Social Media Security

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Arwa AL Shuaili 141s2254
Amal AL Balushi 131s22137

Reem AL Raqadi 14j2211

Maathir AL Aamiri 16j22240

social media security

What is security on social media?

Social media security is the protection of personal information, accounts, and privacy on social media
platforms. It includes using strong passwords, enabling two-factor authentication, and being careful
about information shared online.
Social media security refers to the techniques that people and organizations can employ to
safeguard their social media accounts against dangers including malware, phishing, and hacking.
Security comes at a cost. Less people will be able to find you in searches the more tightly you lock
down a social network account, control what can display on your profile page, and restrict who can
access images and other content. This includes both persons you'd prefer to avoid and any former
friends and relatives you'd like to reconnect with. Making a choice can increase the security of how
you use social media, but it can also reduce functionality and/or user friendliness.
Security trade-offs apply to nearly every aspect of technology, including accounts, network access,
hardware, and content. There are various threats on the Internet, as we've seen throughout this
book, and there are many techniques, settings, and tools to defend you and your systems, as we'll
cover further in this chapter. Your choice of security level is subjective; how much and how little you
use is up to you. In the end, you must determine how much danger you are willing to take on and how
much vulnerability you can tolerate.
The most common social media security risks:
In this section we will cover

Phishing attacks and scams Fake accounts Malware attacks and hacking Vulnerable third-party apps
Password theft

Privacy settings and data security Insecure mobile devices

Phishing Attacks and Scams

Phishing scams are one of the most common social media cybersecurity risks. The goal of phishing
scams is to get you or your employees to hand over passwords, bank details, or other sensitive

Common phishing scams include fake coupons for well-known brands such as Costco, Starbucks, and
Bath & Body Works. This is especially popular on Facebook. In order to claim the coupons, you must
give personal information such as your address and date of birth.


Social networking sites have become an integral part of our daily lives. However, using these sites also poses some risks
to our privacy and security. Here are some tips to protect your privacy and to protect yourself from hacking on social
networking sites: 1. Use a strong and unique password: Always use a strong and unique password for your social
networking accounts. Avoid using the same password for multiple accounts. A strong password should be at least eight
characters long and include a mix of upper and lowercase letters, numbers, and special characters. 2. Enable two-factor
authentication: Two-factor authentication adds an e

layer of security to your social networking account by requiring a code in addition to your password to log in. This code
can be sent to your phone via text message or generated by an app on your phone. 3. Be cautious of public Wi-Fi: Public
Wi-Fi networks can be easily hacked, allowing hackers to intercept your data and steal your login credentials. Avoid
logging into your social networking accounts on public Wi-Fi networks, or use a virtual private network (VPN) to encrypt
your data. 4. Limit the amount of personal information you share: Be careful about the amount of personal information
you share on social networking sites. Avoid sharing sensitive information such as your home address, phone number, or
financial information.5. Be wary of suspicious links: Hackers often use phishing links to trick users into giving up their
login credentials. If you receive a suspicious link or message, do not click on it. Instead, report it to the social networking
site and delete it. 6. Keep your software up to date: Make sure your computer, phone, and other devices are always up
to date with the latest software updates. These updates often include security patches that can help protect your
devices from hacking. By following these tips, you can help protect your privacy and keep your social networking
accounts secure.


Social media security refers to techniques that both individuals and companies can employ to safeguard their
social media accounts against dangers including malware, phishing, and hacking.

Social media security is the practice of examining live social media data to protect against threats and
security breaches.

Every industry has its own particular hazards, and social media is no exception. Examples include thwarting
targeted phishing attempts, safeguarding corporate accounts from hacking, battling fraud, or fending against
social engineering swindles like mimicking accounts. Security on social media is essential for modern business
or personal success.

Social might be a form of data communication that is open to abuse. the advantage of creating fake social
media accounts puts the platform in peril.

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