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❖ First Aid
➢ The first thing that we give to the patient before the professionals arrived
➢ Within 15 minutes, you should give the needs of the patient
❖ Basic Life Support(BLS)
➢ Respiratory Arrest
■ With pulse but not breathing
➢ Cardiac Arrest
■ No pulse and not breathing
❖ Trauma Patient
➢ Having a strong impact to his/her body
➢ Don’t let the patient sit down and stand because we are protecting the spinal cord of the patient.
❖ Emergency Action Principles (EAP)
➢ Safety first
■ “Golden rule”
■ You first before the patient
➢ Scene size-up
■ Scene Safety
● Check the scene/place before you will go the the incident
■ Knowing what happened
● Cause of Injury
● Nature of Illness
■ Role of Bystander
● Bystander - the people around the scene
● You need to keep people away from the patient
◆ So that the belongings of the patient will not be missing
◆ So that there will be a CROWD CONTROL
■ Number of Casualties
● Know the exact number of the patient in the accident
◆ To know how many ambulances are needed in the accident.
■ Asking permission or consent
● Ask consent first before touching the patient
◆ You can ask the relatives of the patient or the patient directly.
❖ Activate Medical Help
➢ Ask someone to call for local emergency number
➢ Get an Automated External Defibrillator(AED)
■ For cardiac arrest patient only
● No pulse; No breathing
❖ Primary Assessment
➢ Infant: 0 - 11 months
➢ Child: 1 - 12 years old
➢ Adult: 13 years old above
➢ Airway
■ Open airway
● Allows air to enter the lungs for the person to breath
● If the airway is blocked then the person cannot breath
➢ Breathing
■ While maintaining the open airway, quickly check an unconscious person for breathing
■ Check for 10 seconds
● Countings should be 1001, 1002, 1003…
■ LLF technique
● Look, Listen, Feel technique
➢ Circulation
■ Pulse
● Adult and Child check the carotid area (in the neck area)
● Infant check the brachial area (in the elbow part)
■ Bleeding
● Quickly look for severe bleeding over the person’s body from head-to-toe for
signals such as blood-soaked clothing or blood spurting out of the wound
● You need to control the bleeding so that the patient won’t lose a lot of blood.
■ Skin color, temperature, and moisture
● If the skin of the patient is pale it means that he/she don’t have much blood
● If the patient chills, it also means that the patient loses a lot of blood.
● The skin color, temperature, and moisture can tell the condition of the circulatory
system of the patient.
❖ Secondary Assessment
➢ This is done after you revive the patient or perform the first aid
➢ Pertinent data
■ Personal data of the patient
● Age
● Name
● Contact number
● Name of the person you can contact
● What is the problem of the patient
➢ SAMPLE assessment
■ Signs of symptoms
■ Allergies
■ Medicine
■ Past medical history
■ Last oral intake and output
■ Events leading to the situation
❖ Common Emergencies
➢ Heart Attack
■ Coronary Heart Disease - the cause
■ Myocardial Infarction
■ Having a blockage in the passage of the blood and oxygen
➢ Cardiac Arrest
■ 50% chance of living and 50% chance of dying
● If the patient is not immediately get to the nearest hospital
❖ Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)
➢ First aid management to the patient that is experiencing heart attack
➢ Is a combination of chest compression and rescue breathing
➢ 30 compression
■ Ventilation - mouth to mouth (2x)
■ 5x cycle
■ This should be done within 2 minutes
■ Countings
● 1-20 1-9 1
➢ When to stop the CPR
■ When the patient is already alive
■ When the ambulance already arrive
■ When the operator is tired (if too much)
■ When a doctor declare that the patient is dead already
■ Safe become unsafe. When the place is not safe you need to transfer to make the patient
➢ Qualities of a High-Quality CPR
■ 100 - 120 compressions per minute
■ 2 - 2.4 inches (5 - 6 centimeters)
■ Allow full chest recoil
■ Avoid interruption
■ Avoid over ventilation
➢ 3 C's of hands-only CPR
■ This is done before pandemic
■ Check
● Survey the call
● Check Responsiveness of the patient
● “Hey! Hey! Are you okay?”
■ Call
● Call For help
● Activate EMS
■ Compress
● Chest Compressions
◆ 100 - 120/min
◆ 2 - 2.4 inches deep
◆ 4 cycle
➢ 5C’s of hands-only CPR
■ During pandemic
■ Check
● Check the patient
■ Call
● Call someone for help
■ Cover
● Cover the mouth and nose with cloth only if he/she is not wearing mask
■ Compress
■ Connect
❖ Airway and breathing emergencies
➢ When the patient is choking
■ Abdominal or Chest Thrust and Back Slaps
● First aid that is need to be perform
● Back Slaps
◆ 5 times
◆ First thing to do
◆ This is for the stuck food or thing to move
● Abdominal Thrust
◆ 5 times
◆ Like J
● Chest thrust
◆ Mostly for girls (teenager)
◆ Also there are cases that the girl is pregnant so this is the safe way to
❖ Bleeding
➢ When the patient is bleeding you need to control it
➢ Direct pressure
■ This is done when someone is wounded
■ You put a clean cloth to the wound and apply a pressure to it
➢ Pressure Bandage
■ You are using a pressure bandage to apply pressure to the wound
➢ Close wound
■ When the wound is under the skin
■ Inside the skin
■ Examples : bruises and lump
➢ Open wound
■ The skin surface is broken
■ In the skin

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