Bolt Action - 2nd Ed - HOLMES Rules Summary 27 March 2023

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Bolt Action v2.

0 Holmes Summary
27 March 2023 Page 1 of 32
1. Resolve Air Strikes, Artillery Barrage and Smoke Barrage

2. Orders Phase
a. Draw an order die from the dice bag and hand it to the appropriate player.
b. The player chooses one of his units and gives it an order.
c. Place the order die next to the unit to show that it has received an order.
d. Once a unit has been given an order, it cannot be given another order that turn.
e. If necessary, the player takes an order test to determine if the unit follows the order.
f. The player executes the unit’s resulting action.
g. Once all eligible units have received an order, the orders phase ends – move to the turn
end phase.

3. Turn End Phase

a) Return all order dice to the bag, except for those units wishing to retain an “Ambush”
or “Down” order.
b) A unit on ambush may roll 1d6 at 4+ and fire instead of remaining on
“Ambush.”. With test failure, return the Order Die to the bag.
c) Units retaining a Down order at the end of the turn remove 1D3 pin markers.
d) Remove order dice for destroyed units.
e) Go back to 1.

AIR STRIKE CHART (See AIRCRAFT Rules if being used.)

1D6 Result
The opposing player can choose one of your units as the new target for
1-2 Rookie Pilot the air strike. He places the aircraft marker as described for a “Here it
comes” result and resolves the attack.
No aircraft is sighted. Nothing happens. If he wishes, the player can
3-4 The sky is empty change the nominated target within sight of the Air Observer. Roll
again next turn.
Place aircraft marker 18” away from the intended target and
resolve. Flak fire with any enemy or friendly unit available. If the
5-6 Here it comes
aircraft survives, any unit within 6”from the target and from the aircraft
marker receives D3-1 Pin Markers. Then roll 1D6:
1 Strafing Fighter. +1 Pin; 2D6 hits, +2 PEN
Infantry and artillery units 2+ Fighter-Bomber: D2 Pin; 3” template, +3 PEN
can go Down to halve the hits 4+ Ground Attack Aircraft. D3 Pin; 4” template, +4 PEN
taken. Armored targets are hit All enemies with the flak special rule automatically fire at the attacking
on the top armor. aircraft if the token or model lies within their range and firing arc. Also
check for friendly fire if friendly units are within the 6-inch rule.
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1D6 Result
Move the aiming point token 3D6” in a random direction. And then
1 Miscalculation immediately resolve the barrage as described for result 4-6 below
(according to the type of barrage).
Move the marker up to 12". Roll again on the chart at the start of next
2+ Delay
Roll a die for every unit within 1D6+6" of the target. On a 1-5, unit
takes D3 Pin Markers. On a 6, unit is hit by heavy howitzer. Place a 4”
4+ Fire for Effect HE template and resolve hits with +4 Pen. If the unit survives it takes
1D6 pin markers. Infantry and artillery units can go Down to halve the
hits taken.
Make a circle of smoke centered upon the aiming point. Visibility
Smoke through smoke is reduced to 2". Line of Sight is blocked if it passes
Screen through more than 2" of smoke otherwise there is -1 penalty to hit for
Deployed shooting.
Whenever there is smoke on the Weapon Diameter”
table roll a die at the start of Rifle Grenade 2
each turn. On the roll of a 1 all Light Mortar 3
the smoke is dispersed by the Medium Mortar/Light 4
wind and is removed. On the Howitzer
roll of a 2 all the smoke on the Heavy Mortar/Medium 5
table drifts 1D6 inches in the Howitzer
same randomly determined Heavy Howitzer 6
direction. On a roll of a 3 or
more, the smoke stays where it For Smoke Barrage: Roll to hit per indirect fire. If missed, opponent
is. places smoke anywhere within 12” of target point.

A “full strength” infantry squad may reroll failed order tests if no casualties have been taken. An Order Test is
required for a “Pinned” unit. Roll 2d6 below the modified Morale value. Order tests are not required for
“Down” orders. If the unit passes, remove 1 pin marker. If the test result is snake eyes, the order is
automatically successful and the unit loses 1D6+1 pin markers. Units retaining a Down order at the end of
the turn remove 1D3 pin markers.

Order Summary of Action

1 Fire Fire at full effect without moving
2 Advance Move and then fire at -1 to hit
3 Run Move at double speed without firing; also used for assaulting (See Hollywood Rules)
4 Ambush No move or fire but wait for opportunity fire. See p49 (PDF)
5 Rally No move or fire, roll “Rally” ignoring pin markers on unit and lose 1D6+1 pin markers
6 Down No move or fire but gain an extra -2 to be hit. See p49 (PDF)

Notes: Units on ambush can shoot at any type of movement and can react to being shot at by going down.
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TROOP QUALITY AND MORALE (12 always fails and 2 always succeeds.)
Quality Morale Examples
Inexperienced 8 Conscript poor or little training, no combat experience.
Regular 9 Normal training and some combat experience.
Veteran 10 Special training (paras, commandos, marines) and extensive combat experience.
Hero 11 This is figure specific. (See Hollywood Rules)

Morale checks are required when:

□ a “Rally” order is given. A success removes 1d6+1 Pin Markers.
□ a pinned unit attempts to execute an order other than “Down.”
□ the target unit (which does not need to be at full strength) suffers 50% or more hits from one unit.
□ any unit is hit by a flamethrower after pin markers are issued regardless of damage.
□ infantry assaults a tank or enclosed vehicle without AT weapons (non-Tank Hunters).
□ an 8+ tank assaults another vehicle.
□ a soft skin or motorcycle assaults infantry (See Hollywood Rules)

MORALE MODIFIERS (Officer and Other) See notes on Officers in Buildings

Rank Morale Bonus Extra Orders Range Vehicle Commander
2nd Lieutenant +1 1 6” Junior Platoon Commander
1st Lieutenant +2 2 (1LT only) 6” Platoon Commander (Hero – Morale Only)
Captain +3 3 12” Company Commander
Major +4 4 12” Battalion Commander or higher
No NCO -1 -- -- Squad Leader
PIN MARKER -1 per -- --
Crew @ 1 -1 -- -- One crew member on a TEAM weapon
Tank Fear -3 Infantry assaulting tank without AT weapons / Tank vs Tank assault

FUBAR CHART (Friendly Fire)

If an order test result is two sixes (box cars) roll 1D6 and consult the table below
1d6 Effect

Friendly Fire: The unit does not move and opens fire against a friendly unit, mistaking it for
enemy. Place a Fire order by the unit. The opposing player controls the firing unit as if it was
one of his own, except that the chosen ‘friendly’ target (or targets) must have an enemy unit
within 12’’ (proximity to enemy is precisely what has caused the ‘friendly fire incident’!). If no
such target is available the unit does not fire and goes Down instead.

Panic: The unit executes a Run order and must move as fast as possible away from the closest
3+ visible enemy unit. If no enemy is visible, or if the unit can no longer move for some reason, it
goes Down instead.
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(Inches) *Assault Move – See Hollywood Rules
Unit Type Advance Run* Reverse Recce Reverse
Infantry 6" 12" As listed --
Tracked vehicle 9" 18" 4.5” 9”
Half-tracked 9" 18" 4.5” 9”
Wheeled vehicle 12" 24" 6” 12”

Unit Type Advance 90° Turn Run 90° Turn
Tracked vehicle 9" 1 18" None
Half-tracked vehicle 9" 2 18" 1
Wheeled vehicle 12" 2 24" 1

Terrain Category Infantry Artillery Wheeled Vehicles Tracked Vehicles
Open ground OK OK OK OK
Rough ground No Run No* No No Run
Obstacle No Run No No OK*
Building OK No* No No (!)
Road OK OK x2 x2

OK – The unit can move through the terrain without hindrance – this is the default or normal rate for
all kinds of troops over open ground.

OK* –The unit can cross this kind of terrain without hindrance unless it has been designated as an anti-
tank obstacle, or impassable boscage, or the equivalent, in which case it is impassable to all types of

No Run – The unit cannot cross or move within this kind of terrain if undertaking a Run action, but can
cross or move over with an
Advance action.

No – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain at all.

No* – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain, except that it can be deployed within
the terrain at the start of the game. In this case, it cannot move once deployed. This represents
situations where guns are 'dug in' to positions prior to the battle as discussed later in the section on

No (!) – The unit cannot enter or move within this kind of terrain, except that heavy and super-heavy
tanks may move through and demolish some buildings in some situations. See the rules for buildings.

x2 – The unit's move rate is doubled if it moves entirely along a road or track. This enables vehicles to
move rapidly along roads where the opportunity permits.
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1. Declare target
2. Target reacts – If not activated, may be given “Down” order
3. Measure range and open fire
4. Roll to hit
5. Roll to damage – 1 always fails, 6 potential special
6. Target takes casualties
7. Target checks morale if 50% or more casualties from one attacking unit

TO HIT MODIFIERS: basic chance of hitting a target is a roll of 3+, with following
Condition DM
Shooting at point blank range ≤ 6” +1
Per pin marker on the attacker -1
Long range (over half distance) -1
Inexperienced -1
Fire on the move (See Hollywood) -1
Target is a small unit -1
Target in soft cover/interior Wall -1
Target is reduced to 1 figure -1
Target in hard cover -2
Target is “Down” infantry/artillery -2
Target hidden and in cover -3
Target in bunker -4

If penalties to the score needed to hit a target mean that a die roll of more than 6 is needed, it is still
possible to shoot – though the chances of success are small. Open fire as normal rolling one die per
shot. Pick any dice that have rolled a 6 and roll them again (Super 6). Any further rolls of a 6 hit the
target – nice shot!

Indirect fire requires an unmodified 6 on first attempt, 5+ on second attempt, 4+ on third, etc. unless target
moves >2” or firing unit moves.

A hit always results in a pin.

A “1” always misses.

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DAMAGE VALUE TABLE (2nd Roll) Add Penetration Value as modifier.

Once a target is hit, the minimum score indicated is required to score damage on the unit.

Add Penetration Damage to the Damage Roll for infantry or artillery, not just vehicles.

Target Result Needed Gunshield

Inexperienced infantry or artillery 3+ 4+
Regular infantry or artillery 4+ 5+
Veteran infantry or artillery 5+ 6+
All soft-skinned vehicles/aircraft 6+ -
Armored car/carrier/aircraft 7+ -
Light tank 8+ -
Medium tank 9+ -
Heavy tank 10+ -
Super-heavy tank 11+ -


HE shells have a penetration modifier fixed to the HE value, and may also result in more ‘pins’ or hits on the

Diameter Pen Pin Hits vs. targets in Bldgs

1" buildings
+1 1D2 1D3
2" +2 1D3 1D6
3" +3 1D3 2D6
4" +4 1D6 3D6

Add Penetration Damage to the Damage Roll for infantry or artillery, not just vehicles.


Vehicle's side or top +1
Vehicle's rear armor +2
Long range (over half) –1
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VEHICLE DAMAGE RESULTS including Infantry Assaults

Damage When HE hits an armored vehicle, do not roll for multiple hits; roll once to
Die Results penetrate using the PEN value of the shell. Flamethrower equipped vehicle
Roll On Armored or gasoline fueled vehicle, add +1.

Equal Superficial Roll 1D6 - 3 on effects below

1 or 2 Normal Roll 1D6 on effects below Add one pin marker

3+ Massive Roll 1d6 twice on effects below


Die Open-topped hit by indirect fire, add +1.
Roll If the vehicle survives the infantry assault, the assault ends and assaulting infantry regroups.

Crew Stunned. The crew is stunned or momentarily overcome by smoke or shock. Add one additional pin
marker to the vehicle. Place a down order die on the vehicle or change its current order die to Down to
1> show that it is halted and cannot take a further action that turn. If the vehicle has one or more turrets, also
roll for turret jam below.

Immobilized. Part of the vehicle's tracks or wheels are blown apart. Add one additional pin marker to the
vehicle. The vehicle cannot move for the rest of the game. Place a suitable marker or token by the vehicle
to show this. If the vehicle has already taken an action this turn, flip the order die to Down to indicate it
2 has been brought to a halt. If a further immobilized result is suffered the crew abandons the vehicle and
the vehicle is considered knocked out (see below). If the vehicle has one or more turrets, also roll for
turret jam below.

On Fire. The hit ignites either the vehicle's fuel or ammunition. The crew is driven into a blind panic,
fearing to be trapped in a burning wreck. Add one additional pin marker and then make a morale check
for the vehicle. If the test is passed the fire has been put out or fizzles out of its own accord. Place a Down
3 order die on the vehicle or change its current order die to Down to show that it is halted and cannot take a
further action that turn. If the vehicle has one or more turrets, also roll for turret jam below. If the test is
failed, the crew abandons the vehicle, and the vehicle is considered knocked out (see below).

Knocked Out. The vehicle is destroyed and becomes a wreck. Mark the vehicle in some fashion to
indicate it is wrecked – a blackened cotton ball and/or an upside-down turret work quite well. Some
players like to use models of wrecked vehicles instead. Vehicle wrecks count as impassable terrain. If
players prefer not to bother with wrecks, destroyed vehicles can be removed altogether, perhaps blown
apart by an internal explosion leaving only scattered debris. (Use a debris or crater marker.)

Turret Jams Effects

1+ Nothing Happens
4+ The turret is jammed and for the rest of the game is limited the arc in the direction of the hit.
Bolt Action v2.0 Wargators Summary
27 March 2023 Page 8 of 32

Rifle 24 1 -- (Sniper: 36” +1 to hit, no cover effects) †† # -- Unit
Pistol 6 1 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† -- Unit
SMG 12 2 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† -- Unit
Automatic Rifle 30 2 -- BAR †† # -- Unit
Assault Rifle 18 2 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† # -- Unit
LMG 36 4 -- Team (2) †† # -- Unit
MMG 36 5 -- Team (3), Fixed (cannot fire during Advance) # -- 1
Hand Grenade 1 1 +1 Assault, HE (1”) Close Quarters †† No bldg 3” D2
Sticky Bomb 1 1 +3 Assault, HE (2”) Close Quarters †† -- D3
Molotov Cocktail 1 D3 +2 Assault, HE (1”) Close Quarters †† Flamethrower 2” D3+1
Partisan Bomb 6 1 +4 HE (4”) 6” D6
HMG 36 3 +1 Team (4), Fixed # -- 1
Light Auto Cannon 48 2 +2 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) # -- D2
Heavy Auto Cannon 72 2 +3 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) # -- D2
AT Rifle* 36 1 +2 Team (2) HE (1”) †† -- D2
Rifle Grenade 12 (6 – 18) 1 +1 Individual, Indirect Fire, HE (1”) †† -- D2
Rifle Grenade Anti -Tank 12 1 +4 Individual, Shaped Charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
AT Weapon* 24 1 +2 Team (3), Fixed, HE (2”) † -- D3
PIAT 12 1 +5 Team, Shaped charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
Bazooka 24 1 +5 Team, Shaped charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
Panzerschreck 24 1 +6 Team, Shaped charge HE (2”) †† -- D3
Panzerfaust 12 1 +6 One-shot, Shaped charge HE (2”) †† -- D3
Light AT Gun* 48 1 +4 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) -- D2
Medium AT Gun* 60 1 +5 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) -- D2
Heavy AT Gun* 72 1 +6 Team, Fixed, HE (2”) # -- D3
Super-heavy AT Gun* 84 1 +7 Team, Fixed, HE (3”) # -- D3
Flamethrower (inf) 6 D6 +2 Team, Flamethrower †† 3” D3+1
Flamethrower (veh) 18 2D6 +3 Flamethrower 6” D3+1
Light mortar 12-24 1 +1 Team (2), Indirect Fire, HE (1”) †† 3” D2
Medium mortar 12-60 1 +2 Team (3), Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (2”) † 4” D3
Heavy mortar 12-72 1 +3 Team (4), Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (3”) † 5” D3
Light howitzer 48 (24-60) 1 +2 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (2”) 4” D3
Medium howitzer 60 (30-72) 1 +3 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (3”) 5” D3
Heavy howitzer 72 (36-84) 1 +4 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (4”) 6” D6

Hit on D6 of 3+, die roll modified by: Damage infantry or artillery on D6 (add PEN) of:
+1 at point blank range (up to 6”), or sniper Inexperienced 3+
-1 for each pin marker on firing unit, long range, inexperienced Regular 4+
firer, firing on move, target is inf or arty “Down”, target is small Veteran 5+
(1-2 figures), soft cover -2 Hard cover Non-HE fire against buildings: 6+ (add PEN)
If die roll of 7+ required, re-roll 6s, each new 6 hits. Exceptional damage: re-roll of 6 after a natural 6.
Penetration (Pen) = Damage Modifier Check morale if unit’s fire causes 50%+ losses.
Shaped Charge or HE = No -1 to hit at long range HE Dmg Table = Roll # target hits within diameter, 1/2 if Down

* Anti-Tank Weapons and Guns must designate HE or Armor Piercing ammunition which includes the Blacker Bombard for British
Army. The Soviet Ampulomet special effect: If an Ampulomet (a type of Molotov Cocktail) hits an armored vehicle and fails to penetrate
its armor, roll a die. On the score of a 6 the vehicle is ‘on fire’ as described on the Damage Results on Armored Targets.
†† may ride on tanks or transports. † may ride transports only. # may be used against aircraft per appropriate rule book or set
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1. Declare target, using “Run” order for the assault.
2. Measure move distance to contact
3. Target reacts -
4. Move assaulting models
5. Fight first round of close quarters
6. Attackers roll to damage
7. Defenders take casualties
8. Defenders roll to damage
9. Attackers take casualties
10. Loser surrenders and is destroyed
11. Resolve draws – further rounds of close quarters
12. Winner regroups up to 1d6 inches to include entering assaulted building (no ambush fire allowed).


Range and Cover Extra
Type of Attack Special
LOS To Hit DM Protectio
Small Arms To an opening –2 n
Yes –
Heavy Wpns, Shaped Charge To a wall –2 Yes –
HE Wpns To a wall – No 10+ hits = Collapse!
Flamethrowers To an opening – No 4+ = On Fire!
Close Quarters To an opening – No Defensive Position

If an officer has entered a building, his morale bonus and his command ability can be used on friendly units
occupying a floor immediately above or below the officer's unit in the same building. Also, if the officer is
within 6" (or 12", depending upon rank) of an opening that the officer would be able to enter.

Note that bunkers have several exceptions to these rules, as explained below:

1. Tanks cannot assault bunkers no matter how heavy they are! Does not mean tanks cannot fire at

2. Bunkers can only be accessed through doors and not through firing slits. Similarly, models can only
fire from/towards firing slits and not through doors or through solid walls (this applies to heavy
weapons as well as small arms).

3. It’s extremely difficult to hit troops inside bunkers through the narrow slits in the reinforced walls;
therefore when shooting against them, the cover modifier, which normally is –2 is increased to a
whopping –4. This makes flame-throwers the perfect tools against bunkers because they ignore cover
modifiers (but note that they cannot set bunkers on fire).
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4. HE weapons (at least those of the caliber we cover in our games) are not very effective against bunkers
with thick reinforced concrete walls and roofs designed to be shellproof. Proceed as normal as
described for HE and indirect fire weapons targeting buildings, but after placing any pinning on the
unit hit as normal, do not roll to damage. Do proceed to roll for the number of hits caused anyway, as
the hits may still bring down the bunker itself – bunkers are not destroyed when suffering 10 hits like
normal buildings, but if a bunker suffers 12 or more hits from an HE shell, it collapses and is
destroyed, alongside all units inside it.

5. Units in bunkers suffer the additional pinning markers from air strikes and artillery barrages as normal,
but never suffer any actual damage – however, any of these attacks that inflicts 12 hits on a bunker
would destroy it.

6. Flame throwers at 6 inches or less get +1 for close range to hit.


1. Infantry cannot assault a vehicle making a run action unless it is immobilized or otherwise brought to
a halt.

2. An infantry unit without the tank-hunter rule must take and pass an order test with a -3 modifier when
attempting to assault any kind of fully enclosed armored vehicle (Tank, Armored Car Turret).

3. Vehicles can fire their weapons at infantry starting their assault from more than 6” away and within
the weapon’s firing arc in the usual fashion

4. Once per turn, Recce vehicles are allowed to react to an enemy shooting or assaulting them by making
an escape move. A Recce vehicle cannot execute an escape move if it is towing.

5. If the vehicle is a soft-skin or an open-topped one, it is destroyed if damaged.

6. If it is an enclosed armored vehicle, roll on the Damage Results table. Infantry not armed with anti-tank
weapons can only score superficial damage.

7. If the vehicle survives the assault, the assault ends and assaulting infantry regroups 1d6 inches away.

Roll to Hit Required Roll

Vehicle with “Advance” order 6
Any other order condition 4+
Vehicle with “Run” order Not Possible

Damage Roll = number of hits scored by assaulting infantry + 1d6, then refer to the Damage results table.
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Only tanks with armor value ≥ 8+ can perform an assault against infantry or artillery.

1. Declare target and assault with a “Run” order (18”).

2. Target reacts if tank is > 6” away, using weapons that can damage the tank.
3. Tank moves until touching target.
4. Infantry target takes morale test:

a. Fail = destroyed.
b. Pass = Tank finishes move (min of ½ run move).

i. Artillery guns and crew served weapons are destroyed outright.

ii. Infantry and gun crews move aside or away >1” up to 12” away.

5. Back to 1 above until all targets in move range assaulted. Tank must move min of 9”.


Only tanks with armor value ≥ 8+ can perform an assault against any other vehicle including another tank.

1. Declare target and take morale test with -3 modifier (not if target soft skin/armored car/armored carrier).
Assault with a “Run” order (18”)

2. Target reacts if tank is > 9” away, using weapons that can damage the tank.

3. Move until touching target. Soft skinned targets are eliminated immediately.

4. Each roll 1D6, add damage value if armor is 7 or greater

a. Loser = lower score, Draw = both are losers, Winner = highest score

b. Roll on DAMAGE RESULTS ON VEHICLES table (if heaver tank is loser only
Superficial Damage).

c. Winner takes no damage if heavier, otherwise superficial damage roll on DAMAGE


Once this has been worked out, any surviving vehicles come to an immediate halt. Show this by turning
each vehicle’s order die to “Down” or place a “Down” order die next to it if it hasn’t yet taken an action this

Finally, each surviving vehicle, whether making the assault or being assaulted, suffers one further pin
marker in addition to any already taken either from reaction fire or from a damage result during the assault.
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AMBUSH: Any AMBUSH unit can interrupt any move made by any enemy unit as long as the enemy unit is
in range during the enemy unit’s move. At that point, the AMBUSH unit issues fire.

ASSAULT: This weapon suffers no moving and shooting penalty (-1) during an fire. In addition, infantry
models armed with an assault weapon count as Tough Fighters.

FANATICS: Fanatic units do not take morale tests for losing ½ their number from shooting, and function
normally so long as they have at least two men. If reduced to a single model, the unit takes a morale test
normally. Fanatic units with at least two models are not routed when pins are equal to their morale value.
When a fanatic unit is defeated in close quarters, it is not destroyed. Instead, continue to fight rounds of close
quarters until the unit is wiped out or defeated and reduced to a single model.

FIXED: When ordered to Fire, fixed weapons can only target an enemy unit that lies at least partially within
their front arc (i.e. within an angle of 45° to each side of their barrel). Targets outside of this arc cannot be shot
at with a Fire order. When ordered to Advance, fixed weapons do not move from their position, but can
instead be rotated on the spot to face any direction, and can then fire suffering the normal -1 to hit for ‘fire on
the move’. When ordered to Run, fixed weapons move the normal 12”.

FLAK FIRE: All enemies with the flak special rule automatically fire at the attacking aircraft if the token or
model lies within their range and firing arc. Flak units fire regardless of whether they have already taken an
action or not that turn. Flak fire does not require an action and takes place outside of the normal turn sequence.
Pintle-mounted machine guns have the flak special rule, and note that firing a flak weapon against an attacking
aircraft does not make the vehicle count as open-topped for the turn – it is assumed the crew buttons up again
after the air strike is concluded. Similarly, any flak units that are in Ambush retain their ambush status if they
shoot at aircraft. However, any units that are hidden as described in the scenario section lose their hidden
status if they shoot at aircraft. Friendly flak units must test to hold their fire against attacking aircraft if they
are in arc and range of the marked position. Roll 1D6 for each flak unit. To successfully hold their fire
inexperienced units must roll a 4+, regular units a 3+, and veteran units a 2+. Units that do not manage to hold
their fire will shoot at the incoming aircraft as if it were an enemy.

FLAMETHROWER: Flame-throwers never suffer the “to hit” penalties for cover and if the target is Down.
If you score a hit with a flamethrower, the number of hits is 1D6 (or 1D6+1 for vehicle-mounted flame-
throwers). Roll to damage in the usual manner. Flame-throwers always hit the top armor of vehicles and
don’t suffer the -1 Pen penalty when firing at long range. The Gun Shield rule (page 95) does not apply
when shooting artillery targets with a flamethrower. The extra protection rule (page 124) does not apply when
shooting at targets inside buildings with a flamethrower.

Any unit hit by a flamethrower takes 1D3+1 pin markers and must check its morale once shooting is complete
(regardless of if casualties are taken or not). A unit failing the morale test is immediately destroyed (vehicles
are knocked out).

After shooting an infantry flamethrower, roll 1D6, on a 1, the unit is removed. After shooting a vehicle
flamethrower, roll 1D6, on a 1 the flamethrower cannot be used for the rest of the game. When rolling damage
effects against a vehicle carrying a flamethrower, add +1 to the damage result roll.
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GREEN: Green units are inexperienced and are given a morale rating of 8. The first time the unit suffers a
casualty, roll 1D6. On a result of “1”, the unit takes 1D6 Pin markers and goes “Down” (if already taken its
action, change the order die to “Down”). A result of 2+ has no effect. On a result of 5+, the unit’s morale
increases to Regular (morale value 9) for the rest of the game.

1d6 roll 1 2+ 5+

Effects → 1d6 pins and No Regular (morale 9) game
Down effect remainder
HIGH EXPLOSIVE (HE): Weapons with both Pen and HE attributes must decide before firing which type of
shot is being made. When firing HE, pick a target unit a roll to hit normally (using direct or indirect fire as
applicable). If the unit is hit, use the specified template size to determine how many models are hit in the
target unit. Template can be placed anywhere on top of or between the target unit models. The template cannot
touch any friendly models. Count fully covered and partially covered models as hits. If models from other
enemy units get covered, they are also hit, so long as you first attempt to hit as many models in the target unit
first and do not clip any friendly models in the process. A unit can choose to go Down in response to the
shooting, in which case roll to hit and determine number of hits normally, but then ½ the number of hits. HE
hits potentially result in multiple Pins on the target as specified by the HE shots table.

Apply Pen values to the damage rolls as determined by the HE shots table. Models removed, as casualties can
come from anywhere in the unit, not just from those covered by the template. When a unit capable of firing
both AT and HE rounds goes into Ambush, mark the unit with what kind of round is loaded. If this is not
done, the round type loaded is automatically considered AT.

HOWITZER: This weapon can either shoot directly at a target drawing line of fire ‘over open sights’ in the
normal way, or it can shoot indirect fire. When firing direct there is no minimum range. When firing indirect, a
howitzer has a minimum range as indicated in the weapons chart.

INDIRECT FIRE: Indirect fire weapons cannot be fired at targets within their minimum range (see weapons
chart), measured from the center of the weapon itself. If the target is found to be within the minimum range
the shot misses automatically and is ignored. The crew must be able to see their target, unless a spotter is used.
However, the crew can direct their fire against a target even if friends are in the way, as shots pass high
overhead. When firing HE shells indirectly, a 6 is required to hit, regardless of any modifier. In the following
turn, if the shooter fires at the same target, and if the shooter has not moved from their position, and if the
target unit has not moved from their position (target must have moved at least 2” from the previously targeted
area), a hit scores on a 5+. If the shooter continues to fire under the same aforementioned conditions, the “to
hit” score is improved by +1 each turn. If a hit is scored in any turn, all further shots hit on 2+. When fired
against vehicles, hits from indirect fire always strike the top armor, gaining the +1 Pen modifier. If an open-
topped vehicle is hit by indirect fire, gain +1 to the damage result in addition to the +1 Pen modifier. An
“Ambush” order precludes the issue of indirect fire, except that howitzers and mortars can fire smoke shells to
lay smoke (see page 97). If a unit contains a mix of normal and indirect fire weapons, the indirect fire
weapons can target enemy units separately from the normal weapons.

MEDIC (AMBULANCE): if a medic or ambulance is within 6 inches of an infantry or artillery unit, roll 1d6
= 6 for each small arms casualty to save the figure.

MULTIPLE HE HITS: If a unit fires multiple HE shots simultaneously, roll to hit with all shots normally,
then for each hit place a template. Place the templates touching each other but not overlapping. Models
covered by multiple templates still only generate a single hit. The target unit suffers only a single effect of the
appropriate pin markers (counts as a single, combined shot).
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MULTIPLE LAUNCHER: The weapon counts as individual heavy mortars, but its chance of hitting can
never improve better than 6. When firing, targets are units within 6” of primary target. If a friendly unit is
determined to be within 6”, the shot is wasted (cannot fire). Units within the minimum range are automatically
missed. When towed, multiple launchers count as individual light howitzers, unless noted elsewhere.

ONE-SHOT: The weapons can only be fired once during the game (replace the model after firing). Models
within a unit carrying one-shot weapons can split fire against different targets from the other models.

RESERVES: Reserve units cannot do anything in the first turn of the battle, they must still be given orders, as
their order dice will be included in the dice bag. The only order they can be given in turn 1 is “Down” to show
that the reserves are awaiting a command. Even vehicles are given a down order when in reserve, indicating
that they are immobile that turn. Infantry or artillery units that are in reserve can be mounted in transport
vehicles or tows. The player should indicate this is the case during set-up.

From turn 2 onwards (turn 1 in the Top Secret scenario) any units in reserve can be ordered on to the table with
an Advance or Run order. Note that troops are not allowed to make an assault when they enter the table at a
run – troops are only allowed to make an assault if they are already on the table at the start of their move. A
player is not obliged to move troops from reserve: a unit can be left in reserve by giving it a Down order.

When units move from reserve onto the table they always require an order check with a –1 penalty. So, a
veteran unit with morale of 10 will require a 2D6 roll of 9 or less to pass its order check and move on to the
table. Because an order test is required to move from reserve it is not completely certain when these units will
arrive. If a unit fails to enter the battle before the end of the game it counts as destroyed –missing in action.
Note that units cannot exit the table during the same turn in which they arrive from reserve. Exception:
aircraft. (See below – Aircraft)

RIFLE GRENADE ADAPTOR from Battle of the Bulge Supplement: Rifle grenade adapters can be added
to any infantry squads/sections for scenarios in accordance with the restrictions below. Please note that rifle
grenade adapters can only be used by infantry squads/sections; units such as HQ units, military police and non-
combatant squads are not issued with rifle grenade adapters. These rules can also be used for scenarios
independent of this ruling, with your opponent’s permission. Note: This book details battles involving
American, Free French, German and British forces. Consequently, only these forces have details for rifle
grenade adapters. Further forces may be covered in future supplements. So as not to disadvantage other forces
not covered in this supplement, with both players agreement and where this is supported by historical research,
other nations may use a maximum of one rifle grenade adapter per squad until more detailed rules are released
in the future. Rifle grenades are both Direct and Indirect fire capable.

US/Free French Infantry Squad: 0 – 3 per squad; system also used star/smoke, anti-tank, and
fragmentation grenades.

British Infantry Squad: 0 – 1 per squad; system also used star/smoke, anti-tank, and fragmentation

German Infantry Squad: 0 – 2 per squad; may not be used on assault rifles; system also used star/smoke,
anti-tank, and fragmentation grenades. Use the "Panzerfaust" chart for anti-tank.
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SHAPED CHARGE: Weapon does not suffer a -1 to penetration at long range.

SHIRKERS: Unit must always take an orders test (even when not pinned) when given an order and counts
each Pin marker as -2 (instead of -1).

SNIPER: When shooting on a Fire or Ambush order, can choose to fire using the scope. If so, range is
increased to 36” but there is a 12” minimum range (targets closer will be automatically missed). Shooting
ignores negative to hit modifiers, except for pins on the unit and if the team is missing the assistant (reduced to
a single model). Shooting ignores gun shields and extra protection for buildings. A successful hit counts as
exceptional damage (pick any model in the target unit as a casualty). When not firing with the scope, all team
members can fire their weapons normally (and use them normally in assaults).

SQUAD-BASED TEAM WEAPONS: Must identify the loader model for the weapon and keep the model
within 1” of the model with the weapon. When the team weapon is fired, the loader cannot fire their weapon. If
the weapon model is killed, the loader reverts to a regular squad member. If the loader is killed, the team
weapon can still fire but suffers a -1 to hit penalty.

STUBBORN: Unit ignores negative modifiers for Pins when taking a morale test (does not apply to an orders
test, which is different).

SUPPORT TEAM WEAPONS: When the model carrying/firing the support team weapon is killed the entire
team is removed from the game.

TANK HUNTERS: anti-tank grenades, sticky bombs, gammon bombs, satchel charges, lunge bombs, Molotov
cocktails, etc. If a tank hunter unit wins an assault and scores damage against an armored vehicle, roll damage
for a normal AT penetration. Tank hunters do not suffer the “Tank fear” modifier.

TANK RIDERS: The Russians had special units assigned to ride tanks into combat since they did not have
armored personnel carriers during WW2. See the Soviet Union’s Army Book.

TEAM WEAPON: The weapon requires 2 or more men to shoot at full effect. Three team types: squad teams,
support team, and artillery team weapons. Crew members are busy and do not shoot their personal weapons. A
minimum of 2 crew is always needed to fire at full effect. If only one man remains, the weapon can still fire but
suffers a -1 to hit penalty.

TOUGH FIGHTERS: When a model inflicts a casualty in close quarters against enemy infantry/artillery,
immediately make a second damage roll.
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ARMORED ASSAULT: The Allied and Axis Armored Divisions mount their best men in half-tracks to keep
pace with the tanks, and they are commanded by officers familiar with armored assault. These officers in this
platoon may use ‘You Men, Snap to Action!’ rules (see page 83 of the Bolt Action rulebook) to issue orders to
friendly units within command range even if inside a transport vehicle. Orders may be issued to any armored or
transport unit, any unit within the same vehicle or any infantry unit within command radius of the officer. To
work out the officer’s command range, simply measure from anywhere on the vehicle the officer is being
transported within.

AMPHIBIOUS: An amphibious vehicle can use an Advance order to directly forward over impassable deep
water at ½ speed (vehicle cannot turn, reverse, and ignores rules that would oblige it to reverse or go
Down). A vehicle that is immobilized while in the water is sunk/destroyed along with any occupants.
Vehicles can shot while in water, unless otherwise stated in supplemental rulebooks (e.g. equipped with
floatation screens cannot fire hull-mounted weapons).

COMMAND VEHICLE: The command vehicle adds a morale bonus of +1 to itself and to any other friendly
armored vehicle within 12 inches. See ARMORED PLATOON SPECIAL RULES.

ESCAPE REACTION: A recce vehicle that has not acted this turn can react to enemy shooting with an
escape move that is the same as described for an infantry or artillery unit going Down, except that before going
Down the vehicle makes an escape reaction. An escape move is done at the Advance rate or Run, which
may be forward or reverse, as long as it results in the escaping vehicle ending of a LOS of the attacking enemy,
or in cover from the attack, or at least further away from the attacker than when the attack is declared. This
movement cannot be used to assault enemy units. When the move is complete, mark the unit with a Down
order. After moving, the enemies shot is resolved normally. If the escaping unit has moved out of LOS the
shot automatically misses. If firing at the recce vehicles using HE, first determine if the vehicle would be hit
before deciding to escape or not. When an enemy unit declares an assault against a recce vehicle that has taken
no action that turn, the vehicle may make an escape move as previously described. If the recce vehicles
decides not to escape, it can react normally to the assault (e.g. defensive fire). After an escape move, the
assaulting unit will move towards the recce vehicle. If contacted, the assault is successful and resolved
normally, otherwise the unit just moves as close to the recce vehicle as possible (respecting the 1” separation
rule). Recce vehicles cannot execute an escape move if they are towing anything, and cannot be used in
response to an artillery barrage or air strike.

OPEN-TOPPED: Open-topped armored vehicles are pinned by hits from small arms fire in the same way as
soft-skinned vehicles and infantry. If assaulted by infantry, open-topped armored vehicles are destroyed
automatically if the vehicle is damaged. If hit by indirect fire, add +1 to the damage result roll. All hits upon
the top armor of a vehicle gain the +1 Pen modifier regardless of if open-topped or not. Armored vehicles that
fire a pintle mounted weapon count as open-topped until the end of the turn.

RECCE: When reversing, either voluntarily or because of a failed order test (with enemy in its front arc), a
recce vehicle can reverse at its full Advance rate rather than at ½ rate, and can maneuver as if driving forward
(e.g. including normal turning rules). Vehicles with dual direction steering can reverse at their Run rate. If
they fail an order test, these vehicles will always reserve at a Run rate. Recce vehicles spot hidden enemy
units when moved or deployed within 12” (instead of the normal 6”).
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SLOW LOAD: The vehicle cannot be given an order until at least one other unit from the same side has been
given an order (successful or not). If all remaining units from one side have the slow load rule, when the first
order dice is drawn for that side, return it to the bag. The next die drawn for that side of the bag can then be
used to order units.

SLOW: A slow vehicle has a basic move rate of 6” when Advancing and 12” at a Run.

TURRET REAR-MOUNTED MACHINE GUN: When firing, first select a resolve the main gunshot
(turning the turret as necessary). Only after can the turret rear-mounted machine gun fire into the opposing arc
(from where the main gun is pointing).

TRANSPORT VEHICLES: Transports and any unit they carry are, of course, two separate units and must be
given two separate orders. All empty transports and ambulances that end the turn closer to an enemy unit
of any kind rather than closer to a friendly unit, aside from other empty transports, are automatically
removed from the battle and count as destroyed. Transport vehicles have a minimal crew, so they can only
fire one of the weapons they are equipped with. If they are equipped with more than one weapon, these can be
fired only if the vehicle is carrying/towing a unit whose members act as weapon crew – each weapon being
fired needs one man to operate it. If the vehicle has no passengers, it can fire only one of its weapons. If either
the vehicle crew or the passengers are Inexperienced, or have a number of pin markers, their shots suffer the
normal penalties, so first declare which weapon is operated by the crew and which by the passengers.

MOUNTING VEHICLES: A single vehicle can transport any number of entire units so long as the total
number of models aboard does not exceed the vehicle’s carrying capacity. A unit cannot be divided between
two or more transports. Infantry units are only allowed to get into a vehicle that is stationary.
To board a transport, a unit must be given a Run order and all of its models must move as close as possible to
the vehicle. If they can all move to within 1” the unit has successfully climbed aboard. If only some can move
close enough then the unit cannot board that turn. Units cannot board a vehicle with a regroup move after an

DISMOUNTING VEHICLES: Units can dismount from a vehicle that is either stationary or which makes an
Advance action that turn. Troops can dismount either before or after the vehicle itself takes its action. A unit
dismounting from a vehicle must be ordered to Advance or Run. Make the action as normal, measuring the
unit’s move from the vehicle. Although a unit can use a Run action to dismount from a vehicle, it is not
allowed to use this move to make an assault upon an enemy in the same turn, nor can it mount another
transport in the same move. If a vehicle makes a Run action, any units it carries cannot dismount that turn
except where they are forced to do so if the vehicle is assaulted, immobilized or destroyed, as noted.


a. If a transport vehicle is immobilized by enemy fire any troops on board are immediately forced
to dismount.

b. If a transport vehicle is destroyed, each unit onboard suffers 1D6 hits – roll this number of hits
against each unit, apply damage and remove casualties as normal. After this is resolved, any
survivors are immediately forced to dismount.

c. If a transport is not destroyed yet receives enough pin markers to rout it, any surviving units on
board immediately forced to dismount, but they suffer no damage – they have been hurriedly
unloaded before their transport runs for the hills. Models forced to dismount must be placed
within D6” of their transport, following the rules for regrouping after a close quarters combat,
and then go/remain Down.
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Taken from Bolt Action book Tank Wars.
A shortened version can include the rules on pages 11-13 and the “Command Bonuses” rule on page 74. Use these
rules for any force that has more than two armored vehicles. Three armored vehicles (including armored cars) in
conformance with the appropriate theater selectors. In a multi-player game accompanying Infantry platoons may
treated as a separate platoon.

COMMAND VEHICLES: A force chosen from the Armored Platoon selector will always include at least
three vehicles including a Command Vehicle. There is no need to inform the opposing player which vehicle is
the Command Vehicle in the platoon; instead, secretly note down which vehicle is the Command Vehicle at the
start of the game. There is no need to reveal which are your Command Vehicles until the end of the game.
Elimination of a command vehicle implies elimination of any bonus the command vehicle provided. A Command
vehicle may select one other vehicle within 12” to “Snap to Action.”

LACK OF RADIOS: To represent units lacking effective radio communication French, Soviet and Japanese
Armored Platoon Command Vehicles can reduce their morale bonus distance from 12" to 6" at a reduction
in cost of 10 points for the Command Vehicle. This represents communication by means of flags or hand
signals. Platoons that lack radios cannot benefit from any of the following rules for Radio Networks.

RADIO NETWORKS: During World War 2 tanks and other fighting vehicles were organized into platoons
comprising the same kind of vehicle, and – at least by the war's end - usually provided with radios. Radio allows a
platoon commander to communicate with individual tanks in the same unit, and also to receive directions from
more senior commanders at the company or battalion level.

In the basic Bolt Action game we assume all vehicles are equipped with radios, but in the Tank War game we also
allow for improved communications networks for armored formations. This works as follows:

ARMORED PLATOON COMMANDER: If the three compulsory vehicles forming an armored platoon are all
taken from the same entry in the relevant army list (for example three T34/76s), then the player can add a Radio
Network. The Radio Network adds one to the Command Vehicle's morale bonus when adding its bonus to any
armored vehicle that form part of that platoon. This costs an additional 5 points for the Command Vehicle.
This extra + l boosts the Command Vehicle's bonus from the usual + l to +2 - but only for vehicles that
belong to the same platoon. Vehicles from other platoons still receive the + l bonus as usual.

Note that the three compulsory vehicles of the same type can have different options if these are part of
the same entry. They could have different weapons, for example, or the crews might be of different
qualities, and so forth. These differences do not matter. It is only important that the three vehicles are
chosen from the same entry in the army list.

Other vehicles in the platoon can be chosen from any of the permitted entries, and any armored vehicles
still benefit from the boosted morale for the Radio Network. Of course, players are free to choose a
mixture of vehicles to form the compulsory portion of their armored platoon if they prefer, but such a
'mixed' armored platoon cannot be given a Radio Network. (Huh! -I don't think Rommel ran business
this way! His commanders ran all three arms using the same net.)
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ARMORED COMPANY COMMANDER: If your force includes two or more armored platoons with
Radio Networks as described above, then one of the command vehicles with a Radio Network can be
upgraded to a company commander. This adds 2 to the Command Vehicle's morale bonus when adding its
bonus to any armored vehicle units that form part of that platoon - making +3 in total. This costs a
further 10 points for the Command Vehicle on top of the Platoon Commander's +5, so + 15 points in
total for the Radio Network.

Regardless of how many platoons are included in your force only one Command Vehicle can be upgraded
to a Company Commander, and the extra bonus only applies to units from the Company Commander's

ARMORED BATTALION COMMANDER: If your force includes three or more armored platoons
with Radio Networks as described above, then one of the command vehicles with a Radio Network can be
upgraded to a battalion commander. This adds 3 to the Command Vehicle's morale bonus when adding its
bonus to any armored vehicle units that form part of that platoon - making +4 in total. This costs a
further 20 points for the Command Vehicle on top of the Platoon Commander's +5, so +25 points in
total for the Radio Network.

Regardless of how many platoons are included in your force only one Command Vehicle can be upgraded
to a Battalion Commander, and the extra bonus only applies to units from the Battalion Commander's

Note that a force of three of more armored platoons equipped with a Radio Network can therefore include
one Battalion Commander, one Company Commander, and one Platoon Commander costing
+25, + 15, and +5 points respectively.

Armored Radio Network Modifier Table

Vehicle Modifier Range Cost Other platoons Notes

No Radio (Flags) +1 6” -10 0 French, Japanese, Russian
Radios, No Network +1 12” 0 0 See Below
Platoon Command +2 12” +5 0
Company Command +3 12” +15 1
Battalion Command +4 12” +25 2

A Command vehicle may select other platoon vehicles (units) within 12” to “Snap to Action,” as long as
the platoon has radios. Higher Command Vehicles may order subordinate platoons based upon unit
organization. American Vehicles held in Reserve do not get the -1 to activate. American vehicles have an
exterior intercom for infantry. Any German Command Vehicle uses BLITZKRIEG and INITIATIVE

Armored Infantry Platoons or Battle Groups (Bolt Action Campaign - Fortress Hungary) - Officers in
this platoon may use ‘You Men, Snap To Action!’ rules on page 83 of the Bolt Action rulebook to issue
orders to friendly units within command range even if inside an armored transport vehicle. The officer
issues orders to the transport vehicle, any unit within the same transport vehicle or any unit within
command range of the officer. To work out the officer’s command range, simply measure from anywhere
on the officer’s vehicle.

Motorized or Armored Infantry Platoons The platoon must include enough transport vehicles and/or
tows (either soft skinned or armored) to transport all models in the infantry and artillery units, up to a
maximum of one transport per unit of infantry and/or artillery.
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WARGATORS Haus Rules & Historical Clarifications

NOTE: Any of these clarifications may be ignored depending upon the scenario. Please make sure the players
are in agreement before ignoring.

1) Measuring movement – using the figure closest to the movement direction, measure the distance for
movement. Then move the remaining figures in that direction, but no further than the first figure moved.
The unit may be “scattered” with one (1) inch between each figure but not more than six (6) inches away
from the first figure. Basically the unit may form a twelve (12) inch fire line. Be sure to “Mind the Gap”
when placing your figures…that 1-inch or greater space between friendly fire and friendly units as well as
between friend and foe. Pre-measure movement unlike issuing fire, except when performing an “Assault.”

2) Unit Separation Rules – Since Bolt Action is a skirmish game, the 1-inch separation rule applies only to
fire lanes and not to positioning of figures and vehicles next to each other. There must be physical space for
vehicles and infantry to occupy. No overlapping of stands.

3) Vision for Small Arms Units – Since it is not explicit in the rules, vision for a unit or small team is 360
degrees limited by Line of Sight (LOS). A unit can issue fire in that arc. This assumes that the squad or
team practices proper security techniques as it moves.

4) Assigning Order Dice before Turn 1 – Before the start of the game, assign order die to each unit on the
board and in reserve. The player may place units on the Table in an “Ambush” or “Down” order, before the
start of Turn 1. Consider units in reserve “Down” until activated. “Ambush” units may be in “Hidden”

5) Fire Teams - If the player desires, the player may divide his squad into fire teams of a minimum of two (2)
and a maximum of six (6) figures and assign an order die to that team. The team must remain in this
configuration for the remainder of the game. (Just for discussion purposes, the player may also use the
purchase rules to create smaller “squads” and assign them order die as appropriate.) Forming “fire teams”
causes the squad to lose its “full strength” rating. You must designate a team leader. Fire team members
must be within four (4) inches of the team leader. Officers must be within required distances.

6) By the late war, the following teams are integrated into the squad: bazooka teams, flamethrower teams, medic
teams, and sniper teams. All normal team rules apply except as modified below.

a) Anti-Tank Team – Two Figures - all infantry figures are trained anti-tank gunners. Therefore,
casualties may be placed upon other non-gunners of the team/squad. The Anti-tank Team costs the
same number of points as if it were a separate team from the squad. When the Bazooka or
Panzerschreck figure is eliminated by indirect HE fire or double-six exceptional damage, the assistant
figure becomes a rifleman, because it is assumed that the weapon was destroyed by high explosives or
enemy fire.

b) Flamethrower Team – Two Figures – A true specialization team - A Flamethrower Team may be
added to a squad, replacing two infantry members of the squad. The Flamethrower Team costs the same
number of points as if it were a separate team from the squad. When the Flamethrower figure is
eliminated by indirect fire elimination, or double-six exceptional damage elimination, the assistant
figure becomes part of the squad’s riflemen, because it is assumed that the weapon was destroyed by
high explosives or enemy fire.
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c) Medic – Single Figure – A medic may be assigned to the squad. Normal Medic rules and costs
apply. If attached to a squad, and eliminated by sniper elimination, indirect fire elimination, or double-
six exceptional damage elimination, remove the figure. Otherwise place casualties on other squad

d) Sniper Team – Two Figures – A true specialization team – A Sniper Team may be added to a squad,
replacing two infantry members of the squad. The Sniper Team costs the same number of points as if it
were a separate team from the squad. When the Sniper figure is eliminated by sniper elimination, indirect
fire elimination, or double-six exceptional damage elimination, the assistant figure becomes a sniper figure
because it is armed like the first sniper figure. Once the second team member is eliminated, there are no
longer any snipers in the infantry squad.

7) Panzerfaust (Single Shot Anti-Tank weapon) – Single Figure – If a figure with a panzerfaust is eliminated
by small arms fire, the casualty may be placed on a non-panzerfaust armed figure, if-and-only-if, there are
other panzerfaust armed figures in the squad. (The eliminated figure need not have a panzerfaust, but the
Platoon/Squad list must reflect other members carrying the panzerfaust.) When the panzerfaust figure is
eliminated by indirect HE fire or double-six exceptional damage while armed with a panzerfaust, it is
assumed that the weapon was destroyed by high explosives or enemy fire. If the panzerfaust is fired, and
the figure does not have multiple panzerfaust weapons, replace the figure with a regular a rifle armed figure
and cross off one of the listed panzerfaust.

8) Rifle grenades (Reloadable Single Shot Anti-Personnel/Anti-tank weapon) – Single Figure – See
panzerfaust above. The entire squad is considered trained in the use of the rifle grenade, but the number
of figures is determined by the Rifle grenade special rules. Soldiers carried additional grenades for the
rifle grenadier. The rifle grenade may be used in a direct fire anti-tank or indirect HE fire mode.
Elimination of the rifle grenade figure by indirect HE or double-six exceptional damage while armed with
a rifle grenade launcher, both the figure and weapon are eliminated by high explosives or enemy fire.

9) Armored Vehicle Drivers and Assistants (Crew) – There is no need for the squad to remain in the
armored vehicle to issue vehicle armament fire. Only one weapon may issue fire if the vehicle is armed
with multiple weapons. The exception to this rule is issuing flak fire during an aircraft attack. The driver
and assistant are assumed to be with the vehicle unless otherwise eliminated by sniper elimination,
indirect fire elimination, or double-six exceptional damage elimination. Once these crew members are
eliminated, consider the vehicle destroyed.

10) Single Figure “Lone Soldier” – A single figure “Lone Soldier” may attempt to join up with a squad. The
figure may not move closer to the enemy. It may join another squad within its 12-inch “Run” distance if it
passes its basic unmodified Morale Value roll. If the Morale Value check fails, the Lone Soldier runs
away. This rule does not apply to officers, single team members or unattached medics unless the “specialty
figure” is eliminated by sniper elimination, indirect fire elimination, or double-six exceptional damage
elimination , the “assistant figure” may join as squad as above.

11) Morale Check – Remember, if a target loses half or more of its figures from one (1) enemy unit, the player
must make an immediate morale check for the unit using its modified morale value or less to remain intact.
If the unit is three or less figures, they may not move closer to the enemy, but may issue fire from where the
unit stands. The unit may join another friendly squad within its “Run” distance if it passes its modified
Morale Value roll. If the Morale Value check fails, the unit is removed from play and is considered
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12) Hand Grenades, Molotov Cocktails, Sticky Bombs – May only be used by infantry figures during an
Assault or “Advance” order into range of 1 inch. All of the attacking figures may throw these weapons. At
least one figure in the unit must represent the presence of the weapon(s). The movement penalty (-1) is
applied as well as any other modifier that effects the hitting of the target. These may be used to attack an
armored fighting vehicle or soft skinned vehicle. Apply appropriate rules for fighting tanks. A 1-inch HE
template determines the affected area for grenades and Molotov cocktails. A 2-inch HE template is used for
the sticky bomb. The Molotov cocktail uses flamethrower rules, but rolls 1d3 hits and 1d2+1 pins.

13) Shooting From Buildings: As long as there is one opening on the side of the building, at least two infantry
figures or one team may fire from that side of the building. Multiple openings imply that two infantry
figures per opening or one team per opening may issue fire. A peaked roof allows a single row of infantry
figures to fire. No MMGs, HMGs or Mortars allowed. A flat topped roof allows 2x the number of figures to
fire. Example: If four (4) infantry figures fit across the side of the roof, then eight (8) figures may fire. If a
team is added into that side of a flat roof, then reduce the number of single figures to fit in the remaining
space. No Heavy Mortars allowed.

14) Ambulance: An ambulance can act as a Transport for a Medical crew of up to three Medic figures. Each
Medic figure must be painted as a medic and the appropriate cost included into the vehicle cost. Medic
assistants do not need to be painted as Medics as in the basic rules and up to two max as in the basic rules
may be carried based upon the transport capacity. The appropriate cost must be added into the vehicle cost.
The ambulance may transport the medics (medic teams) into combat and using the transport rules drop each
medic off within 6 inches of infantry or artillery units. The ambulance must then move itself closer to
friendly units or suffer consequences as noted for TRANSPORTS.

15) Creating Openings in Building Sides: If an infantry or artillery unit ends a turn inside a building
without an opening, it may create an opening in that wall by spending the following time for a particular
kind of wall:

Wall Type Time Turns Cover Value

Wood 1 Light -1
Brick/Stone 2 Heavy -2
Bunker No Reinforced -4

Some buildings may be considered heavier than others. In this case, their cover value may be listed as
heavy cover.

16) Team Transports: Transport for an observer, sniper, spotter, etc. may be left in reserve or placed upon
the table at the start of the game.

17) Infantry Tank Riders: The Russians had special units assigned to ride tanks into combat since they did
not have armored personnel carriers during WW2. However, there were instances of American, British,
German, and other infantry riding Tanks and other self-propelled guns, if not into battle, as a means of
getting closer to the battle.

a. A tank rider unit can mount or dismount a “tank” as if it were a transport.

b. As soon as the tank issues fire, the riders must dismount the tank and receive an “Advance,” a
“Down,” or a “Run” order.
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c. Riders may not perform an assault after dismounting a tank.

d. One squad of infantry can ride one tank or the equivalent number of small arms team
members. No heavy weapon teams may be carried, except weapons marked †.

e. The tank rider unit must immediately disembark the tank if any type of weapon shoots at the

f. If the tank receives any initial pin markers, the rider unit receives the same number of pin
markers even if the tank does not get damaged.

g. If the attack is from small arms, attack the infantry as normal, and the survivors may go
“Down” before any hits are recorded against the tank and are placed within 1D6 inches of the

h. Do not remove tanks from play unless destroyed by enemy weapons fire. If the tank is
destroyed, the squad onboard suffers 1D6 additional hits – apply damage and remove casualties
as normal. After this is resolved, any survivors immediately go “Down,” 1D6 inches away.

i. If the tank is not destroyed yet receives enough additional pin markers to rout it, any surviving
units suffer no additional damage and are placed within 1D6 inches of the tank – they have
been hurriedly unloaded before the tank runs for the hills.

18) Hidden Units – Units in “Ambush” may be considered hidden units. If there is a referee/umpire for the
game, let that person know the hidden unit(s) and location on the table. If not, let the other player(s) know
there are hidden units on the board. Use a card to record the information and set it in the reserve section of
your tables. Order dice for units that are “hidden” at set-up may be placed on the table without the unit
exposed. Also, dummy markers may be used, suggest 3 chits for every unit. Chits may be placed
randomly on the table and should be placed no closer than 12 to an enemy unit. See HIDDEN SET-UP on
p149 PDF.

a) Hidden Unit Detection – Hidden units are exposed when:

i. They move. (Exception: See Snipers Detection below)

ii. They issue fire.
iii. An enemy infantry or artillery unit moves to (or is set up) within 12”.
iv. An enemy recce vehicle moves to (or is set up) within 12”.
v. Any other enemy vehicle moves to within 6”.
vi. When dense terrain is entered by the enemy unit up to 6” (3” for vehicles.).
vii. An enemy unit scores a hit on the hidden unit.
viii. When the hidden unit reacts to Reconnaissance by Fire. (See RBF Rules below)

b) Hidden in Dense Terrain – Infantry units in “Ambush” may move through dense terrain and
remain hidden except as noted above.

c) Hidden Sniper Detection – A sniper team, based upon its special status, may remain hidden and in
“Ambush.” The team or figure does not need to be placed on the table, but the owner must announce to
the umpire the location of the sniper. Once the sniper team moves into the open, the opposing player
may roll 2d6 over the morale quality of the sniper team. If successful, the sniper team must be exposed
and placed on the table by the owning player. If the Sniper Team issues fire, the target unit may roll to
detect the sniper with a +1 modifier over the sniper team’s morale value
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19) Reconnaissance by Fire (RBF): A unit may fire on suspect targets to elicit a response. The target
must roll 2d6 and react as follows based upon its own morale value:

Roll 2D6 Reaction:

at or below These are “Free” actions. Target unit takes casualties and pins as
Morale Value appropriate.

Go “Down” and remain in-place not revealing position and take casualties and
Equal or below pins as appropriate. If in “Ambush,” may stay in “Ambush” orders or execute
Return fire at full strength. Might as well let them know we’re here for good.
1 Above The initiating unit may fire again with 1d6+3 figures adding modifiers as
“Advance” out of the targeted area.
2 Above If movement can be observed, the initiating unit may fire again with 1d6+3
figures adding modifiers as appropriate.
“Run” Away.
3 Above If movement can be observed, the initiating unit may fire again with 2d6+2
figures adding modifiers as appropriate.

Note: If the unit is a hidden “dummy unit,” then roll as if it has a morale value of 8 (Inexperienced),
any result above 8 will expose the unit as a dummy. Remove the marker.

20) Pistols: If the figure does not appear to have a weapon, it is armed with a pistol only.
21) Scenario Points: Scenarios are defined as Attacker-Defender or Meeting Engagement. In Attacker
Defender scenarios the Defender may take up to 10% more points to pay for defensive Emplacements (see
below) out of his point allotment, and no more than 1% in its force. When applicable, the Attacker should
have 30% more points. In Meeting Engagements, the points should be equal. In an Attacker-Defender
scenario, defending players may have 0-2 of any medium machineguns and any heavy weapons allowed in
the appropriate selector guide, including tows and transports if desired. No additional tanks or armored cars.
(Example: 1000pts Defender gets 100 points in Emplacements and 10 points in additional force points.
1000pts Attacker gets 300 additional force points.)
22) Morale Checks: 12 (Box Cars) always fails and 2 (Snake Eyes) always succeeds. Just a reminder.
23) Dense Terrain: Units can draw line of sight into and out of dense terrain, but cannot draw line of sight
right through it. Unless the players agree otherwise, units are not allowed to draw line of sight over dense
terrain, the dense terrain is always assumed higher than any models on the table blocking line of sight to all
ground units. Infantry may move half in dense terrain and fire with soft cover modifiers. Vehicles may not
move through dense terrain, unless they have some way to break the dense terrain, i.e.: Cullin Blades,
Bulldozer Blades, etc.
24) Officers: Company and Battalion commanders and any squad NCO may be used as spotters if they have
not been given any order dice of their own or commanded other units to perform orders (issued orders).
They must follow spotter rules, as spotters it negates officer "Snap to" ability or NCO Squad action (It's a
"Fire" order to the arty on or off board. Only one fire mission allowed). Company and Battalion
commanders may command any Armored, Artillery and Infantry units within their command radius .
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Cost: 288 pts (Inexperienced), 360 pts (Regular), 432 pts (Veteran).
Weapons: two HMGs and four light autocannons. All covering front.
Special Rules: Interceptor after ordnance released.

six HMGs - 40 or
four HMGs and two light autocannons -20 or
two heavy auto cannons replacing two light auto cannons +30 or
two underwing twin HMG pods replacing two auto cannons +20 (HMG (6)) or
one centerline in fuselage heavy auto cannon replacing both HMGs +5

four centerline 100# bombs replacing two light auto cannons +60
one centerline 250# bomb +50 pts and
two underwing 100# bombs replacing two light autocannons or
two underwing 250# bombs replacing two light auto cannons and all HMGs or
two underwing 250# bombs replacing all auto cannons –20
one centerline 500# bomb +100 pts and
two underwing 250# bombs replacing two light auto cannons and all HMGs or
two underwing 250# bombs replacing all auto cannons or
two underwing 250# bombs +100 or
underwing Cluster Bomblets +60pts
one centerline 1000# bomb replacing all light autocannons +80

Ground Attack
one 250# bomb +50pts and
two heavy auto cannons replacing two light auto cannons +30pts or
two additional underwing light autocannons +60pts or
two additional underwing heavy cannons +90pts or
four additional underwing light auto cannons +120 or
six rockets (6) replacing two light cannons or
an additional 250# bomb +50pts and two underwing 250# bombs +100pts or
two underwing Cluster Bomblets +60pts
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Cost: 288 pts (Inexperienced), 320 pts (Regular), 352pts (Veteran).

Weapons: six HMGs. All covering front.
Special Rules: Interceptor after release of rockets or bombs and armed with HMG or
Autocannon as appropriate.*

A-36 Apache/Invader - Dive Bomber (Fighter/Bomber)*

Cost: 488pts (Inexperienced), 520pts (Regular), 552 pts (Veteran)
Weapons: six HMGs, two 500# bombs

P-51A Mustang - Fighter - as above but with four light Autocannon

Special Rules: Interceptor

P-51B/C Mustang - Ground Attack*

Cost: 486 pts (Inexperienced), 540 pts (Regular), 594 pts (Veteran)
Weapons: four HMGs, six 4-inch rocket tubes, with two 500# bombs or two 150# Napalm +200 pts

P-51D Mustang - Fighter* - as above

Weapon Options:
two additional HMGs for +40 points or
eight 5-inch rockets for +80 points
or two 500# bombs for +200 points
or two 150# Napalm for +400 points
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15 December 2022 Page 27 of 32

Still working on the Soviet IL-2 Sturmovick, Polikarpov I-16 Ishak, Polikarpov Po-2 Kukuruznik

Japanese Kawasaki Ki-10-II (1939)

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WARGATOR Hollywood Rules Section
These rules are answers to the age old question, “If they can do it in the movies, why can’t I?” Remember
also, “It’s a joke, Michael, it’s a joke.” – LaFleur to Michael Donavan. These are meant for fun and not game

1) Run Over the Infantry – Allow half-tracked, wheeled, soft sided vehicles, and motor cycles to assault
(Run Order) infantry by running them over. Roll morale for infantry unit. If attacked infantry fails morale,
fire vehicle weapons normally and roll 1d6+1 additional attacks for the vehicle. These additional figures are
removed and the remainder flee 2d6 inches away. If infantry passes morale, the infantry may defend with one
attack per figure. “6” is a successful infantry small arms attack. Roll on the Vehicle Damage Results chart,
+1/per successful attack. Also known as the “Where Eagles Dare” rule.

2) Playing Dead – Immediately before turn 6 starts, for every infantryman killed, the owning player rolls a
single die. On the roll of a “6,” that soldier was playing dead. All of these figures may be placed anywhere in
its original set up zone but not closer than 6 inches of an enemy unit. Every soldier playing dead may fire
once, even as a squad, and are then removed from play before the turn begins.

3) Shot Gunned – Every US Figure armed with a shotgun is treated as a tough fighter.

4) AFV’s Machine Gun – Not country specific – Allow any one escaping tank crew member to handle a
pintle mounted MMG bare handed upon exiting a knocked out or disabled tank. This may be done for one
turn only and may be used in response to an assault upon the tank. Also known as the “Sergeant McGuffie in
Battle of the Bulge” rule.

5) Foo Gas Mines – these were real improvised explosive devices based upon 20 to 50 liters of a liquid fuel-
based explosive. They were typically used in mine fields and as part of barbed wire defenses. Treat these as a
one-shot 1d6+1 flamethrower attack. When used with a minefield, roll as per a mine field attack rule. On a
“6” result, a foo gas mine has exploded. When used as part of a barbed wire barricade, roll as per a mine field
attack. On a “5 or 6” result, a foo gas mine has exploded. Also known as the “Battle of the Bulge” rule.

6) Child Soldiers and other Non-Combatants – Again, these were a true combat hazard to be encountered
by all armies. They may be utilized as either bomb laden booby traps or weapons carrying green partisan
troops. Treat per the rules used in each case-by-case scenario. Some may just be looking for cigarettes or
candy bars. Also known as the “Hitler-Jugend” rule or the “Rolfe Grueber in The Sound of Music” rule.

7) Femme Fatale or Heroine – A female soldier of any morale level or qualifier, and may use any small
arms. Also known as the “Wonder Woman” rule. See also “She – Wolves.”

8) She - Wolves – Well…there is a movie called “She-Wolves of the SS.” Veteran Fanatic women. Mmm,
any French, Italian, Okinawan or Soviet women in that mix?

9) Spider Holes – Any squad is allowed to be hidden in spider holes at the start of the game within its set-on
area. IE, this is not a country specific ability.

10) Hero Figure – adds plus 2 (two) to the squad morale. Allows a second “Advance” order after any action
the squad completes. Also known as the “Captain America” rule.

11) Run and Gun – allows any infantry squad to fire after a “Run” order at -3. This does not include an
Assault, or a heavy weapons team move. Also known as the “Too many of us want to play this way” rule.
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12) Low Crawl – This is a “Free Move” – At the end of a turn, allows a squad under a “Down” order to move
1d6 inches instead of removing pinned markers. The unit must make its appropriate morale roll to perform
this move. If it fails, no other end of turn actions may be completed. Also known as the “Longest Day” or
the “Sands of Iwo Jima” rule.

13) Soviet Sniper Teams – actually two (2) snipers with the chance of making two different sniper shots,
either on the same unit or another unit. Also known as the “Enemy at the Gates” Rule Number 1.

14) Shoot and Scoot – This is a “Free Move” – At the end of a turn, allows a sniper team to Advance or Run
to a new hidden location after a “Fire” order. The team must pass the appropriate morale roll to perform this
move. The team may not move within 12 inches or closer to an enemy unit. The team must not cross any
open lanes of fire or lines of sight. If the morale roll fails, the team remains in place. If the team crosses an
open lane of fire or line of sight, an enemy unit in “Ambush” with visibility may take a free shot, modified by
the cover the team is in. Also known as the “Enemy at the Gates” Rule Number 2.

15) Caught Dead to Rights and Flat Footed – Any single figure “caught in the open” by the enemy, at the
end of a turn, may be fired upon. The shot is modified by range and if the enemy unit has performed an
“Advance,” “Fire,” or “Run” order (-1 modifier). A unit on “Ambush” may roll 1d6 at 3+ and fire instead of
remaining on “Ambush.”. With test failure, return the Order Die to the bag. If passed, roll to hit normally.
There are no movement modifiers if the firing unit is on “Ambush” because it is assumed that the unit has not
moved and is still on “Ambush.” The “Ambush” rule is in the basic rules, but we changed it to a 3+ die roll
test. Then return the Order die to the dice bag. A “Down” or “Rallied” unit may not fire at the single figure as
it is assumed that the unit is occupied with saving its ass. Also known as the “Enemy at the Gates” Rule
Number 3.

16) Road, Paths and Trails – A road is anything designed to handle at least one vehicle. It may be a
prepared surface or a dirt road. Bonus movement should be scenario driven as some single lane prepared
roads may not allow the double movement. Typically, a road should be 2 to 3 ½ inches wide. Paths are
intended to allow farm machinery to travel between fields. It could be up to two inches wide. A trail is
intended for foot traffic, animal traffic, or a wagon or cart if wide enough. Consider a trail to be no more than
one figure wide (one inch).

17) Interpenetration – One unit may pass through another unit as long as it is not a vehicle attempting to
pass through another vehicle. The assumption is made that foot soldiers will make room for a vehicle and a
vehicle will slow down for friendly infantry. If one infantry passes through a friendly unit that is down, make
a morale check, then roll 1d2 to see how many figures will join their comrades.
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18) Crash the Car - Allow half-tracked, wheeled armored vehicles, any soft sided vehicles, and motor cycles
to assault (Run Order) another vehicle of the same type.

1. Declare target and take morale test with -3 modifier (not if target has less armor than the assaulting
vehicle). Assault with a “Run” order and appropriate movement.

2. Target reacts if vehicle started the assault greater than 9 inches away, using weapons that can damage
the assaulting vehicle.

3. Vehicle moves until touching target. Lesser armored targets are eliminated immediately.

4. Have each vehicle roll 1D6, add difference of armor as damage value (PEN) modifier.

a. Loser = lower score, Draw = both are losers, Winner = highest score

b. Roll on DAMAGE RESULTS ON VEHICLES table (if heavier vehicle is loser only Superficial
Damage is the result).

c. Winner takes no damage if heavier, otherwise superficial damage roll on DAMAGE RESULTS

Once this has been worked out, any surviving vehicles come to an immediate halt. Show this by turning each
vehicle’s order die to “Down” or place a “Down” order die next to it if it hasn’t yet taken an action this turn.

Finally, each surviving vehicle, whether making the assault or being assaulted, suffers one further pin marker
in addition to any already taken either from reaction fire or from a damage result during the assault.

19) The Drive By – Allow a soft sided car or a motorcycle to assault a moving soft target. The assaulting
vehicle must have a passenger that is armed with a submachine gun, pistol, or shotgun to assault the other
vehicle. Oh, this so FOSS Hollywood, I can’t stand it. See Crash the Car above. The target vehicle may
respond in kind if its passenger is armed as above. AKA the “Red Brigade” rule.

20) Follow Me! – This is an assault order. Any US Officer’s full complement of orders is followed, regardless
of the number of pin markers on the unit. Allow for an all-out, no holding back, assault by any ordered US
unit, and the unit is classified as “Stubborn” for this assault ignoring any pin markers for its morale checks.
This may only be done once in a game. AKA the “Go for Broke!” Rule.

21) Transported Troop Assault – Infantry carried in half tracked or wheeled vehicles, or carried upon fully
tracked vehicles may assault other units when disembarking their “transports.” The vehicle may only advance.
It may not be given a run order. Only the transported infantry may be given an assault or “Run” order. Also
known as the “Panzergrenadier or Sturmtruppen Anfallen” Rule.

22) Fortress Halftrack – The half-tracked personnel carrier may be used by carried troops as a base of small
arms fire, as well as the use of additional medium (MMG) and heavy (HMG) machine guns carried. Also
allows the driver and assistant to fire carried MMG and HMGs (because that’s their job!). Also known as the
“Festung Halbe Strecke“ Rule.

23) Cover Fire – Having a squad, LMG, or HMG lay down fire to support an assault. This assumes that the
activating officer has ordered multiple units to assist with an assault. Utilize all applicable movement and
cover modifiers. Cover fire allows one additional pin marker for a successful hit.
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24) Armored Vehicle Drivers and Assistants (Crew) – There is no need for the squad to remain in the
armored vehicle to issue vehicle armament fire. Only one weapon may issue fire if the vehicle is armed with
multiple weapons. The exception to this rule is issuing flak fire during an aircraft attack. The driver and
assistant are assumed to be with the vehicle unless otherwise eliminated by sniper elimination, indirect fire
elimination, or double-six exceptional damage elimination. Once these crew members are eliminated, consider
the vehicle destroyed.

25) Hill Contours - Hill contours are considered open ground unless otherwise noted in the scenario.
Measure the height of the hill contour. That is the "distance" subtracted from the movement across that
contour. If you do not have enough movement left to cross the contour the player has a choice to make.

1. Stop movement at the base of the contour and wait until the figure can move again. This provides a
bit of protection from the hill contour. An enemy unit must be within LOS and 1 inch of the
intervening contour to see the protected unit to fire across the contour. An enemy unit that is in the
open to the side or back may fire on the protected unit as long as it has LOS, and apply the appropriate
"Cover" rules.

2. The player moves up the contour at least half of the intervening contour height and places the
figure(s) across the contour. While continuing partial movement up the contour, the player takes the
consequences, if any, of an enemy unit attempting to fire on the unit.

3. Cover Note: if at least 50% of the shooters can clearly draw a line of fire to at least 50% of the
target, no cover modifiers apply. (50 & 50 Rule)

26) Table Set Up - While not a rule per say, it’s just a means of setting up the table, consider using a blind for
set up, wide enough to go across the table based upon the scenario and high enough not to see over while
seated, and setting on your troops. No peeking. That’s not a city in China.

Specific rules may be added from other sources to any scenario for clarification. Make suggestions to
this stuff…we want to have fast and furious fun. If we find anything that slows the game down, we can
always trash it. If you find anything in another BA book that we need to add here, mention it.
Remember, it’s only a game, so play nice.

Courtesy of Eric T. Holmes, HMGS-South, WARGATORS,

Bolt Action v2.0 Wargators Summary
27 March 2023 Page 32 of 32
Rifle 24 1 -- (Sniper: 36” +1 to hit, no cover effects) †† # -- Unit
Pistol 6 1 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† -- Unit
SMG 12 2 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† -- Unit
Automatic Rifle 30 2 -- BAR †† # -- Unit
Assault Rifle 18 2 -- Assault (no to-hit penalty when moving) †† # -- Unit
LMG 36 4 -- Team (2) †† # -- Unit
MMG 36 5 -- Team (3), Fixed (cannot fire during Advance) # -- 1
Hand Grenade 1 1 +1 Assault, HE (1”) Close Quarters †† No bldg 3” D2
Sticky Bomb 1 1 +3 Assault, HE (2”) Close Quarters †† -- D3
Molotov Cocktail 1 D3 +2 Assault, HE (1”) Close Quarters †† 2” D3+1
Partisan Bomb 6 1 +4 HE (4”) 6” D6
HMG 36 3 +1 Team (4), Fixed # -- 1
Light Auto Cannon 48 2 +2 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) # -- D2
Heavy Auto Cannon 72 2 +3 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) # -- D2
AT Rifle* 36 1 +2 Team (2) HE (1”) †† -- D2
Rifle Grenade 12 (6 – 18) 1 +1 Individual, Indirect Fire, HE (1”) †† -- D2
Rifle Grenade Anti - 12 1 +4 Individual, Shaped Charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
AT Weapon* 24 1 +2 Team (3), Fixed, HE (2”) † -- D3
PIAT 12 1 +5 Team, Shaped charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
Bazooka 24 1 +5 Team, Shaped charge HE (1”) †† -- D2
Panzerschreck 24 1 +6 Team, Shaped charge HE (2”) †† -- D3
Panzerfaust 12 1 +6 One-shot, Shaped charge HE (2”) †† -- D3
Light AT Gun* 48 1 +4 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) -- D2
Medium AT Gun* 60 1 +5 Team, Fixed, HE (1”) -- D2
Heavy AT Gun* 72 1 +6 Team, Fixed, HE (2”) # -- D3
Super-heavy AT Gun* 84 1 +7 Team, Fixed, HE (3”) # -- D3
Flamethrower (inf) 6 D6 +2 Team, Flamethrower †† 3” D3+1
Flamethrower (veh) 18 2D6 +3 Flamethrower 6” D3+1
Light mortar 12-24 1 +1 Team (2), Indirect Fire, HE (1”) †† 3” D2
Medium mortar 12-60 1 +2 Team (3), Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (2”) † 4” D3
Heavy mortar 12-72 1 +3 Team (4), Fixed, Indirect Fire, HE (3”) † 5” D3
Light howitzer 48 (24-60) 1 +2 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (2”) 4” D3
Medium howitzer 60 (30-72) 1 +3 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (3”) 5” D3
Heavy howitzer 72 (36-84) 1 +4 Team, Fixed, Howitzer, HE (4”) 6” D6

Hit on D6 of 3+, die roll modified by: Damage infantry or artillery on D6 (add PEN) of:
+1 at point blank range (up to 6”), or sniper Inexperienced 3+
-1 for each pin marker on firing unit, long range, inexperienced Regular 4+
firer, firing on move, target is inf or arty “Down”, target is small Veteran 5+
(1-2 figures), soft cover -2 Hard cover Non-HE fire against buildings: 6+ (add PEN)
If die roll of 7+ required, re-roll 6s, each new 6 hits. Exceptional damage: re-roll of 6 after a natural 6.
Penetration (Pen) = Damage Modifier Check morale if unit’s fire causes 50%+ losses.
Shaped Charge or HE = No -1 to hit at long range HE Dmg Table = Roll # target hits within diameter, 1/2 if Down

* Anti-Tank Weapons and Guns must designate HE or Armor Piercing ammunition which includes the Blacker Bombard for British
Army. The Soviet Ampulomet special effect: If an Ampulomet (a type of Molotov Cocktail) hits an armored vehicle and fails to
penetrate its armor, roll a die. On the score of a 6 the vehicle is ‘on fire’ as described on the Damage Results on Armored Targets.
†† may ride on tanks or transports. † may ride transports only. # may be used against aircraft per appropriate rule book or set

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