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Montage- und Betriebsanleitung WESTFALIA Montazni a provozni navod Montage- og driftsvejledning Instrucciones de montaje y de servicio 303 330 Notice de montage et d'utilisation 303 240 Asennus- ja kayttdohjeet : Installation and Operating Instructions Siarr : 14-41 Odnyies cuvappoAdynans Kal AErroupyiag Istruzioni di montaggio e per 'uso Monterings- og bruksanvisning Montage- en gebruikshandleiding Instrukcja montazu i eksploatacji 0880000800000 Monterings- och bruksanvisning 0-188 @ sre [azo waive [DIO] enero vert Lone [S75 hg WESTFALIA ™**[_) ‘Westfalia-Automotive GmbH BMW, 3er Limousine / Touring 303 240 691 111 - 002 (E90 / E91) 03/2005 / 06/2005 ‘Always observe national guidelines concering oficial approval of extension. ‘Ay alteration andlor conversion ofthe tow bar is prohibited and wil result in the cancelation of the type approval. Remove insulating compound andlor underseal if exsting) trom around the tow bar's maing suataces on he vice, ‘The tow bari destaned for towing aes fited wth ball coupings and for wse wit lad bearing implements approves fee attachment to the tow bar. Any use oer than the one specied prohibited vehicles ae fited vith a Parking Distance Control (PDC) system malfunctioning othe system can occur after tow bar Pivoted ball bars ifthe ball bari removed from is operating poston ‘Subject ateration, ‘oe va mpoevrato penx Kavoviouol oxen we ro EAeyxo-MpEGENKLV ova GuaKipera ‘rvayopeberan nie aMhayh 4 verarporT} om Betagn Gen, ZuveryeTaln extiuan rg GB! AOUPY. Agaiptore ro yovunnd crpsiya f t0 MpoorareuriKé opioua aT Ks Gm To Oya ~ ev UNpye- Sm NEpIOK EMA, ng Brérafy edn. 1 drain cfs xonaoroite ya my Ek puyodAxas, noni evs efor¢NopEin je KaTEAANNG epaipn aBvEEOVO, xa ya pghereopvia Bardkewr werogopds gop, 1 once Exo Eyxpion yd oni mews oe opens els ATayopeuET in xpi, 2 oxfwara pe auréparo adarnua oré®uevans ynopel va npoxtwouv peré a 10 Hovrploya m¢ Bisons pupodianons ‘ToebAuara mg Atrovpyias Tou, ens evOeyouEVAseksprivaré ns (n pdBOOG Opaipas,n Opalpa Lvs) BpIoKOvT Ox ‘Teploxt avgvevans suoBkv nv woBnpu. Le auth mv nepIMIWOn va MpoodppoorEin Meplxt eeiqElong enon oe meveproonddi 16 auroyaro odor ard@ueuans, Eybooy npdkaral ya Un Baath punoohanorks Ve Space f [eoterpeRépevn opainaSedgns Sev Mpémel va umdpxouv mpoBkqwata haroupyiog Gravy Opa cout, Bev fpr orn Béon haroupyin, Me my emgohats Yexwnv ehAayan. Devono essere osservate le normative nazionali sui cola disposi annessi (Gualsiasi modifica costutiva del gancio di traino & vielata e comporta linvalsamento delfomologazlone del minstero dei traspor Eliminare Fisolantoo la protezione sottoscocca evenusimente presente sulla vera nea zona dete super appoggio el gancio di traino, l1gancio irsino serve per rlnare dei rimorci doa dl atachi fei, nonché per essere ubizalo con pertacatich omologal peri mentaggio su ganco traino a sera. Qualeias! alo uso @ vatate Nel veiol equipaggial con assistente al parchegglo in sequal montaggio de! ganci dl rain possono apparesegnalaxon 03/2005 (imagen 4.2), los pernos de fijaci6n al vehiculo deberan ser cambiados en un taller especializado de BMW. Sur les véhicules 03/200 (fig. 4.2), les boulons de fixation sur le véhicule doivent 6tre remplacés dans un atelier agréé par BMW. Ajoneuvoissa -903/2005 (kuva 4.2) on kiinnityspultit vaihdettava BMW- huoltokorjaamon toimesta. The securing bolts on vehicles -903/2005 (Figure 4.2) have to be changed by a BMW garage. Ze oxsiparra -903/2005 (ek6va 4.2) mpérrel va avraAAaxBouv Ta BAfiTPA oTEpEWoNS arré Eva £151K6 cuvepyeio ag BMW. Gli spinotti di fissaggio montati sui veicoli -»03/2005 (figura 4.2) devono essere sostituiti presso un’officina specializzata BMW. Pa kjoretoy 03/2005 (figur 4.2) ma festeboltene pa kjoretoyet skiftes av et BMW. merkeverksted. Bij wagens -903/2005 (afb. 4.2) moeten de bevestigingsbouten op de wagen in een BMW-garage worden vervangen. W pojazdach -903/2005 (ryc. 4.2) trzpienie mocujace w pojezdzie musza zostaé wymienione przez autoryzowana stacje obstugi BMW. Vid fordon ->03/2008 (bild 4.2) maste fastbulten pa fordonet bytas ut av en auktoriserad BMW-verkstad. 06 000 2686 0600 10 Der Freiraum nach Anhang Vil, Abbildung 30 der Richtlinie 94/20/EG ist zu gewahrieisten Volny prostor ve smysiu Prilohy Vil, obr. 30 Smémice 6. 94/20/EG musi byt zaruéen. Frirummet skal overholdes int, bilag VII, fig. 30 i direktiv 94/20/EF, Debe garantizarse el espacio libre, conforme al anexo Vil, imagen 30 de la directiva comunitaria 94/201CE, espace libre doit étre garanti conformément a annexe VII, illustration 30 de la directive 94/20/CE. Litteen Vil, direktivin 94/20/EY kuvan 30 mukainen vapaatila on taattava, ‘The clearance specified in appendix Vil, diagram 30 of guideline 94/20/EC must be guaranteed. pérel va efaopaN eral 0 EAeGBEpOS xpos OU LpWVA YE TO Mapdprnya Vil, eKévar 30 mg OBnyiag 94/20/6K. Deve essere garantito lo spazio libero secondo I'allegato Vil, figura 30 della direttiva 94/20/CE, Frirommet etter tillegg Vil, figur 30 i direktiv 94/20/EQF skal overholdes. De tussenruimte volgens aanhangsel Vil, afbeelding 30 van de richtlin 94/20/EG moet in acht worden genomen, Zagwarantowaé swobodna przestrzerh zgodnie z zalgcznikiem VII, rysunek 30 dyrekiywy 94/20/CE. Glappet eniigtbilaga Vl, bild 30 i drektiv 94/20/E6 ska garanteras, * bei zulassigem Gesamtgewicht des Fahrzeuges * pfi celkové pripustné hmotnosti vozidla * Ved tilladt totalvaegt for koretojet * con peso total autorizado del vehiculo * pour poids total en charge autorisé du véhicule “ Ajoneuvon suurimmalia salitulla kokonaispainolla * at gross vehicle weight rating * Via ro emperrté yakté Bapos Tou oxtyaTOg * peril peso complessivo ammesso del veicolo * ved kjaretoyets tillatte totalvekt * bij toegestaan totaal gewicht van het voertuig * przy dopuszezalnym cigzarze calkowitym pojazdu * vid fordonets tilltna totalvikt O8GGeGeEOOEe0 @ Operating instructions for the detachable ball bar Important! Check the following points to ensure correct locking ofthe detachable ball bar before each joumey: + The green marking on the handwheel is aligned with the green area on the ball bar. * The handwhee! is resting against the ball bar (no gap). * The lock is closed and the key is withdrawn. The handwheel cannot be pulled out. * The ball bar must be fully inserted into the receiver and be tight. Check by shaking it. Repeat the installation procedure if any of the 4 checks is not satisfactory. Zo.av0id the risk of accidents the towing device should not be used if any ofthe requirements is not met Contact the manufacturer if this occurs. ‘The ball bar can be easily installed and removed with the normal force of your hands. Never use any sort of alds or tools etc. as this might damage the mecharisr Never unlock if trailers are attached or load bearing implements mounted! Always remove the ball bar and insert the plug into the receiver for journeys without a trailer or load bearing implement. This is especially important if the tow ball impedes sight ofthe vehicle's registration number ay lights. Detachable ball bar 1 Receiver 2. Ball bar 3° Locking balls 4 Release lever 5 Handwheel 6 Cover 7 Key 8 Red marking (handwheel) 9 Green marking (handwheel) 10 Green marking (ball bar) 11. Symbol (release) 12 Plug 13 Stop pin 14 No gap between 2 and 5 15 Gap of approx. § mm Unlocked position, ball bar not mounted 2 sos 24 Installation of the ball bar: 1.) Remove the plug from the receiver. {The ball bar is usually in the unlocked position when itis removed from the boot of the vehicle. This is {he case if there isa visible gap of approx. § mm between the handwheel and the ball bar (see diagram) and the red marking on the handwheel is aligned with the green marking on the bal bar Please note that the ball bar can only be inserted in this state! ifthe locking mechanism of the ball bar has, for some reason, been disengaged before installation, i. {he ball bar i in he locked position, the mechanism has to be pre-tensioned. The locked postion 1s Easily identifiable as the green marking on the handwheelis aligned with the green marking on the ball bar and there is no gap between the handwheel and the ball bar (see diagram). Follow the instructions below to pretension the locking mechanism: Insert key and open lock, extract the handwheel in the direction of arrow a, and tur it until the limit stop in the direction of arrow b. The release lever will then engage and, after the handwheel Ie released, the locking mechanism remains in the pre-tensioned position. 2.) _ Install the ball bar together with the stop pin by inserting and pushing both into the receiver. ‘The locking operation is performed automatically in this case, Always keep hands away from the handwheel because it rotates during the locking process. 3.) Close the lock and always remove the key. The key cannot be withdraw ifthe lock is open! Press the ‘cover onto the lock Removal of the ball bar: 1.) _ Pull the cover off the lock and press it onto the handle of the key. Open the lock with the key, 2) Hold the ball bar extract the handwhee! in the direction of arrow a, and tum it until the limit stop in the direction of arrow b in order to unlock it in the extracted position, Remove the ball bar from the receiver. The handwhee! can now be released: it automatically engages in the unlocked position. 3.) _ Stow the ball bar in a safe place in the boot of the vehicle and protect it against dit 4.) _ Insert the plug into the receiver! Notes! Any repairs or dismanting of the detachable ball bar should only be carried out by the manufacturer. the enclosed information plate tothe car close tothe receiver or inside the boot where itis clearly visible ‘Always keep the ball bar and the receiver clean to ensure proper operation, Ensure regular servicing of the mechanical parts. Treat lock only with graphite Lubricate the bearing points, friction surfaces and balls with resin-free grease or oil. Grease and oll also function as additional protection against corrosion. The ball bar has to be removed and the plug inserted when cleaning the car with a steam jet cleaner. The ball bar must not be cleaned with a steam cleaner. Important! 2 Keys are issued with the detachable ball bar. Make a note of and keep the key no. 227? in ease of repeat orders. 222? ——____

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