Bhattacharjee2022 Article StorageOfSoilMicrobiomeForAppl

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Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183


Storage of soil microbiome for application in sustainable agriculture:

prospects and challenges
Annapurna Bhattacharjee1 · Shubham Dubey1 · Shilpi Sharma1

Received: 2 September 2021 / Accepted: 19 October 2021 / Published online: 31 October 2021
© The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature 2021

Soil microbiome is a dynamic micro-ecosystem driving and fine-tuning several biological processes in the global macro-
ecosystems. Its tremendous potential towards mediating sustainability in the ecosystem necessitates the urgent need to store
it optimally and efficiently as “next-generation biologicals” for future applications via soil transplantation. The challenge,
therefore, is to devise a strategy for the storage of soil microbiome such that its “functionality” is preserved for later applica-
tion. This review discusses the current endeavours made towards storage of the soil microbiome. The methods for assessing
the integrity of soil microbiome by targeting the structural diversity and functional potential of the preserved microbiomes
have also been discussed. Further, the success stories related to the storage of fecal microbiome for application in trans-
plants have also been highlighted. This is done primarily with the objective of learning lessons, and parallel application of
the knowledge gained, in bringing about improvement in the research domain of soil microbiome storage. Subsequently,
the limitations of current techniques of preservation have also been delineated. Further, the open questions in the area have
been critically discussed. In conclusion, possible alternatives for storage, comprehensive analyses of the composition of the
stored microbiome and their potential have been presented.

Keywords Soil microbiome · Storage of microbiome · Fecal microbiome · Structural diversity · Sustainable agriculture

Introduction determinant of plant fitness. Involvement of the plant-

associated microbiome, considered the second genome to
Soil microbiome as “next‑generation biologicals” a plant (Berendsen et al. 2012), has been explored for vari-
ous aspects of plant development, stress management, and
The next-generation sequencing tools have revolutionized disease control (Lakshmanan et al. 2014; De Corato 2019;
environmental microbiology by unravelling the microbi- Arif et al. 2020). Correlation between soil health and human
ome from various compartments on the earth and beyond. health has also been drawn (Brevik et al. 2020), with the
In the current times, with an emphasis on sustainability, the microbiome being considered an efficient marker of health
soil microbiome has emerged as a major driver of various in both systems. Interaction networks have been established
ecosystem processes like carbon sequestration, buffering between diverse ecosystems like plant and rumen microbi-
the adverse impact of climate change, and nutrient cycling omes as well (Attwood et al. 2019).
(Jacoby et al. 2017; Jansson and Hofmockel 2020; Song Traditionally, the potential of individual soil microbes,
et al. 2020). Soil is also the most important source of the and their consortia, has been harnessed for various bio-
plant-associated microbiome, the latter being the major technological applications. However, to circumvent the
major constraint of their application, that is their limited
survival and efficiency in real-life systems, there has been
Responsible Editor: Kitae Baek a need to turn towards employing microbiomes instead
(Ray et al. 2020). The microbiome is expected to be more
* Shilpi Sharma robust and sturdy, with a tightly regulated web of interac-
tions contributing to its efficiency. The potential of soil
Department of Biochemical Engineering and Biotechnology, microbiomes in attaining sustainability in agriculture by
Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, Hauz Khas, enhancing plant attributes and mitigation of stresses has
New Delhi 110016, India

3172 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

been explored extensively in recent times by employing the This is possibly because efforts to design an optimum strat-
now, well-established approach of rhizospheric engineering egy for storage of soil microbiome to retain its functionality
(Mueller and Sachs 2015; Mitter et al. 2019; Morella et al. are still in its infancy (Tatangelo et al. 2014; Pavlovska et al.
2020; Anand et al. 2021; Zhang et al. 2021). Transfer of 2021). Compared to the soil microbiome, the application
soil microbiome has also been successfully performed for of which has been relatively recently realized, the practice
plant protection (Wei et al. 2019). Besides, soil microbiomes of fecal microbiome transplantation for improved human
have found application in other sectors like bioremediation health (Kim and Gluck 2019), has been under practice for
(Bell et al. 2016; Breister et al. 2020; Ying and Wei 2019) a relatively long time. Hence, parallels can be drawn from
and plant microbial fuel cells (Nitisoravut and Regmi 2017) the strategies adopted for the storage of fecal microbiomes,
(Fig. 1). Hence, soil microbiomes have emerged as “next- on the common ground of preservation of microbiomes in a
generation biologicals” with a huge potential to usher in matrix to retain its functionality.
agricultural sustainability (Compant et al. 2019; Mitter et al.
2019). Scope of the review

Storage of soil microbiome The present review is an attempt to critically compile the ini-
tiatives to date towards the preservation of soil microbiomes.
The promising potential of soil microbiome in agricultural Storing of soil samples for assessing microbial community
sustainability, besides other benefits, has necessitated the diversity at a later time point (other than the sampling point),
urgency to explore and strategize suitable methods for its as done routinely by environmental microbiologists, does not
preservation, which can ensure efficient future applica- fall within the review’s focus. It is targeted towards the stor-
tions. Further, with current emphasis on United Nations’ age of soil microbiome to retain its functionality for future
sustainable development goals, recent initiatives for genera- soil transplantation. Next, it highlights the efforts made
tion of national soil repositories, soil archives, microbiome towards devising storage methods for the preservation of
biobanks, and plant microbiome vaults, based on “minimal fecal microbiomes, from which lessons can be learnt towards
effective microbiome set” (Manter et al. 2017; Gopal and designing more potent soil microbiome storage strategies.
Gupta 2019; Benucci et al. 2020; Ryan et al. 2021), have The approaches employed to comprehend the changes in
also emphasized the need to devise efficient means to store microbial community structure and functional potential of
microbiomes. The concept of soil transplantation has been both soil and fecal microbiomes have been critically pre-
investigated in only a handful of studies, wherein the poten- sented. The impact of preservatives and amendments on the
tial of fresh soil microbiome application has been explored storage of soil and fecal microbiome samples has also been
(Yergeau et al. 2015; Howard et al. 2017; Anand et al. 2021). delineated. Eventually, the limitations of the present state
However, to the best of our knowledge, no study to date has of the art, open questions, and future strategies for improve-
envisaged the potential of soil microbiome transplant from ment in the preservation approaches have been proposed.
preserved samples in the context of sustainable agriculture. Overall, this review underlines the importance of designing
robust storage strategies for microbiomes to enhance sustain-
ability, and eventually improve environmental and human

State of the art in the storage of microbiome

Since the advent of microbial biotechnology, several

approaches have been successfully employed to preserve
various microbes for crucial biotechnological applications.
This has been exhaustively reviewed by Prakash et al. (2013,
2020). Scientists are now probing into the immense poten-
tial of the soil and plant microbiomes to facilitate the next
Green Revolution (Qiu et al. 2019; Hirt 2020). While syn-
thetic/artificial consortia have been designed using a limited
number of culturable microbes to mimic the functionality
of microbiomes, it is far from attaining the same efficiency.
Fig. 1  Modes of application of soil microbiome for different ecosys- A pre-requisite for widespread application of microbiome
tem services transplant is to have a long-term method of storage, which

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183 3173

minimizes the loss of functionality of microbiomes. In the to compare three storage conditions, i.e., air drying, 4 °C,
following sections, the present state of art in the storage and − 20 °C for a period of 1 year, by Marti et al. (2012)
of soil and fecal microbiomes, and subsequent analyses for revealed alterations under all conditions. However, depend-
assessing the microbiome’s structure and functional poten- ing upon the soil type, the most appropriate storage method
tial have been discussed. differed; air drying proved to be a better approach for dry
soil, while freezing was found to be more efficient for clayey
Status of storage of soil microbiome soil type. Similarly, upon comparing a flooded and drained
paddy soil stored at 4 °C and − 20 °C, the total phospholipid
When immediate analysis is not performed/required after fatty acid (PLFA) was mostly unaffected, and so was the
sampling, soil preservation at low temperatures has been microbial community structure analyzed by next-generation
routinely practiced by molecular microbiologists to assess sequencing (Wang et al. 2015). However, community level
the microbial community structure (Table 1). Compared to physiological profiling (CLPP) by MicroResp™ was signifi-
storage at room temperature and at 4 °C, samples frozen cantly affected by the storage conditions, and the extent of
at − 20 °C and − 80 °C have been reported to reflect the alterations was dependent on the soil type. With reports on
microbial community structure better (Rubin et al. 2013; the effect of storage conditions on different forms of nitrogen
Weiβbecker et al. 2017). Such assessments of the structure (Wu et al. 2018) and soil labile carbon (Sun et al. 2015),
of a soil microbial community have been performed using such a dependence of efficiency of storage method on soil
stable markers like fatty acids and nucleic acids, which origi- type is expected (Cui et al. 2014; Benucci et al. 2020).
nate from both dead and living cells in the stored samples. The use of various additives for better preservation of soil
Hence, freezing has been considered an efficient method to microbiome has been tested. Storage of soil samples after
answer majorly two critical questions in soil microbiome the addition of liquid-based preservatives, LifeGuard™, and
research, viz. who are there, and how many are there. In an DMSO-EDTA-saturated salt (DESS) solution was compared
attempt to extract DNA from only viable cells after storage with samples stored without any additives (Tatangelo et al.
at 4 °C, − 80 °C, and upon air drying, Ouyang et al. (2021) 2014). Terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism
reported minimal deviations in samples stored for a short (T-RFLP) was employed to assess the changes in the
duration at 4 °C. The strong physiological stress to microbes microbial community structure. DESS was found to be
when frozen, was proposed as the reason for significant effective in preserving the microbial community, with
shifts in community composition in these samples. This profiles similar to that obtained after immediate processing
questions the potential of conventional methods of freezing of samples. The proprietary liquid, LifeGuard™, on the
for storage of soil with the objective of microbiome trans- other hand, showed a reduction in the number of terminal
plantation, the latter requiring a functional microbiome. restriction fragments (TRFs). Interestingly, a similar number
When answering the more pertinent questions determin- of TRFs were detected in samples stored at 4 °C and 30 °C
ing the application of soil microbiome, viz. how many are without preservatives, and freshly analyzed samples. This
active, and what are they doing, it was realized that com- was postulated to be because of maintenance of temperature
pared to frozen soil, fresh soil is the best in terms of meta- identical to ambient, during storage and shipping. Even
bolic activity (Cui et al. 2014). Till recently, the evaluation Brandt et al. (2014) did not observe differences in microbial
of the functional potential of the microbiome has been per- community structure, which was assessed by T-RFLP and
formed by relatively conventional methods like quantifi- quantitative PCR of markers (using both DNA and RNA
cation of enzyme activities in stored soil samples. While extracts) between soil samples stored without additives at
estimation of enzyme activity has been indicative of the room temperature, 4 °C, − 22 °C, and − 80 °C for a short
metabolic status of soil samples, there are also contradic- duration of 11 days. Similarly, for a storage duration of
tory results in terms of the impact of storage conditions on 14 days, Lauber et al. (2010) reported similarity in the
the metabolic markers. Abellan et al. (2011) demonstrated relative abundance of most taxa analyzed by next-generation
that freezing at − 20 °C lowered the enzyme activity of soil sequencing, when soil samples were stored at 20 °C,
samples compared to storage at 4 °C. On the other hand, 4 °C, − 20 °C, and − 80 °C without any cryoprotectant.
DeForest (2009) did not find a significant difference between DESS proved to be more efficient than DNA/RNA Shield™
enzyme activities of soil samples stored at 4 °C and − 20 °C. (Zymo Research), in preserving the microbial community
However, he emphasized that such an observation is site- structure in terms of being closer to the optimal treatment
and enzyme-specific. The impact on enzymatic activities has of snap freezing in liquid nitrogen (Pavlovska et al. 2021).
been found to be stronger upon drying the soil samples as Another proprietary liquid, RNAlater®, has been shown
compared to freezing (Peoples and Koide 2012). to adversely affect the microbial community composition
Simultaneous analysis of microbial community structure when used for storing soil samples (Schnecker et al. 2012;
by fingerprinting and estimation of activity by respirometry Delavaux et al. 2020).

Table 1  Methodological details of storage of soil microbiome and post-storage assessment
S. no Sample processing Additive Temperature of storage Duration of storage Assay for structural integ- Functional assay for Reference
rity of microbiome microbiome

Without additives
1 Sieved and homogenized None Dried at RT, − 20 °C 28 days None Enzymatic activity esti- Peoples and Koide 2012
2 Sieved and homogenized None 25 °C, 4 °C, − 20 °C 30 days None Measurement of different Wu et al. 2018
forms of N, and micro-
bial biomass
3 Air dried, homogenised, None Air dried and kept at RT, 30 days None Enzymatic activity esti- Abellan et al. 2011
and sieved 4 °C, − 20 °C mation
4 Sieved and moistened None Air dried, 4 °C, − 20 °C 30 days PLFA estimation, Metabolism assessed by Wang et al. 2015
and 16S rRNA gene MicroResp™ technique
5 Sieved and homogenized None Air dried, 4 °C, − 20 °C 30 days None Measurement of water Sun et al. 2015
soluble organic content
6 Homogenized and sieved None Air dried and kept at 2 months 16S/18S rRNA PCR- Biolog™ analysis Cui et al. 2014
4 °C), − 20 °C (with DGGE profiling
field moisture)
7 Sieved and homogenised None Air dried and kept at RT, 12 months 16S rRNA PCR-DGGE Heterotrophic aerobic Marti et al. 2012
4 °C, − 20 °C) profiling microbial activity esti-
mation by respirometry
8 None None Air dried 20 years 16S rRNA gene sequenc- None Benucci et al. 2020

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

With additives
9 Sieved and homogenized Freeze dried samples kept 4 °C, − 80 °C, RT 7 days 16S and 18S rRNA gene None Weißbecker et al. 2017
with blue silica gel sequencing
10 Homogenized and filtered LifeGuard™, 4 °C, 20 °C, 30 °C 30 days Terminal restriction frag- None Tatangelo et al. 2014
on nitrocellulose mem- DMSO-EDTA-saturated ment length polymor-
brane salt (DESS) solution phism of 16S rRNA
gene fragments
11 Homogenized DNA Shield™, RNA 4 °C, − 20 °C, 23 °C 30 days 16S rRNA gene sequenc- None Pavlovska et al. 2021
Shield™, DESS solu- ing
12 Homogenized and sieved Tween-20, sodium deoxy- 4 °C, − 80 °C, air dry 33–35 days 16S rRNA gene sequenc- Cell viability assessed Ouyang et al. 2021
cholate and Nycodenz® ing by flow cytometry and
fluorescence staining
13 Homogenized RNAlater® 4 °C, − 20 °C 40 days None Phospholipid fatty acid Schnecker et al. 2012
RT, 4 °C, liquid N
­ 2 60 days 16S and18S rRNA gene None Delavaux et al. 2020
sequencing and qPCR

RT room temperature
Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183 3175

In a unique approach for preserving the microbiome, or RNA as markers (Vogtmann et al. 2017; Ribeiro et al.
Howard et al. (2017) mixed soil and soil wash with sterile 2018; Byrd et al. 2019; Ezzy et al. 2019; Moossavi et al.
commercial potting mix. However, upon analysis of bacte- 2019; Young et al. 2020; Kazantseva et al. 2021). However,
rial and fungal communities after storage for 3 weeks, they evaluation at the level of metabolome brings forth a different
advised direct soil transfer to be better than storage, albeit picture. RNAlater® has been discouraged for use as a stor-
each method exhibited a distinct impact on microbial com- age medium, since it induces significant alterations in stored
munity diversity. A relatively novel approach of cell free samples, as observed using integrated omics approaches
alive system (CAS) for samples from sub-sea floor sediments (Hickl et al. 2019). Compared to the functional profiles of
has been attempted since it ensures better cell viability in proteins, taxonomic differences were reported to be higher
stored samples, but its feasibility for practical application between flash freezing and RNAlater® amended samples,
needs to be assessed (Morono et al. 2015). with the former tagged as a superior method (Hickl et al.
2019). Using a similar approach for assessment of the effi-
Lessons to be learnt from approaches for storage cacy of storage conditions, and impact on microbiome and
of fecal microbiome metabolome of samples post-storage, Liang et al. (2020)
discouraged the use of RNAlater® as a stabilizer. This is
In recent times, there has been an increasing acceptance of understandable as the product is recommended for use as
fecal microbial transplantation (FMT) for the treatment of a stabilizing solution for RNA in unfrozen samples by the
different diseases (Giles et al. 2019; Gundling et al. 2019). manufacturers (Qiagen, Sigma-Aldrich, and Thermo Fisher
Hence, the protocols of processing and efficient storage of Scientific). Similarly, the principle of stabilization of DNA
fecal samples have received tremendous attention (Table 2). by 95% ethanol is the latter’s strong protein denaturing abil-
Analogous to the requisite of retaining functionality after ity, thereby inactivating DNases (Wu et al. 2019).
storage of soil samples for its transfer, the process of FMT Earlier studies reported OMNIgene®-GUT solution
also needs a metabolically active microbiome. Notably, the to be a promising preservative for retaining the structural
storage of microbiomes from both systems is performed in composition of fecal microbiomes (Choo et al. 2015; Song
their respective matrices. So, for developing an efficient et al. 2016). But, by employing a non-targeted metabo-
strategy for storage of soil microbiome, lessons can be learnt lomics approach, Wang et al. (2018) reported the solution
from the exhaustive recent literature available for storage of to detrimentally affect the number of metabolites detected,
fecal microbiome (Wu et al. 2019; Nicco et al. 2020). when compared to immediate freezing at − 20 °C. Its use
For transporting the samples from the collection site to was found to adversely affect the absolute abundance of
the laboratory, and even for short-term storage, a cold envi- metabolites as compared to the control without any pre-
ronment (4 °C) has been recommended (Tedjo et al. 2015; serving solution (Byrd et al. 2019; Lim et al. 2020). The
Burz et al. 2019; Wu et al. 2019; Liang et al. 2020). For a authors attributed this to the chemical nature of the pre-
longer duration of storage, freezing at − 20 °C or − 80 °C serving solution that affected the process of analysis. Other
has been considered a gold standard for FMT (Vandeputte additives like maltodextrin-trehalose solution have been
et al. 2017; Ma et al. 2020; Nel Van Zyl et al. 2020). In a shown to exhibit promising potency for the revival of fecal
large-scale study conducted by Allegretti et al. (2020), the samples when incubated at 37 °C, after storage at − 80 °C
FMT was tagged as robust, with little impact of processing for 3 months (Burz et al. 2019). Cryoprotective agents like
time and storage duration, by testing its clinical effectiveness DMSO, DMSO + trehalose, and tryptic soy broth (TT) added
in treating Clostridioides difficile infection after storing the to the fecal samples did not affect the profile of single-chain
fecal microbiome at − 80 °C. However, the study did not fatty acids (SCFAs), which was analyzed as a parameter
compare the use of preservatives, and different storage con- for microbial activity, upon resuscitation after 3 months of
ditions. Using equine feces, Gavriliuc et al. (2021) demon- freezing at − 80 °C (Kerckhof et al. 2014).
strated a similar efficiency of storage at − 20 °C and − 80 °C Alternative methods for sample storage have been tested
for microbiome-based studies. Interestingly, when long-term for preserving many biological samples collected from field
storage (18 months) of fecal samples at − 80 °C was assessed studies. Flinders Technology Associates (FTA®) matrix
by differentiating the microbial community composition of cards and fecal immunochemical test (FIT) tubes have
total DNA extracted from the samples versus DNA from emerged as encouraging modes of preservation of fecal sam-
only intact bacterial cells, the latter showed greater dissimi- ples to date (Song et al. 2016; Wang et al. 2018; Byrd et al.
larities with the fresh samples (Dorsaz et al. 2020). 2019). However, both were designed to stabilize and protect
Additives like 95% ethanol, guanidine, dimethyl sul- DNA (Rajendram et al. 2006; Byrd et al. 2019). Moreover,
phoxide (DMSO)-EDTA, DMSO-EDTA-NaCl, eNAT® both the modes of preservation suffer from the limitation of
medium, RNAlater®, and DNA/RNA Shield™ have been collection of a small amount of samples, and issues related
shown to preserve the taxonomic diversity using DNA and/ to determining the initial weight (Vandeputte et al. 2017).

Table 2  Approaches adopted for storage of fecal microbiome and post-storage analysis

S. no Sample processing Additive Temperature of storage Duration of storage Assay for structural Functional assay for Reference
integrity of microbiome microbiome

Without additives
1 Homogenized and None 4 °C, 24 h for all temperatures 16S rRNA gene None Tedjo et al. 2015
aliquoted, also fecal RT, − 20 °C, − 80 °C except for − 20 °C sequencing
swabs collected and RT (1 week)
With additives
2 Samples collected in RNAlater®-ICE and − 80 °C and 4 °C 16 h in RNAlaterICE 16S rRNA gene Metatranscriptomic Hickl et al. 2019
MedAuxil stool collec- RNAlater® and 6 h in RNAlater sequencing analysis, Metaprot-
tors, homogenised eomic analysis using
3 Samples incubated with/ Swab on FTA® card, − 20 °C, RT 24 h 16S rRNA gene Untargeted and targeted Wang et al. 2018
without specific pre- 95% ethanol and sequencing metabolomics (SCFA
servative RNAlater® with glass based)
beads, OMNIgene®-
Gut solution
4 Homogenized and 95% ethanol, blood col- − 80 °C and RT Frozen for 2 months; RT 16S rRNA gene None Moossavi et al. 2019
swabbed in tubes lection card storage for 48 h sequencing
5 Homogenized 6 M Guanidine 4 °C, 48 h 16S rRNA gene None Ribeiro et al. 2018
RT, − 20 °C, − 80 °C sequencing
and RT
6 Homogenized 95% ethanol, RNAl- 4 °C, 48 h 16S rRNA gene None Vogtmann et al. 2017
ater®, or fecal col- RT, − 20 °C, − 80 °C sequencing
lection in fecal occult and RT

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

blood test (FOBT)
cards or FIT tubes
7 None RNAlater® Flash-frozen in liquid 52 h (48 h in frozen 16S rRNA gene Metabolomic profiling Liang et al. 2020
­N2, − 16 °C followed state/RNALater/ sequencing using UPLC/MS–MS
by RT with ice bag RT + 4 h with/without
(gradual thawing), ice/RNALater/RT)
and − 16 °C followed
by RT without ice bag
(fast thawing), RT
8 Homogenised 7 × volume TE buffer, 4 °C, − 80 °C, RT 72 h 16S rRNA gene None Choo et al. 2015
7 × volume RNAlater®, sequencing
stabilisation kit
9 Homogenised in 0.05 M 7 × volume 20% DMSO- − 80 °C, − 20 °C, 4 °C, 120 h at respective 16S rRNA gene None Ezzy et al. 2019
NaCl (4 °C)/sterile 0.25 M EDTA, pH 8.0 RT (dry collection conditions followed by sequencing
milli-Q water (DETA), 7 × saline tube) freezing at − 80 °C
saturated DETA,
7 × volume of 95%
Table 2  (continued)

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

S. no Sample processing Additive Temperature of storage Duration of storage Assay for structural Functional assay for Reference
integrity of microbiome microbiome

10 None 70% and 95% ethanol, − 80 °C, RT 4 days (− 80 °C) and 16S rRNA gene None Byrd et al. 2019
RNAlater®, collection 7 days (RT) sequencing
in FTA® cards or FIT
11 Homogenised 10% glycerol, lyophili- − 80 °C 48 h followed by 9 days 16S metabarcoding, Measurement of pro- Deschamps et al. 2020
zation agents like treha- fermentation in bio- qPCR duction of gases and
lose and maltodextrins reactor SCFAs during fermen-
tation process
12 Samples diluted in Two different maltodex- 2–6 °C, 20 ± 2 °C 2 weeks 16S rRNA gene Metabolomic finger- Burz et al. 2019
cocktail under oxic and trin-trehalose cocktail or − 80 °C sequencing printing
anoxic conditions recipes in normal saline
13 Homogenized DNA/RNA Shield™ 4 °C, RT, − 20 °C 3 weeks 16S rRNA gene None Kazantseva et al. 2021
14 Homogenized OMNIgene®-GUT − 80 °C, RT 21 days 16S rRNA gene Metabolite profiling by Lim et al. 2020
solution sequencing LC–MS
15 Homogenised eNAT® medium, RNAl- 20 °C, − 80 °C 30 days 16S rRNA gene None Young et al. 2020
ater® sequencing
16 None 100 mM EDTA and 4 °C, RT, − 20 °C, 33 days at ambient 16S rRNA gene Metabolic analysis by Jenkins et al. 2018
Lysis buffer and − 80 °C oxygen level and under sequencing inferring the pan-
hypoxic conditions genome based func-
tional profiles
17 Homogenised 70% and 95% ethanol, 4 °C and − 20 °C 8 weeks 16S rRNA gene None Song et al. 2016
Whatman® FTA® sequencing
cards, RNAlater®, and
the OMNIgene®-Gut
18 Stored in AnaeroGen bag Cryoprotective − 80 °C 3 months 16S rRNA gene Enzymatic activity meas- Kerckhof et al. 2014
agents, viz. DMSO, sequencing ured after resuscitation
DMSO + trehalose and by thawing at 37 °C
tryptic soy broth
19 Homogenised 70% ethanol, 4 °C, − 80 °C 6 months 16S rRNA gene Assessment of functional Ma et al. 2020
OMNIgene®-Gut, sequencing bacterial abundance
MGIEasy, Longsee kits related to bile acids
(BA) and short chain
fatty acids (SCFA)
20 Homogenized in 0.9% 80% glycerol in 0.9% − 80 °C 18 months 16S rRNA gene None Dorsaz et al. 2020
NaCl solution NaCl sequencing

RT room temperature

3178 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

Open questions related to storage of soil with osmoprotectants like fructose and trehalose (Schisler
microbiome, and proposed solutions et al. 2016). Even exopolysaccharide (EPS) has been shown
to exhibit shielding of bioinoculants when applied for plant
With the technological advancements, significant progress growth enhancement (Tewari and Sharma 2020). However,
has been made in terms of the storage and application of these studies have been performed with only individual
microbiomes from diverse habitats (Kerckhof et al. 2014; bacterial strains.
Wang et al. 2015; Song et al. 2016; Jenkins et al. 2018; Researchers need to elucidate the mechanism of action of
Pavlovska et al. 2021). However, there are still certain inherent cryoprotective agents for making a rational decision regard-
challenges related to the methodological details regarding ing the choice of preserving solution to be used during stor-
microbiome storage as well as its post-storage analysis and age. Further, a thorough assessment of any selective biases
application, which need to be overcome. The basic steps for that they offer to a particular taxon needs to be characterized.
the preservation of soil microbiomes and associated critical Antioxidants have been shown to enhance the culturabil-
points have been illustrated in Fig. 2. Specific factors that ity of bacteria from the intestinal microbiome by offering
can affect the efficacy of methods for the preservation of an advantage to the anaerobes during storage (Bellali et al.
microbiomes have been discussed below. 2019). Such an approach can aid in protecting the oxygen-
sensitive components of the soil microbiome as well.
Choice of cryoprotectant
Storage with or without matrix
The choice of cryoprotectant for storage of soil microbiome
depends on the objective of storage. The use of preservative Most of the studies until now have attempted microbiome
solutions or strategies for the protection of nucleic acid suf- storage with the soil matrix (Marti et al. 2012; Rubin et al.
fices when the objective is to analyze microbial community 2013; Cui et al. 2014; Wang et al. 2015; Pavlovska et al.
composition by next-generation sequencing (Tatangelo et al. 2021). However, a limited number of studies have evalu-
2014; Hickl et al. 2019; Young et al. 2020; Pavlovska et al. ated the efficacy of soil washes in conferring the desired
2021). However, most of these solutions work by inactivat- property (Wagner et al. 2014; Howard et al. 2017). Albeit in
ing proteins and enzymes, which subsequently adversely the preliminary stage, the approach of using washed micro-
impact the viability of cells (Wu et al. 2019). Besides, DNA biota for transplantation has yielded encouraging results
extraction protocols mostly do not differentiate between with feces (Ye et al. 2020; Zhang et al. 2020). Storage of
nucleic acids originating from live cells and the remnant microbiome washes (without soil matrix) might prove to be
DNA. If, however, the objective is transplantation of the logistically convenient for transplants at a later time point.
microbiome to transfer any beneficial trait to the recipient Further studies assessing the biases introduced (microbiome
system, e.g., tolerance of stresses in plants (terHorst et al. fraction loosely adhering to the soil will be favoured), if
2014; Jochum et al. 2019; Anand et al. 2021), plant growth any, by such a strategy, need to be performed before such an
promotion (Panke-Buisse et al. 2017; Lu et al. 2018), and approach can be brought to application.
transformation of conducive soil to disease suppressive ones
(Taparia et al. 2021), any compromise with cell viability of Assessment of microbial community composition
microbiomes is not acceptable. of stored soil
Without any protective agent, cell viability for a com-
mon soil bacterium like Pseudomonas fluorescens has been When comparing different parameters related to stor-
reported to decline by orders of magnitude (Stephan et al. age of soil microbiome, e.g., the choice of cryoprotec-
2016). On the other hand, survival of dried P. fluorescens tive agent, the storage conditions, and its duration, the
cells has been observed to be enhanced when supplemented assessment of the structure of microbial community post

Fig. 2  Steps involved in the

preservation of soil microbi-
omes, and associated critical 1. 2. 3. 4.
points Sampling Processing Storage Revival

• Mode of • Separaon from matrix • Temperature • Microbial community

transfer to lab • Homogenizaon • Duraon of composion
• Duraon unl • Sieving storage • Tesng for
processing • Addives funcon/efficacy

Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183 3179

storage is critical. The analysis of total DNA extracted Characterizing the microbiome components
from the soil samples furnishes an over-representation of to design minimal microbiome
the same as the extraction does not differentiate between
DNA from live vs dead cells, with the latter eventually Before attempting soil transplantation, it is crucial to delineate
not contributing to the functionality of the stored micro- the minimal active microbial community required for
biome. The metatranscriptomic approach of assessing the imparting the desired trait. Using next-generation sequencing,
microbial community composition can be an effective characterization of the functional core and satellite
means of surpassing this limitation to an extent, as RNA microbiome (Lemanceau et al. 2017), and the keystone species
is relatively less stable than DNA. An easier approach for (Banerjee et al. 2018), will enable researchers to specifically
analysis is targeting the culturable fraction of the stored focus on the efficient storage of a rather simplistic but robust
microbiome. However, this can only offer an impression “minimal microbiome” (Mendes et al. 2013; Raaijmaakers
of the impact on a fraction of the community, since char- 2015; Gopal and Gupta 2019) without attempting to preserve
acterization of non-culturable fraction would still remain the total microbiome. This can also ease out the complexities
elusive due to technical limitations. Ramirez et al. (2017) involved in the resuscitation of an otherwise complex
studied the effect of freeze-storage of soil samples on microbiome. Integration of the reductionist and ecological
the viability of culturables, and concluded the method to approaches should be considered when selecting a minimal
be efficient for storage up to 8 months. Another strategy microbiome (Fitzpatrick et al. 2020).
that can be adopted to target only the functionally active
component of the microbiome is to restrict to the extrac- Continuous propagation for storage
tion of nucleic acids from viable cells as performed by
Ouyang et al. (2021). The ideal condition for optimal storage of an active soil micro-
biome is to incubate it under conditions mimicking the real-life
Assessment of stored microbiome’s functionality scenario. There has been an attempt to continuously propagate
the microbiome by incubating it in a sterilized commercial pot-
A defined set of methods is required to evaluate whether ting mix (Howard et al. 2017). The incubation time required
the functionality of the stored soil samples has been for the microbiome in the potting mix to attain similarity to the
retained, before its transplantation. Basic techniques of initial soil inoculum was found to depend on the size of the
respirometry and quantification of enzymatic activities inoculum. Such a propagation bypasses the step of revival of
have been employed to determine the functionality of the the active community for transplantation. However, one can-
soil microbiome (DeForest 2009; Abellan et al. 2011; not ignore the action of evolutionary forces on the microbiome
Peoples and Koide 2012; Marti et al. 2012). However, upon its continuous propagation, thereby altering the original
these are general methods for estimating the “live frac- microbiome. Continuous propagation of the rhizospheric micro-
tion” of the microbiome, without offering any resolution biome can also be done by applying it successively during every
in terms of specific activity for which the microbiome plant growth cycle (Jochum et al. 2019; Mueller et al. 2019;
has been preserved. On lines similar to the assessment of Anand et al. 2021). This would ensure retention of the efficacy
specific markers like SCFA production by fecal micro- of soil microbiome (adapted over multiple rounds of plant
biome (Wang et al. 2018; Ma et al. 2020; Deschamps growth) in soil. While this approach is tedious, it can maintain
et al. 2020), sensitive markers can also be selected for the the functionality of the soil microbiome, which is vital for future
soil microbiome. This, of course, depends on the focused applications.
objective for which the storage has to be done, like spe-
cific metabolites conferring properties like nutrient acqui-
sition, stress tolerance, biological control to the plant, Conclusions and future perspective
and soil health can be targeted. Besides, a non-targeted
approach of generating metabolic profiles can also help in With increasing pressure on shifting to sustainable means of
identifying deviations, if any, between the fresh samples agriculture, microbiome-based strategies have exhibited tre-
and the stored ones. The best approach, however, is to mendous potential as “next-generation biologicals.” Hence,
assess the efficacy of preserved microbiomes after the the emphasis has now shifted from storage of potent individual
revival of the stored samples, in microcosms with model strains for application, to preservation of the microbiomes, such
plants, and monitoring the plants’ fitness. Most research- that its functionality is retained for transfer. Microbiome-based
ers have established the proof-of-concept for the process strategies are believed to be more efficient, especially in compet-
of soil microbiome transplant by employing freshly sam- ing with the resident soil microbiome, and in their performance,
pled rhizospheric soil (Panke-Buisse et al. 2015; Jochum considering the intact intricate web of interrelationships between
et al. 2019; Anand et al. 2021). the members. However, this is still an area that requires further

3180 Environmental Science and Pollution Research (2022) 29:3171–3183

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