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1. Who was Anne Frank?

R// she was a German girl gene from Judea became famous for her diary
2. Where was she born?
R//she was born in Germany
3. Why was she famous?
R// because she was hiding with her family from the second war
4. Did she have sister?
R// yes, she had one sister
5. Why the family decided to move to the Netherlands?
R// due the hate for the Jews
6. In which year the second world war started?
R// in 1939
7. What things she wrote in her diary?
R// her feelings and that she suffered
8. When was discovered the hiding place?
R// when a person showed up at the window
9. What was the name of the concentration camp she died?
R// the concentration camp was called Bergen-Belsen.
10. When and where she died?
R// she died in the month from February in the concentration camp was called
11. How old was she when she died?
R// she had 16 years
12. Who in the family survived to the second world war?
R// The Father survived
13. Did she want to become famous?
R// yes, she dreamed be famous
who was steve jobs?
R// He was a person that created apple things
Have your ever had an apple thing?
R// Nou, Never
Why was he so famous?
R// he was really famous for his creation
When was he born?
R// in frebruary 24-1955
Where was he born?
R// in San Fracisco California
What was his hobby?
R// his hobby was fix and create things
Was he good student?
R//yes, he was a very good student
Did he get married?
R// yes, He did
When did he get married?
R// he got married in 1991
What disease did he have?
R// hi had cancer
How many children did he have?
R// he had 4 children
When did he die?
R// he died 2011
Why did he die?
R// because he had cancer.

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