2-worksheet

25 deteriorate (v)
26 malignant (adj)
27 chronic (adj)
28 shingles (n)
29 tumor (n)
30 reappear (v)
31 undergo surgury (n phr)
Telemedicine worksheet

32 music festival (n phr)

33 asthma (n)
34 inhaler (n)
35 drugstore (n)
36 specialists (n)
37 telemedicine (n)
38 government (n)

Communicating with an angry patient- Worksheet

39 receptionist (n)
40 refilled (v)
41 explained (v)
42 efficiently (adv)
43 immediate attention (n phr)
44 predictability (adv)
45 flexibility (adv)
46 explanation (n)
47 information (n)
48 basketball (n)
(n) noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
(v) verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
(adj) adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
(adv) adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
(prep) prepositio ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of
(adj phr) adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
(n phr) noun phrase group of words that are a noun
(v phr) verb phrase group of words that are a verb
(phrasal v) phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
nt or a relation to another part of the sentence
Week 6 Vocabulary List
The Black Death, 1348 (v)
1 plague (n) (adv)
2 spread (v) (prep)
3 cargo ship (n phr) (adj phr)
4 fleas (n) (n phr)
5 germ (n) (v phr)
6 attack (v) (phrasal v)
7 sore (n)
8 alive (adj)
9 sickness (n)
10 fear (v)
11 punish (v)
12 through (prep)
13 dying (n)
14 funeral (n)
15 rot (v)
16 boil (n)

Early face masks during the pandemic of the 1900s

17 protective (adj)
18 divide (v)
19 grip (v)
20 deadly (adj)
21 originate (v)
22 recommendation (n)
23 curb (v)
24 ordinance (n)
25 refuse (v)
26 manufacture (v)
27 ineffective (adj)
28 issue (n)

Academic Vocabulary p.75 G4GW

29 attend (v)
30 teach (v)
31 try (v)
32 use (v)

Pandemic Millionaires Reading & Questionnaire

33 tough (adj)
34 twist (n)
35 report (n)
36 rose (v)
37 gain (v)
38 sector (n)
39 lockdown (n)
40 boost (v)
41 speed up (v)
42 advancement (n)
43 to take years (v phr)
44 to amass (v)
45 donate (v)
46 lag behind (v phr)
47 disastrous (adj)
48 impact (n)
49 extreme (adj)
50 concern (n)
51 population (n)
52 society (n)
noun ‫أسم‬ a name, an object
verb ‫فعل‬ a doing word, an action
adjective ‫صفة لألسم‬ describes a noun
adverb ‫صفة للفعل‬ describes a verb
prepositio ‫حروف الجر‬ a word that indicates movement or a relation to another part of the sentence
adjective phrase group of words to describe a noun
noun phrase group of words that are a noun
verb phrase group of words that are a verb
phrasal verb a verb with preposition(s)
the sentence

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