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ROLL NO : CE531621
REG NO : 21nbm00096

Course: Geography of Pakistan, Part-I (4655) Semester: Spring, 2023

Level: MSc

Q.1 Agriculture constitutes the largest sector of our economy. Discuss. (20)
Agriculture is arguably the most important sector of the economy that is highly
dependent on climate. A large body of scientific data and models have been
developed to predict the impacts of the contemporary and future climate.
Since the first IPCC Assessment Report was published in 1990, substantial
efforts have been directed toward understanding climate change impacts on
agricultural systems. The resulting advances in our understanding of climate
impacts have come from the collection of better data, the development of
new methods and models, and the observation of actual changes in climate
and its impacts. Such knowledge is critical as we contemplate the design of
technologies and policies to mitigate climate change and facilitate adaptation
to the changes that now appear inevitable in the next several decades and
This article briefly summarizes some of the key findings from the research on
agricultural impacts of climate change, based on the recent IPCC Assessment
Reports published in 2001 and 2007, and other recent work such as the
recent U.S. assessment published in 2002 and the Council for Science and
Technology report in 2004. In the remainder of this article, I discuss the
substantial uncertainties that remain about actual and potential impacts of
climate change on agriculture and its economic consequences. The paper
concludes with some observations about linkages from impacts to policy.
The Current State of Knowledge
Early research on agricultural impacts led to some rather dire predictions of
adverse impacts of climate change on food production, and the public
perception that climate change may lead to global food shortages continues
today. Although state-of-the-art at the time, the early predictions involved
relatively simple data and methods, typically estimating the effects of
increases in average annual temperature on yields of a limited number of
crops at a limited number of locations, and extrapolating the typically
negative effects to large regions.
With advances in data and models, most assessments of the impacts of climate
change on agriculture predict that the world’s ability to feed itself is not
threatened by climate change. The most recent IPCC report on Impacts and
Adaptation finds that climate change is likely to have both positive and
negative impacts on agriculture, depending on the region and the type of
agriculture. Overall, the report predicts that during the present century there
will be a “marginal increase in the number of people at risk of hunger due to
climate change.” (Easterling et al. 2007, p. 275). However, research also
shows that this finding should not lead to complacency, as analysis also
suggests that some of the poorest and most vulnerable regions of the world
are likely to be impacted negatively, and in some cases, severely.
One of the most important advances made in response to these early studies was
to recognize that economic agents – in this case, farmers and the various
private and public institutions that support agriculture – would adapt to
climate changes in ways that would tend to mitigate negative impacts and
take advantage of positive impacts. Another important advance in research
was to recognize that there would be substantially different local, regional
and global impacts. As data and modeling capability has improved, it has
become increasingly clear that there are likely to be substantial adverse
changes in some particularly vulnerable regions, such as in the semi-arid
tropics, but there is also likely to be positive changes in the highland tropics
and in temperate regions (Parry et al 2004). As a result, the adverse effects in
some regions are likely to be reduced through international trade with other
regions that have been positively impacted. Collectively the regional and
global impacts are not likely to be large, and may even prove to be positive.
Impacts at the farm level include changes in crop and livestock productivity, which
in turn will lead to changes in the most profitable production systems at a
given location. Research suggests that in highly productive regions, such as
the U.S. Corn Belt, the most profitable production system may not change
much, but in transitional areas such as the “ecotone” between the Corn Belt
and the Wheat Belt, substantial shifts in crop and livestock mix, in
productivity, and in profitability may occur. Such changes may be positive,
for example if higher temperatures in the northern Great Plains were to be
associated with increased precipitation, so that corn and soybeans could
replace the wheat and pasture that presently predominate. Such changes
also could be negative, e.g., if already marginal crop and pastureland in the
southern Great Plains became warmer and drier. In addition to changes in
temperature and precipitation, another key factor in agricultural productivity
is the effect of elevated levels of atmospheric CO2 on crop yields. Some
estimates suggest that higher CO2 levels could increase crop productivity
substantially, by 50% or more, although these effects are likely to be
constrained by other factors such as water and soil nutrients, particularly in
the developing countries.
In the case of the United States agriculture, aggregate economic impacts of
climate change are not expected to be large, although there will be
important regional differences. Recent studies estimate that crop yield
changes will tend to be positive, with some almost doubling, but most
increasing in the range of 10% to 40% during this century. Regionally, the
northeast, south and southwest benefit the least, and the upper Midwest
and coastal Northwest benefit the most. In contrast, livestock production is
expected to be reduced by 5-7% due to higher average temperatures.
Economic impacts associated with agriculture in the United States appear to
be positive overall, with estimates ranging from an annual loss of $0.25
billion to a gain of about $5 billion, depending on the climate scenario used,
with consumers generally gaining from the increased productivity and
producers generally losing. The regional distribution of producer losses tends
to mirror the productivity impacts, with the Corn Belt, the Northeast and
south and southwest having the largest losses (McCarl 2008).
The most vulnerable regions of the world are undoubtedly in the tropics,
particularly the semi-arid regions where higher temperatures and reduction
in rainfall and increases in rainfall variability could have substantially
negative impacts, and in coastal areas that are likely to be flooded due to sea
level rise. These impacts are likely to be most severe in isolated regions
where transportation costs are high, incomes are extremely low, and most
rural households are highly dependent on agriculture for their livelihoods
and for their food. These adverse impacts are predicted to be most severe in
parts of sub-Saharan Africa, and other isolated areas in southwestern and
south Asia. Low-lying areas in south Asia, Indonesia, and other poor coastal
regions are also likely to be severely impacted due to their vulnerability to
sea level rise and a limited ability to adapt by moving to higher ground or
making investments to protect vulnerable areas. As a result, the risk of
malnutrition and hunger in the developing world, particularly in the highly
vulnerable regions, is predicted to increase during this century (Parry et al.
Despite the substantial advances in understanding of climate change and its
agricultural impacts, many uncertainties remain. Of particular concern are
some of the limitations of the general circulation models used to simulate
climate changes, and the way those limitations may affect the predicted
impacts of climate change on agriculture. Some of these limitations suggest
that the generally optimistic predictions outlined above for the temperate
regions of the world, may be too sanguine.
On the supply side, a critical limitation of GCMs is their ability to predict changes
in climate with the spatial resolution needed to model impacts on
agricultural productivity. As discussed in the companion article in this issue
by Adams and Peck, changes in water availability are especially difficult to
predict, particularly on the site-specific basis needed to quantify agricultural
yield impacts. A related uncertainty concerns impacts on pests which are also
highly sensitive to site-specific environmental conditions, and are not well-
represented in the models used to predict yield effects.
Another key uncertainty that affects impacts on all biological processes, including
agriculture, is the rate of climate change. The higher the rate of climate
change, the higher will be rates of obsolescence of all types of capital, both
produced and natural, and thus the greater will be the costs of adaptation be
for farmers, the private sector providing technology and inputs to farmers,
and for government institutions responsible for infrastructure and policy. A
related, critical supply-side uncertainty is how technology will evolve so as to
reduce impacts and facilitate adaptation. In the past, it has taken about 15
years to develop a new crop variety. A key question is whether biotechnology
will speed adaptation and reduce vulnerability to drought, extreme
temperatures and pests.
Another uncertainty on the supply side is the environmental consequences of
adapting to climate change. One example is the increased pressures on water
resources in arid regions. Another example could be the increase in
population density and agricultural intensity in highland tropical areas where
soils are often fragile and vulnerable to degradation.
On the demand side, impacts of changes in consumer incomes and in market
infrastructure will be critical but highly uncertain factors. Given the predicted
modest impacts of climate change on global food supply, the rate of
economic growth is likely to be a key determinant of people’s vulnerability to
climate change. If the recent high rates of economic growth in many
developing regions continues, vulnerability to the impacts of climate change
will be modest. However, those regions that are not participating in this
growth, such as parts of sub-Saharan Africa and isolated mountain regions in
central Asia and Latin America, are at risk of greater vulnerability if local food
production decreases and becomes more variable.
Conclusions and Policy Implications
While it is clear that climate change will affect agriculture in important ways, the
evidence from the past several decades of research suggests that the
aggregate impacts will be relatively small, but there will be important
regional impacts, particularly in the poorest, most vulnerable parts of the
tropics. Given the growing evidence that climate changes are taking place
and that there will be substantial impacts on agriculture, there is a clear and
compelling need for agriculture to adapt as discussed in the companion
paper by Rose and McCarl in this issue of Choices. In addition, evidence
suggests that agriculture could play an important role in mitigating
greenhouse gas emissions as discussed by Schneider and Kumar. Thus, two
key policy questions are related to the roles the public sector should play in
facilitating adaptation and mitigation as discussed in Metcalf and Reilly.
To the extent that change is relatively gradual, all indications are that farmers in
the industrialized countries such as the United States will be able to adapt
through farm-level changes in crop selection, crop management, and
appropriate capital investments. Likewise, the private sector technology
supply industry should be able to effectively anticipate and plan for needed
adaptations of crops, livestock, machinery and related capital equipment.
One area where there is a clear need for public sector involvement is in
public infrastructure, particularly ports and related transport facilities that
may be adversely impacted by sea-level rise and changes in the geographic
distribution of production. The more rapid climate change is, however, the
more likely that there will be a need for public investment in adaptation
research to complement private sector investments.
In the developing countries, there are many reasons why farmers and institutions
supporting the agricultural sector will be less able to adapt to climate change
than farmers and the food industry in the industrialized world, particularly in
the poorest and most vulnerable areas. On the research side, the existence
of climate change reinforces the already compelling case that can be made
for public sector investment in agricultural research and outreach, for
investment in physical infrastructure and human capital, and for
strengthening both private and public institutions that support agriculture
and rural development. General economic development will also play an
important role by providing farmers and rural households with sources of
income that are less dependent on climate than agricultural sources of
Q.2 What is the role of small dames for water saving for the under-developed
countries like Pakistan? (20)
The current climate-induced devastating torrential monsoon rains and floods
have taken a heavy toll on human lives, destroyed property, roads, bridges,
schools, health units and submerged farmland and villages under water
resulting in huge crops and livestock losses.
With farm-to-market roads and highways damaged and the transport system
disrupted, and millions of farmers in extreme distress, the calamity has
further fueled inflation and enhanced food insecurity.
Prime Minister Shahbaz Sharif said on August 30 that torrential rains and floods
have submerged one-third of Pakistan and 33 million people have been
The loss of farm output and livestock may lead to lower exports, higher imports,
widening current account deficit and slower economic growth. The rural
areas provide a big market for industrial goods while agriculture provides
raw materials for the export-oriented manufacturing sector.
Mini dams conserve rainwater, reduce poverty and are affordable compared to
mega projects
First of all, the situation demands that both the federal and provincial
governments should rescue affected people, provide relief and rehabilitate
flood victims. This has to be followed up by repairs to the damaged
While making an appeal to the international community for donations, Prime
Minister Sharif said it would cost at least $10 billion to repair damaged
infrastructure and provide aid to those affected by rains and floods. Referring
to global climate changes, the United Nations Resident Coordinator in
Pakistan Julian Harneis reminded donors that the devastation is
Taking a medium- and long-term view, there are many preventive measures to
avoid the impact of floods such as the use of early preventive warning
devices, restoring rivers, cleaning drainage, erecting flood barriers etc. But no
less importance should be accorded to the construction of a network of
small, mini dams in the country’s rain-fed areas.
There is a lot of official focus on building mega-dams without any meaningful
progress because of multiple problems including financing. Of course, the
need for large dams for sustainable agriculture cannot be denied.
On the other hand, small dams could be erected with domestic resources and
local talents and skills at a fractional cost of large ones and at a faster pace to
conserve rain and flood waters for irrigation, electricity generation and
supply of drinking water.
The construction of small dams has never been a priority of successive
governments though the country has the required expertise in building
Small storage dams can play a key role in promoting agriculture, placing the
maximum area under cultivation, and bringing in a ‘green revolution’ within a
short span of time, said a study carried out a decade and a half ago. Small
dams also have a positive impact on groundwater development.
In fact, small dams are considered more suitable for Pakistan by experts as they
are stated to have proven an effective tool for poverty alleviation. They bring
immediate economic prosperity at a local level.
Way back in May 2008, a National Engineering Services Pakistan expert quoted a
credible study which had then estimated that Pakistan had the potential to
build some 750 small dams to meet the water requirements of the growing
local and regional population. At that time the country reportedly had merely
56 dams, against 12,000 in Sri Lanka, more than 2,000 in Nepal and 19,134 in
Various studies conducted in 2019 in the Pothwar Plateau, Punjab, established
that around 11,000m cubic of water is lost annually due to surface run-off in
rain-fed areas. If 50 per cent of this run-off is conserved in small or mini-
dams, then half the water-storage capacity of Tarbela Dam (the largest one
in Pakistan) could be retained. By 2017, 50 small dams had been built and
another eight were under construction in the region.
Unfortunately, issues are allowed to linger on to become big problems, finally
turning into serious crises. And most of the time the governments are
trapped in firefighting and have little time and resources to spare for long-
term solutions. This is what is happening now in the aftermath of climate
change. that includes the floods of 2010.
Although no creditable figure for the total number of small dams is immediately
available, one can see the pace of progress in this sector through recent
official announcements and media reports.
Provincial Irrigation Minister Jam Khan Soro informed the Sindh Assembly on
August 3 that 116 small dams have been constructed in the province and
work is going on another 64 small dams, which are due to be completed by
next year.
On February 6, Punjab Small Dams Organisation approved the construction of
nine new dams in the Rawalpindi Division and Islamabad. A sum of Rs24.87m
was allocated for topographic surveys for these dams.
PTI Chairman Imran Khan announced on August 26 that 10 more dams would be
built in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa to avoid recurring devastations such as caused
by the ongoing super deluge in the province.
Earlier KP Minister for Irrigation Arshad Ayub Khan had said construction work
had been initiated on seven small irrigation dams and water reservoirs in the
newly merged districts in the province. These dams, estimated to cost Rs9bn,
would irrigate 14,135 acres of barren land.
Some 25 small dams were stated to have been completed in different areas in KP
to store flood and rainwater during monsoon for irrigation and drinking
purposes by July 2019, nine of them from 2002 to 2019.
Baluchistan had built 64 small dams in rain-fed areas by March 31 under a phased
federal programme of 100 small dams that are expected to be completed by
2026, according to provincial authorities. The 64 dams irrigate 25,850 acres
of land.
Given the current state of governance and service delivery, both the federal and
provincial governments need to ensure that small dams are constructed as
scheduled without delays. And planning should also be initiated to realise the
country’s full potential for the construction of mini and small dams on a
priority basis to store rainwater, improve people’s livelihoods and avoid a
catastrophe on a scale being witnessed now.
Q.3 Discuss the irrigation system of Pakistan and highlight the needs, purpose
and means of irrigation. (20)
An Overview of the Irrigation System of Pakistan
Irrigation is the lifeline of agriculture in Pakistan, with the Indus River and its
tributaries serving as the primary sources of water. However, water scarcity
and mismanagement represent major problems in Pakistan’s irrigation
system. takes a closer look at the irrigation system of Pakistan, including its
history, current state, and future challenges.
History of Pakistan’s Irrigation System
The history of irrigation in Pakistan dates back to the Indus Valley Civilisation in
2500 BCE. The ancient civilisation built a sophisticated system of canals and
dams to irrigate crops. The system was based on the natural flow of the
Indus River and its tributaries.
During the British colonial period, the irrigation system was expanded and
modernised. The British built large dams and canals to increase the amount
of water available for irrigation. The construction of the Sukkur and Taunsa
Barrage in the 1930s was a major achievement during this period.
After the independence of Pakistan in 1947, the government continued to invest
in the irrigation system. The construction of the Tarbela Dam in the 1970s
and the Mangla Dam in the 1960s were major milestones in the expansion of
the irrigation system.
Current State of the Irrigation System of Pakistan
Pakistan's Irrigation Sources
Today, the irrigation system of Pakistan is one of the largest in the world. It covers
an area of over 16 million hectares and provides water to the country’s
farms. The system is based on a network of canals, dams, and reservoirs that
are fed by the Indus River and its tributaries.
The Indus Basin Irrigation System (IBIS) is the largest component of the irrigation
system. It is made up of three main canals: the Indus River itself, the Left
Bank Outfall Drain (LBOD), and the Right Bank Outfall Drain (RBOD). The IBIS
provides water to over 8 million hectares of land.
The irrigation system also includes several smaller systems, such as the Chashma-
Jhelum and the Taunsa-Panjnad systems. These systems provide water to an
additional 4 million hectares of land.
The Indus River System Authority (IRSA) manages the irrigation system, and is
responsible for water distribution among the provinces. The IRSA also
oversees its maintenance and repair.
Irrigation Sources of Pakistan
The irrigation system relies on several sources to provide water to the country’s
farms which are as follows.
Surface Water
The primary source of water is the Indus River and its tributaries, which flow
through the country and provide water to the IBIS. This provides water to
some of the most fertile and productive agricultural regions in Pakistan.
Ground Water
Another major source of water for irrigation in Pakistan is groundwater. The
country has a large number of underground aquifers that are tapped using
tube wells. Tube-well irrigation is widely used in Pakistan, especially in areas
where there is a shortage of surface water.
The tube wells are used to pump water to the surface for irrigation, and this
method has been instrumental in increasing crop yields in the country.
Dams and Reservoirs
The country has several large dams, such as the Tarbela Dam and the Mangla
Dam, which are used to store and regulate the flow of water for irrigation.
These dams also provide hydroelectric power and help control flooding.
Canals are also an important source of water for irrigation. The country has a
large network of canals that are used to transport water from dams, rivers,
or other sources to the fields. Canal irrigation is more efficient than flood
irrigation, but it can be expensive to construct and maintain.
Importance of Rivers in Pakistan’s Irrigation System
Irrigation System of Pakistan
The irrigation system is heavily dependent on the country’s rivers, which provide
the primary source of water for agriculture. The Indus River and its
tributaries are the main rivers of Pakistan that feed into the irrigation system
and play a crucial role in the country’s agricultural sector.
Indus River
The Indus River is the longest and most important river in Pakistan. It originates in
Tibet and flows through the Himalayas, the Karakoram Range, and the Hindu
Kush before entering Pakistan. The river then flows through the country,
providing water to the IBIS.
Jhelum River
The Jhelum River is another important tributary of the Indus River. It originates in
Indian-administered Kashmir and flows through Pakistan, providing water to
the Jhelum-Chenab Link Canal, which is a major component of the irrigation
The canal provides water to over 1 million hectares of land and is particularly
important for the cultivation of wheat, sugarcane, and other crops.
Chenab River
Chenab River in Punjab
The Chenab River is also a major tributary of the Indus River. It originates in the
Himalayas and flows through Pakistan, providing water to the Chenab River
Irrigation System. The system covers over 2 million hectares of land and is
particularly important for the cultivation of rice, cotton, and other crops.
Ravi River
The Ravi River originates in India and flows through Pakistan, providing water to
the Ravi-Beas Link Canal, which is a major component of the irrigation
system. The canal provides water to over 1 million hectares of land.
Sutlej River
This river originates in Tibet and flows through Pakistan. It provides water to the
Sutlej-Beas Link Canal and provides water to over 1 million hectares of land,
which is especially significant for the cultivation of wheat, sugarcane, and
other crops.
In addition to these major rivers, there are also several rivers and streams that
provide water to the irrigation system. These include the Kabul River, the
Swat River, and the Chitral River.
Future Challenges in the Irrigation System of Pakistan
The irrigation system of Pakistan faces several obstacles, some of which are
mentioned below.
Water Scarcity
One of the biggest challenges facing the irrigation system in Pakistan is water
scarcity. The Indus River and its tributaries are heavily dependent on
snowmelt and monsoon rains, which can be unpredictable.
Droughts and floods are common, and both can have a severe impact on the
irrigation system. The over-extraction of water from these rivers for
irrigation, urbanisation, and industrial use is also causing the depletion of
water resources.
Deterioration of Infrastructure
The infrastructure, including canals, dams, and reservoirs, plays a crucial role in
distributing water to the fields, and its proper functioning is essential for the
efficiency of the irrigation system. However, due to a lack of maintenance
and investment, many of these structures are in poor condition and in need
of repair. This can lead to water losses through leaks and breaches, thus
leading to reduced crop yields.
Furthermore, the inefficiency of the irrigation systems causes water to be wasted,
which can result in the over-irrigation of certain areas and the under-
irrigation of others. Also, the over-extraction of water from the irrigation
systems can deplete the water resources and can cause a negative impact on
the surrounding environment.
Climate Change
Climate change is also a growing concern for the irrigation system of Pakistan.
Rising temperatures and changing precipitation patterns can lead to more
droughts and floods, which can further strain the system.
The changes in the precipitation patterns can affect the timing and amount of
water available for irrigation. This can lead to crop failures and food
Another problem facing the irrigation system is mismanagement by the relevant
authorities. There have been instances where the distribution of water has
been unequal and unfair, leading to conflicts between provinces and farmers.
Lack of Modernisation
The irrigation systems have been in use for many years and have been
instrumental in supporting the country’s agricultural sector. However, many
of these are outdated and have not been modernised to improve efficiency.
Lack of Financing
The irrigation system is in need of significant funding to address related problems.
The lack of financing can limit the ability to repair and maintain the
infrastructure, upgrade the systems and build new dams, canals, and
The Way Forward
Indus River System in Pakistan
The Indus Basin system in Pakistan is facing multiple challenges. It includes
seepage from unlined canals, waterlogging, soil salinisation, poor water
management practices, insufficient water supplies, and the use of poor-
quality groundwater for irrigation.
These factors threaten the sustainability of irrigated agriculture in the region.
With a growing population, the need for increased food production is
paramount. However, with limited investment in the water sector coupled
with environmental and ecological threats, the expansion of irrigation areas
is unlikely.
To address these issues and improve the sustainability of the irrigation system,
increasing water availability through new storage and infrastructure
development, as well as improving agricultural water productivity through
conservation technologies and efficient irrigation systems, are essential steps
Apart from improving the infrastructure, there is a need for a more flexible water
economy. This means reallocating water from less demanding sectors to
more demanding sectors. This requires investments in institutions that can
effectively address the challenges of water management, including legislative
and organisational changes to address entitlement, pricing, and regulatory
The irrigation system of Pakistan is a vital component of the country’s economy. It
provides water to the country’s farms and supports the livelihoods of
millions of people.
However, the system faces several challenges, including depletion of water,
deterioration of the infrastructure, and the impacts of climate change.
Addressing these challenges will be crucial for the long-term sustainability of
the irrigation system and the country’s agricultural sector.
Q.4 Discuss the vast potential of multi-colored granite, marble and other
dimensional stones of high quality for export purposes. (20)
Optimism grows to show up marble and granite export prospects
In Pakistan, marble and granite sector despite having abundant reserves of 30
billion tons have been operating in an unorganized manner, while primitive
quarrying and processing methods are the reasons sector that could not reap
its true export potential. There are over 3,000 processing units and 1,500
quarries across the country. The sector employs over 200,000 people but
could only fetch US$61 million (2017) mostly through export of raw marbles
and granites. Though efforts have been made in the past to uplift the sector
and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) also offered refinance facilities, however, all
these efforts have not been materialized truly and the sector remains
unattractive for being mostly undocumented trade. Despite having one of
the largest reserves in the world the sector could not grow and realize its
true potential as yet due to following reasons:
Insignificant value addition
Most of the marble, granite and onyx taken out in Pakistan are consumed
domestically in the shape of tiles, kitchen tops and other decorative
products. The rest are exported in the shape of slabs in raw or semi-finished
Main issues being faced by the industry are:
Limited avenues of funding source.
No structured government initiative and policies for the sector.
No official quality certification and testing facilities available.
Lack of innovation and research within the sector.
Lack of government initiatives to support for finished product export.
Local demand & export prospects:
Main industries related to the marble and granite sectors are:
Construction – where marbles are used in vast quantity
Architecture & interior design
Sculptures & decorative stones
Tiles & mosaic
Marble powder (agriculture; paint & coating; lime & chalk; animal feed)
Pakistan’s marble & granite sector is driven by local consumption and is highly
dependent on the domestic consumption for marble products and
construction industry. Recent positive development in declaring construction
as an industry by the government, offering all sorts of tax incentives to
stimulate the overall economy is sure to bring fruits for the marble and
granite sector. Further, government has also announced its low-cost big
housing projects. In view of that near-term prospects of sector look
promising besides tapping the export market through value addition rather
than exporting raw.
Marble industry promises high growth potential as Pakistan has the one of the
highest minable reserves of dimensional stones with rare colors. With better
quarrying techniques, marble industry will be able to provide higher supplier
and export prospects of raw, semi-finished and finished products. The main
destination country for our raw and semi-finished marble export is China,
absorbing 81 percent of our raw blocks and slabs. Our finished marble and
marble products are mostly exported to the Gulf countries.
Punjab — Mansehra, Khushab
Azad Jammu & Kashmir — Neelam Valley, Muzaffarabad
Quarrying Segment is mostly run in an unorganized fashion, people engaged in
quarrying may or may not be the original lease holder, it is given on sub-lease
as well and sometimes changes number of hands. The quarrying method
used in Pakistan is largely opposite to the modern techniques which consists
of drilling holes around the optimal block size and then use hydraulic jacks
and splitting equipment to draw the block out of the bed rock. The block size
and shape of the rocks are thus more controlled/standardized and the
wastages minimized to less than 7 percent from 70 percent of the blasting
Processing and Export Businesses are mostly located in urban centers of the
country such are Karachi; Lahore; Rawalpindi/Islamabad and Peshawar. Out
of 3,000 processing businesses, a sizeable number is based in Karachi, Lahore
and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. Most of them making products for local
consumption or exporting raw or semi-finished to Middle East countries and
There are over 300 processing units in Karachi, many of them are involved in
exports as well. Rawalpindi 201 units, Islamabad 174 units, Lahore 96 units,
Peshawar 45 units, Quetta 18 units, Faisalabad 2 units and Noshehra 5 units.
Besides there are sizable number of units in FATA area as well. However,
organized large set ups are mostly located in Karachi- Rawalpindi &
Q.5 A large portion of our Industrial sector depends on our agriculture.
Discuss. (20)
Optimism grows to show up marble and granite export prospects
In Pakistan, marble and granite sector despite having abundant reserves of 30
billion tons have been operating in an unorganized manner, while primitive
quarrying and processing methods are the reasons sector that could not reap
its true export potential. There are over 3,000 processing units and 1,500
quarries across the country. The sector employs over 200,000 people but
could only fetch US$61 million (2017) mostly through export of raw marbles
and granites. Though efforts have been made in the past to uplift the sector
and State Bank of Pakistan (SBP) also offered refinance facilities, however, all
these efforts have not been materialized truly and the sector remains
unattractive for being mostly undocumented trade. Despite having one of
the largest reserves in the world the sector could not grow and realize its
true potential as yet due to following reasons:
Uncontrolled blasting
Limited mechanized mining
Outdated processing standards
Wastage of 70% through-out the value chain
Insignificant value addition
Most of the marble, granite and onyx taken out in Pakistan are consumed
domestically in the shape of tiles, kitchen tops and other decorative
products. The rest are exported in the shape of slabs in raw or semi-finished
Main issues being faced by the industry are:
Limited avenues of funding source.
No structured government initiative and policies for the sector.
No official quality certification and testing facilities available.
Lack of innovation and research within the sector.
Lack of government initiatives to support for finished product export.
Local demand & export prospects:
Main industries related to the marble and granite sectors are:
Construction – where marbles are used in vast quantity
Architecture & interior design
Sculptures & decorative stones
Tiles & mosaic
Marble powder (agriculture; paint & coating; lime & chalk; animal feed)
Pakistan’s marble & granite sector is driven by local consumption and is highly
dependent on the domestic consumption for marble products and
construction industry. Recent positive development in declaring construction
as an industry by the government, offering all sorts of tax incentives to
stimulate the overall economy is sure to bring fruits for the marble and
granite sector. Further, government has also announced its low-cost big
housing projects. In view of that near-term prospects of sector look
promising besides tapping the export market through value addition rather
than exporting raw.
Marble industry promises high growth potential as Pakistan has the one of the
highest minable reserves of dimensional stones with rare colors. With better
quarrying techniques, marble industry will be able to provide higher supplier
and export prospects of raw, semi-finished and finished products. The main
destination country for our raw and semi-finished marble export is China,
absorbing 81 percent of our raw blocks and slabs. Our finished marble and
marble products are mostly exported to the Gulf countries.
Quarrying Segment is mostly run in an unorganized fashion, people engaged in
quarrying may or may not be the original lease holder, it is given on sub-lease
as well and sometimes changes number of hands. The quarrying method
used in Pakistan is largely opposite to the modern techniques which consists
of drilling holes around the optimal block size and then use hydraulic jacks
and splitting equipment to draw the block out of the bed rock. The block size
and shape of the rocks are thus more controlled/standardized and the
wastages minimized to less than 7 percent from 70 percent of the blasting
Processing and Export Businesses are mostly located in urban centers of the
country such are Karachi; Lahore; Rawalpindi/Islamabad and Peshawar. Out
of 3,000 processing businesses, a sizeable number is based in Karachi, Lahore
and Rawalpindi/Islamabad. Most of them making products for local
consumption or exporting raw or semi-finished to Middle East countries and
There are over 300 processing units in Karachi, many of them are involved in
exports as well. Rawalpindi 201 units, Islamabad 174 units, Lahore 96 units,
Peshawar 45 units, Quetta 18 units, Faisalabad 2 units and Noshehra 5 units.
Besides there are sizable number of units in FATA area as well. However,
organized large set ups are mostly located in Karachi- Rawalpindi &

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