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1.Producers do not include

● Lions
● Ferns
● Evergreen trees
● Fir trees
2.Which one of the following is a group involved in wildlife protection
3.Biotic components do not include
● Air
● Plants
● Animals
● Human beings
4.Jim Corbett National park is situated at
● Punjab
● Haryana
● Uttarakhand
● Himachal Pradesh
5.The term environment refers to an aggregate of
● Existence
● Growth
● Welfare
● All the above

6.Who wrote the book ‘Origin of Species’ about the evolution
Charles Darwin
Ralph Emerson
Henry Thoreau
● John Muir
7.How much % of the Earth’s surface is covered with water?

● About 70%
● About 90%
● About 60%
● None of these
8.The oxygen for our breathing is available in
● Lithosphere
● Biosphere
● Atmosphere
● Hydrosphere
9.The Narmada Bachavo Andolan was a
● Social movement
● Industrial workers movement
● Movement for the construction of dam
● Water movement
10.The three R’s to save the environment are
● Reserve, Reduce, Recycle
● Reuse, Reserve, Reduce
● Reserve, Reuse, Reduce
● Reduce, Recycle, Reuse
11.Which one of the following state has made roof rainwater
harvesting compulsory for all the houses across the state?

● Kerala
● Rajasthan
● Tamilnadu
● Haryana
12.Which energy of water is used to produce hydroelectricity?
Potential energy
Kinetic energy
Both (a) and (b) of these
● None of these
13.The sequence of operating a fire extinguisher is
14.Total forest cover is -- % of the geographical area of India.

● 24.39%
● 27%
● 50%
● 75%
15. _____ is celebrated as World Environment Day
● 5th May ● 5th June
● 16th September
● 21st April

17.____ is one of the biodiversity hotspots in India

● Assam
● North-east India
● Western Ghats
● Kerala

18.The word Ecology is derived from the ___ word
● American
● Greek
● Latin
● None of the above
19.Man made disaster could also be cause due to ____
● Unintentional activity

Low quality work
All of the above
20.____ is a naturally occurring substance of organic and inorganic origin with
definite physical and chemical properties.
● Mineral
● Matter
● Material
● None of these
21.Environmental science is a
● Multidisciplinary science
● Chemical science
● Medical science
● None of these
22.____ is the indirect value of biodiversity.
● Consumption use value
● Production use value
● Option value
● None of these
23.Sunlight is ____ type of component
● Abiotic
● Biotic
● Both a & b
● None of these
24.’Tsunami’ is a disaster that occurs due to ____
● Volcanic eruption

● High tides
● Undersea seismic activities
● Heavy rainfall
25.The removal of top soil by wind and water is ____
Soil fetility
Soil salinity
Soil erosion
Soil alkalinity
26.FRI was established in 1906 at ____
● Dehradun
● Delhi
● Mumbai
● Calcutta
27.India has been recognized as one of the World’s top ____ mega diversity
● 10
● 12
● 17
● 20
28.____ is not a member of aquatic ecosystem
● Tiger
● Fish
● Algae
● Aquatic plants
29. ‘Drop to Ground’, ‘Take Cover’, ‘Hold On’ are the actions related to _____

● Flood
● Fire
● Drought
● Earthquake
30. Renewable resources are known as _____.
● Inexhaustible
● Exhaustible ● Both A & B
● None of this
31. ________ led by Chipko movement.
Dr. Salim Ali
M S Swaminathan
Sundarlal Bahuguna
● Medha Patkar
32. ________ are the causes of biological reduction.
● Pollution
● Over exploitation
● Climate Change
● All of these
33. Source of energy for green plants is ______.
● Earth
● Sun
● Moon
● Air
34. ENVIS is established in _______.
● 1945
● 1961

● 1982
● 1973
35. Dachigam National Park is located at ______.
● Jammu & kashmir
● Assam
● Kerala
● Karnataka
36. ____________ is not a example of Indirect use of Ecosystem services.

● Regulation of ecological balance

● Conservation of water & soil
● Habitat for wild anima
● Fuel wood
37. _________ are the features of disaster.
It affects a large number of people
Causes large scale loss of life & property
Disrupts normal functioning of society
Needs external aid to cope with the loss
38. The head quarter of NEERI is located at ______
● Pune
● Nagpur
● Mumbai
● Kolkata
39. Organism that can fix energy inorganic sources into organic molecule are
● Autotrophs

● Heterotrophs
● Decomposers
● Consumers
40. The united nation set up the world commission on environment and
development in _______-
● 1983
● 1984
● 1985
● 1986
41.Lichen is an example of ___
● Predation
● Parasitism
● Mutualism
● Commensalism
42._____ is not an example of convivore
● Rabbit
● Lion
● Fox
● Vulture
43.Most of the roots of plants and herbs are used to prepare___
Industrial goods
● Biodiversity
44.In Brazil there is___ project which uses sugarcane to produce ethanol.
● Biomass

● Biodiesel
● Ethanol
● Genetics
45.The concept of ____ was developed by tribal people.
● Fairs
● Sacred Groves
● festivals
● Species
46.There is rapid ___ of species due to human activities
● Extinction
● Growth
● Reproduction
● Biodiversity
47. ____ are protected areas for specific species.
● National Parks
● Sanctuaries
● Biosphere resources
● Biodiversity
48. ___are the areas which serve as a home to many plants,animals and birds

● grassland
● forest
● wetlands
● seed banks
49.In botanical gardens, the species of ____ are conserved

● insects
● reptiles
50.In 1960 the world entered into a new era of agriculture called _____.

● Green revolution ● White revolution

● Yellow revolution
● Black revolution

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