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Home > Parameters Explanation > JMAG-Designer > Parametric Analysis, Optimization > Optimization > Setting

and Performing Optimizations > [Constraint Conditions] Tab in the [Optimization] Dialog Box > [Edit Expression]
Dialog Box (for constraints and objective functions)

[Edit Expression] Dialog Box (for constraints and objective


l [Description]
l [Expression]
¡ Calculation
¡ Function
¡ Constant
¡ Volume and area
l [<=], [>=], [=], [Minimize], [Maximize]
l [Parametric Variables]
l [Equations/Measurements]


Type a name or description for the constraint/objective function.


Create the text for the expression. Any of the parametric values or response data values may be
used in the expression.

¡ Brackets ( ) can be used in arguments.


Operator Function Sample

/ Division 7 / 2.0 => 3.5

* Multiplication 7 * 2 => 14

- Subtraction 7 - 2 => 5

+ Addition 7 + 2 => 9

Operator Function Sample

abs Absolute value abs(3.0) => 3.0, abs(-3.0) => 3.0

sin sin function. Specify as (radian). sin(45*pi/180) => 0.707106781

Use the constant number pi as
displayed in the example when
using (degree).

cos cos function. Specify as (radian). cos(45*pi/180) => 0.707106781

Use the constant number pi as dis-
played in the example when using

tan tan function. Specify as (radian). tan(45*pi/180) => 1.0

Use the constant number pi as dis-
played in the example when using

asin asin function (inverse function of asin(1.0) => 1.57079633

asin(45/180*pi) => 0.903339111
The return value is (radian).

acos acos function (inverse function of acos(-1.0) => 3.14159265

acos(45/180*pi) => 0.667457216
The return value is (radian).

atan atan function (inverse function of atan(1.0) => 0.785398163

atan(45/180*pi) => 0.66577375
The return value is (radian).

atan2 atan2 function (arctangent of speci- atan2(0,1) => 1.570796327

fied x and y coordinate).
atan2(1,1) => 0.785398163
The return value is (radian).

log natural logarithm log(2.0) => 0.693147181

log10 log 10 common logarithm log10(2.0) => 0.301029996

sqrt square root sqrt(2.0) => 1.414213562

pow power. “pow(x,y)” is “raising x to pow(2.0, 3) => 8.0

the power y”.

scale scale/filter. “scale(x,y)” is “x * y”. scale(2.0, 3) => 6.0


Function Sample

pi Substitutes the circumference ratio π

myu0 Substitutes the vacuum permeability m_0 (4* pi*1e-7).

eps0 Substitutes the permittivity e_0 (8.8541878e-12).

Volume and area

Operator Function Sample

Area Area area(name)

Volume Volume volume(name)

Specify the part name, part group name, set name (including parts and faces) as a string for the
“name” of the “area” and “volume” arguments.

Wildcard character (?, *) can be used when specifying the name. For example, inserting a
wildcard character in the part name, such as “area (“coil*”)”, the area of the part will be
calculated with names such as “coil 1”, “coil2”, “coil3”, and so forth. If multiple parts exist, the
total amount of the area will be calculated.

[<=], [>=], [=], [Minimize], [Maximize]

Set whether the expression should be larger than, smaller than or equal to a specific value and
set that value in the text box on the right hand side of the dialog.

[Parametric Variables]

Displays parameters registered as design variables.


Displays equations and measurement variables already added to a study.

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