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Q1 Community Building Lesson Plan

Content Area/Course: Group Member Names:

Ariana V., Lauren C., Aiden G., Randy A
Activity Title: Due Date:

Scramble N Throw Aug 13th, 2023

Summary/Overview of Activity:

Students will write something funny about themselves in pen on a piece of paper, crumble it up. Then half of
the class will be divided, and everyone will throw the crumbled pieces of paper at one another. Once
everyone is done throwing the crumbled papers, they will read the paper outload and guess who it was written

Materials: List EVERYTHING needed, including amount of time to complete the activity,
classroom/outdoor space, technology, etc.

1. Paper
2. Pencils
3. pens
4. Outside or indoor space

Instructional Delivery
Focusing Event: How will you get everyone’s attention to start the activity? Who will lead this?
We will use a variety of attention grabbers, including “1,2,3, and scene” or “Red Robin,

Teaching Procedures: List the instructional strategies your activity involves.

Some Procedures will include Individual study, Direct instruction, and interactive Instruction.

Progress Check: How will you monitor the activity?

Lauren and Ariana will both be walking around and monitoring making sure people are understanding and
offering up and clarification needed around the classroom.

Closure: How will you end the activity?

Students will be instructed t reflect on what they learned about eachother.

Assessment: How will you evaluate whether your activity was successful?

We will ev


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