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Task in Ethics

Naungayan, Charlene Maye V.

Nedruda, Lovina Rica
Java, Gaile
Torres, Jannah

How does the culture affects the behavior of the people?

1. Socialization: Culture teaches individuals how to behave in their society. From a young age, people
learn the customs, traditions, and norms of their culture, which become the foundation for their

2. Values and Beliefs: Culture shapes the values and beliefs of individuals. These values guide their
actions and decisions. For example, a culture that values respect may encourage individuals to treat
others with kindness and consideration.

3. Norms and Expectations: Each culture has norms, which are unwritten rules for behavior. These
norms define what is considered acceptable or unacceptable. People conform to these norms to fit in
and gain social approval.

4. Communication Styles: Culture influences how people communicate. It determines the language,
gestures, and non-verbal cues used for communication. Different cultures may have different levels of
directness or formality.

What are your suggestions to improve and maintain it?

To improve and maintain a Positive Culture we must:

1. Promote Cultural Awareness - by encouraging individuals to appreciate and learn different cultures.

2. Diversity and Inclusion - embracing diversity and promoting inclusivity within organization or

3. Leadership or Role Models - They set an example by respecting and promoting the community's
cultural value and norms.

4. Celebrating Cultural Events - Events that celebrates different culture's tradition, holidays, and
cuisines to promote cultural appreciation.

5. Communication - is the key in promoting cultural values and beliefs, with a proper communication
with the community you can establish a good relationship with the society and will encourage them to
appreciate our own culture.

6. Appreciation- respecting it by enjoying each other’s culture. We must learn to try new things to know
the back story of it which will help us realize how amazing their lives can be with that culture.
Maintaining a positive culture is a integration wherein we create spaces to people from various
backgrounds can come together to learn, collaborate, and share experiences. Actively promoting a
cultural understanding, respect, and inclusivity, it can help improve and maintain a positive cultural
environment that fosters unity and mutual respect while appreciating the diversity of a human behavior
and experience.

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