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Universidad Pedagógica Nacional “Francisco Morazán”

Centro Universitario Regional – SPS

Writing Didactics Chapter 4 Activity #1

NAME: _Santos Joel Carrasco Guerra_______________ ID: _0501198412759_________

Li. Lourdes S. Rodriguez de Perez Date: _03/24/2023__________


Readings can also, like pictures, be used to create an information gap that leads to communication
activities: if the students work with a variety of readings at the same time, then they will be
dealing with different content, and anything they write to each other will thus be authentic
communication, conveying new and real information.
When our students read, they engage actively with the new language and culture. The more our
students read, the more they become familiar with the vocabulary, idioms, sentence patterns,
organizational flow, and cultural assumptions of native speakers of the language.
There are two kinds of reading we can ask our students to do:
1- Extensive Reading: Extensive reading is reading as much as possible, for your own pleasure,
at a difficulty level at which you can read smoothly and quickly without looking up words or
translating to English as you go. In other words, instead of spending a half hour decoding a
tiny part of one book (also known as intensive reading), you read many simpler books that
are at or slightly below the level at which you read fluently. This lets you get used to
reading more complex sentences with ease, reinforces the words you already know, and
helps you learn new words from context.
2- Close Reading: Close reading is the most important skill you need for any form of literary
study. It means paying especially close attention to what is printed on the page.
The activities we can ask our students to do in the classroom to tie their Reading in with their
writing fall into two broad categories:
1- They can work with the text: When they copy, and when they examine the writer´s
choices of specific and logical features, such as cohesive links, punctuation, grammar,
sentence arrangement, and organization.
2- They can work from the text: When they use it to create a text of their own, that is,
when they summarize, complete, speculate, or react.

INSTRUCTIONS: Read the following job description, and copy the unfamiliar words you find.
Find the definition of the word and write a sentence for each word.

What Are the Job Duties of a Librarian?

Librarians manage information and resources and help people locate and utilize information. Most
librarians work in user services, technical services, or administrative services. The librarian's role
has had a bit of a make-over lately, but the main role is still primarily helping people find anything
they may be searching for, from books to general information online. Your daily tasks may include:
 Looking after and updating electronic resources
 Managing staff
 Helping the public
 Keeping the library organized and tidy (not everyone will put the book back where they
found it)
 Maintaining library catalogs and making them easy to use
 Organizing events and activities (such as children’s book readings)
 Chasing and collecting books back and enforcing fines
 Ordering and displaying new stock
 Maintaining a quiet environment
 You may also be given the financial responsibility of spending money on new books, although
try and resist just ordering what you want to read!

Duties and Responsibilities

Librarians keep current on resources and literature and select publications for the library's
collection. They require a knowledgeable command of numerous information sources to select
appropriate material for a library. A librarian categorizes, prepares, and catalogs these materials.
Librarians also recommend material and help individuals find the information that they need. They
analyze and organize collections by subject. They educate individuals on how to use the library
systems to find the information they need. Librarians may also conduct special programs or
classes. Other duties include participation in grant writing and fundraising. Librarians can
specialize in:
 User Services: User services librarian’s help individuals find and use library materials and
 Technical Services: Technical services librarians work behind the scenes, obtaining and
classifying resources for the library. Some might work with or develop computer
information storage and retrieval systems.
 Administration Services: Librarians in administrative services oversee the management of
the library.
 Special Libraries: Government agencies, museums, law firms, corporations, and professional
organizations often maintain their own libraries. Librarians at special libraries collect,
analyze, and help others use information specific to the organization.


DEFINITIONS: Look and write the definition of each word.

Make-over: To change something or turn it into something else. An act or instance of making over.
A new or improved appearance that results from making many changes. (Phrasal Verb).

Tidy: Having everything ordered and arranged in the right place, or liking to keep things like this.

Enforcing: to make people obey a law, or to make a particular situation happen or be accepted.

Stock: The total amount of goods or the amount of a particular type of goods available in a shop.
The amount of money that a company has through selling shares to people. (Noun)

Grant: An amount of money given especially by the government to a person or organization for a
special purpose. (Noun). To give or allow someone something, usually in an official way. (Verb).

Fundraising: The act of collecting or producing money for a particular purpose, especially for a
charity. (Noun).

Retrieval: Recovery of something. The retrieval of bodies from the wreckage. Information
retrieval. (Noun).

Oversee: To watch or organize a job or an activity to make certain that it is being done correctly.
SENTENCES. Write a sentence for each unfamiliar word.

I used to make over 100 push-ups without getting tired.

I’m always very tidy.

The law is forcing fines on people who throw garbage on the street.

He used to invest a lot of money in stocks.

God grant my mother in his eternal peace.

The fundraising for the breast cancer is a success in Honduras.

The retrieval of medical information for the UNO is impossible because more the 90% of the
world’s population no longer believe in it anymore.

Don't try to oversee my stuffs because anyone doesn't like that, don't be shit it with me!

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