The Devil in Miss Tsukino

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The Devil in Miss Tsukino

by True Sailor Io
Co-Authored by Chibi-Setsuna, Dark Kate, Hentai Neko
Artwork by Dmitrys

(Authors Notes: This fanfic is a Hentai Parody, no money was paid for its
production and all characters depicted herein remain the property of their original
creators. WARNING: This story contains graphic dipictions of multiple lewd and
sometimes illegal sexual acts, do not read if you are offended by: Dickgirl,
Lactation, Incest, Bestiality, Bondage, Lolicon, Shota, Futa on Male, Futa and
Beast, Nipple Penetration, Impregnation, Group Sex, Prostitution, Rape, Rape of
Nuns, Women used as Objects, Demonic Possession, Orgasmic Birthing, Hybrid
Birthing, etc. (Wow, I put a lot in here, didn�t I?) Enjoy.)

Twirling her staff high over her head, Eternal Sailor Moon spun around
once and intoned, �Starlight Honeymoon Therapy Kiss!!!� As she did, golden light
showered over the woman who had been possessed by a dark demon. Her mutated body
went ridged as the purifying light washed over her.
�BEAUTIFUL!!!� she shouted as the mutations washed away from her body,
leaving her naked on the ground as she collasped, unconscious. Nearby, Tuxedo Mask
tossed a blanket that was drying on a clothes line over her, preserving her
�Whew� hah hahh�� panted Sailor Mars, �Where do these things keep
coming from?�
�Who knows,� Answered Sailor Jupiter, �At least we won�t have to worry
about that one again.�
The other Sailor Senshi nodded in agreement and Eternal Sailor Moon
dropped to her knees.
�Usagi!� the group called out in worry. In an instant, they were at
her side, Tuxedo Mask helping his love to her feet. �Are you alright?� he asked.
�Yes, just, got a little dizzy for a moment is all.� Eternal Sailor
Moon answered. She then moved to stand on her own feet and put her long glass
staff away. �Let�s go home everyone.�


Stretching as she stepped out of the bath tub, Usagi Tsukino reached
out and grabbed a towel to wrap around her naked body. She felt unusually tired
tonight, the fight with the futanari youma had taken more out of her than she had
thought. After drying herself off, she donned a bra and pair of panties before
sliding into her pink pajamas. The blonde haired girl then stepped out into the
hallway and bumped into her mother Ikuko Tsukino.
�Oh, excuse me mom�� she said.
�That�s alright sweetheart.� Ikuko said as she gave her daughter a
gentle hug. Usagi returned the hug and rested her head against her mothers ample
chest for a moment. She felt an odd sensation in her body as she pulled away
slowly. Somehow, she noticed that her mother smelled so, nice� It wasn�t perfume
or anything, just her scent, it was warmer somehow, more enticing.
Shaking her head inwardly, Usagi said her goodnights to Ikuko and
walked over to her room. Her brother and father were out of town right now, some
kind of business trip to America and they wouldn�t be back for more than a week,
leaving her and her mother alone.


Lying in her bed, Usagi tossed and turned under the sheets, sweat
covered her entire body as she lay panting. Her slender hands clawed at the sheets
of her bed as her legs kicked away the covers. She felt as though her body was on
fire, but it wasn�t painful, rather she burned with lust and desire. In her
dreams, Usagi felt her entire body being ravaged by many hands that groped and
kneaded her body, she felt the hard cocks of many men rubbing all over her,
smearing her with cum as she opened her mouth wide to moan, only to have it stuffed
with a thick and musky smelling rod. Dispite what she told it, her mouth eagerly
sucked the thick cock as two more violated her ass and pussy.
Moaning in pleasure, Usagi surrendered herself to it, unable, and
unwilling to fight anymore. She felt the cocks pushing themselves deeper into her,
deeper and deeper, pushing into the very depths of her body and soul.
The blonde girls blue eyes then snapped open, a deep red glow in them
now as she sat up and tore the clothes from her body. Climbing from the bed, Usagi
walked over to the body length mirror set into the wall and looked down at her
naked body. She then smiled as she watched her breasts begin to expand, going from
a B to a G cup in a few short seconds.
Lifting one heavy tit to her mouth, Usagi began sucking on the pert
nipple, slathering her tongue all over the hard nub. She then moved her free hand
to her pussy and began fingering her clit. She moaned in lewd pleasure as she felt
her pussy quiver and twitch. The blonde felt a thick lump swelling just above her
The lump grew and elongated until finally a long cock burst out from
the tip and began oozing with thick and sticky cum. Usagi moaned in pleasure as
her hand began stroking her new cock. It feels so good, she thought as her nipples
began leaking milk. Lust and desire filled the blonde as she walked out of her
room and into the hallway. Her cock throbbed with the need to fuck a tight hole.
And there was only one nearby that would satisfy that need.
Walking naked through the hallway, Usagi made her way into her parent�s
bedroom. She slowly pushed the door open and spied her mother asleep in bed. A
dark pink vibrator lay on the floor by the bed, still glistening with her mothers
juices. Usagi panted softly, she could smell her mothers cunt, and her new cock
ached to plunge into it. The thought of having Ikuko down on all fours and panting
like a bitch in heat excited the blonde as she crept ever closer.
When she was just a few steps away, Ikuko�s eyes fluttered open and
looked up at Usagi with surprise. The red glow in the blondes eye grew brighter as
she took hold of her mothers mind. She was in no mood for a struggle as she forced
her will onto the older womans.
�Suck it!� she commanded her.
Ikuko nodded numbly as she leaned her head forward and eagerly took her
daughters dick into her hot, wet mouth. Usagi leaned her head back and moaned in
bliss, her hand rested atop her mothers head, guiding her mouth up and down slowly.
�Mmm.. mmm� mmmmm�� Ikuko moaned around her daughters cock, in her mind
she screamed in protest, but no matter how hard she tried, she couldn�t pull away,
the cock in her mouth tasted so� good, so hot, and it made her feel so dirty. With
every bob of her head, she felt her revulsion fade just a bit more as hunger and
lust took hold. Soon, the purple haired woman moved up onto all fours and lewdly
sucked the younger girls cock like a cheap whore. Her pussy dripped with juices,
making a sticky and slick puddle on the bed as she took every inch of Usagi�s cock
down her throat.
�Mmmm, that�s it momma, suck your daughters cock like the whore you
are!� Usagi said as she began pumping her dick in and out of Ikuko�s mouth, making
her gag several times as she moaned in wanton lust. Usagi moaned with her, the
sensations in her cock growing stronger as she felt something building deep inside.
�Ahhh, yeah, suck my cock, suck my cock mommy, make me cum!!!!� she screamed as she
began fucking her mothers face even harder.
Ikuko could only moan with her daughter as she began fingering her
pussy. Her digits making slick slurping noises as they moved in and out of her wet
hole. The purple haired woman moaned loudly as Usagi slammed every inch of her
cock into her mouth and came. The hot thick cum filled her belly quickly and the
last of Ikuko�s will died. Her purple eyes glossed over with lust and desire, her
throat gulping down the copious amounts of spunk that continued to erupt from
Usagi�s dick.
Still panting with pleasure, Usagi pulled her cock free and let loose
another spurt of cum in Ikuko�s face. She then watched in amusement as her mother
turned around and spread the lips of her dripping pussy wide, �Please,� she
begged,�Please fuck my pussy Usagi, my cunt wants your cock so baaaaad...! I�ll do
anything, I�ll be your slave, I�ll fuck animals and furniture, just please give me
your throbbing dick, please!!!� she screamed as all sanity left her.
Usagi smiled as she stroked her cock slowly, cum still slowly oozing
from the tip as a small pair of lumps slowly grew on her forehead. �Fine, from now
on, you�re my slave mother, I�m going to fuck you when ever I want!� Usagi said as
she speared Ikuko�s cunt on her cock. The purple haired woman screamed like the
whore she now was and thanked her daughter over and over as Usagi began fucking her
from behind, �And you�re just the first�� Usagi said as she licked her lips at the
thought of fucking all her friends just like her mother.


After the sun came up, Usagi got dressed in the sluttiest outfit she
could find, a red miniskirt that barely hid her pussy which she used to hide her
flaccid cock by pushing it inside. A white tank top that also barely held in her
massive tits that jiggled and bounced with her every step. With them she wore a
pair of stiletto heels that measured a good seven inches. Usagi smiled at how she
looked in the mirror as her mother knelt at her feet and slowly licked her legs.
Usagi grinned and lifted her miniskirt up, allowing her cock to slide
free of her pussy and harden to is full thirteen inches. She then grabbed a glass
from atop her dresser and began to masturbate, moaning in pleasure as she quickly
brought herself to orgasm and filled the cup with her cum. Handing the cup to her
mother she said, �Here, you can have this to drink until I get back. Throw out all
your clothes while I�m gone, you won�t be needing them.� She commanded.
�Yes, Mistress�.� Ikuko moaned as she took a long sip of her daughters
cum, savoring the salty taste.
Righting her skirt, Usagi headed downstairs and plundered her mothers
purse, taking out all the cash and credit cards. She then put on a small but sexy
cap to hide the two lumps that hand formed atop her head. Once she was ready, the
busty blonde left the house and took her mothers car to the mall in the Red Light
district of the city.
Once at the mall, Usagi smiled at the heads that turned to watch as she
walked by, swaying her hips slowly, enjoying the feeling of all the eyes on her.
She walked along the black tiled floor so that her heels clicked loudly against the
stone. Not one day ago, she couldn�t take a single step in shoes like these, now
though, it came naturally to her. Her first stop was a fetish shop where she
bought a number of items. Anal beads, condoms, Urethra Plugs, collars, and a whip.
At the counter, she noticed a sign that advertised that the shop also did tattoo�s
and piercings. She grinned at this ad went into the back with the clerk where she
had her nose pierced with a silver stud, and her left nipple with a squared
ringlet. She also bought a second ringlet and a self piercing kit for later.
Next, Usagi had the tattoo artist tattoo WHORE on her right asscheek in
a stylish design. During all of this, Usagi felt no pain, only pleasure at how she
felt herself changing. Once she was done, the blonde haired young woman went to
the local petshop and found the largest dog she could. A big gray great dane with
an equally large cock to him. A quick look into the animals eyes put the beast
under her spell and as the shop owner ran her mothers credit card, she mentally
instructed the dog as to what she required of him. The beast readily agreed and
licked at her neck in loyalty.
Once she finished buying the dog, she asked the store owner to hold
onto him while she made a few more stops. She went to several other stores inside
the mall, one a clothing shop where she bought a number of sexy lingerie in the
sizes of all her friends. By the time she�d finished with them, they�d all need
new clothes to wear when they became her slaves. She fought down an erection as
the image of Haruka sucking her cock rose in her mind. Her last stop was an
apothecary where she bought a mixture of herbs that were used to help ensure a
healthy pregnancy. She didn�t know how she knew, but Usagi was pregnant, she could
feel the dark life growing inside her, and it filled her with the need to protect
and nurture whatever it was.
�Hey babe, that�s a dangerous outfit you�re wearing.� Said a voice from
around one corner.
Usagi turned to look and saw a young man of about twenty standing
behind her. He was handsome, with dark brown hair and matching eyes. Usagi licked
her lips and said, �I know, that�s the idea��
The young man smiled back at her and offered to buy her a drink in the
food court, but Usagi held up her hand and gestured to the service hall entrance
behind him. �Why waste the time?� she asked as she walked with him inside and set
her bags down. She then pushed him up against the wall and kissed him hard. He
grunted with surprise at her forcefulness but went along with it and moved his
hands to grope at her big and heavy tits. She meanwhile began to unbuckle his belt
and push his dark green pants down. Her hands then grabbed at his cock and stroked
it to hardness.
�Oh yeah, suck it now�� the man groaned in pleasure, unable to believe
his luck.
Dropping to her knees, Usagi took the man seven inch dick into her
mouth and began sucking it hard. She moaned lewdly around his length as her tongue
rubbed against the underside. The blonde took in the heady scent of the man�s cock
and savored the smell. Her hands moved to massage his balls while her head bobbed
up and down.
As the man groaned in pleasure, Usagi could feel her body changing
again, he cock sprung free of her pussy as it grew rigid with her arousal. The man
didn�t notice though as he groaned louder, quickly approaching his limit. Just
below Usagi�s cock, a second cock began to form just above her clit. Extending
out rapidly to match the length of the other one. Usagi moaned in pleasure, now
she could fuck a girl in her ass and pussy at the same time!
She moaned hard around the mans cock, vibrating it with her throat and
quickly making him cum in her mouth. Usagi eagerly swallowed his cum as the new
power within her reached out and quickly drained the man�s life force. He groaned
in a mix of pleasure and pain as he came again even harder that before, his seed
carrying with it his life essence. His skin darkened and shriveled, mummifying
within moments. Usagi then stood up and watched as the man�s body slumped to the
floor. She licked the last few bits of his seed from her lips and righted her
skirt once more before grabbing her bags and heading back out into the mall.
Now finished with her shopping, she picked up her new dog whom she
decided to call Brutaka and took her mothers car back to the house.


Once back at the house, Usagi was delighted to see a pile of boxed
clothes sitting out by the trash, all of them her mothers. She delighted to think
of what the neighbors must have thought when they saw the naked woman tossing out
all of her clothing. She smiled and walked with Brutaka back into the house where
she found her mother lying back on the couch masturbating furiously! Already the
purple haired woman was close to pushing her entire fist up her own cunt!
�Now now mother, you mustn�t ruin that tight pussy of yours.� Usagi
chastised as she stripped off her own clothes after setting her bags down by the
door. Ikuko immediately sat up on her knees and begged forgiveness from her
daughter. Usagi only grinned and commanded her mother to get down on all fours
like the bitch she was.
Ikuko obeyed without question and Brutaka leapt atop the prone woman.
Ikuko moaned like a whore as the big dogs cock plunged into her dripping wet pussy.
He instantly began fucking her hard as she sat there on all fours. Drool ran down
Ikuko�s chin as she panted and moaned in ecstasy while Usagi moved to sit down in
front of her.
�That�s a good slut!� Usagi said to her mother. Both her new cocks
were throbbing hard as she watched the dog fuck her own mother. Precum oozed from
their tips as Ikuko eyed them both hungrily. The blonde grinned wider, �Go ahead.�
She said, answering her slaves unasked question.
�Haahh mmmmphh� Mmmm, mmm, mmm ahhh mmmm�� Ikuko moaned as she took
the upper cock into her mouth, sucking on it like a drowning woman would an air
hose. She then moved to the lower cock and repeated the actions, drool and precum
soon coated the womans mouth and cheeks as she moaned in utter rapture. Through it
all Usagi felt her body growing more accustomed to its new form as the lumps on her
head began to grow. They were now taking a distinct horn shape to them, but with a
fine yellow layer of velvet covering them.
Usagi moaned softly, enjoying her mothers attentions as she kneaded and
pawed at her own massive tits. Milk flowed freely from them now as she brought one
nipple to her lips and began sucking it slowly. She loved the taste of her own
breast milk as her fingers played with the other nipple. Pressing her finger
against the tip of her free nipple, the blonde was surprised to discover that she
could slip the entire digit inside her breast! She added a second finger and
moaned at the blissful sensations it produced. The demonized girl then began
working her fingers in and out of her nipple, literally fucking her own tit! This
could be fun later, she thought to herself.
The sound of Brutaka howling in pleasure drew Usagi out of her thoughts
as she watched the dog begin to cum inside Ikuko�s pussy. The older woman moaned
loudly around the cock in her mouth as she felt the dog cum filling her pussy while
Brutaka turned around so as to keep his knot locked firmly inside Ikuko�s cunt.
�Mmmm, such a lovely sight,� Usagi said to her mother,�Do you like
being fucked by a dog mother?�
�Ahhhh, yes, yes I love it baby, mommy loves having her daughters dog
fuck her pussy like a bitch!� Ikuko said, looking up at Usagi with lust filled and
thoughtless eyes.
�Mmm, that�s good, because I want you to mate with him whenever he
wants. Do a good job and I�ll fuck your ass and pussy with my big cocks.� Usagi
told her as she leaned back to enjoy the sight before her. �Now, keep sucking my
dicks, make them both cum and I�ll let you drink my breast milk too.�
�Haaahhh, yes Mistress!!!!� Ikuko said joyously as she went back to
sucking both her daughters thirteen inch cocks with even greater enthusiasm.


Walking down the stairs to the family room, Ami Mizuno answered the
incessant ringing phone. One of her mothers quirks was that the house only had one
working phone in order to keep the bill down. Despite the fact that her mother was
a doctor and earned a sizable income, she was dead set against frivolous spending,
except for the neon blue sports car she drove.
�Hello, Mizuno residence.� She said into the phone.
�Hi Ami, how are you?� Usagi�s cheerful voice came through the line.
�Usagi, hey! I�m okay, what about you? You weren�t in school the
other day.� Ami replied.
�Oh I�m fine, and my mother hasn�t been feeling well, so I stayed home
to help take care of her.� Usagi told her.
Ami nodded, �Uh huh, that makes sense. Is she doing alright?�
�Oh she�s fine now, some milk and protein shakes and she�s right as
rain.� Usagi said with a giggle.
Ami smiled and asked, �So, why�d you call?�
�Well, I was hoping you could come over for a while. My mom�s feeling
better and all, but I�m about to go stir crazy here and could use some company.
Also,� she heard Usagi sigh, �I need you to bring me my homework assignments from
today or my mom won�t let me hear the end of it.�
It was Ami�s turn to giggle, �Okay, no problem Usagi. I�ll be over in
a little while.�
�Thanks, I might be upstairs, so just come on in when you get here.�
�Got it, I�ll see you in a bit. Bye.�
�Bye�� Usagi said with a contented sigh, and it was then that Ami
noticed an odd slurping sound in the background. Before she could ask about it
though, the line went dead. The blue haired girl shrugged and set the phone back
in its cradle as she went to get her books.


Setting the phone back down and sighed in pleasure as her free hand
continued to stroke her mothers soft purple hair. Ikuko moaned softly as she
continued to suckle at her daughter�s teat. Usagi leaned back on the couch, her
mother currently in her lap with her long legs stretched over the rest of the
couch. Her face was currently latched to Usagi�s right tit, sucking greedily on
her nipple and drinking mouthful after mouthful of her warm and sweet milk.
�Mmm, that�s a good momma,� Usagi cooed, enjoying the feeling of
nursing her own mother. She lightly traced her fingers up and down Ikuko�s soft
back, drawing light moans from her mother. �Drink all you want, you�ve been such a
good girl...�
�Mmmm�.� Ikuko purred with pleasure, suckling a bit harder and drinking
more of the endless flow of milk. She felt so contented now, her daughter praise
and rewards were all she wanted in life now. Her ass and pussy ached so
wonderfully from the fucking she�d received from Usagi just minutes ago. Cum still
slowly leaked from her ass as she nuzzled her face into Usagi�s cleavage.
�There now, all full?� Usagi asked.
Ikuko nodded weakly and Usagi hugged their naked bodies close before
kissing her passionately. The older woman moaned against her daughters lips and
kissed back, her tongue sliding wetly against Usagi�s as the blonde moved a hand to
fondle one of her breasts.
�Maybe I�ll make these bigger later,� Usagi thought out loud, �But then
again, then they�d be bigger than mine, I can�t have that.� She laughed softly and
kissed her mother again, �Be a good girl and get those bindings on the bed secure.�
�Yes Mistress.� Ikuko said as she got up and walked naked upstairs to
finish tying the bondage shackles to the bed in the main bedroom.


Walking up the short walkway to the front door of the modest two level
home, Ami Mizuno reached a hand out and turned the knob. She slid open smoothly
and she pushed the door inward as she walked into Usagi�s house.
The young blue haired girl made it only a few steps in before she
dropped the bags she carried onto the floor, shock and horror dawned on her face as
she looked into the living room to see Usagi�s mother, Ikuko, naked and down on all
fours as a large dog mounted her from behind. The purple haired woman panted and
moaned in pleasure, her tongue hanging from her lips like an animal in heat as she
bucked against the dogs thrusts.
�Unnnnn, ahhh, oh yeah�.!� Ikuko moaned as she looked up at Ami, �Oh hi
Ami, please come in.� she said in an almost casual tone before she began moaning
like a whore once again.
�Mrs. Tsukino�� Ami began to say as she took a step forward, but then a
strong pair of arms encircled her from behind, quickly locking her in a full
nelson. She gasped and tried to struggle as she felt something thick and hard
pressing against her ass.
�Doesn�t she look beautiful?� asked Usagi�s voice in her ear.
Before Ami could say anything more, she felt her strength wane as her
energy was drained. She fought to stay conscious, to summon her henshin wand, but
the blackness quickly claimed her and her dark blue eyes slid closed as she went
slack in Usagi�s arms.
The blonde haired girl grinned as she rubbed her cocks against Ami�s
unconscious ass, oh how she craved to stuff her holes with her thick fuckrods and
hear her begging for more. Ikuko meanwhile got out from under Brutaka and helped
her daughter strip Ami naked and carry her up to the main bedroom where they
shackled her to the bed. Usagi smiled at the sight of Ami lying spread eagle on
the bed, her wrists and ankles tied to the posts of the bed.
She had recently redecorated the bedroom, exchanging the dim blue
curtains for black ones, the same for the bed sheets. Candles scattered about the
room provided the only light source as Usagi ran her fingers down Ami�s naked body.
The blonde licked her lips, Ami kept her cunt neatly shaven clean of all pubic
hair, a lovely sight. On a whim, she ordered her mother to do the same. As Ikuko
went to do that, Usagi allowed Ami�s energy to return and for her to regain
Ami�s eye�s fluttered open as she came around, her head felt foggy and
dizzy, but that feeling cleared quickly and her eyes snapped into focus.
�Wakey wakey,� Usagi cooed as she moved her hand to cup one of Ami�s
small breasts, �Mmmm, you have a lovely body Ami, I never really noticed that
�Usagi, why? What�s happened to you?� Ami asked as she struggled
against the shackles that bound her to the bed.
�Mmmm, something wonderful, and I want to share it with you.� Usagi
said as she leaned down and kissed Ami deeply. The blue haired girl winced and
tried to resist, but Usagi was too strong. The blondes tongue forced its way into
her mouth and mingled with her own as she climbed into the bed with her and
straddled her hips.
Ami could feel the twin cocks pressing against her belly and she
shivered in revulsion. What was happening, none of this made sense, too much was
going on at once and Ami couldn�t focus. She felt her mind going hazy again as
Usagi broke the kiss and moved down to suckle on her pert nipples. The blue haired
girl writhed on the bed, pulling at her bounds as Usagi licked and nibbles on her
nipples, teasing them into hardness before she bit down on them hard.
�Stop, please..!� Ami pleaded as Usagi alternated between her nipples,
licking and sucking them hard.
�But I�ve only just started�� Usagi purred as she began licking her way
down Ami�s body slowly. The blonde smiled and savored the sounds of her friends
protests as she moved to lick her sweet virgin pussy. Ami screamed for mercy as
Usagi�s tongue dove deep into her pussy, slathering the puffy pink lips with her
saliva as her teeth grazed over her clit. The blue haired girls head thrashed from
side to side as she struggled in vain to free herself. Only to tense against them
as Usagi brought her to orgasm over and over.
Usagi lifted her head after several long minutes and gazed down into
Ami�s eyes, her will was at the breaking point and she knew it. The red glow
returned to Usagi�s eyes as she grabbed Ami�s hips and lifted her up, she then
plunged both her long cocks into Ami�s ass and pussy, driving them all the way
inside and relishing the way she screamed as her virgin holes were violated.
�Ahhhhh, you�re so tight Ami!!!� Usagi said as she began pounding away
at the other girls holes, loving the feel of them clenching around her twin rods.
The blondes heavy tits jiggled and bounced with her every thrust and milk began
leaking from both her nipples as she moaned in rapture.
�NOO, STOP, Usagi please!!!� Ami pleaded as the blonde pounded her
cocks in and out of her ass and pussy. She fought to keep herself from cumming,
but cum she did, pleasure unlike anything she�d ever felt before washed over her as
she began bucking against Usagi�s thrusts. The haze over her mind only grew with
every orgasm as the blonde reached down and began squeezing Ami�s tits hard.
�Mmmm, you�re all mine now Ami�� Usagi said, the glow in her eyes
growing brighter as she thrusted boh her lengths in as far as they would go. She
then moaned in ecstasy as her cocks began cumming inside Ami�s holes, filling them
with her seed. Usagi panted with pleasure as the horns on her head grew just a
little more while her stomach began to swell just a bit as the creature gestating
inside her womb grew.
�Nooo,� Ami pleaded weakly, her body covered with sweat as she came
again, and again, and again, �Please, don�t�� she whimpered as her breasts began
swelling in size, going from a small A to a large D cup in a few short moments. At
the same time, a lump formed just above her pussy and began to elongate into a
phallic shape.
�Please?� Usagi asked, �Please don�t what?�
Ami leaned her head back and howled in ecstasy, panting like a cheap
whore as her legs broke the straps of the shackles that held her to the bed. They
then wrapped around Usagi�s waist and pulled her cocks deeper into her dripping
�PLEASE DON�T STOP!!!!� Ami screamed in ecstasy, cumming like never
before as the lump above her pussy formed into a long twelve inch cock that
spurted with thick white cum.


Leaning back on the couch, Usagi smiled as she watched Ami�s and her
mothers heads bobbing back and forth on her twin cocks. The two women both moaned
like whores as they took the blondes lengths into their hungry mouths. Ami slowly
stroked her new cock as she sucked on Usagi�s upper dick, already she was eager to
feel her new pole driving into a nice, tight, hole.
Next to the blue haired girl, Ikuko moaned in pleasure as she took
Usagi�s lower cock in as far as she could while Brutaka fucked her pussy from
behind. How she loved the feeling of the dogs large cock pounding into her hot
pussy while she sucked on her daughters cock. The only thing that felt better was
when Usagi was fucking her holes with the twined cocks.
Usagi let out a long moan of pleasure as she came again, her cocks
spurting her thick cum into the waiting mouthsof both women. Ami and Ikuko both
cooed in delight as they guzzled down Usagi�s cum, careful not to waste a drop as
they continued sucking the ever hard dicks, eager for more.
As she lay back on the couch, Usagi reached a hand down to lightly
caress both her mother and Ami�s hair, they were such fine slaves, and Ami would
soon be ready to help her claim the rest of her friends. She idly moved a hand to
cup her unpierced tit, kneading and groping the heavy mound for several minutes
before she slid a pair of fingers into her nipple, stretching the hole with them
and moaning at the twisted pleasure it brought her.
Several hours later, Usagi watched as Ami went through some of the
outfits she�d selected from her trip to the mall the other day. The blue haired
girl had quickly taken a liking to her new body, selecting an outfit that suited
her quite well.
She picked out a black crotchless leather strap and fishnet bodysuit
with holes in the chest to allow her new heavy tits to hang through. Along with
that she picked out a pair of thigh high leather boots and arm length fingerless
gloves. Once she finished donning her new outfit, Usagi used the home piercing kit
to pierce both of Ami�s nipples with bar stud piercings. The blue haired girl
loved the feeling of the cold metal stabbing through her hot nipples as she stroked
her cock some more.
�Mmmm, you look perfect Ami-chan.� Usagi complimented her.
�Thanks Usagi-san,� Ami said with a purr as she cupped both her new
tits and squeezed them roughly in her hands. �I wanna fuck the others!� she
Moving her own naked body up behind Ami, Usagi embraced the blue haired
girl, mashing her huge tits against her back, milk leaking out from both as she did
so. The blonde haired girl moved her hands up to grab both of Ami�s big tits,
squeezing them softly as she rubbed her cocks into her ass, �And we will, very
soon.� She whispered tenderly into her ear, licking the lobe gently. �I want you
to go after Mako-chan, make her your dirty whore, have some fun with her for a
while then bring her back to me.�
�Haahhhh, yes Mistress�� Ami shuddered with delight.
�Better cover up for now, I wouldn�t want you getting arrested before
you get to Makoto�s house.� Usagi said before pulling away and taking one of her
father�s overcoats from out of the closet. It was a good thing she only had her
mother toss out her own clothes, otherwise Ami would need to put on normal clothing
again, a less than appealing idea. She handed the coat to Ami who slid into it
before walking out of the house and down the street. Even covered by the long
coat, Usagi could see the way Ami shook her ass with every step, a delicious sight.
Once the blue haired girl was out of sight, Usagi closed the door of
the house and headed back inside. She moved to sit back down on the couch and
watched as her mother continued to be fucked by the dog. The whole house smelled
of pussy and cum, an intoxicating scent. She then realized that her father and
brother might be returning home soon. She contemplated how best to deal with them
when they did.


As she walked down the street, Ami shivered in pleasure as the cool
night air made her newly pierced nipples hard underneath the long jacket she wore.
She thought of going straight for Makoto�s apartment, but changed her mind and
headed home, there was another pussy she wanted to fuck first.


Sighing from exhaustion, Saeko Mizuno entered her modest one story home
and set her purse down on the floor before kicked off her shoes and walking inside.
Tonight had taken a lot out of her and she felt utterly spent.
�Welcome home mother.� Said a voice as she walked through the living
Saeko looked up and gasped at the sight of her daughter standing in the
middle of the living room, she was dressed in an outfit like out of a bad hentai
movie, but what truly shocked her was the sight of the twelve inch cock that jutted
up from above her pussy. Saeko opened and closed her mouth several times, but no
words came out as Ami closed the distance between them. Her daughter then reached
up and pulled Saeko down into a deep and passionate kiss.
The long blue haired womans body went ridged as her daughters lips
pressed against hers and their tongues mingled. A wave of dizziness then washed
over her and she saw a soft red glow in the back of Ami�s eyes. As the dizziness
passed, Saeko felt her body betray her as her knees went weak and her pussy grew
damp. She could feel her nipples stiffen inside her bra as Ami broke the kiss and
let her drop to her knees.
�Do you like my cock mommy?� Ami asked as she rubbed her dick in her
mothers face, �You can suck it if you want.� She offered.
Saeko couldn�t stop herself as she opened her mouth wide and took her
daughters cock into her mouth.
The musky odor and salty taste in her mouth drove Saeko mad with lust.
She moaned loudly around Ami�s cock as she took it all the way down her throat, her
hands reaching up to grasp her daughters ass and pull her face closer.
Ami groaned in pleasure and grabbed handfuls of her mothers hair,
loving the feel of her mouth on her cock. She began pumping her hips back and
forth, fucking her mothers face with her cock as she commanded her to rip off all
her clothes. Saeko did so without question, ripping open her blouse and tearing
off her bra with wild lust. Her medium sized tits jiggled with her movements as
she ripped off her skirt and panties, leaving her clad only in her stockings and
garter belt.
�Mmm, that�s enough, leave the rest.� Ami said to her. She then
watched as Saeko moaned in lust as she continued sucking on her daughters thick
cock. Her mother looked so beautiful now, kneeling in front of her, drool running
down her chin as her head bobbed up and down on her dick. Ami could see why Usagi
got a dog to fuck her own mother now and thought it was a good idea, though she
preferred mastif�s to great danes.
Groaning again, Ami felt her cock surge in Saeko�s mouth as she came,
it feel so good, better even than when Usagi fucked her ass a pussy! She watched
her mother swallowing her cum and smiled. Pulling her cock away, she watched Saeko
cough several time, having gagged slightly on her length.
�That�s a good slut.� Ami said, �Now get up and strip the rest of the
way, you are forbidden from ever wearing clothes again!�
�Y� yes Ami�� Saeko said breathlessly.
�That�s Mistress to you slut!� Ami said, smacking her mother across the
face and sending her back to her knees.
Saeko gasped in shock and cradled her reddening cheek in her hand,
�Ye.. yes Mistress, please forgive me��
Ami grinned, oh she was going to enjoy this! �Get up,� she commanded
her mother. Saeko obeyed and Ami had her follow her into her bedroom. �Now, where
do you keep all the sex toys I know you have?�
Saeko flushed in humiliation as she walked naked over to the closet and
pull a box out from the corner. She then lifted the box up and dumped the contents
out on the bed. Ami laughed, �You were a slut even before I claimed you!� she said
as she looked over the array of vibrators, dildo�s, whips, and paddles that her
mother kept hidden away. She picked out one of the paddles from the pile and
smiled as she commanded her mother onto the bed.
She watched as Saeko climbed onto the bed and got on all fours as
instructed, such a delicious sight. She watched as her mothers tits hung like a
pair of cow udders from her chest as she lightly ran the paddle over her bare
bottom. �Tell me mother, do you love me?�
Saeko nodded, �Yes, Ami, I love you very much�� she panted.
Ami smacked her mothers ass with the paddle, causing Saeko to scream in
both pleasure and pain, a bright red spot forming a second later where Ami had
struck her. �I told you to call me Mistress!� she shouted, �Bad slut! Very bad!�
she said, spanking her mother several more times. �You will only refer to me as
Mistress from now on! You are never to wear clothes in my presense ever again
without my express permission! You will have sex with anyone and anything I tell
you to, understand!?�
�Ha.. Hai, Mistress, I understand!� Saeko screamed as Ami continued to
spank her ass again and again with the paddle, �Please, please forgive me, I�ll be
a good slave from now on!�
�That�s better.� Ami said as she set the paddle down and climbed onto
the bed with her mother. She moved to kneel behind the prone woman, rubbing her
cock against her cherry red ass, �Do you want my cock?� she asked, �Do you want me
to fuck your dirty pussy and make it clean with my cum?�
Saeko shuddered in desire, rubbing her ass back against her daughters
cock wantonly, �Hai, please fuck my dirty pussy Mistress, fuck it hard and make me
clean with your cum!�
�Mmmm, such a good slut, do you want me to cum inside you, get you
pregnant and have your own daughters baby?� Ami asked while rubbing the tip of her
dick against her mothers cunt, smearing her precum over the puffy wet lips of her
Saeko�s hands gripped the aquamarine sheets of the bed as she sobbed in
desperation, �Yes! Yes I want that! Please fuck my pussy and get me pregnant with
your cum, I want to have your incest baby so badly!!!� she screamed.
Laughing, Ami plunged her cock deep inside her mothers pussy, moaning
in pleasure as she speared her to the hilt. Saeko moaned like a whore, her eyes
rolling into the back of her head as she panted and drooled with pleasure.
Meanwhile, Ami grabbed a fistful of her mother long blue hair while placing her
free hand on her hip as she began thrusting her cock in and out of the woman over
and over.
�Ahhh, yes, you�re so tight momma, I could fuck you forever!!!� Ami
moaned, leaning her head back to pant with ecstasy, her tongue hanging from her
lips as she drove her dick in and out of the older womans fuckhole again and again
and again.
�Oooooaaaahhhhhhh!!!!� Saeko moaned in utter ecstasy, cumming with
every thrust of her daughters cock.
�Mmmm, this is just the start mom!� Ami told her while she continued
pounding her cock into her, �I�m going to buy a pair of dogs, and you�re going to
fuck them on a daily basis! I�m gonna knock you up good with my incest baby, and
you�re gonna raise it to be just as big a whore as you are! Doesn�t that sound
�Ahhhhhh, yeeeessss�� Saeko moaned in orgasm, �I�ll be such a whhoorre
�That�s right, you�ll be a perfect whore!� Ami grunted as she felt her
cock throbbing inside her mothers pussy. Fucking her felt so good, the blue haired
girl couldn�t wait to fuck Makoto�s pussy as well! When she was done with the
brunette, she would take her mother and Makoto back to Usagi, her mistress would be
so pleased when Ami brought back two slaves instead of just one. She could almost
feel those twin cocks fucking her ass and pussy in reward fo her good services.
Grunting and groaning with pleasure, Ami came, her cock spewing thick
and heavy loads of sperm into her mothers waiting womb. It would only be a matter
of time until the horny bitch was pregnant, and Ami looked forward to watching her
seed grow inside her own mother!


�Mmmm, that feels so good�� Usagi cooed in pleasure as her mother

sucked on her lower cock. Brutaka soundly slept in the corner of the living room,
having spent the last few hours fucking Ikuko�s pussy non-stop. The blonde haired
girl loved the sight of her mother covered in sweat and cum. She�d thought about
having her bathe, but decided against it for now. Her blue eyes fell on the coffee
table and the crystal encased black cat that sat upon it.
Luna had come home a few minutes after Ami left, having spent the last
couple days out with Artemis. Usagi had been rather amused by the cats reaction to
having walked in on her fucking her mother. It had been surprisingly simple,
merely an act of will to form a crystal prison around Luna, capturing her and
dealing with the problem she represented. The talking cat was still alive in her
prison, perfectly preserved, but conscious and aware, and able to watch as Usagi
had her way with her mother.
This actually presented a solution as to what to do with her father and
brother when they returned home. She wasn�t really interested in taking them for
sex toys, Shingo�s dick was likely too small and Kenji just wasn�t all that
attractive. She pondered the idea of taking her little brother as well while she
worked a milk pump over her unpierced nipple, filling a large jug with her warm
breast milk. Her mother would need something to drink when she was away, as one
couldn�t live off dog cum alone.
Once the jug was full, Usagi pulled the sucker off her nipple and set
it aside. She then reached a hand down to stroke her mothers head gently, �Mmmm,
you suck cock so well mom, it feels so good.� She praised her.
�Mmmm!� Ikuko moaned happily, loving it when her daughter praised her
sex skills.
Usagi grinned and pulled her mothers mouth off her cock, she then
leaned back and watched as Ikuko straddled her lap, groaning in pleasure as she
pushed her daughters cocks into her ass and pussy. Usagi moaned in pleasure with
her and placed her hands on the older womans hips as Ikuko began humping her
slowly, stirring the cocks inside her around. The blonde then leaned forward and
took one of her mothers nipples into her mouth, sucking it gently as she savored
the womans services.
She idly thought of who to go after next, her pregnancy still wasn�t
showing all that much, allowing her time to move around outside without drawing
unwanted attention. Which of her fellow senshi should she make into her slave


Sitting in front of her mother�s vanity, Ami Mizuno applied generous

amounts of makeup to her face. Hot pink lipstick, rouge, and dark blue eye shadow.
The end result being that she looked like a total slut, just the look she wanted.
Her eyes looked to the corner of the mirror that reflected her mother lying on the
bed with her arms and legs tied together behind her back, a ballgag in her mouth
and two vibrators, one in each hole, buzzing loudly inside her.
Saeko moaned in ecstasy as her daughter walked over and sat down on the
edge of the bed. Ami casually hummed to herself as she took her mothers purse from
the nightstand. She had set it there a while ago, planning to go through it later
when she was ready to continue her plans. Grabbing her mothers bank cards, Ami
used the laptop located on the small work desk near the window to access her mother
personal bank accounts. Saeko had been more than willing to give up her passwords
in exchange for being allowed to suck her daughters cock some more.
Smiling as she looked to the account totals, Ami was surprised to
discover that they were more well off than she thought, the Yen amounts numbering
in the hundred millions with just her checking, to say nothing of the savings and
trust funds available. Smiling wider, Ami went to a pet shelter web site and found
two large male mastiff�s up for adoption. Using her mothers checking, she filled
out the forms and paid the fees. Luckily, the shelter also delivered, meaning Ami
wouldn�t have to change her clothes to go to a public building where she might draw
unwanted attention in her current get-up. Once the purchase was confirmed, she was
given a delivery date of three days from now. �Plenty of time.� She said aloud as
she closed the laptop and went back over to her mother.
�Mmmm, soon mom, I�ll have a nice pretty mastiff for you to fuck all
day. Doesn�t that sound nice?� Ami asked her.
Saeko could only moan in orgasm as the vibrators in her ass and pussy
continued buzzing away on their max settings.
Ami grinned and picked up her mothers cell, dialing Makoto�s house and
inviting the brunette over for dinner. She agreed to come over and Ami smiled
knowingly. She then untied her mother and pulled the vibrators out of her.
�Come along now mother, we have a guest to greet.� Ami told her.


Walking down the dim street, Makoto Kino looked over at the setting sun
over the horizon. Ami�s sudden invite to dinner was well timed as she had just
gotten around to thinking of what to cook for herself tonight. It was always
better to eat with someone rather than alone in her mind, and living alone herself,
it was something she rarely got to enjoy.
The brown haired girl was dressed in a knee length skirt that was a
dusty blue color and a green top with a low neck line that accented her F-Cup tits.
Ever since high school started, Makoto�s breasts had gone up a cup size nearly
every month, finally stopping after she had reached one hundred and eleven
centimeters! Her big tits got her plenty of attention from the boys, but she found
that when it wasn�t her on the instant crush side of things, it wasn�t nearly as
Rounding a corner, Makoto spotted Ami�s house and went up to the door.
She knocked on it gently and found that it wasn�t closed all the way. Pushing it
open, she walked inside cautiously. Something felt off suddenly as she slid off
her shoes and walked onto the hardwood floor. She could hear something coming from
the living room, a kind of groaning sound mixed with a wet smacking one. She
slowly walked down the short hall, careful not to make the floorboards creek as she
rounded the corner and looked into the living room.
Her breath caught in her throat at what she saw there.
Ami, dressed in some kind of bondage queen get-up, standing behind her
mother Saeko who was stripped totally naked and bent over in front of her. Ami was
humping her mother from behind in a fashion that required no explanation as to what
they were doing. Saeko moaned loudly through the bright red ballgag in her mouth
as her daughter fucked her hard! Ami held tightly onto the older womans wrists,
using them to hold the woman steady as she pounded into her.
Makoto was about to scream in shock and horror when her gaze locked
with Ami�s, it was then that the brunette saw the dim red glow in the back of Ami�s
eyes. Once her eyes locked with the other girls, Makoto felt every muscle in her
body freeze, as though she had suddenly become paralyzed. A light headed sensation
washed over her as she continued to watch as Ami raped her own mother. Th blue
haired girl then turned her body to the side, keeping her eyes locked onto Makotos
as she allowed her to see that it was no strap-on dildo that she was using on
Saeko. It was a real cock! And a big one.
The brown haired young woman had never really seen a cock outside a
textbook or one of Minako�s hentai manga, and now that she was looking at one, she
couldn�t tear her eyes away from it! It was just so big, and thick, how could
Saeko�s pussy take all of that inside?
Makoto felt her own pussy getting hot at the sight, she tried to shake
her head vigorously to clear her mind, but her body was still frozen, forcing her
to do nothing but watch as Ami pounded her cock into her mother over, and over, and
over. Until Saeko howled like a cheap whore as she came, her pussy gushing with
juices around her daughters dick. Makoto felt her nipples getting hard as her
mouth watered. She couldn�t help but wonder how good it must feel to have such a
thing being thrust into her own pussy, or down her throat, or even up her ass.
She felt movement return to her arms and instantly moved one to her
breast, hefting the heavy mound and kneading it softly while the other dove beneath
her skirt to rub at her pussy! Makoto couldn�t help herself, she knew it was
wrong, she knew she had to get help, but all she wanted now was to feel that big
cock inside her! Her skin tingled at the thought of how good it would feel having
Ami fuck her cunt and spray her cum inside her. She began stripping off her
clothes slowly, wanting so bad to lay back and masturbate for Ami, to show her her
cleanly shaven cunt and how wet it was just from watching her.
Makoto had just kicked away her panties when Ami moaned in pleasure and
came inside her mother, her cum leaking out around her cock as she flooded Saeko�s
womb. She then pulled her dick free and pushed the naked woman down on her knees
before walking over to Makoto as the brunette sat back on the floor and began
masturbating furiously, wanton lust burning in her eyes.
�Ple�please, Ami-chan,� she said with a shuddery breath, �Please fuck
my pussy, I want it baaad��
Ami grinned and stroked her cock idly, pulling it up and using her
other hand to spread the lips of her pussy, �Do you love me, Mako-chan?� she asked.
Makoto nodded, �Yes, yes I love you Ami, I�d do anything for you, just
please, please fuck me now!!!� she begged.
�Hmmm, I don�t believe you,� Ami said while rubbing her clit with a
finger as her other hand continued to stroke her cock. Across from them, Saeko lay
on her stomach, panting heavily as she recovered from the multiple orgasms. �I
want proof of your love for me,� Ami said, �I want you to show your love by doing
just what I say.�
�Annnnything�� Makoto said, her fingers still buried in her own pussy.
She had lost her virginity a long time ago with her first boyfriend, but it wasn�t
very good, she never even really saw his dick, only felt it as it tore her hymen
when he penetrated her. The next day he had dumped her to boot!
�First,� Ami said as she moved to squat over Makoto�s face, pressing
her pussy against her lips, �Lick my pussy and make me cum like a good lesbian
would.� She told her.
Makoto didn�t hesitate, opening her mouth and sliding her tongue over
the hot and wet lips of Ami�s cunt. Her pussy tasted salty and hot, her juices
washing down the brunettes throat as she licked away at Ami�s cunt for all she was
�Ahhh, yeah, that�s it Mako-chan�� Ami moaned in pleasure as she rubbed
her pussy against the brunettes probing tongue. Her hand continued to stroke her
cock as she licked her lips lewdly and used her free hand to pull Makoto�s face
deeper into her crotch.
Makoto only moaned with need, her pussy felt like it was on fire as her
fingers buried themselves deep inside, rubbing at her clit furiously, desperate to
cum. Above her, Ami moaned in ecstasy, her cock spurting with thick white cum that
rained down on the brunettes thick brown hair. The blue haired girl then pulled
back and watched as her spunk drooled down Makoto�s face. Makoto meanwhile scooped
as much of Ami�s cum as she could into her mouth, loving the hot salty taste, it
only made her want that massive cock inside her drooling cunt even more!
�Mmm, you passed the first test, but before I fuck your pussy, I need
more proof of your love for me.� Ami said as she called her mother over to them.
She then moved to sit on the couch and leaned back as she said, �Now, give me a
good lesbian sex show!�
Makoto practically tackled Saeko, tearing the ballgag from her mouth
before kissing her hard, making a good show of how she pushed her tongue into the
older womans mouth. Saeko yielded, kissing back after a moment as Makoto rubbed
her huge tits against the other womans.
Saeko was already covered with sweat and cum, making for a nice
slippery surface for Makoto to rub up against as she moved to begin sucking on
Ami�s mothers tits. Meanwhile her hand dove between the grown womans legs,
fingering her to another orgasm and coating her digits in clear sticky fluids. She
then pulled her hand back and slowly licked her fingers clean, moaning whorishly at
the taste as she did.
A few feet away, Ami relished the show, one hand stroking her cock
while the other fingered her pussy and asshole. She felt ready to cum again
already as she moaned in pleasure and told the two sluts to keep going.
Saeko and Makoto moved into a sixty-nine next, the brown haired girl on
the bottom with her face buried in the other womans cunt. Saeko mirrored the
action, wanting to please her daughter and earn another hard fucking as she licked
Makoto�s ass and pussy.
Both women brought each other to orgasm quickly, their lusts driving
them mad with desire as they began rubbing their pussies against each other like
lifetime lesbian lovers! Their panting moans were music to Ami�s ears as she came
hard, her cum raining down over the two sluts and coating their naked bodies in her
hot white cr�me.
�Mmmm, this has promise�� Ami said to herself as she watched her mother
and best friend continue to fuck each other for her entertainment.


Looking herself over in the mirror, Usagi Tsukino grinned at her latest
slutty outfit. Pink fishnet stockings, matching super short shorts that left her
tattoo visible, a sleeveless pink shirt with PORN STAR written across the chest. A
pair of pink six inch stiletto boots adorned her feet, she�d picked up the outfit
along with the others during her shopping trip a few days ago. So far this was her
favorite for going out in public, though she had a bit of trouble hiding her twin
cocks inside her shorts, but in time even that wouldn�t matter.
With her outfit, Usagi wore makeup that was also all in shades of pink,
hot pink lipstick , and bright pink eyeshadow.
She�d let her hair down from it�s usual odango and pigtails style,
reworking it to flow freely down her back. With her hair loose, it wasn�t as easy
to see the two lumps of her growing horns on her head, so she decided against
wearing a hat this time out. She had also used her disguise pen to give the
illusion that her ultra long blonde hair only came down a bit past her shoulders.
Leaving her mother in the company of Brutaka, Usagi grabbed her purse and went out.
It was some time after noon now, and her target would be having coffee in the usual
spot before going back to classes.


Sitting at her usual booth, Haruka Ten�ou sipped quietly at her coffee
in her favorite coffee shop not far from her school. She was still a freshman at
her college, but had managed to avoid the usual crap most female students went
through. Saddly, she had to wear the girls uniform at the school she�d gotten
into. Not that it really mattered, in the last couple years her figure had filled
out, taking away from her boyish exterior. It was now quite a bit more difficult
for her to pass as a boy when she wore masculine clothes.
Oh well, she thought, Michiru doesn�t care anyway. She took another
sip from her drink and looked out the window at he cars passing by outside. The
bells on the entry door jingled softly as someone entered and Haruka heard some
soft murmuring. Looking up, Haruka gasped as well at the sight of the long haired
woman who entered. At first, she thought the woman was Usagi, but the Princess
would never wear anything so provocative, not to mention Usagi�s tits were nowhere
near as big! The womans tits were easily bigger than Makoto�s an looked very soft
to touch. Her barely there shorts showed off the word WHORE tattooed on the side
of her ass.
Haruka allowed herself a brief fantasy about fondling those big heavy
tits in her hands. The woman walked to the counter and teased the clerk as she
ordered one of those difficult to pronounce drinks. She paid the fee and waited
for her order, shaking her hips from side to side as she hummed to herself.
When her drink was ready, the woman turned in Haruka�s direction and
smiled. The short haired blonde was shocked to see just how much she looked like
Usagi. The woman winked at Haruka and for a moment, she thought she could see a
reddish glow behind her eyes. Haruka blinked her eyes and shook her head, when she
did, the glow in the womans eyes was gone. She smiled again at her before turning
around to leave, her big tits jiggling with her every step.
�What was that about?� Haruka asked to herself as she finished her
coffee and left a few yen sitting on her table before grabbing her bag and leaving
the shop to return to class. There was no sign of the woman outside, not that she
expected there to be as she turned to her left and headed back towards campus.


From the shadows of a nearby alley, Usagi watched as Haruka left the
coffee shop. She pulled up her shirt and played with her unpierced nipple, sliding
her fingers in and out of the nub slowly, moaning softly as her milk dribbled down
her hand and arm. Soon, she�d have a new pet to play with, but first, the seed she
planted inside the lesbians mind would need to grow, and a room full of men would
serve as perfect fertilizer�


Haruka returned to the school campus and headed for the automotive
section, her major was in motors and automobiles, placing her classes near the
edges of the campus. She was the only girl in her class, but her tough exterior
had quickly earned her a place of acceptance. Though she sensed that more than one
of the boys in her class wanted to ask her out, if not fuck her outright.
Flattering, but unappealing, she and Michiru used dildos, but Haruka was always the
one wearing them.
The blonde moved to take her seat and watched as the rest of the class
came in. All the boys in class would likely have been considered handsome, though
she wasn�t interested, but Michiru might have been, good thing cars aren�t her
forte, Haruka thought to herself as the instructor came inside and set his notes
The lecture really should have been fascinating. She�d been waiting all
month for the class to reach the recent improvements in combustion chambers the
major car companies had recently started making, but for some reason she was
finding it hard to concentrate on the lesson at hand. Had she never noticed the
low, pleasant rumble of the teacher�s voice before? Or the calm authority with
which he handled the class? Or the way the boys kept sneaking looks at her, when
she wouldn�t normally have been looking? It made her ... warm. Which was strange.
And should bother her. As soon as she stopped squirming against her chair.
The teacher moved to draw a quick diagram of one of the newly designed
pistons when a student made an off color comment about how the device looked like a
lopsided cock, sending a wave of chuckles through the class. The dark haired young
man then looked over at Haruka and winked at her with a grin.
Haruka felt a hot blush start in her cheeks. What on earth is wrong
with me? I never blush. The heat curled down her belly and settled a little lower
in a sudden, scalding rush of heat.
The Professor calmed the class down quickly and instructed everyone to
turn to a page in their texts. He then began writing a series of equations on the
board along with some diagrams of a motor.
�Now, can anyone show me how this equation fits into this series of
engine?� he asked to everyone. When no one raised a hand, he began looking over
the group of five young men and one girl. It was then he noticed that Haruka
Ten�ou, one of his best, seemed a little more distracted than the rest. Irritated,
he called on her, �Miss Ten�ou, if you can stop yourself from squirming for a
moment, maybe you can solve this?� he said to her.
�O... of course, sir.� Jolted out of her haze momentarily, Haruka
pulled herself out of her seat and slowly walked toward the front of the room,
every step sending a hot jolt down her spine and into her belly. They�re looking at
me... all of them are looking at me... at my ass... and my legs... and... the heat
blossomed on her cheeks and in her belly, a raging torrent that threatened to drown
her, and she was vaguely aware that she was soaking through her panties and
dripping over her thighs. It didn�t seem to matter, thought, except to remind her
just how hot she was.
How utterly, unbearably hot�
�Here,� the professor said as he handed her the chalk, �Please show us
why you�re an asset to the class.�
She took the piece of chalk for a moment, stared at it, her tongue
almost absently licking her lips, and somewhere in the back of her head Haruka�s
sanity pitched forward into the roiling ocean of lust and drowned. The chalk fell
from her fingers, smashing on the floor, and she looked up at the professor with a
smile that transformed her expression from intense to sultry in an instant. �Of
course, sir.� A swift, lithe push lifted her onto his desk, and she hitched her
panties down and spread her legs for the class with a low moan of heat. �I�ve got
so many... things... to share...� Her fingers dipped into her greedy, glistening
pussy, parting it, arching her back to show off her ass to the boys as well.
�Ms. Ten�ou, what are you..?� the professor began to ask, but stopped
in midsentence as he watched transfixed as Haruka began masturbating in front of
the class.
�Damn, look at her, she dripping everywhere!� said one of the students.
�I�d love to get me a piece of that!� said another.
The nearest student, a young man named Keiichi, got up and walked over
to Haruka, smiling broadly as he spanked her ass,�I knew you were a slut right from
the start!� he said to her. He then got up on his knees on the desk and pulled his
pants open, placing his already erect cock in front of her mouth, �And sluts love
sucking dick, don�t they?�
Haruka had never wanted to touch a boy�s cock in her life. From the age
of seven, she�d known she wanted nothing but women, and the idea of a man�s dick in
her mouth had always struck her as particularly repulsive. Except that right now,
the thing she wanted most in the world was to wrap her mouth around his cock, and
she couldn�t think of any reason not to say so. �Yes...� Her tongue flicked out
across the head of his cock, tasting him. �Please... now.. in front of everyone...�
Keiichi grinned and grabbed fistfuls of Haruka�s hair before shoving
his cock into her mouth, pushing it all the way in to the hilt. �Then suck it
bitch!� he told her as he began fucking her face.
Meanwhile, another student came over, dropping his pants as he did so
with a stupid grin on his face. Without a word, he climbed up onto the desk behind
Haruka and plunged his cock into her once virgin pussy and groaned in pleasure.
�Oooh yeah, this is great!!!� he moaned and began pounding her pussy hard.
Haruka panted and groaned around the cock in her mouth as the boy
astride her reamed her open for the first time, even the pain of it scouring her
with perverse pleasure. She pulled the cock out of her mouth for a few seconds,
jacking it hard with her hands while she begged. �Oh please, yeah, fuck my dyke
pussy... fuck my dyke pussy with your big manly cock...�
The student in front of Haruka got impatient and pushed his cock back
into Haruka�s mouth as the professor took off his clothes as well, climbing atop
his desk and pressing his cock against Haruka�s puckered asshole, �This is no way
for any student to behave!� he chastised her, �I�m going to punish you for acting
like such a whore in class!� he said before driving his cock up her ass hard. Her
overflowing pussy juices making for the perfect lubricant as he helped the first
boy tear off her clothes. Meanwhile, the three remaining students came over to
join the fun. Two of them placing their cocks in either of Haruka�s hands while
the third moved to offer his own member to the moaning blondes mouth.
Rolling her head between the two cocks at her lips, Haruka sucked and
moaned like a whore at the feeling of thick, hard cock penetrating her ass,
pounding her pussy, filling her hands with hot, jerking shafts to rub and stroke.
How had she ever gone so long without cock, glorious and overwhelming cock? Her
hips bucked and jerked, impaling her more deeply on the shafts inside her, and her
hands pumped and stroked the cocks in her hands like twin pistons.
The professor and students all groaned in pleasure as they thrusted and
pumped themselves into Haruka. Keiichi panted with pleasure and watched as Haruka
took both his and Marimoto�s dicks into her mouth at once! Her drool dribbled down
their shafts as they moved together to fuck the blondes face.
Behind her, the student fucking her pussy moaned loudly as he came, his
cock pumping thick and hot cum into her newly deflowered cunt. He then pulled out
and watched as the professor moved to fuck her cunt next while the student on
Haruka�s right took his place fucking her asshole. Seeing no other option at the
moment, the youth had Haruka begin stroking his cock back to hardness.
Haruka�s eyes widened at the feel of hot, slick cum sliding inside her,
then rolled back into her head with an animal grunt of pleasure as the professor
slid his cock straight from her ass into her cunt and a fresh young cock slid
straight up her gaping ass. Drool ran down her chin as she sucked and licked at the
cocks in front of her, ducking down to nuzzle their balls, the male scent of them
making her almost insane with lust. �Fuck me! Fuck my dirty dyke holes! Ream me
with your big strong cocks!� The begging poured out of her, wild and mindless, her
hips humping and grinding, her eyes still rolled back in her skull in bliss.
The next man to cum was the student on her left, his spunk splattering
all over Haruka�s now naked back. The blondes clothes now laying in tatters on the
floor. �You�re suck a dirty slut Haruka�� he said to her, �Fucking so many guys at
once, you�re gonna get pregnant for sure!� he told her.
Pregnant. The word exploded in her brain and cunt, driving her insane
not with fear, but with pure feral want. She wanted, needed, their cum to make her
pregnant, to prove she was their bitch, and little animal moans of pleading rolled
out of her mouth as she finally succumbed completely to her lust and bucked down
against them like a mare in heat.
�Ahhh, cumming!!!� the professor groaned as he spurted inside her, his
cum mixing with the previous boys in the blondes womb! He then pulled back and
waved Keiichi over to fuck her cunt. He then took the youths place at Haruka�s
mouth, fucking her face in turns with another student while the two on either side
of her both came, coating her back and hair with even more sperm!
Haruka was no longer aware of which cocks were in her mouth, which
spurted against her skin or which drove hungrily into her cunt. The boys, their
names and faces, were unimportant. Irrelevant. Only their hard, throbbing cocks
held her attention and what remained of her thoughts, and she fucked herself
greedily against Keiichi with long, sluttish rolls of her hips that worked her cum-
drenched pussy up and down his cock like a well-trained whore.
The group continued changing places on Haruka, fucking her ass, pussy,
mouth, and hands. Time became a blur of thrusting and humping into various
orifices on the panting and moaning woman. More than a hour passed before each of
the boys had cum inside her pussy at least once and her entire naked body was
covered all over with thick white spooge!
Marimoto was the last to fuck Haruka�s drooling pussy, the others all
spent and lying on the floor while he flipped her onto her back on the desk and
reamed her cunt as hard as he could. He gripped her medium sized cum splattered
tits in both his hands and groaned in ecstasy as he came one final time, �You�.
Whoooore!!!!� he groaned before falling flat on his back on the floor, unconscious.
Haruka slumped down off the desk, nudging his limp cock with her tongue
as though hoping to stir it back to life, then made a soft panting sound of
disappointment and began a slow, laborious crawl toward the door. Out there,
somewhere, were more cocks. Huge, glorious cocks to fill her hungry holes. She
crawled for them, dripping cum as she went, eyes blind and wild with heat.


Leaning back in her mother�s car, Usagi moaned in pleasure, both her
cocks throbbing hard from the show she just watched through Haruka�s eyes. It was
so easy to manipulate the boys in the class to give into and feed the lust she�d
planted inside Haruka. Now her new toy was ripe and ready to serve. She smiled to
herself and drove around to the front of the campus, she then opened the passenger
door and waited for Haruka to crawl out.
Haruka crawled to the car on her hands and knees, naked and leaving a
trail of dripping cum behind her, drawing stares from everyone as she went. Her
eyes passed over Usagi blankly, no recognition in them, then fastened instantly and
hungrily on the two thick cocks jutting up against the steering wheel.
�Hey there slut, want some cock?� Usagi asked with a smiled, �I got two
right here waiting for you, and they never get tired.� She said while beckoning her
Haruka practically pounced into the car, her mouth wrapping around one
hard cock while her hands started to frantically pump the other with hard,
worshipful strokes.
Usagi laughed and reached over to pull the door closed before speeding
off the campus grounds. As she rounded the corners at near breakneck speeds, she
moaned in pleasure while Haruka continued sucking on her dicks. She could feel her
body shifting again, her belly swelled out even more, becoming noticeably pregnant
now. Milk leaked from both her nipples, soaking her shirt in moments. The horns
on her head also grew, breaking the felt layer that covered them and revealing
themselves to be a pair of golden colored demonic horns. A new sensation on her
back came next, a kind of itching that wasn�t entirely unpleasant. Usagi didn�t
bother worry about what it might be, everything that was happening to her was
wonderful, and she welcomed it all!


Deep in the alleyways of Tokyo�s Red Light district, the law was nearly
non-existent. Up and down the streets, prostitutes walked from corner to corner,
selling their services to anyone interested. Over the last couple nights though,
the regular girls noticed a newcomer walking the streets. Almost instantly the
girl had sucked in all the good business, but rumor had it she worked cheap.
Strange for a girl that looked like her, young, with great tits, a perfect ass, and
willing to do anything asked of her.
Standing in the back of one the many dingy alleys, Ami Mizuno watched
as Makoto was fucked up her ass by a balding old man. Whether or not her latest
customer noticed the dickgirl, Ami didn�t know or care, she only smiled as she
stroked her dick while watching Makoto work as a true whore. The old man gripped
Makoto�s newly pierced tits and squeezed them roughly as he rammed his short dick
in and out of her ass. Makoto moaned in false ecstasy, begging the man not to stop
as she rolled her hips in time with his thrusts.
Cupping one of her own tits, Ami shuddered with pleasure, cumming from
watching her pet work as a cheap slut. Her spunk splattered quietly on the filthy
alley floor as the old man finished and came inside Makoto�s ass. The naked
brunette then fell down to her knees panting while her customer tossed a pair of
bills down at her side after pulling his pants up. He then walked away from the
brown haired girl, leaving her behind like so much trash.
Ami then stepped up behind Makoto as she reached out and picked up the
bills, stuffing them into the fishnet stockings she wore. Ami had Makoto wear only
a pair of high heels, fishnet stockings, green arm gloves, and a green collar with
a bow tie on the front. Over the last two days, Ami had had the brunette get both
her nipples pierced with squared ringlets, a barbed wire tattoo on her right bicep,
and another patterned tattoo on her right hip. Once that was done, Ami did
Makoto�s make-up, like her own; it was heavy on the eye shadow and mascara, with
light pink lipstick and rouge.
�Get up,� Ami told her. Makoto nodded and it was then that the blue
haired girl noticed the tears that were running down her cheeks, taking a
substantial amount of the mascara with them. �Awww, what�s wrong Mako-chan?� she
asked as she moved to rub up against the busty brunette. She rubbed her still hard
cock against the other girls belly, loving the way she shuddered at its touch. Ami
herself was still dressed in the outfit she�d first donned a couple days ago,
having grown fond of it and how slutty it made her feel. She reached a hand up and
traced her index finger over Makoto�s lips, smiling as the horny slut opened her
mouth to suck on the digit gently.
�Ple.. Please� Ami-chan�� she begged, tears flowing freely now, �You
said� You�d fuck my pussy� If I earn enough money as a street walking whore��
Makoto said between sobs of utter desire. Ami had yet to let Makoto even suck on
her cock yet, having had her constantly entertain her by fucking her mother in
various ways with all of Saeko�s collected sextoys.
Ami laughed, loving how Makoto wasn�t the least bit humiliated by what
she�d done over the last two days. So long as Ami held the promise of fucking her
pussy like she so desperately wanted, the brunette would do anything for her!
Smiling, Ami reached down to stroke Makoto�s cum soaked pussy. The
little whore had worked extra hard tonight, fucking more than ten men and even a
couple of women. Her entire naked body was almost covered in cum and vaginal
juices. Ami did tell Makoto to earn ten thousand yen as a whore to earn the cock
she so terribly wanted, but she could only charge two hundred yen a customer, no
matter how much they wanted to pay her more, she could only take the two hundred.
With that last old man, Makoto had reached her mark.
�And you are so pretty now, my sweet Mako-chan�� Ami said as she looked
into Makoto�s longing green eyes. �I know you want your reward, but before I
plunge my hard cock into your wet cunt, I need a last proof of love� It�ll be so
romantic, just you, me, and the prettiest mastiff you�ve ever seen�� she said with
a wicked smile.


�Uuunnn uhhhhnnnn, ahhhhh�.� Haruka moaned in utter ecstasy as Usagi

plunged her twin cocks in and out of her ass and pussy. The short haired blonde
had taken to the role of cock whore quite well, and Usagi just loved watching the
once die hard lesbian begging to be fucked by a cock, any cock. Even Brutaka had
enjoyed pounding the young womans cunt for a few hours a day while Usagi was
fucking her mother.
�So you little cock whore, do my big hard cocks feel good in your
holes?� Usagi asked as she continued driving into the other blonde.
�Oooooh, yes, so good!!!� Haruka moaned her legs wrapping around
Usagi�s waist, holding them together as she rolled her hips to the other girls
movements. �I love your cocks mistress, I love them so much!!!�
�Mmm, that�s a good whore�� Usagi cooed as she felt herself cumming
again inside the taller woman.
Haruka leaned her head back on the bed and howled in pleasure, cumming
with her mistress as she felt that wonderful spunk pooling inside her again.
�Hahh, you�re my new favorite.� Usagi said as she pulled her cocks out
and moved to lay down on the bed. Haruka immediately got up on all fours and
crawled down to begin sucking the long haired blondes twin cocks lovingly. Usagi
idly stroked Haruka�s hair gently, enjoying the way she alternated between her
cocks so perfectly. The door to the master bedroom then slid open and her mother
walked in carrying a tray loaded up with her breakfast. Pancakes, eggs, toast, and
juice. Ikuko laid the tray over Usagi�s pregnant belly, she was still a ways away
from giving birth to the demon growing inside her, but now she couldn�t wear her
slutty outfits anymore.
Oh well, she thought to herself, I�ll just go naked until it�s time.
Grabbing the empty glass from the tray, Usagi moved it to her unpierced nipple and
squeezed the huge tit firmly. Her milk flowed freely, quickly filling the glass.
She then brought it to her lips and drank deeply, savoring the warm and rich taste.
�You can suck my free cock mom.� Usagi said, noticing how Ikuko was watching Haruka
with obvious envy.
Moaning happily, Ikuko dove beneath the tray and joined Haruka in
sucking on Usagi�s dicks hungrily. �Mmmm�� Usagi purred, loving the feel of a
double blowjob while she ate her breakfast. Her light blue eyes then looked over
to the pair of large crystal pillars sitting in the far corner of the bedroom. Her
father and younger brother had come home the other day, walking in on Usagi fucking
Haruka over the couch while Brutaka had his way with Ikuko on the floor.
�Oh hi honey, welcome home.� Ikuko had said as the dog plowed into her
from behind.
�What the hell is going on here!!?� Kenji, her father, had demanded.
�What, is something wrong?� Ikuko had asked casually before moaning in
orgasm as the dog came inside her again.
Before her father could move to try and stop things, Usagi had used the
spell to encase both him and her little brother Shingo inside the golden crystal
prisons that she had used on Luna a couple days before. She then moved them up to
the bedroom so they could watch all of the fun little games she planned to play
with her mother and the other senshi.
Smiling to herself, Usagi turned to look at her brother, Shingo. She
could feel his mind inside the crystal as he could only watch while the two naked
women serviced her. It was turning the young man on! Were his body able to move,
he likely be sporting an erection by now. She grinned and reached into his mind,
pulling away the thoughts of shame and ideas of morality.
She then turned to her mother and smiled, �Mom, would you like to have
sex with Shingo?� she asked.
It was several moments before Ikuko could answer, the older woman
having difficulty pulling her mouth away from her daughters wonderful cock. She
sat up on her knees before answering, �Oh yes Mistress, I would love to fuck my son
for you.�
�Good.� Usagi said before snapping her fingers. The crystal around
Shingo then shattered and turned to dust. The 12 year old boy then blinked his
eyes clear and dropped to his knees, dizzy. Ikuko smiled and walked over to her
son, hugging him gently.
�Mom�?� Shingo asked as he returned her embrace, completely unfazed by
her nudity.
Ikuko touched a finger to his lips, �Shhh, just let mommy take care of
her little boy.�
�O..okay.� he said as his mother began stripping him down, tossing his
clothes aside as she began salivating at the idea of sucking his young cock. She
pulled his pants down and gasped with joy at the sight of his hairless four inch
prick standing ridged above his small balls.
�Mmmmph�!� Ikuko moaned as she opened her mouth wide and took both his
cock and balls into her mouth, licking and sucking them lovingly.
�Ahh, mom..!� Shingo groaned as he leaned his head back with pleasure.
�Mmmm, enjoy her Shingo, if you can make her cum, I�ll think about
letting you fuck her every day.� Usagi said as Haruka went back to sucking both her
dicks with wild abandon. The blonde then turned her attention back to her
breakfast, taking a bite out of her eggs while she thought on how to best dominate
Michiru, who no doubt was beginning to worry about where her lesbian lover had


After arriving back at the house just before sunrise, Ami smiled at the
sight of her two loyal mastiff�s, Bess and Ricky. Both fully grown and male.
Ricky currently mounted her mother Saeko who lay on all fours like the bitch she
was as the big dog fucked her from behind. Bess meanwhile stood in front of the
woman and panted softly as she sucked his dick like a woman possessed!
The dogs had arrived a full day early, much to Ami�s delight(And likely
the delivery boy as well when her mother answered the door naked and gave him a
blow job for bringing the animals). Since then, Ami had instructed her mother to
have sex with the dogs whenever they wanted. Saeko obeyed and while that went on,
the blue haired girl had enjoyed watching Makoto whore herself out for pennies to
earn enough money to get was she so desperately needed.
Snapping her fingers once, Bess came over to her and sat loyally in
front of his master. Ami reached down and petted his head before sending him up to
the bedroom along with Makoto. Before she followed however, Ami walked over to her
mother and smiled, watching as the once dignified woman howled like a whore as a
dog fucked her cunt hard.
�Mmmm, how is he momma, better than dad?� Ami asked.
�Hahh, ahh, ohhhh�. Yes!!! So much better than your father mistress!!!�
Saeko answered as she cried out in orgasm, �Ooooooh, so much bigger and harder!!!
Yes, yes, ah cumming!!!!� Saeko shivered as she came again in front of her
daughter. Every last ounce of shame and dignity was gone from Saeko Mizuno now,
leaving only a sex crazed and lust driven slut in their place. And Ami Mizuno
loved the sight of it!
�Mmm, you�re such a good mother.� Ami said and knelt down to kiss her
mother deeply and lovingly. Her mouth tasted of dogs dick and it only served to
excite the blue haired girl as she mingled her tongue with Saeko�s. Her mother
moaned in happiness then orgasm as Ricky continued to fuck her, howling in ecstasy
as he did. Standing up again, Ami headed up the blue carpeted stairs to the main
bedroom where she was delighted to find Makoto already on top of the bed on all
fours as Bess fucked her cum drenched cunt!
�My my my, aren�t we the eager beaver?� Ami asked as she moved to sit
in a chair to watch the show. She was overjoyed to see how Makoto knew exactly
what her mistress expected of her and took a little initiative in pleasing her.
Makoto only moaned in real pleasure as Ami watched her. Even when all
those men were fucking her, Makoto only got off when she knew Ami was in eyesight
of her. She wanted to much to please her, so that she could finally taste that
big, hard, beautiful cock in her pussy! Her green eyes looked over into Ami�s blue
ones, she could see that Ami was pleased with her as she began stroking her cock
while she watched Makoto fuck a dog on her mothers bed.
The force of the animals thrusting into her made Makoto�s pussy ache,
but she didn�t care, it also felt good, she could feel herself ready to cum
already! Cum and sweat dripped off of the brunettes naked body as her pierced
nipples brushed against the sheets of the bed, teasing them to aching hardness.
She felt like such a slut, such a lowly whore for doing the things she was doing,
and it all felt soooo good! She only wished it had happened years ago when she
first met Usagi and the others. She wanted so much to have been their slave these
past four years instead of their friend. No, she wanted more than that, Makoto
wished she had been born into their service, so she could have spent her entire
life as their sex slave!
As Bess howled in orgasm, Makoto howled with him, feeling the dogs cum
pooling inside her pussy with all the other cum that was inside her already. Ami
had promised Makoto that she wouldn�t get pregnant from fucking all those men, that
honor belonged only to her and Usagi. Makoto had no reason to doubt her mistress�
word, and so she fucked all those men and women without fear while she worked as a
street whore.
Bess eventually tired and dismounted Makoto, letting the brunette fall
face first onto the bed, her make-up smearing all over the sheets. Ami sent the
large black mastiff back downstairs to begin fucking her mother again as she got up
and grabbed a bottle of warming lube from the dresser. She began oiling up her
cock as she looked at the spent and used young woman.
�You truly do love me Mako-chan.� She said to her.
�Ha.. Hai�� Makoto said as she looked up at Ami hopefully.
Ami smiled down at her and climbed onto the bed with her. She rolled
Makoto onto her back gently and kissed her deeply, passionately. Their tits mashed
against each others as Ami rubbed Makoto�s naked body against her own. She stunk
of sweat and cum, but Ami didn�t care, it was all so beautiful as she linked her
arms under the brunette�s knees and lifted her legs up high over her head.
�Your pussy looks perfect now Mako-chan, and here�s the reward you�ve
worked so hard for!� Ami said as she plunged her lubed up cock into Makoto�s wet
snatch. All twelve inches speared into the woman with ease, the force of the blow
making both girls tits jiggle wildly as Makoto screamed with instant mind
shattering orgasm!
Makoto screamed, her head shaking from side to side as each of Ami�s thrusts
brought her another climax more powerful than the last. This was it, this was what
she craved so much. Ami�s cock was every bit as good as she imagined it�d be and
�Ooooh, Mako-chan, your pussy is so tight!� Ami groaned as she fucked
the girl hard, holding her legs up over her head, the bed shaking beneath the force
of her thrusts. She savored the warm wet feel of Makoto�s velvety cunt around her
throbbing cock. Truth be told it was hard for her as well to wait this long to
plunge her cock inside the other girl, but well worth the wait. She looked down at
Makoto�s expression of ecstasy, the sight warmed her as she leaned down to kiss her
lovingly. Makoto returned the kiss, moaning softly, almost like a kitten as she
humped her hips in time with Ami�s thrusts. The sound of flesh smacking against
flesh filled the room as the two young women held their kiss. The piercings on
their nipples clinked together as their tits rubbed against one anothers, and Ami
knew without a doubt that this is what she had been born for. The demon master
growing inside Usagi�s womb had brought the Sailor Senshi to their true destiny at
Breaking the kiss, Ami began pounding into Makoto harder than before,
moaning with the brunette as she released her legs and felt them wrap around her
waist, locking them together. She panted hard, her own body now covered in her own
sweat and the cum that had transferred from Makoto. Her cock felt so good, better
than even when she fucked her mothers pussy! She could feel the cum building up
inside her and she knew it wouldn�t be long now.
�Ahhh, look at me Mako-chan, look at me and tell me you love me!� Ami
Makoto�s eyes locked with Ami�s, and the blue haired girl saw only
unquestioning devotion in them, �I love you so much Ami-chan, my body, heart, and
soul are all yours to use as you please now and forever!� she vowed, meaning every
word of it.
Fighting to keep her eyes locked with Makoto�s, Ami nodded and moaned
in orgasm, her cum splattering hard inside the brunette�s womb, �Ahhh, I love you
too Mako-chaaaaahhhh!!!�


Moving to sit on the couch in the family room, Usagi smiled and watched
as Haruka and Brutaka fucked on top of the coffee table. The short haired blonde
had begged to be fucked by the dog again and Usagi saw no reason to deny her. She
had called all the remaining Senshi today, weaving a web of lies to keep their
suspicions at bay just a little longer. Michiru had been most difficult to
convince that Haruka had just gone up to see a friend suddenly, but a quick call
from her lover easily dispelled the other girls fears.
Though a total cock whore now, Haruka had shown she could speak
surprisingly lucid, having called Michiru with Ikuko�s cellphone and confirming the
story Usagi had told her that she was in Kyoto seeing to a friend who had become
suddenly ill. Michiru accepted the lie and Haruka instantly devolved back to the
raging cock slut she was now.
Rubbing her hands over her slowly growing belly, Usagi whispered sweet
nothings to the demon growing inside her womb. She could feel his power growing
with every one of her fellow senshi that she fucked.
Smiling, Usagi turned to her left and watched as her little brother
fucked their mother on the floor not too far away. Ikuko moaned whorishly as
Shingo�s little dick slipped in and out of her pussy. The young mans body was
covered in sweat as he worked hard to make his mother cum. Usagi cooed at the
sight, stroking both her cocks slowly as she watched the twin sex shows.
Ami had phoned earlier, saying she had completed her task and was
coming to present her work to Usagi. The blonde had been happy to hear from her
fellow dickgirl, and was eager to see what she had done with Makoto as well as show
off what had become of Haruka.
Grunting as she came, Usagi jacked off both cocks, watching as her cum
splattered on the coffee table with loud wet plops. Panting, Haruka leaned her
head down to lick up the puddle, moaning in pleasure as Brutaka continued fucking
her from behind.
The long haired blonde enjoyed watching as her slave cleaned the table
for her then she got up as the doorbell rang. It was just past sundown now, so Ami
could move more easily and not have to cover Makoto�s sure to be naked body.
Walking naked to the door, Usagi opened it and was pleasantly surprised
at what awaited on the other side. Ami stood in front of the door, still dressed
in the same bondage style outfit Usagi had given her a few days ago. In each hand
she held a dog leash, but at the ends of those leashes weren�t the two Mastiff�s
that stood loyally behind the blue haired girl, but the naked forms of Makoto Kino
and Dr. Saeko Mizuno! Both women smelled sweet and fresh, as though recently
bathed, Usagi smiled at this as she stepped aside to allow her friend to enter.
She had wondered as to how Ami had dealt with the issue of her mother, and now she
�Please, cum inside.� Usagi said, picking her words carefully as the
group walked into her home.
Ami smiled at Usagi�s invitation and ushered all her pets inside. The
blonde then closed the door behind her friend and smiled. �What are their names?�
she asked while gesturing to the two large dogs.
�Bess and Ricky.� Ami answered, pointing to each in turn. Both dogs
yipped in acknowledgment of their master.
Purring with delight, Usagi led Ami back to the family room where the
blue haired girl gasped at the sight of Haruka still knelt on the coffee table as
Brutaka pounded her tight pussy. �I think she could use a couple more big doggie
cocks, don�t you?�
�Oh my yes.� Ami agreed and snapped her fingers. Bess and Ricky rushed
the table and Haruka moaned joyously at their approach. The four of them took a
few moment to position themselves, but in the end, Haruka straddled Bess who lay on
his back, his cock now in her pussy while Brutaka fucked her tight little asshole.
Ricky stood in front of the blonde and panted as she sucked his cock as though it
were the only thing keeping her alive!
�Oh my goodness, that is so beautiful�� Usagi said, reaching under her
pregnant belly to stroke her cocks. Only to find that Makoto had already begun to
do so before taking the lowermost dick into her mouth and sucking it lewdly.
�She�s an eager one.� Ami explained.
�Oh, I don�t mind at all.� Usagi said as she patted Makoto�s head and
leaned her head back to moan in pleasure. Her body sensed the new Senshi�s full
submission to her and began to change again, her belly expanded outwards again,
giving her the look of a heavily pregnant woman now, and some of the ink from the
tattoo on her ass began to migrate under her skin, sliding across her hip to the
side of her lower dick, forming a new tattoo that read �LIVE 2 FUK�. The itching
sensation on her back also grew stronger, and after a moment a pair of red demonic
wings sprouted from her back. The were small and short, but Usagi welcomed the
strange and arousing sensations they brought to her. She then smiled broadly, she
could sense that there wouldn�t be many more changes to her from this point, other
than the progress of her pregnancy. To complete what was needed though, she would
need the remaining five senshi, but there was time for that still, for now�
�You�ve met my brother Shingo right Ami?� Usagi asked, gesturing to her
mother and brother in the corner of the room. The two of them hadn�t ceased their
incestuous fucking for a moment.
Ami nodded, turning away from the dog gangbang on the coffee table to
the shota show not too far away. She smiled and leaned over to kiss Shingo deeply,
moaning softly against his mouth as she reached down to pull his cock from his
mother�s pussy. �Would you like to fuck my pussy?� she asked with a smile.
Shingo nodded and looked to his sister for permission. Usagi waved a
hand in acknowledgment as she moved to sit back down slowly, her heavy belly now
making it slightly difficult to move. �I don�t mind, so long as you mother comes
over here to service me as well.�
�Of course.� Ami said then commanded her mother to start sucking
Usagi�s free cock. The older woman moved to obey, kneeling next to Makoto and
taking Usagi�s upper cock into her mouth and sucking it loudly.
Usagi cooed with pleasure and gripped her unpierced tit, forcing two fingers
into her nipple as she watched Haruka grunt and groan against the dogs on the
table. Ricky had already cum in the blondes mouth, the knot at the base of his
cock acting like a ballgag, locking his cock in her throat! Behind Haruka, Brutaka
panted hard as he pounded her asshole roughly, and below them, Bess howled with
pleasure as he humped his pelvis up, pistoning his cock in time with the Great
Haruka looked so beautiful to Usagi now, getting triple penetrated by dogs in
her living room like a sex obsessed whore! Which is what the blonde was now truth
be told. Usagi moaned as her upper cock came in Saeko�s mouth, the blue haired
woman drinking down her sperm with ravenous enthusiasm. Her lower cock came next
and Makoto guzzled the cum like it was the best substance she�d ever tasted!
The short haired blonde moaned around the thick cock in her mouth, no longer
able to bob her head back and forth along its length as the knot had locked her in
deep throat with the animal. She loved the feel of being taken in every hole like
this and craved more! Above her, Usagi could feel the minds of the dogs, they all
viewed Haruka as a bitch in extreme heat, and with Ami and Usagi�s help, they�d
learned all manor of new positions in which to fuck her. Brutaka, Bess, and Ricky
all craved Haruka, wanting to mate with her and pass on their seed. Perhaps in
time, Usagi�s new powers might allow them to do just that with the blonde.
Across from the group, Ami moaned softly as Shingo�s small dick slid in and
out of her pussy. He wasn�t all that big, but with his age, she didn�t expect
much. She moaned loud for him as she crawled over to Ikuko and pushed her bigger
cock into the mother�s pussy. The purple haired woman moaned in ecstasy, loving
the feel of a larger cock inside her!
�Ahhh, yes, please fuck my slutty pussy, I want to cum so bad!� Ikuko
begged. Though she loved her son dearly, his small cock just wasn�t enough to
fully satisfy her urges. She�d only had a few small orgasms when he was inside
her, and now she craved the mind blowing climax that only a big cock like Ami�s or
her daughters could provide!
�Mmmm, that�s a good girl Ikuko,� Ami moaned as she continued plunging her
cock into the older womans pussy while Shingo rammed his own dick into her cunt.
The blue haired girl leaned down and kissed Ikuko deeply, savoring the wetness of
her mouth as she listened to the pants and moans of the other women around her!
Across from them, Usagi moaned as she watched her belly expand just a bit
more, the dark life inside her growing stronger with every woman she forced into
submission. She slowly rubbed her hands over her stomach, loving the feel of it
beneath her fingers. She listened to the sounds of Saeko and Makoto sucking her
cocks as she watched Haruka being gangbanged by three dogs at once. The blonde in
question could only moan as the three canine cocks thrusted into her every orifice,
dumping load after load of hot cum into her ass, pussy, and mouth.
Haruka meanwhile screamed as she came again and again, the dogs cocks making
her feel like such a whore. Nowhere in her mind did any part of her scream that
this was wrong, that anything was the matter with what she was doing. It all just
felt so right, so natural to her now. She questioned why she ever hated cock, why
she preferred the taste of a womans pussy to the feel of a hot dick fucking her
face. Another orgasm shuddered inside her cunt as the dog below her howled in
orgasm, his not swelling up inside her, locking them together. She could feel his
cum pooling inside her and it only made her want more as the second dog came in her
ass. The feel of the two knots inside her cunt and ass was almost painful, but she
loved it, and never wanted it to end!
Moaning in utter ecstasy, Haruka continued humping the three dogs while Usagi
and the others watched her slutty behavior.


Several hours later, late into the night, Usagi smiled as she leaned back on
top of the kitchen table and watched as Ami moaned and whimpered in despair as
Makoto and Ikuko licked and sucked her cock and pussy. The blue haired girl hung
from the ceiling by several ropes that were lashed around her arms and legs. After
the earlier orgy, Usagi asked Ami to use her scanner on Haruka and Ikuko, the scans
had confirmed that both women were currently pregnant. Ikuko from Usagi, and
Haruka from the little gangbang she�d had in class the other day. Though in
Haruka�s case, the blonde was knocked up with triplets, fraternal ones, each from a
different man! Usagi laughed at how excited the news made her newest slut.
Before she could start making plans for the eventual babies, she noticed Ami
scanning her own mother and discovering that Saeko was pregnant as well.
Infuriated, Usagi decided to punish her fellow dickgirl for knocking up her mother
without permission.
�Ple... please forgive me, mistress...� Ami begged, her face flushed and
sweaty as she struggled against the bindings on her arms and legs. She moaned in
both pain and pleasure as Ikuko slowly ran her tongue along her twelve inch cock
while Makoto eagerly lapped at her pussy. No matter how much she wanted, the blue
haired dickgirl couldn�t cum! After tying her up, Usagi had placed a tight black
cockring around the base of her dick. It squeezed her so tightly that after almost
an hour of stimulation, Ami still hadn�t ejaculated!
�Mmm, but you haven�t learned your lesson yet you little slut!� Usagi said as
she cooed with pleasure while Saeko sucked on her cocks. �I gave you that cock in
good faith, you weren�t supposed to knock anyone up with it without my permission!�
�I.. I�m so sorry!!� Ami screamed, shaking her head from side to side as
another denied orgasm rocked her body. She bucked against her restraints, her
enlarged tits jiggling wildly as she panted hard. She then moaned in pain as she
felt something being pushed INTO her dick. Looking down, she saw that Ikuko had
produced a long and slender metal rod with a metallic handle at the base. The rod
itself was silver in color and wasn�t exactly a rod, but a series of bumpy spheres
lined up straight. Ikuko pushed the first tiny sphere into Ami�s urethra and the
blue haired girl threw her head back and screamed as her cock was violated by a
lowly slave! A second and third sphere pushed into her and Ami groaned as she felt
each inch of the device slipping down her cock.
To make matters worse, Ikuko began licking the bumps that rose along her
urethra as the rod was pushed deeper and deeper into her cock. The stimulation was
too much for Ami and she felt her cock begin aching with the need to cum! All the
while, Makoto continued licking her cunt as though everything were perfectly
normal. Tears of pleasure and pain streamed down her cheeks as she howled with
denied orgasm. Worse still, the sight of her mother sucking on Usagi�s cocks was
almost too much! Ami�s dick throbbed with the desire to plunge into Saeko�s naked
pussy and fill her with more of her cum.
Usagi grinned and watched as Ami suffered her punishment. She�d sent Shingo
out with Haruka to get some supplies from the all night market, as the food stores
were starting to get low after feeding everyone gathered. The short haired blonde
didn�t like having to put clothes on again, but she�d need them so as not to draw
unwanted attention. Usagi had let the blonde have some compensation though by
allowing her to stop by the tattoo parlor on the way. She�d ordered her to have
�DOG FUCKING BITCH� tattooed just above her ass, and �LOVES COCK� tattooed in
smaller letters just above her pussy so that everyone would see how much of a whore
she was!
Smiling at the thought of the tattoo artists face when Haruka made her order,
Usagi pulled Saeko off her cocks and sprayed some of her cum in the blue haired
mothers face. �Stand up and turn around.� she commanded Saeko, �I�m gonna fuck
those tight little holes of yours.�
Saeko nodded and quickly obeyed, presenting her well used ass and pussy to
the heavily pregnant dickgirl. Standing up, Usagi smiled and rubbed the tips of
her cocks against the older womans fuckholes. She then plunged them in deep,
sliding all the way inside with a single thrust! Saeko screamed in utter ecstasy
as Usagi began humping her from behind slowly. The blondes huge tits jiggled and
bounced with her every thrust, milk leaking from her nipples as she did so.
�Mmmm, your mother�s great Ami, such nice, tight, holes!� Usagi said,
grunting with every word as she pounded into Saeko.
�Ahhhh, yes, fuck my holes Mistress Usagi!!!� Saeko screamed as Usagi grabbed
both her wrists and used her arms as leverage while she fucked Ami�s mother in
front of her.
Usagi groaned in pleasure, loving the feel of Saeko�s ass and pussy around
her thick cocks. She slapped her hand against the moaning womans ass, spanking her
hard while Ami could only watch. The blue haired dickgirl struggled against her
bonds even more as Ikuko pushed the urethra plug in more than halfway then turned
on the vibrate function.
�AaAaAaAaAHhHhHh!!!!� Ami screamed, her voice vibrating with the metal rod
that had been slid into her dick. Her pussy sprayed with juices of female orgasm,
coating Makoto�s face as the brown haired woman only continued lapping away at her
pussy. Ami�s soft blue eyes rolled into the back of her head as she began drooling
with unending pleasure that allowed no release. Her cock throbbed painfully, the
veins along it pulsing with her unanswered need to cum.
�Mmm, look at your daughter Saeko, doesn�t she look like such a slut?� Usagi
asked as she continued pounding her twin cocks into the panting woman.
�Yes! So slutty Mistress!!!� Saeko screamed, her eyes locking onto her
daughters naked body as she bucked against Usagi�s thrusts.
�Did you like being fucked by her?� Usagi asked.
�Yes Mistress..� Saeko answered, moaning in orgasm again.
�Are my cocks better than hers?� the blonde asked.
�YES, SOOO MUCH BETTER THAN MY DAUGHTERS!!!!� Saeko screamed, her body
shuddering with pleasure as multiple orgasms rushed through her body. Her pussy
sprayed all over Usagi�s cock and legs. Her knees going weak, forcing Usagi to
hold her upright as the blonde grunted in ecstasy, her dicks spurting thick streams
of hot cum into both her holes.
Across from them, Ami squealed like a pig about to be slaughtered, her head
shaking from side to side as she began foaming at the edges of her mouth. Her
tongue hung limply from her lips and the blue of her iris� were nearly invisible
with her eyes rolled back into their sockets. The blue haired dickgirl�s entire
body shuddered against her restraints. And just as she neared the breaking point,
Usagi snapped her fingers.
Taking her cue, Ikuko released the ring around the base of Ami�s cock and
quickly pulled the plug from her urethra. The blue haired dickgirl screamed in
utter mind destroying ecstasy as a torrent of cum spewed forth from her cock! The
first spray hit the ceiling and splattered back down on all gathered. Usagi smiled
and pushed Saeko off her cocks, dropping her to the floor like so much trash as she
licked the droplets of cum from her arms. Her mother and Makoto meanwhile moved to
lick the raining cum off the floor.
Her red wings flapping idly, Usagi walked over to Ami as her massive orgasm
slowly subsided. The young dickgirl looked on the edge of consciousness now,
panting for air as she hung limp in her restraints. Gently, almost lovingly, Usagi
ran her hand over Ami�s cheek before leaning down to kiss her passionately.
�Now, have you learned your lesson?� Usagi asked.
Ami nodded weakly, �Yes, mistress, I too, am but your humble slave. I was
wrong to impregnate my mother before presenting her to you. It will not happen
again.� she managed to breathe out without stuttering.
Usagi smiled and ran her hands over her distended belly, the dark life inside
her was pleased with her, she could feel it. Looking back to Ami she said, �Then I
forgive you.� She then kissed Ami again and moved to sit down by the kitchen table
while the three remaining women let Ami down from her restraints and took her
upstairs to rest and recover.
�I wonder what�s keeping Haruka?� she wondered aloud.


Across town, back in the Tokyo Red Light district, Haruka Ten�ou and Shingo
Tsukino emerged from the tattoo parlor once the blondes Tattoos were finished being
applied. As per her mistresses orders, she�s had the words �DOG FUCKING BITCH�
tattooed just above her ass, and �LOVES COCK� in smaller print just above her
neatly shaved pussy. The artist gave the pair an odd look when she made the order,
but did what he was paid. Shingo had been sent along with Haruka to make sure she
didn�t fuck any strangers while she was out of her mistresses sight.
The brown haired boy was dressed in a pair of blue denim shorts, a white t-
shirt with �Heavy Metal� written over it, and white sneakers. Haruka herself wore
a pair of ultra short shorts that barely concealed her pussy and showed off her
nicely shaped ass and newly finished tattoo. Above that she wore a sleeveless
tanktop that accented her tits and showed off her cleavage.
The two of them then drove down the street to an all night supermarket.
Shingo pushed the cart while Haruka filled it. The pair drew a number of odd looks
from the few people there with them as the filled their cart with assorted foods,
hygiene products, and other necessities.
Haruka�s eyes constantly wandered, looking to every man that walked by with
wanton lust and desire. The crotch of her shorts was slowly growing dark with her
overflowing juices as she and Shingo went to the checkout lane. The young man
behind the counter couldn�t have been more than seventeen, his face covered with
pimples and his eyes hidden behind triple thick glasses. Haruka didn�t care
though, all she wanted was to leap over the counter and bury his cock in her pussy
until she came.
Using a low voltage stunning device that Ami had quickly put together for
just this reason, Shingo zapped Haruka�s exposed ass lightly, reminding her of her
place and her orders here. The blonde whimpered but acquiesced as their bags were
loaded into the cart. By the time they reached the car again, Haruka had begun
panting haggardly as she squeezed her legs together in an attempt to stave off the
flow of juices running from her pussy.
�Hahh.. Shin..go..� she panted as she dropped to her knees and placed a hand
over her burning crotch, �Ple... please...� she whispered, �Please let me suck your
cock... I need one so badly now...� she whimpered, her eyes welling up with tears
of unfulfilled lust.
Shingo smiled, Usagi had given him permission to fuck Haruka once they had
finished their errands, and seeing the blonde is such a state of near manic arousal
was a turn-on for the boy. She was acting just like all those slutty women in the
hentai manga he kept hidden in the wall vent of his room. They had parked behind
the store, where there was little lighting and no other cars parked.
Still smiling, Shingo closed the trunk of the car and opened the fly of his
pants, pulling his short cock out for the whimpering blonde. Haruka gasped and
instantly dropped to her knees, engulfing all four inches of his cock into her warm
and wet mouth. She moaned like the whore she was as she needily sucked his cock
there in the back parking lot of the store.
Shingo groaned in pleasure as he watched Haruka�s mouth slide up and down on
his dick. He told her to take off her shorts and toss them still wet into the
light coming down from the nearest light pole. She obeyed and instantly began
fingering herself as she continued sucking him off slowly. �Mmmm, that feels so
good you dog whore.� Shingo told her.
Haruka beamed at being called such a derogatory name, it made her already
steaming pussy even hotter in the cool night air. She then pulled her mouth off
Shingo�s cock and got down on all fours on the dirt and rock strewn lot, �Please
Shingo, please fuck my cock loving pussy! I can�t wait anymore!� she whined as she
wiggled her ass inticingly while her fingers dipped in and out of her puffy pink
The brown haired boy grinned evilly as he placed his hand on the two dog paw
print tattoos that were on either side of the phrase that Haruka had tattooed above
her ass and gripped her hips tightly as he thrusted his short cock into the girls
waiting cunt! Haruka moaned loudly, not caring who found them as she humped
herself back against Shingo�s dick.
�Hahh yes, fuck my pussy, fuck my pussy, fuck my cock loving pussy!!!� she
said over and over again, moaning as even Shingo�s small dick made her cum again
and again. �Ahhh, so good!!! I love cock, any cock, man, boy, girls, and dogs,
anything with a cock I�ll fuuuuck!!!� Haruka screamed into the night air as her
pussy gushed around Shingo�s cock while the boy came inside her.
The short haired blonde them collasped, panting on the ground as she
recovered. Nowhere in her mind did any trace of her former self remain now. The
vows she shouted into the night as a child fucked her had erased all the remaining
traces of the former lesbian that lay within her. Now fully embracing her cock
whore self, Haruka got up and drove the car back to Usagi�s house, leaving her
soaking wet shorts still lying under a lamp post in the store parking lot.


Lying back in the bed of the house guest room, Ami Mizuno breathed slowly,
her entire body still tingling from her recent punishment. She had stripped off
all her remaining clothes and lay naked atop the sheets. Her cock hung limp
against her leg as she turned to rest on her side. She wouldn�t make her mistake
again, she knew that, her lesson had driven to her core that she was Usagi�s
plaything just as Makoto and her mother were hers. She whimpered softly as she
moved to lay back on her back again, her wrists and knees ached where the ropes
chafed against her skin. Deep red friction burns marred her otherwise creamy
smooth skin.
She moved a hand down to lightly stroke the silver studs that pierced through
each of her nipples, moaning softly at the sensations that resulted. The blue
haired girl then moved her right hand down to begin stroking her cock again. It
quickly grew hard and throbbed with desire.
Just then, as though sensing her returning lusts, Makoto walked into the
bedroom. Dressed in nothing more than the dog collar she had come to the house in
and the green hair beads she wore to keep her hair up in its usual ponytail. The
metal squared loops that were pierced through her nipples were gone now, and Ami
noticed that Makoto�s already large tits seemed bigger now, at least another cup
size and nearly matching Usagi�s huge mameries!
Even in the low light that came from a single candle on the nightstand, Ami
could see the thin trickles of breast milk that leaked from both the brunettes
nipples. The blue haired girl didn�t need to ask, she knew Usagi had altered
Makoto�s body just as she had with her. The brown haired young woman�s tits had
been hyper-stimulated, lactating endlessly now.
�Mistress, are you.. okay?� Makoto asked submissively, her head bowed low.
Ami smiled and sat up in her bed. �I�m alright my dear Mako-chan. I just
needed to be reminded of my place, that�s all.� She beckoned the brunette closer
and Makoto crawled over to her, kneeling next to the bed as she looked up at her
mistress with wide green eyes.
Still smiling, Ami placed her hands on either side of Makoto�s face and
gently pulled her up into a deep kiss, her tongue exploring the other girls mouth
slowly. Makoto made a sound somewhere between a sigh and a moan as she melted into
Ami�s touch. The blue haired girl smiled against the others lips as she broke the
kiss and scooted back on the small bed.
�Come, lay down with me.� Ami said to her.
Makoto nodded and climbed up onto the bed, lying on her side with Ami, the
nipples of her heavy tits rubbing against Ami�s. The dickgirl smiled and ran her
hand down the brunettes side, admiring her warm, soft skin. They kissed again and
Ami pushed Makoto down onto her back. Lying atop her slave, Ami rubbed her still
hard cock against Makoto�s belly, making the brunette shudder with desire.
�Mmm, I like your tits Makoto, I can feel the milk leaking out over my own.�
Ami whispered.
�I�m sorry mistress, I can�t help it, Mistress Usagi said the flow wouldn�t
stop for a few days.� Makoto explained.
�Do I look like I mind?� Ami asked before kissing her again and sliding down
the girls naked body. She grinned as the tip of her cock rubbed against Makoto�s
pussy, making her whimper again softly. She nuzzled her face between Makoto�s huge
tits, loving the feel of the warm breastmilk against her face. Makoto moaned
softly while Ami slowly licked around the curve of her right tit, lapping up her
milk. The blue haired girl smiled when she reached the peak of her hard nipple and
covered it with her mouth.
�Mistress!� Makoto moaned, panting slightly as Ami began suckling her nipple,
drinking in her warm thick milk. Ami�s right hand then moved to the brown haired
girls left breast, cupping around the heavy mound and kneading it gently. More
milk trickled out from under her palm and soon the sheets beneath the two of them
began to grow damp with the creamy colored fluid.
�Mmmmm...� Ami purred, savoring the taste of Makoto�s milk. She lightly
brushed her tongue over the other girls nipple, teasing more sweet milk from it as
her fingers began to pull and play with the free one. Makoto was such a good
slave, Ami didn�t hold any grudge against her for her part in her recent
punishment. In fact, she wanted to reward Makoto for her loyalty to their proper
mistress, and she knew just how to do that. But first, Ami was positively parched,
and Makoto�s breastmilk was the perfect cure.
�Oh Mistress,� Makoto sighed softly in pleasure, �I love you so much...� she
told her as she pushed her chest up against Ami�s mouth and hand, wanting to give
her everything she had and more. Her dark green eyes closed and she leaned her
head back as she moaned louder, her breasts felt so sensitive now, and she felt as
though she were going to cum just from Ami�s sucking them.
Makoto�s milk began flowing more freely now, and soon they were practically
spraying their contents into Ami�s mouth and against her hand. The bed sheets
quickly became soaked with breastmilk and the feeling only turns Ami on even more.
Precum oozed from her cock as she reached over to the nightstand and retrieved a
condom. Not wanting to risk another punishment, she slid the bright blue latex
down the length of her cock before plunging it into Makoto�s pussy!
Both girls moaned in pleasure as Ami began thrusting her cock in and out of
Makoto�s cunt while her mouth went back to drinking the ceaseless flow of milk from
the brown haired girls nipples. Makoto wrapped her legs around Ami�s waist,
holding her inside and only allowing her to pull out just enough to slam back into
her. The brunette moaned loudly, not caring who heard her as she begged Ami to
keep fucking her hard, �...yes, suck my nipples, I have soo much milk to give, use
me like a cooooow!!!� Makoto groaned, her last words sounding like the braying of
said animal.
Ami smiled inwardly, taking Makoto�s words to heart as she thought of just
the outfit to put her in when the time came. She then began to groan with pleasure
as well, her cock undeterred by the condom around it as she felt every one of her
strokes as though she were fucking Makoto bareback. She bit down on Makoto�s left
nipple softly, savoring the spray of hot milk that resulted as she pulled herself
up and began pounding into her even harder. The bed rattled and shaked beneath
them, and no doubt Mistress Usagi could hear them where ever she was in the house.
�Ahhh, Mako-chan, I�m... I�m going to cum...� Ami panted as the sweat began
beading on her skin again. How she loved the look of utter mindless pleasure on
Makoto�s face as she began slamming her dick into her as hard as she could.
�Mis... Mistress,� Makoto panted, her huge tits wobbling around and around
with each of the dickgirls thrusts, �My.. My nipples.. My nipples feel so
gooooood!!!!� she moaned as she came beneath her, her pink nipples were nearly red
now with arousal and both began gushing with thick streams of milk that sprayed
everywhere, covering Ami�s body, the bed, walls, and floor with streams of yellow-
�Ahhh, my nipples! My nipples are cumming!!!!� Makoto screamed, �It feels so
good!!! I�m having a lactogasm!!!� Makoto moaned as her eyes closed tight and her
pussy clenched around Ami�s dick as it too gushed with clear fluids as she came
�Mmmm, so tiiight...� Ami groaned as she couldn�t hold back any longer and
began cumming inside Makoto, her cum pooling up inside the condom she wore and
quickly expanding the reservoir to it�s limits.
Panting hard, Ami slowly pulled her cock free, noting with great delight the
sight of the blob of cum that hung from the end of her dick. There was easily six
ounces of cum trapped inside her condom and Ami made a mental note to right the
maker and compliment them of their excellent design.
Carefully pulling her condom off so as not to spill any of her cum, Ami held
up the blue bit of well used latex and smiled at Makoto. �Open up.� she told her.
Makoto nodded weakly and opened her mouth wide, extending her tongue out to
receive her Mistress� reward. Ami grinned and poured her cum into Makoto�s mouth
slowly, wanting every drop of it to wash over her tongue. The brown haired girl
moaned lustfully, gargling Ami�s cum in her mouth before closing her lips and
swallowing every drop.
�Hahh, thank you Mistress...� Makoto said breathlessly.
�You�re welcome.� Ami said before leaning down to kiss Makoto deeply, tasting
her own cum on the girls lips as she laid down with her on the milk soaked bed.


Two Weeks Later...

Leaning back against the dinning room table, wearing a pair of white leather
thigh high boots over a pair of pink leggings, matching fingerless arm length
gloves, a spiked bracelet on her right wrist, and a series of straps crisscrossing
her giant tits, Usagi Tsukino rubbed her heavily pregnant belly as she watched the
spectacle before her. Kneeling down on all fours, Michiru Kaiou moaned in mindless
pleasure as Shingo and Ami added the final touches to the outfit she wore.
In the days since taking Haruka as her cock whore, Michiru began to grow
suspicious of why her lover was away for so long and came to see Usagi about the
issue. She had walked in to see her love lying on the floor as she was fucked by
two dogs, one behind, another in front. Not having planned to take Michiru yet,
Usagi was forced to catch the horrified girl in her glowing gaze, stripping away
her will in an instant. It wasn�t what she had planned for the aquamarine haired
girl, but it would do.
Now, Shingo and Ami were preparing their new pet for a nice moonlight walk in
the park with the other dogs. Dressed in a brown spandex catsuit with holes cut in
the chest and crotch, knee and hand pads, a dogs tail anal plug, and a headdress
with dog-ears, Michiru whimpered in lust as her pussy drooled onto the floor.
Shingo grinned as he attached a dog collar to the girls neck then hooks a leash to
Meanwhile, sitting across the room, wearing cowprint leggings, arm gloves,
and corset, Makoto Kino moaned like the cow she was as her nipples were milked by a
pair of breast pumps worked by Ikuko and Saeko. Several gallon jugs were already
filled with the brunettes sweet tasting milk, milk that Usagi enjoyed even more
than her own. The blonde smiled and hefted one of her heavy tits, a bit of milk
squirting out from her pierced nipple.
Usagi licked her lips and moaned in pleasure. She then reached over for a
beaded urethra plug with a skull on its top which she had drawn a black crescent
moon. Grabbing her upper cock, on which she had fastened a spiked cockring, Usagi
pushed several of the beads down her dick, groaning in the pleasure/pain that
resulted. Her lower cock instantly began pumping out thick wads of cum, filling
the condom that she wore over it.
The blonde then turned to look over at her mother, watching as Ikuko filled
yet another gallon jug with Makoto�s breastmilk and set it aside. The purple
haired woman moaned softly as she moved, the thick anal beads Usagi had shoved up
her ass grinding against each other inside her with her every motion. Grinning,
Usagi reached her hand over and looped her finger through the pink ring that hung
from her mothers stuff asshole. With a yank, she pulled the string of anal beads
from Ikuko�s ass, making her mother shudder and scream with pleasure as she
instantly came.
Holding up the row of beads, Usagi watched as the flavored lubricant dribbled
off them. Ikuko�s ass was totally clean now, having been given a full enema every
time she went to the bathroom. The blonde smiled and slowly licked the lube from
the beads, savoring the sweet taste in her mouth. She licked each bead slowly and
turned to watched as Haruka crawled out from under Brutaka who had been fucking the
blonde this entire time. Next, Usagi took the string of beads and smiled at the
blonde as she pushed the first bead into her own nipple! She moaned in pleasure at
the sensation that followed and pushed a second bead into her nipple, then a third,
and fourth.
�Mmmmm, this feels good...� Usagi moaned to herself. �Shingo, when you and
Ami come home, would you like to fuck me in my nipple?� she asked as she hefted her
tit other tit once again.
�Sure sis!� Shingo said as he moved to attach a collar to Haruka�s neck as
well while Ami put one around her mothers.
�Good,� Usagi said as she smiled and moved to pull the condom off her lower
cock. �Don�t be too long now, and have a good walkies.� she said as she leaned her
head back and poured the cum from her condom into her mouth a swallowed, the wings
on her back flapping quietly as she savored the rich salty taste.


High in the sky, a full moon shone down on the central park of Tokyo. It was
a cool night tonight, and few people were out. A perfect night to take a group of
special bitches out for a walk. Stepping out of the car, Shingo held three leashes
in his hand. One was connected to Brutaka who paced about the area, sniffing the
ground and taking in the new scents outside his home. The other two leashes were
lashes to Haruka and Michiru. The latter dressed in her doggie costume, the former
all but naked save for her hand and knee pads, doggy ear hair-band, and dog-tail
Both girl panted and moaned softly, the light night chill making their
exposed nipples stiffen as the crawled along the concrete sidewalk.
From the drivers side of the car, Ami emerged pulling three leashes as well.
Two of them connected to Bess and Ricky, the third connected to her mother Saeko.
Like Haruka, Saeko was naked save some hand and knee pads so she could crawl on all
fours along the ground without injury. Smiling to herself, Ami looked to Shingo
and nodded towards one of the lesser used public trails. The youth agreed and the
pair began walking their �dogs� down the path.
Wearing a long overcoat over her black vinyl hot pants, blue vinyl and
leather vest that left her midriff bare, and knee high black high heeled boots, Ami
easily stood out even without the naked woman walking on all fours in front of her.
She smiled over to Shingo as they moved down the path. Crickets chirped loudly in
the distance and only a few of the lamp posts that dotted the pathway even worked.
Dirt and fallen leaves crunched underfoot as the group made their way along the
winding path, stopping for a moment while each of the dogs went to do their
business by the trees and bushes.
Looking to Michiru, Shingo noticed the way the aqua haired girl kept her legs
bunched together as she walked. He smiled, �Now now, bad Michiru, it�s not good to
hold it in like that.� he told her as he led them over to a flickering lamp post.
�Go on then, piss like the bitch you are!� he told her. Usagi had told him to be
firm with Michiru, to help her learn her place as one of her growing number of
Whimpering softly, Michiru nodded and moved to squat down in front of the
post. Shingo jerked the leash, pulling her back, �That�s not it you little bitch,
do it one leg up like a proper dog!�
�Ha.. Hai.� Michiru said, her cheeks flushed with both lust and humiliation
as she turned and lifted up her left leg. She then moaned as she began pissing
softly, a golden stream splattering against the base of the post. The hot liquid
began steaming the instant it hit the cold earth around the lamp. Michiru let out
a shuddery moan as she was relieved to be rid of the substance she�d been holding
in for hours.
Behind the aqua haired girl, Brutaka panted softly as he walked up behind her
and sniffed at her crotch before lapping at her pussy. Michiru moaned in pleasure
then choked slightly before Shingo pulled the both of them back. �Not time for
that yet.� he told them as he watched Haruka crawl over to the next lamp and lift
her own leg to piss on the base of the post. There was no shame on the blondes
face, only raw lust and eagerness for the carnal delights to come soon.
At the same time, Ami watched as her mother moved to piss on a nearby bush,
moaning lustfully as she did so. The blue haired dickgirl had let her cock out of
her hot pants and stroked it slowly as she watched her mother acting like a lowly
dog. Bess and Ricky both panted hard, wanting to mount the naked woman across from
them right now. Ami smiled and clicked her tongue, signaling them to get a move on
as the group continued down the path.
They eventually entered a low lit rest area, with several benches, picnic
tables, and a pair of port-a-pot�s colored a dingy blue color. Ami smiled and
moved to sit down on one of the benches, her cock still standing ridged up from
between her legs.
Beckoning her mother over, Ami said, �Be a good doggie mom and suck my cock.�
�Yes, mistress..� Saeko said with a pant as she crawled up to her daughter
and placed her arms on either side of her as she engulfed the dickgirls cock in her
mouth. Her head began bobbing up and down slowly as she moaned around Ami�s
Smiling as he walked up behind Saeko, Shingo watched as the older woman
sucked her own daughters dick as though it were the natural thing to do. His own
cock throbbed inside the brown shorts he wore as he turned to watch while Brutaka
mounted Michiru nearby. The aqua haired girl moaned in pleasure as the bright red
canine dick shoved deep into her dripping wet pussy with a wet sliding sound. Her
body bucked beneath Brutakas, her medium sized tits jiggling with his every thrust
while Haruka watched her with obvious envy in her blue eyes.
The blonde didn�t have to envy her former lover long though as Ricky moved up
behind her and sniffed at her wet cunt, licking it wetly before jumping up to mount
her as well. Haruka moaned in pleasure as she felt the mastiffs long dick plunging
into her cunt. She panted with pleasure while moving her body with the dogs,
loving every second of being fucked in public like this. She silently wished for
some men to happen across them, so they could see how much she loved cock and they
could fuck her as well.
A moment later, Bess moved over to the blonde and well. Standing in front of
her as though waiting his turn with her. Not wanting to make the dog wait, Haruka
managed to crawl forward a few steps, Ricky moving with her, and she lowered her
head under the large dog, taking his cock into her mouth and sucking him lewdly.
Across from them, Shingo had opened his short and began stroking his short
cock, loving the sex show taking place around him. Ami smiled at the sight and
ordered her mother to lift her ass up a bit, �There�s no need for that Shingo, come
fuck my mother!� Ami called out to him.
Shingo smiled, �Okay!� he said eagerly and moved up behind Saeko, burying his
young dick in her hot and wet pussy. Saeko moaned around Ami�s rod, rolling her
hips back against Shingo�s thrusts, cumming instantly as he penetrated her. The
young boy moaned in pleasure, loving the feel of Saeko�s tight pussy as he pounded
into her hard. He placed his hands on her hips and held on tight as he began
fucking her as hard as he could.
�Mmmmmm!!!� Saeko groaned around Ami�s cock as the blue haired dickgirl
kneaded one breast through her top. The night chill no longer affected her as she
slid off her coat and stretched her bare arms in the night air. At some point
Shingo had taken his shorts off completely and kicked them aside, allowing him to
space his short legs wider while he thrusted into Saeko�s sopping went fuckhole.
Ami smiled and leaned back against the bench to savor the feeling of her mothers
mouth around her dick. It wouldn�t be long before Saeko�s pregnancy showed, and
the blue haired dickgirl wondered just how to raise the incest baby.
Her scans had shown that both Saeko and Ikuko�s embryos were perfectly
healthy, a dark miracle allotted by the demon growing in Usagi�s womb. Soon they
would need a bigger place to live, one where they wouldn�t risk early exposure to
the world. The huge sums of money in Saeko�s bank accounts would take care of
that. Ami realized that her mother was working solely so she would have something
to do. There was enough cash in just the checking account alone for them to live
in obscene comfort for many years, to say nothing the savings and trusts funds.
As she watched Haruka and Michiru bucking under the dogs fucking them, Ami
thought about the house and spot of private land she�d seen online. The manor had
more than enough rooms, and a was centered in a private range with a horse stables.
The previous owner had died and Usagi told Ami to make an offer on the place as the
inheritors didn�t want to keep it.
Being the first and currently only bidder, Ami felt confidant that soon they
would be moving to a more secure location to enjoy their pets. Maybe she would
have her mother fuck a horse when they moved in! But then, that might ruin her
pussy for Ami�s own enjoyment. Oh what to do, what to do, she thought to herself.
Ami�s reverie was broken when Brutaka howled in pleasure as he came inside
Michiru, his knot swelling up inside her pussy, locking them together. The aqua
haired girl let out a howl as well as she came hard, her pussy spraying her juices
all around the dogs legs and ground. The heady scent of sex filled the air and the
blue haired dickgirl savored the musky scent.
There was a soft rustle in the bushes nearby and Ami turned to see the source
of the disturbance. It was a dog, large and dark brown, almost black in color.
Ami couldn�t make out the breed, though she didn�t care. She smiled at the sight
of the beasts already erect dick hanging from between its hind legs. A second, and
then third dog emerged a moment later, all ready to rut with the panting and
moaning sluts gathered. The blue haired dickgirl laughed and looked to Shingo, the
boy hadn�t even noticed the arrival of the stray dogs as he groaned in pleasure
while continuing to fuck her mother�s pussy. He then grunted as he came inside
Saeko�s pussy, his spunk leaking out the edges of her labia and dripping onto the
ground below.
�Shingo, come sit with me, the second part of the show is ready to start.�
Ami said to him before pulling her mother off her cock and pushing her away gently.
Saeko crawled back several steps and before she could even gasp for breath, one of
the larger dogs instantly mounted her from behind! Its bright red and black
spotted cock plunged into her wet cunt with a slick noise and Saeko moaned in
Meanwhile, Shingo moved to sit next to Ami on the bench, his short dick
currently flaccid from his recent orgasm. Ami smiled at him and leaned over to
kiss his cheek gently as she began stroking her still erect cock while she watched
the second stray move over to sniff around Michiru. Brutaka had moved to that
their butts were against each others, his knot firmly locked inside the aqua haired
girl as he came inside her continuously.
Michiru panted and moaned like the bitch in heat that she was, her blue eyes
looking up into the golden ones of the dog in front of her. It licked at her face
and Michiru opened her mouth to wetly kiss the beast. Her tongue wriggled against
the dogs slobbering one, and she moaned in pleasure at the taste. She then moved
her head down, crawling forward with some effort to take the animal cock into her
mouth as she�d seen Haruka do.
�Haaahhhhh!!!� Saeko moaned suddenly, drawing Ami and Shingo�s attention back
to her. The dog that mounted her had already cum inside her, his back now to her
as his knot locked them together. At the same time, the third of the strays
mounted her as well, but instead plunged his tool up her ass!
Ami grinned at the sight and began stroking her own cock faster, her mothers
saliva acting like a lubricant for her pumping hand. The blue haired dickgirl
moaned in pleasure and turned to look back at Haruka. Bess and Ricky had traded
places on the blonde and continued to thrust into her willing moaning body.
Smiling, Ami turned her attention to Shingo who sat next to her. He looked
on at the bestiality orgy in front of them with awe, his small cock already hard
again at the sight. An idea formed in her mind and she reached her already wet
hand over to start stroking his cock gently. He look up at her when she touched
him, but said nothing as she closed her fingers around his tool.
�You like watching dogs fuck girls?� she asked.
Shingo nodded and Ami began stroking him slowly. She smiled at him and
leaned over to kiss him deeply as her free hand moved to stroke her own cock. The
air seemed to grow hot with the rampant lust as sweat beaded on her exposed skin.
She moaned against Shingo�s lips and eventually broke the kiss to lean down and
begin sucking on his cock gently. It wasn�t as good as sucking on one of Usagi�s
twin dicks, but it excited her just the same. Her pussy felt hot and soon was
leaking juices out from under the hot pants she wore.
As her head bobbed up and down on Shingo�s short cock, she felt another hand
move to grip her own and realized that it was his! A fog of pleasure settled over
Ami�s mind as she moved her own hand aside to allow the boy to stroke her own cock.
The panting and moaning of Haruka, Michiru, and her mother faded to the background
as Ami reveled in Shingo�s touch as she swirled her tongue around his length while
his hand stroked hers expertly.
The blue haired girls sense of time became distorted as she eventually found
herself sitting back in the bench, shingo in her lap with her cock jutting up
between his legs to touch the underside of his own. They linked hands and stroked
the two rods together, their mixed precum working as lubricant for them while they
watched the animal orgy in front of them.
Brutaka had at some point moved to fuck Saeko, with Bess and Ricky pounding
into Haruka and Michiru. All the strays had mounted the women from the front and
were fucking their faces hard. Ami had never felt as turned on as she did now, her
cock throbbed and her pussy ached. Shingo had turned his head back slightly and
she leaned forward to kiss him again. As their tongue danced together, she felt
her cock sliding out from between his legs and then between the crack of his ass.
The sensation reminded her of the titty fucks that Makoto often gave her before
All sense of time faded from Ami�s mind as she slowly rubbed her dick between
Shingo�s asscheeks while her hand stroked his cock slowly. The pants and moans
around them fading into the background again as she sat there with Usagi�s little
brother. Few thoughts marred the steamy lust that fogged Ami�s mind now, a
sensation she rather enjoyed as she felt something warm and tight sliding around
the length of her cock. Shingo groaned in a mix of pain and pleasure and Ami
realized that she was standing now.
Lost in the fog of animal lust, the two of them had gotten up and moved to
stand beside one of the port-o-pots. She quickly realized that the sensation
around her cock was Shingo�s ass! She was fucking him! She smiled and leaned her
head back to moan in pleasure. She thrust into the boy gently, not wanting to hurt
him as she savored the hot feeling around her cock. The crotch of her hot pants
was totally drenched now as she felt her pussy gushing from just the realization of
what she was doing.
In front of her, Shingo moaned in pleasure as he became accustomed to the
sensation and Ami began to speed up her thrusts. She leaned down, mashing her tits
against his back, the piercings of her nipples rubbed against the leather and vinyl
of her top, further stimulating her as her hand moved to stroke his cock again.
�Do you like having my cock up your ass Shingo?� she asked in his ear hotly.
�Ye.. Yes...� he panted softly as he groaned in pleasure.
�Really? You like having a girls cock fuck you up your asshole?� she asked
him, and again he replied yes. Ami giggled and began fucking him a little harder,
whispering dirty words into his ear while continuing to stroke his dick gently.
The boys hands clawed slightly at the cheap plastic of the portable toilet wall.
Ami savored every moment of it as she began licking and nibbling his ear as she
felt the sensations in her cock growing stronger. The bestiality orgy across from
them no longer interested the blue haired dickgirl as she focused her attention on
the boy in front of her.
She briefly considered cumming inside his ass, but she wanted Usagi to know
what she�d done, and as Shingo groaned in orgasm, his cum splattering against the
blue wall of the toilet, Ami pulled her cock out slowly and rubbed it between his
ass cheeks before cumming herself. She moaned in ecstasy, her cum splattering
against the fabric of the gray t-shirt he wore. Her hands then braced her body
against the wall of the toilet as her knees went weak. Beneath her, Shingo fell to
his knees, panting hard as he too recovered.
Time and coherent thought returned to Ami a few moments later and she looked
up to see that the sky was turning a soft yellow orange color. Sunrise was coming
soon and they had best be on their way. On the path in front of the bench, Saeko,
Haruka, and Michiru all laid on the ground, dog cum still leaking from their
orifices. The three stray dogs had moved on, and only Brutaka, Bess, and Ricky
remain lying beside each of the women, keeping them warm against the cool morning
Ami grabbed her coat while Shingo located his pants and pulled them back on.
The blue haired dickgirl left her cock standing out from her hot pants as they
gathered the leashes and pulled their pets back along the trail. It was time to go


Several hours ago...

Usagi watched as the car pulled out of the driveway and let the curtain fall
back into place. She would have enjoyed going out with the others, but her
pregnancy would have made keeping up difficult. Walking back to the living room,
she spied Makoto leaning back on the loveseat, her nipples still trickling milk
slightly even after all the milking done just a few minutes ago.
The blonde smiled and moved over to sit on the couch, leaning back against
the soft cushions. Without even a command, Makoto slid out of her seat and crawled
over to Usagi, taking her upper cock into her mouth and sucking it lovingly while
she rubbed the lower one between her impressive cleavage. Usagi purred in
pleasure, the demonic wings on her back fluttering gently while she rubbed a hand
over Makoto�s head.
�You�re such a good slave Makoto, I�m very pleased.� Usagi complimented the
Makoto shuddered in delight, happy to receive praise from her head mistress.
Her green eyes looked up at Usagi and watched as she pulled the string of anal
beads from her right tit with a series of wet sucking pops. She tossed the item
aside and called out, �Mother, come join us.�
Ikuko appeared a few moments later, still naked save the dog collar around
her neck and a pair of black lace gloves. �You summoned, Mistress?� Ikuko said,
her tone submissive and respectful.
Usagi nodded and beckoned her mother closer. She then pulled Ikuko down into
a deep passionate kiss, loving the taste of her mothers lips against her own. �My
nipple is so full of milk now, and you must be thirsty by now.�
�Parched, mistress...� Ikuko said, her eyes glazing over with lust at the
thought of nursing from her daughter again. The blonde grinned and lifted her
heavy right tit, squeezing it gently and pushing a bit of milk out.
�Drink then.� she told her.
Ikuko nodded and moved to sit next to her daughter. She would have preferred
to sit in her lap, but the blondes expanded stomach no longer allowed for that.
Her ruby red lips closed around Usagi�s unpierced nipple, suckling instantly and
drawing mouthfuls of warm and thick milk over her tongue. Ikuko gulped her
daughters milk greedily, loving the taste of it in her mouth as she began panting
with lust. Her pussy grew damper by the second and Usagi laughed as she savored
the forbidden pleasures of the flesh.
�Mmmm, that�s it mother, suckle me good...� Usagi cooed as she idly ran her
fingers through Ikuko�s purple hair. She then look back down at Makoto, smiling at
the brunette turned milk cow. Her tits would never stop lactating and the blonde
already had several idea of what to do with all that excess milk. Petting Makoto
with her other hand, Usagi moaned in pleasure as she felt both her cock cumming in
the girls mouth and over her huge tits. Makoto gulped down Usagi�s cum, loving the
taste of it in her mouth.
�Such a good cow you are Mako-chan.� Usagi said with a grin as she touched a
hand to the other girls cheek and gently pulled her up to her feet. �Now, go get a
few buckets worth of the milk we took out of you earlier.� she told her, �And
you�ll find a large syringe lying on the kitchen counter, bring that as well.�
�Yes mistress.� Makoto said and went to gather what she was told.
Usagi grinned and licked her lips. Her blue eyes looked up to the ceiling of
the livingroom and glowed red for an instant. With a light whooshing noise,
several sets of chains and shackles appeared from out of nowhere in the ceiling.
The chains moved as though they had a mind of their own and clamped themselves
around Ikuko�s wrists, thighs, and ankles. They then lifted the woman up into the
air, pulling her away from her daughters teed. She whimpered softly in
disappointment, still wanting to drink more of Usagi�s warm sweet milk.
�Ahh, Mistress, have I offended you in some way?� Ikuko asked.
The blonde demonized girl grinned as she stood up slowly. Her mother now
hung suspended face down from the ceiling in squatting position. Usagi licked her
lips again and spanked Ikuko hard on her ass, making her mother squeal like some
horny sow. Makoto returned a moment later baring the items Usagi wanted. She
smiled at the brunette and beckoned her over, kissing her deeply as her pregnant
belly rubbed against the cowprint corset Makoto wore.
Setting the buckets of breastmilk on the floor, Usagi smiled as she reached
up to rub her fingers over Ikuko�s exposed pussy. She was already dripping wet and
Usagi�s fingers slid in easily. She dipped her digits back and forth several
times, coating them in her mothers honey and listening as Ikuko moaned in bliss.
Meanwhile, Makoto took the large syringe that she�d recovered from the kitchen and
filled the two liter chamber with her own breastmilk. When it was ready, she
offered the device to her mistress.
Laughing softly, Usagi pulled her fingers back from Ikuko�s pussy and offered
the dewy digits to Makoto who quickly licked them clean, moaning as she did so.
The blonde was pleased at how quickly Makoto caught on to what she had in mind
without having to be told. She was turning out to be a fine slave indeed.
Taking the syringe into her hands, Usagi smiled and said, �I know you want
some more milk Momma, so I�m gonna give you lots more, just, not through your
mouth!� She then plunged the small spout end of the syringe against Ikuko�s anus,
pushing it up her ass with ease. Ikuko moaned in lust, knowing what was coming
next as Usagi depressed the plunger slowly and pumped still warm breastmilk up her
�Haahhahh...!� Ikuko moaned as the warm fluid flowed up her ass and into her
stomach, she felt so full after just half of the syringes contents, but knew that
it was only the beginning as her daughter pushed the other half of the contents up
her ass. �Unnnn, so muuch....� she groaned as her stomach distended slightly.
�But I�ve only just started mother,� Usagi said as she handed the syringe
back to Makoto to be refilled, �And I know you�re not satisfied with just that tiny
�Oh no mistress,� Ikuko said breathlessly, �Please, fill my ass with more
milk!� The older woman then moaned again as Usagi placed the refilled syringe in
her anus, pumping even more milk into her stomach. She moaned in a mix of pleasure
and pain, her limbs twitching against her restraints as her belly began to distend
even more. Ikuko leaned her head back and moaned loudly, her tongue hanging from
her lips as she began drooling slowly.
Usagi savored the sight of her mother hanging from the ceiling, her belly
swollen with milk. Both her cock began throbbing and she reached a hand down to
stroke the upper one slowly. The dickgirl added another four liters of milk to
Ikuko�s growing stomach, then reached for the assortment of sex toys sitting on the
coffee table and picked up a buttplug. She forced the wide black rubber device
into Ikuko ass, loving the squeal of pleasure the woman made as it went in.
Stepping back, Usagi admired her work, the sight of her mother hanging there,
her stomach distended with milk, tongue hanging from panting lips, and eyes glazed
over with raw lust and pleasure. It spoke to some dark part of her soul more than
any work of art.
�Makoto, lick my mother�s pussy!� Usagi commanded.
�Hai, mistress.� Makoto said and dutifully moved to bury her face between the
older womans legs, her tongue sliding deep into Ikuko�s already dripping cunt. The
brown haired girl reached her hands up and gripped Ikuko�s ass for support as she
began eating out the woman cunt like an expert lesbian. Usagi�s mother moaned in
ecstasy, her head turning from side to side as she tried invain to buck her crotch
against the younger girls probing tongue.
Taking in a shuddery breath, Usagi walked around behind her mother and
Makoto, watching as the busty cow licked and sucked her mothers clit. Usagi�s own
pussy dripped heavily onto the floor and she picked up the largest vibrator she
could find and quickly shoved it up her cunt, turning it on high and moaning with
pleasure as it buzzed away inside her.
Sensing Usagi�s approach, Makoto stood up and bent over to continue licking
Ikuko�s pussy. She spread her legs wide and presented her ready holes for the
blonde to use. Makoto then moaned in bliss as she felt Usagi�s twin cocks plunging
into her ass and pussy. Her mistress placed her hands over her hips and gripped
her tight before she began pounding into her hard. The sound of wet flesh slapping
against wet flesh soon joined the pants and moans of Ikuko Tsukino as Usagi groaned
in ecstasy. Makoto moaned into the older womans cunt, dipping her tongue in as
deep as it would go while she moved her thumb to play with the womans clit. Her
ass and pussy felt like they were melting around Usagi�s double cocks as the blonde
began fucking her faster. Her heavy tits hung like the udders that they were as
she bucked with every thrust!
Usagi groaned in lust as she rammed her dicks into Makoto hot cunt and
asshole, she then grabbed the brunettes long ponytail and yanked her head back,
delighting in the sounds of her unmuffled moans. �Oh yeah, that�s it, moan you
cow! Moan as I fuck your holes!� she screamed at Makoto as she began pounding her
harder and harder. Makoto screamed with pleasure and rolled her ass back against
Usagi�s thrusts while she squeezed her holes tight around the blondes long cocks.
�Ahhhh, yes, so good!!!! Now put your fist in mothers pussy, do it!!!� Usagi
�Ha.. Ha.. Hai... Mistress..!� Makoto panted as she balled up her fist and
punched Ikuko�s cunt, her her surprise, the womans fuckhole offered little if any
resistence and practically swallowed her hand with a wet sucking noise. Ikuko
screamed at the top of her lungs as she came violently, her belly rippling with the
intensity of her orgasm.
Usagi grinned widely and reached out with her other hand, grabbing the
buttplug that held all of Makoto milk inside Ikuko�s ass. With a yank, the plug
popped free and Ikuko squealed again as the milk sprayed out like a showerhead,
washing over Usagi and Makoto�s bodies, coating them in hot yellow-white fluids.
Usagi opened her mouth wide and swallowed a few mouthfuls of the hot milk as she
moaned in ecstasy, both her cocks spurting thick wads of her cum into Makoto�s ass
and pussy while her own tits began squirting small fountains of milk.
The cries of the three women rang throughout the house and even outside where
several lights of neighboring homes flickered on.


Uhn, where, where am I? It was the first thought that ran through Sailor
Saturn�s mind as she slowly came back to consciousness. Her head felt groggy and
her mouth tasted like copper. She opened her dark purple eyes slowly, but the
image was fuzzy and she could barely make out shapes. As she tried to blink away
the haze over her vision, Saturn�s memory began to clear. She had just come home
from school when Michiru said she was heading out to see Usagi. Haruka had been
gone for more than a week, and Michiru had started to worry. Usagi seemed to know
where Haruka had gone off to, but she couldn�t keep the blonde on the phone for
more than a few minutes.
That was two days ago.
Hotaru began to worry after the first day with no word, but she waited
another full day before heading to Usagi�s. As she approached the blondes home,
she instantly got a bad feeling up her spine. Transforming into Sailor Saturn, the
dark haired young girl broke into the house and was completely taken aback by what
she found inside.
Usagi sat back on the couch in the living room, her body totally naked save a
pair of white thigh high boots. Her stomach was swollen with obvious pregnancy,
and her tits were the biggest Saturn had ever seen. A pair of golden horns adorned
the top of her head and a pair of small bat-like wings fluttered behind her back.
More shocking was the massive orgy going on around her! Usagi�s brother, Shingo,
stood naked on the couch next to his sister, his cock pumping in and out of Usagi�s
nipple as the blonde cooed with pleasure. Kneeling in front of the blonde was
Haruka and Usagi�s mother Ikuko. The two women looked lost in lust as they each
sucked on a long and thick dick that jutted out just above Usagi�s pussy.
Beside the couch, Saturn saw Makoto and Ami�s mother Saeko, both of them
dressed in crotchless panties and cupless bras. The two women rubbed their cleanly
shaven pussies together as a double ended dildo slipped in and out of their
dripping holes. Both women moaned like whores as they fucked each other. Makoto�s
nipples were spraying milk all over the floor as she screamed Saeko�s name in
Beyond them, Saturn finally saw Michiru, knelt down on all fours and dressed
in some kind of odd costume. Her body was sandwiched between two large dogs that
were fucking her ass and pussy while a third dog plunged his cock into her mouth.
A look of sheer rapture decorated Michiru�s face as her pussy sprayed juices
The hot stink of sex was thick in here, and it made Saturn�s stomach turn as
she opened her mouth to speak, to scream and demand answers. But before she could
utter a single word, a pair of strong arms wrapped around her from behind. She
felt something long and hard pressing against her back before a wet cloth was
pressed over her nose and mouth. The fumes quickly made her dizzy, then darkness
claimed her.
The memories flooded back to Saturn one after the other and her eyes welled
up with tears as her vision began to clear. She found herself still in the Tsukino
family Living Room, but all the furniture had been moved away save a single chair
in which Usagi now sat. The blonde smiled up at her and licked her lips.
�You�re finally awake.� she said with a grin, �Now we can begin.�
Usagi raised a slender hand and snapped her fingers Haruka and Michiru then
entered the room, both of them were dressed like maids out of a bad porno movie,
their �skirts� were little more than properly colored flaps of pleated cloth that
came down on either side of their hips, leaving their pussies and asses bare.
Their tops had been cut so that the neckline was below their tits, leaving their
erect nipples bare for all to see. The only difference between the two outfits was
the color schemes, Haruka�s was a bright yellow and white while Michiru�s was a
deep green color.
Smiling, Usagi said, �Strip her.�
Saturn felt panic rising in her as she tried to move her arms, only to find
both had been shackled above her head and connected to the ceiling with a black
chain. Her legs had likewise been cuffed at her ankles to the floor, forcing her
legs to remain spread wide. She struggled against her bonds, the chains didn�t
even rattle with her motions. Haruka and Michiru both nodded and walked over to
her, blank looks of lust in their eyes as they each removed a pair of scissors from
the pockets of the mini aprons around their waists.
�Ha.. Haruka-papa, Michiru-momma, please, snap out of it!� Saturn pleaded as
both young women giggled and began cutting away at the fabric of her Sailor Fuku.
They cut away the fabric of her intricately laced boots, followed by her skirt and
the white bodysuit she wore. They left her gloves on and pulled hard at the cut
edges of her uniform. The remaining fabric tore away easily and fell silently to
the floor.
�No, please don�t look!� Saturn said as her naked body was revealed to
everyone. She turned her head away, her face flushed red with shame.
�Oh how cute!� Usagi said with a laugh as she eyed Saturn young and naked
body. Her small nearly flat tits, hairless pussy, long slender legs, and pert
rosey pink nipples. The sight made both her cock harden as she licked her lips
slowly. She then snapped her fingers again and Michiru moved behind Saturn and
reached her hands up to slowly stroke her tits gently, kneading them gently while
Haruka moved to kneel in front of Usagi again. She took both the blondes cocks in
her hands before sliding the top one into her mouth where she sucked it loudly.
Next, Ami entered the living room, carrying a wicker basket under one arm.
The blue haired Senshi of Ice was dressed in some kind of bondage outfit that left
her tits and crotch bare. Like Usagi, Ami had a single long dick that rose from
just over her pussy. The blue haired dickgirl smiled at Saturn as she walked over
to Usagi, leaning down to kiss her deeply for a moment before moving to stand in
front of the dark haired girl.
�Ami-chan? Not you too...umph!!� Saturn began to say, but was cut off when
Ami leaned down and forcibly kissed her hard. Her tongue pushed into her mouth and
Saturn whimpered against it, she felt sick inside as Ami stole her first kiss.
�Heh, so cute...� Ami said after pulling back and looking down into Saturn�s
eyes. She then set the wicker basket down on the floor and pulled a small packet
from inside. She tore open the packet and removed a small damp piece of cloth from
inside. The blue haired dickgirl then looked back to Saturn and smiled.
�Wha.. What�s that for?� Saturn asked.
�This,� Ami answered simply as she began rubbing the cloth over her nipples,
it felt icy cold to the touch and made her already hard nipples stiffen even more.
Michiru moved her hands out of the way and knelt down behind the chained girl, she
began gently caressing Saturn�s thighs instead as she leaned her head up to lick
the bottom of her pussy and asshole gently.
�No, NOO!!! Michiru-Momma, not there, please! AHH!!!� Saturn screamed as
she tried invain to close her legs, to kick away her surrogate mother. She then
screamed in pain as something pointed and thin pierced through her right nipple.
The pair drew her attention back to Ami who had taken a long needle and driven it
through her nipple. There was very little blood and Ami only smiled sadistically
at her while she withdrew the needle and carefully slid something golden through
the hole. The dark haired girl looked down and saw that it was a golden crescent
moon, not unlike the symbol of Sailor Moon.
�Catching on yet Hotaru?� Usagi asked.
�You�re going to be the Mistress� personal toy, just like the rest of us.�
Ami explained as she pierced Saturn�s left nipple as well and added another
crescent moon piercing.
Tears began streaming down Saturns cheeks as she cried softly, then moaned,
her pussy suddenly growing damp from Michiru�s attentions. �Please, stop it...�
she cried softly as Ami stepped aside to show her work off to Usagi. The blonde
smiled and rubbed Haruka�s head gently as the other blonde continued sucking her
cocks as though it were only natural.
Next, Ami pulled a leather paddle from the basket after setting the needle
down. She walked around behind the dark haired girl as Michiru crawled between her
legs and squatted down in front of her. The aqua haired young woman buried her
face in Saturns pussy, delving her tongue in deep and making the young girl moan in
�Why... why are you doing this!?� Saturn demanded as she tried to fight
against the obscene pleasures her body was feeling.
�Why?� Usagi repeated, �Because it feels good. Before a couple weeks ago, I
never knew what forbidden pleasure were out there. I awoke atop the towers of
perversion and from there I could see the endless seas of ecstasy. What kind of
friend would I be if I didn�t share this new world with all my closest friends?�
The blonde then nodded to Ami and the blue haired girl smacked the paddle against
Saturn�s little bottom.
Saturn screamed and jerked against the chains that held her, a bright red
patch of skin formed on her left asscheek and Ami smiled before spanking the other
side of her ass. Saturn yelped again, then moaned as her pussy squirted juices all
over Michiru�s face when she felt her very first orgasm.
�You see?� Usagi asked, �There�s no need to fight, not when such wonderful
pleasures await you.� The blonde then lifted her hand up, in it was the Imperium
Silver Crystal, but the gem had turned an odd shade of purple. It glowed in
Usagi�s hand and Saturns entire body began shimmering as her transformation
reversed itself, leaving Hotaru feeling weak and drained both physically and
Why, she thought, what�s wrong with everyone? This is wrong... The stinging
pain in her ass and nipples began to ebb to a dull throb as she felt Michiru
continuing to lick her pussy lovingly. It�s all wrong, she thought, but, it feels,
so, good... She mentally shook her head, trying to clear out the thought. Then,
Ami spanked her again, harder this time, the stinging pain made her squeal as she
jerked hard against her restraints. Has everyone gone crazy, she thought to
The pain faded faster this time, leaving only a warm tingling sensation in
its wake. The feeling traveled up her spine and back down again, making the hairs
on the back of her neck stand on end as her scalp felt like it was buzzing. It
wasn�t unpleasant at all, dispite herself, Hotaru liked the feeling, she liked it a
lot. Her pussy felt hot now and Michiru�s ceaseless licking only made her feel
hotter as she stopped struggling. Ami spanked her ass again and the dark haired
girl came instantly, moaning loudly while her pussy gushed over her adoptive
mothers face. Or maybe, she thought, maybe I�m the crazy one?
Ami spanked her again and once more, Hotaru came hard. She didn�t even
notice that Michiru had pulled away from her pussy and walked over to join Haruka
in sucking Usagi�s twin cocks. With every swing of the paddle, the young girl felt
her pussy gushing and her nipples tingle. It all felt so, good...
Watching as Hotaru�s will faded, Usagi smiled and rubbed Haruka and Michiru�s
heads as she felt her cocks throbbing inside their mouths. She closed her eyes and
moaned in pleasure, such a beautiful sight, the loss of a childs innocence. From
outside the living room, Usagi could hear the pants and moans of Saeko, Makoto, and
her mother as they kept the dogs entertained. The blonde could hardly wait to see
Hotaru loose her virginity to a dogs dick. Just the thought of seeing Hotaru under
one of the large dogs fucking the women in the other room was enough to Make Usagi
cum hard, her cock spraying their loads into Haruka and Michiru�s waiting mouths.
�Pl... please...� Hotaru whimpered.
�Hmm?� Ami asked as she rubbed her paddle against Hotaru bright red ass, �I
can�t hear you, you�ll have to speak up.�
�Please, spank me more...� Hotaru said with a shudder as her pussy throbbed
with desire.
Ami and Usagi, both smiled.


The foyer alone was bigger than her entire house! That was the first thought
that went through Usagi�s mind as she, Ami, and their collective slaves entered the
huge mansion. It had taken another week, but Ami had managed to close the deal on
the property, and now all that was left was for Saeko to sign a few papers. The
heels of her shoes clicked on the solid marble floor as she walked over to the
stairwell that led up to the second floor. She ran her hand along the banister and
looked down at the red carpeting on the stairs.
The blonde was dressed in a bright yellow sundress and white heels, she hated
wearing normal clothes, but needed to give the pretense of being normal as Saeko
spoke with the Realtor. The blue haired woman was dressed in a plain blue gray
pantsuit, one of the few normal outfits that were left at their disposal. Ikuko
stood next to her, wearing a bright red sundress and matching pumps. The story
they�d given the realtor was that the two grown women were lovers, each having
found each other after having their husbands leave them for younger women. A
simple lie that was easy to believe in this day and age.
While Saeko finished settling the last few details, Usagi watched as Brutaka,
Bess, and Ricky sniffed around their new home. There was plenty of privacy here,
and several acres of land all around the estate. Once things were properly
furnished, this would be the perfect place for them to live as their little family
of debauchery grew. Aside from herself, none of the women had begun to show their
pregnancies just yet, well, except maybe Michiru, whose belly had just the
slightest swell to it.
Usagi laughed softly as she looked over to the aqua haired girl, currently
kneeling next to Brutaka and petting his fur softly. It was only natural that a
mother should want to stay close to the �father� of her children, or in her case,
litter. Using the dark magics that now flowed within her heavily pregnant body,
Usagi was able to make it so that Michiru could conceive with a dog, in this case,
Brutaka. As dogs had a much shorter gestation period than humans, Michiru�s
pregnancy was going much faster.
Smiling, Usagi looked up to Ami and Makoto, the two of them were all but
joined at the hip as they stood atop the balcony that spanned the second floor and
bridged the east and west wings. It was obvious the brunette was desperately in
love with her mistress. Usagi suspected that it was more than the dark influences
that Ami had used on her as well. She didn�t care really, it only made her that
much easier to manipulate. Both girls were dressed in their school uniforms,
though none of them had been to classes in weeks. Minako and Rei had called
several times to find out what was going on. Usagi�s current cover story was that
she and her family had moved to a different district, which now was true, though
she still had no intention of attending any classes.
Ami had told them that her GPA had already exceeded the requirements of their
school and she had been graduated. Which oddly enough was true, the blue haired
dickgirl had gone back to school a couple weeks ago and took some special test that
was available and passed it with a near hundred percent score. She then explained
to Rei over the phone that she was attending college and didn�t have much social
time with all her classes. Minako had bought the same story easily enough.
Makoto was harder to sell, being that she had lived alone in a small
apartment, living off the generous, though not extravagant, trust fund left by her
parents when they died some time before any of them had met. Makoto had told
Minako and Rei that she had enrolled at a private school with a culinary course
where she could learn more about cooking while continuing her education. It had
been a hard sell, as before Makoto would have discussed such a move with everyone
before doing it. But a conference call with both herself and Ami saying that
Makoto had come to them with the idea, and the two of them endorsing it had pushed
aside their friends fears.
Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru were a non-issue, the three of them lived
together and rarely spoke with the Inner Senshi unless there was Senshi business at
hand. Haruka and Michiru simply both dropped out of college, though Michiru had
been forced to act on Haruka�s behalf since the blonde had been officially expelled
since the day she crawled naked and cum soaked through the campus halls. The two
of them then simply pulled Hotaru from her school with a few phone calls and one
actual meeting with the school officials. Usagi was pleased to see that all of her
slaves could act as though they were perfectly normal when they needed to.
Speaking plainly and making all the right body language when forced to be in the
company of those not yet under their mistresses sway. Only to instantly devolve
back into lust driven sluts the instant unwanted company had departed.
She looked up the stairwell and saw Haruka coming down from the second floor
with her little brother Shingo. Both had looks of satisfaction on their faces and
Usagi didn�t have to guess what they were up to in one of the many rooms upstairs.
Haruka was such a whore now, fucking anything with a cock, the former lesbian had
completely renounced her dyke ways, now only having sex with other girls when
commanded to as she preferred being fucked by Usagi, Ami, Shingo, or the dogs.
The door leading to the west wing of the mansion swung open and Usagi saw
Saeko, her mother, and the realtor emerge from the adjacent room. Saeko shook
hands with the well dressed woman and nodded her thanks.
�Well, that takes care of the paperwork,� said the dark haired woman, Usagi
never bothered to remember her name, �This is the deed, and a list of numbers to
good lawn care and household services should you need them.� She handed the papers
to Saeko and nodded to Usagi and the others before she turned to leave. �Enjoy the
Estate, and thank you for your business.�
The woman then walked out of the mansion and Usagi heard her starting her
cars engine. She waited several moments before she sighed with relief and stripped
off the sundress she wore, standing naked in the foyer save a pair of white
leggings and the matching heels. There was a rapid rustling of fabric as the other
women gathered quickly stripped off their clothes, happy to be free of the
cumbersome garments. Michiru was the only girl to remain dressed as she pressed
her mouth to Brutaka�s muzzle and slid her tongue against the dogs in a sloppy
french kiss.
Most of their belongings were packed into the cars outside, and Usagi decided
to bring them in later. The mansion came fully furnished already, and all they
brought from their previous home were the various sextoys and assorted outfits they
wore. The rest they left behind entirely. Smiling, Usagi walked over to Saeko and
her mother, both women got down on their knees and looked up at their mistress with
lustful adoration in their eyes.
�Ami?� Usagi asked.
�Yes, Mistress?� the blue haired dickgirl responded as she stretched her
limbs. Beneath her school uniform, she wore the same bondage queen style outfit
that she first donned the day after Usagi raped her. Much like Usagi herself,
normal clothes felt completely alien to her now, much to the blondes delight.
�What do you say we properly christen this entire mansion before sundown?�
Usagi asked her.
Ami smiled and wrapped her arms around Makoto�s slender waist, rubbing her
hands over the brunette�s naked stomach before reaching up to cup her large and
heavy tits. Makoto moaned at Ami�s touch, her nipples leaking milk almost
instantly. �Took the words right out of my mouth.� she said before bending Makoto
over and jamming her cock into the girls pussy.
�Ahhhhh..... So goooood!� Makoto moaned in ecstasy as Ami�s cock slid deep
into her already dripping wet pussy. At the same instant, Hotaru moaned as Bess
knocked her down onto all fours and mounted her from behind. The twelve year old
girls cries were quickly joined by Michiru�s, the aqua haired girl had only just
finished stripping off her clothes when Brutaka mounted her all well.
The sound of wet pussies being stuffed with hard cocks was like music to
Usagi�s ears as she looked down at Saeko and Ikuko. Nodding to them, the two
mothers each took one of her cocks in their mouths, sucking them expertly. Usagi
leaned her head back and moaned in pleasure. Ikuko reached into her purse which
lay beside her on the white marble floor and pulled out a long pink rubber dildo.
She slowly pushed it into her daughters pussy, feeling the blondes honey quickly
coating her hand as she worked the dong up and down in time with the bobbing of her
At the top of the stairs, Shingo groaned while Haruka sucked his cock, the
blonde having undone his shorts with her teeth before taking his dick into her
mouth. A moment later, Ricky ran up behind the short haired blonde and plunged his
canine dick into her pussy. The young dogs paws rested on the pawprint tattoos
that were on either side of the �DOG FUCKING BITCH� tattoo done just above her
shapely ass.
Crouched at the base of the steps, Hotaru panted and moaned, her thin body
bucking back and forth in time with the dogs thrusts. Tears of joy streaked down
her cheeks and her mouth salivated as she howled like a bitch in heat. Bess howled
with her, his knot already becoming swollen inside her pussy, his cum spurting into
her young womb. The dark haired girl loved it when her mistress allowed the dogs
to fuck her, the pain of their knots locking inside her tiny cunt made her cum so
hard! The only thing that felt better was the blissful sting of a paddle on her
ass or a whip across her back.
All over Hotaru�s back, though currently blocked by the bulk of Bess� body,
were a number of fading welt from the many sessions she�d spent with Usagi and Ami,
the two dickgirls abusing her young body in all sorts of way. Striking her with
hard and soft paddles, and lashing her with long leather whips. Pain and pleasure
were no longer separate to Hotaru, they had both become the same emotion as she
embraced her inner masochist.
Across from the young girl, Usagi moaned in pleasure, humping her cocks in
and out of Ikuko and Saeko�s hot mouths. Thick and warm milk leaked from her
unpierced tit while she quickly worked two fingers back and forth in the nipple.
The two mothers in front of her both groaned around her cocks, sucking them like
the sluts they were while their fingers worked furiously at their dripping pussies.
It didn�t take long for the hot musky odor of sex to permeate the air of the foyer.
The smell of so much dog cum and wet pussy intoxicated Usagi, she leaned her
head back and moaned in utter ecstasy while reaching her hands up to cup her
massive tits. The blonde could feel her cum building up inside her pregnant body,
ready to spray into her mothers and Saeko�s thirsty mouths. She then felt
something warm and wet drop down over her face. Opening her blue eyes, Usagi
grinned when she looked up to see that Ami and leaned Makoto over the banister of
the second floor balcony. The single cocked dickgirl rammed into the brunette hard
from behind, making her mouth at length while her heavy tits began leaking
breastmilk everywhere.
�Mi... mis... mistress...� Makoto panted out, fighting for breath as she came
again and again, the feel of Ami�s thick member inside her burning cunt sent
electric shivers all up and down her body. �Ple.. Please... squeeze my udders
hard, they�re so full now, so heavy... My milk wants out so bad...� Taking to her
role as a dairy cow well, Makoto now referred to her big tits as udders instead of
breasts, not that Ami or Usagi minded.
�Mmm, you want to be milked my sweet little cow?� Ami asked while she
continued fucking Makoto�s cunt hard.
�Ha.. Hai, Mistress, this cow wants to be milked very much!!!� Makoto
screamed, cumming again as she spoke.
Ami grinned and looked down to Usagi. The blonde only smiled back up at her
and ran her hands up and down her heavily pregnant body as though she were taking a
shower. Nodding back, Ami reached forward and grabbed both of Makoto�s �udders� in
her hands, squeezing them just right and making her milk spray out from dark pink
�Oooohhhhaaaaahhhhhh....!� Makoto moaned, her cries almost like the moo of a
real cow as she came in her nipples, making her milk flow even harder. Twin
streams of thick yellow white fluid rained down on Usagi below. The twin cocked
dickgirl spread her arms wide and welcomed the shower of milk, moaning in bliss as
the fluids cascaded down her nearly naked body and over the completely nude forms
of Saeko and her mother.
The flow of milk only seemed to grow stronger as Ami continued pounding into
Makoto hard, loving the warm, wet, and tight feel of the brown haired girls cunt.
She savored the slick squishing sound her cock made as it plunged in and out of
Makoto�s pussy. Moaning in ecstasy with her favorite slave, Ami could feel her own
orgasm coming. Oh how she wanted to cum inside Makoto, to fill her fertile womb
with her seed and watch as her belly swelled with child. But she knew she�d have
to wait for her mistress� permission, the lesson of a few weeks ago remained fresh
in Ami�s mind, and she didn�t want to go through that again.
Almost as if reading her mind, Usagi called up, �Go ahead and cum inside her
Ami, we could use a few more cows here!�
Those words alone set the blue haired dickgirl off, moaning in ecstasy as her
cock burst inside Makoto�s hot pussy, filling her womb in an instant with thick and
potent sperm. Makoto groaned in ecstasy with her, feeling Ami�s cum inside her,
she moaned, �Ooohh, yeeess, my udders are cumming so hard!!!� She bucked back
against Ami�s thrusts, loving the feel of her cum sloshing around inside her, �Yes,
pregnant, I�m gonna get pregnant, Moooooo!!!!�
Both Ami and Usagi blinked when Makoto literally mooed like a cow, then
laughed as they both came together.
Near the base of the steps, Michiru panted and groaned in pleasure while
Brutaka continued to thrust into her dripping pussy. Drool ran down her chin as
she rolled her hips back against the dogs thrusts, never before had the young woman
imagined such pleasures existed in the world. It felt so good to just let herself
go and give in to her animal lusts. She felt the dogs knot becoming swollen inside
her pussy, locking the two of them together as his sperm filled her already
pregnant pussy.
Like Haruka, Michiru had become addicted to cock, savoring every thrust of
one into her tight holes and the warm sticky feel of cum on her smooth skin. She
could feel the litter of hybrid creatures growing in her womb, and it only turned
her on even more. Since becoming Usagi�s faithful pet, Michiru�s pussy was always
wet, and the more depraved the acts that her mistress had her perform, the more she
came to love her new role in life!
Howling, Michiru came hard, her pussy gushing around Brutaka�s cock while the
dog rotated around so that his rump was against hers. His canine penis remained
locked inside her seething cunt, his seed still pumping into her at a steady pace.
She then looked over to her mistress and watched in envy as Ikuko and Saeko drank
thick mouthfuls of Usagi�s cum while Makoto�s breastmilk rained down on them.
Slowly, Michiru managed to crawl over to the group, Brutaka reluctantly
moving with her. She reached the edge of the spreading pool of milk and leaned her
head down to lick it up off the marble floor. The act made her feel so dirty, so
nasty, so goood. She panted hard as she began licking the puddle more fervently,
wanting her mistress to see how good a bitch she was.
She then felt a wet hand rubbing her hair and looked up to see Usagi standing
over her, smiling proudly down at her. Ikuko and Saeko laid a few feet away,
slowly rubbing Makoto�s breastmilk into each others skin before kissing one another
deeply and climbing into a sixty-nine position and proceeding to eat each other
�Such a good puppy,� Usagi said to her as she slowly pulled Michiru head up
until it was level with her twined cocks, �Go ahead, you�ve earned it.�
�Ahhh, arf!� Michiru barked like a happy puppy before taking both of Usagi�s
dicks into her mouth and sucking them blissfully, �Dank ou isstress...� she warbled
around Usagi�s poles while the blonde leaned her head back and laughed in sadistic


After a week in the Mansion, Usagi finally had the place feeling like home to
her. Most of the furniture they kept, but the decor needed changing. She replaced
all the simple goddess statues with nude figures of men and women in erotic poses.
In the center of the foyer, she had placed a huge sculpture of a large cock and
balls pointing up at the high ceiling. The banisters of the main stairwell were
decorated with thick and long vibrators and long slanted boards behind them. Once
she had an acceptable pair, she planned to place two live women on them and turn
the dildos on non-stop. The idea didn�t work for the moment as Ami and Hotaru were
the only girls in the entire manor that weren�t pregnant.
Rubbing a hand over her own distended stomach, Usagi thought about Michiru,
who�s pregnancy had begun to show fully. She was still a few weeks away from
birthing the first human/canine hybrids in existence, but the sight of her coming
along so well excited the demonic blonde. Wearing a pair of black leather thigh
high boots, cupless bra, and armlength gloved as she walked through the west wing
upper corridor, Usagi admired the paintings that were along the wall. All of them
had been taken from various hardcore pornographic magazines, the images sent to a
custom painter, rendered in watercolors, and sent back to her. The price of all
the work was high, but money wasn�t an issue any longer.
Using her extensive knowledge of computers and a large sum from her mothers
bank accounts, Ami had written an investment program that bought and sold stocks on
the market. Usagi didn�t understand the math behind it all, but so long as the
numbers in the bank accounts kept rising as needed, she didn�t care.
Rounding a corner in the dimly lit hall, Usagi came to one of the studies
that were on this wing. Originally there were a number of suits of armor in the
room, but the blonde had sold them off to make room for some special statues of her
own. The floor of the room was done in blue green tile, with matching walls and a
white tiled ceiling. Inside were three large yellow crystals, two large, and one
small. The smaller one contained the preserved form of Luna, her talking magical
cat that had once been her companion and confidant. The largest of the three held
her frozen father Kenji, whom Usagi still didn�t see fit to release. The weeks
trapped inside the crystal had likely driven him mad by now anyway, she thought.
And the last crystal...
Usagi walked up to the tall stalicite, inside, Mamoru looked out with a look
of shock on his face. It had happened when Usagi briefly returned to her former
home to gather up Kenji and Luna�s cages. Mamoru had come to see her, wanting to
surprise her with a rare visit. The two of them weren�t able to spend much time
together with him often off in America at Harvard. He had only been there with
Sailor Moon those many weeks ago to fight the futanari youma because he was in town
on a brief vacation.
Not expecting, but still ready for him, Usagi quickly sealed him away inside
this crystal, unlike the one her father and Luna now resided in, Mamoru wasn�t
conscious, she would need him sane for when it was time to release him again. She
placed a hand over the yellow crystal and looked up at her former loves face, �It
won�t be too much longer, Master.� she said, though her words weren�t meant for the
man inside the crystal, but the demon growing inside her womb.
Turning away, Usagi walked back out into the hall and found Haruka outside
waiting for her. The short haired blonde was once again dressed in the special
maid outfit she wore the day they had taken Hotaru into their little family. Usagi
smiled at her slave and noticed that she carried a silver tray with a cordless
phone sitting on it.
�A call for you Mistress.� Haruka said.
Usagi blinked her blue eyes and picked up the phone. The hold light was
blinking softly, showing that the caller couldn�t hear anything until she pressed
the button again. The long haired blonde smiled and grabbed Haruka by the
shoulder, turning her around quick and bending her over. She then pushed her twin
cocks into the other girls ass and pussy, making her moan loudly as she was pushed
up against the wall, her tits mashing against the cold surface. Usagi then reached
around Haruka and retrieved a ballgag from inside her apron pocket. She pushed the
gag into the other blondes mouth and began fucking her slowly, �If this caller
hears you, then no cock for a month.�
The former lesbians eyes went wide with fear, a delicious sight. She
immediately stopped her loud moans, but couldn�t whimpering softly as Usagi
continued thrusting into her slowly.
Smiling, Usagi pressed the hold button and placed the phone against her ear,
�Yes?� she asked.
�Hello, is this the home owner?� asked a womans voice on the other end of the
�I�m the house Mistress, yes.� Usagi said, smiling as she imagined the womans
response to that.
�Yes, hello. My name is Kirie Kojima with Luxury Homes Magazine, we recently
became aware of your purchase of the former Nakamura Estate. And we were hoping
�I�m not interested in selling a home I just moved into.� Usagi said, feeling
annoyed by this call since the woman introduced herself. She took out her
frustration on Haruka, slamming her cocks into the other blondes hole hard, making
her struggle to contain her pants and moans, lest Usagi punish her in the worst way
possible for the short haired girl.
�Oh no, of course not,� Ms. Kojima said, �My magazine specializes in showing
of the unique interior of estates such as yours, and I�d like your permission to
send in a camera team to take a few photographs, and maybe you could answer a few
questions about how you�ve redecorated?� She paused for a moment, then added,
�We�d gladly pay you for your time of course.�
Usagi fought off a sigh, �Sorry, but no, my family and I enjoy our privacy,
it�s the reason we came here. Please, do not call again.�
�But Madam we just..� the rest was cut off as Usagi clicked off the phone and
tossed it aside.
The phone thumped on the floor softly as the blonde reached down to grab hold
of Haruka�s hips, she then leaned forward and whispered into her ear, �You�ve been
a good girl Haruka, she didn�t hear you at all,� she said before she began pounding
into the other girl hard. The pictures on the walls rattled in their frames with
the force of her thrusting while a hand reached up to remove the gag from the other
blondes mouth.
�Ahhh, yes, soo good, please fuck my holes Mistress, ahhhhhhh!� Haruka
screamed in lust. She rocked her hips back against Usagi, stirring her twin cocks
inside her ass and pussy as she panted hard.
Usagi grinned and licked the three new piercings in Haruka�s left ear, each
gold ring was adorned with a golden charm of a dog, one a great dane, the other two
both mastiffs. Usagi looked down at the tattoo just above Haruka�s rounded ass,
after Haruka had given birth to the triplets now growing slowly in her womb, Usagi
planned to have the dogs impregnate her next. She planned to keep the former
lesbian in a near constant state of pregnancy for at least a few years before
letting her fertile womb rest a bit. The same went for Michiru and eventually
Moaning with Haruka, Usagi felt her cocks ready to cum inside the girl. She
began thrusting into her faster, making her medium sized tits jiggle erotically as
she pulled Haruka away from the wall and fucked her standing there in the middle of
the hallway.
�Hahhhh, yes, so fucking good, fuck me, fuck my cock loving holes!!!!� Haruka
screamed as she came again and again, her juices cascading down her long legs and
soaking the white leggings she wore.
Leaning her head back, Usagi moaned in ecstasy, cumming hard inside the other
blonde as her own pussy gushed onto the floor. Four, five, seven bursts of hot
thick cum streamed into Haruka�s ass and pussy before Usagi�s orgasm abated. She
pulled her twined cocked from her holes, both of them still dripping with a mix of
cum and other fluids. Haruka instantly dropped to her knees and began sucking the
two cocks, cleaning them for her mistress. Usagi enjoyed watching how Haruka spent
more time sucking the dick that had been up her ass than the one in her pussy.
�Cock whore, and ass to mouth lover, such a good slut you are Haruka, I�ve
very pleased.� Usagi praised the blonde. Haruka only moaned mindlessly while she
continued licking and sucking the blondes cocks clean.
The long haired blonde turned to look at one of the paintings on the wall, it
showed a naked woman being fucked in the shower by a man whose face couldn�t be
seen through the steam. The image made Usagi wonder about how Ami�s current little
assignment was fairing. She wasn�t quite ready to bring Rei or Minako in yet, she
needed more lustful slaves before going up against the Priestess and long time
Senshi. And Usagi had one in mind, so she�d sent Ami to acquire her for them.


Steam wafted around the bathroom of Haruna Sakurada�s small apartment as she
stepped out of her shower. The thirty-two year old woman felt her way along the
wall to a towel, her eyes unable to see much in the thick steam. She toweled out
the majority of the water in her long auburn hair and sighed softly, Another
weekend alone and without a man, she thought to herself dejectedly. The steam
began to clear slowly, and the naked woman looked up and towards the mirror.
She gasped in shock.
Standing in front of the mirror, dressed in what looked like a costume
straight off the set of a pornographic movie, was Ami Mizuno, one of her former
students from Juuban Junior High. Haruna just stood there, stunned at the sight of
Ami�s practically naked body, her full and voluptuous breasts with their pierced
nipples, slender waist, full hips, and... The auburn haired woman stifled a scream
at the sight of the fully erect twelve inch penis that jutted out from above Ami�s
cleanly shaven pussy.
�M.. Ms. Mizuno, what are you doing here!?� Haruna demanded, �And why are you
dressed like that!?�
�Oh?� Ami asked, her voice soft and lilting, she continued, �I just came to
show a man-hungry teacher a good time.� The whites of Ami�s blue eyes seemed to
glow a soft red for a moment before the blue haired girl took a step forward.
Haruna tried to back away from the dickgirls advance, only to find that her legs
wouldn�t move. She felt her heart beginning to race as Ami came up close and
pressed her pierced nipples against her own before leaning over to kiss her deeply.
Ami smiled against Haruna�s mouth, she slid her tongue against the older
womans as she reached a hand down to stroke the soft lips of her pussy. She had
only used her gaze to keep the woman from running. Even before Usagi had turned
her, Ami could tell how desperate Ms. Sakurada was for a good fucking, and Ami
wanted to bring this woman back willing, even begging, to become their slave. Ami
held the kiss for several long moments, waiting for the slightest sign on Haruna
returning it before breaking away.
�A... are you insane!?� Haruna screamed in shock, �Do you know what you�re
�Yes, perfectly.� Ami answered simply as she began spreading the lips of
Haruna�s cunt with her index and middle fingers. The barest trickle of juices had
just begun to flow, and Ami grinned. She reached up with her free hand and cupped
her palm around the older womans breast, her thumb playing over her nipple, teasing
it softly until it hardened. Haruna squirmed in a delicious way under Ami�s touch,
making her cock even harder as she pulled her other hand away from her pussy and
licked the juices clean, �Mmm, yummy,� she said as she moved both hands to fondle
the womans tits, �Such a shame that this perfectly ripened womans body is going to
waste. No men to fill your dripping holes, pump your womb full of seed, make you
scream in ecstasy...�
�You�re sick...� Haruna tried to snap at her, but Ami was right, her twenties
were long gone, and she hadn�t been with a man since her last days in college. The
steam cleared further and Haruna found herself staring down at Ami�s huge cock,
bigger than any man she�d ever seen, dispite herself, Haruna found herself
wondering how that thing would feel inside her. She tired to shake her head, to
push the perverse thoughts from her mind, but she couldn�t. The auburn haired
teacher felt her pussy growing hotter with every second she stared at Ami�s dick.
Her lips began to quiver and her knees got weak. No, she screamed in her mind,
this isn�t right, I have to get away!
The next thing Haruna knew, she was down on her knees, staring straight at
Ami�s member. Her eyes fixated on its thick length. None of the men in her
college days were like this, they weren�t even close. She then smelled something
in the air, musky and heady. This smell, she thought, I know this smell...
Haruna�s mouth opened and closed several times as she fought invain against
the growing heat in her loins.
�Ah, you like my cock Haruna?� Ami asked, sounding so confidant, so proud as
she made her dick jostle up and down, �You can suck it if you want, it won�t bite.�
�N.. No...� Haruna said weakly. She smelled her own musks now, her pussy on
fire with desire, What�s wrong with me, she thought, has it been so long that just
the sight of one does this to me?
�Really, not even a little lick?� Ami asked with a smile, loving every moment
of this. She still hadn�t used her dark powers on the woman other than to freeze
her legs and make her kneel, the growing lust she sensed in her former teacher was
all her own. Usagi was right about her, and it took all of Ami�s restraint to keep
from raping the woman then and there. But no, she wanted Haruna broken by her own
inner lusts, not Ami�s outer ones. �Just a small lick?� Ami asked sweetly, �My
cock�s just so hard now, I think it might never go down...�
�Just a.. small lick...� Haruna repeated, her voice sounding far away now.
The scent of Ami�s cock was so intoxicating, it took the woman back to her days
just out of college, when she had a different man every week. She remembered how
it felt to ride on top of them, or be down on all fours in front of them as they
rammed into her. Everything just went away when she had sex, all her worries about
classes, bills, impressing her parents, everything, all there was was the ecstasy
of the moment. Oh how she craved to feel that way again, so free, so full, so...
�I... I guess, just a little one, won�t hurt...� Haruna whispered more to
herself than to Ami as she tilted her head up and brushed her tongue along the
underside of Ami�s length, making the dickgirl groan in pleasure.
Haruna shuddered, this taste, she remembered this taste, her mouth salivated
with it and she fought the burning desire to take Ami�s length between her pouty
lips. She felt her pussy twitching between her legs, her juices running down her
legs and dripping onto the wet floor. It was torture, being torn this way, her
entire body begging her to give in as her very skin became so sensitive that the
remaining steam wafting in the room felt like a thousand hands caressing her naked
�Suck it.� Ami said in a dominant tone.
The auburn haired woman couldn�t stop herself, opening her mouth wide, Haruna
engulfed Ami�s dick in her mouth. Delicious, it was the only thought in her mind
as she took every inch of her cock down her throat. She moaned around Ami�s pole,
loving the feel of it in her mouth, tears of shame and joy streaming down her cheek
while she bobbed her head back and forth.
Ami groaned in pleasure, grabbing thick handfuls of Haruna�s hair and
thrusting her hips in time with the womans motions, fucking her face gently. The
older woman only moaned around her length and the heady scent of her musk became
overpowering in the tiny bathroom. The dickgirl could hardly wait to impale her
former teacher on her dick, hear her scream like a whore as she jammed her member
in and out of her sopping pussy.
Haruna lost herself in a haze of lust, she forgot that what she was doing
wasn�t right, that this person in front of her was once one of her students, that
she was nearly twice the girls age. Everything just faded from her mind as she let
go, it was a feeling she had been longing for for so long.
�Mmmm, mmmm, mmm....� Haruna moaned around Ami�s length, her saliva dripping
down the rod in long clear ropes. She pulled her mouth off after several long
minutes, strands of spittle still connecting her mouth to that huge rod. She
panted softly, her eyes glazed over with raw lust as she looked up into Ami�s blue
�Yes?� Ami asked with a smile.
�Please,� Haruna begged, �Please fuck my pussy, I need it so badly now, it�s
been so long...�
Ami laughed, reaching a hand down and grabbing a fistful of the womans hair
and pulling her to her feet. She pushed her over to the sink and bent her over it.
Moving behind the prone woman, Ami grinned while she rubbed the head of her cock
against Haruna�s dripping fuckhole. The older woman shuddered, her knees weak and
she leaned against the counter around the sink for support.
�Pl.. Please, please hurry..!� she begged.
The dickgirl only laughed and continued rubbing the tip of her cock against
her cunt. Haruna couldn�t take it anymore, she tried to move her hips back, to
push Ami�s cock into her starving pussy, but the blue haired girl only pulled back.
�PLEASE, FUCK ME!!!!� Haruna screamed.
�Who do you belong to?� Ami asked.
Haruna blinked, unable to think straight anymore, her blood was on fire with
desire now and she answered, �You, I belong to you!! Please, make me your slave,
I�ll do anything you want, please, just give me your throbbing cock, please!!!�
She vowed it without a second thought, realizing that she truly wanted to be a
slave, to give herself over to another in exchange for endless pleasures. She
begged Ami to fuck her again, sobbing with the heat of lust as her cunt began to
painfully ache with her raw need.
Ami grinned widely, and plunged her cock into the begging womans cunt with a
wet squishing noise. Haruna screamed in ecstasy, her tongue hanging from her lips
as Ami began pounding into her. She came instantly, her pussy spraying everywhere,
her medium sized tits jiggling wildly, and drool dripping off her tongue as she
panted like a dog. The once proud teach now rolled her hips against Ami�s thrusts,
moaning in ecstasy as she debased herself like a harlot. This was it, this was
what she wanted more than anything in the world, nothing else mattered, only this.
�Hahh, yeah, such a tight hole Ms. Sakurada,� Ami said, panting with pleasure
while bucking her hips against the womans ass, �You�re all ours now, little slut.�
Haruna only moaned in acknowledgment, her eyes rolling into the back of her
head as she came over and over again. She could feel every inch of Ami�s cock
inside her, so thick it stretched her to her limits, �Oh, god!!!� she howled in
�Not quite,� Ami said with a smile as she began pounding into the woman
faster, feeling her own orgasm coming now. She then leaned down over the woman,
mashing her tits against her naked back, �Do you want me to cum inside you?� she
asked, �Do you want me to knock you up like the cheap slut you are?�
Haruna moaned in utter orgasm, her iris� no longer visible, her eyes rolled
entirely into the back of her head as she answered, �Yes, cum inside me, make me
pregnant, I don�t care anymore, just fuck meeeeeee!!!!�
Ami laughed with ecstasy as she came, Usagi said she didn�t care if she got
Haruna knocked up or not, so long as she came back of her own free will. The blue
haired girl smiled and moaned, loving the sound of her cock spurting inside of the
older woman, flooding her uterus with her thick seed. Haruna only screamed, her
hand smacking down on the counter in front of her as she teetered on the edge of
consciousness from so many orgasms. Before her climax abated, Ami pulled her cock
free with a wet popping noise and grabbed hold of her tool, stroking it rapidly as
Haruna dropped to her knees and turned around, taking the last few spurts of cum
right in her face. Tears of joy ran down her face now, all shame having left her
the instant Ami push inside her.
Licking her lips at the sight before her, Ami rubbed her slowly softening
cock over Haruna�s face, smearing her cum over it as the woman panted hard, her
energy entirely spent. �That�s a good girl,� she said, �Welcome home, Haruna.�


Sitting in the drivers seat of his imported Dodge Viper, Kazuharu Fukuyama
looked over the camera in his hand. He�d gotten a new telescopic lens just the
other day, and was eager to try it out. While most of the other photographers in
his line of work had gone over to digital, he remained a die hard photographer,
preferring to develop his images in pools of chemicals than on the screen of a
computer. Standing nearly six feet tall, with golden blonde hair, blue eyes, and
an average build, Kazuharu was every girls dream. Though there were several women
whom his charms weren�t so effective on, the primary one being his boss at Luxury
Homes Magazine, Kirie was one tough bitch, but that was what made her so appealing.
Having been turned down by the new owner of the old Nakamura place Kirie had
been bummed for the last few days. She had been trying to get into that house
since it was still owned by the Nakamura family. Granted there were some pictures
available online from when the place went onto the market, but nothing anywhere
near the level of detail their magazine could show. Wanting to get further into
Kirie�s good graces and get her out of the funk she was in since being so rudely
turned away, Kazuharu had taken it upon himself to get a few good shots of the
outside of the estate. According to the financial records which Lilica had been
able to get him, the number of people that had moved into the building was seven,
most of them women.
Should the oportunity present itself, Kazuharu planned to work his magic on
one of the younger girls, maybe even get a tour where he could use the pen camera
in his jacket pocket to get a look at the interior. He smiled and packed his
things, slinging his main camera over his shoulder and picking up a bundle of brown
paper in which he had placed several raw steaks, the young man stepped out of his
car and hiked a half-mile down the path to the outer edges of the Estate. Hopping
the border wall was easy enough, it only stood around five feet off the ground.
Tracking the local guard dog services, he�d learned that six large male Dobermans
and rottweilers had been sent here a few days after the new family moved in.
Having done this a few times before, he came prepared. No amount of training could
make a dog turn down the right food.
He ran across the first of the dogs in instant he landed on the other side of
the wall. They had just begun to growl before he reached into his bundle and
tossed them a couple of thick cuts of meat. They fell on them in an instant and
before long were gnawing on the beef happily. It was strange though, the dogs
didn�t seem that vicious to him. He�d seen trained dogs before on a number of
shoots, these dogs looked more like contented pets than guards. Very strange.
Patting one dog on the head, he made his way around to the eastern side of
the mansion, finding the right light, he took a few shots with his main camera.
The building was beautiful, a mix of old world and modern Japanese design. Vines
of ivy grew up one side of the building as he made his way around the perimeter.
He ran into another pair of dogs, one of them a large great dane, and tossed them
the cuts of meat as well. The trick worked, again too easily, but he paid it no
mind. Wasn�t his fault if the owners invested in cheap guard dogs.
Kazuharu walked around to the back of the mansion and found that there was a
residential cabin built behind the main building. It looked large enough to house
several rooms and still have space for entertaining. He again found his lighting
and took several shots, wishing he could be here in a more official capacity, this
place was looking like a gold mine of mixed architecture. Sighing inwardly,
Kazuharu moved on, making his way through the bushes and behind some rather odd
lawn decorum. Marble statues of men and women in various sexual acts. He would
have taken a few shots of those as well, but Kirie would never put those in her
magazine. Though he did stop to admire the work, he didn�t know sculpture, but he
knew what he liked. Spotted all around him were a number of his own private
fantasies of what he wanted to do with Kirie and some of the other young women he
worked with.
One statue in particular showed a naked man standing proudly between two
women, one woman licked the mans balls while another kneels behind him licking his
asshole. It was something he always wanted to do with Kirie and Miharu, one of the
young women who worked down in printing. Fighting down an erection, Kazuharu tried
to imagine just how much a statue like this must have cost to make. A closer
examination showed that the statue wasn�t marble as it looked, but rather a form of
weatherproof plaster that looked like marble. He recognized the company logo that
was set into the base of the statue. Guess their ad about no commission being
turned down was right, he thought to himself.
Walking farther in, he came across a large pool, maybe half the size of
Olympic standards, but something was off, there were strange runes carved into the
concrete around the edge of the pool, inside the marking was a metal that shimmered
like gold. He snapped a few pictures, but what really seemed strange, was the pool
wasn�t filled with water, unless there was something wrong with the filter. The
liquid inside was an odd shade of yellow-white, and as he drew closer, he smelled
something, milk?
No, that couldn�t be it, he thought to himself and worked his way in closer.
It was then that he saw that he wasn�t the only one outside. There, lying back on
one of the pool side recliners, was a gorgeous and very naked young woman, she
couldn�t have been more than nineteen or twenty, eighteen at the youngest. She had
close cut blonde hair, nice tits, both of which were pierced he noticed, a slim
waist, her pussy was clean shaven, and she was tattooed just above it, but he
couldn�t make out the wording from the angle where he crouched. She just laid back
in the sun, enjoying the warm sun in these last few days of summer.
Dispite himself, Kazuharu lifted his camera and snapped a few shots, for his
personal collection, he thought with a smile. He clicked off the last frame on his
roll and the camera began noisily rewinding the film. He swore quietly as he tried
invain to muffle the noise of the motor.
�Is someone there?� the blonde woman asked aloud as she sat up, �Shingo,
Mistress?� her voice was hopeful. It was then that Kazuharu saw she had blue eyes
like his own, and he could now make out the tattoo she had above her shaven cunt.
�LOVES COCK� was written boldly with a tiny arrow pointing down at her snatch.
In spite of his best efforts to remain hidden, the girls eyes moved to the
bushes where he hid, �Who�s there?� she asked.
Knowing he was caught, Kazuharu stood up slowly, covering his eyes to spare
the girl what was left of her modesty, �Okay, you caught me.� he said, �Please,
don�t get the wrong idea, I�m with Luxury Homes Magazine and I..� he began to
explain when the girl interrupted.
�Can I suck your cock please?� she asked without missing a beat.
Kazuharu was so shocked by her request that he uncovered his eyes just so she
could see him blink, �E.. Excuse me?�
�Please, it�s been a while now, and I�m so horny,� the girl said as she began
fingering her pussy in front of him, �My pussy�s so wet now, see?� she asked while
spreading her labia in front of him. Kazuharu was too stunned for words as he
found himself unable to look away from her dripping hole. He looked up into her
eyes, they looked empty of all thought but lust, �Please, you can cum in my mouth,
I�ll drink it all...� she begged dropping to her knees and reaching out to grab his
Standing there with shock and awe, Kazuharu watched as the girl undid his
belt and opened his pants. She didn�t even wait for him to answer as she pulled
his cock out from his underwear and took it into her mouth. The girl moaned in
bliss, sliding her tongue all over his length, making it harden inside her hot
little mouth. He groaned in pleasure, deciding to take the little slut up on her
offer and began sliding his dick back and forth in her face. The girl moaned
louder in response and began sucking more lewdly, her spittle dripping down her
�I guess that tattoo is no joke, huh?� he asked her.
She pulled her mouth off his cock, stroking it with her hand gently, �What?
Oh yes, I love cock, I can�t live without it.� she told him before taking his
length back into her mouth.
�What a slut.� he said aloud, knowing she�d take no offense. He then grabbed
her by the side of her head, holding her steady as he thrust all seven inches of
his pole down her throat. She didn�t even gag as she deep throated him there by
the pool. The young man loved the sound of her mouth slurping around his prick and
the soft moans that emanated from her throat. He looked down and saw a second
tattoo just above her shapely ass. It read �DOG FUCKING BITCH� with a pair of paw
prints on either side. That explains why the dogs aren�t too vicious, he thought
at the back of his mind, Just what sort of family lived here?
All other thoughts quickly faded as the girl began sucking his cock like an
expert whore, taking every inch down her throat with every downward motion. She
moaned loudly around his cock and began masturbating in front of him. Her pussy
smelled musky and hot and he wondered if she would let him fuck her too. He
watched, mesmerized by the depravity of this woman, as she moved down to lick and
suck his balls lovingly. She panted now, drool running down her chin as she took
one fat nut into her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue.
The blonde haired man groaned in pleasure, loving every second of this. �Oh
yeah, that�s it baby, put my dick back in your mouth, I�m gonna cum soon.� he told
The girl responded instantly, pulling away from his balls and taking half his
length between her lips. She bobbed her head back and forth quickly, eager to
taste his seed. Smiling, Kazuharu didn�t want to deny her and groaned as he came
in her mouth. True to her word, the blonde haired girl swallowed every drop
instantly, without a seconds hesitation. She then pulled off his cock and looked
up at him with those lust filled eyes.
�Thank you mister,� she said, licking a small bit of his cum from her lips.
When she saw that he was still hard, she gasped with joy, �Still so hard... I love
big strong cocks like yours...�
Kazuharu grinned, he felt like he was in some bad porno movie, but he didn�t
care, �I�m good for a long while girl.�
She smiled and stood up, turning around and bending over in front of him.
She pulled the lips of her pussy apart with her fingers and moaned, �Please, please
fuck my pussy then, it�s so hot and juicy now.�
He smiled, reaching out to grab her hips, he pulled her close and buried his
dick in her surprisingly tight pussy. She howled like the bitch that was tattooed
on her back as he began slamming into her. �Oh yes, fuck me, fuck me hard!!!� she
begged, �Please don�t stop, don�t ever stop, fuck me forever!!!�
What a total slut, thought Kazuharu, and yet, he found he wanted to grant her
wish, he�d never felt such stamina in himself as he rammed into her again and
again, making her scream louder with every thrust. The girls words turned to
unintelligible babble as she began cumming hard, her juices spraying all over the
white pants he wore. But the more she came, the harder and longer he wanted to
fuck her. He felt himself cum once, twice, three time inside her. The late
evening light began to turn to dusk, but he no longer cared, he just wanted to keep
fucking this little cock whore in front of him.
�Having fun?� asked a womans voice from across the pool.
Kazuharu looked up and blinked, across the pool stood a VERY pregnant young
woman with an odd odango hairstyle with pigtails streaming down her back. Like the
girl he was fuck, she had blonde hair and blue eyes, though the shade was a little
brighter. A pair of golden horns came out the top of her head and red bat-like
wings fluttered on her back. Most surprising of all, were the two cock that jutted
up from above her pussy. But strangely, Kazuharu felt no fear or revulsion towards
this woman, only a calm lust that he used to continue fucking the whore in front of
�So Haruka, how is he?� the other blonde asked.
�Ahhhh, so good Mistress, please don�t make him stop, I�m cumming so much
now!� Haruka begged.
The dickgirl smiled, �Oh, I have no intention of that, in fact, once you�ve
told me your name sir, you can fuck my little cock whore as much as you like.�
�Kazuharu Fukuyama.� Kazuharu answered, �I work for Luxury Homes Magazine.�
�Ah, I thought as much, I�m Usagi Tsukino, but you may call me Mistress.
Once you�re finished, please send Haruka there to tend to the dogs, seems someone
gave them red meat and now they�re rather horny, and she�s the only one who can
take all of them at once. You can join me inside after that.� Usagi told him.
Without even thinking about it, Kazuharu said, �Yes, Mistress.� He then
looked back to Haruka and began fucking her even harder than before, loving the way
she screamed in ecstasy and begged for more!


Usagi listened as Kazuharu told her about himself, she had been surprised to
discover him on the grounds, at first she thought he might have been with the
tabloids, but then, they were more interested in celebrities and pop idols. She
saw that Haruka had been begging him to fuck her, and so like the day she first
turned the blonde into her slave, she used her influence through Haruka to rob the
man of his will. Men were so easy, and she decided, she could use him as a go
between with the outside world until all her preparations were complete. The man
agreed to serve her no no trouble, and Usagi saw fit to reward him for his
At the moment, Kazuharu groaned in pleasure as Hotaru sucked his cock like a
little whore, nearly every man had a Lolita complex deep down, and he was no
exception. She watched as the dark haired girls head slid up and down his seven
inch length, her slender little ass was bright red from her latest spanking from
Ami. Her pussy dripped with juices as she made ready to take that length inside
Usagi then turned her attention to the photo from Kazuharu�s wallet, she
showed himself and several of his coworkers at his magazine. The five women were
all gorgeous, it made Usagi regret having turned down Kiries offer when she called.
The pregnant blonde listened while Kazuharu told her about these women between
groans as Hotaru straddled his lap, stirring his cock around inside her.
�Really now?� Usagi asked, �Sounds like they�d be fun to break.� She smiled
darkly and had Michiru bring in a phone. The Aqua haired girl handed the phone to
Kazuharu then placed a ball-gag in Hotaru�s mouth to stifle her panting and moaning
while the man dialed.
As he spoke with his boss, Usagi waved Michiru over to her. She ran a hand
on the other girls now fully pregnant belly. It wouldn�t be long now, just a few
more weeks before she gave birth to a new species. Ami�s scans of the three
fetuses revealed her to be carrying two dog-girls, and one hermaphrodite. All of
them would be ready for sex in just over a year judging by how quickly they were
growing in her womb.
She ordered Michiru to lie back on the table in front of Usagi, she did as
told and Usagi moaned softly as she pushed her twin cock into her pregnant holes.
Their swollen bellies bumped against one anothers as the blonde thrusted into her.
The wings on her back fluttered excitedly as her hands grasped Michiru�s milk
swollen tits and squeezed them just right, sending twin jets of milk spraying into
the air.
Unlike Hotaru, Michiru could control her moaning, keeping the tone down so as
not to be overheard by the phone. Usagi smiled, watching as Michiru�s milk spread
over the large mahogany table. Along with Makoto�s and her own, Michiru�s
breastmilk now filled the pool out back, the runes around the pool stopped it from
spoiling, allowing everyone to swim in it whenever they wanted. The blonde smiled
again as she thought about watching the women in the photograph swimming naked in
that pool before coming out to be fucked by the dogs and herself. Moaning softly,
Usagi slid two of her fingers into her right nipple, stretching the hole open a bit
and causing her own milk to leak out. Yes, she thought, it won�t be long now
before Haruna has someone moaning beside her on the banisters in the foyer.
It always brought a smile to Usagi�s face when she looked upon her former
teacher, straddled on the end of the banister, a vibrator buzzing away inside her
and her juices running down the metal frame. She had been more than happy to
become part of Usagi�s decoration for eight hours a day, having first quit her job
as a teacher to come live with her new family. During the rest of the day, Haruna
served as a maid and sex toy for herself, Ami, and several of the Dobermans that
patrolled the grounds.
Across the room, Kazuharu finished speaking with Kirie and turned off the
phone. He then removed the gag from Hotaru�s mouth and groaned with the twelve
year old girl as her screams filled the dinning hall.
Leaning Hotaru face down over the table, Kazuharu began fucking her in the
ass as he said, �Kirie and the others will be here tomorrow.�
�Wonderful,� Usagi said as she felt her own orgasm building, �Pick a room in
the residence out back tonight, you can bring whatever you want from your apartment
later.� she told him before grunting in ecstasy as her cocks began cumming in
Michiru�s ass and pussy. �Hotaru will keep you company until then.�
�Yes, Mistress...� said Hotaru and Kazuharu before both of them moaned in


�Don�t you think it�s odd?� asked Koyomi.

�What?� Kirie responded as she shifted gears and slowed down. The suburbs
were now far behind them, taking them out into more rural country. She spotted a
few small estates that she�d featured before along the way.
�That suddenly the owner of the house said yes after Fukuyama snuck onto her
land?� Koyomi said.
�You shouldn�t worry so much Koyomi, Kazuharu may be a pervert, but when it
comes to negotiating deals, I don�t know anyone better,� said Lilica.
�I wonder if there�ll be anything to eat when we get there?� asked Miharu.
The other girls in the SUV rolled their eyes collectively. They were the
main photography team for Luxury Homes Magazine. Kirie Kojima, the magazine
editor, a young woman of twenty-three, she had short brown hair, big brown eyes,
and large breasts the size of pork buns. She had come along because the House
Mistress wanted to meet her. With her was Miharu Sena Kanaka, a short pink haired
girl who was in charge of the printing presses. Like Kirie, she was here mainly by
request of the owner of the place they were going to shoot. Miharu was a sweet
girl, only twenty, but with ample tits for her short height of only four foot
eleven inches. Not exactly the brightest girl she�d ever met though. She sat next
to Kirie up front on the passenger side. Behind them were Koyomi Hare Nanaka,
their best photographer after Kazuharu.
Koyomi only stood a few inches taller than Miharu, with long purple hair and
matching eyes. Of all the girls in the car, she had the smallest tits, just under
a b-cup. She was a shy girl who was uneasy around men most of the time. Kirie
only hired her because she had an eye for detail, though the way she always got
nervous around the home owners could get annoying. Next to Koyomi was Kosame,
Kirie had given up trying to pronounce her family name. She was a tall woman of
twenty-five with short brown hair and hazel eyes. She was going to be in charge of
lighting, Kirie didn�t want to bring her along honestly, the woman was a total
lesbian who was just two marks away from a full fledged stalker when it came to
Lastly, there was Lilica Stacey, an American woman of twenty-eight, Kirie
always brought her along when she was going anywhere with Kosame. Lilica was
former Black Ops in the American Military, or so she said. Kirie didn�t doubt her
word though, she�d see her take down three would-be muggers in the space of a
heartbeat. And after a trip to the beach with her, she�d seen the cris crossing
scars on her back from who knew what.
Together, the five of them would join Kazuharu for a full photo shoot of the
Nakamura Estate, Kirie practically drooled at the thought. Fans of the magazine
have been wanting to see the inside of that place for years, and she couldn�t wait
to publish the photo�s and commentary of the new residents. Next months issue was
gonna be great!
She rounded a corner and off in the distance, she could see the estate, the
largest one in this area. She let her foot ride a bit heavier on the gas, eager to
get started. Behind her, Koyomi and Kosame began getting their equipment ready.
�Nice place.� Lilica commented as they pulled up to the gate. The iron bars
slid open for them, granting them entry to the grounds. Kirie nodded and pulled up
to the large double doors that made up the grand entrance. They all then climbed
out of the SUV and gathered their things. Kirie walked up to the doors and pressed
the buzzer. They then opened and the group of girls stepped inside. Before the
heavy oak doors could slam shut behind them, the sound of dropping equipment echoed
in the large foyer.
�Wha.. WHAT THE HELL IS THIS!?� Kirie demanded.
Just a few paces away was a wide stairwell that led up to the second floor of
the foyer. The banisters on wither side were nicely done, but what shocked
everyone was the sight of two naked women, an auburn haired woman and a blue haired
one, straddled at the base of the banisters where normally a decorative ball would
be. Instead, these to women were perched there, with long silver vibrators shoved
inside their pussies. Kirie could hear the devices buzzing away inside them over
the sound of their panting moans of pleasure.
�Welcome to my home.� said a womans voice from the top of the stairs. The
girls all looked up to her and gasped. Like the women on the banisters, she was
naked, save for a pair of white thigh high boots with stiletto heels, fingerless
armlength gloves, and a loose fitting corset around her heavily pregnant stomach.
Her huge tits were bare for all to see, the nipple of the left one pierced and both
of them leaking milk slowly. Most shocking though, were the twin cocks that came
up from above her pussy, both of them over a foot long and oozing with precum.
Standing next to the woman was Kazuharu. He was dressed in a pair of tight
fitting white vinyl pants, white vest over his bare chest, and a pair of white
gloves over his hands. He walked arm in arm with the woman as they descended the
�So glad you all could make it.� he said with a perverse grin.
Before any of the girls could respond, several other women, all of them
dressed only in leggings of various colors and collars, came out from behind the
main staircase and grabbed them with inhuman strength. The bustiest of the group
grabbed hold of Miharu, while a young pregnant woman took hold of Koyomi. A short
haired blonde grappled with Kosame for a moment before securing her. Another
dickgirl with short cut blue hair grabbed Kirie, and the last one, a purple haired
woman, attempted to grab Lilica, but the dark haired woman easily evaded her and
moved to try and free Kirie, only to meet the other dickgirls gaze. Her blue eyes
seemed to glow red for a moment, and Lilica felt dizzy in an instant.
�I�ll get help!� she promised her friends before bolting out the doors.
The blue haired dickgirl looked to the blonde one, �Don�t worry about her,
the boys will take care of it.� she told her with a smile.
The blue haired girl nodded, turning her attention back to Kirie, �I want
this one for myself.� she said, reaching a hand up to play with one of her heavy
tits through the blue t-shirt she wore.
�Nooo!!� Kirie protested, struggling in the dickgirls grasp, she could feel
her cock pressing against the small of her back, and it made her sick inside. �Let
me go!� she demanded.
�Now now Kirie, you should behave yourself in the presense of Mistress
Usagi.� Kazuharu chided her.
�You, this is your doing!� Kirie said angrily, �Oh you are SO fired!�
�You�re right, she is feisty,� Usagi said with a smile. �Ami, take Kazuharu
and Makoto and have some fun with them.� she told the blue haired hermaphrodite,
�I�ll take care of the other two.�
�Please, let us go...� Koyomi begged, her faced flushed bright red with
embarrassment from being around so many naked people.
�There there now, don�t be afraid,� Usagi said to the young purple haired
girl. She walked over to her and touched a hand to her face, �So cute.� she said
while Kazuharu, Ami, and Makoto led Kirie and Miharu towards the east wing of the
manor. The pink haired girl seemed more confused than afraid, so much so that
Makoto didn�t have to hold her very tightly at all. The blonde turned to look at
Michiru and Haruka. She nodded to both of them and they escorted their �guests�
upstairs and towards the west wing of the house.


�Fukuyama, if you don�t let us go this instant I�ll...mmph!!!� Kirie began to

say, but was cut off when Ami forced a ballgag into her mouth. They had taken her
and Miharu into a large room on the eastern side of the mansion. Inside the room
was a number of paintings of various sexual acts lined along the wall. The floor
wasn�t really a floor, but a large mattress that gave a slight bounce to everyones
�Wow, the floor�s so bouncy!� Miharu said excitedly, jouncing up and down
slightly, her tits jiggling with her motions.
Kirie tried to yell at her pink haired friend, but the gag in her mouth kept
her from forming any words. The busty Magazine Editor then watched helplessly as
Makoto let go of Miharu and reached down to pull the girls shirt off. Miharu
offered no resistence and lifted her arms up so that the fabric would slide free.
The short girls big tits jiggled in the dull blue bra she wore while the long
haired brunette moved to remove her skirt. Again Miharu offered no resistence and
Kirie screamed against the gag in her mouth.
�You really should try to calm down Kirie, Miharu�s got the right idea, see?�
Kazuharu said as he moved over to take off Miharu�s bra. �Mmmm, you have wonderful
breasts Miharu, just like I always imagined.�
�Thank you...� Miharu said bashfully.
Kazuharu smiled and pulled the pink haired girl up into a deep kiss while
Makoto took off her panties, leaving her clad only in her shoes and socks.
Meanwhile, Ami turned Kirie around and looked into her brown eyes. Ami�s
blue orbs seemed to glow red for an instant and Kirie suddenly felt so much calmer.
All the fear and anger seemed to just wash away under the dickgirls gaze. It made
her feel warm and safe inside. She didn�t even realize that Ami had released her
from that inhuman grip, nor did she notice that Makoto had moved to help Ami in
stripping her clothes off.
Ami smiled at Kirie�s naked body, the young womans tits were nearly as big as
Makoto�s constantly lactating udders. She enjoyed fondling them gently while
Makoto knelt down to lick the girls pussy through the thin patch of brown pubic
hairs. She rubbed her cock against Kirie�s ass gently and watched while Kazuharu
pushed Miharu down to her knees. When they first came in Usagi must have put her
gaze on the pink haired girl, as she showed no fear at all now as the young man
pulled his cock out in front of her.
�Are you hungry Miharu?� he asked her.
�Uh huh,� Miharu replied with a nod.
�Well, I have some good juice inside here, you just have to suck it out.� he
told her.
�Oh, okay...� Miharu said in a dreamy voice before she reached her hands out
to grab Kazuharu�s dick and take the first half of it in her hot little mouth.
Grinning, Ami turned her attention back to Kirie, she�d only used her gaze to
calm the girl down, her fiery nature remained intact, but more it was a bit more
malleable. She looked down to Makoto and smiled at her. The two of them then laid
Kirie down on the soft pillowy floor, spreading her legs apart so the long haired
brunette could lick her pussy more. Ami just loved watching Makoto with another
woman, especially one with such big and soft tits. Kirie moaned softly, her back
arching with pleasure from Makoto�s attentions.
�There now, isn�t that better?� Ami asked, �There�s no need to fight or run,
just let us take care of you.�
The short haired brunette nodded weakly, moaning again when Makoto slid three
fingers into her tight pussy. Ami then leaned over and kissed her lips softly,
smiling as Kirie instinctively kissed back. She again moved her hands to Kirie�s
big soft tits, kneading and squeezing them softly while Makoto changed position so
that her pussy rubbed against�s Kirie�s.
Meanwhile, Miharu moaned softly around Kazuharu�s cock, it tasted so yummy in
her mouth as she slid up and down the rigid length. The short girl felt kind of
dizzy now, but in a good way, there was a warmth growing between her legs that made
her want to rub her pussy with her fingers. When she did, the burst of sensation
made her moan even louder!
Above her, Kazuharu groaned in pleasure, loving the sight of Miharu sucking
his dick like a little whore. He turned to watch as Kirie had her first full
lesbian experience with Makoto. The hot tempered woman seemed to be enjoying
herself as she ground her cunt against the other girls, the sound of their wet
pussies sliding against one another was so enticing, he almost wanted to go over
and join them.
�Fukuyama,� Miharu asked, looking up at him with lustful red eyes, �Where�s
my juice? I�m really thirsty now.�
Kazuharu laughed and pushed his cock back into Miharu�s mouth. The girl
moaned around his length as he began thrusting in and out of her throat. �Mmm, it
won�t be long now my sweet little Miharu.� he told her as he felt his cock
twitching inside her. Miharu only nodded around his length and he watched her
continue to masturbate in front of him while sucking his dick.
�Yeah, that�s it!!� he grunted, cumming hard in her mouth.
Miharu gulped down his sperm without even thinking about it, she then pulled
her mouth off his length and smiled up at him, �That was really yummy!�
�Mmm, I know of some even more special juice that tastes even better.� he
told her.
�Really?� Miharu asked, her eyes brightening.
�Mmm hmm, and it�s right over there.� he told her, pointing to Kirie.
Miharu blinked, not understanding what he meant. He then led her over to the
trio and smiled at Ami. She nodded back to him and ordered Makoto to move aside.
�Come here,� Ami said, beckoning the pink haired girl over.
Miharu crawled over to Ami, and watched as the blue haired dickgirl leaned
down to lick Kirie�s pussy softly. The busty girl moaned loudly, arching her back
again as she came, spraying clear juices into Ami�s open mouth. Swishing the
juices around in her mouth for a moment, Ami moved over to Miharu and took her face
in her hands gently. She kissed her deeply, passing Kirie�s fluids into Miharu�s
Both girls moaned in pleasure while Ami eased Miharu down onto her back. She
spread the girls legs wide and smiled at her. She then pressed the tip of her cock
against Miharu�s cunt, sliding her length in slowly with a soft squishing noise.
Miharu moaned softly, gasping with pleasure while Ami began slowly thrusting
into her while she mashed their tits together. Meanwhile, Makoto smiled as she
helped Kirie up onto all fours and watched as Kazuharu jammed his cock into her
pussy. The short haired brunette moaned in pleasure, instantly beginning to buck
her hips back against him.
Kazuharu groaned in pleasure, just as Mistress Usagi wanted, he would have
all the women he wanted in exchange for his services, and now, he was finally
pounding into Kirie Kojima, the woman he�d been after for years! He watched as
Makoto climbed onto Kirie�s back, mashing her massive tits against the other
brunettes back, her milk streaming down the other girls skin and dripping onto the
�Hahh, please, fuck me too!� she begged while pulling her pussy lips open for

On the other end of the mansion, Usagi dat in a wooden chair and watched as
Haruka, Michiru, and her mother shackled Koyomi and Kosame to a pair of handcuffs
that hung from the ceiling. They had come to the room that had once been the
buildings library. Usagi had since tossed out all the musty old books and
converted the room into a Bondage Chamber. All around the room, hanging from the
walls and sitting on tables were an array of whips, paddles, and other instruments.
The blonde found the look of sheer terror on Koyomi�s face to be utterly delicious.
�Pl.. Please,� Koyomi begged, �Let us go, I promise we won�t tell anyone,
Usagi grinned darkly and moved to pick up a wide paddle, smacking it against
her palm several times while Haruka took a knife and none too gently sliced away
the clothes on both women. Michiru then swept away the tattered bits of fabric and
departed from the room, followed by Haruka and Ikuko.
Alone with them now, Usagi licked her lips as she slowly circled the two
naked women. Kosame was strangely quiet, but Usagi already knew what she planned
for her. Koyomi was the one whom she wanted to play with now.
Walking in close to the purple haired girl, Usagi touched the paddle to the
creamy skin of her ass. Koyomi whimpered and flinched as though she�d been burned.
�So cute...� Usagi whispered into the girls ear, licking the edge of her lobe
�Noooo!!!� Koyomi screamed.
�Leave her alone!� Kosame snapped.
Usagi turned to look at the dark haired young woman, �Wait your turn,� she
told her before looking back to Koyomi, �Shhhhhhh,� she shushed her as she began to
cry, �Don�t be afraid, I�m going to help you.� she told her. �I�ll free you of all
fear and doubt.�
Koyomi sniffled and looked up at Usagi, the blonde smiled at her almost
gently as she ran a hand over her bare breasts, teasing her nipple. It stiffened
under her touch and the blonde grinned. She then pulled away and back up a step.
Walking around behind the crying girl, Usagi lifted the paddle in her hand and
brought it down hard against Koyomi�s bare ass. She screamed, her struggles
renewed while a patch of skin began to redden. Usagi spanked her again, and again,
and again, the sound of the paddle smacking against the girls naked flesh excited
the blonde.
As her pregnancy grew, Usagi found she could look into the souls of others,
and instantly she could see where their greatest perversions lied. Koyomi wasn�t a
masochist, but she needed to be dominated by another, to be forced to surrender her
will. She listened as the girl screamed and begged for mercy, her sobs only
uncovering the whore that waited deep down inside her.
After a while, Usagi put down the paddle and smiled when she picked up a
slender metal rod with a rubber grip. She walked back over to Koyomi and thumbed a
hidden button on the rod. It began buzzing softly, though not from any vibration.
�Does it hurt?� she asked.
Tears flowed freely down Koyomi�s cheeks now as she nodded, still sobbing
�Now, I�ll take away all your pain.� Usagi said, touching the metal rod to
the girl bare skin. There was an electric snap as it made contact, but Koyomi
didn�t flinch this time. The electricity in the rod was less than that of a static
shock, only enough to make ones skin tingle wherever it was touched.
Koyomi shivered as Usagi ran the rod over her naked flesh, she felt as though
her skin was tingling like pins and needles, but not in a bad way. The pain in her
ass ebbed to a dull throb, then faded entirely, as Usagi hadn�t stuck her that
hard. Why, she wondered, why is this happening to me, I�m not a bad person, I
don�t deserve this...
�You poor dear,� Usagi said to her while stroking the rod over Koyomi�s ass,
�You�ve been afraid all your life, haven�t you?�
Dispite herself, Koyomi answered, �Yes,�
�What of?� Usagi asked.
�Men,� Koyomi answered, �I�m, I�m afraid of men, that they�ll do dirty things
to me...�
Usagi smiled and put the rod away. She then ran her hands up and down the
slender girls waist, �No, that�s not it,� she told her, Koyomi looked up at her in
confusion, �You�re afraid they�ll do dirty things with you, and that you�ll like
it.� she told her, �You�re trapped in a cage of morality and ethics, and even
though the door is standing wide open, you�re afraid to leave it. But you don�t
have to be, there are so many pleasures waiting for you just outside the door, and
more still beyond that.� Usagi explained to her as she took the girl in her gaze.
She then pulled away all her fears and doubts. Leaning in close, Usagi pressed her
lips to the other girls.
Koyomi moaned softly, her body going slack in her bonds, she felt so light
now, as though a great weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Her arms
suddenly came free and she felly into Usagi�s arms, the blonde caught her and held
her tightly, so strong and warm. Her head rested on the blondes heavy tits, and
she could hear the dickgirls heartbeat. She felt so safe suddenly, as though she
were home and in her mothers arms.
Smiling down at her, Usagi reached up and stroked Koyomi�s hair gently. She
grinned as the girl began sobbing again, but not in fear this time, but joy, the
joy like that of having emerged from the most frightening experience of ones life
and coming home to where they felt safest.
�There there now, it�s alright.� Usagi consoled her. �I have you.� she said
as she held her close. Koyomi whimpered and buried her face in Usagi�s ample
cleavage. The blonde smiled and slowly knelt down with her, gently guiding the
girl to her unpierced tit. Koyomi�s mouth closed around her nipple and began
suckling softly, �That�s it, she assured her, just drink your fill, my sweet little
The purple haired girl moaned in response, the milk that washed over her
tongue was soothing, it made her feel warm and safe. She forgot where she was, and
what had been happening, none of that mattered anymore, she was safe now, and all
that she wanted was to drink her mistresses milk here in this room. She heard
someone yelling in the distance, but it didn�t matter, nothing did, only Mistress
Koyomi felt Usagi�s hand touching her pussy, and she willingly parted her
legs. The blondes touch felt so nice, it made her pussy hot, and wet. She suckled
Usagi�s nipple harder, wanting more of her sweet tasting milk. It made her feel
light headed and warm inside. She then moaned around the dickgirls nipple when
Usagi pushed two fingers inside her slick cunt and began working them up and down.
�Mi.. Mistress?� Koyomi asked bashfully after pulling away from her nipple.
�Yes?� Usagi asked.
�Would, would it be alright, if I called you mother?� the purple haired girl
Usagi giggled and pushed her fingers in deeper, �Of course it would.�
�Oh mother!!!� Koyomi explaimed, wrapping her arms around the blonde and
hugging her tightly.
Usagi returned her hug and grinned, she then pressed her lips to the other
girls and slid her tongue into her warm little mouth. Koyomi moaned softly into
the kiss, basking in her new mothers love. Usagi broke the kiss a moment later, a
string of saliva connected there mouths for a moment before snapping.
�Mommy wants to fuck you now.� she told her.
�Okay...� Koyomi said, she then blushed, �It�s, my first time mom, so, please
be gentle.�
Usagi beamed, a virgin, at her age, how delightful! She kissed Koyomi again
and said, �Don�t worry, I promise, it won�t hurt at all.� She then had the young
woman get up on all fours, Koyomi obeyed, her face still blushing as Usagi got up
on her knees behind her. The purple haired girl then moaned as the blonde pushed
her twin cocks into her ass and pussy, ripping through her hymen in a single
Groaning in pleasure, Usagi began pumping her cocks in and out of Koyomi�s
hole, savoring the sound of the girl panting and moaning. Such a lovely sight, a
girl taking it in both holes on her first time. Her only regret was that her
pregnant belly obscured her view of her cocks thrusting in and out of Koyomi�s
�Ohhh, momma, so good!!! It doesn�t hurt at all!!!� Koyomi screamed and
began humping herself back against the blondes thrusting. She opened her deep
purple eyes, tears of joy streaming down her cheeks as she began cumming again and
�Mmmm, my sweet little Koyomi, you�re so tight and wet, it feels so good!�
Usagi purred as she continued thrusting in and out of the girls holes. She loved
the way she felt around her cocks, and the way she moaned in ecstasy with her every
�Ahh, mommy, mommy, yeessss.... fuck meeee....� Koyomi screamed, her entire
body shaking with pleasure as she rolled her hips against her new mothers dicks.
They felt so good inside, unlike anything she�d ever felt before. Koyomi didn�t
think it would feel so good, in all her twenty-three years, she had avoided sex,
but now, she couldn�t understand how she had lived without it. �Ohhhh, Mother!!!!!
� Koyomi screamed as her entire body shuddered in orgasm.
�Mmmm, my girl, so tiiight..!� Usagi groaned with her, her cocks cumming hard
inside her. Koyomi then collasped onto the hardwood floor, panting softly. The
blonde pulled her cocks from Koyomi�s dripping holes and watched her cum slowly
ooze from them, �So soon? That�s alright though, it was your first time after all.
Just rest for now.� she said to her while patting her head gently.
�What, what have you done to Koyomi!� demanded the other woman in the room.
Usagi looked up at Kosame, �Oh, you�re still here are you?� She then stood
up and stretched, her twin cocks bouncing when she arched her back. �Just
kidding,� she said with a sweet smile, �I haven�t forgotten about you,� she walked
over to Kosame and traced her hands over the womans soft breasts, �I have plans for
you.� The blonde then forcibly kissed Kosame, pressing her tongue into the other
womans mouth. She then reached a hand down and ran her fingers over Kosame�s
pussy. The dark haired woman squirmed as Usagi pushed her middle and ring fingers
into her slit. �Haha, so wet already, did watching my daughter and I turn you on
that much?�
Kosame turned her eyes away in shame, �Koyomi�s, not your daughter!� she
�Just as good,� Usagi countered and began sliding her fingers up and down
inside the young womans tight hole. She then smiled, �And I have just the thing
for you...� she said as she began to let her energies flow into Kosame.
The brown haired woman screamed as her blood felt as though it were on fire!
Her skin tingled all over and her pussy ached painfully with sudden desire.
Despite herself, Kosame moaned in pleasure, she struggled against her bonds, trying
to wriggle free of the dickgirls grasp. After several moments, Kosame felt a
sudden pressure just above her pussy. She winced in pain as the sensation began to
build and looked down to see a long lump forming from just over her clit.
�What... are you... doing to me..?� Kosame struggled to say, a flurry of new
and strange sensations went through her body.
�Just giving you want you�ve always wanted.� Usagi said before leaning in to
kiss her again. As her lips pressed to Kosame�s, the lump swelled even faster,
quickly forming into a long eleven inch cock with a bright red tip. �There now,
doesn�t that feel better?�
�Nooo!!!� Kosame screamed in sudden revulsion.


The instant Lilica escaped from the mansion they were upon her. Dogs, nine
of them altogether if she had counted right during her mad sprint towards the wall.
One of two she might be able to handle, but not all of them. Infinitely glad she
had gone with tennis shoes today, her feet pounded the grass and the short wall
quickly came closer. It wouldn�t be difficult to hop the wall and make a break for
the nearest house to call the authorities.
Only when Lilica reached the wall, she found that something had changed, no
longer a short five foot high brick wall, instad a looming nine foot high solid
stone wall greeted her. Impossible, she thought, looking to her left, then right,
the wall extended out for a dozen meters in either direction, and each way, the
height remained constant.
There was a low growl behind her and she whirled around to see three of the
dogs had caught up with her. Dobermans all, each of them eyeing her like a piece
of raw meat. The dark haired Americans heart pounded in her chest, she could see
the other dogs catching up a few meters away, and soon she would have any chance at
all. She waited, trying to keep her heart steady as the first dog jumped at her.
She ducked under him, rolling along the grass and coming up behind the trio. A
second dog snapped at her, but she was already on the move, its teeth caught only
the edge of the black miniskirt she was wearing and the fabic easily tore away.
The sound of the tearing clothes barely registered in the womans mind as she ran
towards the west side of the estate clad only in a button up sleeveless shirt,
black cotton panties, and gray tennis shoes.
Pumping her arms for speed, Lilica ran along the wall that surrounded the
estate, hoping to find a low point that would provide her escape. No such luck.
As she saw the corner of the wall fast approaching, she veered off to her right,
moving towards the back of the estate. The dogs just barely stayed within sight,
almost as though they wanted her to run this way. She made her way past several
large statues, but didn�t stop to look at them. Not too far away was a large
hedgemaze. Not exactly the best way for her to go, but these dogs didn�t seem like
scenting hounds, she might be able to loose them inside long enough to find another
way out.
She paused only briefly at the entrance, a mistake. One of the dogs, a large
mastiff, caught up with her and knocked her onto her stomach. She could smell the
beasts hot breath on her as it bit down on the collar of her shirt and ripped it
away. Using most of her strength, Lilica performed a powerful push-up and knocked
the animal off her. She pulled what remained of her shirt off and took off inside
the maze, looking back to see the animal staring back at her with its golden
colored eyes. The beast licked its lips, almost as though it were enjoying itself.
Lilica turned away, running through the main entry of the maze and taking the
first turn that presented itself. The maze seemed poorly maintained, as many of
the tall hedges were starting to grow out of their precut forms. Small branches
and patches of throns stuck out from random areas. The scratched at her now bare
stomach and arms. It was now that Lilica finally noticed that she was down to only
her underwear. Sighing in frustration, she paused for a moment to catch her
breath. The dark haired woman had lost track of all the twists and turns she taken
through her mad dash, but the silence that greeted her was welcome for the moment.
Now, she would need to find her way out of here in order to get help.
Walking slower now, Lilica made her way through the maze. She didn�t want to risk
trying to walk through the shrub walls, as she found them lined with sharp thorny
vines that would cut her something fierce should she attempt such. It wouldn�t do
to find an exit only to pass out from blood loss a moment later.
Lilica�s lungs burned and her legs ached from so much running. She was out
of shape compaired to herself seven years ago, but there was no time to worry with
that as she rounded the next turn and entered what she guessed was the approximate
center of the maze. A large courtyard with several small stone benches and a large
fountain in the center. Atop the fountain was a statue of a naked woman down on
all fours, a large dog mounting her from behind, its cock clearly visible as it
thrust into her pussy. Water ran out from the stone womans cunt and the dogs
mouth, tricking down the fountain and spashing into the pool below. Around around
the statues base were images of women engaged in various acts of bestiality with
dogs, horses, and snakes. The scene disturbed Lilica and made her fearful of what
these dogs truely had in store for her.
More shocking though was the look of rapture and ecstasy on the womens faces
in each image, as though sex with a beast were the greatest thing that were
happening to them. Lilica felt her pussy dampen the longer she stared at the
fountain and she shook her head, it would be a bad idea to linger here she thought
to herself as she looked for the exit opposite of where she�d come into the
She found it on the other side of the fountain and began walking towards it.
But as she approached, two dogs came around from the corner. Both of them
dobermans. Lilica took a step back, and her foot caught on a tangle of vines that
srpead over the ground.
�Wah!!� she screamed as she fell over backward, landing hard on her ass. The
dogs then lunged, the first of them coming down on top of her, his teeth closing
around the fabric of her bra. �Nooo!� Lilica screamed as the dog tore off her bra,
letting her tits bounce free. The beast then lowered his head down to begin
licking her nipples with his slick tongue. The second dog came up behind the first
and lowered his muzzle in Lilica�s crotch, sniffing deeply before tearing off her
panties as well.
Tears began streaming down Lilica�s cheeks as she struggled to get back up,
but the dogs weight on her shoulders was too much. She felt her nipples getting
hard under the dogs licking, then moaned as the second animal began licking her
pussy. �No, stop...� she pleaded in vain as the dogs continued licking her naked
body. She could feel her pussy getting hot now, driving her crazy with mixed
emotions. Against all odds, this was turning her on!
The first dog lifted his head from her breasts and howled loudly. A number
of other howled sounded in reply and Lilica turned her head to see the other beasts
coming into the courtyard, their cocks all hanging down from between their legs,
dripping with cum. She drew in a shuddery breath and looked back up towards the
sky, only to find the first dogs cock hovering in front of her face. Without even
thinking about it, Lilica opened her mouth wide and took the dogs length into her
Delicious, it was delicious. The taste was unlike anything she�d ever
experienced, it made her feel so hot, so dirty, but she loved it! Lilica groaned
around the beasts cock, bobbing her head up and down as she spread her legs wider
for the one down between her legs. The feeling of its tongue on her pussy was
intoxicating, it made her want, more. She then lifted her arms up and wrapped then
around the dobermans waist, taking more of his cock down her throat.
Lilica groaned in pleasure, loving the feel of the beasts cock in her mouth,
the taste of its cum spraying over her tongue and down her throat. She quickly
forgot about escape, about rescuing her friends, all that matter were these
wonderful dogs that were surrounding her. She them lowered her hands and felt two
more dogs on either side of her. She couldn�t see the breed, but she didn�t care
as she felt around blindly for their hard cocks. She found them quickly and began
stroking them in her hands.
She could hear them panting around her, all of them eager for their turn, and
Lilica wanted to service them all! The dog on top of her howled again and came
hard in her mouth. The dark haired woman gargled with his cum for a moment before
swallowing all of it. The beast then pulled away, his cock slowly going flaccid.
She then looked up and watched as the dog that had been licking her now sopping wet
cunt walked over her. Leaning her head up, she kissed the mongrel�s mouth, sliding
her tongue against his in a sloppy french kiss. The doberman panted and looked
down into her eyes, Lilica moaned as she looked back, feeling so inferior to this
beast. She then spread her legs wide, and moaned as the dog pushed his cock into
her pussy, fucking her.
�Ohhhh!!!!� Lilica moaned, �Yes, fuck me you beast, fuck my
pussssyyyyyyyy!!!!� she howled as she began bucking her pelvis up against the
animals cock, making it easier for him to fuck her in this position. The dog
barked in response to her moaned and began pounding into her cunt, Lilica screamed
with pleasure, quickly loosing track of her orgasms.
Time lost all meaning for the lust bound woman as another dog straddled her
face. She eagerly took his cock into her mouth, wanting to taste more canine
sperm! Her pussy was of fire with lust, dog after dog took his turn fucking her
cunt as she lay there on her back in front of the bestiality fountain.
After several long hours, Lilica Stacey no longer existed, only a lust driven
bitch who wanted nothing more in life than to be fucked by these glorious beasts.
Eventually, the bitch got up off her back and got down on all fours to properly
serve her new masters. She howled with them as they mounted her one by one,
fucking her pussy until they knotted her and filled her womb with their seed.
While she knelt there, ass to ass with one dog whose knot had locked them
together, a second dog mounted her and pushed his cock up her ass! Ecstasy, it was
one of the few words that the bitch could still remember clearly, she was in
ecstasy as the second dog fucked her asshole. A third dog then stood in front of
her, his flank against her face. The bitch moaned in ecstasy as she leaned her
head under him and took his cock into her mouth, sucking him hungrily.
More time passed, and the sun set in the distance. Lilica recovered some of
herself as she lay on the ground, spent and contented. She noticed that two of the
women from before had joined her, the short haired blonde and the pregnant aqua
haired girl. Both of them moaned together as they were fucked by one of the
mastiffs and a great dane. The dark haired dog fucker then got back up and moved
to lay on her back again, spreading her legs wide to allow one of the rottweilers
to fuck her missionary style again. The two other women smiled at her and Lilica
moaned in bliss, feeling as though she had come home to where she belonged.


Kosame awoke to find herself in another room, this one far more welcoming
than those she�d seen earlier. The walls were a soft green with matching carpet a
few shades darker. The bed she laid on was a large queen sized one, with plush
pillows and satin sheets. There was no sign of the demonic woman or Koyomi
anywhere. Her hazel eyes then widened as her muddled memory cleared, she reached a
hand for the blanket that covered the lower half of her naked body when the door
suddenly opened slowly.
The dark haired young woman made ready to fight whoever was on the other side
now that her hands weren�t bound, but the anger inside her faded instantly when
Kirie walked into the room. Worry suddenly replaced her anger when she saw the way
her not to secret love was dressed. Clad in only a maids apron and nothing else,
Kirie carried in her hands a tray that was piled up with plates of food and drink.
�The Mistress thought you might be hungry.� Kirie said while setting down the
tray on a near by table Kosame gasped softly at the sight of Kirie�s naked rump, so
smooth and round, perfectly accenting her slender waist and perfect breasts whose
outer sides she could just barely see. Momentarily forgetting her situation,
Kosame slid out of the bed and ran up behind Kirie, hugging her bare tits to the
other girls naked back, loving the feel of their smooth skin rubbing against one
anothers, it was everything she�d ever dreamed of since first meeting the busty
young woman!
�You shouldn�t wear such kinky outfits around me Miss Kirie, I might get the
wrong idea.� she teased while hugging the other girls waist.
To Kosame�s surprise, Kirie didn�t flinch of scream at her touch, but rather
she moaned softly, a soft, almost musical sound, �But Kosame,� Kirie responded as
she closed her hands over Kosame�s, �I wore this just for you...� she whispered and
slowly moved the dark haired girls hands up to cup her heavy tits.
Kosame gulped, unable to believe this was happening, at last Kirie was
returning her affection! Tears of joy ran down her cheek as she began kneading the
other girls tits, loving the feel of them in her hands as she leaned down to nibble
her ear and listening to the way Kirie moaned in response. She felt the brunettes
nipples stiffening under her palms and her own nipples hardened in return. Oh how
she�d longed for this feeling, so soft, yet so, hard? Kosame�s hazel eyes blinked
as she felt something new between her legs. The heat of her pussy she was all to
familiar with, but now there was something else, another, stronger, throbbing
She pulled back and stiffled a scream at the sight of an eleven inch cock
jutting up from just above her dripping pussy, nestled neatly in the crack of
Kirie�s ass! Kosame suddenly felt dizzy, almost sick with disgust at the sight of
this thing now attached to her, yet at the same time, she couldn�t fight the wave
of new sensations that emanated from it.
�Oh, don�t stop now, it�s just getting to the good part!� Kirie said with a
pout. She then rubbed her ass against Kosame�s cock, moaning again as it slid
between her ass cheeks softly.
Kosame let go of Kirie and backed away several steps, as though trying to get
away from this new thing that extended from her. It stayed with her of course and
Kirie whimpered softly, turning to face the dark haired woman.
�What�s wrong?� she asked, �Don�t you like me anymore?�
�It�s, it�s not that Miss Kirie, but...� Kosame stammered, her mind going in
a thousand different directions at once.
�But what?� Kirie asked as she walked over to the other woman. She reached
her hands behind her back and untied the sash that held the apron against her
waist, followed by the one around her neck. The white garment then fell to Kirie�s
feet softly, leaving her naked in front of Kosame, �I thought you wanted me...� she
said, sounding hurt.
�Miss Kirie...� Kosame said, gasping at the sight of the other womans naked
body. She felt both her pussy and cock throbbing at the image in front of her.
The mix of sensations was strange, but it also felt, good... Kirie quickly closed
the gap between them and began rubbing her nipples against Kosame�s, cooing softly
as their tits jiggled against one anothers.
�All these years, I�ve only rejected you, hurt you, I�m so sorry for that. I
can see things so much more clearly now, and I, I love you too Kosame!� Kirie said
before pressing her lips to Kosame�s in a passionate kiss.
Kosame couldn�t help herself, Kirie�s lips felt so soft and warm, she
instantly kissed back, parting her lips to allow the brunettes tongue to slide
against her own. The two women moaned against one anothers lips and pulled their
bodies in close, mashing their breasts together. �Oh, Miss Kirie...� Kosame panted
when they broke the kiss.
Touching a finger to the dickgirls lips, Kirie smiled, �It�s okay,� she
whispered back, �And just Kirie now, alright?�
�Yes, Kirie...� Kosame said before pressing her lips to the other girls
again, longing to stay in this moment forever. She then shivered in delight as
Kirie began running her hands up and down her naked back, tracing slow lines along
her skin. Kosame felt her cock beginning to ache and twich against Kirie�s belly
and the busty brunette pulled back a few inches and smiled at her.
�Here, let me help you with that...� Kirie said and knelt down on her knees,
bringing Kosame�s cock to her lips. She kissed the bright red tip gently, a bit of
precum trailing between them when she pulled back. The brown haired young woman
then parted her lips wide and engulfed Kosame�s new cock, moaning lewdly around her
length. Kosame moaned with her, the new sensations quickly sending her to heights
of pleasure she never dreamed were possible. The dark haired woman stubbled back a
few steps, falling back onto the bed she had woken up in. All the way, Kirie kept
her mouth firmly latched onto her cock, bobbing her head up and down it slowly.
�Haahh, Kirie, I... ohh... yessss...� Kosame groaned as she began to adjust
to the flurry of new sensations, �Mmm, don�t stop...� she said, leaning back on the
bed and reaching up to play with her own tits while she watched Kirie go down on
her like a skilled whore. Kirie�s brown eyes looked up at Kosame and she could see
how much the other woman was enjoying this. Kosame groaned again, loving this more
by the second as she became addicted to her new cock and the pleasures it gave her.
She placed her hands on either side of Kirie�s head and pushed her down on her
cock, forcing her to take all eleven inches down her throat!
�Oh yes, suck my cock Kirie!� she told her, then moaned at the feeling of
being INSIDE of Kirie�s hot little mouth. She had never before thought of having
sex this way, now, she couldn�t get enough of it. Kirie only moaned as she
deepthroated Kosame, her head moving to take all of the dickgirls length into her
mouth, then sliding up her length until just the tip remained inside. Then, she
brushed her tongue over it, licking her teasingly before sliding it all the way
down her throat again!
�Ooooooh, Kirie!!!!� Kosame moaned as she felt her pleasure mounting on top
of itself, �Please, rub it between those perfect tits of yours, I want to cum in
your face!!!!�
�Sure.� Kirie readily agreed, sliding Kosame�s dick between her breasts and
mashing them around it. She then began sliding her body back and forth, rubing the
dark haired womans dick between her tits, her spit made for perfect lube as Kosame
braced herself on her arms and began bucking her hips with Kirie�s body, fucking
her tits hard. Kirie moaned in pleasure, loving the feeling of a hard cock between
her naked tits, �Oh, gimme your cum Kosame, I want it, I want it now!!!� she
�KIRIE!!!!� Kosame screamed in ecstasy as she felt herself cumming through
her cock, the thick white spunk splattered all over Kiries face and in her open and
waiting mouth. Kirie licked her lips and swallowed what had landed in her mouth
while Kosame fell back onto the bed panting. She climbed up onto the bed with her
new lover and kissed her deeply, letting her taste her own sperm.
�You�re not finished already are you Kosame?� Kirie asked.
Kosame opened her hazel eyes and gave Kirie the same lustful smile she�d
always given her in her many attempts at seduction. �Mmmm, hardly!� she said
before grabbing Kirie and rolling over so that she was on top of her. �I think I
like my new dick!� she said before spreading Kirie�s legs and plunging into her
slippery pussy!


Another two weeks later, Usagi smiled as she laid back on a reclining chair
by the pool, a glass of lemonade rested atop the table next to her as she looked up
at the sky. She wore a white thong bikini over heavily pregnant body, her cocks
body laid flaccid against her thighs as they hung out from the edge of the bottoms.
Koyomi and the others had all settled in nicely, each of them claiming one of the
many room available in the mansion, though Kirie and Kosame took a room together.
The blonde smiled to herself, Kosame made a fine addition to her slaves, and had
shown that she knew her place by not impregnating Kirie right after claiming her.
All the girls continued to go to their jobs outside the mansion, with the exception
of Lilica, whom had opted to stay and become one of the bitches to the many dogs
that now roamed the grounds.
Thinking of Lilica, Usagi sat up slightly and spotted the dark haired woman a
few yards away, again down on all fours while Ricky fucked her pussy from behind.
The sound of the womans panting and moaning were like music to her ears. She then
heard a splash and looked over by the pool to see Ami swimming across the deep end
of the pool, a lovely sight. Over by the shallow end, Usagi saw Haruka and Michiru
wading together. Michiru�s belly was as large as Usagi�s now, it wouldn�t be long
before the aqua haired woman gave birth to Brutaka�s pups. As for Haruka, the
slight swell of her pregnancy had just begun to show, as did Usagi�s mother, and
The sound of footsteps drew the blondes attention and she turned to see
Hotaru walking towards her from the back entrance to the manor. The twelve year
old girl wore a cute dark blue school swimsuit over her slender body as she ran up
to Usagi.
�Mistress,� she said, panting for air, �He�s here. Haruna and Saeko are
taking him over to the stables now.�
Usagi sat up fully, �Wonderful.� she said as she stretched her arms. She
then turned to look back at Lilica. She smiled and stood up with Hotaru�s help,
then walked towards the bitch, enjoying the sight of her kneeling there, ass to ass
with Ricky as the dog poured his sperm into her womb. Lilica looked up at Usagi
with blank, lust filled eyes, she panted like a dog and moaned in ecstasy from so
many orgasms. The blonde licked her lips and beckoned the woman to her feet, �This
way.� she told her and turned to walked towards the other side of the mansion.
Lilica extracted Ricky�s cock from her pussy with a wet pop and followed her
mistress and Hotaru to the other side of the mansion. Just beyond the small
residence cabin was another wooden building, surrounded by straw and a few small
bales of hay.
Pushing the wooden door open, Usagi smiled at Saeko and Haruna, the two naked
women were combing some fine bristled brushes over the coat of a large black
stallion, a thorough bred arabian horse she had told Ami to purchase for them. The
blonde was pleased at the sight of the large horse as she walked over to him and
looked into the beasts eyes. It whinnied loudly and reared its head as she exerted
her influence over him. Haruna, Saeko, and Lilica all gasped as the horses cock
suddenly hung long from between its hind legs, hardening quickly.
Lilica was the first down on her knees, crawling past Usagi and under their
new horse. She hugged the animals massive dick between her naked breasts, moaning
in lust as she rubbed the thing between her tits. Saeko quickly joined her and
began licking the horses large balls with her tongue while Haruna tried to get the
apple sized head of the beast into her mouth.
Laughing at the sight of three lust bound women working to pleasure a horse,
Usagi felt her own twin cocks hardening. She reached a hand up to cup one of her
giant tits, squeezing her milk from the nipple while Hotaru dutifully knelt down to
begin sucking the blondes dicks.
Usagi groaned in pleasure and watched as Haruna began running her tongue
along the underside of the horses dick while Saeko somehow managed to fit one of
his balls in her mouth and rolled it around with her tongue. At the same time,
Lilica shuddered in desire, her entire body covered with sweat as she moved to one
side for Haruna. The blonde closed her eyes and smiled, listening to the sound of
women panting and grunting in lust while they serviced the horse.
As she knelt under the huge animal, Haruna moaned loudly, she couldn�t
believe what she was doing, first becoming a sex slave to her former students,
having sex with dogs in front of them just so they could watch her be a slut. Now,
here she was, licking the thick, stinking cock of a horse! And she loved it!
Haruna had wholly left her old life behind, wanting nothing more than to live as a
sex slave for Usagi and Ami. This was her place, doing anything and everything she
was told to without question, no matter how depraved. The auburn haired woman
moaned like a whore as she felt herself cumming from just the taste of the horses
cock on her tongue.
Across from her, Lilica shuddered in animal heat, her blood feeling as though
it were on fire with lust. Her pussy ached to have that huge cock inside it,
stretching her to the absolute limit and pounding into her very womb! She could
feel her sense of self fading with every breath as she began rubbing her cunt
against the head of the horses cock. She moaned in desire and vainly tried to put
herself under the horse so that his cock could enter her. But without something to
brace her body on, this proved difficult.
Then, as if in answer to her prayers, Makoto and Ikuko entered the stable
with a small portible stall made from metal pipes. The stall had a small tower
over it from which hung a large and sturdy looking harness. At the other end of
the stable, Usagi snapped her fingers and all three women backed away from their
new stallion while Ikuko ushered the beast into the stall. She and Makoto then
fitted the harness around the animals front legs and hoisted him up.
Lilica instantly saw the purpose for the stall and moaned in longing as her
pussy rained with juices. Next, she felt Usagi�s hard cocks pressing against her
back while the dickgirls hands moved to caress her tits. �Do you want that?� Usagi
asked, nodding towards the stallions still rock hard member.
It took Lilica a moment to answer as she needed to search her memory for the
words, �Yes... please...�
Usagi smiled and pushed the dark haired woman towards the stall, �Then take
him in your pussy, all of him!� she commanded.
Lilica rushed to obey, her knees shaking with anticipation as she climbed
under one bar of the stall and positoned herself in front of the horse. All around
the stall, the other woman gathered moved to lay on the straw that matted the
floor, pressing their pussies together and filling the stable with the hot scent of
female juices. Usagi meanwhile claimed Hotaru again and impaled the little girls
holes on her cocks, making her moan in ecstasy as she was fucked by the dickgirl.
None of that mattered to Lilica though as she presented her ass to the horse,
a small logical part of her said that this wouldn�t work, that the beasts cock was
just too big, and would never fit inside her hole. But she didn�t care, she wanted
it, all of it, inside her pussy, she couldn�t live without an animals dick inside
Whinnying loudly, the black stallion leaned into the harness that held him
aloft and plunged his cock into Lilica�s cunt. At first none of his wide length
would penetrate the human womans hot smelling pussy, but he only pushed harder, and
with a resounding pop, his cock stabbed into Lilica�s cunt. The woman screamed in
ecstasy as she was stretched wider than any woman in history, the horses cock
spearing up into her uterus in a single thrust.
�Oh yeah.... Oh yeEAAHH!!!� Lilica moaned in ecstasy as the horses cock
slowly pushed deep inside her pussy. Her belly began to stretch outwards, forming
a large phallic tent as the huge shaft entered her womb. She groaned and rolled
her eyes back into their sockets while she bucked her hips against the beasts
invading member. She felt no pain at all, only a maddening lust that was quickly
consuming her entire being.
Moaning in pleasure, Lilica rocked and bucked her body against the horses
cock, loving the feel of the huge shaft plunging in and out of her pussy. The
swell in her stomach rose and fell with her every motion, showing everyone just how
deep inside her it went. With every thrust, Lilica felt more and more like a mare
in heat, her humanity blissfully slipping away as she moaned, �Yeah horsie!!! Fuck
your mare pussy!!! Fuck me, fuck me hard!!!! Ooohhhhaaaaahhhhhhh... Yeeessss, so
goood, ahhhhhhh....�
All around her, the women watched in awe while Lilica took every inch of the
stallions cock into her cunt. Both of them whinnied in ecstasy, the horse now
fucking Lilica hard making her naked tits jiggle and bouce with every slam into her
cunt. Drool ran freely from the womans mouth, her chest heaving with every panting
In a final display of human intellect, Lilica screamed, �Fuck me, ahhh, fill
your dirty mare with your hot jizz!!!� The light then faded from her eyes as she
degenerated into a complete animal, moaning and grunting with ecstasy while the
horse moved to fulfill her wishes.
Moaning in pleasure at the sight, Usagi began fucking Hotaru�s tight holes
even harder, loving the sound of her cocks sliding in and out of the childs ass and
pussy. Hotaru only moaned in rapture, not watching the spectacle in front of her
as she came again and again.
Meanwhile, on either side of the metal stall, the remaining woman all
screamed in orgasm as they came together. Usagi delighted in the sight of her
mother and Saeko rubbing pussies, two pregnant mothers fucking like street whores
in a barn. Across from them, Makoto and Haruna licked and sucked one another cunts
furiously in a beautiful sixty-nine position, their drenched faces were like the
greatest art to Usagi as she leaned her head back and came inside Hotaru.
A moment later, Lilica and their new horse both whinnies as they came
together. The dark haired womans belly swelled to three times its size, filling
with thick horse sperm. She then fell forward, her knees buckling under her and
landing on all fours under the beast. Its cock flopped free from her pussy, and
instantly a surge of thick white spunk erupted her her now gaping pussy.
All around her, the four women scrambled to get behind the panting woman,
leaning their heads in close to bathe their faces in the flow of equine jizz.
Makoto opened her mouth wide and drank several mouthfulls before Ikuko pushed her
aside to get her own fill. Usagi found the image quite amusing, once diginified
women now fighting over who would get to soak their faces in horse cum as it
trickled from another womans pussy. It was all so beautiful to the blonde and she
renewed her thrusting into Hotaru�s pussy and asshole. Oh yes, she thought, this
will make a fine addition to our new home!

�Come along now Mako-chan, the night is young and if you ever want my cock in
your pussy again, you�ll earn ten thousand yen before sunrise whoring yourself on
the streets!� Ami called up the steps as she stood in the foyer.
�Ha.. Hai, Mistress...� Makoto said as she came down the steps. The long
haired brunette was dressed in green high heels with open toes, black fishnet
stockings, green crotchless panties with a matching skirt that covered nothing, an
open cup bra that showed off her huge lactating tits, and a short green jacket.
The sleeves of her jacket covered the barded wire tattoo on her right arm, but that
was alright, Ami still could see the tattooed sigil of Jupiter with penises stuck
into the curves and folds on Makoto�s right hip. It had been Ami�s own design, and
she loved how Makoto had paid for it, by fucking everyone in the tattoo parlor
that night!
Ami herself was dressed in a new and even sluttier outfit that before. Dark
blue thigh high leather boots, super short hot pants too small to hide her dick
even if she wanted to. She wore them open, with her foot long cock hanging free
for all to see. Over her dick she wore a matching blue leather sleeve with a
spiked ring at the base. As it turned out, Haruna was quite adept with sewing, and
Usagi had placed her in charge of everyones future wardrobes. A pair of
suspenderes were clipped to the waist of her shorts that ran along the sides of her
D-Cup tits. Though technically not topless, Ami might as well have been, for she
wore a gloved shirt with a waist line that ended well above her breasts.
The blue haired dickgirl smiled at Makoto and walked up to her, her arms
wrapping around the girls shoulders, �You love me, right Mako-chan?� she asked.
�Hai, mistress.� Makoto answered.
Ami looked up into Makoto�s eyes, her make-up was still fress, rouge, dark
green eyeshadow, and matching green lipstick. Ami had forgone the mascara this
time, since she didn�t want to see it running again. She kissed the brown haired
girl gently, then deeply, �And you�d do anything for me, right?�
�Yes,� Makoto said, still breathless from the kiss.
�It turns me on so much watching you with all those other men, seeing them
fuck your holes so hard makes my dick like a rock.� she explained, �I�ve been so
bored here lately, and I wanna fuck you again so badly, but it�s hard to get
�Oh Mistress, don�t say that, I�ll do anything you want, I�ll fuck every man
in the city to make you hard again!� Makoto swore as she hugged Ami tightly,
mashing her huge tits to the dickgirls. Milk leaked out from her nipples and Ami
�Good, let�s get going then.� Ami said before taking Makoto out to her
mothers car. She would have liked to bring Saeko along as well, but her mother�s
pregnancy was finally showing, and it would be difficult to whore her to anyone
other than fetishists. Recent scans showed Makoto to be pregnant, though it would
be a few more weeks before it showed in their little cows belly. The dickgirl
smiled, truth was she had no trouble getting hard, she just wanted to see Makoto
whoring herself again. She started the engine on the bright blue sports car and
took off from the mansion. The drive to the Tokyo Red Light district would take
almost an hour, but the sun was still setting in the distance, so they had plenty
of time.
Tonight, Makoto would sell herself for five hundred yen a man, making it so
she only had to fuck twenty men to hit her mark. Ami added an extra condition
though, before they left the car deep in the red light district, Ami had taken a
strip of green electrical tap and used it to close Makoto�s pussy, tonight, every
man would have to fuck her in the ass!
Makoto walked a few paces in front of Ami along the sidewalk, not the least
bit of shame shoed on the brunettes face as she apporached every man they came
across and offered her services. Ami would then watch from the shadows as the two
would take the nearest alley while Makoto went to work. The first customer of the
night only wanted a blowjob, and Makoto was happy to give it to him. Knowing her
mistress was watching her made her so wet. Makoto�s pussy was aching to feel Ami�s
cock inside again, and she would do anything to make that happen. The brunette
groaned around the strangers cock, bobbing her head up and down expertly while she
mashed her huge tits around his length. He came quickly, unable to hold back
against the seasoned whores technique, and sprayed his load right in Makoto�s face,
one wad spashing into her eye and making her wince as the salty substance stung
The man paid Makoto�s asking price and walked off with a satisfied expression
on his face. The brunette then cleaned off as much of his semen as she could
without ruining her make-up and moved on to the next corner
From the shadows of each alley, Ami watched as Makoto serviced one man after
the other. The blue haired dickgirl just loved it when someone pushed her slave up
against the wall and fucked her from behind. She stroked her cock through the
leather sleeve around it and listened to Makoto�s panting and moaning while each
man fucked her asshole. Such a lovely sound, the brunettes moans and the slick
squishing noises of a strangers cock pushing into her ass. Ami loved listening to
Makoto work as much as watching her.
Four hours into the night, Makoto had already exceeded her goal by a thousand
yen, but the brunette had lost track of the money as she began enjoying the role of
being a cheap whore for her mistress. She moaned in false ecstasy while yet
another man reamed her asshole with his stinking cock. Her dark greenb eyes turned
to look down the alley and watched as Ami masturbated to the sight of her being a
street whore. Oh how she loved being of service to her mistress, anything Ami
wanted, she would do, no matter what. More than once Makoto had been taken out on
walks with the dogs, peeing one leg up while Ami or Shingo watched. She would then
be gangbanged by all of them, one after another, until her whole body smelled of
dog spunk.
Other times, Makoto would kneel down on all fours on a table while Ami or one
of the other slaves milked her like the cow she was. The brunettes nipples always
ached with the need to be milked, some days more than others when Ami decided to
punish her for no reason other than to see her tits begin to swell with an overflow
of breastmilk. It felt so good when Ami finally milked her though, the release of
pressure was enough to make her nipples cum!
Makoto let out a moan of true ecstasy at the memory of being milked while her
latest customer came in her ass, filling her rectum with even more sperm. She
accepted his money and knelt down on the ground to let his cum leak slowly from her
asshole. The sound of footsteps nearby drew her attention and Makoto looked up to
see Ami smiling down at her. The dickgirl reached down and pulled her slave to her
feet, kissing her deeply while rubbing her leather clad dick against her belly.
�I think that�s enough for now.� Ami said. She then led Makoto through the
streets, walking hand in hand with her slave, enjoying the lecherous looks the two
of them drew from the people around them. They ran across one of the many
nightclubs in this part of the city and with a little help from her demonic eyes,
Ami and Makoto went inside. All around the interior of the club, people were
engaging in various acts of debauchery. The sight warm both girls loins as they
found a booth and sat down together. Ami couldn�t wait until the whole world
became like this place, but their true masters plans were still far from fruition.
Usagi�s prganacy still required the remaining three Senshi, but Rei might prove
difficult, her spiritual powers were formidable, she might be able to destroy the
demon in Usagi�s womb before it was time, and that would be awful. They needed
more beautiful sluts to serve her before they could go after the final three.
Ami emerged from her thoughts as Makoto crawled under the table and began
sucking her cock through the leather sleeve around it. She smiled, Makoto always
seemed to know just what Ami or Usagi needed at the time. She pulled Makoto�s
mouth off her just long enough for her to remove the sleeve, then watched as the
cow went back to sucking her dick madly. The dickgirl then leaned back in the
booth, enjoying Makoto�s services as she looked around the club.
Several tables had women being fucked by various dogs, another had a girl
with a rather thick snake slithering up her pussy. While another... Ami blinked,
unable to believe her eyes, Minako Aino laid atop the table farthest from where she
sat, four men were around her naked body, one lay beneath her, his cock pounding
into her well lubed asshole while the other three knelt around her blonde head.
She took turns sucking their cocks, moaning in ecstasy between each one as the man
underneath her ceaselessly fucked her ass! The blondes medium sized tits wobbled
and shook with every thrust as she alternated between dicks in her mouth. The man
below then pulled his cock from her ass and Minako reached down to pull the rim of
her anus wide, showing off how stretched her hole had become. She then screamed in
ecstasy as two men began fucking her ass at once!
Ami could hardly contain her glee, she grabbed handfulls of Makoto�s thick
brown hair and forced the girl to take all of her cock down her throat, fucking her
face as she watched Minako go. Mistress Usagi would want to hear of this, they
needed to bring the blonde into their family right away! Ami couldn�t wait to see
how the little slut responded to the sight of Makoto, Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru
all being fucked by their dogs, then being sent to join them once Usagi was
finished with her holes.
Groaning with pleasure, Ami grinned and pulled Makoto up and had her lay back
on the table. She then buried her cock in the brunettes cunt, loving the sound of
her moaning in ecstasy. The two of them quickly drew a crowd of their own and Ami
smiled at them. Men and women alike watched the dickgirl pounding her cock into
the lactating girls pussy. Ami winked at two of the women and offered Makoto�s
nipples to them. Both women, a blonde and a redhead, accepted her offer and
climbed onto the table to begin sucking on Makoto�s tits. The brunette moaned
while the two strangers drank her milk, her legs wrapping around Ami�s waist,
pulling her in deeper. At the same time, a pair of men moved behind the two women
at Makoto�s tits, plunging their cocks into their dripping pussies.
Ami groaned in ecstasy as her once private viewing party quickly became a
total orgy! She leaned down over Makoto, exchaing kisses with the two women at her
tits before locking lips with her slave.
The dickgirl then looked to the crowd of men and women around them, �Somebody
fuck my pussy too!� she said to them. Her wish was quickly granted as a burly man
moved behind her and pulled down her hot pants then drove his dick into her
dripping cunt Ami screamed in pleasure, loving the feel of a dick inside her for a
change. She squeezed her inner muscles around the mans prick while she moved with
him and continued pounding into Makoto. The brunettes cries suddenly became
muffled and Ami looked up to see another woman straddling her face, grinding her
cunt against the girls lips.
The image was too much for Ami and she screamed in ecstasy as she came inside
Makoto, her cum audibly hitting the top of her womb even through the cacophony of
music and moaning around them. Makoto came the instant she felt Ami�s sperm inside
her, arching her back on the table and moaning into the random woman�s pussy in her


Ami waited until after she saw Minako leave the club before taking Makoto out
from under a trio of men that were fucking her every hole and leaving herself.
Idly she wondered how those men would react if they learned that Makoto was only
seventeen, not that it would matter, all kinds of technically illegal things were
going on in there, a little statutory rape wouldn�t be much more than a drop in a
very large bucket. Makoto�s body was almost coated in sperm and milk, and she
stunk of sex all over. Ami loved it.
As they walked down towards where she had parked her mothers car, Ami spotted
a limousine driving down the road towards them. She could hear the thumping of a
heavy base speaker inside and smiled as the car pulled up next to them. The window
rolled down slowly and the blue haired dickgirl spied about four American women
inside. Two with dark brown hair, one blonde, and one with bright green hair. The
green haired woman had very pale, almost cream colored skin, light hazel eyes, and
small breasts that were covered by an emerald colored gown that went with her hair.
The blonde had purple eyes, a light tan, average tits, and was dressed in a sexy
red cocktail dress. One of the brunettes inside had a deep tan, her skin almost
the color of caramel, dark green eyes, and HUGE tits, obvious implants, but they
still looked good on her. She was dressed in a pair of cut-off shorts and a skimpy
tanktop that showed off her cleavage. The other brunette was fairly plain looking,
though in a pretty way, average hair, brown eyes, and dressed in a black skirt and
matching top.
Ami smiled at the group, knowing why they pulled over by them, she and Makoto
both looked like street whores, and the cock still hanging out from her shorts was
obviously what got their attention. She leaned over and kissed Makoto�s cheek,
�Just play along,� she whispered as she moved over to lean against the edge of the
open window.
�You babes looking for a good time?� she asked in English.
The green haired woman smiled back, obviously relieved that Ami spoke her
language, �Maybe,� she answered, the slur in her voice and the heady scent of booze
in the air told Ami that the entire quartet was drunk off their asses, excellent.
�Mmmm, I want the one with the jugs,� said the busty brunette in the limo as
she hefted her own tits and kneaded them against each other. She then spread her
legs wide and began rubbing her pussy through the fabric of her shorts.
�How much for the two of you?� asked the blonde. Out of the entire group,
she seemed the most sober. Ami recognized her from the news media, a visiting Rich
Bitch from the States, heiress to some big international finance corporation, and
known party girl.
The blue haired dickgirl grinned and licked her lips, �Hmm, normally, I
charge extra for groups, but I�ll make an exception for you girls,� she answered in
English again while shaking her ass from side to side. She then moaned softly when
Makoto knelt behind her and began kissing and licking her ass playfully, her cock
hardened fully in its leather sleeve and the brunette reached out to stroke it
�We�ll pay anything you like for the whole night and all of tomorrow.� the
blonde said.
�Oh come on May, can�t we keep them the entire weekend?� asked the green
haired girl.
�Three hundred thousand yen for that, and you pay for the food.� Ami said,
she rather enjoyed this, negotiating over price like a true hooker. She could see
May doing the math behind her eyes, translated to US dollars, her price was just
around thirty grand, �And I promise, this isn�t fake,� she added, leaning up to let
the girl have a good look at her foot long cock, she then pulled her pants down
just enough so they could see her pussy as well.
She heard two of the girls inside gasp in awe and begin begging this May
woman to agree. Ami smiled and pulled Makoto to her feet, leaning her against the
car so that her big tits hung in the window while she buried her cock in the
brunettes pussy sleeve and all. Makoto moaned like the whore she was and began
bucking against Ami�s steady thrusts, �That includes this little cow too,� she
called into the car, then reached around to grap Makoto�s tits, squeezing them just
right and making her milk squirt out from her nipples, the twin streams hitting the
topheavy brunette inside the car. The woman inside moaned in ecstasy and the
crotch of her sshorts suddenly turned darker as she came.
�Deal,� said May before she unlocked the car. Ami pulled her cock out of
Makoto�s whimpering body and smiled, letting her get inside first then climbing in
behind her.
Once inside, Ami watched May roll up the window and tell the driver to head
for some hotel. Ami asked to borrow a phone quickly and the plain looking girl,
Sarah she heard one of the girls call her, handed her a small cell phone. Ami
called a tow company and spoke in rapid Japanese, knowing no one but Makoto could
follow what she was saying. She ordered her mothers car picked up and dropped off
just outside the mansion. After that, she handed the phone back to Sarah and
smiled as she looked over the group of horny women. The whites of her eyes then
began to glow a soft red as she took them all in her gaze. �Now listen very
carefully...� she said to her new group of slaves.
Later that night, the Limo that had been conveying the girls pulled up
outside of one of the most expensive Hotels in all of Tokyo. One of the valets
moved to open the passenger door when the entire vehicle exploded in a white hot
fireball. People screamed and sirens were quickly sounding in the distance. The
fire department arrived quickly, but the heat of the flames was quickly turning the
concrete around it to glass. One of the fire fighters said it would be impossible
to recover any bodies from that kind of blaze.
Luckily, though no one would ever know it, there weren�t any bodies inside to
recover, aside from the unfortunate driver, but the one who set the bomb inside
didn�t care about some old man that couldn�t even get it up anymore. The media
would label it a terrorist attack on the family of the woman who had rented the
limo, just what the bomber wanted.


Lying back in the plush king sized bed of the master bedroom, Usagi sighed
contentedly as Koyomi snuggled up against her naked body. The young woman had
become the perfect �daughter� to the blonde, spending every moment she could at her
side. Usagi smiled at her and Koyomi looked back with adoration in her deep purple
eyes while she hugged her likewise nude body against the pregnant blondes.
�Is there anything I can get for you mother?� Koyomi asked softly.
�Mmmm, no, this is fine for now.� she replied and reached a hand up to stroke
Koyomi�s angelic face. The purple haired woman shivered in delight at her touch
and leaned her face into her hand, kissing the palm gently. Usagi smiled again and
pulled the girl in closer, kissing her deeply. Koyomi instantly parted her lips
for her mother, sliding her tongue wetly against the blondes. The twin cocked
dickgirl moaned against her lips and pulled Koyomi in closer. She felt the other
womans hand gently rubbing over her distended stomach, and Usagi felt the demonic
essense within her enjoy the caress of her slave.
�Will daddy be here soon?� Koyomi asked.
�Not too much longer now,� Usagi said, then smiled, �Looking forward to
having your fathers cock inside you?�
Koyomi blushed and nodded. Usagi just loved the perverted innocence of this
girl, it never failed to arouse her desires as both her cocks rapidly erected. She
placed her hand over Koyomi�s, sliding it down the swell of her stomach and onto
the upper most of her dicks. The purple haired girls slender fingers closed around
the thick rod and began stroking it slowly.
�Mmm, you�re so big and hard now mama...� Koyomi said hotly, the lust in her
eyes obvious.
�Heh, and whose fault do you think that is?� Usagi asked teasingly, �Saying
you want to fuck your father just like that, it turns me on!� she told her while
turning onto her side and kissing her again. Koyomi moaned again and continued
stroking Usagi�s dick. Meanwhile the blonde slid a hand down between Koyomi�s
legs, feeling the dewy warmth of her pussy.
Usagi licked the inside of Koyomi�s mouth while rubbing her fingers over the
outer lips of her pussy, loving the shuddery moans that resulted. Koyomi then
lifted her leg up, sliding it over Usagi�s hip so the blonde could finger her more
easily. The blonde took advantage of the new position and easily slipped tree
fingers into her adoptive daughters cunt, the sound her her juices squishing around
her digits only excited her all the more while she began humping her cock in
Koyomi�s grip.
�Mmmm, ..mama....� Koyomi moaned against Usagi�s lips, kissing her deeper
andusing her free hand to grasp the blonde second dick.
�Koyo....� Usagi whispered back, breaking the kiss and moving to kiss down
Koyomi�s neck gently, sucking on her skin as she went. The purple haired woman
moaned in desire, pumping her hands a bit faster around Usagi�s cocks, drawing out
a bit of precum and using it to lube her palms. Usagi moaned in ecstasy, loving
the dual handjob Koyomi was giving her. She moved to lay back on her back again,
letting the other woman get up on her knees and focus on her self appointed task.
�So biiig...� Koyomi said in awe as she moved down to gaze at her mothers
twin pricks. Her hands continually pumped both rods as she squeezed her legs
together, trying to slow the flow of juices coming from her pussy.
�Mmm, don�t do that Koyomi, it�s bad for you.� Usagi said when she noticed
how heavy Koyomi�s juices were flowing. �Here, let mother help you with that.� she
said, then pulled Koyomi on top of her so that the purple haired woman was
straddling her face. Koyomi moaned in pleasure when Usagi pushed her tongue deep
inside her pussy, drawing out her back flood of fluids.
�Ah, mom, don�t do that, it�s so dirty....� Koyomi protested meekly. She
then brought a hand to her face, smearing Usagi�s precum on her cheek, �I�m so
Usagi giggled and continued lapping away at Koyomi�s honeypot, savoring the
hot and steamy taste of her juice while the young woman went back to stroking her
cocks. �My beautiful daughter could never be dirty...� Usagi said between licks.
�Haahhh...� Koyomi shuddered, her entire body alive and tingling with
pleasure at Usagi�s compliment. She loved it so much when mother praised her, and
wanted to prove she was worthy of such praise to her as she leaned her body down
over Usagi�s pregnant belly and took her upper cock into her mouth, sucking it
loudly as she rubbed her small breasts against the blonde swollen stomach. She
knew her daddy was growing inside mothers belly, and she hadn�t lied when she
acknowledged that she couldn�t wait to be fucked by fathers sure to be huge cock!
The thought alone of him inside her made her cum all over Usagi�s face. The blonde
moaned in ecstasy with her, rubbing her face against Koyomi�s pussy and bathing her
face in the girls fluids.
Koyomi moaned louder ad took as much of Usagi�s cock down her throat as she
could fit. The purple haired girl had long since overcome her gag reflex and she
groaned at the feeling of mothers thick cock in her throat. She tasted more of the
blondes precum and quickly swallowed it, only to find the taste made her crave more
and more.
Lifting her mouth off Usagi�s cock, Koyomi resumed her dual handjob as she
said, �Mmmm, you sure didn�t lie when you said making love was beautiful mama...�
Usagi grinned and gently lifted Koyomi off of her. The purple haired young woman
instantly down down on all fours next to her and reached her hands behind her to
spread her asscheeks and pussylips wide, �Please Momma, I want your love inside me
again, fuck my holes with your fat cocks, please?�
�As if I could say no to that?� Usagi said as she got up behind the other
girl, positioning her dicks at her entrances and plunging them inside. She and
Koyomi screamed in ecstasy while Usagi began thrusting into her again and again,
making the bed rattle and shake beneath them.
�Mmmmm, my little Koyomi�s holes are always so tight around my cocks,� Usagi
groaned, holding onto Koyomi�s hips tightly while she pounded into her, �Your
father is going to love fucking you every day and filling you with his love as
�Oh, yes, I want daddy�s love, I want it momma!!� Koyomi screamed, cumming
again and again with every thrust of Usagi�s hips. She moaned louder still when
Usagi began thrusting even harder, the sound of their flesh slapping against one
anothers was like music in her ears as she said, �I want his love, I wanna make
lots of babies for him and you momma!!�
Usagi laughed, �What�s that, does little Koyo wanna get knocked up by her
�YES!� Koymi answered, �YES I WANT THAT!!!�
�Mmmm, my little girl is such a naughty slut, but that�s why momma love
you...� Usagi said as she felt her cocks throbbing inside the velvety walls of
Koymi�s fuck tunnels, she then slammed all thirteen inches of both her cocks inside
Koyomi, moaning loudly as her dick began spraying her load inside her, �Then get
nice and pregnant for momma, so you can show your father just how much you love us!

�AHhhhh, yes momma, yeessssssssss....� Koyomi moaned at length, her eyes
rolling back into her head in ecstasy.
There was a knock at the door just as Usagi pushed Koyomi�s panting and used
body off her. �Come in,� she called out. The door crept open and her brother
Shingo walked in, wearing his usual brown shorts and t-shirt. Of everyone that
lived here, only Shingo still dressed normally, though he had trouble keeping his
clothes on around his mother, Saeko, and Haruka, the three of them loving it with
the little shota fucked their pregnant pussies. �Yes?� she asked, though not
unhappy to see her brother, having grown rather fond of having him fuck her nipple
from time to time.
�Ami just got back with Makoto, she has a surprise for you.� Shingo reported.
�Oh, well then, lets go see what it is.� Usagi said, getting up from bed and
pulling on a silk robe, though she didn�t close it around her naked body. She then
walked over to her bother and kissed him deeply, letting him taste Koyomi�s juices
that were still coating her face. Shingo kissed back and moved to grab his sisters
big tits, playing with her nipples briefly before she stood up again, �Maybe later,
take me to them for now.�
Shingo nodded and took the lead through the halls of the mansion.


A smile spread over Usagi�s lips when she walked into the foyer of her
manion. Even standing on the second floor walkway between the east and west wings,
she could see the rather large group of beautiful young women stripping off their
clothes. Brutaka sniffed at the crotch of the busty brunette of the group,
lapping at it after a moment and making the American woman moan in pleasure.
�Just delicious aren�t they?� asked a voice from the center of the stairwell.
Usagi looked down to see Kazuharu standing there, dressed in his usual white
vinyl pants, matching vest, and gloves. Miharu stood at his side, naked as usual,
the pink haired girl had sworn off clothing of any kind entirely since coming to
live here, but no one minded, especially the dogs. Walking down a short flight of
steps to the main starcase, Usagi spotted Ami and Makoto at the base of the steps.
She smiled at the blue haired dickgirl and walked down to her slowly.
�Are these for me?� she asked, gesturing to the group of new girls.
�You said we needed some more slaves, and the oportunity arose so...� Ami
trailed off. She then pointed to the blonde in the group of young women �Their
names are...� she began.
�Unimportant.� Usagi said with a wave of her hand in dismissal. She picked
out the green haired woman and the small breasted brunette, waving them over.
�Hmm, yes, these will do nicely.� she said as she instructed them to climb into the
currently unoccupied seats at the end of each banister. She watched in delight as
each girl slipped the vibrator into their pussy and straddled the seat. They both
then laid back in their seat while Usagi and Ami shackled them into their new
posts. The dickgirls then turned on the vibrators and smiled as both young women
began moaning in pleasure while the vibrators buzzed away inside them.
�What about them?� Makoto asked, gesturing to the remaining two girls.
�Send them to Haruna, I could use a new table in my bedroom.� Usagi said.
Makoto nodded and moved to escort the two women to the western wing of the mansion.
Usagi then turned her attention to Ami and smiled, �Well done,� she praised her
fellow dickgirl while rubbing a hand over the flat stomach of the green haired
young woman as she moaned in orgasm on the banister. The blonde stomach seemed to
swell just a bit more as she felt the four new slaves devoting their wills to the
demon inside her.
�That�s not all,� Ami said with a smile, �I have news about an old friend of
�Oh?� Usagi asked.
Before Ami could explain though, the door leading to the east wing of the
mansion burst open and Ikuko came running out into the foyer. She panted softly,
as though having run the entire way here. Her right hand rested over her pregnant
belly, whose swell had finally started to show.
�You shouldn�t exert yourself too much Mother,� Usagi said, �I don�t want my
daughter getting hurt before she�s born.�
Ikuko nodded, catching her breath, �Forgive me, Misstress. But Michiru...
Michiru�s gone into labor! Saeko is with her now.�
Usagi grinned, it was finally time. Walking over to her mother, Usagi kissed
Ikuko�s lips deeply and hugged her gently, �Wonderful. Come along everyone, lets
go and greet a new species as it emerges from their mothers womb!�
Those remaining in the main hall all followed Usagi and Ikuko through the
door the woman had come through to the other side of the house. The passed through
a small blue tinted room with a few erotic art paintings hung on the walls and the
statue of a naked woman with a snake coming out of her pussy in the center. From
there they walked through a long L shaped hallway into another hall with wooden
floors. They followed this path to the end where a set of large double doors
greeted them along with another smaller door. Ikuko opened the smaller door and
the group could hear Michiru panting and moaning on the other side.
�Four people only!� Saeko�s voice called out from inside the room. Though
still a slave to Usagi and Ami, Saeko Mizuno was in charge of all things medical in
the mansion. Usagi respected the womans advice and told the others to wait outside
while she, Ami, Ikuko, and Brutaka went inside, after all, it was only fair the the
father be there to see the birth of his children.
Inside the room, Saeko sat in a chair next to a mid sized bed where Michiru
lay on her back. Her heavily swollen belly seemed to move with her breathing as
she moaned in ecstasy. On the other side of the bed was Haruka and Hotaru, both
down on their knees and cluthing the sheets as Ami�s mastiffs, Bess and Ricky
fucked their pussies while they watched the spectacle. Haruka howled like a bitch
in heat as she came, the pungent scent of her cunt was thick in the air, as was
Michirus and Hotarus.
Usagi smiled, then said, �Now, this won�t do..� She then had Haruka move to
the other side of the bed and resume fucking Bess while Hotaru and Ricky took the
spot she had previously occupied. Next she had her mother get down on all fours at
the foot of the bed. Seeing this, Brutaka instantly mounted the pregnant woman,
adding her moans to the chorus already in the room. Usagi then grinned at the
bestiality triangle around Michiru�s birthing bed while she and Ami climbed in with
her. Ami pulled the leather sleeve off her fully erect cock and pushed the
trobbing rod in the aqua haired girls face.
Michiru panted and nodded, leaning her head up to suck at the dickgirls rod
while her body began convusing in orgasm yet again. She then turned to take
Usagi�s lower cock in her mouth next when the blonde knelt on her opposing side.
Usagi groaned in pleasure and watched the girl debauch herself even in childbirth.
She knew Michiru felt no pain, only wave after wave of ecstasy that would only
leave her craving pregnancy once again when it was over. The same would be true
for all the slaves she and Ami impregnanted. Even Haruka when it was time.
The aqua haired girl screamed in orgasm as a flood of clear fluids erupted
from her pussy. There was no blood,only a clear goo that lubricated the passage of
the first infant. Saeko scooped the newborn up and cleaned it off. Wrapping it in
a dark blue blanket. The child was mostly human, with only a pair of pointed ears
higher on its head to show its canine paternity. The first infant was a girl, with
aqua hair like her mothers and deep yellow eyes like the father.
Moaning around Ami�s cock, Michiru gave birth again, this time producing a
blonde haired infant, though this child was both male and female, a hermaphrodite
with a canine dick just above her pussy. Usagi moaned in perverse pleasure, the
first human canine hybrids were being born in front of her, surrounded by an orgy
of bestiality and debauchery. The blonde had never seen anything so beautiful
before as she came in Michiru�s face while the young woman moved to suck both her
cocks again.
As Michiru went into labor one final time, all the dogs around her howled as
they came inside the women they were fucking. Haruka, Ikuko, and Hotaru all howled
with them as they came as well. The third and final infant to emerge was another
hermaphrodite, this one with deep black hair atop her head. Once the child had
left her womb, Michiru collasped on the bed, panting hard before finally passing
out from pleasure. Usagi and Ami both masturbated briefly, spraying their combined
cum over Michiru�s naked body before climbing off the bed.
Saeko meanwhile tended to the infants, cleaning them up and applying the
required vitamin shots before presenting them to Usagi.
�Oh, their so cute!� Ami said while she stood next to Usagi.
�Yes, the first children born into our family,� Usagi said, feeling the demon
in her womb hum with pleasure at what her eyes were seeing. She turned to look
over at Haruka, the short haired blonde was still down on all fours, moaning in
pleasure while Bess stood ass to ass with her, dumping his load into her already
pregnant pussy. Hotaru and Ikuko were in much the same position and Usagi nodded
her thanks to them. She left the children in Ikuko�s care while she and Ami walked
back out into the hall and made the announcement of a healthy delivery.
Once everyone had finished a brief chat with the blonde, asking the usual
round of questions about names and when they could see them, Usagi dispersed the
group and looked back to Ami, �So, what�s this news of yours?�


On the outside, Minako Aino was your average high school senior, average
grades, average body, average life. But that was only to those who didn�t really
know her. Even her closest friends had no idea about the true Minako Aino, beneath
her pretty smile and fun loving attitude, she was a total slut that adored sex
above all else. The blonde haired girl moaned in bliss as she knelt naked on her
bed, an array of large and thick dildos and vibrators spread out around her. She
had selected one of the largest from her collection and smeared it with a slick
lubricant before slowly pushing it up her asshole. Minako just loved the feeling
of a thick cock up her ass, and made weekly visits to a sex club in the red light
district of Tokyo to have her butt pounded by at least five different men every
Lying down on the dresser, her cat Artemis watched with bored detachment,
having long since become accustomed to Minako�s nymphatic behavior. The blonde
ignored the cat that was watching her, wishing not for the first time that he had
been a large dog instead, at least then maybe they could have some fun together.
Her parents were away for the weekend, visiting some friend in Europe and likely
knee deep in an orgy of their own by now. Having been raised by a pair of
swingers, Minako was no stranger to incest, her father having popped her cherry
when she was only twelve. It wasn�t long before Minako discovered that she had
little sensitivity in her pussy, no matter how big or thick the cock that she took
inside her, she barely ever got off. Until the night her mother used a strap-on
dildo to fuck her ass!
The blonde didn�t have any idea such ecstasy was possible, and from that day
on, she had been completely addicted to anal sex!
Moaning as she pushed the wide ball that rested at the base of the dildo into
her rectum, Minako reached over and picked up a small handpump and began squeezing
it rhythmically. She then groaned as she felt the thick dildo in her ass starting
to swell wider, filling with air that she pumped into it.
�Huuuh, yeah, that�s it...� Minako moaned in pleasure, loving the feel of the
huge shaft growing larger inside her, stretching her anus as wide as it would go.
She then rolled onto her back and sat up, pushing the dildo even deeper into her
ass. Her fingers moved to play with the two silver rings that pierced both her
nipples, looping through them and pulling on the hard nubs. She began panting at
the mix of pleasure and pain, her pussy spraying juices onto the thick bedsheets
that covered her mattress.
�Ooooohhhh yesssssss.� she moaned, loving every second of this.
Just as she felt her orgasm mounting though, the phone rang. Grumbling to
herself, she considered letting the machine answer it, but Rei had been calling her
regularly lately. The raven haired priestess was worried about Usagi and the
others, not having heard from them much lately. She sighed and crawled across her
bed, wiggling her ass as she did, stirring the dildo around inside and picked up
the phone.
�Hello?� she said into the reciever.
�Hi Minako.� replied the familiar voice of Usagi, �Been a while, how�ve you
�Oh, Usagi, hi!� Minako said back, sitting up on her knees agai and
supressing a moan when she felt the dildo shifting inside her, �I�ve been alright,
same old stuff as usual. How about you?�
There was a pause, �Same old stuff, really? That�s not what I heard.� Usagi
said demurely.
Minako felt a glimmer of worry, �What, what do you mean?�
�Oh, I just heard this wonderful story from Ami last night about how she saw
you at a rather interesting club.� Usagi said.
Minako felt the blood draining from her face, �Um, uh, I don�t know what you
mean, Ami must have been mistaken...� How could Ami have been there, Minako
thought, That club only lets in exclusive members!
�Oh she�s sure it was you,� Usagi said, �I�d have her tell you herself, but
she�s rather busy at the moment with her mother. The two of them are fucking each
other right now in front of me, it�s quite a show.�
Minako felt stunned, had she heard right? No, she�d met Ami�s mother, Saeko
was as cold a fish as one could find, she�d never be into lesbian sex, let alone
incestuous lesbian sex.
�I must admit, I was rather surprised when Ami told me she saw you getting an
anal gangbang from so many men at once, but then, somehow it made sense to me in
the end.� Usagi said. �I�m going to be blatantly honest with you Minako. Ami,
myself, my family, Haruka, Michiru, and Hotaru, even Makoto didn�t move to another
district, well we did, but not for the reasons we told you. We�ve all become this
wonderful little family and we moved into this big and beautiful house together so
we can fuck each other day and night in peace.�
The blonde head reeled with the revalation, her pussy began aching with a
seldom felt need to be fucked and her free hand moved to finger the lips of her
dripping cunt as she listened to Usagi talk about all the perverted and depraved
things they were doing. The other blonde even held out the phone on her end and
Minako listened to the sounds of Saeko moaning in ecstasy as Ami fucked her.
�The reason I called is I want you here with us Minako,� Usagi told her, �I
have several dogs and a little brouther here that are just aching to fuck that cock
hungry ass of yours.�
�Unnn...� Minako moaned as she buried her fingers in her cunt while she
wedged the phone between her shoulder and ear to free up her other hand to wiggle
the dildo that was in her ass! This was all too good to be true!
�Mmmm, are you playing with yourself Minako?� Usagi asked.
�Yes...� Minako answered breathlessly.
�Mmmm, sounds wonderful, I�d love to watch you,� Usagi said, as soon as Ami
finishes with her mother, I want to send her over to pick you up and bring you
here, would you like that?�
�Hai...� Minako nodded, feeling herself ready to cum as she listened to Ami
and Saeko in the background.
�Good, be ready in about two hours, and pack an overnight bag. Bring Artemis
if you like, as I�m sure there�s no way he doesn�t know about how big a slut you
are. He can join us if he likes.�
Minako nodded, unable to speak as she began panting and groaning in orgasm,
her now sweat covered body bucking on the bed.
�See you soon....� Usagi said, then hung up.


�Unnnnuh uhhhhhnnn uhhhhh...� Haruka groaned as she laid her naked and sweaty
body on the dinning room table while her former professor plunged his cock up her
ass while Keichi fucked her pussy. The three other men from her classroom were
also there, groaning as she took thier cocks in her mouth one by one. Usagi had
surprised the blonde by inviting them to what they thought would be a formal dinner
party, only to arrive and find the whorish blonde waiting for them. Haruka didn�t
know it, but Usagi had placed a special curse on her, one that drove men mad with
lust in her presense, and being the cock slut she was now, Haruka would always
welcome any dick that was presented to her.
The professor grunted and groaned beneath Haruka, loving the feel of his cock
in her tight little asshole. He didn�t care that he was fucking his student, or
that she was obviously pregnant with likely his child, every time he thrusted into
her, Haruka would moan in ecstasy and beg for more! He reached his hands up to
grab her medium sized tits, squeezing and kneading them roughly while Keichi
pounded into her pussy from above.
As she listened to the sound of Keichi�s cock plunging into her dripping
pussy, Haruka groaned around the cock of another of her former classmates. She
couldn�t remember his name anymore, only that she had to stretch her mouth wide
around his thick pole while she lovingly sucked it. How she adored the hot stink
of a man�s cock in her face, or an animals for that matter, any cock would do for
her now. She slowly pulled her mouth away from the current member and turned her
head to take in another, rocking her head back and forth and tasting salty precum
on her tongue.
�Ohhh, yeah, so tight.... I never thought a pregnant bitch would be so good!
� Keichi groaned as he pounded into Haruka�s pussy.
�Yeah Kei, this one�s a real whore. We all knocked her up and she�s begging
for more!� answered Marimoto as he watched Haruka turn to begin sucking his dick
next. He then grabbed a fistful of Haruka�s blonde hair and pulled her off his
dick, rubbing his spit covered pole in her panting face, �Yeah, you just can�t get
enough, can you bitch?�
Haruka panted in lust, nodding as she tried to lick the mans prick with her
tongue, �Yes, please, let me suck your cock, I need all my dyke holes filled!� she
�Dyke, you�re no dyke Haruka, you�re a cock whore!� the professor said as he
pushed his entire length up the blonde asshole.
�Ahhhhh, yes, I�m a cock whore! Now please, fuck my face too, make me your
bitch, I can�t stand it anymore!!!� Haruka screamed.
Grinning, Marimoto pushed his cock back into the blonde eager mouth and began
fucking her throat as she had asked. The girl gagged, but made no complaint as she
rocked her hips in time with the others thrusting. The swell of her stomach rose
and fell with ever pistoning motion, driving her made with pleasure as she came
again. So many men were inside her all at once, and all around her, there were
people watching as she took every cock into her. It made her feel so good, so
dirty, so happy... Haruka couldn�t remember being this happy, only when she had
her every hole filled while others watched did she feel truely whole. It was her
purpose in life, to be Usagi�s slave, to be fucked by men and dickgirls alike for
her pleasures. Haruka Ten�ou was no longer a person, but a piece of property that
belonged to her mistress, and nothing could be better than this.
Elsewhere in the dinning room, Ikuko Tsukino moaned in pleasure while her
daughter and Mistress plunged her twin dicks into her ass and pussy. The two
womens pregnant bellies rubbed erotically against one anothers as Usagi howled in
ecstasy. The blonde clawed at her own tits, squeezing out her own breastmilk from
her pierced nipple while Koyomi stood next to her with a large dildo in her hand
which she used to fuck the blondes free nipple.
Koyomi adored watching her mother fuck her �grandmother�. She found it so
hard to believe that she had once held such a poor attitude for sex. Now, she
couldn�t even remember WHY she had never enjoy the subject, let alone the act. The
purple haired young woman pulled the dildo from her mothers nipple with a loud
sucking pop, then lowered her head down to suckle the stretched hole as Usagi�s
milk overflowed. While she drank swallow after swallow of her mothers milk, Koyomi
used the lactose covered dildo on herself, pushing it under the soft white silk
gown she wore and up her dripping wet pussy. She moaned around Usagi�s nipple and
slid her tongue into the open tunnel inside it.
Behind them, Usagi�s �throne� waited for its owner to sit back down. The
remaining two women that Ami had brought into service earlier each knelt down on
all fours. Their bodies clad only in strips of thick leather that held them into a
specific position. Their eyes were covered by black leather blindfolds and each
was gagged with a bright red ballgag. Resting atop the bound women was a seat fit
for a demonic queen, with plush cushions and intricate carvings of humans in
various sexual poses laid into the wooden frame.
At the other end of the dinning room table, Kosame groaned in pleasure while
she pounded her cock into Kirie�s tight asshole. The busty brunette sat in the
dickgirls lap and moaned endlessly while Kosame played with her big and beautiful
tits. Kirie meanwhile leaned her head back against Kosame�s shoulder, moaning
loudly and turning to watch the next group in the room.
Kneeling down on all fours, Michiru panted hard as Brutaka mounted her from
behind, the large dogs cock buried hilt deep inside the aqua haired mother of
three. Michiru had recovered from her child birthing in less than a day and now
two of her three children lay beneath the moaning woman, nursing from her tits
while their father worked to knock her up once more
�Hahhh, so good, fuck me you beast, fuck me!!!!� Michiru screamed in ecstasy
before moaning again as her children nursed her her milk laden tits. She rolled
her ass back against Brutaka�s endless thrusting, loving the feel of the animal
dick inside her again while she fed her babies. Her dark blue eyes stared blankly
into the distance as she lost herself in pleasure.
Not too far away, Makoto sat and watched the on going orgy while Saeko knelt
in front of her, her face buried in the brunettes crotch. Ami mother moaned
happily as she lapped away at Makoto�s pussy while a pair of vibrators buzzed away
inside her. Saeko was dressed in a dark blue bondage slave outfit that had been
cut to accomodate her growing belly while Makoto was once again dressed in her
cowprint corset, leggings, and gloves. Her immense breasts jiggled and bounced
with her every shuddery breath while a pair of milking siphons worked both her
nipples. Behind the seat where she rested, a large glass tank sat and was
connected to the brunettes siphons. The thirty gallon reservoir already half full
even though she had only been connected to it for just over two hours.
�Mmmmm....� Makoto moaned, loving the feel of being treated like a cow. She
looked down at Saeko and ran her fingers through the older womans thick blue hair,
pushing her harder against her cunt and urging her to lick her harder.
Just out of the corner of her eyes, Makoto could see Hotaru down on her back,
Bess mounted on top of her and thrusting into her willing pussy while she eagerly
wrestled tongues with the heavy dog. All around the twelve year old girl, the
other dogs that roamed the estate waited their turn with her or busied themselves
with Haruna and Lilica who knelt on all fours beside the younger girl.
Lastly, sitting on the right hand side of the table, Kazuharu smiled while
Miharu sucked his cock lovingly, her bright pink lips slidely lewdly up and down
his length. The pink haired girl moaned around his pole, loving the taste while
Shingo stood behind her always naked body and plunged his smaller cock in and out
of her pussy.
All of this greeted Minako Aino and Ami Mizuno as they entered in from the
foyer. The young blonde gasped in a mix of shock, awe, and instant arousal at the
sight before her. She had dressed in one of her sluttiest outfits, bright orange
leggings that were clipped to her barely visible orange panties beneath a tight
orange miniskirt that was slitted on both sides. For a top, Minako wore a blue
vinyl bra that hugged her mid-sized tits nicely. With it, she had pulled on a
short sleeved leather jacket that was orange on the outside with a yellow satin
lining. The symbol for Venus was embroidered over the left cup of her bra in
golden thread. Artemis had once told Minako that her highly sexual nature was due
to the fact that Venus, the Roman name for the Goddess Aphrodite, was who she
represented among the Sailor Senshi. And Aphrodite was well known for her
voracious sexual apatite, one only outdone by Bacchus, the Greek God of Excesses.
As she surveyed the scene in front of her, Minako felt as though she had died
and gone to heaven!
�Oh, hello Minako, come join us!� Usagi called out from the other end of the
dinning room while she continued fucking her pregnant mother with her twinned
The sight of Usagi in her pregnant and demonic state was a little disturbing,
at first, but Minako got over it just as quickly as she had when she saw Ami�s own
dick when the blue haired dickgirl picked her up outside the loft apartment where
she lived. Artemis had started to say something, but Ami only looked down at him
for a moment before he seemed to settle down. Minako had placed him in the
backseat of Ami�s car while the dickgirl lowered the top of the convertible and
took off through the city streets.
During the ride here, Minako had enjoyed sucking Ami�s long dick while the
blue haired dickgirl drove along the streets. Minako could still taste Ami�s cum
in her mouth even now as she walked over to the table and climbed up onto it,
shaking her ass while crawling over to where Haruka lay buried between five
different men. She never in her life thought she�d see the tall blonde with any
guy, let alone five at once!
Minako envied Haruka, watching as the man beneath her thrusted his thick cock
up her tight asshole. She hadn�t been able to take Ami�s cock up her ass during
the ride here for fear of causing a wreck. So she settled for sucking the
dickgirls cock while putting her ass up in the air for all to see, pulling down her
panties so those they passed could see the huge inflatable dildo that even now
plugged her asshole.
The long haired blonde crawled by Haruka, stopping to suck on the cock of the
man fucking her pussy as he briefly pulled out to cum all over Minako�s face and
Haruka�s pregnant belly. Using her finger, Minako scooped the mans cum into her
mouth and swallowed, loving the taste of it while it was still warm. The man then
went back to Haruka�s well fucked cunt for more and Minako moved on, continuing her
crawl towards Usagi.
The other blonde smiled back at Minako while she reached down to play with
her mothers tits, groping and squeezing them roughly while the slightly older girl
with purple hair continued nursing from Usagi�s tit. Minako noticed an odd glow in
the back of Usagi�s bright blue eyes, but it faded an instant later, the blonde
only blinked at the occurrence and chalked it up to a trick of the light. Her own
blue eyes were drawn to the pair of golden horns on Usagi�s head and the bat-like
wings on her back, but Minako found them uninteresting, they looked so natural on
Usagi, almost like they had always been there.
As she reached the pregnant blonde, Minako panted softly, her ass feeling
like it was on fire now, the inflatable dildo inside her was no longer enough to
keep her sated. Listening to the chorus of panting and moaning around her, Minako
reached behind her and ripped off her panties, casting them aside like so much
trash. She then pushed her inner muscles, forcing the thick dildo out of her
asshole slowly. Minako felt a hand grab hold of the toy and pull it faster. The
dildo came out of her asshole with a loud pop and she heard it bouncing along the
table as it was cast aside.
Unable to hold herself back any longer, Minako moaned and spread her
asscheeks wide with her hands and screamed, �Please, somebody, fuck my ass,
hurry!!!� Her request was quickly granted by one of the men that was fucking
Haruka. She felt his immensely thick cock pushing into her well stretched hole and
she moaned loudly at the feelings of bliss that followed. Her blue eyes looked
over to Usagi again and the other blonde smiled at her approvingly.
�Ahhh, yeah, fuck me, fuck my ass!!� Minako moaned as she pushed herself up
on her knees and bucked her butt back against the strange man inside her. She
screamed again when he grabbed her by her long blonde hair and began pounding into
her roughly. The blonde fell forward, her head jerking back in the mans grip as he
groaned while pounding into her endlessly. The sound of his naked flesh slapping
against hers was maddeningly erotic and shereached her left hand up to push her bra
up over her tits, exposing her pert and sensitive nipples to the cool air of the
room. Another pair of hands instantly grabbed at her breasts, and Minako looked
down to see Ikuko, Usagi�s own mother, playing with her young boobs.
Ikuko smiled up at Minako like a proud mother and the blonde instantly came,
such an adoring look while she performed such a depraved act was too much for her.
She inched forward a little and lowered her chest down into Ikuko�s face, moaning
when the mother of two(soon to be three) began licking and sucking her nipples.
�Yes!!! Yes!!! Fuck my asshole you bastard, fuck me hard!!!� Minako
screamed as she continued rolling her hips against the man behind her. She
couldn�t even see his face, or even guess at his name, but she didn�t care, so long
as he kept fucking her ass while Usagi�s mother sucked on her tits.
Out of the corner of Minako�s eye, the blonde saw what she thought was a
large white panther, one with a crescent moon on his forehead. Where did he come
from, Minako thought in the back of her mind, not having seen Usagi cast a spell on
Artemis, transforming him into a large panther with an equally large penis. She
didn�t worry about it though, she�d be fucking him as well soon enough, for now,
she watched while the woman with a series of crisscrossing scars on her back
crawled over to suck on the beasts spinney cock.
Minako decided that she didn�t care about the animal right now as she panted
and groaned while the man behind her continued fucking her well used asshole. She
couldn�t wait to tell her parents about this, they would be so excited to meet
Usagi�s like minded family. The blonde then watched as Ikuko screamed in ecstasy
while her daughter pounded her twinned dicks into her pregnant holes.
Usagi groaned in pleasure and closed her eyes, savoring the feel of her cocks
spurting inside her mothers body. The pigtailed blonde then slowly pulled herself
out of Ikuko�s panting and used body, watching in delight while her mother
continued suckling from Minako�s nipples gently. She could hardly wait to see her
fellow blonde with a swollen pregnant belly, but there was time for that later.
Looking down at the pair of thirteen inch cocks she withdrew from Ikuko, Usagi
grinned at the sight of the two black condoms that sheathed both rods. Both were
expensive top of the line brand condoms that alwyas earned their keep when she saw
the cum bloated tips that emerged last from Ikuko�s holes.
Smiling and listening to all the panting and moaning around her, Usagi
carefully removed both cum filled rubbers. Each one easily held three ounces of
spunk if not more as they bounced in her hands. The blonde licked her lips and
turned to her �daughter� Koyomi, who still nursed eagerly from her right tit. She
gently pulled her off her nipple and held up the glistening condom for her to see.
Koyomi�s eyes lit up with glee as she leaned her head back and opened her mouth
wide. Usagi laughed and poured the contents of one condom into the girls mouth,
savoring the sight of her gargling the cum in her mouth before closing her lips.
Koyomi then swished her mothers cum in her mouth for several second before loudly
gulping it down and sighing contentedly.
Usagi and Koyomi then kissed and the blonde moaned against her lips, tasting
her own cum in the other womans mouth. When they broke apart, a trail of saliva
connected their lips for a long moment before snapping. Usagi then turned to look
at Minako, smiling as she offered her the second condom full of cum.
Panting with pleasure, Minako leaned her head forward, stretching her tongue
out and curling the end to funnel Usagi�s seed down her throat. The pregnant
blonde grinned and poured her cum onto Minako�s tongue, watching as the other
blonde guzzled it down without a second thought. Her already heavy belly swelled
out even more, making her look as though she were carrying twins now as Minako was
brought into their family.


Ami laid back on the bed in her room, a heavy blanket laid over her leather
and vinyl clad body. She was dressed in the normal outfit she had begun wearing to
bed, a leather corset with vinyl leggings connected to it by a pair of garter
belts. She had taken to wearing a cock sleeve with a special repository on it
while she slept, that way she wouldn�t wake every morning in a bed soaked with her
precum. Her corset was cupless, leaving her large tits exposed to the night air as
she rolled onto her back and murmured in her sleep.
Saeko stealthily moved up the steps to her daughters room looking get herself
a midnight snack. She tipped toed her way right next to Ami and looked down at her
cock sleeve already dripping a little from the tip �Mmm� She said as she moved down
and began to lap the tip of her dauther�s cock sleeve moistening it even more.
�Mmm...� Ami murmured sleepily, shifting slightly in her sleep. Her cock
slowly stiffened under her mothers tongue, leaking even more precum as she let out
a soft moan. A few moments leter, her dark blue eyes fluttered open and she looked
down at her pregnant mother and smiled. �Mmmm, what are you doing here mom?� she
asked dreamily.
Saeko looked up at her daughter with a worried face �I thought my little Ami
was having nightmares.� She said as she placed her hand on Ami�s cock and began to
stroke it gently from the bottom of the cock sleeve to the tip, �But its okay,
mommy is here now no scary nightmres can hurt you.� she said as she began to slide
the cock sleeve off and put her tongue to her daughters bare penis.
�Mmmm,� Ami purred as she leaned her head back and savored the feel of her
mothers mouth around her cock. She then smiled and moved to sit up slowly.
Reaching a hand down, she stroked her mother soft blue hair, watching as the older
womans mouth glided up and down her stiffening tool. The blue haired dickgirl then
grinned and gently pulled Saeko up, hugging her close and nuzzling her face against
the womans neck. �It was sooo scary momma!� she said with mock terror.
Embrassing her dauther and and began to kiss her neck gently �Its alright my
little girl now that mommy is here everthing is going to be okay.� Moving her
breasts up she put them right up against her daugthers breasts and slowly began to
move up and down letting the nipples slide against each other and from tiem to time
spilling a little milk.
�Does my little girl want a drink? Its being made for your little sister but
she isn�t here yet and I�m sure she won�t mind sharing with you.�
Cooing with pleasure, Ami rubbed her tits back against her mothers, enjoying
the feel of her warm milk dripping down the swells of her breasts. She leaned
forward and kissed Saeko deeply, sliding her tongue into her mothers mouth slowly,
savoring the taste while she moved her hands up to cup the older womans tits in her
palms. Breaking the kiss, Ami smiled and leaned down to lick and kiss the dark red
nub of Saeko�s lactating nipple. Her milk was warm and sweet, Ami relished the
taste of it as she closed her lips around the hard nub and began suckling softly.
Saeko moaned as she felt Ami�s soft lips on her nipples, �Oh there you go my
little girl, drink up so you can be big and strong.� she said as she started to get
wet from Ami drinking her milk.
Loving the flavor of her mothers milk on her lips, Ami drank deep, filling
her mouth with milk before each swallow. She lovingly brushed her tongue over
Saeko�s nipple, urging more milk to flow as she felt her cock beginning to ache
with arousal. Idly, she moved a hand to rest over her mothers swollen belly,
loving the feel of the life growing inside her and delighting in the knowledge that
she had put it there. In a few more months, she would be both father and sister to
Saeko�s newborn, and she would enjoy raising the girl to be a fine slut just like
her mother was.
�Uh! Mmm such a good girl I have...� Saeko began to pant as she soaked her
thighs with her juices just from having her nipples milked she could hardly contain
herself. �UMmm With such a good girl I won�t ever need your papa will I?�
Lifting her mouth off Saeko�s right nipple, Ami smiled, �Nope, all we need is
each other...� she said before moving over to the left one and beginning to suckle
it next. At the same time she moved her free hand down to lightly stroke the damp
folds of Saeko�s pussy, listening to the wet sliding noises that her fingers made
as she dipped them inside her.
�AH! YESSSSS! � Saeko moaned as her hot cunt got filled, she could have cum
on the spot but she knew that would make Ami, who was clearly enjoying thier little
act, angry at her.� AH! your such a good little girl you know just how mommy likes
it...� she began to move her hip forward a little as the fingers dove deeper into
her with what power she wasn�t using to keep herself undercontrol and not cum she
whispered into her dauthers ears �Please make mommy cum little girl!�
Ami grinned and lightly bit down on Saeko�s nipple, licking up the last few
drops of her milk before lifting her head up. She then smiled at her mother and
kissed her again while sliding three of her fingers into the older womans fuck
hole, spreading them out inside her and stretching her pussy while her thumb played
over her clit.
Saeko could taste her own milk as Ami�s tongue slid all over her mouth.
Saeko�s moans were muffled by the kiss as she began bucking her hips and trying to
keep her self from cumming. �AAAAHH!� she let out as she broke the kiss and came
releasing her juices all over the bed. She rolled her eyes to the back of her head
so only the bottom of them could be seen. Seko moved her hand to her daughter�s
cock and began to stroke it to match the way Ami was massaging her clit.
Watching as her mother came, Ami grinned and then groaned in pleasure when
she felt the womans hand on her already hard dick. She leaned forward and kissed
her again, savoring the perverse pleasure she felt from the raw incest. Her cock
twitched her her mothers hand while Saeko stroked it slowly and Ami moaned against
her lips. She broke the kiss again after several long moment and leaned her head
down to lick and kiss the side of her neck gently.
�Mmmm, you�re making me so hard momma...� Ami said in a child-like tone.
Hearing her daughter�s voice Saeko moaned feeling relieved that she didn�t
get punished for cumming to soon. As she began to feel her daughter�s cock begining
to throb and grow hotter she slowed her strokes and slowly slid her fingers from
the bottom of her daughter�s twelve inch cock to the tip carrying on her fingers
some precum. �Mmm your milk taste so good can mommy have a sip?�
�Uh huh...� Ami murmured as she began to lay back down on the bed. The
dickgirl was rather enjoying this little reversal of roles, she�d have to do it
more often. She then watched while Saeko got down on all fours and closed her
mouth around the head of her thick cock. A moan of pleasure escaped her lips and
she closed her eyes to enjoy the sensations her mother was so pleased to grant her.
Saeko sealed her mouth completly around Ami�s cock and began to slide her
lips down to its base. Moving her tongue vigorously around every inch of her
daughter that she forced it down her throat. She then slowly used the same suction
on Ami�s penis as she slid up to the head, letting go of the cock with a load
slurpy popping sound. Saeko watched with anticipation as Ami�s cock twitched with
the need to cum and with the same gentleness put her mouth back on the dickgirls
cock and began to slide up and down, this time more rapidly while playing with
Ami�s dripping pussy, loving the feel of her daughters juices coating her fingers.
�Ahhh, mommy....� Ami moaned, her cock aching with pleasure now as she bucked
her hips gently, fucking her mothers throat. She could barly contain herself any
longer as she watched Saeko�s mouth gliding up and down her pole. �Ohh, momma,
that feels so good, your mouth is so hot and wet on my cock...� she said with
panting breaths, �Please, I wanna cum with you, cover my sister with my cum while
she�s still inside you...�
Hearing her daughter�s words started Saeko starting crawling over her
daughter and setting her dripping pussy over her daughter�s massive member sliding
it from her clit down to the bottom of her slit bring waves and waves of
unmeasurable pleasure to Saeko�s body and making her pussy even more wet with
precum. � Oh! Mommy wants you to ram your huge meat into mommy�s cunt, baby are you
going to be a good little girl and listen to mommy?�
Ami nodded and looked up at her mother, �Yes momma, I�ll listen...� she said
with a smile.
Feeling her daughter�s cock penetrate deep into her, Saeko�s only thought�s
were on how she has never known a greater pleasure then being the fuck slave of her
own daughter! With each thrust she could feel the baby move inside her and as she
thought about the baby getting it�s first cum shower she came. �AH! YES! FUCK YOUR
MOMMY! FUCK YOUR DOG FUCKING WHORE MOTHER!� she screamed as pleasure washed over
and her eyes rolled to the back of her head. She couldn�t think of anywhere she
like to be except next to her beloved daughter and as she thought about being
fucked by her for the rest of her life a look of bliss appeared on her face.
Ami groaned in ecstasy and thrusted her hips up in time with her mothers
movements, loving the slick and wet feel of the older womans velvety smooth pussy
hugging her dick. She moved her hands up to caress the swell of Saeko�s pregnant
belly. She could feel her long cock rubbing against the back of her cervix and
closed her eyes in pleasure as she felt her cum ready to surge from her cock. The
look on Saeko�s face was one of mindless ecstasy, an expression Ami never tired of
seeing on the woman as she rammed her cock all the way inside, penetrating her womb
and spraying her cum all over the baby�s placenta as she howled in pleasure with
�AH! AAHHH!� Saeko screamed in a mix of pleasure and pain as her already
swollen belly became twice as big! Rocking her hips as fast as she could the
mother panted like a dog with her tongue hanging out as she orasmed time and time
again. Finally unable to move her body, Saeko fainted and slipped off her
daughter�s still erect cock, shooting cum out from inside her pussy. Glob after
glob of cum leaked out making stomach slowly return to its regular pregnant girth.
Ami smiled and gently pushed her mothers panting body off her, moving the
older woman to lay next to her on the bed. So much for keeping the sheets dry, she
thought idly while she traced her fingertips along Saeko�s naked body. She pulled
the blanket up over their bodies and snugged close to the older woman and spooned
up behind her, gently fucking her again in her sleep as they lay together...


Walking through the Mansion Cabin Residence, Haruka Ten�ou listened to the
sound of her bare feet thumping on the hard wooden floor. The pregnant young
blonde was dressed in a specially made bodysuit made from yellow vinyl that fit
snuggly over her slowly expanding stomach. The outfit was cut to allow her milk
laden tits to hang free and with a hole in the crotch so she could have sex on a
moments notice.
It had been more than two months since Minako and her family had come to live
with them, and Haruka was finding it more and more difficult to get around with her
pregnant body. She could feel the babies inside her moving around all the time
now, the sensation made her almost constantly horny since every kick and undulation
reminded her of how she had gotten knocked up in the first place. One of the
triplets inside her kicked at the walls of her womb and Haruka shuddered in
pleasure. She moved to lean against the wall of the hallway and began panting
softly, her clean shaven pussy growing hot and wet with her every breath.
The horny blonde moved a hand over her belly, rubbing it slowly and feeling
the kicks and spasms of her unborn children. She continued walking along the
hallway, her cunt starting to drip down her thighs and made her way into the main
living space. Inside was a large living room with a quietly burning fireplace set
into the west wall. A large patterned rug dominated the floor and the walls were
lined with a number of wooden and cushioned chairs.
Usagi had decided to use this room to host a number of sex shows for her own
viewing pleasure, and to that purpose, it functioned quite well. Haruka dropped to
her knees as she entered, moving both her hands to rub at her drenched pussy. She
slowly traced her fingertips over the �LOVES COCK� tattoo that was just above her
tight hole and moaned with unfettered lust.
�Hahhh, so hot...� she panted, �Cock, want a cock....� The blonde leaned
down on all fours, her face buried in the thick rug as she drooled with passion.
She could smell her own musk now and it only made her hornier. The young woman
began humping her ass against the air as though she were being taken from behind,
but it wasn�t enough. The heat between her legs only grew hotter and her vision
began to blur as she lost herself in desire.
�Please... someone,� she begged, �Someone fuck my cock loving hole!�
�Gladly,� answered a familiar voice.
Haruka looked up and towards the center of the large room to see Artemis
laying on his side. The once housecat turned panther looked across to her with
large deep blue eyes. His white fur was almost blinding in Haruka�s heat blurred
vision, but she could still see the bright red outline that was the beasts huge
Panting with animal desire, Haruka crawled over to the big cat as fast her
her heavy belly would let her. Closing the distance between them, Haruka instantly
closed her mouth around the spiny length of Artemis� cock. It tasted so hot and
revolting in her mouth, and she loved it! The short haired blonde began bobbing
her head up and down the panthers length, sucking him desperately. Artemis rolled
further onto his side and purred as Haruka went down on him. All the while, Haruka
continued rubbing her fingers over her sopping wet hole, dipping her digits deep
inside and rubbing them over her clit.
Still lying on his side, Artemis purred with pleasure, loving the feel of
Haruka�s hot mouth over his long cock. Since the day Usagi had altered his body,
Artemis couldn�t remember being happier. At long last he was able to fuck Minako�s
tight and seldom used pussy. Unlike when she had sex with men, Artemis� spined
feline cock drove the young blonde mad with pleasure. That first night, after the
dinning room orgy, Artemis had mounted Minako for the first time, and the instant
he shoved his cock into her, the little ass slut came. Her cries of pleasure and
pleas for more still rang in his ears as he watched Haruka�s mouth sliding up and
down his length.
The pregnant whore of a woman stunk of cum from both man and animal, no
matter how much she washed, her scent never changed to Artemis� keen nose. He
suspected Usagi might have had something to do with that, maybe so as to keep the
mongrel dogs here interested in her. The demonic blonde was such a godsend now,
having changed nearly all of the senshi for the better. He felt somewhat bad for
Luna, but decided not to wallow in grief for her. Besides, he had several women to
satisfy him at a moments notice.
Groaning slightly, Artemis felt a familiar throb in his cock and knew it
wouldn�t be long now. �Get on all fours you slut!� he commanded Haruka.
Lifting her mouth off his cock with a sucking pop, Haruka nodded and turned
to put her ass in the air. Her heavy belly barely touched the floor as the huge
beast moved up behind her. He sniffed at her pussy, taking in her musk. He then
moved up over her, careful not to put any of his weight on her body. By instinct
alone, Artemis slid his cock into Haruka�s pussy, listening to the slick squishing
sound of every one of his cock spines pushing inside her.
�Ahhh, yes, fuck me, fuck me, FUCK ME!!!!� Haruka screamed in lust driven
madness, the sheen of conscious thought faded from her eyes, leaving them a dull
blue color as she panted and drooled while rolling her hips against Artemis� dick.
The pregnant blonde then moaned in pleasure at the feel of the big cat thrusting
into her. She felt so filthy and disgusting, and she loved it! Nothing in the
world could make her give up this pleasure, not even if she was begged would she
ever go back to her unsatisfying lesbian ways.
�Ahhh, yes, take my animal cock you whore!� Artemis growled as she humped his
pelvis against the blonde rump.
�Yes, give me your filthy animal cock, give my whore pussy your cats cock!
I�m a dirty animal fucking whore and I love it!!!� Haruka screamed, cumming with
every word she said. Milk began leaking from both her nipples now, making a yellow
white puddle beneath her which made little splashes when her stomach splattered
against it.
�Yessss, so good, fuck me, fill me, make me your slut!!!� Haruka said as she
came again and again, every orgasm greater than the last. In her belly, Haruka
could feel her babies sloshing around, enjoying the ride their mommy was giving
them as she fornicated with an animal. Usagi had told her that once the children
were born, she wanted Haruka to get pregnant again immediately, only this time from
the dogs around the estate. She was to spend the first few months crawling naked
around the grounds, urging the dogs to fuck her whenever possible until she was
pregnant again. And since Ami wouldn�t be doing any scans for signs of pregnancy,
that would take quite a while.
Haruka couldn�t wait to be a dog bitch full time!
Leaning his head back, Artemis roared in ecstasy as he began cumming inside
her. Haruka could feel every spurt of feline cum splashing into her womb,
surrounding her children and making her cum even harder. Her pussy splashed with
female juices, soaking Artemis� hind legs and the floor. The big cat slowly pulled
his cock free, temporarily sated and watched while the blonde got down on her knees
and began licking up the puddle of milk and other fluids from the floor while his
cum slowly ozzed out of her pussy.


The stable smelled of hay and manure in the late afternoon sun as Usagi sat
down on a stack of old crates. The pregnant blonde smiled and leaned back against
the wall, watching the wonderful spectacle before her. In the center of the barn,
Lilica lay on her stomach, strapped into a special saddle that held her arms and
legs down tight in a set of padded recesses. Her head was locked through a stock
that was adorned with a fake horses head atop the bar that was secured around her
The dark haired slut was stripped completely naked and her body had been
doused with a pungent smelling musk that overpowered the other smells in the
stable. Usagi watched and panted softly as the horse came up behind Lilica. They
had yet to really name the large black stallion, not that Usagi really cared. The
beasts name was unimportant, so long as he did what she wanted. And right now,
Usagi wanted to watch while he fucked Lilica�s hungry pussy.
Already the horses cock was hanging long from between his hind legs, the
scent of the musk all over Lilica�s naked body arousing him. The bound woman
panted in anticipation, her pussy already soaked with fluids. Usagi loved to see
Lilica like this, a toy to be used to pleasure her pets. Not once had she or Ami
made use of Lilica�s body, leaving her to be fucked only by the dogs and this one
horse. The once proud womans mind was completely destroyed by the many animal
fuckings, she hardly spoke anymore, and when she did, it was only to ask to be sent
to service the animals.
Smiling widely, Usagi watched as the horse reared up and set his forelegs
down on the heavy metal platform in front of Lilica�s face. The platform was
matted with rough rubber to provide traction for the beast as he moved to plunge
the first several inches deep into Lilica�s cunt. The bound woman screamed in
ecstasy as the horse whinnied and began fucking her hard! The saddle mount that
she was strapped into rocked slightly on the floor with each of the horses thrusts.
Usagi gasped in awe of the sight, grasping one of her cocks in each hand and
beginning to stroke them slowly while she watched the beast drive his dick deeper
and deeper into Lilica�s well fucked pussy. The dark haired woman moaned like a
cheap whore with every added inch of horse cock inside her cunt. Soon, the beast
had driven all two feet of his member inside her, his thick and heavy balls resting
in a specially cut bowl at the back of the saddle.
�Oh yeah, that�s it, give it to her hard and deep!� Usagi cooed as she began
stroking her cocks faster. Nothing excited her more than watching a woman whore
herself to an animal, it was why she was always having her mother fucked by Brutaka
and the other dogs in the mansion. Even now, watching while Lilica was stuffed
full of horse cock, she felt her own dicks throbbing beneath her fingers.
Masturbation wouldn�t be enough for her now, she would need to find one of the
other girls and fuck her soon after this.
Across the room, Lilica moaned in ecstasy, Usagi could see the utter bliss
she felt on her panting face. Her eyes were completely blank, all thoughts gone
save animal lust. The horse behind her whinnied again and began fucking her even
faster, his length making loud squishing sounds as it drove in and out of her slick
and abused pussy.
Moaning in pleasure, Usagi�s upper dick began spurting her cum across the
room, some of it landing on Lilica�s face. The blonde panted in ecstasy, watching
as Lilica�s stomach began to swell slightly, raising her up on the saddle. The
horses thick cock was too wide to allow any of his cum to leak out, forcing it to
pool inside her womb. Lilica could only moan at the feeling, her tongue hanging
from her lips as she teetered on the edge of consciousness. Usagi knew she
wouldn�t be harmed, her spells would see to that. And now the blonde could see
that the horse was enjoying the womans tight hole, as he had yet to pull out even
after cumming inside her.
Grinning, Usagi lifted one of her giant tits to her mouth and began sucking
on her own nipple, laping up the milk that now flowed freely, �So lovely,� she
whispered while kneading one heavy tit. �That�s it boy, fuck her all you want, use
her as your cum bucket every day...� She then closed her blue eyes and leaned her
head back, the points of her golden horns scratched the wooden wall behind her as
her second cock began spurting its load onto the floor. Mmmm, she thought, that�s
a good idea for what to do with that one...


Sitting at one of the small booth tables, Naru Osaka laughed with her friends
Mei, Kei, and Sai. The four of them had begun eating here regularly on the
weekends after going to the movies. They had just recently seen a Comedy from
America and were still laughing about it as they ate together. Naru took a long
sip from her fruit smoothie while Kei stirred the bowl of soup she had ordered.
Soft music played in the background, mixing in with the chatter of the other
patrons of the caf�. Naru didn�t even notice the sound of the automatic doors
sliding open as two new guests walked in. She did however notice the way
conversations seemed to die down slowly and a round of gasps and soft whispered.
�Wow, look at that!� Sai whispered, pointing over to the bar.
Naru turned to look and gasped as well at the sight of a beautiful young
woman with shoulder length aquamarine hair and sea blue eyes. She looked familiar,
but Naru couldn�t quite place her, as she was too stunned by what the young woman
was wearing. She was dressed in a deep blue silk dress that came down to her
knees, its fabric so sheer that nothing was left to the imagination. Naru could
see the woman�s medium sized breasts and their pierced nipples. She wore no
panties, leaving her shaven pussy and bare ass open for all to see. Around her
midriff was a dark green leather corset that pushed up her tits, making them look
larger and forcing her nipples to strain against the fabric. Her arms were covered
by a pair of long leather gloves matching the color of her corset, and around her
neck was what looked more like a collar than choker. She also wore a long necklace
with a silver crescent moon pendant that hung delicately between her tits.
The woman was accompanied by a young man with platinum blonde hair that was
cut short. He was dressed in a white leather trench coat with matching leather
pants and a vest over his otherwise bare chest. He had deep blue eyes and Naru
felt entranced by them as he turned to look at her briefly before walking his date
up to the bartender. The man behind the counter had his back turned to the couple
and didn�t see their more than provacative atire.
�What can I get...� The bartender began to say as he turned, then faultered
when he saw his new pantrons, �...for you..?�
�Could I get a Gimlet, please?� the woman asked in a soft almost musical
voice, looking over at him like absolutely nothing was wrong. The man with her
then leaned in close, placing his fingerless gloved hands on her curved hips as he
began whispering into her ear, �He�ll have the same.� she said for her date.
The blonde haired man then moved a hand up to her right tit, squeezing it
softly before moving his other hand to her left mound. The woman moaned softly in
pleasure at his touch and looked over at the bartender, waiting for her order to be
�Miss, could you maybe do that in a hotel, please?� the bartender asked
The aqua haired woman only reguarded the man with ice cold eyes, making him
flinch as though he�d been slapped. The man fondling her then moved his hands back
down to her waist.
�I guess that�s what they mean by �exhibitionists�.� said Mei.
�Yeow! She�s got her nipples pierced! That looks painful!� replied Kei.
�But that guy with her is really hot.� Sai added.
�You want to join them?� Kei asked.
�No way!� Sai retorted.
Naru listened to her friends with only half an ear as she watched the couple
waiting for their drinks. The aqua haired womans eyes moved to meet her own and
the redhead turned away, blushing brightly. The man behind the mysterious woman
began fondling her left tit again while he nibbled her ear gently. Naru�s hands
shook around her glass, making the ice inside rattle softly. She then watched as
the woman raised her right arm up and over, running her fingers through her dates
soft blonde hair as he used one hand to raise her left leg up, baring her pussy for
all to see while his right hand moved to lovingly caress the moist folds within.
It was then that Naru saw the next set of piercings around her outer labia,
two golden rings, one on either side. The man slotted his index and ring fingers
through them, pulling the petals open and sliding his middle finger down through
the slick canyon inside.
The aqua haired woman moaned softly at his touch, completely oblivious to
those watching around them. In fact, the two seemed to revel in the fact that they
had an audience. Naru watched, entranced by the look of ecstasy on the womans face
as her ruby colored lips quivered with every gasp and moan. She then smiled and
licked her lips erotically.
Sai touched a hand to her cheek, �Oh, I can�t look!� she said, though not
once did she turn her green eyes away from the scene.
�That�s going too far!� Kei said, turning to look at her friends.
�Maybe this is a show or something.� suggested Mei.
Across the room, the womans moans began to grow louder, her eyes closed in
bliss as she leaned back against the blonde haired man while he continued to finger
her as though it were only natural. Naru tried turning away, but the sound of the
womans moaning still penetrated her ears, making her face blush bright pink. She
then turned to look back, unable to look away any longer. She felt as though the
world had gone black, with only herself and these two strangers in it. The
distance between them seemed to close, as if they had moved to stand right in front
of her.
Naru�s heart pounded in her ears, and as she watched, she began to imagine
herself in the womans place, naked for all the world to see as this gorgeous man
fondled and pleasured her. She felt a sudden heat between her legs and began
panting softly as she watched the couple across the room. The redhead imagined
what it could feel like, to be so uninhibited by what others thought, to be free of
all morals and ethics forced down by the world at large. For a moment, she
imagined she felt the mans hand on her cheek, his thumb playing over her soft pink
lips which she would then part slowly and lovingly suck on his digit. She had just
begun to moan softly when Sai broke her out of her daydream.
�They�re leaving now.� she said.
Naru blinked her eyes and turned to watch as they left, the automatic doors
sliding open for them as they walked out. The blonde haired man turned his head
back for a moment, his eyes once again catching Naru�s for just an instant, making
her heart skip a beat.
�I wonder what that was all about?� asked Kei.
�Still, it was interesting, wasn�t it?� Mei asked.
Naru suddenly bolted upright, what was left of her drink spilling over with a
soft clinking sound.
�Huh, Naru?�
�Sorry, it�s... I... I just remembered something I have to do.� Naru said in
a daze.
�Eh?� said Mei.
�I�ll see you later.� Naru said in the same dreamy tone.
�S- Sure...� Kei said as Naru walked away.
�Uh-oh. Maybe that was too much for her.� said Sai.
�She�s so innocent.� added Mei
�I know, I mean she�s usually such a neat freak.� Kei said while looking down
at the spilt drink on the cloth of their table.
Naru didn�t hear them as she quickly followed the couple outside into the
late night air. She paused only for a moment to correct the seam of the bright
yellow jacket she wore as it bunched up against her back. She quickly looked
around the street, people walked about, doing their daily routine as though nothing
had happened. At first, Naru didn�t see the strange couple, as though they had
vanished into thin air. But then, she spotted them just at the edge of her vision.
Less than a block away, she saw the man leaning against the back of a decrotive
column that stood outside a small boutique. The aqua haired woman was still with
him, and she said something Naru could hear and the two began walking down the
street together.
Gasping, Naru quickly ran across the street to the store, but the mystery
couple were already gone by the time she got there. She looked farther down the
sidewalk and spotted them again standing inside a small covered passageway. One
side had an elevator that led down into a parking garage, the other was a bare wall
covered with various graffiti. The couple leaned against the graffiti covered
wall. The man had his arms around the scandalously dressed woman, the flaps of his
coat protecting her against the cool night wind. The lights of the passage
flickered on and off again, nearing the end of their usefulness.
The woman rested her head against the mans nearly bare chest as he kept her
covered with his coat. She then pulled away and looked directly at Naru with that
same smile she�d used back in the caf�. Naru then watched as she began to lower
herself down inside his coat, her head vanishing inside the flaps of leather.
Naru�s heart pounded in her ears again as she watched the lump of the womans
head moving back and forth under the cover of the mans coat. It wasn�t long before
the redhead realized what they were doing. Naru clutched one hand to the edges of
her own coat, holding it closed while the other hovered just inches from her
panting lips. In her minds eye, Naru could see the womans ruby lips wrapped around
the mans cock as she slowly moved her head back and forth, sucking it lewdly
beneath the cover of his coat. She watched as the woman pulled away slowly, a
trail of saliva connecting her lips to the mans hardness for a moment before
snapping. She then licked her lips slowly and looked across to Naru and smiled.
Moaning softly, Naru turned away, hiding herself behind the column of the
store. She caught her breath and turned to look back inside the passage a moment
They were already gone.
Steeling her nerves, Naru walked into the passage to look for them again.
She walked through to the other side and turned to look around. And standing
there, as though waiting for her, was the aqua haired woman. She smiled at Naru
and laughed softly as a car drove by, it�s horn fading into the distance.
Still laughing softly, like a hyena stalking its prey, the woman took a step
towards Naru. The redhead back stepped, suddenly afraid. The woman only continued
to giggle, stalking forward as Naru walked backward. She had only taken a few
steps when she bumped into something hard and warm. She let out a startled cry as
the blonde haired man grabbed her wrists and held her tight.
�No! Let me go!� Naru shouted at him.
Smiling at her, the woman walked up to Naru, �I know you�ve been following
us.� she said. �Why did you come here?� she asked, then leaned in closer, �What
did you think as you watched us?�
In spite of her fear, Naru answered, �I... I thought you were very pretty...�
�And you wanted to try it, too.� the woman finished.
�I... I don�t know. I just...� Naru stammered, she then gasped as the woman
pulled up her skirt and reached a hand inside her pink cotton panties to slowly
stroke her pussy, already damp with arousal.
�Why would you lie?� the woman asked, �I understand you. The same blood that
flows through us... Flows through you as well.�
Naru gasped, struggling in vain against the mans grip, �Ah, no!� she denied
The woman smiled, �Come. I�ll take you with us. And we�ll show you what it
is you�re looking for.�
Off in the distance, a stray cat mewled as it watched the two take Naru into
a large dark SUV and drive away. The only trace of Naru left behind was the small
soft blue barrett style hat that the redhead had been wearing.


Lying back in her throne, Usagi Tsukino cooed with pleasure as she watched
Koyomi and her mother Ikuko lovingly sucked her long twined cocks. The blonde
haired dickgirl was currently dressed in the latest outfit that Haruna had designed
for her. A pink vinyl bodysuit with holes cut for her breasts, belly, and crotch
with matching boots and gloves. She held a long black ridingcrop in her right hand
as she watched her two servants please her insatiable lusts.
Both women moaned and panted around her tools, their wet mouths slurping and
sucking loudly in the quiet living room. She had given everyone a free night to do
as they pleased, leaving the blonde alone with her mother and �daughter�. Well,
not totally alone, but the array of women around her that served as furniture
didn�t count. Their quiet pants and moans were little more than background noise
to Usagi now, no different than the crackling of the fire in the fireplace several
feet away.
Smiling, she reached over to a glasstop table whose circular plane of glass
was held aloft by two young women, their faces obscurred by the leather masks they
wore. Their bodies were lashed together in such a way that they were unable to
move, thus making them the perfect footing for a table. Usagi could hear the sound
of the double ended vibrator that buzzed away inside them, making them quiver in
endless ecstasy. The blonde traced the outline of one young womans rounded ass
before picking up a large wine glass that was filled with Makoto�s breastmilk.
Now that her pregnancy had begun to really show, Makoto�s milk had become
fuller and sweeter than Usagi�s own milk. In fact, the added supply had made the
brunettes tits swell even larger than Usagi�s tits! Not that she minded though, as
a cow, Makoto was expected to have such large �udders�. The blonde laughed and
took a long sip from her glass as the door to the living room opened.
Usagi turned to see Michiru and Kazuharu returning from their trip out.
Usagi was slightly envious of Michiru�s newly flat belly, it allowed her to wear
the kind of slutty outfits that Usagi had come to love so much. But still, she
wouldn�t trade her pregnant body for anything.
Her two slaves walked in and Usagi noticed the load that Kazuharu carried
over one shoulder. The blonde haired man walked over to Usagi�s side and deposited
an unconscious Naru Osaka at her feet. The pregnant blonde raised an eyebrow, she
hadn�t seen her old childhood friend in quite some time, not since they got in to
different high schools what felt like a lifetime ago.
�Fresh meat?� Usagi asked.
�Just some horny bitch we found downtown.� Michiru replied as she began
stripping off her clothes while walking over to the closet in the north wall. In
the low firelight of the room, Usagi watched as Michiru changed over from the
transparent silken dress to a more provacative dark green bodysuit that left her
tits bare. Unlike many of the bodysuits they had, this was one of the few with a
closed crotch, symbolizing a more dominant role in things. As she tied the
crisscrossing bands of leather closed under her breasts, Michiru selected another
outfit for Kazuharu. This one a fully submissive outfit for men consisting of only
a white collar which a chain leash could then be attached, and a set of white
leather strips that went over the chest in an X formation with a brass ring in the
center, as well as three other bands that were secured over the abdomen. The
blonde haired man was allowed nothing else to wear and Usagi raised an eyebrow.
�What did you have in mind?� she asked curiously.
�You gave us permission to bring in new blood if we found it, and this one�s
so innocent and ripe, I just had to bring her home.� Michiru responded while
picking out a long black leather whip and sliding her tongue over it. �It�s been
so long since we broke Hotaru, and just once, I wanted to know how it felt to be in
control like like.�
�Why Michiru, I never thought you for a sadist.� Usagi said with a laugh,
�And here I thought you�d spend the entire night mating with Brutaka.�
Michiru smiled, �He�s busy with Miharu tonight, so I borrowed Kazuharu here
for a little excursion.�
Kazuharu nodded in acknowledgment and Usagi smiled. �Very well, but I want
this one in the family, not another piece of decorum. Use anyone else you may
need, I�ll be watching from the observation room.� said the dickgirl as she lifted
Ikuko and Koyomi�s mouths from her cocks. The two women had continually sucked her
off throughout the entire exchange as though nothing had happened. Now both women
looked up at their mistress with open lust and adoration, drool still running from
their mouths.
�Thank you, Mistress.� Michiru said as she watched Usagi leave with her two
favorite slaves. She and Kazuharu then set to work stripping Naru of her clothes,
tossing them into the fireplace to burn before dressing her in a more appropriate


Outside the Mansion, Makoto and Ami both laid out by the large pool filled
with the brunette�s own breastmilk. Makoto was dressed in a school issue swimsuit
that barely contained her massive tits. Most of the flesh spilled out the sides as
she lay back on one of the reclining chairs. Ami sat next to her in a regular pool
chair underneath the shade umbrella with a glasstop table beside her. Unlike many
of the tables and furniture inside the manor, the table out here was a regular one,
without live supports. It wouldn�t do to have women tied up out here all night and
risk the possibility of illness.
Ami was dressed in a pair of silver satin swimtrunks and a matching bikini
top. The blue haired dickgirl couldn�t wear standard bikini�s anymore, as her cock
would either form a distinct bulge or hang loosely outside the seams. Not that she
often even wore such clothes anymore. She had only bothered getting dressed
tonight because she enjoyed the feeling of satin against her skin.
The blue haired dickgirl picked up an elegant glass from the table and sipped
the contents.
�Mmm...� Ami cooed in delight, enjoying the taste of Makoto�s breastmilk
mixed with vodka and kalua. �Your milk makes for the perfect white russian Mako-
chan.� she complimented the top heavy brunette.
Makoto smiled and moved her hands to rub her mountainous tits, groaning
softly as the front of her bathing suit darkened slightly. Her ever lactating
nipples had begun leaking yet again. Ami smiled and Makoto groaned in mild
�Mmm, Mistress, my udders, my udders are full again...� Makoto whimpered
softly while she massaged her breasts through the fabric of her swimsuit.
Laughing softly, Ami set down her glass and stood up, stretching her arms to
lossen them a bit, she walked over to Makoto and leaned down to kiss her deeply.
Though she would never tell her aloud, Ami really did love Makoto. And while she
took a perverse pleasure in letting her �udders� swell painfully with milk from
time to time, she wasn�t in a particularrly sadistic mood tonight. Not when their
Mistress had given them free reign to do as they pleased.
Breaking the kiss after a long moment, Ami stood up and said, �Well then,
lets take care of them, shall we?� she said while offering her arm to help the
brunette up to her feet. Makoto took the offered arm and Ami pulled her up to her
feet. The blue haired dickgirl smiled at her slave and wrapped her arm around her
slender waist before walking with her back towards the mansion.
Instead of going into the rear entrance however, the couple turned left of
the ornate door and headed towards a small alcove with a plain wooden door at the
end. The door was unlocked and led to a set of darkened stairs that headed down.
Ami flipped a small switch and a series of lights flickered on, illuminating the
Taking the lead, Ami headed down first, the soles of her flipflops smacking
lightly on the cold stone stairs. At the base of the steps was a darkened room in
which she could barely make out a row of silvery tanks reflecting the light off the
stairs. She felt around the wall next to the stairs and found another switch.
Flipping it up, there was a soft hum as the florescent lights came on.
The basement room was undecorated, the walls lined with a row of large silver
tanks, most of them full of Makoto�s milk. In the center of the room was a
circular hole with a large saddle sitting inside it. The saddle was a modified
English style one with a higher backing to it for the rider to lean again. Next to
the hole was a freestanding metal pole atop which rested a control box with red and
green buttons. Ami walked over to the box and pressed the green button. There was
a low buzzing hum and the saddle rose up out of the floor. From the center of the
saddle rose up a pair of long and thick vibrators, several stains could still be
seen in the leather. Down either side of the saddle, the stirrups were wider than
those of a regular saddles and secured against a pair of iron bars.
Ami grinned at the sight, the design was hers, and she still remembered the
look on the saddle makers face when she gave him her order so many months ago. She
then turned to look at Makoto who had already taken off her bathing suit, her huge
tits hanging beautifully from her chest, the nipples still leaking milk steadily.
Ami smiled at her and walked up to the brunette, hefting her heavy breasts
in her hands while leaning up to kiss her deeply. Makoto moaned softly against her
lips and Ami felt her cock hardening slowly. The dickgirl laughed quietly and
kneaded Makoto�s udders gently for a moment before moving her hands down to rub
over the soft swell of her belly. Her pregnancy had finally begun to show and Ami
delighted in watching how it grew larger with each passing week. Usagi had given
her permission to knock Makoto up as much as she wanted, and the brunette swooned
at the news, wanting to have as many of Ami�s babies as her body would allow.
For now though, Ami was satisfied with just the one, since she wanted to take
Makoto out whoring again as soon as the child was born. The blue haired dickgirl
broke the kiss after a long moment and led Makoto over to a closet set against the
far wall. She opened the door and pulled out a special outfit for Makoto. A cow
print body suit with holes for her tits, belly, and pussy. Along with it were
matching gloves and leggings. She handed the outfit to Makoto who began to dress
herself in it while Ami selected another outfit for herself. This one a mock-up of
a nurses gown, the skirt several inches shorter than a normal one, and the chest
area two sizes too mall for Ami�s enhanced chest, making the buttons strain to hold
together as she put the gown on after stripping off her swim trunks and bikini top.
Once they were both properly attired, Ami led Makoto over to the saddle and
watched as the young brunette straddled the seat, making sure to fit the two
vibrators into her ass and pussy. She moaned softly as the thick shafts slid up
into her with wet squishing noises and leaned back against the back rest.
Meanwhile, Ami secured her legs in the stirrups, pulling the bindings tight against
the spandex leggings she wore. Next, Ami handcuffed Makoto�s arms behind her back,
leaving the brunette totally at her mercy.
Stepping back for a moment, Ami smiled and watched as Makoto�s udders slowly
leaked their overflowing milk. Her cock stood out from under the short while skirt
she wore and the blue haired dickgirl slowly stroked it, delighting in the
sensations it brought her. Even so many months after becoming Usagi�s slave, Ami
still couldn�t get enough of the pleasures her bi-gendered body brought to her.
She wouldn�t, no couldn�t ever go back to the way she was, not even if someone
begged her to. Ami smiled as Makoto whimpered softly, the ache in her tits now
becoming an obvious pain.
�Unnn, Mistress, please, milk me... My udders, my udders are so full now...�
Makoto pleaded.
Ami laughed, loving the way Makoto had taken to her role as a milking cow,
going so far as to call her tits udders all the time, and mooing in pleasure when
ever Ami fucked her hard enough to make her spray milk in �lactogasm�.
She smiled at the dark haired girl and looked into her deep green eyes, �Mmm,
does my little cow wanna have her big udders sucked?�
�Moooo...� Makoto answered.
Ami laughed again and reached into her pocket, pulling out a special pair of
latex gloves that she kept handy. The tips of the thumb, middle, and index fingers
were thicker than normal gloves and textured with oval shaped domes and bumps.
Inside them was a special thickened liquid that was meant for massage, but Ami had
descovered a more useful application for them.
Moving to stand behind Makoto, Ami reached her arms around the brunette and
took her heavy tits in her hands. Makoto moaned in pleasure as Ami gripped her
breasts and lifted them up slightly, �Mmmm, my my, your udders have gotten so big
my sweet little Mako-chan, they must weigh at least fifteen pounds each!� she
whispered into the girls ear as she began rubbing her thumb and index fingers
around Makoto�s puffy areola�s. The brown haired girl moaned louder and bucked
against the twin dildos now buzzing inside her.
Twin jets of milk sprayed from her nipples and Ami grinned, moving to nibble
on the girls ear as she continued to knead her slaves heavy tits.
�Mi..Mistress... my udders, my udders feel so good...� Makoto panted softly.
�Mmm, I�ll bet they do...� Ami purred into the girls ear while she pinched
Makoto�s nipples between her textured fingertips. She relished the sound of
Makoto�s moans as the milk dribbled down her gloved hands and splattered against
the leather of the saddle. She looked up to the ceiling and saw the two long
suckers that hung from a pair of long clear plastic tubes. She could hear air
being sucked into them quietly, signaling that they were ready to begin milking
this little cow slut, but Ami was having too much fun right now.
�Mmm, tell me Mako-chan, how many times has your milk overflowed like this?�
she asked while licking the girls neck slowly.
Makoto panted, her udders aching to be milked, she mooed softly before
answering, �Hahh.. Six, no, seven times... Even more since I began carrying my
mistresses baby...�
�Mmmmm, yes, that�s right,� Ami said, softly biting the edge of Makoto�s ear,
making the other girl squeal in pleasure, �Out little cow is gonna have a calf, one
that�s gonna make lots more milk for us, isn�t that right?�
�Ha.. Hai...� Makoto answered, her eyes half closed now, her body trapped
between pleasure and pain. Ami loved seeing Makoto like this, so submissive and
slutty, it made her cock throb with desire knowing that the brunette had once been
such a dominant and self-reliant young woman. She squeezed Makoto�s right tit
hard, making the girl scream in a mix of pleasure and pain, a thick jet of yellow
white milk streamed out her nipple with such force that it splattered against the
far wall.
�Ahhh, please milk my udders!!!� Makoto begged, �They hurt, my udders hurt so
much! Hahh ahh mmm, mooo!!!� Makoto mewled like a cow.
Ami laughed again and reached up to grab one of the suckers that hung from
the ceiling. She placed it over Makoto�s left nipple and watched as it instantly
turned yellow white, filling with milk that was quickly sucked up the tube and into
one of the storage tanks around them. Makoto panted, her body now covered with a
thin layer of sweat while her hips rolled against the saddle, stirring the dildos
inside her ass and pussy. The latter of which had already thoroughly soaked the
leather, creating a new stain.
�Mmm, you look so beautiful like this Makoto, with your big udders so full of
yummy milk for me.� Ami whispered to her. She then reached down and rubbed her
hand down over the girls belly, �Mmmm, and this ever expanding stomach, we�re gonna
have such beautiful children together.�
Makoto didn�t answer, she only panted quietly, her tongue hanging from her
lips as she watched her the milk from her left tit travel up the tube. Her right
one still ached painfully in Ami�s gloved grip as the blue haired dickgirl pinched
and played with the puffy rose colored nipple. Ami meanwhile, only smiled and
rubbed her the textured tip of her index finger over the tip of Makoto�s nipple,
watching as milk slowly sprayed over it. She then pressed down with her fingertip,
delighting in the moan of pleasure/pain that came from her slaves lips.
Much to Ami�s surprise however, instead of her nipple pressing down into the
areola like she had intended, it actually widened around her fingertip, allowing
Ami�s finger to penetrate her tit. Not unlike Usagi�s special nipples. Ami licked
her lips at the sight and began pistoning her finger in and out, causing a cascade
of milk to flow out around her textured finger. Makoto moaned louder, this time in
only pleasure as Ami fingered her nipple. The dickgirl smiled and slowly pulled
her digit free, This, she thought, will be fun. She then reached up and grabbed
the sucker still hanging free, placing it over Makoto�s uncovered nipple and
watching as it too filled with milk nearly instantly.
Makoto leaned her head back and mooed loudly, cumming hard around the dildos
in the saddle. Ami began pinching and pulling around the brunettes areolas again,
making the womans milk flow faster as she leaned over her shoulder and turned her
head to kiss Makoto deeply. The brunette returned the kiss in kind, her cuffed
hands reaching out behind her to grasp the hardness that was Ami�s cock, now slick
with precum.
�Mmmm...� Ami moaned into Makoto�s mouth as she began sliding her length
between the other girls fingers, accepting the offered handjob.
Humping her cock between Makoto�s fingers, Ami moaned in pleasure as she
continued kneading and squeezing the young womans heavy tits. Milk flowed freely
now, the pumps that the hoses were attached to were getting quite the workout
trying to keep up with Makoto�s flow. The brunette herself howled in bliss, her
dark green eyes glazed over with pleasure.
�Mistress...� Makoto panted softly, �My udders, they feel so goood...�
Ami smiled and licked the side of Makoto�s smooth neck, �Mmm, I bet they do
with all that milk being sucked out.�
�I love you Mistress,� Makoto said suddenly, �I wanna be your slave
Ami laughed softly and leaned over to kiss Makoto deeply, passionately, she
sucked roughly on the brunettes wriggly tongue, enjoying the feel of it inside her
mouth. And though Makoto brushed her teeth regularly, Ami could always taste her
own cum in the other girls mouth. She broke the kiss after several long moment and
looked Makoto in the eye, �And you always will be.� she promissed her before
leaning back again so Makoto�s hands could continue stroking her dick.
At the same time, Ami reached out with her foot and felt around for a small
hidden switch. She found it quickly enough and tapped it with her toe. A soft
buzzing noise could then be heard under the sound of the milk pumps and an instant
later Makoto screamed with utter ecstasy as the tiny electordes built into the
saddle began shocking her clit with low voltage jolts.
The brunettes back arched against the padded leather rest of the saddle as
she bucked against the dildos of the saddle. Her dark green eyes went wide with
pleasure as she moaned with constantly repeating orgasms.
YESYESYESYESYESSSSSSSS!!!!!� Makoto screamed at the top of her lungs. Ami smiled,
loving the sight of her pet cow in complete mind destroying orgasm. Makoto began
panting hard, nearly hyperventilating as her body shook with pleasure. Her massive
tits began jiggling with the spasms of her body and her milk began flowing out even
faster, so fast that her nipples seemed to spray the fluid straight up the sucker
cups and into the hoses without pooling inside first. Before long, the flow of
Makoto�s milk outpaced the suction of the pumping machine and the sucked flew away
from the brunettes nipples.
Milk sprayed like twin geysers from Makoto�s puffy nipples, now swollen and
rounded from the prolonged attachment of the milking cups. A puddle quickly formed
on the floor as the flow didn�t stop, but seemed to increase!
GOOOD, AHHHHHHHHH!� Makoto howled, her eyes rolling up into the back of her head as
she neared the brink of consciousness.
Finally though, the twin sprays slowly died down to the regular trickle, and
Makoto slumped in her milking saddle, still panting softly. Ami cut of the
electricity and backed away, looking down at the base of the saddles backrest to
see a pool of her own cum soaking Makoto�s hands and the leather. She had cum in
the girls hands as she continued jacking her off even as she nearly went mad with
Ami smiled at the sight and ran a gloved hand over her cock, bringing it up
to her lips to lick her own spunk from the fingers, savoring the taste. She waited
until Makoto�s breathing returned to normal before unshackling her from the saddle.
She then picked the pregnant woman up in her arms, she felt light as a feather to
the dickgirl even with her slightly swollen belly and gigantic tits. Her unnatural
strength was something she often forgot about since she hardly ever used it. But
right now, Makoto was in no shape to walk herself up the stairs to go back inside
the mansion to get some well earned rest.
The basement floor was still partially flooded with milk, but Ami would deal
with that later. For now, she just wanted to take her cow back to their room and
snuggle with her until she recovered. After that, she wanted to see just how much
of her cock she could push into the brunettes nipples!


Naru didn�t know when or how she had fallen asleep, the last thing she
remembered was getting into a car with the strange young couple and watching as the
nighttime street flew by. Now, as she blinked her eyes to try and clear the
blurriness in them, the sight that greeted her sent a tremble of fear throughout
her entire body. All around her there were women, all of them wearing nothing but
various bondage style get-ups that held their bodies in place. Some served as the
footings for tables, while others were used as human light fixtures, glowing bulbs
shinning in their mouths. The room was full of panting and moaning as the woman
wriggled weakly against their bonds.
Slowly, Naru pushed herself up to her knees and noticed that her attire had
been changed as well! She was dressed in a dark red vinyl bodysuit cut to leave
her breasts and pussy bare. Her pubic hairs had been shaven completely away, and
her legs, now clad in matching vinyl thigh high boots tingled as though freshly
waxed. A long chain was attached to a collar around her neck and rattled softly
with her every movement.
She took in more of her surroundings and found that she was in a plushly
decorated living room with a soft dark red carpet. The walls were also painted in
the same shade of red. The only light came from the two human lamp posts and a
fireplace set into the wall, casting everything in deep shadows.
There was a soft laugh behind her and Naru turned to see the young woman she
had met before, now dressed in a dark green dominatrix outfit which still left her
breasts bare. The crescent moon piercings on her nipples glimmered in the low
light as her had moved something on the stool where she sat. An instant later Naru
noticed that the womans �stool� was actually another young woman, this one with
bright orange hair. She couldn�t see her face, as a black bondage hood covered it.
The item the woman was toying with turned out to be a large plastic vibrator with
which she was pushing in and out of the girls pussy slowly.
�You�re finally awake.� she said, it wasn�t a question. She saw how Naru
looked at the girl she was using for a chair and smiled, �Don�t worry about these
girls, they�re just furniture.�
There was a soft muted fotstep next to the woman and the man she had been
traveling with walked out of theshadows. He stood naked save for a pair of white
leather strips around his waist and another set crossing over his chest in an X
fashion. His erection stood proudly from his groin and Naru suddenly became VERY
aware of her current state of dress. She pulled her arms and legs in close to her
torso, trying to shield her nudity from him.
�How cute.� the woman said, then turned to look at the man, �He likes you,
you know?� she said.
Naru trembled as she sat there on the floor, the chain that was attached to
her jingling quietly. Dispite her fear however, the redhead looked up at the
blonde haired man. He was easily the most handsome man she�d ever seen, taller
than most Japanese men, with natural blonde hair, a unique trait. He looked down
at her with deep blue eyes that seemed to draw her into them. Like the woman
sitting next to him, his nipples were pierced with silver crescent moons that
glimmered in the low light of the room.
The woman spoke up, bringing Naru back to reality, �You see that piercing on
his chest? I want you to kiss it.�
Naru flinched at the command, feeling so very shy and embarassed in front of
all these people. When she didn�t move to obey, the woman stood up, an irritated
expression on her face. In her other hand, Naru saw she held a long leather whip.
She carried the whip with her as she walked around to stand behind the young red
head. Naru didn�t see the womans arm move, but she felt the motion as the whip
snapped against her bare ass. The pain wasn�t as bad as she�d thought it�d be, but
it was enough to make her start to crawl over to the man.
�Faster!� the woman commanded, snapping the whip against her ass again,
leaving a second bright red welt against the creamy colored skin. Naru whimpered
and managed to get herself onto her feet, walking slowly over to the man. He stood
nearly two heads taller than her, placing his chest right in her face. She could
smell his sweat, a clean, though slightly musky odor. Still shaking, the young
redhead leaned over and touched her lips to the piercing, feeling ashamed as she
did so.
The aqua haired woman smiled and walked up behind her, watching with glee as
the redhead slowly extended her tongue to lick the mans nipple. She then reached a
hand down and ran it over the smooth curve of her ass before dipping her fingers
between her legs and into her pussy. Naru gasped and moaned at the intrusion, her
cunt was already slick with arousal, and the womans vinyl gloved fingers slipped
inside her with ease.
�Keep going.� she said to the redhead.
Panting softly, Naru nodded and licked his nipple again, then moved over to
the other one, she felt the cool silver brush under her tongue with each pass as
the woman behind her continued to finger her slit. Naru could feel her own juices
running down her legs now as a familiar heat rose inside her.
Still smiling, the woman whispered to her, �Just do what feels right to you.�
Moaning softly, Naru suckled the mans nipple for several long moments,
enjoying the feel of his hairless chest against her mouth. She then pulled away
and began to slowly move down onto her knees. Her soft blue eyes fixated on the
mans tool, she had never really seen one up close before in her nineteen virgin
years, and now, she had a large one not four inches from her face!
Closing her eyes, Naru turned away, suddenly ashamed again.
�Come on, do it!� the woman commanded her, pulling her fingers from her pussy
and spanking her bare ass lightly.
Naru opened her eyes again and looked at the mans tool. She felt her lips
quivering as she parted them slowly and moved to kiss the base of it. It smells
hot and musky, but not in a bad way. The scent made her pussy throb around the
womans endlessly probing fingers as she ran her tongue up the mans length, stopping
at the tip. She then opened her mouth wide, taking the first few inches into her
mouth. It was thicker than she had expected, and made her jaw ache slightly as she
began sucking him slowly. She could only take a few inches in at first, but as
time went on, she found herself taking in more and more. Naru panted quietly,
taking in nearly his entire length as she became accustomed to the act.
I... I... she thought to herself as she kept on sucking the mans cock. She
could feel his blue eyes staring down at her, as well as the eyes of all the women
in the room. So many people were watching her do such a dirty thing, and she loved
�How is it?� asked the woman, �You�ve never sucked off a guy before, have
you?� she asked as she began fingering Naru�s clit, enjoying the change in the
pitch of her moans, �Does it taste good?�
Naru moaned loudly, pulling off his cock for a moment as if to answer, but
desire pulled her mouth back onto his rod an instant later. I�m... I�m doing such
a dirty thing... she thought, This huge thing... This huge, warm thing... Inside
my lips... It feels so good!
Behind her, the woman smiled and licked her lips, slowly pulling her fingers
out of Naru�s pussy and moving her hand up a hair, then pushing her middle finger
into the redheads tight little ass! Naru gasped loudly around the cock in her
mouth, her eyes closing slowly as she submitted to this and continuing to slide her
head back and forth. Her soft breasts knocked together around the chain that hung
from her neck, The cold steel felt so good against her hot skin as she began to
loose herself in this ecstasy.
After a few moments, she felt the mans cock begin to throb inside her mouth
and her eyes went wide at the sudden taste of salty fluid on her tongue. She then
pulled her head back quickly, gasping as his cum sprayed all over her face and
tits. Her body swayed slowly and the woman quickly mooved to catch her as she
began to fall back, panting softly in her arms.
The woman moved to look Naru in the eyes, �So pretty...� she said to her. It
was then that recognition dawned in Naru�s mind. Michiru Kaiou, she was one of
Usagi�s friends that she�d had made the acquaintance of some years back. No sense
of shock followed the memory though, as the young redhead was still too engrossed
in her own ecstasy to bother with pointless questions about the womans past.
Michiru only smiled at Naru and touched a finger to her lips, collecting some
of the mans cum on the tip then pulling her hand away and touching it to her own
lips to lick the cum off with a smile. She then backed away as the blonde haired
man came over to them and knelt down. Taking Naru�s face in his hands, he leaned
in and kissed her cum covered mouth deeply. They held their mouths together for
what felt like an eternity before he pulled back and looked into Naru�s eyes. She
panted quietly and stared back for a long second. Then, closing her eyes, Naru
leaned forward and kissed the man again, savoring the warm feel of his tongue
inside her mouth.


On the first floor of the Manor in the west wing, Minako Aino sat on a stool
in front of a bar counter. The lounge room of the mansion had only been half the
size it was now when Minako and her family had first moved in. But with a little
magical work on Usagi�s part, the room had been expanded double its original size.
The room had been expanded into what was once a small greenhouse in the back corner
of the building, making plenty of room for the large grand piano and a couple small
The room was well lit, but seemed dark thanks to the deep red hardwood floor
and matching wood panel walls. Minako stirred a small strawberry sundae with a
spoon in her hand, mixing the whipped cream with the strawberries. Like nearly all
the dairy products in the house, the icecream was homemade using Makoto�s
breastmilk, and while at first the idea was surprising to the perverted blonde, she
had grown to like the unusual flavor.
Behind the bar, one of the girls who usually served as furniture of some kind
stood cleaning some beer mugs. She, like many of the random girls staying here,
was Minako�s doing. Having good standing at several of the sex clubs in Tokyo�s
redlight district, Minako had put out word of a new house looking for submissive
slavegirls to be used as furniture and other things. It wasn�t long before Usagi
had a number of lovely young women begging to become part of her household decor.
The blonde didn�t know the girls name, nor did she really care to know. She only
smiled over at her and ordered some more strawberries for her sundae.
Across the room, Minako watched as Haruka laid back naked on one of the
tables and groaned loudly around Shingo�s dick as she hungrily sucked it while one
of her former classmates pounded his cock into her pregnant pussy. The men from
her former Auto Class had become regular visitors to Usagi�s mansion, having become
addicted to Haruka like a drug. Not that the little cock whore minded. As her
pregnancy progressed into its final months, the former dykes sexual apatite had
eclipsed Minako�s own! As she watched Haruka go, Minako felt a tingle of envy
towards her. She wondered what it must feel like, being pregnant with the babies
of three different men at once! The idea made her ass ache lovingly around the
thick dildo she currently had shoved inside her and she began rubbing her ass
against the red leather of the stool.
She silently wished she could get off with her pussy more than her ass, but
the only one who could do that now was Artemis, and the blonde didn�t feel like
giving birth to any abominations like Michiru had. At least not yet. Turning her
head away from the sex show in one corner, she turned to watch as Hotaru carried a
drink over to her father in the far corner of the room.
Kenneth Aino was a tall and handsome man with long dark black hair that he
left hanging loosely around his shoulders. He currently sat in the corner of the
lounge by one of the small circular tables dressed in a pair of bluejeans and a
black t-shirt. Minako herself was wearing only a special pair of panties that held
the thick dildo in her ass. Both the blondes parents were lifetime sex fiends and
had raised her as one as well. Minako�s mother Yukiko, was currently elsewhere in
the house, likely having her own fun with one of the dogs.
The blonde haired girl watched as Hotaru carried the drink over to her
father. The young girl had pulled her hair up into a pair of short pigtails, a
look that went nicely with the pleated schoolgirls skirt and white button-up shirt
she wore.
�Here�s your drink, sir.� Hotaru said as she lowered the tray in her hands
down to present the glass to Kenneth. As the man reached up however, her balance
wavered and she spilt the glass over and the contents spashed in his lap.
�God dammit!� Kenneth swore as Hotaru quickly apologized and reached to get a
napkin out from the small dispenser on the table. She then began patting the
absorbant paper against the mans crotch, hurridly trying to clean up the mess.
�You know, that�s the second drink you�ve spilled on me tonight!� he said to
�I�m sorry sir...� Hotaru said meekly.
�You know you should be punished.� Kenneth said with a dark smile on his
�Maybe I should be spanked.� Hotaru offered with a tiny grin.
The older man smiled back and pushed the tray out of Hotaru�s hand, �Maybe
you should, come here!� he said, �Turn around, lemme see that butt.� he said to
her. Hotaru moved to obey, her cheeks already flushing red. �Pull up your skirt.�
Nodding, Hotaru did as told, revealing a pair of white cotton panties with
little strawberries printed on them. Kenneth rubbed his hand over her ass,
enjoying the way Hotaru�s panties rode up her ass just slightly. �Nice cute little
ass,� he said before slapping one cheek hard, �I just wanna give it a good spank!�
he said while spanking the other cheek. Hotaru gasped and moaned with each impact,
her pussy getting hotter with every second.
�Come here, get over my knee.� the dark haired man commanded the twelve year
old. Moaning softly and smiling, Hotaru did as told and leaned her body over
Kenneth�s lap. He then ran his palm over her small butt again, kneading and
groping her gently before spanking her again hard.
�Tell me you deserve a good hard spanking, for being a careless little bitch!

�Mmmm, I�m a very very bad girl and I need to be spanked!� Hotaru moaned
without a hint of remorse in her voice.
�Now tell me you�re a careless little bitch!� Kenneth said with another slap
on her ass.
�Ah, I need to be spanked hard �cause I�m a careless little bitch!� Hotaru
said fervently.
�That�s right!� he told her as he began slapping her ass hard, making the
little girl moan in pleasure and pain. She squirmed in his lap, wiggling her
slowly reddening ass under the repetative impacts of his hand. �Don�t you struggle
now! Gimme your hands!� he said and grabbed both her wrists, pinning them behind
her back before moving to spank her rapidly. He alternated between cheek, spanking
her again and again in a rhythmic pattern. All the while Hotaru panted and moaned
in ecstasy as she relished the punishment. Her dark purple eyes were closed in
rapture as she squeezed her ass tight, making the impacts that much harder on her
creamy smooth skin.
After several minutes, Kenneth slowed his pace, rubbing Hotaru�s ass gently
and looking over to the nearby wall. �You see that rack over there?� he asked,
pointing to a display of whips and paddles, �I want you to go over there and pick a
paddle that you�re gonna be punished with.� he told her before letting her stand
up. Hotaru nodded and got up, �Keep your skirt pulled up, I wanna see that red
little ass!�
Doing as told, Hotaru walked over to the wall and looked over the array of
paddles, whips and other disiplinary devices. Her ass burned blissfully as she
walked, the stinging sensation made her pussy ache with need as she ran her fingers
over several of the paddles displayed. She finally selected a long rectangular
shaped leather double paddle. It was made with two long flaps of cured leather
placed back to back. The design was so that every slap with it would be twofold.
First the victim would feel the strike of the first flap, then a second hit as the
other flap struck a hand instant later. It was one of the girls favorite tools to
be punished with.
She picked the paddle up off its hook and carried it back to Minako�s father.
She placed it in his hand and he gripped the handle with a smile on his face,
�Good, now beg me to paddle your bottom.�
�Will you please spank my ass?� Hotaru asked sweetly with a bow.
�That�s not what I said.� Kenneth corrected her.
�Will you please paddle my bottom?� Hotaru asked with a little pout.
�Very good,� Kenneth said as he stood up and walked around behind the young
girl. He was easily two feet taller than her, his shadow covering her entire body.
�Now bend down over this chair,� he told her and waited until she hand bent over,
leaning her nearly flat chest against the backing of his seat, �Good, now spread
your legs a bit, right....� he said as he helped her assume a proper position.
�That�s a good girl, now, I want you to reach behind you and pull your panties down
to your knees.�
Shivering slightly, Hotaru did as told, grabbing the elastic band of her
panties and slowly pushing them down to her knees. She could feel the cool air of
the room against her slightly damp pussy, the sensation only made her ache to be
punished some more. Never before had the young girl thought she could find any
pleasure in pain, but Mistress Usagi had taught her better.
�Now I want you to beg me to paddle your bottom again.� Kenneth demanded.
�Mmmm, will you please paddle my bottom?� Hotaru asked sweetly.
�How many do you think you deserve?� he asked her.
�Um, six?� Hotaru offered.
�Six? Alright, keep your legs spread. I want you to count for me, and I
want you to thank me after each one alright?�
�Yes sir...� Hotaru said as she squeezed the cheeks of her ass tightly, eager
for the first strike.
Rubbing the paddle against her ass, Kenneth smiled and looked over to his
daughter. Minako smiled back at her father and raised her glass to him, nodding
slightly as she leaned back against the bar to watch the show. The dark haired man
smiled and brought the paddle down hard on Hotaru�s right asscheek.
�AH! Thank you sir...� Hotaru panted, cumming from just the frst hit.
�What number was that?� Kenneth asked.
�Uh, one.� Hotaru answered.
�You were supposed to keep count, now I�ve lost count and have to start all
over again.� he berated her, �I want you to keep count this time, got it?�
�Ahh, yes sir...� Hotaru said, loving every second of this.
�HAHH!! One, thank you sir...�
�That�s better.� Kenneth said.
�Two, thank you sir...� Hotaru said breathlessly.
�Three, thank you sir...� she said after a moments hesitation. Her pussy was
overflowing now, the juices running down her legs in long rivulets and soaking into
the sock she wore.
�Aahhhh, four! Thank you, sir....� Hotaru cooed, her knees shaking with
pleasure now.
�Hahhahh, Five! Thank you sir...�
�That�s a good girl, just one more and I�ll kiss it and make it all better.�
Kenneth said, loving the way this young girl got off on being spanked. He lightly
rubbed the paddle over her bright red ass, seeing the beginning of several welt
forming on her skin.
�OHHHH!!!!!� Hotaru screamed in orgasm, her knees buckling under her, making
her keep a tight grip on the chair for support, �Six... thank you sir...� she said
while panting hard.
Smiling, Kenneth put down the paddle and moved to slide his fingers over
Hotaru�s bald pussy lips, �There, all done now.� he said to her as he knelt down
behind her and slowly brushed his tongue over the childs bright red ass. Hotaru
shivered in pleasure, loving the feel of his tongue against her skin. She then
moaned loudly as he moved to begin licking her loli pussy, his tongue sliding deep
between her velvety folds. Her hands gripped the edges of the seat as she rolled
her hips back against his face, silently begging him to continue.
Across the room, Minako slowly stroked her pussy through the fabric of her
panties, watching as her father licked and sucked Hotaru�s young cunt. She had
been Hotaru age when she first lost her virginity to her father, and now, watching
as the girl turned around and moved to suck on the older mans cock, Minako was
reminded of those first few days when her parents introduced her to the pleasures
of perversion.
�Mmm mmm mmm....� Hotaru moaned around Kenneth�s cock as her head bobbed back
and forth. The older man groaned with pleasure as he watched her drool dribble
down his length. He reached down with both hands to grab hold of her pigtails,
gripping them like handlebars, he began sliding his hips back and forth, fucking
the girls face roughly. Hotaru gagged slightly, but voiced no complaint as she
took all of his pole down her tight little throat.
�Ah yeah, suck my cock you little whore!� he said to her as he pulled her
down on his cock again and again.
Hotaru moaned in pleasure, loving the feel of a mans cock inside her mouth.
Her ass burned with pleasure from her spanking, making her pussy drip onto the
floor as she gasped for air when Kenneth pulled his dick free, flinging her own
spittle into her face while he rubbed the rod against her cheeks. Moaning with
utter lust, Hotaru grasped the base of his cock and pulled it back into her mouth,
sucking him desperately.
Across the room, Haruka howled like a bitch in heat as she lay down on her
back, Marimoto still pounding into her pussy while Shingo straddled her chest,
pushing his small dick between her milk laden tits. The older blondes face was
already coated with cum and she showed no signs of being close to sated as she
begged the boys to keep fucking her pregnant holes!
Minako enjoyed watching all of this, cumming in her ass several time now as
she drank a tall glass of Makoto�s breastmilk. �Mmmm, it�s good to be home...� she
said to herself as she continued watching the twin sex shows long into the night.


In the cabin like residence behind the mansion, Makoto Kino laid back in a
soft and plush bed. She and Ami had claimed this room months ago, the two of them
decorating it to their own tastes. A number of books about sex and fetishes lined
the walls while cowprint sheets adorned the bed. A small less powerful milking
machine sat in one corner of the room and a small bathroom could be found right
next to the door. Makoto cooed softly as she laid back in the bed, the cowprint
milking costume she�d worn in the basement lay crumpled in a hamper at the foot of
the bed. Her creamy smooth skin still shone slightly with the afterglow of her
milking session with her Mistress even after she�d taken a long and hot shower.
Ami was still in the bathroom, the sound of the shower could still be heard
coming from under the door as Makoto shifted and turned to lay on her side. Her
heavy tits squished atop each other as she ran her hand over the empty space next
to her. The top heavy brunette hated being away from her mistress, even if it was
only by a few feet. No matter how hard she tried, she could never express how
grateful she was to Ami for taking her as her slave, or how much she loved being
her milk cow.
Sighing softly, Makoto turned to lay on her back again, her udders sagging
only slightly to either side of her chest. She slowly rubbed her hands over them,
moaning quietly as the sensations she felt from just the lightest touch. Mistress
Usagi had made her udders so big and sensitive, and now it seemed, her nipples
could be fucked just like Mistress Usagi�s could! Makoto could hardly wait to feel
Mistress Ami�s big cock plunging in and out of her nipples, or even Mistress
Usagi�s cocks. Ami had already promised to whore Makoto out again after she gave
birth to the baby cow growing inside her belly. She said the thought of watching
all those men fucking her nipples turned her on, and the sight of it would make her
want to fuck Makoto non-stop!
�Ohhh, Mistress!� Makoto moaned, her fingers sliding in and out of her pussy
as she masturbated to the thought of having sex with Ami in public while men
screwed her nipples!
�Yes?� Ami�s voice asked sweetly, breaking the brunette out of her little
�Mistress!� Makoto exclaimed, her face flushing red with embarrassment.
Ami stood just outside the bathroom door. Her body completely naked and
still dripping with water. Her medium blue hair hung in clumps from her scalp
before she moved the towel that hung around her neck up to rub the worst of it out.
The two barbell piercings in each of her nipples glinted in the low light of the
bedroom as she walked over to the bed. Makoto�s own nipples had been pierced as
well a few months back, but Mistress Usagi had removed them the night she made
Makoto into an ever lactating milking cow. The holes from her piercings had since
then healed closed, leaving no trace that they had ever been there.
Smiling down at her, Ami sat down on the edge of the bed, and Makoto looked
at the tattoo on her left arm. A black heart with the combined symbols for male
and female in the center, a chain extended from the sides of the heart to wrap
around the blue haired dickgirls bicep. It was the only tattoo Ami had gotten done
on herself a day or so after Mistress Usagi had turned her. Makoto had been
tattooed as well, her marks being a thorny vine encircling her right bicep, and the
sign of Jupiter on her right hip. The Jupiter tattoo had a slight difference from
the sigil that sometimes appeared on her forehead though. Moving down the center
of the �4' like symbol was a penis and in the stylized curve was another penis
fucking the sigil. The hip tattoo was entirely Ami�s idea, she liked it because it
symbolized how Makoto and Sailor Jupiter were now just a fuck toy for her
Ami turned to look at Makoto again and gave her a gentle smile more like the
kind she had given her before becoming the brunettes owner. She reached over and
touched a hand to Makoto�s cheek and the brown haired girl lightly kissed her palm.
�So pretty.� Ami said softly before she leaned over and kissed the other girl
�Mmm...� Makoto sighed in delight, returning the dickgirls kiss in kind.
Ami pulled back after a long moment and looked down into Makoto�s dark green
eyes. She lightly traced her thumb over the brunettes soft pink lips, earning
another kiss from them. She then slid the rest of the way into the bed, rubbing
her wet, naked body against the other girls.
�Mistress...� Makoto began to say, but Ami touched a finger to her lips and
smiled lovingly at her.
�Just Ami right now.� Ami whispered.
�Ami...� Makoto said, her voice barely a whisper.
�My sweet, sweet Mako-chan...� Ami said back, pulling the brunette onto her
side again and mashing her D-cup tits against Makoto�s immeasurable ones as she
pulled her into a deep and passionate kiss. Makoto could feel Ami�s cock against
her thigh, but strangely, it wasn�t hard right now. The brunette moaned into the
kiss, wrapping her arm around Ami�s slender waist. The low swell of her pregnant
belly combined with her giant tits made embracing the blue haired girl difficult,
but not impossible. She could feel the cool metal of Ami�s nipple piercings
pressing into her nipples. The sensation was odd, but not at all unpleasant, it
made the brunette even more eager to have her tits literally fucked, but that could
For now, Makoto wanted nothing more than to hold Ami in her arms and be held
in return.
Savoring the kiss, Ami cooed against Makoto�s lips as she rubbed her hand up
and down the brunettes side, enjoying the feel of her soft supple skin. She broke
the kiss a long while later, staring back into the other girls dark green eyes.
They were glazed over with longing and desire, a lovely sight that the dickgirl
never tired of seeing.
Tonight, Ami didn�t feel like owning Makoto, she only wanted to be with her.
She wanted to enjoy this moment of closeness that so few in the world ever did.
Leaning up on her right arm, Ami looked down at the top heavy brunette, tracing her
fingers over the lines and curves of the tattoo on her right hip and listening to
Makoto coo at her touch. It felt as thought the two of them were the only people
in the world now, and she smiled at the other girl happily.
Makoto�s eyes fluttered open and closed softly as she lay there in bed with
her Mistress. Never before had the brunette known such a feeling of contentment as
she did now. She cooed quietly at Ami every touch and stroke of her naked flesh.
In spite of the cool night air of their bedroom, Makoto felt so very warm now. Her
nipples leaked only a very small bit of milk, so little that it would take several
hours to really form any kind of damp spot on the sheets. It was a rare moment of
peace for them, and the brunette never wanted it to end.
She heard Ami whisper something to her, but she was so lost in the moment
that she didn�t hear what it was.
�Mmm..?� Makoto cooed questioningly. But Ami only touched a finger to her
lips and gently shook her head in dismissal. Kissing Ami�s finger, Makoto just
nodded, it must not have been important if her Mistress didn�t feel like repeating
herself. Still, the brown haired girl felt bad about her brief inattention and
wanted to make it up to Ami right away. She reached out with her right hand
slowly, brushing her fingers over Ami�s flaccid cock softly. The blue haired
dickgirl moaned quietly at her touch, the flesh of her cock slowly growing hard
under the brunettes fingertips.
Leaning in close, Ami kissed Makoto again deeply, her tongue sliding against
the other girls with wet slurping noises. �Mmm, you want that?� Ami asked softly.
Makoto nodded, �Let me please you...� she whispered back then kissed her
Mistress again gently before moving to kiss and lick her way down Ami�s smooth and
creamy skin. The dickgirl smiled and slowly moved to lay down on her back. Makoto
moved with her, pushing herself up on her arms and gently rubbing her heavy udders
over her mistresses skin.
Cooing softly, Makoto kissed her way over the large mounds of Ami�s soft
tits, stopping at her left nipple to lick and kiss the stiffening nub. She suckled
the dickgirls nipple gently, rolling her tongue over the cool steel of the piercing
and listening as her mistress moaned in delight. The brunette then moved down
between Ami�s soft breasts, licking the tender skin in her cleavage while slowly
making her way up to her right nipple.
�Mmmm, that feels nice...� Ami purred as she leaned her head back against the
Makoto smiled, happy to please her mistress and began making her way down
again. Her giant udders left a light trail of milk over Ami�s creamy smooth skin,
and Makoto diligently moved to lick up the mess. Soon, the brown haired girl could
feel Ami�s now hard cock rubbing between her big udders. Moaning softly, Makoto
squeezed them around Ami�s foot long shaft, rocking her body back and forth slowly.
�Do my udders please you, Ami?� Makoto asked cautiously, unsure whether she
still had permission to call her mistress by name.
Ami smiled down at her and nodded, �Mmm, they feel wonderful, don�t stop...�
she moaned.
Smiling, Makoto noded and began rubbing her udder up and down Ami�s cock,
loving the way her member felt rubbing in between them. Ami moaned with her and
reached her hands down to play with Makoto�s nipples gently. She pulled and tugged
on the stiff little lactating nubs, enjoying the feel of Makoto�s milk on her
fingers. The brown haired girl moaned a bit louder as her milk began flowing more
freely with Ami�s attentions, but her Mistress voice no order to stop and Makoto
continued rubbing her giant udders up and down the blue haired girls cock.
After a long while, Makoto could feel Ami�s cock throbbing between her
udders, aching to cum now. Not wanting to displease her mistress, Makoto pushed
her body down a little farther, bringing the dickgirls cock to her face. It
smelled so hot and musky, with a hint of sweat from being between her udders so
long. Makoto licked her lips and quickly engulfed Ami�s cock in her mouth, moaning
around her length like it was the most wonderful thing she�d ever tasted, which it
was! She quickly bobbed her head up and down, not wanting to tease her mistress
anymore. She moved her fingers up to lightly play with Ami�s pussy, sliding her
nimble digits into the dewy hole and spreading them around gently.
Ami panted and moaned in pleasure, her hands gripping the now slightly damp
sheets of their bed. Makoto was such a good whore, she knew just how to pleasure
her in all the right ways. She moaned louder as she felt Makoto�s fingers entering
her seldom used pussy. Curling her toes, Ami groaned in ecstasy and began bucking
her hips against Makoto�s face and fingers. Her right hand reached out over to the
nightstand, pulling open a drawer and retrieving a rubbery black dildo. It was
twelve inches long, molded from a cast of Ami�s own dick. She would often use it
on Makoto to get her milk flowing when she didn�t want to be behind or under the
top heavy cow.
Pushing the dildo into Makoto�s hand, Ami moaned, �Fuck me!� then panted and
gripped the sheets again.
Wrapping her slinder fingers around the base of the dildo, Makoto smiled
around Ami�s cock. She continued bobbing her head up and down slowly, slurping and
sucking the dickgirls hard tool as began rubbing the black dildo over Ami�s slit,
coating it in her overflowing juices. She then listened as Ami groaned in ecstasy
when she shoved the thick rubber rod into her cunt. Her pussy squished loudly
around the dildo and Makoto moaned around Ami�s cock, loving the sound. She began
pushing the dildo in and out of Ami�s pussy in time with the rise and fall of her
head. The twin slurping and squishing noises filled the room, drowned out only by
Ami�s panting and moaning.
�Hahh, yeah, fuck me... that�s it you cow, suck my cock and fuck my pussy!!�
Ami groaned in pleasure. Her D-Cup tits heaved and jiggled with her every panting
breath as she felt herself nearing climax. The dickgirl moaned loudly as Makoto
pushed the foot long dildo all the way into her pussy as she pulled her mouth off
her cock with a loud pop. She then felt Something hot and wet squishing back
around her tool and moaned again. Makoto had never sucked her this hard before,
the sensation was better than fucking the brunettes tight little asshole! Opening
her medium blue eyes, Ami looked down at Makoto and gasped as she saw that the
brunette wasn�t sucking her dick anymore, but rather, she had lifted herself up and
impaled her milk gushing nipple on her cock! Makoto moaned in pleasure as and
squished her massive tit around her rod, all twelve inches spearing into her
nipple, causing copious amounts of milk to spray out.
Unable to control herself, Ami moaned in ecstasy and reached her hands down
to grab Makoto�s huge �udder�. Squeezing the heavy tit flesh in her hands and
bucking her hips up and down, fucking the brunette�s hot, tight, and wet nipple!
Makoto groaned in pleasure, pushing the Dildo into Ami�s pussy as far as it
would go them bracing herself on the bed as her mistress speared up into her
nipple. Milk sprayed out around Ami�s cock with every upward thrust, and Makoto
could only scream in ecstasy as she felt pleasure unlike anything she had ever felt
before. She had experienced �lactogasm� through her nipples before, but this felt
entirely different. Her nipples had become like a second and third pussy, and each
of Ami�s rough thrusts made her cum all over her body. Her unfucked mipple gushed
with milk now, soaking the walls and bed, but Makoto didn�t care, her dark green
eyes began rolling into the back of her head as she moaned in utter ecstasy.
�My udders, ahh Mistress!!! My udders feel so goooood!!!!� Makoto moaned,
then mooed like a cow as her entire body shuddered in orgasm. Ami groaned in bliss
with her slave, pulling her cock free of Makoto�s nipple with a sucking �pop� in
time to spray her entire load of cum into the brunette�s moaning face. Panting,
Makoto instantly fell back down onto Ami�s cock. Taking all twelve inches down her
throat and drinking down her thick sperm!
As Ami�s climax slowly abated, Makoto pulled her mouth off the girls cock,
rubbing its length against her cum covered face and moaning in delight. Ami smiled
down at her, enjoying the sight of Makoto�s face splashed with her cum. To the
dickgirl, Makoto looked most beautiful when she was filthy with cum and milk.
Sitting up, Ami pulled Makoto into a deep and passionate kiss, tasting her own
spunk in the girls mouth.
�Mmmm,� Ami moaned against the brunette�s lips before pulling away, �Looks
like we need another bath!�
Makoto nodded, �Hai, Mistress.�
The dickgirl and milking cow, both laughed.


Walking through the hall of her spacious mansion, Usagi Tsukino smiled as she
surveyed the many erotic pantings that decorated the walls. Beside her, her
adoptive �daughter� Koyomi, and her heavily pregnant mother Ikuko both walked.
Both Ikuko and Usagi had grown to the same size in thier wombs, Koyomi though had
only just begun to show signs of her recent impregnation.
Usagi was dressed in a hot pink vinyl Dominatrix outfit that Haruna had
designed for her. It had all the sluttiness Usagi loved, but was still comfortable
around her heavily pregnant stomach. Both the blondes cock stood erect constantly
now, her lusts rarely ever sated.
Next to Usagi, Koyomi stood dressed in a very sheer silken gown, so see-
through that nothing was left to the imagination. Ikuko, Usagi�s mother, was naked
as always, save for a special red dog collar around her neck.
The trio stopped at one of the pantings and Usagi smiled as she looked at it.
It showed a birds eye view of Michiru the day she gave birth to her litter of half
human, half dog hybrid infants. The aqua haired girls face was a picture of
ecstasy as a second hybrid emerged from her pussy. All around her in the shape of
a triangle were the three acts of bestiality that welcomed the new species into the
world. Using her ever increasing magical powers, Usagi had simply willed the
painting into existence. She planned to do the same with all the births in her
home, which judging by the girth of several bellies, wouldn�t be far off.
�Uh... Mi.. Mistress...� Ikuko panted softly in a shuddery voice.
Usagi turned away from the painting just in time to see a flood of water
erupt from her mothers pussy as her water broke. The blonde dickgirl grinned, it
was time. Sending Koyomi to summon Saeko, Usagi escorted her now moaning mother to
the nearest bedroom and laid her back on the soft mattress. Ikuko panted and
moaned in ecstasy, her body convulsing with pleasure as she began giving birth to
the baby Usagi herself had impregnated her mother with.
�Oh god... so good, I feel so gooooood!� Ikuko moaned as she griped the bed
sheets and spread her legs as wide as she could. Her milk laden tits then jiggled
as she arched her back and screamed in orgasm as the first of many contractions hit
her. Unlike normal human birthing, the childbearing of all Usagi�s slaves would be
orgasmic, not excruciating. Usagi watched, excited by the sight of her naked
mother giving birth to a baby born of incest and loving every second of it.
�Yes, yes, ahhhh Mistress, thank you, thank you for knocking me uuuuuuup!!!!�
Ikuko screamed in orgasm.
�You�re welcome mother, and I�m looking forward to doing it again,� Usagi
said before leaning down to kiss her mother passionately. Their tongue met,
sliding against one another in a sloppy kiss while the blonde reached her hand down
between the womans soaking legs and began fingering her pussy, making her moan even
louder. �...And again, and again, and again!� Usagi finished after breaking their
Ikuko�s eyes went wide and she screamed with another orgasm, �YES, YES, MAKE
As Ikuko�s latest contraction subsided, Koyomi returned with Shingo, Kosame,
and Kirie in tow. Shingo was dressed in his usual t-shirt and brown shorts, while
Kosame and Kirie looked like they were getting ready to go to work. Kirie wore a
three piece dark blue pantsuit whose shirt was a little too tight, the buttons
straining to hold her shirt closed against her big tits. Kosame, true to form,
looked like a girl out of that �Men in Black� movie from the states.
�Where�s Saeko?� Usagi asked.
�Giving birth on the other end of the mansion.� Kosame answered, �Ami and
Makoto are with her now.�
Ah, Usagi thought, so not one, but two births today.
�Lady Saeko has been training me just in case.� Kosame said as she climbed
onto the bed with Ikuko and placed her hands on the womans thighs. The dark haired
dickgirl easily slipped her hand inside the purple haired womans cunt and felt
around. �Baby�s turned, and the cervix is fully dilated, it�ll be any moment now.�
It made sense, Saeko and Ikuko were both impregnated around the same time, it
wasn�t too big a stretch that they�d both go into labor at the same time. Kirie
dial a cellphone between Ikuko�s pants and moans. No doubt calling the office to
say she wouldn�t be there on time. While living here, Kirie, Kazuharu, Koyomi,
Miharu, and Kosame continued working at Kirie�s magazine. Though in recent months,
the magazine had begun displaying the homes of well known fetishists. The switch
had taken the magazine from a respectible home owners shelf, to the upper shelf
behind the black dividers. And while Kirie lost a handfull of employees, her sales
had more than trippled in the last few months! Usagi�s mansion would be featured
in the New Years issue in a couple more months.
Has it really been nine months since then, Usagi thought to herself. The
seasons had turned from late Spring, to Summer, to Fall, and now the early stages
of Winter without her really having noticed. Well they do say that time flies when
you�re having fun, she thought with a grin as she watched her mother go into
another screaming orgasm.
Koyomi moved to stand beside her �mother� and Usagi wrapped an arm around the
older girls waist. �Watch this Koyomi-chan, this will be you in a few more
months.� Usagi said as she rubbed a hand over the girls slightly swollen belly.
�Really mama?� the purple haired girl asked, panting softly as Usagi rubbed
her stomach.
�Promise.� Usagi breathed into the girls ear before nibbling it softly.
Koyomi moaned and shuddered in delight. Usagi smiled and pulled up the girls
sheer gown, rubbing her hand over her smooth ass gently before bending her over the
bed and plunging her twin dick into her ass and pussy!
�Ahhh, momma!!!� Koyomi moaned as she instantly began bucking back against
Usagi�s cocks. Her cries joined with Ikuko�s while Kosame coached the older woman
through her birth.
Kirie meanwhile gathered some clean towels and sterilized them in hot water
with Shingo�s assistance. The busty brown haired girl worked distractedly, her
eyes always straying back to watch Usagi fucking Koyomi next her her own mother as
she gave birth! The blonde could see envy and longing in the girls eyes and knew
instantly that Kirie wanted to be giving birth like this as well. Kosame hadn�t
impregnated her though, and said she wouldn�t until after their true master had
With a glance down at her own heavily swollen stomach, Usagi knew that day
was still a few months off. Two more senshi still remained pure and uncorrupted,
and these two would be the most difficult of all to break.
Screaming at the top of her lungs, Ikuko gave one final orgasmic push and the
newborn emerged from her pussy. Kosame quickly bundled the infant up in warm
blankets after cleaning her. �It�s a girl.� she announced.
�Chi... Chibi-Usa...� Ikuko said before passing out from so many intense
Usagi blinked. No one else in the room would understand the significance of
the name Ikuko had just given their baby, but Usagi did. She grinned and looked
down at Koyomi�s moaning and panting body beneath her. Groaning in pleasure, Usagi
began pounding her cocks into the girls tight holes even faster, making her scream
like a cheap harlot as the blonde laughed.


Stepping out of the Mansion Nursery, Michiru Kaiou moved down the hallway of
the east wing of the manor. The aqua haired young woman had just finished nursing
her three hybrid children Ninpu, Meido, and Naasu. The other slave girls that
Minako had brought to work for them did most of the primary care work for the
growing number of babies in the house. Chibi-Usa and Tanima were the latest
additions to the growing family. Though some of the girl were a bit surprised to
see another hermaphrodite child brought in. Saeko and Ami�s child Tanima had
inherited her �fathers� special trait, while Chibi-Usa was perfectly normal, aside
from the fact that she was now Ikuko�s birth daughter and not Usagi�s. Michiru
tried not to think about it too much, time travel and paradoxes were Setsuna�s
territory and they only gave the young woman a headache.
Looking down at her bare breasts, Michiru smiled as she rubbed the last few
traces of milk from her dark pink nipples. She enjoyed nursing her babies almost
as much as she enjoyed giving birth to them. All three were healthy and stable
according to Ami and Saeko, the first in a whole new species on Earth. Taking the
suggestion from Usagi, Michiru had named her children after her favortie fetishes.
Ami had likewise named her new daughter after a popular fetish.
Walking out into the upper level foyer, Michiru stretched her arms out to her
sides. She was dressed in a cupless green bra that lifted her tits nicely.
Extending down from the bra was a sheer silken nightgown that left nothing to the
imagination. It was one of the few articles of clothes that Haruna didn�t make.
Michiru had bought it a few weeks after giving birth in the city at Victoria�s
Secret. The aqua haired young mother smiled as she walked around the upper foyer,
enjoying the brief quiet.
Looking down at her waist, Michiru couldn�t have known that she�d given birth
only a few short months ago. Her body had made a complete recovery in only a
couple days, not that she had any complaints, in fact, it only made her want to get
pregnant again! She licked her lips slowly at the memory of all those nights with
Brutaka mounting her from behind, fucking her for seemingly endless hours. Since
becoming Usagi�s slave, Michiru too had renounced her former lesbian ways just like
Haruka had(Thinking of which, the blonde cock whore should be giving birth any day
now). She would sometimes have sex with Hotaru or one of the other women here to
entertain her mistresses, but when it came down to it, Michiru preferred a thick
and hard cock thrusting into her.
Thinking of all the debauchery she did every day only served to make the
Water Senshi horny again. She already felt her pussy dripping down her thighs as
she moaned softly in desire. Walking around the second floor, Michiru made her way
to the forward balcony that overlooked the main entrance below. Cool, crisp night
air greeted her, making her already hard nipples strain even more against the
chill. She looked out over the forward yard. She could make out the silhouettes
of several of the now more than a dozen dogs that patrolled the grounds.
At the edge of her hearing, Michiru heard the familiar sound of Haruka
groaning in ecstasy. She turned towards the sound and spotted the blonde pregnant
dog bitch a little ways out near the brick wall that surrounded the grounds.
Haruka was down on all fours, the swell of her stomach now touched the ground in
the late stages of pregnancy, her milk laden tits bouncing back and forth with the
thrusts of the large doberman that currently mounted her. Small sprays of her
breastmilk flung out from her nipples as she bucked her body against the beasts,
unable to get enough of his dick inside her.
Michiru watched, enraptured by the sight of her former lover being fucked by
a dog in the middle of the night. She pushed a hand between her legs and began
fingering herself through the silk of her gown. In seconds, the fabric was
thoroughly soaked with her juices and the aqua haired girl had dropped to her
knees, masturbating furiously while watching Haruka go.
Through the decrotive beams of the balcony handrail, Michiru continued to
watch Haruka and the guard dog. The pregnant blonde groaned and moaned in
pleasure, drool trickling down her chin as she bucked her body back against the
beasts endless thrusts. Such a beautiful sight, thought Michiru as she pulled the
hem of her gown up and plunged three fingers into her pussy. She listened to the
sound of her cunt squishing around the digits while she kept her eyes on the
distant blonde.
After several long minutes, the dog reared his head up and howled at the moon
as he came inside her. Haruka lifted her head as well and howled with the beast,
her entire body shuddering with ecstasy. Michiru shook, cumming lightly on her
fingers, but nowhere near sated. She watched while the dog turned around to be ass
to ass with Haruka, his knot locked tightly inside her pussy, filling her with dog
cum. The image only made Michiru crave a dogs cock even more and she moaned with
Just then, the aqua haired woman heard a soft clicking behind her, the sound
of thick nails tapping against smooth stone. She turned, and gasped in joy at the
sight of Brutaka standing behind her, panting softly as he looked at her with his
golden colored eyes. Panting softly, Michiru crawled over to the large gray great
dane and threw her arms around his neck. Still panting, the aqua haired young
woman pressed her mouth to the animals, sliding her tongue against his. Brutaka
lapped at the inside of Michiru�s mouth, turning the girl on as she used one hand
to unsnap her bra and push the gown off her otherwise naked body.
Moaning into their kiss, Michiru then began rubbing her hands up and down the
fur on his back. She noticed out of the corner of her eyes that his tail was
wagging happily and she smiled inwardly. Though she had had sex with all of the
dogs in the mansion, Michiru preferred Brutaka. After all, he was the father of
her children! She pulled out of the kiss and hugged him again. Brutaka was nearly
half her height on four legs, and nearly equal when he reared up, making him a
perfect dog for a woman who enjoyed bestiality as much as she did.
Kissing the side of his neck softly, Michiru got down on all fours and
crawled around behind the dog. She savored his musky animal scent as she reached a
hand out for the sheath of his cock, only to find that he was already fully
aroused, the bright red organ was exposed and dripping with cum and musk. Moaning
in desire, Michiru rolled onto her back, the cold stone of the floor felt like
nothing against her hot skin as she slid her body under Brutaka�s and engulfed his
thick cock in her mouth. His cock tasted deliciously revolting and Michiru moaned
around his length as she spread her legs wide.
Brutaka had long since become accustomed to what his female masters wanted of
him and he moved to stand over Michiru�s body and lowered his muzzle down between
her legs. Michiru moaned again as he began licking her strong smelling pussy. At
first, he had only mated with the human women at Usagi�s mental commands, but after
nearly a year with this family, he had grown to enjoy the constant state of heat
these women were in. Having smelled Michiru�s musk from across the yard, Brutaka
ran into the house and through the halls to find his favorite bitch. Now, he
lapped away at her cunt, making her drip and drip with her strong odor which only
aroused him more. Be panted against her pussy, eager to mate with her again.
Groaning around Brutaka�s cock, Michiru shuddered with pleasure. Here she
was, a woman of just over twenty years, sixty-nining with a dog on the balcony of a
large mansion estate. She had taken his seed, bore a litter of what many would
call abominations, and still she wanted more! She tasted Brutaka�s thin cum in her
mouth and happily gulped it down. Her pussy was throbbing now, the juices pooling
between her legs faster than the dog could lap them up. Moaning happily, Michiru
pulled her mouth away from Brutaka�s cock and kissed the tip once before sliding
out from under him.
Panting with her canine lover, Michiru got back up on all fours and presented
herself to him. The beast sniffed at her pussy several times before climbing up on
her back. His forepaws briefly touching the tattoo Michiru had gotten a week or so
after giving birth. Written just above her ass, in the same location as Haruka�s,
Michiru had �DOGGY WHORE� tattooed in bold black letters.
Michiru moaned loudly as she felt Brutaka�s cock sliding into her pussy. She
rocked her hips and clenched her inner muscles around the dogs tool as he pushed
all the way inside her! The beast then began humping her slowly, his cock sliding
wetly in and out of her juicy cunt.
�Ahhhh, yes, fuck me, fuck my dirty hole!!!� Michiru groaned while rocking
back and forth with her dog lover. Her milk filled tits wobbled back and forth
like udders and she shuddered with ecstasy at the feeling. Brutaka panted and
continued slamming his long cock into the womans tight cunt, and Michiru relished
every long inch of him inside her!
The sound of the beasts pelvis slapping against her naked ass excited
Michiru, making her pant and moan even louder while her hands clawed at the stone
floor of the balcony. In spite of the chill air around her, sweat broke out over
the aqua haired womans skin, making her glisten in the moonlight.
�Ohhh, yeah! Fuck me you beast, fuck your bitches tight pussy!!! Ahhhhh, so
goood, make me cum, please, make me cum!!!� Michiru begged while panting hard.
Drool ran down her chin now as she humped her body back against Brutaka�s thrusts,
driving every inch of his canine dick into her. She screamed with pleasure, not
caring who heard her.
�Oh fuck!!! Yes, fuck me hard!!! I�m fucking a dog and it feels so good!!!�
she shouted as her body shuddered in orgasm, �Ahhhhh, fuuuuck, fuck, fuck, fuck,
fuck, fuck, fuck, FUUUUCK!!!!� she howled as her pussy gushed juices around
Brutaka�s cock. The Water Senshi then arched her back and felt Brutaka�s chest
against her shoulders as he howled at the moon. She howled with him, feeling the
wonderful sensation of his knot swelling at the base of his cock, locking them
together as he filled her with dog cum.
�Yes, cum in me, make me pregnant again, oh I just love being your bitch!�
Michiru said to him, not caring if he understood or not. Brutaka only panted and
howled again as he continued fucking her hole. The knot in his cock only allowed
him to pull out but so much, but he somehow made do for several long minutes before
turning around to press his ass to Michiru�s.
�Mmmmm, yeah, good boy... Good boy.....� Michiru cooed as she came down
slowly from her orgasmic high. She reached behind her to rub the dogs balls
gently, loving the way they felt in her hands as his cock continued filling her
womb with sperm. She silently prayed to become pregnant again, wanting to show
Mistress Usagi just how much of a whore she had become.


Laying back in her favorite chair that was made of several naked young women
bound together with strips of leather and rope, Usagi Tsukino smiled and cooed with
pleasure. In front of her, Saeko Mizuno and her mother Ikuko both knelt down on
their hands and knees, their hot wet mouths latched firmly onto both her cocks. In
her hands, the young blonde held the latest issue of Luxury Homes Magazine. All
throughout the issue, pictures of her lair of debauchery were displayed in vivid
color! Everything from the erotic art and statues to the women being used as
decorations and furniture. Kirie was careful to keep any of the girls faces from
being seen in the shots, and none of the senshi could be seen either.
Save for one carefully placed image where Usagi could see her pregnant
demonic body reflected in a mirror.
She grinned and set the magazine aside, looking down at the two mothers
beneath her. They looked like such whores, their bodies naked and covered in dog
cum. Already the blonde had reimpregnated them both, much to their delight.
Licking her lips, Usagi pulled Saeko off her upper cock and drew her into a deep
kiss. She tasted her own cum in the womans mouth along with the spunk of several
dogs. The demonic blonde relished the taste and moaned against Saeko�s lips as she
came in Ikuko�s mouth. The purple haired woman moaned happily, drinking down her
daughters cum before renewing the bobbing of her head, eager for more!
Usagi broke the kiss with Ikuko after a long moment. At the edge of her
senses, she felt a familiar presense. Just outside the door, the Senshi of Fire
was coming to join her little family.


Stepping out of her car, Rei Hino looked up at the large Mansion Estate. The
address was right, and the magazine issue didn�t do the place justice, it was huge!
She still didn�t understand just what exactly was going on, first, all of her
friends suddenly have to move away, barely keeping in touch afterwards. Next, her
favorite magazine suddenly turns porno with all these fetish themed homes, and
finally, in the latest issue, she spies Usagi in the background of one picture, but
the ditzy blonde looked almost nothing like Rei remembered her. The golden horns
and demonic wings were a dead giveaway, Usagi had been possessed by a powerful
youma. It had to have something to do with that one woman who had been turned into
a futanari youma several months ago. It was the last time Rei could remember
seeing everyone normal.
Pulling her henshin stick out of her pocket, Rei held the bright red object
high over her head and shouted, �Mars Crystal Power... Make-up!�
Instantly, the ebony haired young woman was wreathed in bright red flames.
The gray skirt and matching blouse she wore was burned away, leaving her naked for
an instant before her Sailor Fuku formed around her body and Sailor Mars looked up
at the mansion. In her hand, Mars held a thick stack of the most powerful
cleansing wards she could make. Without Sailor Moon�s cleasning powers or the
Silver Crystal�s, this wasn�t going to be easy.
Easily hopping the fence, Mars made a beeline for the front door. The
magazine stated that there were security dogs patroling the grounds, and Mars had
no desire to face them and waste precious energy fighting them off. The decrotive
statues that lined the long driveway blurred past her vision, not that she wanted
to stop and view the perverted artworks.
The closer she got to the door, the more powerful her senses detected an
incredibly dark essense. The Mansion was thick with evil, and not just any kind.
Mars had gotten good at detecting the kinds of sins youma specialized in, and the
one she was about to face was the utter embodiment of Lust. The fire senshi felt a
tingle of doubt crawling up her spine. She wasn�t sure she could do this alone,
and it was her guess that most if not ALL of the other Sailor Senshi had fallen to
this demon.
She quickly reached the front door to the mansion with no trouble from any
canine guardians. The pair of double doors loomed over the raven haired girl as
she reached out for the knob. Steeling herself, Mars turned the handle, it was
unlocked and the door slid inward smoothly.
Inspite of all her years as a Priestess, the last five as a Sailor Senshi,
and all the evils she had faced. Nothing could have prepared Mars for what she
found waiting for her inside this place.
Inside the foyer, Mars found all her friends waiting for her, but none were
as she had known them before. Standing to the left of the stairwell that led up to
the second floor, She saw Sailor Mercury standing, but her fuku had chanced
dramatically, not to mention the rest of her body. The white sections of her fuku
were now jet black vinyl, and the blue lapels and skirt were made of a nearly
transparent blue silk. Her new fuku left the blue haired girls midriff bare,
letting Mars see the jeweled navel piercing that now sparkled there. Mercury�s
breasts were nearly triple the size they were when she last saw the blue haired
girl, easily a large D if not an E-cup. But the greatest change in her comrade was
the foot long cock that stood out from under her skirt and just above her pussy!
Mercury smiled at Mars, cupping one of her big tits in her hand and kneading
it softly before pointing downward. The black haired girl looked down and gasped
at the sight of Sailor Jupiter down on herknees in front of the blue haired girl.
Her fuku was likewise changed with black vinyl and nearly clear green silk. But
her body, Mars could clearly see the heavy swell of the brunette�s stomach, showing
the late stages of pregnancy. Her belly was dwarfed however by the sheer size of
Jupiter�s tits! Mars couldn�t even begin to guess their cup size, if one existed
at all. The black vinyl of the top of her fuku could barely contain the girl
massive jugs. At the front of her top, Mars saw a pair of zippers, one over each
nipple, and both open to let the brunette�s lactating tits leak her mik all over
the floor! Jupiter didn�t seem to notice Mars at all, for she was too busy sucking
Mercury�s cock as though it were the only thing keeping her alive!
To her right, Mars spied Sailor Venus, likewise changed in her fuku, but
otherwise normal, save the fact that she was down on all fours while a large white
panther mounted her from behind! The blonde panted and moaned in ecstasy as the
beast thrusted into her.
�Ahh, yes, fuck my pussy Artemis! Ahhh, your cock is the only one that can
make me cum there! Yes, fuck me harder, yes!!!� Venus screamed in pleasure as she
reared up and howled in orgasm, her pussy gushing juices all over the white furred
beasts legs.
It was then that Mars saw the cresent moon on the animal�s forehead and she
knew instantly that Venus spoke the truth. The panther was her pet cat, Artemis!
Next to Venus, Mars saw Sailor Saturn, likewise down on all fours to allow a
large dog, Mars didn�t know the breed, to mount and fuck her young pussy. The
thirteen year old girl was dressed in a black and purple vinyl fuku, just as the
others, and what Mars could see of her back was covered with fading welts, likely
from a whip of some kind. Saturn didn�t seem to notice the Fire Senshi�s entry,
for she only panted and moaned while the beast fucked her. Drool ran from her lips
and pooled on the floor in front of her.
Her knees shaking now, Mars looked up the stairwell and gasped in utter
disbelief. There, sitting spread-legged on a throne of young women tied together
at the top of the first flight of stairs, was a very pregnant Sailor Moon. Mars
barely recognized her, the blondes breasts were enormous now, nearly as large as
Jupiter�s, her stomach was swollen in what looked like the final days of pregnancy.
More than that though, Mars saw the pair of golden horns that emerged from atop her
head, and the small pair of red and black bat-like wings coming out her back.
Kneeling in front of Sailor Moon was her mother, Ikuko Tsukino and Ami�s
mother Saeko Mizuno. Both women were stripped naked save for a collar around their
necks. They both moaned in rapture as they sucked hungrily on a pair of cocks
coming out from above the blondes pussy.
Sailor Moon only smiled down at Mars and the Raven haired girl glanced to
either side of her, spotting the last two senshi she had regular contact with up
until several months ago. To Sailor Moon�s right, Sailor Uranus knelt down on her
knees and sucked the young cock of Shingo Tsukino who sat on the second flight of
steps. The young man groaned with pleasure while the short haired blonde lewdly
sucked his short cock like a two yen whore. To Sailor Moon�s left, Sailor Neptune
leaned against another flight of stairs while an even larger dog mounted her from
behind. The aqua haired woman howled in utter bliss as she rolled her hips back
against the beasts and begged it to keep fucking her.
The remaining three senshi were likewise dressed in twisted versions of their
fuku, with only the skirt and lapel colors to set them apart. The gems in all
their tiara�s had turned black, and the gold crescent moon sigil that was normally
on Sailor Moon�s forehead was replaced by a black symbol that Mars couldn�t
Too stunned for anger, Mars could only say, �E..everyone...?�
�Well, not yet, but you bring us just a bit closer to that goal.� Sailor Moon
said with a smile. She licked her ruby colored lips, �Mmmm, I�ve been waiting so
long to bring you into our family Rei, too long.�
Sailor Moon�s words brought Mars back to herself. Anger flooded her and she
instantly dropped into a fighting stance. �I�m sorry it took me this long to come
for you all, but don�t worry,� she said, pulling out her stack of wards and fanning
them out in her hand. �I�ll purify you all!� she shouted and made ready to run
straight at Sailor Moon.
�Don�t think so.� Sailor Moon said and snapped her fingers.
It instantly felt as though all of Mars� limbs had turned into lead weights.
She quickly dropped to her knees and looked down. On the floor beneath her, a
series of glowing red lines crisscrossed around her. She managed to look around
and saw that she was in some kind of spell circle, ancient runes and cryptic
writing was all throughout the spell.
�Hmm, I didn�t think you�d fall for such a simple trap Rei, but then, you
always were a little overconfident, or maybe our little family orgy distracted you
from the writing on the floor?� Sailor Moon said with a laugh. The blonde then ran
her fingers through Ikuko and Saeko�s hair. The two women had continued their oral
ministrations without pause through the entire exchange.
Mars struggled against the weight in her limbs, it was like moving through
mud with conrete clothes, but she managed to get up onto one knee, �It... It�ll
take, a lot more... than this to...� she said panting for breath. She already felt
so completely exhausted, as if she was run a full marathon race in under ten
�Wow, you can still move in that? I�m impressed.� Sailor Moon said as she
pulled the two mothers off her twinned dicks and stood up. For being so heavily
pregnant, the blonde could move with surprising ease. �This will be more fun than
I had imagined.� she said as she began to walk down the steps slowly. Behind her,
Ikuko and Saeko instantly fell upon each other, kissing and groping their naked
bodies before moving to rub their pussies together, their moans joining the chorus
of women around them.
Sailor Moon then raised a hand and snapped her fingers again. There was an
odd tone in the air as a number of ropes emerged from the floor and tied her down.
With the circle draining her strength away, Mars could offer no resistence as they
bound her ankles and wrists behind her.
Struggling with what little energy she had left, Mars protested, �Let... let
go of me!�
�Sorry, can�t do that.� Sailor Moon said. She then reached for the now black
heart shapped locket between her enormous breasts. It unclipped easily and she
opened it to reveal the Imperium Silver Crystal. Though the once pure gem was now
corrupted, the silver facets changed to a deep purple, almost black color. The
crystal began to glow a deep black color outlined with red, and Sailor Mars felt
her strength sapped away even faster as her fuku and the outfits of the other
senshi began shimmering in their respective colors. There was a soft popping sound
and all the senshi�s clothes vanished in a shower of multi-colored sparkles. Usagi
smiled and moaned softly as her heavy tits jiggled free of their former constraints
and Rei could see that the blonde left nipple had been pierced with a large silver
squared loop that bounced with her movement of her tits. Her right nipple was
unpierced and leaked with milk now as the naked blonde walked over to Rei.
�There, that�s much better.� said Usagi as she knelt down to touch a hand to
the ebony haired girls naked breast.
�No, stop...� Rei protested weakly. Usagi�s touch was like fire through her
�Heh heh heh,� Usagi laughed as she leaned over and cupped her palm around
Rei�s left tit, squeezing and kneading the mound softly before pressing her lips to
the bright pink nipple, now turning hard from the chill air. �Oh my, such pretty
tits...� she said as she began sucking on the other girls nipple, sliding her hot
wet tongue all around her nipple, teasing it into hardening further. �What a
pretty pink color,� she said before brushing her tongue over her nipple again, �My
tongue just glides over them.� She then took Rei nipple into her mouth again and
sucked her nipple roughly, making the raven haired beauty moan in disgust.
�Ahh, mmm, they�re no naughty...� Usagi cooed after pulling her mouth off
with a sucking pop. The blondes spittle dribbled down the curve of Rei�s breast
and she fought to keep the bile from rising in her throat.
�What... What are you planning? If you�re going to kill me, just get it over
with!� Rei spat, unable to bare this humilation anymore.
�Kill you? Why ever would I want to do that to someone I love?� Usagi asked
as she reached her hand down between Rei�s legs and slid her fingers over the moist
folds of her pussy. �My my, just look at how wet you�ve gotten!� she said with a
laugh before slipping two of her fingers into Rei�s virgin pussy.
�No please!! Not there!� Rei screamed. The feeling of Usagi�s hand on her
cunt was like an electric jolt throughout her body. She tensed against the odd mix
of pleasure and pain as her mind teetered on the brink of consciousness.
Usagi only grinned and moved her thumb and index fingers to pinch the small
nub that was Rei�s clit. She knew already what she wanted to do with the black
haired slut, and she wanted to take her time and savor the loss of Rei�s purity.
Letting some of her power flow into Rei body, Usagi began shapping it to her will,
�Say Rei,� she whispered to the girl, �From this day forward,� she told her and Rei
moaned in pain as her clit began to swell and elongate, �You�re going to become...�
Rei�s clit rose out of its hood and began to take on a more phallic shape and she
screamed as her clit suddenly reformed into a thick, eleven inch long cock that
oozed with precum, �A demon!� Usagi said with a laugh.
No, Rei thought, This isn�t happening to me, how can such an impure thing...
Ahh, not only that, but it�s throbbing so much!
Laughing, Usagi gripped her hand around Rei�s newly grown cock, stroking her
shaft up and down slowly, feeling it pulsing in her hand. �The way you�re
throbbing, it�s just soooo cute! It looks like you�re about to burst already...
You�re such a bad girl at heart, aren�t you?�
�Stop iiiiit!� Rei screamed, the strange flood of new sensations was making
her crazy. Her cock throbbed painfully, yet it felt so... good... �Please, change
me back, I don�t want to be a dickgirl!�
Usagi frowned, �How impertinent. You�re already nice and wet...� Usagi said
as she scooted down to slide her tongue over Rei�s shaft, tasting her vaginal
juices and precum that coated her dick, �Mmmm.. Delicious!� she cooed before taking
all eleven inches down her throat with ease. Usagi had long since lost any form of
gag reflex and Rei�s cock slid in easily. Rei moaned in obvious pleasure, but
still Usagi felt her fighting her new nature. She bobbed her head up and down a
few times, sending more of her powers into the Fire Senshi, further shapping her
body. Unlike the cocks she and the others had, Rei could retract hers back into a
clit, but she didn�t know that yet.
All around them, the other senshi and their families continued their orgy.
Only Ami watched with keen interest while she fucked Makoto�s ass doggy-style,
making the brunette�s milk gush from her nipples as her �udders� were mashed
against the cold stone floor. Atop Rei�s head, just a little behind her ears, a
pair of bright red horns began to grow slowly. Their tips just now peeking out
from under her hair. The girls skintone and muscle structure changed as well.
What little body fat she had faded instantly, giving the raven haired dickgirl a
perfect figure as she writhed there on the floor. Ami envied Rei, she and Kosame
were only changed into regular dickgirls with maybe some minor hypnotic powers, but
Rei was getting the full package! Oh well, at least I still have Makoto, she
thought as she pulled her cock from the girls ass and rammed it into her pregnant
pussy! Making her brown haired cow moo with ecstasy.
Smiling down at Rei, Usagi got up onto her knees and hefted her right tit,
�Here, I�ll give you a special treat and let you feel something I�ve only shared
with my little brother!� she told her before pressing the tip of Rei�s new cock
against her nipple. The raven haired girl moaned loudly in pleasure and surprise
as she watched her cock slide INTO Usagi�s nipple with a wet squishing sound!
�Mmmm, it always feels so good to have my nipple fucked!� Usagi moaned as she began
moving her body up and down on Rei�s dick.
�Ahhh, no, sto.. Stop, don�t!!� Rei moaned, her body spasming with new
pleasure as she felt every inch of her cock sliding into Usagi�s tit. It was
unlike anything she�d ever felt before! The feeling was so warm, and wet, and
�So, does it feel good, fucking my nipple?� Usagi asked as she moaned with
�Nngh! Stop..! Ahhh!� Rei groaned as she tried to fight the pleasure, but it
was so hard now, and her cock, it made her feel so, nice, so good... The urge to
just give in was growing stronger with her every breath. What is this, Rei thought
as she felt something new, a kind of pressure just below the base of her cock, It
feels like somethings happening. Something�s rising up inside me, I feel, I feel
sick... �Guh! Hah! No.. Stop..!� she protested once again.
�Mmmm, gonna cum!?� Usagi asked, �You�re about to cum aren�t you!?� she said
with a laugh before taking all of Rei�s cock inside her nipple and squeezing her
tit around it, �Go ahead and fill my tit with your stinky cum!�
�N... No mooooree aahhhh!!!� Rei screamed in ecstasy as she felt her cock
spasming inside Usagi�s tit as the painful pressure inside her was suddenly
released, the relief felt so good, it made her want to just pass out, but blissful
oblivion wouldn�t come to claim her as Usagi pulled her tit off Rei�s cock with
another wet sucking pop. Milk and cum oozed out the hole of her stretched nipple
for several long seconds before it closed up and returned to normal.
What? Just now, she thought, The lower half of my body just went numb...
�Heh heh, it�s still coming out,� Usagi said while she continued stroking
Rei�s penis with her right hand. �That was all it took to make you cum, and yet,
it hasn�t gone down in the slightest. If anything, it�s gotten thicker!� she told
Rei while licking her milk and the girls cum from her own breasts. She sucked her
own nipple for a moment, draining out the last of her cum before standing up. The
rubbery ropes that bound Rei pulled her down flat on the foor in a spreadeagle
position. Rei didn�t have the strength to struggle any more. She felt exhausted,
drained, and half-mad with pleasure.
Grinning, Usagi stood over Rei and the dark haired girl could see for the
first time that one of Usagi�s dicks was tattoed with the words �LIVE 2 FUCK� along
the side of its shaft. She didn�t try and wonder why she noticed, her mind was no
longer working the way she wanted.
�Now then, I supposed I�ll take your cocks virginity properly.� Usagi said as
she squatted down and pressed the tip of Rei�s cock against the lips of her pussy.
Before the girl could even think of pretesting, Usagi speared herself on Rei�s
cock, moaning in pleasure as she took all eleven inches into her seldom used cunt!
�Ahhh, yeah, feels so good!!!� Usagi groaned as she began humping herself aginst
Rei�s cock, stirring it around inside her.
�Well? How do you like the taste of my pussy? Is it good? It�s good right?
� Usagi asked her as she panted with pleasure while straddling the other girls
Rei couldn�t answer, it was as though all the air had left her lungs as she
gasped in pleasure. She felt as though Usagi�s pussy was coiling itself around her
cock, stroking her even without the blonde grinding motions. It feels like the
lower half of my body is going to melt, she thought as Usagi leaned down and rubbed
the nipples of her huge tits against Rei�s own. Is it happening again, am I going
to cum? Oddly enough, Rei found the idea no longer replused her, deep down, she
wanted to cum, the voices in her mind telling her that this was good, it was right,
and she shouldn�t fight it were growing louder, more convincing.
Grunting with pleasure, Usagi leaned back atop Rei�s naked body. Hefting her
huge tits in her hands, she kneaded and squeezed the roughly, �Yes... I�m gonna
cum, so good!! Cum with me Rei, cum in me!!! Pour my pussy full of your thick
Moaning in ecstasy, the words flew from Rei�s lips unbidden, �I�m gonna cum!
I�m cumming!!!!�
Both dickgirls threw their heads back and howled in ecstasy. All around
them, the other women screamed in pleasure as well as they brought each other to
orgasm after orgasm. The dogs howled as their knots swelled inside their
respective girls and beging filling their pussies with canine seed.
Panting softly, Usagi lifted her pregnant body off of Rei�s and savored the
feeling of the new dickgirls cum leaking slowly out of her pussy. �Hah hah haahh,
I can�t believe you made me cum like that, you really are the best Rei.� she said
to her before reaching her hands down to stroke both her thirteen inch cocks.
�Well then, I�ve taken your fluids into my body. So now, it�s your turn to take my
fluids into yours...� she said as her precum began to ooze from the tips of both
her cocks while she looked down at Rei�s changing body. The horns on her head had
extended out nicely and were a fine shade of bright red. Her deep purple eyes were
glassed over with pleasure and the iris� had taken on a slightly red hue. Her
pupils, one totally rounded, were more oval shaped now, slowly becoming slitted
like a cats or snakes.
�Mmmm, you�ll make such a wonderful demon...� Usagi cooed. She then willed
away the ropes that bound the raven haired beauty, though Rei seemed not to notice
that she was now free of her bonds as she stared up at Usagi�s throbbing cocks.
�But like I said Rei, I really do love you, so I won�t force myself on you. It�s
up to you now.� she told her.
Oh God, Rei thought to herself, unable to take her eyes off Usagi�s big
dicks. Her pussy ached now, wanting to know how it would feel to have one of those
things inside her. Her new cock ached pleasurably and throbbed above her cunt as
she whispered, �I... I want...� Oh God in heaven, she thought to herself as she
reached her unbound hands down to spread the lips of her pussy open wide.
�Hmmmm? What was that? I didn�t catch it.� Usagi asked teasingly.
Everyone, forgive me, Rei thought as she begged, �I want to become one...! I
want to become a demon!!! S... So...! S..stick them in! Please stick those
things inside me... And stir me up inside!!!!�
Usagi looked down at Rei�s lust bound face, loving how cute she looked, all
covered in sweat and cum, just the barest traces of her former self remaining.
Nothing was more beautiful to her than the destruction of purity, the twisting of
ones soul. It was so beautiful, and turned her on so much!
�Awww, how can I say no to that?� Usagi said to her as she turned Rei over
onto her left side and laid down behind her. She positioned her cocks at both the
dickgirls entrances and shoved both her cocks into the former priestesses ass and
pussy, making her scream in pleasure! She began fucking her slowly, loving the
squishing sliding noises her cocks made as they thrusted in and out of Rei�s tight
little virgin holes. She listened as the girl moaned like the rest of the sluts
and whores around them, their voices like a choir of ecstasy. She looked over
Rei�s shoulder and watched as the dickgirls cock continued to form, the head
shaping itself with a crown of three nubby spines around the edge of its head,
further adding to her growing demonic appearance.
�It feels.. So good...� Rei panted softly.
�Hmmm...? What did you say just now? Say it so I can hear it clearly!�
Usagi said as she began fucking Rei harder, her pelvis slapping loudly against
Rei�s ass as she turned the girl over onto all fours and began taking her doggie
�Ahhhhh, it feels so good! It feels so gooood!!!!� Rei screamed in ectsasy
as she bucked herself back against Usagi�s thrusts. Her already meduim sized tits
then grew, going from a high B to a D-cup in an instant. The wobbled around with
each of the blondes pounding thrusts, making Rei moan even louder in pleasure!
�Oh yeah, please! Please stroke my dick too!!!� she begged.
Usagi laughed and reached down under Rei, grabbing her still throbbing dick
and pumping it with her hand expertly, �What a shameful request, aren�t you
supposed to be a Shrine Maiden?� she asked as she pumped her hand in time with her
pounding hips, �Here is this what you wanted? Is this how you wanted me to fuck
you?� she asked her as she moaned in pleasure with the black haired girl.
Rei moaned with pleasure and managed to nod her head as she felt herself
getting ready to cum again.
�Some Shrine Maiden, you�re more like a dirty sow now!� Usagi said to her.
Groaning loudly, Rei nodded, �Ahhn hahh!!! Yes, you�re right!!� she agreed,
�I�ve been holding back for so long!! But, I really am just a horny sow!!! So
please, just don�t stooop!!!�
�Ahahahaha!!!� Usagi laughed at Rei�s admission, pounding into her as hard as
she could and looking down towatch as her swollen stomach spanked Rei�s dirty ass
with every thrust.
�Ahhhh, you�re turning m inside out!!! So gooooood!!!!� Rei screamed, �I can
feel them grinding into me!!!�
�Ahhh, yeah, I feel it too Rei, I�m gonna cum soon, how about you?� Usagi
said as she felt that wonderful pressure building inside her dicks.
�Me too!!!� Rei screamed, �I�m going to cum too!!! I�m gonna cuUUMMMM!!!
Usagi screamed in ecstasy with Rei, her cocks spasming inside her, filling
her fertile womb with her demonic sperm. But Usagi wouldn�t let Rei get pregnant
just yet and pulled her cocks out to rain her spunk all over the naked dickgirls
body. She listened as Rei�s cock sprayed another load of cum onto the hard stone
floor. The thick white fluid broke the seal around them and allowed what little
remained of Rei�s strength to return.
The black haired dickgirl then fell down onto the floor panting. Her body
finishing its transformation with the addition of a long purple demonic tail
growing out just above her tight little ass. The new appendage writhed around a
bit until Rei learned how to control it. Usagi then rolled Rei around into her
back and looked down at her new cat slitted demonic eyes. Still a deep shade of
purple, but now with a red hue around the edges of her iris�. Her horns were now
fully grown, a different configuration than Usagi�s own golden ones. Rei�s emerged
from the back of her head, just above and behind her ears and curved forward to
form to small points at the tips. She didn�t have any wings, but Usagi liked her
better for that.
Leaning down, Usagi pressed her lips to Rei�s in a deep and passionate kiss
which the corrupted priestess returned in kind.
�Mmmmm,� they both moaned against each others lips, �Welcome home Rei.� Usagi
said after breaking the kiss.


Sitting at the dinner table of the mansion dinning room, Rei Hino laughed as
she leaned back in her seat and watched the nights entertainment. Lying atop the
long table, Ikuko and Saeko kissed one another deeply as they ran their hands over
one anothers naked flesh. She sat to Usagi�s left at the head of the table, a
succulent plate of perfectly prepared sushi, sake, and fried rice in front of her.
Using her chopsticks, she took a bite of salmon sushi and chewed slowly, savoring
the flavor while she watched as Saeko kissed her way down Ikuko�s body slowly,
making the housewife moan softly as the other homemaker licked and suckled her
nipples gently.
All around the dinning room, most of Rei�s new �family� was gathered. All of
her fellow senshi were here, though some couldn�t be seen at the moment, as they
crouched underneath the table, their faces buried in the laps of the three primary
dickgirls. Rei cooed in pleasure, rubbing her hand through Minako�s long blonde
hair as the little tramp lovingly sucked her cock. She humped Minako�s face
gently, making her take more of her eleven inch dick down her throat while she
watched the lesbian sex show above.
Across from Rei, Ami sat and quietly ate her own meal of grilled fish and
steamed rice. The blue haired dickgirl moaned from time to time, no doubt enjoying
the blowjob she was recieving from her pet �cow� Makoto. Usagi meanwhile watched
the show with rapt interest. She slowly pushed two of her fingers in and out of
her right nipple, while her free hand gripped a fork that she speared into a cut of
cooked beef. The pigtailed blondes progressing pregnancy had increased her
cravings for red meat, and with a number of cooks and a nearly unlimited supply of
funds, her hunger was easily sated.
It had only been a few days since Rei had come into the fold, and her only
complaint thus far was that Usagi and the others hadn�t brought her in sooner! She
found that she enjoyed her new demonic form, her cock especially. She still
shivered in delight at the memory of cumming in Usagi�s nipple and pussy that
wonderful day. The thought made her cock tense in Minako�s mouth and Rei smiled,
looking down at the blonde and using her free hand to force her to take more of her
length in. Minako gagged slightly, but voiced no complaint. She only moaned and
worked harder to please her new Mistress.
As a welcoming gift, Usagi had given Minako to Rei as her personal fucktoy.
Rei had thanked Usagi with a deep and passionate kiss before moving to fuck the
little ass-slut with her spikey crowned cock! She wanted to impregnate Minako
right away, but decided to wait and watch as the blonde carried her own fathers
baby to term first! Right now, behind Minako under the table, Kenneth Aino fucked
his own daughters pussy hard, making her moan softly around Rei�s cock.
Rei moaned at the image and looked back up to see Saeko bury her face between
Ikuko�s legs, making the purple haired woman moan loudly in ecstasy.
�Mmmm, housewives fucking, is there anything more beautiful?� Usagi asked.
�A young virgin girl screaming for more as I plunge my cock into her ass?�
Rei offered before taking a sip of sake.
�Mmm,� Usagi agreed with a nod before looking back to the table top show.
�Pussy to pussy!� she ordered them.
�Hai, Mistress!� Saeko and Ikuko said together as she moved to obey. Each of
them moved to lay on her back, spreading their legs wide and scissoring them
together. Rei watched as each womans clit came into contact and listened as they
moaned together when they began rubbing against each other. The ebony haired
dickgirl cooed and licked her lips, the points of her now fanged teeth showing for
a moment as she leaned back in her seat and cupped a hand over one breast. Ikuko
and Saeko looked so natural there on the table, rubbing pussies as though they had
been lifelong lovers. The sight of their shaven cunts rubbing so wetly against
each others turned Rei on in ways she never could have imagined. Her thorned cock
throbbed in Minako mouth as she felt the slut take all eleven inches down her
throat again!
�Oh, Saeko...!� Ikuko moaned as she braced herself with her arms and ground
her cunt against the blue haired womans, �Your pussy feels so good against mine!�
�Yes, mine too!!!� Saeko moaned as she ground back against the other mothers
�You two make such a beautiful couple, Mistress, you should marry them
together!� suggested a voice from the foot of the table.
Usagi turned to look past the lesbian show to see Yukiko Aino, Minako�s large
chested blue eyed mother. She sat next to Hotaru and both were eating a serving of
chicken salad. Looking at Yukiko, Usagi couldn�t help but wonder how Minako had
ended up with yellow blonde hair. Her father was a dark brunette, and Yukiko was
strawberry blonde, almost red. Oh well, thought the dickgirl, Ami�s the genetics
one. She was dressed in a long bright pink evening gown that showed off her ample
cleavage. Unlike the rest of the residents, Yukiko didn�t enjoy the erotic
stylings that Haruna made for them and had brought her own wardrobe with her from
her former home. Yukiko was soft spoken, with a strangely graceful manner that was
at odds with her perverse personality. Usagi didn�t mind though, it just made it
all the more fun to fuck her tight holes. She had already impregnated the woman
when she came to live with them a few months back and just now her belly was
starting to show the signs.
�Hmm, tempting,� Usagi said, �But no, though it does give me one idea...� she
said as she looked down at her lap. The swell of her stomach partially blocked the
view of the two young women lovingly sucking her cocks. Haruka and Michiru looked
so beautiful with those big dicks between their pouty lips, Usagi never tired of
seeing it! Reaching down, she gripped a fistful of Michiru�s aquamarine hair and
slowly pulled her off her upper cock, �You just became engaged to Brutaka!� she
told her before pushing her back onto her dick. Michiru only moaned lustfully, the
barest hints of a smile at the edges of her lips as she continued sliding her mouth
up and down the blondes delicious length.
Up on the table, Saeko and Ikuko both only listened to the conversation below
with half an ear as they ground their pussies together. Both women moaned in
ecstasy as they brought one another to orgasm after orgasm. Ikuko panted hard and
leaned back on her elbows, her entire body was covered in sweat, making her smooth
creamy skin glisten in the light of the dinning room. Her milk laden tits wobbled
back and forth with her every gyration and she savored the feeling. Barely a month
after giving birth to her third child, her daughter and Mistress had impregnated
her again. Even now, Ikuko could feel the baby growing inside her womb, and it
turned her on in ways she never had felt with Usagi or Shingo. And the knowledge
that the baby�s �father� was in fact her own daughter made her cum just thinking
about it.
Incest, the word was sickening to Ikuko before, just as much as the idea of
sex with another woman, now though, the thirty something year old woman couldn�t
imagine how she had gone so long without them! Ikuko moaned again as Saeko brought
her to yet another orgasm and she leaned up to climb on top of the blue haired
woman. Their lactating tits mashed against one anothers and Ikuko pressed her
mouth to Saeko�s in a lewd and passionate kiss. Even now, growing in her lesbian
lovers womb, was another baby, also fathered by Usagi. Ikuko kissed her way down
Saeko�s sweaty, hot flesh, sucking her nipples for a long moment, drinking her
sweet milk before continuing on. She then buried her face in Saeko�s crotch,
inhaling the hot musky ordor of the other woman before sliding her tongue into her
pussy. Saeko moaned at her touch and sprayed a wash of female fluids in the purple
haired womans face. Ikuko moaned with her, loving the feel of them against her
skin as she licked and sucked the other womans cunt. She propped herself on her
knees and pulled Saeko�s legs over her shoulders before lifting herself up to stand
on her knees, all the while keeping her face firmly buried between the other womans
Below her, Saeko gripped and pawed at her own tits, moaning louder as she
came again and again. Here she was, a respected doctor, mother, and good woman,
moaning like a common street whore as she had sex with an equally perverted woman.
She�d had sex with her own daughter, several dogs, and had even given birth to her
own grandchild! Now, she lay atop a table, her legs pulled over her head while a
woman devoured her again pregnant pussy, and she couldn�t have been happier!
Saeko�s once ordered life had become a chaotic tornado of incest, bestiality,
lesbianism, and pregnancy, and it wasn�t until she had experienced it that she
realized that this was just what her life had been missing. Nothing and no one
could ever convince her to go back to her former life, not even if they begged her
to. She had tasted the fruit of perversion, and now, her hunger for it was
As she opened her mouth to moan in orgasm again, Saeko felt something long,
thick and warm sliding into her mouth. Without even opening her eyes she knew it
to be her daughters cock. At some point Ami had climbed onto the table and now
wanted her mother to properly service her. Eager to please her mistress, Saeko
moaned around Ami�s length and lovingly sucked it. Her daughters cock tasted so
good, and it felt so nice when it pushed down her throat. Ami was the one good
thing her father had made with Saeko, even more so now that she had become a
dickgirl and shown the blue haired woman the meaning of her life.
Saeko felt more than saw Ikuko pull away from her body, and a moment later
she could hear the distinct sounds of twin cocks shoving into the other womans ass
and pussy as Usagi began fucking her somewhere in the room. A moment later, she
felt a new, but familiar tongue beginning to lap away at her cunt. It must be
Makoto, Saeko thought as she spread her legs wide for the large chested woman. She
moaned around Ami�s cock at the memory of her first true lesbian experience, it was
only a days or so after she had become her daughters sex slave. Ami wanted Makoto
to prove her love and devotion and had put her through a number of sexual trials,
many of which had her going clit to clit with Saeko.
�Mmmmm...!� Saeko moaned both at the memory and the sensation of Makoto�s
mouth on her pussy. She then gasped for air as Ami pulled her cock free from her
mouth and straddled her face.
�Lick my pussy mother!� she commanded.
�Hai, Mistress!� Saeko obeyed and delved her tongue deep into Ami�s dripping
wet hole. Her daughter�s slit tasted so wonderful, Saeko just wanted to lick her


After dinner, Rei went on a tour of the mansion with Minako and two other
girls in servitude to Usagi. One was named Yukina, a petite girl with shoulder
length soft white hair that was so shiney that it looked almost clear. All up and
down her body was a long bright red tattoo that formed some kind of tribal pattern
Rei didn�t recognize. The other girl with them was named Risa, younger sister to
Kazuharu whom she�d met briefly before dinner. She was slightly taller than Yukina
with noticably larger tits. Her hair came down past her shoulder and was the same
shade of blonde as Minako�s.
The four of them moved along the mansion�s second floor east wing, having
past through several small rooms and hallways. The building had an odd design,
more like something out of a survival horror game than an actual residence. Rei
didn�t care though, she was enjoying her new home. She had quickly grown
accustomed to her new demonic body, which could shift between its natural form and
her former human self at will. Her elemental fire powers could now be used at any
time, without having to transform into Sailor Mars.
Smiling as they reached their destination, a large bedroom that had been
remodeled from two smaller ones, Rei slid out of the bright red silk bathrobe that
she had worn throughout dinner and stretched her body languidly. The bedroom
consisted of a single large King-sized bed that was placed to the left hand side of
the entrance, a large dresser and vanity to the right, and a large closet set into
the wall straight ahead. The floors were wood paneled and stained a deep brown
color, and the walls were a dark dusky red. Usagi had obviously had this room
prepared for her arrival. Taking several steps into her new room, Rei swished her
tail around gently. She licked her ruby colored lips slowly and cooed, �Yes, this
will do nicely.�
At dinner, Rei had hardly touched her plate as she watched the lesbian show
provided by Ami and Usagi�s mothers. All the while, Minako had crouched under the
table, hungrily sucking her cock. Oddly enough, the demonic dickgirl found that
the blondes blowjob was far more satisfying than the food. She turned to look at
the three fuckslaves behind her and smiled. Slowly, Rei felt her eleven inch long
cock slowly forming where her clit had once been. Unlike Usagi and Ami, Rei�s cock
was retractable, allowing her to continue wearing fully feminine clothing, though
the ebony haired dickgirl doubted she�d be wearing very much in the way of clothes
from now on...
Rei smiled as she eyed the three lovely young women behind her. All of them
naked save a collar around their necks. Each with their pussy shaved clean of any
trace of pubic hairs, a truely beautiful sight. She walked over to Yukina and
lightly traced her middle and index fingers along the red tattoos that lined her
body. The white haired young girl shivered at her touch and Rei licked her lips.
All the girls here smelled so, wonderful, a gentle, clean scent that sent a tingle
from her nose to her groin and back again. Her spine headed cock dripped with
precum as she took in the scent of each girl. She then walked between them,
looking over their tender naked flesh. Briefly, Rei considered taking them all at
once, but she decided she wasn�t in the mood for an all out orgy like at dinner.
�Yukina, Risa, you may go.� Rei said, dismissing two of the girls as she
stopped to look at Minako She then pulled the blonde into a deep and hard kiss,
mashing her new D-Cup tits against her smaller ones. Minako moaned softly against
her lips and slowly moved her arms to encircle Rei�s slender waist. As they
kissed, Risa and Yukina both left without a word, though both looked more than a
little disappointed. Rei didn�t care though, they were both just toys to be used
at her whim, their feelings didn�t matter.
Minako moaned softly again and Rei enjoyed the feeling of her tongue in the
other girls mouth. �Mmm, Mistress...� the blonde purred.
Mistress, Rei loved the title, it made her feel powerful, dominant. She
broke the kiss after a long moment and looked across at Minako. She smiled at her
before gripping a fistfull of her hair and yanking her head back, �That�s right you
little slut! And don�t you forget it!� she told her then leaned in close to slowly
brush her tongue over the soft skin of her neck. Delicious, Minako tasted almost
good enough to eat!
She felt Minako shivering against her and Rei grinned. She pressed her palm
against the blondes cream colored skin and cupped it over her soft breast. Minako
cooed again and Rei shoved her onto the bed violently. Minako grunted as she
bounced onto the bed and moved to lay on her back.
Still grinning, Rei walked over to the bed, languidly swaying her hips from
side to side. She climbed on top of Minako and straddled her stomach, her cock
resting neatly between the blondes tits. �Make no mistake, you�re MINE, Minako.�
she told her as she reached a hand down to grip one of her breasts in a rough grip.
Minako winced with pain and Rei leaned down slowly, licking her cheek, �All mine.�
she whispered.
Minako shuddered beneath her and Rei grinned wider. She scooted back slowly
and felt her cock twitching pleasurably. At last she was finally free, no longer
bound by her old Shrine Maiden virginal ways. For so long, Rei had envied Minako�s
slutty behavior, able to dress and act the way she wanted, while Rei had to stick
to set of strict rules and guidelines for behavior befitting a shrine maiden. She
reached her hands up to cup her own tits, kneading and squeezing them slowly,
enjoying the their heavy feel in her hands. Next, she pinched her fingers over her
nipples, pulling on them roughly and purring in delight.
Climbing off Minako, Rei stood on her knees atop her bed and smiled at the
slut in front of her.
�Suck it!� she told her.
Minako quickly moved to obey, getting up on her hangs and knees to crawl over
to Rei and engulf the dickgirls rod between her pink lips. Rei�s cock tasted like
pussy, and smelled strongly as the blonde slowly bobbed her head up and down its
length. She loved sucking cock almost as much as she loved being fucked up her
asshole. Having long overcome her gag reflexes, Minako easily took all eleven
inches of Rei�s cock down her throat. She moaned in pleasure, loving the feel of a
thick cock in her mouth as she brushed her tongue along the underside of it.
�Mmmm, I�ve always wanted to fuck you Mistress Rei, I like girls almost as
much as I like guys.� Minako said before taking Rei�s cock in her mouth again.
Rei grinned, �You�re quite the little whore, aren�t you Minako?�
The blonde nodded, �And proud of it!� she said as she lifted her mouth off
Rei�s dick and turned around to present her ass to her, �Please, fuck my whore
asshole mistress, I can�t stand it anymore!!!�
The raven haired demoness smiled and tensed her new cock, making it bob up
and down slightly, �And what reason do I have to fuck your dirty little asshole?�
she asked before spearing her shaft into Minako�s pussy, �When this hole interests
me far more!� she said with a groan of pleasure. Minako was easily virgin tight,
as the little slut preferred to get taken in her ass rather than her cunt. Rei
grabbed two handfuls of her long blonde hair and pulled them tight, using them like
handlebars as she pounded her new save from behind.
�Ahhhhh, Mistress, so, so goooood!!!� Minako screamed, meaning every word of
it. In all her years of fornication, Minako had never really felt any pleasure
when being fucked in her pussy. It wasn�t until she�d felt Artemis� spikey feline
dick that she got any real sensation out of it. Now, the nobby spines that ringed
the head of Rei�s cock were driving her crazy! Minako instinctively clenched her
inner muscles around Rei�s cock, wanting to pleasure her mistress as she was taken
by her. Her medium sized tits jiggled under her as Rei�s thrusts grew more
forceful. Minako grunted like an animal each time she felt Rei�s pelvis slam into
her from behind. She felt as though her pussy were on fire with pleasure, and it
wasn�t until later that she realized that Rei�s cock was hot, almost like a fever
was burning inside it!
�Mmmm, you�re pussy is so tight Minako, how many men have fucked this cunt?�
Rei asked.
Minako let out a long moan before answering, �Th... thirty, forty...�
Rei laughed, �Forty men, you whore!!!� she screamed before slamming her
entire length inside her.
�Ahhh, yes, I�m a whore, I�m a dirty whore!!!!� Minako screamed in ecstasy.
�From now on, no one fucks you without my permission but me! Understand?�
�Mmmm, yes Mistress, I�m your dirty whore, please use me as you see fit....�
Minako said as she shuddered with pleasure.
Grinning, Rei let go of one handful of hair and pushed the main mass of
golden locks off Minako�s back. She then touched one finger to the slut�s back,
just above her lightly jiggling ass. Her fingernail turned red and glowed slightly
as Rei traced the sigil of Mars into Minako�s skin. There was a soft sizzling
noise and Minako screamed in both pleasure and pain as a brand mark formed on her
skin. The tissue healed almost instantly, leaving Rei�s mark forever scarred into
Minako�s otherwise perfect skin. She then let go of the other locke of hair and
reached down to grab Minako�s pert tits, lifting her up so that her tits mashed
against the blondes back. All the while, the ebony haired demon never ceased
thrusting into her little fucktoy.
�Mmmm, cattle like you need to be branded, otherwise, someone might try to
fuck you without permission.� Rei whispered into her ear in a sweet tone.
�Tears still running down her cheeks, Minako nodded, accepting her new role
as Rei�s branded fuck cow.
�Such sweet tears,� Rei said and leaned over Minako�s shoulder to lick them
up as she felt her orgasm slowly building inside her. Mmmm, she thought, I feel so
much better now, almost like I�ve had a good meal. It was then that Rei understood
that she was eating, sex was her food now! The understanding sent a wave of
ecstasy through her and she howled with utter ecstasy as her cock flooded Minako
with nearly scalding hot sperm. The idea that she needed sex to live now was a
wonderful idea for her, and one she planned to enjoy to the fullest.


Makoto Kino stepped out of the shower slowly, steam wafting around her naked
body as the still hot water dripped off her enormous udders. She reached out with
her right hand and grabbed a towel off the bar nearest the tub. She then slowly
dried herself off, enjoying the feel of the water cooling against her naked flesh.
It made her nipple harden slowly and she cooed in pleasure at the feeling.
The brunette took her time, wanting everything to be perfect. Tonight, for
the first time in months, her mistress was taking her out whoring again, and Makoto
felt her skin tingle with anticipation. Ami loved watching her have sex with so
many different men, and so Makoto loved doing it for her. After she dried off,
Makoto went to work shaving her legs and pussy, wanting them to be totally clean
for tonight. The task was a little more difficult now thanks to the size of her
udders, but she managed. Once finished, Makoto rinsed herself off once more and
looked herself in the mirror. Not a trace of her recent pregnancy remained, not a
single blemish or stretchmark. She smiled and turned around to view her ass in the
mirror and slowly rubbed her hand over the smooth globe.
�Made for fucking,� she said aloud, it was a compliment Ami gave her often,
and the more she heard it, the more Makoto believed it to be true. This was her
purpose in life, to be Ami�s plaything, to mother her children and pleasure anyone
she was told. Becoming a slave was the best thing that ever happened to her.
Satisfied that she would please her mistress, Makoto walked out of the tiny
bathroom and out into the main bedroom.
�I�m ready mistress.� she said as she walked into the open area of the
bedroom she shared with Ami.
Ami stood at the foot of their queen-sized bed, dressed in a brow cowboy hait
with a golden band around the center. A matching vest with silver buttons was
draped around her shoulders, nearly elbow length black gloves covered both the
dickgirls hands and her left bicep sported a bullet band, though all the bullet
slots were empty. For pants, Ami wore a pair of high cut-off brown slacks that
bordered on being panties, their crotch running nicely through the slit of her
pussy. Ami�s foot long cock hung freely from a hold in the from and the blue
haired dickgirl had pulled a matching brown sleeve over it. Over each of her legs,
Ami wore dark brown chaps with light blue leggings underneath, and finally, on her
feet were a pair of high heeled cowboy boots that Makoto guessed were made from
alligator skin.
The blue haired dickgirl smiled at Makoto and walked over to her slowly,
swaying her hips with every step. She encircled her arms around the brunette�s
slender waist and mashed her D-cup tits against her massive udders as she leaned up
to kiss her deeply. Makoto melted into her mistresses embrace, moaning softly as
she kissed her back and moved her hands to lightly caress her bottom.
�Mmm, all nice and clean now Mako-chan?� Ami asked after breaking their kiss.
�Yes, Mistress.� the brunette answered.
�Good, now, let�s get you ready.� Ami said as she escorted her over to the
side of the bed where she had laid out what Makoto was to wear tonight. Strangely
though, Makoto didn�t see any real clothes so to speak, but several containers of
bodypain, a butt-plug with a tail extension, and a pair of horns attached to a hair
band. Ami reached down and picked up the first bodypaint jar and opened the top.
Inside was a dul black paint that smelled almost like cake icing. Taking off her
glove, Ami dipped her finger into the jar then knelt down and began tracing a
number of uneven splotches over Makoto�s legs, thighs, back, and arms. When she
had finished, Ami then picked out a brush that the brunette hadn�t noticed before
and began filling in the splotches with more of the bodypaint.
There was another bodylength mirror across the room and as Ami back filling
the marks on her back, Makoto began to see what her mistress had in mind. When
contrasted against her creamy colored skin, the black splotches gave Makoto the
look of an actual cow! The brown haired girl felt her nipples getting hard as the
though of walking through the streets naked with her mistress at her side, selling
her body to any man interested.
�Mmmm, getting wet already, Mako-chan?� Ami asked, reaching a hand around
from behind to rub between the damp folds of her cleanly shaven pussy.
�Mooo....� Makoto responded, feeling her udders ache with milk already.
�That�s my good little cow.� Ami said, moving her hands up to heft her heavy
udders in her palms. Makoto Mooed again and Ami smiled then went back to work
finishing with her black spots. Once they were completed, Ami picked up another
jar of bodypaint, this one colored a bright pink color. Not bothering with any
brushes this time, Ami scooped up a thick handful and began smearing it over
Makoto�s big udders, but to no surprise, the jar wasn�t enough to completely cover
Makoto�s size, and Ami hade to break open a second jar before she was finished.
The dickgirl then quickly washed her hands of the bodypaints and went to work
pulling Makoto�s hair up into its usual ponytail style, securing it in place with a
hair band decorated by two green balls. After that, Mai placed the second hairband
over Makoto�s head then had her crawl onto the bed for her.
Obeying without question, Makoto crawled onto the bed, surprised to find that
the bodypaint on her knees had already dried and didn�t rub off against the sheets.
Ami looked her up and down, admiring her, �So lovely,� she said as she gently
caressed the soft, but firm roundness that was Makoto�s ass.
�Mmm, I was made for fucking...� Makoto said.
�Yes you were.� Ami agreed as she reached down and picked up the anal plug.
She turned it over in her hand several times before lifting it to her mouth. She
then slowly sucked on the dark black piece of molded rubber, coating it with her
saliva. Next, the blue haired dickgirl moved towards Makoto�s rear and spanked her
ass lightly, �And you�re gonna fuck lots of men for me tonight, aren�t you?�
�Mmmm, yes Mistress, lots of men!� Makoto cooed.
�And how much milk are you gonna make for me?� Ami asked while she rubbed the
tip of the plug against Makoto�s puckered asshole.
�Hahhh, gallons!� Makoto moaned then mooed as Ami pushed the anal plug all
the way into the brunettes tight little asshole. Ami laughed and watched as a bit
of milk began leaking from her heavy udders
�That�s a good little cow.� Ami said before going over to her dresser and
pulling out a collar with a cows bell attached to it. She quickly fastened the
collar around her neck and had her climb off the bed.


The booming pulses of music thundered in Ami�s ears as she led Makoto into
the erotic nightclub deep in the Red Light District. Smoke, booze, and various
bodily odors cloyed the air. The club was similar to the one where she had first
spotted Minako fucking several people on a table months ago, though that place was
several blocks away. The blue haired dickgirl grinned as she walked through the
crowd of people. All of them looking in awe of both her, and the little prize
walking behind her.
Makoto looked perfect, her naked body covered with black splotches of
bodypaint in a classic cow pattern, her huge udders painted pink like the udders of
a real milking cow! The two of them walked over to the long bar, drawing a small
crowd around them. Ami licked her lips, feeling her pierced nipples growing stiff
in the cool air of the club. Once at the bar, Ami had Makoto climb up onto the
counter and kneel down on all fours. The brunettes heavy tits nearly touched the
top of the counter and Ami smiled as she asked the bar tender for a shot glass. He
handed her the tiny cup and she placed it under one of Makoto�s pert nipples.
�Do you have lots of milk for me tonight Mako-chan?� she asked.
�Unnnnn, gallons mistress, my udders feel so sore now!� Makoto whined as she
wiggled her ass wantonly.
Ami giggled and kissed Makoto deeply, �Mmm, we�ll just see what can be done
about that.� she told her before grabbing one of the girls tits with both her hands
and squeezing it hard while pulling down at the same time.
�Ooohhhh, moooooo!� Makoto moaned as milk gushed from her nipple, instantly
filling and over flowing the shot glass beneath her. The excess milk spilt over
the counter, dripping down onto the filthy floor below.
All around them, men and women alike whooped and hollered at the brunette as
Ami lifted the glass up and smiled. �Hundred Yen a glass!� she called out to the
crowd, and was instantly greeted by a rain of coins as people gathered around to
partake of her cows milk. The blue haired dickgirl grinned and turned back to
Makoto, �Mmmm, see how popular you are?� she asked while the bartender retrieved a
large pan that fitting over the counter with a long funnel extension that led over
the edge. A moment later, one of the other club patrons brought out a big barrel
that smelled of cum and other fluids and Ami quickly got the idea.
Placing the barrel under the end of the funnel, and the pan under Makoto�s
huge udders, Ami reached up and gripped both the brunettes tits, squeezing them
hard and pulling them down. Her breastmilk flowed easily, splashing into the pan
and draining down into the barrel below. The bartender then handed out glasses to
the customers and took their yen coins into a large glass jar. The patrons then
held their glasses under the cascade of milk flowing from Makoto�s tits and began
to drink their fill as Ami continually milked her.
Through it all, Makoto moaned and mooed like a cow as she felt the pressure
inside her udders slowly ease. Around them, the other club goers drank deep from
Makoto�s breastmilk, enjoying the think and rich taste that Ami had come to love so
much! The blue haired dickgirl looked up at Makoto from the barstool where she sat
and smiled at her lovingly. Makoto looked back and moaned softly as Ami continued
milking her udders.
As the barrel slowly began to fill, Ami slowed her milking and turned back to
the crowd, most of the patrons had gone back to whatever they were doing before the
twosome came in, though a good number still remained, enjoying the show of a women
being treated like a herding animal.
�Quite the heifer you have there.� said a young man as she sat across from
Ami. He couldn�t have been much more than twenty, but his age didn�t matter to the
�Mmmm, yes, she�s my pride and joy.� Ami purred as she leaned up to lick the
side of Makoto�s udder, making the brunette moan softly. �But you know, even this
isn�t her best milk.� she explained while taking a sip of milk from her own smaller
glass. �My little cow make her best milk when she�s being fucked hard!� she told
him with a smile.
The young man grinned and Ami quickly negotiated a price and and he placed
the money in her hand, Ami looked up to Makoto and smiled. �Now, keep that pussy
nice and tight for a paying customer!� she told her.
�Yes, Mistress...� Makoto said as the man climbed up onto the bar and dropped
his pants. Ami watched with rapt attention as he rubbed the tip of his average
sized dick against the slick folds of Makoto�s pussy. It seemed that being milked
in front of so many people had really turned her slutty little cow on!
Behind her, the man grinned and rubbed his hands over Makoto�s neatly rounded
ass as he slowly pushed his cock into her slick cunt. Makoto moaned in pleasure
and rolled her hips against the mans cock, silently begging him to push in deeper.
He groaned in pleasure and began fucking her faster, making her huge udders wobble
back and forth. Around them, the patrons watching the show cheered the man on as
Ami began milking her prize cow once more.
This time, Makoto�s milk flowed more easily, pouring out of her nipples with
hardly any work from the dickgirl. Ami grinned and lifted one heavy udder to her
face, enjoying the splash of warm milk on her lips before taking the nipple between
them. Makoto groaned and mooed louder now, loving the feel of her mistress nursing
on her udders.
�Mmmm, you�re milk is so good now Mako-chan, is he fucking you good?� Ami
�Ahh, Yes, Mistress....�
�Is he fucking you hard?�
�Yeah, you like it hard, don�t you?� Ami asked with a smile as she felt her
cock straining against the sleeve around it.
orgasm, her nipples gushing with milk now, making an awful mess on the bar counter
Smiling, Ami kissed Makoto hard, forcing her tongue deep into the cow womans
mouth and savoring the sound of her muffled moaning. The man behind her then
groaned as he came inside her, so disappointing, so many men couldn�t last anywhere
near as long as a dickgirl like herself. The break however did give Ami a chance
to move Makoto off the counter and onto one of the tables where the lighting was
brighter, giving everyone a good look at her giant udders and fucked cunt.
Kneeling on the table with Makoto, Ami grinned and pulled the sleeve off her
foot long dick, the precum had soaked through the tip and now dribbled down her
shaft slowy. �Mmmm, who else wants to fuck my little slutty cow?� she asked as she
reached down to lift one enormous tit, �She can do more than just three guys,
watch!� she said before sliding her cock into Makoto�s nipple with a wet squishing
sound that could be heard even over the pounding music.
Makoto howled in ecstasy at the feeling of her mistress fucking her nipple in
front of so many people. Her dripping pussy instantly gushed at the intrusion and
she spread her legs wide to begin fingering herself. The next thing she knew, she
felt another man slamming into her pussy while someone else speared her other
udder, and yet another man forced his cock down her moaning throat. She didn�t
care about any of it though, her Mistress was fucking her nipple, and it felt so
good! The brunette savored every single thrust of Ami�s huge dick into her milk
filled udder, each time made her cum even harder than the last. She tasted slimy
cum in her mouth as the man taking her there came, she quickly swallowed it and
opened wide for the next man, and the next, and the next...


Kneeling down on all fours in front of the stairs in the foyer, Michiru Kaiou
couldn�t remember when she had been happier! She was dressed in a pair of white
lace stockings, matching shoes, and crotchless white panties that were connected
her her leggings via garter belts. Her arms were adorned with white silk arm
length fingerless gloves with lace edges, that matched well with the cupless lace
bra that held her lactating breasts aloft. Over her head, Michiru wore a silk veil
that looked like it must have cost a fortune in of itself! Mistress Usagi really
went all out for this, she thought to herself and she glanced over to her left and
looked at Haruka, her Maid of Honor, kneeling likewise on all fours and dress in a
similar fashion to herself, minus the veil and colored in bright yellows.
To Haruka�s left was Ami, followed by Makoto, then Rei, and finally Minako.
Each wearing sexy outfits matching their senshi colors, though Makoto had forgone a
bra as the store likely didn�t have ANYTHING approaching her size! Michiru smiled
at all of them, happy that they had agreed to be her bridesmaids. Though Rei
didn�t seem as pleased as Ami and the others did, Michiru didn�t understand why.
In front of them, Usagi stood at the foot of the stairs, on either side of
the pregnant blonde, a young woman sat straddled to the ends of each banister along
the stairwell. Their naked bodies covered in sweat as they leaned back in their
cradles, moaning in ecstasy as the vibrators hummed away inside their tight
pussies. The double cocked dickgirl was dressed in a mockery of a priests clothes,
a black silken robe so sheer it left nothing to the imagination, a priests collar
that looked fairly accurate, and a matching purple sash that was draped over her
shoulders. Her twin dicks formed a pair of large tents in the robes to go with the
swell of her stomach.
Behind Usagi, the �witnesses� were gathered. Saeko and Ikuko, Ami and
Usagi�s mothers, and Shingo, her little brother were the foremost of the group.
Along with them was Naru Osaka, who looked sad as she cried into a handkerchief,
Kazuharu Fukuyama and his little sister Risa, Yukina, a girlfriend of Minakos with
an equally perverted personality. Minako�s Parents and the girls of Luxery Homes
Magazine, now called Fetish Themes Monthly, Haruna Sakurada, Usagi�s former
teacher, now the clothing designer for everyone in the mansion, and several other
young men and women whom now served Usagi faithfully. Most of them were from
Haruka�s old College class, her Professor, Soken Ishida, and the other male
students, Michiru couldn�t recall their names, the other men were more or less
addicted to Haruka�s body thanks to Usagi�s little spell of lust around her.
Standing behind Michiru was Hotaru, dressed in a gothic lolita style outfit
in purple and red hues. She was serving as the flowergirl for this little event.
Michiru smiled at her adoptive daughter before finally turning to look at the
Brutaka stood next to Michiru, panting softly as he looked up at Mistress
Usagi. He had been dressed in a mock-up of a tuxedo with a mens shirt collar
around his next secured by a bow tie. To his right were Bess and Ricky, Ami�s two
Mastiffs, and several of the security dogs. Behind them were Michiru�s beloved
triplet childred, or litter, she thought to herself. Ninpu, Meido, and Naasu. The
three girls were the first ever born hybrid children of human and canine, though it
was obvious that their human half was dominant, with only pointed ears and long
tails showing their canine heritage. They had grown so fast, only a few months old
and already they had the bodies of six year old girls.
Michiru smiled at her girls, looking forward to giving them many sisters
starting tonight. Her pussy already began to grow damp at the thought of what was
happening. In a few minutes, she would be married to a dog, the beast next to her
would be her husband and master, and she, his willing mate and whore. As Usagi
opened a black leather bound book with matching black pages and white text. The
book was one of several odd items Usagi had been aquiring over the last few weeks,
Michiru didn�t question it, such was not a slaves place. She only looked up at
Usagi with adoration and gratitude in her eyes.
Usagi began to read from the book, some odd language that sounded like Latin.
Michiru listened and felt her pussy growing hotter with every word. Sweat began
beading on her body and her thighs trembled slightly. Before long, Michiru found
herself panting like a true bitch in heat! Oh god, she thought, my pussy�s on
fire! I don�t think I can wait much longer!
To her left, all of Michirus bridesmaids began panting as well, their
scantily clad bodies breaking out in sweat as they too felt the effect of Usagi�s
words. To her right, all of the dogs became aroused, their long red cocks emerging
from their sheaths and dripping with musk and precum. The stink of it turned
Michiru on even more and she felt her arms beginning to struggle to hold her up.
Standing up above them, Usagi smiled, the spell she was casting was taking
effect, and even behind her, the gathered guests had begun to fondle one another as
she continued to read aloud.
�Michiru Kaiou, do you swear your body to the Dog Brutaka, do you vow to be
his faithful bitch and serve as the receptacle for his cum and barer of his
offspring from now until eternity?� Usagi asked.
�Hahhh, ahhhh.... mmmmm, Y.. Yes... I do.� Michiru said pantingly, her body
struggling to stay upright with the torrent of desire flooding through her body.
Usagi smiled, there were no vows listed for the groom of this ceremony, as a
beast required no vows of commitment. But Usagi could see that Michru was on the
verge of loosing what little sanity she might have left. Even now, her body was
changing inside, her womb becoming constantly fetile and only capable of becoming
pregnant with a dogs offspring. It was a little sad that Usagi would never be able
to knock her up herself, but she had an entire harem of sluts to impregnate
whenever she wanted!
The blonde then nodded, �I now declare you as no longer human, but a bitch,
fit only to fuck animals, you may receive your mates seed now!� Usagi said,
slamming the book shut.
The echoing sound of the book slamming shut was like a starters pistol going
off as all the dogs instantly turned and fell upon the prone group of women.
Michiru howled in instant orgasm as she felt Brutaka�s cock slamming all the way
into her seething hot pussy. She rolled her hips back against her new husband,
loving the feel of his animal cock inside her as he began fucking her hard.
Across from Michiru, Bess moved up behind Haruka and easily mounted her from
behind. The big dogs thick cock easily slid into the womans tight pussy as he
panted in pleasure, his paws rested on the pair of pawprint tattoos that were on
either side of the �DOG FUCKING BITCH� tattoo just above the blondes ass. Haruka
groaned loudly and arched, pushing back onto him hard and panting loudly, pussy
clamping down on his cock tightly.
Next to Haruka, Ami moaned as Ricky pushed into her. She had always wondered
what it would feel like to be fucked by a dog after seeing how much Makoto and her
mother both got off on it. And as the big Mastiff began thrusting into her, she
finally knew just how good it felt to have that stinking animal dick inside her hot
pussy! She ground back against the beast and moaned loudly, reaching a hand down
to stroke her own cock as she turned to look back at Michiru and her new husband.
Michiru yelped and panted loudly,groaning in blissful orgasm as she was
pounded into by Brutaka. Trying to brace herself, to push back onto him and take
him deeper into her pussy, gasping for breath with his every thrust! The big dog�s
cock felt so good inside her pussy, �God, yes....This feels so good...Fuck me
harder, please!� She shuddered gently and placed her head on the floor with a
moan, reaching back to grip his front legs, pulling him deeper into her, clenching
on him tighter and groaning loudly.
Meanwhile, Rei groaned in a mix of pleasure and disgust as the big doberman
began pounding her pussy. She didn�t want to fuck a dog, but Usagi had given her
an order, and the demonic dickgirl couldn�t refuse her. Now, trapped in her human
form, the ebony haired girl bucked back and forth, her newly pierced nipples
rubbing lightly against the floor as her big tits wobbled back and forth. Dispite
herself though, Rei could feel her revulsion slowly fading as her sex hungry body
began feeding on the sinful act. Her moans began to slowly turn into pants as her
sweaty body began bucking back against the animals. Rei straightened her arms and
pushed herself up, her body quickly adapting for this kind of fornication. She
looked up at Usagi and saw the pregnant demonic woman looking down at her with a
grin as she leaned back against the stairs. Ikuko and Koyomi had clambed down and
lifted the robe Usagi wore up to begin sucking her cocks lovingly.
Rei licked her lips at the sight and moaned in pleasure as she felt the dogs
knot begin to swell up inside her. She then turned to look over at Makoto and
Minako, both women were already mounted by the other two dogs and moaning like the
sluts they were. Makoto in particular seemed to really be getting off on this, her
giant tits already leaking milk everywhere!
�Ahhh, yeah, fuck my pussy!!!� Haruka groaned as she bucked back against
Bess, �Don�t stop, fuck me hard, knock me up with puppies!!!� she screamed as her
body shuddered in orgasm. Usagi had told her several weeks ago that she was to get
herself pregnant by one of the dogs after having given birth to her triplets, all
of whom were currently in the nursery. The short haired blonde relished the idea
of being a dog bitch full time, wanting to become pregnant over and over for
Mistress Usagi.
At the same moment, Makoto had shifted around under the pounding dog, turning
over onto her back, as her massive breasts wobbled back and forth. Every movement
she made caused her to spray out more of her luscious milk, coating the floor with
the sweet liquid. As Makoto rolled over, the dog kept on pounding it�s beastly
cock back and forth in Makoto�s dripping snatch, never stopping as Makoto moved.
The dog yelped a bit as it felt the twisting motion on its hard cock, urging it to
pound harder and faster onto Makoto�s tight and wet passage. Makoto simply groaned
and whimpered in utter bliss as another orgasm crashed into her entire body.
As soon as Makoto was on her back, the dog sniffed the familiar scent of
Makoto�s milk. It was intoxicating, clearly making the dog hornier than ever!
Makoto could sense what the dog wanted as she smiled with lust towards it. �D-
Doggie...want some milk, eh?� Makoto gently grasped the forelegs of the dog as she
pulled them up over to her massive udders. The dog whined in return, knowing what
additional reward it will be getting. The dog slowly lapped it�s tongue across the
streams of milk that seeped continuously out of Makoto�s breasts. This urged it to
pound faster and deeper, its cock driving hard inside Makoto�s pussy. Soon, the
dog found the source of the milk as it started to roll it�s tongue all around
Makoto�s erect nipple, flicking across it and lapping up the sweet liquid. Makoto
bit down hard on her lip as she hung her head back in pure lewd ecstasy.
Suddenly, Makoto felt another tongue on her other enormous nub. The brunette
opened her dark green eyes, only to see a pair of delicious-looking breasts staring
back at her. Makoto looked past the breasts and saw Minako gently slurping up the
milk trailing down from her other gigantic udder. She moaned in delight as she
reached up and took Minako�s breasts on her palms, rubbing them wildly as her
fingers tweaked at each nipple. Minako moaned in pleasure as she humped back
against her own dog, and as she felt Makoto�s lecherous caress on her own tits.
She kept on flicking her tongue back and forth across the massive nipple before
clamping down on it, slowly sucking out the milk. Makoto gasped and gurgled in
extreme bliss as she imitated Minako, directing one of her nipples into her mouth
as she sucked hard on it as her other hand thoroughly massaged Minako�s other
breast, pinching at the swollen tit with her fingers as well.
All together, Makoto, Minako and the two, horny dogs made quite a lewd and
perverse scene, coaxing the rest of the spectators to strip of their clothing and
initiate a massive orgy. The pounding and the sucking never ceased, as each woman
was brought to orgasm, again and again by the never tiring dogs. Makoto and Minako
hungrily sucked on each other�s nipples, with Minako being slightly better off as
she devoured the milk that gushed out of Makoto�s udders. The dogs kept on pounding
and cumming inside the women�s wet and tight passages, their cocks swelling and
locking them into place as they continued their vigorous fucking.
Michiru couldn�t have been anymore joyous. Here she was, on all fours,
begging to be ravished continuously by her lovely husband, Brutaka. Each moment
that Brutaka drove in his rock-hard erection deep into Michiru�s dripping snatch
drove her closer to fulfillment, to her purpose. She longed for Brutaka�s seed,
simply wanting more and more for her new life as Brutaka�s doggy wife so that she
could conceive such wonderful babies. The tattoo just above her ass reflected truly
what Michiru had become. Nothing more but Brutaka�s doggy whore, the carrier of
their spawn, enjoying each moment of being fucked and being driven to countless
�Ahahhhh...� the aqua haired woman moaned, �Yes, yes, ohhh, fuck meeeeee...!�
she said as she continued rolling her hips back against her husbands invading cock.
Her pussy felt as though it were melting around his cock as she felt the thick knot
swelling up inside her. She relished the sensation as she felt all her ecstasy
mounting higher and higher. All around her, the massive orgy spun into utter
sexual chaos as the couples split apart and began seeking out new partners. She
glimpsed Shingo sucking on Makoto�s nipple after Minako had moved on to be fucked
by another group of dogs. Ami still was being mounted by Ricky and Haruka had once
more proven herself a total whore as she took three dogs at once, one in every
All of this didn�t matter to Michiru though, she had her beloved husband
inside her, filling her, fucking her, impregnating her... And as she felt Brutaka
slamming his entire length into her, Michiru reared up with her beast husband and
howled in ecstasy as she came harder than she could ever remember.


(Later that night)

Ami emerged from the small lounge room of the mansion and walked down the
long dimly lit hallway to a short flight of stairs that led down. She quietly
walked on the creaking steps and arrived at a large silver painted door with a
screened window set at eye level. Grabbing the handle, Ami turned the knob, it
slid easily and she pushed the door open to emerge into a large resturant style
kitchen. The walls were tiled in a dull bluish gray color with a matching tile
floor. Several skid mats were placed around the sink and counters were the food
was prepared. There were two large refrigerators to her immediate right and the
room opened up wide to her left where she spoted the many spice racks and dry
ingredient cabinets.
The blue haired dickgirl smiled at the sight of her mother, Saeko Mizuno,
standing on one side of the island in the center of the room. She was chopping up
a tomato and Ami spotted the makings of a BLT on the chopping board next to the
once pround doctor turned fuck whore. Saeko was naked as usual, it had been almost
a full year since Ami had enslaved and impregnated her, now, the woman found
clothing an almost alien concept in reguards to herself.
Ami herself was dressed in a simple outfit at the moment, consisting of a
pair of flannel boxer shorts and a loose fitting t-shirt. While she enjoyed
dressing the part of a dominatrix or street whore, Ami found that such costumes all
the time could quickly become uncomfortable.
�Hello mother, how are you tonight?� Ami asked, walking around the island and
spying the slight swell in her mothers stomach. Usagi had reimpregnated her
shortly after Saeko gave birth to Ami�s incest baby Tanima, whom was likely being
fed in the nursery right now along with her sister Chounyuu whom Ami had with
As soon as Saeko heard the kitchen door slide open and her daughter�s voice
meet her ears, she glanced up from her food preparation and smiled at Ami. She
silently placed the cutting knife on the chopping board and wiped her tomato-
stained hand on a small towel as she placed her hands on her sides and turned
towards Ami, who was approaching her from behind the island. �I�m feeling relaxed,
my mistress. I hope you are too,� Saeko replied as she bowed her head in respect
and authority to her mistress, her very own daughter. �I suppose my mistress is
famished,� Saeko said towards Ami as she kept her gaze on the floor, her head still
bowed down.
Walking over to her mother, Ami smiled and trailed her fingers along the
endge of the island counter top. �Not really, just wandering around the house.�
she said honestly as she walked up to Saeko and reached out to lightly trace her
finger over the older womans cheek. Saeko really was beautiful, moreso now that
she was a loyal sex toy to herself and Usagi. Ami took a moment to admire that
beauty before lifting Saeko�s eyes up to look at her own. She then leaned forward
and kissed her mothers lips deeply, sliding her tongue along the other womans lips
and into her mouth.
Saeko�s face brightened and her eyes twinkled with joy as Ami made her way
towards her. Recently, Saeko was a bit sad from the fact that she was taken away
from her daughter by Usagi. She did enjoy the incredible fucking but she knew her
rightful place was before Ami as her fucktoy. Now, she was begging that Ami would
take her back and use her again, despite the baby growing inside of her. When Ami
reached out to touch her cheek, Saeko gave out a satisfied coo, having missed Ami�s
touch. Saeko saw Ami lean over for a kiss, urging her to meet her daughter�s lips
with her own. As soon as Saeko felt her daughter�s lips, she moaned slightly,
parting her lips to give access to Ami�s slithering tongue. Saeko joyfully welcomed
it as her own tongue slid across Ami�s, caressing it gently.
�Mmmm,� Ami purred against her mothers lips as she closed in further. She
wrapped one arm around the slightly pregnant womans waist and hugged her close.
Her mothers scent always turned the dickgirl on as she felt her cock hardening
inside her shorts. With her other hand, Ami reached down and lightly stroked her
mothers pussy, smiling against her lips at the smooth completely bald feel of it
under her finger.
�You shaved today.� Ami said after breaking the kiss.
Saeko continued her passionate kiss on her daughter as she pressed closer
towards her, her ample breasts mashing up against Ami�s clothed ones. Saeko felt
her daughter�s growing cock rub up her swollen belly through the fabric of her
shorts, causing her to moan in anticipation. When she felt Ami�s fingers slide
across her already moist nether lips, Saeko whimpered as her whole body started to
slowly become florid. �I wanted to make myself presentable to you, my mistress,�
Saeko replied as she blushed and gazed lovingly at her daughter.
�Such a good mother.� Ami said with a giggle as she began sliding her fingers
against the other womans cunt slowly. She slipped two fingers inside the womans
pussy and spread them out, stretching her well used hole. �Mmmm, so wet so soon,
you�re such a slut mom, aren�t you?� Ami asked with a smile.
�Y-Yes...your one and only slut, my mistress,� Saeko moaned out a little
louder this time as she bit down on her lip from the sudden pleasurable feeling
that zapped up from her wet pussy. Her whole body quivered from that single touch,
causing her knees to be wobbly as she pressed down on the countertop to support
herself up.
Smiling, Ami slowly pulled her hand away from her mothers pussy and licked
them clean, �Mmmm, you taste so nice,� she said as she kissed Saeko again, �But all
your moaning has made my cock all hard, what should we do about that?� she asked
her with a grin.
Saeko smiled bashfully in gratitude as Ami licked her cum from her own
fingers and enjoyed it. Saeko was glad she was making her mistress happy but she
wanted her to be even happier. �What your fucktoy does best, my mistress,� Saeko
replied again through another moan as she slowly knelt on the cold, tiled floor,
carefully carrying her swollen belly under her arm. As soon as Saeko came face-to-
face with Ami�s erection, the scent wafted through her nostrils, intoxicating her
with Ami�s musk. Saeko had waited so long for this. She reached up as she slid her
fingers on the waistband of Ami�s boxer�s as she gently pulled them down, freeing
Ami�s hard cock as it sprung into the air, slightly grazing at Saeko�s cheek. Saeko
merely cooed in delight as she reached for both her hands and gently grasped the
massive erection. Saeko started to stroke it gently, completely loving the way
Ami�s cock felt on her hands.
Cooing with pleasure, Ami looked down past her own big tits and watched as
her mother stroked her dick. She smiled at the sight and grabbed the edge of the
shirt she wore, pulling it off slowly, letting her D-Cup tits bounced free, the
piercings in her nipples glinting in the low light. She then began running her
fingers through her mothers long blue hair, �Mmmm, I love it when you suck my dick
mom, you give the best head out of any slut here!� she praised her.
Ami�s words were a catalyst to the already horny woman. Without any
hesitation, Saeko leaned forward as she stuck out her tongue and licked up across
the entire length. She shuddered at the intoxicating taste as she continuously
lapped her tongue all over the length before finally clamping her lips gently
around the tip of her daughter�s cock. Slowly, Saeko drove her mouth deeper as she
stretched her mouth around the thick, veiny shaft. Her tongue continued to lash out
at the cock, slurping around the thick head. Soon, Saeko felt the massive rod hit
the back of her throat, and she was only half-way down her daughter�s cock! Saeko
had already learned to control her gag reflex after numerous times of sucking her
daughter and her friends so it was no trouble for her as she started to bob up and
down on Ami�s throbbing cock.
Groaning in pleasure, Ami rested her hands on either side of her mothers
head, enjoying the feel of the womans mouth gliding over her thick cock. As she
often did when she fucked her mother, Ami thought back to her life before Usagi had
opened her eyes. She had been so innocent, completely unaware of the carnal
delights that were open to those with the wills to dive into them. Yes, she was so
naive back then. It felt like a lifetime ago, but had only been a little over a
year. Bit such things didn�t matter, Ami would never go back to her old way of
life, she had tasted the forbidden fruit, and her hunger for it was now insatiable!
�Mmmm, yes, suck my cock mother, suck it hard...� Ami groaned as she leaned
back against the island.
Saeko moaned through her gentle sucking, Ami�s words coaxing her to suck
harder. She did just so as she stretched her mouth even wider as she bobbed up and
down on Ami�s huge prick with a feverish speed. She stroked whatever she couldn�t
stuff into her mouth as she sucked harder and faster, panting heavily as she did
so. Her own body reacted as well as her nipples grew out from her mounds and as her
own snatch became dripping wet. Such a slut she had become, and Saeko didn�t have
any regrets at all.
�Mmmm, that feels so good mom, don�t stop!� Ami groaned as she began pushing
her cock deeper into the womans mouth. She gripped handfuls of the blue haired
womans hair and held on tight as she felt herself getting ready to cum.
Saeko quickened her sucking, wanting to be fed her daughter�s creamy seed.
She sucked with much fervor up to the point that Ami�s cock was bumping against the
back of her throat each time she would bob up and down. Saeko loved the feeling as
she groaned around he massive prick.
Moaning in ecstasy, Ami pulled Saeko down on her cock, forcing her mother to
take all twelve inches down her throat! She then bucked against the womans face,
her cum audibly splashing inside her throat as it went straight down into her
Saeko whimpered out in pure, sexual bliss as she felt Ami push her down on
her head. It was a good thing the Saeko had prepared for such a thing, as she
opened up her throat muscles, letting the giant cock slide down her throat. Saeko
felt the cock throb and then quiver as the the warm liquid spewed out deep inside
of her. Her already swollen belly seemed to expand even more as Ami�s cum filled
her stomach up. All this time, Saeko was still sucking at the shaft, milking it for
all its delicious cum.
Groaning slowly, Ami savored the feeling of cumming down her mothers throat
and relished the loud noise of her gulping down each thick wad. The blue haired
dickgirl then pulled her cock from her mothers sloppy mouth and spurted one last
hot wad into her face.
�Mmmm, that was great mom.� Ami said with a smile.
Saeko savored the taste of her daughter�s seed as it trickled down her throat
and pooled under her tongue. She gulped down the remaining glob of cum as she
proceeded to lick the string of cum across her face. �Mistress, thank you for
cumming in my mouth. It was very delicious,� Saeko uttered out gratefully as she
licked her lips and gazed up at Ami.
Staring down at her whore of a mother, Ami smiled and pulled Saeko up to her
feet. She rubbed her hand over the small swell of her pregnant belly and kissed
her lewdly. �Mmm, you need only ask if you want my cum mother, I�m happy to give
it to you.� she said with a purr while mashing her breasts against the older
�Yes, Mistress,� Saeko nodded as she started to moan again from the
pleasurable contact of their tits. �I ask again, if you could fill me up with more
of your cum, my Mistress,� Saeko asked with a genuine longing as her full belly
rubbed against Ami�s cock.
�Mmmm....� Ami replied as she kissed Saeko again, letting her tongue dance in
the womans mouth and moving to easily lift her up and lay her back on the island
counter. She then knelt down and pressed her mouth against Saeko�s pussy, tasting
her mothers juices. �Mmmm, so sweet....� she cooed as she dipped three fingers
into her cunt and began spreading them out, while looking inside the puffy pink
Saeko kissed back with much fervor as she was eased up into the countertop.
Her belly wiggled a bit from the motion, making Saeko giggle a bit. As soon as Ami
started to eat her pussy, Saeko shuddered in bliss as she spread her legs even
wider. She felt the three fingers enter, and she couldn�t help but sway her hips a
bit, wanting to feel more inside of her. Her whole body became flushed as some of
her slut juices seeped out from her pussy, coating Ami�s hand. �Ohh...Mistress...,�
Saeko whispered as she held down firmly on the edge of the countertop.
�Mmmm, yes mother?� Ami asked in an almost conversational tone while she
continued to lick at the womans clit while stretching her pussy wide. She then
added a fourth digit and began pushing much of her hand inside the woman as she
began nibbling her clit like a lifelong lesbian.
�Ngh.....M-Mistress..,� Saeko cried out in short breaths as she felt the
pleasure grow from between her legs. More juices seeped out, washing over Ami�s
tongue and fingers, as Saeko held her composure, steadying herself on the
countertop. The feeling was incredible. She had waited all this time for this, for
Ami to ravage her dripping pussy. Saeko slightly brought out her hips, seemingly
offering her sluthole to Ami as she requested humbly, �Please, Mistress...Fuck me.�
�Is that what my mother wants?� Ami asked, �Do you want your daughter to fuck
your horny pussy on the kitchen counter like a cheap whore?� She then pushed her
fist into Saeko�s pussy, loving the slick and wet squishing noise it made as it
stretched her fuckhole wide!
�Gyah!!!! Y-Yes, yes, Mistress!!! Your fuckslut wants you to pound her pussy
in with your hard cock,� Saeko screamed in blissful torture as Ami�s fist pounded
into her hot, wet pussy. �Your slut needs it! Fuck your incest-loving slut,
Mistress! Drive your cock deep inside of me,� Saeko burst out in heavy panting as
she begged and pleaded like a comon whore.
Laughing, Ami pulled her fist out of her mothers pussy, listening to the wet
sucking noise it made as her hand exited. She then stood up full and rubbed the
length of her foot long cock against the dripping folds of her mothers pussy.
Precum again oozed from the tip as she skirted her hardness between the womans
velvety folds but still didn�t enter her.
�Please, mistress!! Put it in me!! Fuck your cockslut!! Drive it deep inside
your whore,� Saeko burst out in tears, longing for Ami�s raging cock. She moves her
hips, rubbing her pussy lips against the shaft as she screams out yet again, �Your
slave is nothing if not fucked by you, mistress!!! Please!! FUCK ME!!!� Saeko�s
words of distraught and wanton yearning simply reflected just how much of a slut
she had become. And she did enjoy it, being her own daughter�s sex slave.
�Mmmm, you�re so beautiful when you�re begging like that mother.� Ami said
before plunging her cock in and moaning in pleasure. �Ohhh, and your pussy is just
so tight even after have two babies!!!� she groaned and began pounding into her
hard, making her belly and tits jiggle with every thrust into her burning hot cunt.
The blue haired dickgirl then reached forward and grabbed her mothers tits,
squeezing them until milk began to spray out. She then leaned down and took her
right nipple between her lips, suckling it roughly and savoring the taste of her
mothers milk again.
Finally, after so long in begging and pleading like a common whore, Saeko
gets her reward. She screamed out loud, almost loud enough for the dinnerware to
rattle, as she closed her eyes tight with ecstasy, upon feeling Ami�s thick cock
pound her slutty pussy. Saeko could only reply in moans and gasps as her pussy
squeezed around the massive shaft probing in and out of her tight passage. She held
onto her belly, trying to steady it carefully, for it was carrying Usagi�s child,
as her other hand reached to ner unoccupied tit and squeezed it herself, coating
her heaving body with her own milk. �Mistress!! Harder!!! Fuck your slut harder,�
Saeko urged as she humped back, her pussy being opened deeper and wider.
Happy to oblige, Ami began slamming her pelvis into her mother crotch, loving
the wet and melting feeling of Saeko�s pussy. She took in mouthfuls of the older
womans milk, loving the rich cantaloup taste in her mouth before swallowing it
down. To be honest, Ami didn�t really care that it was Usagi�s baby now growing in
Saeko�s belly, she just enjoyed seeing her mother as a pregnant whore. She pulled
her mouth off Saeko�s nipple after a few moments, keeping strong suction on it and
pulling her breast into an almost cone shape before gavity pulled them apart. She
then leaned in and kissed her mother deeply, pushing her own milk into the moaning
womans mouth as her free hand moved to grip Saeko�s ass and squeeze it roughly then
spank it hard!
Saeko felt like she was going to melt right in her daughter�s arms as her
pleasure intensified upon each perverted thrust into her dripping cunt. Her whole
body was almost ready to explode into a sexual frenzy. Each time Ami would thrust
deep into her, Saeko would meet it with a harder thrust of her own. Her breasts
continued to dribbled out more of her warm, sweet milk as it dripped down her
swollen belly and pooled around her butt and legs. Saeko screamed in delight as
her tit was abused so pleasantly and as her ass was spanked, making her orgasm
build up and, finally, erupting into a tornado of lust and pain, as her pussy
clenched tightly around the thick shaft of her daughters, coating it with her
motherly juices.
�Ohh yeah, you like that mom, you like having your daughter fuck your sow
pussy!?� Ami asked as she began slamming into Saeko harder and faster. The dishes
sitting atop the island counter began rattling with the force of her thrusts. The
kitchen was filled with the sound of slapping flesh and panting moans as Ami looked
down at Saeko�s sweat covered body before moving both her hands to grab Saeko�s
tight little ass and rolling her hips for her as she thrusted in and out of her
�Yes!! YES!!! Your cockslut loves it deep in my shameless pussy,� Saeko
screamed in reply as she arched her heavy body backwards and swayed her hips in
tandem to Ami�s fucking, tightening each squeeze of her pussy walls on her cock.
Her mind was completely lost in her own pleasure, only wanting to be fucked, over
and over again, by her own daughter. In fact, Saeko was enjoying such incredible
fucking that she was building up another orgasm, just for her very own daughter.
�Yeah, you�re just a cockslut like Haruka, and that why I love fucking you!�
Ami groaned as she slammed her dick in deep, moaning loudly as she began cumming
inside her mother, �Oh yeah, take my cum mommy, let that baby swim in it!!� she
screamed as her jizz audibly splashed against the inside of her womb.
Ami�s orgasm triggered Saeko�s own as her pussy, for the second time in a
row, exploded into a frenzy of sticky juices. Saeko�s eyes were glazed over, her
tongue hanging and drool dripping down her mouth as she fucked harder, milking
Ami�s cock with her pussy. Her belly sloshed around at each lasting pump as her
pussy walls contracted back and forth Ami�s massive prick, squeezing it for its
very last drop.
Ami thrusted in several more times before finally pulling her dick out of
Saeko�s well used hole. She then pulled her mother off the counter and kissed her
deeply. �Mmmm, you�re such a wonderful fuck mom.� she said to her while moving a
hand to brush a few stray strands of dark blue hair out of the womans eyes. �Now,
why don�t you finish that sandwich and make a couple more for Makoto and me, then
join us in our room? I wouldn�t mind another lezzie show before bed.�
Saeko whimpered slightly as her daughter�s cock slipped out of her cunt with
a wet sound. She lovingly returned the kiss, being pleased with herself for
bringing up her daughter to fuck her and cum inside her like the slut she was. �I�m
always there for you, my Mistress, if you ever need a fuck,� Saeko smiled warmly,
ecstatic herself that Ami didn�t forget about a fuckslut like herself. She slipped
down from the countertop, carefully holding her belly as she gently plopped into
the ground, cum and pussy juice still dripping down her thighs. She bowed towards
Ami and turned back to the half-prepared sandwich, which was now apparently soiled
with sweat and cum. �Now, this won�t do at all,� Saeko told herself as sh set it
aside for her to snack on later as she made another sandwich for her daugther.


(The next night)

The sound of crickets chirping was the first thing Shingo heard as he exited
the mansion from the rear exit and began walking around in the small garden area.
A pair of guard dogs paced around a small flowerbed that was filled with black
roses, they lifted their heads at his approach, but quickly went back to sniffing
around randomly. The dark haired boy stopped to pat the head of one dog as he
headed down a short corridor to the left of where he�d emerged from the house.
There was a short lift at the end of the path and he rode it down into a stone
lined area with a decorative waterfall on one end, though there wasn�t water
falling down the spillway, but gallons of milk taken from Makoto�s tits. Several
silver cups were hung on either side of the falls and Shingo stopped to fill one,
taking a long and satisfying drink of cool breastmilk.
Once finished, he hung the cup back on its hook and continued on his way
towards the small cabin like residence behind the main manor. The stone path
leading to the residence was lined with moss and lichen, with a handful of weeds
scattered about. Oddly enough, the walkway didn�t seem to be suffering for it.
Shingo shrugged inwardly and guessed it to be more of his sisters weird magic.
As he reached the residence, Shingo reached for the knob and turned it
smoothly. The dark brown stained floors and walls greeted him on the other side.
Unlike the splendor and wealth of the manor, the residence had a refreshingly
normal atmosphere. The floorboard squeaked quietly under his feet as she walked by
the storeroom and first bedroom on his way down the hallway. A pair of double
doors waited at the end of the hall, beyond them was the residences rec. room, a
bar with some pool tables and a powerful stereo system. Though Shingo would bet
good money not a single game had been played on those tables, though they were
likely getting plenty of use.
Instead of going into the rec room though, Shingo took a right just before
the doors and followed another short hallway to a new door. Beyond that was the
remaining bedrooms and main audience chamber. He walked down the hall and through
the door, only to bump straight into Ami�s heavy tits.
�Oh, Shingo, you startled me.� Ami said with a smile after recovering
�Oh, uhhh, um.. Hi Ami!� Shingo said, suddenly feeling so nervous around the
blue haired dickgirl. She was dressed in a dark blue silk bathrobe that was
loosely tied at her waist with a matching sash. Shingo could seem the inner sides
of Ami�s big breasts and he could make out the outlines of her pierced nipples.
Ami gave him a patient smile. She knew he had always had a bit of a crush on
her, and in their current lifestyle he�d had plenty of chances to fuck her to his
hearts content, but rarely took them. She placed a freshly manicured hand on his
shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. �I was just going for a drink, would you
like to join me?�
�Sure!� Shingo said, still unable to control the pitch of his voice.
The two of them headed back the way he had come and walked into the large rec
room. The smell of scented oils tried to mask the odor of stale beer that still
lingered from the previous owner of the estate. Ami walked Shingo over to the bar
and he sat on one of the stools while she went behind the counter and began mixing
�Do you want anything?� she asked.
�No, I�m not really thirsty.� he replied without yelling.
Ami giggled and set the glass she was working with down. She then leaned
across the counter and kissed him deeply, her tongue sliding slowly over his upper
lip, �No, I guess not.� she said, having noticed the milk mustache he had since she
bumped into him. She then turned back to her drink and finished mixing it before
moving around the counter to sit with the young boy.
Shingo felt suddenly nervous as Ami sat with him and sipped at her drink.
She would smile at him every now and then while the fluorescent lights hummed
overhead. The brown haired boy fidgeted in his seat, unable to get a hold on his
nerves as he found himself staring at Ami�s breasts.
Smiling to herself, Ami set down her glass and turned to look at Shingo.
Even under Usagi�s influence, he was still such an innocent at heart, and Ami found
that rather appealing about him. Reaching out, Ami took his face in her hands and
leaned down to press her mouth to his. She felt his shiver in excitement and she
smiled against his lips while slowly pressing her tongue into his mouth. Ami held
the kiss with Shingo for several long moments, moving her hands from his face to
his shoulders as he began to kiss her back.
�Mmmm....� Ami purred against the boys lips, feeling herself becoming aroused
at his clean, freshly washed scent. Her nipples and cock both hardened and she
could ffeel her pussy getting damp already. The blue haired dickgirl then moved
her hand down from his left shoulder and into his lap, feeling the short tent there
from his own erection. She smiled at this and pulled at the waistband of his
shorts, letting his small cock jerk free. Her slender fingers then wrapped around
his shaft and began sliding along it gently. She heard Shingo groan at her touch
and Ami then broke their kiss gently, a trail of saliva connecting their mouths for
several long moments before breaking.
�Ami...� Shingo whispered, but the dickgirl touched a finger to his lips.
�Shhh...� she hushed him with a smile before sliding out of her stool and
untying the sash around her waist.
Her silk robe barely made a whisper as it slid off her naked body and pooled
around her ankles. She stepped out of the fabric and slowly backed away, crooking
her finger at Shingo and beckoning him to follow her. He did and Ami led them into
the main area of the rec room, a large spacious area with room for people to dance.
Ami trailed her finger over the controls of the stereo and the room was instantly
filled with soft and quiet jazz style music. Shingo followed close behind her and
she turned back to look at him with a smile.
Dropping to her knees, Ami pulled Shingo into a deeper, more passionate kiss,
making sure that her breasts and cock pressed against his body. The young boy
groaned softly into the kiss as Ami moved her hands down to pull off his shorts.
She smiled as she felt his cock rubbing against her own. Breaking the kiss, Ami
pulled back just enough to reach out and tug off Shingo�s shirt, tossing it aside
with a light fluttering noise.
�Ami-san....� Shingo whispered.
Grinning, Ami took his hands and moved them up to her breasts, squeezing them
over his, �Mmmm, you like these?� she asked. Shingo nodded and Ami guided him in
massaging her tits, moaning softly as he began to get the hang of it. She then
moved her own hands down to grip his cock in one hand while cupping his balls in
the other. The blue haired dickgirl rolled Shingo�s balls around with her fingers
while she stroked his cock. He moaned with pleasure and she smiled as she felt him
squeezing her tits harder.
After a few minutes, Ami laid back on the cool wooden floor and Pulled Shingo
down on top of her, they kissed again and the dickgirl rubbed her hands over his
small bottom. Shingo shivered at her tough and she slowly pushed his head down
between her breasts, mashing his face in her cleavage while guiding his hand to her
own cock.
�Mmmm, stroke my cock Shingo, please?� she asked as she wrapped his fingers
around her throbbing shaft.
�O..okay...� Shingo said nervously as he gripped Ami�s dick. He could feel
it throbbing in his hand as he ran his fingers up and down it�s length. His mind
then flashed back to that night in the park when he and Ami had taken Haruka,
Michiru, and Saeko out for a walk along with the dogs. He had briefly fucked Ami�s
mother while she watched before being taken in the ass by Ami herself! Ever since
then, the boy couldn�t stop thinking about that night. The way it felt to have her
inside him as he leaned up against the side of the port-o-pot in the middle of the
He listened to the sound of Ami�s groaning as he began stroking her faster,
at the same time, he moved to take one pierced nipple into his mouth. The silver
stud felt cold against his hot tongue as he slowly licked the stiff little nub.
All the while, Ami laid back and slowly ran her fingers through his short brown
Cooing quietly, Ami pulled Shingo back up to her face and kissed him again,
sliding her tongue against�s his while her hand moved to begin stroking his smaller
cock again. �Mmmm, I want you to suck my cock Shingo,� she whispered to him.
Shingo nodded and moved to kiss Ami once more before he began crawling back
down, kissing her naked skin as he moved. Well, that was easy, Ami thought to
herself before moaning in pleasure as she felt the boys lips pressing against the
tip of her shaft. She leaned her head down and watched as Shingo slowly licked the
length of her cock. She purred with pleasure at the feeling of his inexperienced
tongue against her skin. The dickgirl ran her fingers through the boys hair and
smiled at him when he opened his mouth wide and took the first few inches of her
cock into his warm mouth.
�Mmmmmmm.... yeah....� Ami groaned in pleasure.
Shingo tried not to gag as he felt his jaw strain against the width of Ami�s
member. He felt dizzy, light headed, he had been wanting to do with with Ami for
so long now... But now that he was here, he felt nervous, what if he were doing it
wrong? Haruka and his mother made it look so easy when they sucked him off, but he
found doing it a lot harder than receiving.
�Mmmm, you�re doing fine...� Ami groaned as if reading his mind. She leaned
her head back and moved her hands up to cup her own breasts, kneading and squeezing
them softly. She pulled at the studs that pierced her nipples and moaned in
pleasure, �Yeah, suck my cock Shingo...� she cooed.
�Mmmm, mmm, mmm, mmmm....� Shingo moaned around Ami�s dick. He couldn�t take
more than a few inches down his throat before he coughed, but Ami would only assure
him that he was doing fine and the boy continued sucking the young girls dick
�Ahh, yeah, that�s what I like Shingo, don�t stop....� Ami moaned in pleasure
as she began bucking her hips slightly, forcing more of her length down the childs
throat. Her body had begun to bead with sweat as she continued kneading and
squeezing her plump breasts, pulling at her piercings as she felt her first orgasm
mounting inside her.
Shingo tried his best to pleasure the throbbing cock in his tiny mouth but at
the same time, make it comfortable for him as well. When Ami started to buck her
hips, he squeezed around firmly on Ami�s shaft, as he positioned himself in a more
comfortable position between her legs. He drew back his mouth a bit as he felt the
tip nearly touch his throat. He suppressed another gag as he continued sucking at
Ami�s prick, his small tongue lashing wildly at the tip of the cock inside his
Looking down past the swells of her breasts, Ami watched with glee as Shingo
took more and more of her length into his mouth! Oh, this feels so good, she
thought to herself as she moved a hand to rub the top of his head gently. �Yeah,
that�s it... I�m gonna cum soon....!� she panted as she fought the urge to force
her entire length down his throat, �OH god, yeah, swallow my cum Shingo! Ahhh!�
Ami screamed in ecstasy as she came inside the boys mouth.
Driven by Ami�s lust-filled words, Shingo sucked harder and faster, bobbing
his head up and down on Ami�s massive cock. Shingo tightened his cheeks around
what he could take in his mouth as his tongue flicked around all over Ami�s
sensitive cockhead. He brought his hands together around Ami�s cock as he stroked
furiously at what he couldn�t put in his mouth. Soon, he heard Ami scream out as
she reached her climax. Shingo, preparing himself for his reward, clamped down
tighter on Ami�s shaft with his lips as he felt the first shot hit the back of his
throat. He gagged a bit but he continued milking Ami, moaning around her cock as
his mouth filled up with Ami�s sweet-tasting seed. Shingo swallowed what he
couldn�t hold as the warm cum slid down his throat.
Panting hard, Ami fell back against the floor, having arched her back in
orgasm. She purred with pleasure at the feeling of Shingo furiously milking her
dick for every last drop of her cum. �Mmmm, that was great....� she mewled in
delight as she recovered enough to sit up slowly. She then giggled as she noticed
the boy still sucking her slightly softened prick. �You can stop that for now.�
she told him. As he looked up at her, Ami smiled at him and pulled his face to
hers in a deep kiss. Tasting her own cum on the boys lips was more erotic than she
could have imagined. Her cock instantly sprang back to life as she slid her tongue
around inside his mouth while her hand moved down to stroke his own cock, finding
it sticky and wet his his own cum.
Ami had to stifle a laugh, �Mmm, did you cum just from sucking my big cock?�
she asked.
Shingo whimpered slightly as he felt himself being pulled off from Ami�s
delicious cock. He badly wanted to taste and feel more of her member, having found
another joy in pleasing Ami. Nevertheless, Shingo complied as he leaned up and took
Ami�s lips on his own, allowing her expert tongue to probe around his cum-soaked
mouth. Shingo adjusted himself on Ami�s lap as he giggled a bit from the feel of
Ami�s growing cock rubbing against his belly. When Ami started to stroke his half-
erect cock and asked about the reason he came, Shingo blushed and nodded as he
replied, �Y-Yes, Ami. Sucking your cock never felt so good.� Shingo gave out a tiny
moan afterwards as his young cock started to grow again in Ami�s hand.
�So cute...� Ami said before kissing him again and continuing to stroke his
cock. She waited until she had him fully aroused before moving to massage his
balls between her fingers slowly. At the same time, the blue haired dickgirl began
kissing his neck softly, enjoying the smell of his young body. �Mmmm, you know
what I wanna do now?� she asked, �I wanna fuck that tight little ass of your just
like that night in the park!�
Shingo groaned and swayed his hips as Ami stroked his young cock and fondled
his tiny sac. He felt a delicate shiver run up his spine as Ami kissed his neck and
whispered into his ear. Just remembering what Ami had done to him on that night
almsot made him cum that instant! He leaned back and gazed lovingly at Ami, his
face flushed and his lean body sweating. �Y-You mean this,� Shingo asked, with a
naughty tone in his voice as he turned around on Ami�s lap an eased his soft
buttocks agaisnt Ami�s cock. He looked back at Ami through his shoulder and licked
his lips invitingly �Please, Ami...I want you to fuck me here,� Shingo whispered as
he reached behind and spread his buttcheeks for Ami, giving her a sight of his pink
Smiling widely, Ami began rubbing the tip of her cock against the boys
puckered asshole. She reached down and wrapped her arms around his waist, pulling
him up so that his back pressed against her tits. Then, tilting his head again,
she kissed her hard as she began pushing her slick spit covered cock up into his
ass. Ami felt him tensing out of reflex and she slowed down, not wanting to hurt
him, much. Her free hand then reached down to stroke his cock again while she
slowly inched her length up into his ass.
�Mmmmm, such a nice and tight little hole....� she purred as she began
fucking him slowly.
Shingo bit down on his lip as he felt the head of Ami�s cock slowly push past
his young hole. He pressed down firmly on each of Ami�s thighs as he carefully sat
on Ami�s massive length, driving it more into his tight passage until his soft
cheeks pressed agaisnt Ami�s lap. � big,� Shingo moaned as he started
moving his hips in tandem with Ami�s slow fucking. His own penis quivered at Ami�s
touch as he felt his inner walls squeeze tightly at her cock, embracing it with a
pleasurable squeeze. He felt her cock brush up against his prostrate, and the
intense feeling spread up all over his body, making him whimper in lust. His own
young cock continued to leak precum, coating Ami�s hand with it.
Ami listened to Shingo�s groans of pleasure as she began fucking his asshole
while her hand stroked his childs cock. Meanwhile, her free hand moved up to his
flat chest and kneaded the soft tissue of his pecks. She then began to wonder how
he would look if she dressed him in drag, Mmm, Haruna would have a fun time making
those costumes, she thought.
�Oh yeah, you like my big cock up your ass, don�t you?� Ami asked in a husky
voice as she began thrusting up into him faster. She loved the feeling of his ass
clenching and unclenching around her dick, it was better than even her own mothers
�Y-Yes!!! I...I love it, Ami,� Shingo cried out in lust as he feverishly
jumped up and down on Ami�s huge cock, feeling it penetrate deeper and deeper
inside of him. Shingo�s speed soon matched with Ami�s, as each thrust made their
skin collide, making slick, sexy sounds. Shingo could already feel another orgasm
building up as his smaller cock rubbed at Ami�s hand. Shingo had longed for this
ever since that night; how Ami fucked him and how it felt so good! He wanted Ami
to fuck him forever, to use his ass everytime to please her cock!
�Mmmm, yeah, that�s it, move your hips more!� Ami said as she began grinding
up into the boy. Her cock ached with pleasure as shemoved to lean back on the
floor. She then carefully spun the brown haired youth around on her cock so that
he was straddling her waist. Next, she placed her hands on his hips and helped
guide his motions while she groaned in ecstasy.
Shingo moaned louder this time, his childish voice shaking with lust. As he
spun around, the pleasure increased, as his inner walls applied a corkscrew
friction on Ami�s cock. Upon seeing Ami and her naked beauty below him, Shingo
reached out and held each of Ami�s breasts firmly, kneading them in time with her
humping. Using Ami�s bountiful tits as leverage, Shingo bucked his hips up and down
Ami�s throbbing member, each thrust feeling more and more blissful everytime.
�Yeah, yeah, ride me, ride my cock you little bitch!� Ami groaned in pleasure
as she rammed her cock up into Shingo�s body. Her entire body felt like it was on
fire with pleasure, her cock throbbing almost painfully inside the boys rectum as
her second orgasm began mounting. She moved her hands back to his cock and balls
and played with them roughtly, wanting to feel his cum splashing on her tits as she
came inside him again. �Oh yeah, yeah, oh, I love it when you let me fuck you!!!
Oh fuck, cumming!!!� Ami screamed as she began cumming in his ass again.
�Yes! YES! I love your cock up my ass,� Shingo replied with the same moan of
ecstasy as he closed his eyes, hung his head back and arched his back. Ami�s
furious pounding was driving him over the edge, bringing him closer and closer to
an inevitable orgasm. His ass squeezed tightly even more around Ami�s throbbing
shaft, every inch inside of him pleasuring Ami�s cock. He squeezed Ami�s breasts
tightly now as he felt her hands pulling at his quivering boycock. �AMI!!! M-me
too,� Shingo cried out as Ami drove her cock deep inside of him one last time,
showering his insides with her thick, warm cum. This triggered Shingo�s own orgasm
as his balls pulled up on his body and as his young cock throbbed wildly, sending
out shot after shot of his young spunk over Ami�s heavy tits.
Shingo�s ass continued to milk her cock, sucking out all that she could give
as he continued pounding up and down, making sloppy, sounds. After a few minutes,
Shingo finally collpased on top of Ami, his head resting bewteen her breasts.
Shingo lustfully licked at his own cum splattered around on Ami�s breasts as he
panted heavily, his ass still quivering and hugging warmly around Ami�s cock.
�Mmmmm, that was great...� Ami purred after a few moments. She panted
softly, temporarily sated as she wrapped her arms around the childs slender form.
�So little Shingo likes my big cock in his ass huh?� she asked teasingly as she
traced her fingers up and down his back while her cock softened inside him and
eventually popped out. A shower of her own cum leaked from the boys ass as she
cooed in bliss.
Shingo merely replied with a moan of agreement as he settled over Ami�s warm
body. He felt extremely joyous that Ami had wanted to fuck him in the ass again.
He almost never wanted the fucking to end, wanting to be Ami�s best ass slut. He
took pride that Ami felt satisfied and Shingo only wished he could stay like this


The mist that surrounded the Gates of Time were unending, a dense fog that
obscured ones view, leaving them in perpetual white. Should one spend too long
here, they might very well loose their mind. But not one solitary Senshi. Sailor
Pluto, the long haired Guardian of Time had stood before these gates for centuries,
and her only cost had been loneliness. The gates had remained sealed after the
final incidents with Chibi-Usa from the 31st century, and the timeline protected.
Until now...
Without warning, the Gates flew open with a massive release of power that
sent the green haired woman flying. In her time here, the Gates had never acted
this way. Then she felt it, the terrible pain of the timeline collapsing as a new
one rose to take its place. New memories bloomed and died behind the womans dark
red eyes, none of them good. The future had changed from a world of Order and
Peace, to a world of chaos and debauchery where demons walked among what little
remained of humanity. But strangely, the few humans she saw in this new and
terrible world were beautiful, healthy, and happy?
What�s happening, thought Sailor Pluto as she briefly looked around the world
in a way no human could understand. How can a world of more than six billion be
reduced to only a few hundred million in only a few generations yet those that
survive are happy?
She soon got her answer when she saw the mindless looks of lust on the humans
faces as they debauched with demon and animal alike. Only a few copulated with
their own species and resulted in subsequent generations. Humanity was slowly
fucking itself out of existence.
This is bad, thought Pluto, up until a few minutes ago, the green haired
woman only real worry had been that her Ancestral Planet had been reduced in rank
by foolish scientists who thought they knew how the universe worked. Pluto began
looking back through time, trying to find the focal point where things had taken
this drastic turn for the worst. She found it in the late 1990s, just before Usagi
was to go to college. Something had happened, a battle with an unusual enemy,
and... Pluto felt sick as she was forced to watch events unfold. Usagi had been
possessed by a powerful demon, and one by one, all the Senshi living on Earth had
fallen to its power. The Sailor Senshi were now only twisted versions of their
former selves, living only to sate their insatiable lusts.
Pluto quickly discovered why she had not noticed any changes before now,
Chibi-Usa�s birth, a pivotal event in history, had remained unchanged, only the
circumstances of it had been altered. Pluto then watched as Sailor Mars, the last
pure Senshi, fell to Usagi�s twin cocks and was reborn as a demonic dickgirl
Gripping her staff, the Key of Time, Sailor Pluto began to walk towards the
gates, she had to go back in time and prevent Usagi from ever being possessed,
shift the future back on its proper course. The maelstrom of time and space inside
the gates was difficult to navigate even under the best of conditions, and even
with the Key of Time, Pluto could not go exactly where and when she wanted. It
would take some trial and error to get to the right point in time. She had to move
quickly though, for the longer this new timeline had to settle, the more difficult
it would be to restore the original.


The mist that surrounded the Gates of Time were unending, a dense fog that
obscured ones view, leaving them in perpetual white. Should one spend too long
here, they might very well loose their mind. But not one solitary Senshi. Sailor
Pluto, the long haired Guardian of Time had stood before these gates for centuries,
and her only cost had been loneliness. The gates had remained sealed after the
final incidents with Chibi-Usa from the 31st century, and the timeline protected.
Until now...
Without warning, the Gates flew open with a massive release of power that
sent the green haired woman flying. In her time here, the Gates had never acted
this way. Then she felt it, the terrible pain of the timeline collapsing as a new
one rose to take its place. New memories bloomed and died behind the womans dark
red eyes, none of them good. The future had changed from a world of Order and
Peace, to a world of chaos and debauchery where demons walked among what little
remained of humanity. But strangely, the few humans she saw in this new and
terrible world were beautiful, healthy, and happy?
What�s happening, thought Sailor Pluto as she briefly looked around the world
in a way no human could understand. How can a world of more than six billion be
reduced to only a few hundred million in only a few generations yet those that
survive are happy?
She soon got her answer when she saw the mindless looks of lust on the humans
faces as they debauched with demon and animal alike. Only a few copulated with
their own species and resulted in subsequent generations. Humanity was slowly
fucking itself out of existence.
This is bad, thought Pluto, up until a few minutes ago, the green haired
woman only real worry had been that her Ancestral Planet had been reduced in rank
by foolish scientists who thought they knew how the universe worked. Pluto began
looking back through time, trying to find the focal point where things had taken
this drastic turn for the worst. She found it in the late 1990s, just before Usagi
was to go to college. Something had happened, a battle with an unusual enemy,
and... Pluto felt sick as she was forced to watch events unfold. Usagi had been
possessed by a powerful demon, and one by one, all the Senshi living on Earth had
fallen to its power. The Sailor Senshi were now only twisted versions of their
former selves, living only to sate their insatiable lusts.
Pluto quickly discovered why she had not noticed any changes before now,
Chibi-Usa�s birth, a pivotal event in history, had remained unchanged, only the
circumstances of it had been altered. Pluto then watched as Sailor Mars, the last
pure Senshi, fell to Usagi�s twin cocks and was reborn as a demonic dickgirl
Gripping her staff, the Key of Time, Sailor Pluto began to walk towards the
gates, she had to go back in time and prevent Usagi from ever being possessed,
shift the future back on its proper course. The maelstrom of time and space inside
the gates was difficult to navigate even under the best of conditions, and even
with the Key of Time, Pluto could not go exactly where and when she wanted. It
would take some trial and error to get to the right point in time. She had to move
quickly though, for the longer this new timeline had to settle, the more difficult
it would be to restore the original.


Images whirled around her as she moved through time and space. Most humans
would easily become sick with the dizzying display of images circling them, but
Sailor Pluto had long since become accustomed to this form of travel. Slowly, the
world came back into focus and Pluto stayed still for a moment, letting her sense
of equilibrium return before she looked around. She had arrived in someone barn
house or stable. She counted three horses in the eight stalls that were available.
Then she heard it, the distinct sound of a woman groaning in ecstasy. It
wasn�t long before she found the source. There in the first stall, was the woman
she�d seen Usagi twist the mind of and turn into a zoophiliac. She didn�t get the
womans name in the quick viewing of events, but from the look on the womans face as
the horse rammed into her, she likely didn�t even know it herself anymore.
The woman was strapped into some kind of saddle or cradle with a scoop cut
into the back for the horses balls. Pluto had seen such devices before, they were
used much like stocks, but the design allowed for public raping as well as
humiliation. The woman inside the device was completely naked, and had the symbol
for Zeta tattooed on her left hip. The green haired woman remembered that the Zeta
symbol was used to describe Zoophilia in these times.
�Ahhhhh, ohhhhhh, ohhhh, yes, fuck me, fuck your mares pussy moooooore!!!!�
the woman screamed in ecstasy as she rolled her ass back against the horses thrusts
as best she could with her legs bound to the saddle.
Disgusted as she was, Pluto couldn�t turn away from the sight. That horses
cock was easily three feet long and maybe five inches thick, how was it that the
woman was taking so much into her body like that? As she looked at the saddle
again, Pluto noticed thatit had been built with a hole around the abdomen, and a
windo to see inside as the womans belly stretched to impossible lengths to allow
the beast all the way inside her.
Listening to the woman screaming in ecstasy, Pluto couldn�t help but watch as
she felt the barest traces of arousal in her pussy. Deep down, part of her
wondered how it must feel to have something so big and hard being thrust into her.
Shaking her head violently, Pluto broke her trance and turned away, after
this mission was over, she would need to spend a few days on earth and get herself
laid, that much was painfully obvious to her now. She waited until she had
recovered her senses enough to move back to where she had arrived, it was plain
that she hadn�t gone back far enough, this was after Usagi and the other senshi had
moved into their mansion of debauchery. Pluto needed to go back further in time.
�Leaving already?� asked a familiar voice, and Pluto felt her blood run cold.
She turned and saw a very pregnant Usagi standing in the entryway of the stables.
The blonde was nearly naked, wearing only a pair of white boots that were like
those of Eternal Sailor Moon, matching gloves, and a series of belts that
crisscrossed her enormous breasts. Her blood red wings had grown slightly, looking
more capable of gliding now, and the golden horns atop her head glinted in the
sunlight outside. Her twined cocks were both standing erect and oozing with precum
as she eyed Pluto�s body lewdly.
�Usagi, please, let me leave, I can help you.� Pluto said, hoping that some
tiny spark of the real Usagi was left under that demonic body.
The demonic dickgirl smiled and held out her hand. At first, Pluto thought
she might have reached her, but then she saw the swirling mass of energy forming in
her palm as the Silver Crystal was summoned. Now though, the crystal had taken on
a darker look, no longer was it sparkling like a diamond, but glowing a deep
purple, almost black color with red at the edges. Pluto felt her hopes die in an
instant as the Crystal flared. She then felt her powers draining away as Usagi
recalled them to the Silver Crystal. Sailor Pluto�s body began to shimmer in
shades of dark green and red as her transformation reversed itself. The Key of
Time became like dust in her hands and faded out of existence.
Setsuna Meiou then fell to her knees, naked and exhausted as the power left
her completely. Her naturally D-Cup tits jiggled slightly as she dropped and she
quickly moved her arm to cover her dark pink nipples.
Usagi only grinned and licked her lips as she walked closer to the naked
woman. �You have such a wonderful body Setsuna, it�d be a shame to let it go to
waste.� The blonde dickgirl then snapped her fingers and Setsuna screamed as
several chains shot out from the beams in the ceiling. At the end of each black
chain was a shackle that instantly clamped around her wrists, ankles and thighs.
Before she could even think, her bounds had already lifted her up into the air, her
arms stretched out wide and her legs spread open in front of the blonde. Usagi�s
cocks twitched at the sight of the womans naked pussy, �Mmmm such a lovely pink
color.� she said as she walked upto Setsuna and reached out to cup one heavy
�You know,� Usagi said, �I�ve been wondering when you�d show up, aside from
Rei, you were the only one who might have been a threat to us.� she explained while
holding a hand over her pregnant belly. �But now look at you, just another horny
slut like the rest!� Usagi grinned and pinched Setsuna�s nipple between her finger
until the woman winced. She then moved her free hand and rubed her fingers in the
slightly moist folds of the Time Senshi�s pussy.
�Mmmm, did watching my Lilica fuck a horse turn you on?� she asked, turning
to look at the still panting and moaning woman. �I don�t blame you, being alone at
those gates so long, you must be dying for a big, hard cock to fill this wet little
�!� Setsuna protested weakly, trying tofight against her bonds, but the
chains held her tight. She looked up at them and saw that they had literally come
from nowhere, their lengths vanishing into the wooden beams that supported the
ceiling instead of being anchored to them. The green haired woman winced again at
the feeling of Usagi�s fingers inside her slit, her body was more sensitive than
she liked to admit and the sensations Usagi was giving her were rapidly driving her
�Why do you Sailor Sluts always say that?� Usagi asked, though her voice was
different now, darker, with an odd echo to it.
Setsuna looked down at the blonde and gasped at the sight of her glowing red
eyes. The glow faded after a moment and Usagi smiled. The demon growing inside
her womb had just spoken through her!
The blonde then stepped back from Setsuna and smiled, �As much as I�d like to
fuck your holes Setsuna, my master has something better in mind.� Usagi said as she
spread her legs apart and moaned in pleasure as a flood of slimey juices began
dripping out from her pussy. Her twin cocks began slowly leaking cum as the blonde
shook with pleasure, moving her hands up to cup her own enormous breasts and
squeezing them roughly until milk leaked from them as well. A moment later,
Setsuna shuddered in revulsion as she watch a large pink, thing, slowly slide out
from inside Usagi�s pussy. The creature looked like a slug or leech, with a long
ovoid body that dripped with slime. It clung to Usagi�s thigh until the blonde
panted and reached down to grasp its body. She pulled it away from her skin and
long drooping ropes of slime clung to her skin until she lifted the pink undulating
mass up to her lips where she kissed it gently.
�Mmmm, isn�t it beautiful?� Usagi asked, �My master made her just for you
�U-Usagi! Wha...What is that thing,� Setsuna gasped in horror as she reeled
her head in disgust at the sight of the slug-like insect squirming about in Usagi�s
hands. Her body trembled in fear, for she was helpless in front of Usagi, as she
stared in terror at the slimy parasite.
�Something special that our master has made for you, just for you.� Usagi
answered as she made a gesture with her free hand and the chains began to retract
into the ceiling. The green haired womans body began lifting up higher, and Usagi
stepped forward. As she drew closer, the slug creature began writhing even more in
her hand and began undulating towards Setsuna�s naked body, �See, she likes you.�
Setsuna�s eyes now widened with inevitable fear, replacing her own disgust.
�Usagi! Don�t! What are you doing,� Setsuna whimpered as she squirmed in her
chains, trying to back away from Usagi�s hand despite being restrained. �Get it
away, Usagi,� Setsuna pleaded as she helplessly watched the slug crawl its way
nearer to her moistening pussy.
The blonde only smiled as she moved her hand between Setsuna�s legs and let
the slime covered thing touch its body against the moist lips of her pussy. The
creature then leapt from her hand and began writhing its way inside Setsunas pussy
with a slick squishing noise. Usagi saw its slime working instantly in the older
womans eyes as her pupils dilated while the slug slithered inside her.
Setsuna let out a loud scream as the slug jumped directly on her slit. As
soon as the slime had made contact with her skin, a strange warmth flowed from
between her legs and coursed through her entire body. Setsuna winced and whimpered
hopelessly as she felt her pussy lips being forced open as the slug made its way
inside her already dripping passage. She gave out a slight moan as she squirmed her
hips, the pleasure intensifying inside of her as the slug traveled deeper. �U-
Usagi...p-please...t-take it out,� Setsuna begged as she gave another moan.
Grinning, Usagi rubbed her slime covered hand against Setsuna�s snatch,
loving the way the woman squirmed as the slug worked its way up into her womb!
�Now why would I want to do that, in just a few minutes, you�ll be begging for this
to never stop.� she said as she snapped her fingers again. In an instant, the
chains binding Setsuna faded into black smoke, letting the green haired and tan
skinned woman fall to the ground with a dull thud.
Setsuna writhed wildy on the ground as she rolled over to her back and looked
across her flustered body towards her dripping pussy. She felt the slug crawl even
further inside her wet passage, each contact sending jolts of pleasure throughout
her entire body. She reached between her legs with both hands as she rubbed at her
puffy folds, some part of her trying to rid of the slug and slime and some part of
her actually wanting to add into the pleasure she was receiving. She instinctively
rolled her eyes back into her sockets as the slug squrimed its way almost into her
womb. �Ah! Ah! U-Usagi...n-no...more,� Setsuna whimpered as she rolled her hips
along the floor.
Setsuna�s lips started to quiver as the sensation of the slimey creature
wormed its way between her taught juicy petals. She has to bite her lower lip to
keep from crying out, to despeately try and keep fighting for sanity for the sake
of her younger confused friend. The vile invader�s secreations are quickly having
their effect though. It�s not long before her juices flowing out in rivuletes
replace the slime the slug left behind on her skin. Her hands reach down and
desperately try to get the invader out of her tight channel. Unfortunately for the
poor Time Senshi she has been without the pleasure of any but her own fingers for
an epoc. The buttery eager sex only wants to draw the thickness, any thickness, of
the slimey creature deeply inside.
By the time her fingers reach it she can barely pinch around the tiny tail
end of the slug as it disappeared into her cunt. All she succeeds in doing is
making herself more excited as her fingers dive into her sex bunched three together
trying to chase the monstrosity with unthinking fevor. She normally only uses one
on herself at the gates of time and the thickness of the creature, the sensations
of her own fingers makes her topple back. Legs spread wide with her puffy dripping
mound of alluring pink presented to the grinning demoness. The creature is long out
of reach but she keeps going. Plunging three fingers into her slit, curling them
inside over the top of her swollen needful pearl of lust. Her clit sending shivers
as she rubs that pearl with her thumb causing juices to caress over the silken skin
of her lightly tanned asscheeks.
Watching with glee, Usagi stroked at her own twin cocks as the woman moaned
on the hay strewn floor. She then moved one hand to her unpierced tit and lifted
the nipple to her mouth. Moaning lewdly, Usagi suckled her own nipple, drinking
the milk that almost never stopped flowing from her heavily pregnant body.
Setsuna got a quick glance of Usagi pleasing herself, making her lust grow
even more. The slug�s movements had slowed down, making every movement deep within
her very sensual and pleasurable. Setsuna started to rub her dripping pussy more so
for pleasure as her other hand made its way to one of her large tits as she kneaded
it around. Deep inside, Setsuna was trying her best to fight the growing lust
within her, but her body was not listening. She knew the slug had something to do
with it, but she merely continued to pleasure herself, knowing there was nothing
she could do.
�Mmmm, you look so lovely now Setsuna.� Usagi said as she moved to stand over
the masturbating woman. She knew the slug had made it into her womb and by now was
fusing with her on a biological level, becoming a kind of reproductive organ for
her sex drive. The creatures secretions were pure sex hormone, meant to drive a
human mad with desire and lust. In time, Setsuna would become like a Queen Bee,
constantly birthing more of the slugs for Usagi and her master to use to make other
women their slaves without the hassle of breaking their wills. But more than that,
it would bring the implanted womens aging to almost a halt, allowing them to serve
as baby factories for she and her master forever. Just the thought of it made
Usagi�s cocks hard and dripping with precum.
But first, a little catalyst was needed, one that happened to be right here
in the stables.
Setsuna couldn�t simply control the growing sensations anymore, as her entire
body heaved and squirmed from the pleasure. �Oh good,�
Setsuna whimpered as she swayed her hips against her hand. She felt her womb change
slowly as the pleasure increased, filling her mind with such perverse thoughts.
Setsuna started to push in a finger on her pussy, followed by a second one as she
slowly pumped them, back and forth. �So hot...can�t take it anymore...Ohhh...f-
fuck...,� Setsuna moaned as she slowly converted into a sex-starved slut right in
front of Usagi.
Kneeling down next to the woman, Usagi smiled and moved her hand down between
her legs, pushing Setsuna�s fingers aside and replacing them with her own. She
easily slid four digits into the panting whore of a woman and began working them
back and forth against her G-Spot, �Mmmm, does that feel good you little slut?� she
asked as she rubbed her lower cock against one of her heavy breasts.
�Oh god, yes! U-usagi! It feels...good,� Setsuna replied with heavy pants as
she started to buck her hips against Usagi�s fingers. Her pussy was so dripping wet
and tight at the same time that each thrust was very blissful. Setsuna reached
upwards and started to massage her own tits, rubbing them agaisnt each other and
against Usagi�s cock as well, mesmerized by both her massive pricks.
Usagi relished the look of heated lust glazing over Setsuna�s eyes as she
kneaded her own tits together. She tensed both her dicks, making them jump
teasingly as she looked down on the woman. �Mmmm, you want these, don�t you?� she
asked as she moved to straddle Setsuna�s stomach and rub the two thirteen inch
dicks between the caramel colored globes that were her tits. The blonde moaned in
pleasure as Setsuna instantly began to tittyfuck her like a lifelong whore and
moved her hips to rub the long fuckrods between the ultrasoft titflesh.
�U-Usagi! Yes! I-I want them,� Setsuna replied, almost pleadingly, as she
gazed up at her with lust-filled eyes. She squeezed her heavy breasts together,
mashing them up against the mouth-watering twin cocks, as Usagi thrusted back and
forth between her tits. Setsuna kneaded her breasts at the same time, adding more
to the pleasure she was giving and receiving. She tilted her head a bit forward as
she stuck out her tongue, licking at the tips of both cocks each time her pricks
would emerge out from her fucktits.
�Mmmmm, that�s a good girl.� Usagi purred in pleasure as she savored the
titjob for several long minutes before suddenly withdrawing her fingers and cocks
and standing up with a smile.
Setsuna was quickly losing her mind, her own will power, to the lust
inundating her entire body. She whimpered, almost in agony, when Usagi withdrew and
simply stood up in front of her, teasing her with the sight of a body just waiting
to be pleased. �Usagi! Please! Don�t stop! Don�t leave me like this,� Setsuna
groaned, her eyes glazing over as she shifted beneath Usagi and tried to raise her
heaving body. Her pussy continued to gush out more of her juices, pooling all over
the floor, signifying the lecherous control over her body. She reached out and
tried to grasp one of Usagi�s cocks but only ended up falling down on her belly,
causing more or her juices to seep out. Setsuna started to cry, her yearning to be
pleasured growing past her reason to think. �P-Please...Usagi! More,� Setsuna cried
out as she looked up at her with begging eyes.
Smiling widely, Usagi watched as Setsuna writhed on the floor, stewing in her
own juices as the slug drove her insane with desire. She then walked over to where
Lilica lay still strapped into her special cradle and stocks. The horses had
finished with her for now and she had suspected that they were growing bored with
her pussy. Undoing all the straps and bindings, Usagi pushed the woman out of the
device and onto the floor. �Go have some fun with the dogs like the bitch you
are.� she told her.
�Arf!� Lilica said as she quickly crawled out of the stables and headed off
to find a dog to fuck her.
�You know Setsuna, this little contraption was originally meant to allow a
man to fuck a woman from behind comfortably, but as you�ve seen, I�ve found a
better use for it.� Usagi said as she whistled and called one of the stallions over
to her. The large black Arabian horse whinnied quietly as Usagi patted the smooth
hair of his mane. She tied the horse to one of the wooden beams that separated the
stalls and moved to crouch down under him. She then reached up and began stroking
the fat sheath that housed the beasts gigantic cock. In moments the animals three
foot long cock was hanging erect from between his legs. �Mmmmm, don�t you wanna
know how this would feel between those big tits of yours?� Usagi asked while
stroking the horses dick.
Setsuna�s eyes widened as Usagi lewdly offered up the horse�s gigantic cock
towards her, proposing her to titfuck the beastly prick. Setsuna hissed inside,
revulsed just by the sight of it, yet her body reacted diferently, quivering in
lust just from glancing upon the horsecock. It had been so long since Setsuna had
a man, had a proper fucking by a cock, and there she was, being given an
opportunity by Usagi to please and be pleased by an equine cock. Setsuna badly
wanted to fight, to save her friend and to save herself, but her body had since
succumbed. Setsuna merely switched her pleading eyes between Usagi and the
horsecock, her mind in a complete haze.
�Mmmm, if you can make this horse cum three times, I�ll fuck you all night
long.� Usagi said as she leaned in and ran her tongue along the beastly smelling
cock. Of course by then, Setsuna�s pussy might very well be useless to any human
sized dick. The slug inside Setsuna had already altered the womans body so that
her innards would stretch to accomodate the massive cock, and it needed the massive
amounts of cum a horse could put out to start its reproductive cycle. But unlike
Lilica, her pussy wouldn�t shrink back to normal afterwards. No matter, the blonde
thought, I�ll find other ways for her to please me.
The thought of such a cock pounding deep within her pussy and womb came as a
disgusting idea but Setsuna became aroused even more at the same time. She had
started to long for Usagi�s pricks but if it meant pleasing the beastly member,
Setsuna had no choice but to do it. �I-I�ll do it, U-Usagi!! Just please...fill me
up after with your hard cocks,� Setsuna whimpered as she sucumbed to the
overflowing lust within her.
�Good, now, lemme see you rubbing this big thing between those sweaterpuppies
of yours!� Usagi commanded her as she gave the horses cock one last lick before
stepping back and moving to enjoy the coming show.
Panting raggedly, Setsuna moved to obey. She lifted her big and heavy tits
in her hands and squeezed them around the huge length of the horses dick. The
smell was awful, a musky animal stink that at the same time turned her on in ways
she never thought possible! Slowly, Setsuna began rubbing the horses cock up and
down with her tits, the slick feeling was driving her crazy as she began to imagine
what it would feel like to have this huge shaft pumping in and out of her own
Across from her, Usagi leaned back against a stack of hay and slowly stroked
her cocks as she watched Setsuna rubbing the horse dick between her huge tits.
Such an erotic sight, a woman giving herself to a beast, willingly or not.
Setsuna mashed her heavy breasts together with much perverted passion,
enveloping the thick, long equine cock in between her tits with a wet and hot
embrace. Wanton lust started to take over her as she quickened her pace, wanking
the beastly cock at such a pleasurable speed. Setsuna tilted her head a bit and
pressed her lips on the exposed shaft above her tits, covering it with a sloppy
kiss. She hadn�t realized just how horny she was that she would let the horse�s
cock even touch her body, but it didn�t matter anymore. Her lust had slowly drilled
through any resistance, and she merely wanted to fuck the horsecock in anyway
possible to please Usagi.
Leaning back against a bail of hay, Usagi groaned in pleasure, loving the
sight before her. The once proud Sailor Pluto, now reduced to a whimpers whore of
a woman as she moved her body up and down, sliding her heavy tits over a thick
horse cock! All so that she could feel her own twined dick raping her likely
virgin tight holes. �Don�t forget, he has to cum three times for you to get your
prize!� she reminded her.
Setsuna gave out a moan of agreement as she increased her pace, titfucking
the horse�s cock with a feverish speed. She could feel it throb and quiver in
between her breasts, the warmth spreading out through her flushed, sweating body.
Oh, how she could think of may ways to make this horse cum. Accompanied by her
furious titfucking, Setsuna had started to lick along the length of the massive
shaft. The taste was not exactly superb, but Setsuna didn�t mind as long as it
could make the horse shoot its load.
Savoring the sight, Usagi felt her own cocks throbbing in her hads as she
began cumming onto the ground, inside her, the demon essense grew ever stronger now
that the last of the Senshi had been broken. It wouldn�t be much longer now until
she could finally give birth to their demon master and go back to wearing the
slutty outfits she so loved!
The horse gave a thundering whinny as it felt the slutty woman beneath it
pleasure its trembling length. Setsuna giggled at the horse�s reaction, knowing it
was enjoying her flesh. She wanted it to cum so badly, and she couldn�t wait
anymore. Tilting back a little, Setsuna trailed her tongue up the horse� shaft and
circled it around the blood-engorged head. She licked at the tapered tip as she
massaged the rest of its length in between her breast. The horse grunted and
shifted even closer to the naked woman�s body. It�s animal instincts had started to
make the horse hump back against Setsuna�s lips. Setsuna simply parted her lips
wide as she let the top few inches slide in her mouth. She clamped down hard with
her lips and started to suck as she stroked the shaft with her wobbling tits.
The horse started to feel its own orgasm ready to explode. It gave a out a
booming neigh as its body started to shake and as its length trembled madly.
Setsuna felt the horse�s reactions as she readied her self, milking the cock with
such wanton pleasure with her heavy tits and mouth. Soon, her efforts were met with
her desired conclusion. The equine cock started to shoot out heavy, thick ropes of
cum deep inside the woman�s mouth and down her throat. Setsuna gagged at the first
load but kept her mouth closed tightly around the tip as she tried to keep all the
cum in. Unfortunately, the load was too much and she was forced to pull out the
cock, the rest spewing out into her face and neck. Setsuna panted wildly as the
horse�s orgasm subsided. Setsuna licked around her mouth and lips, as well as the
horse�s still-erect shaft, lapping up the beastly cum. She still had the cock in
between her breasts as she turned towards Usagi with glazed eyes and a flustered
face. �T-That�s...number one, U-Usagi,� Setsuna said with a whimper.
�Mmm, that was wonderful Setsuna dear.� Usagi said as she licked her own cum
from her fingertips. She was rather amazed that Setsuna was able to fit the nearly
apple sized head of the horses cock into her mouth so easily, she had made a good
choice in making Setsuna the �queen� for her masters slug creatures. �That just
leaves two more times, but I don�t think your mouth will be enough to get him off
again.� she said teasingly.
�Y-Yes, Usagi,� Setsuna replied with more of an obedient tone in her voice,
knowing pretty much what Usagi meant. Setsuna crawled out from underneath the horse
as she slowly stood up, her legs wobbling a bit. She turned to face Usagi as she
leaned forward on the contraption, resting her stomach on it as she raised her ass
towards the horse, revealing her plump cheeks and dripping pussy. Without a
moment�s hesitation, the horse raised it forelegs and brought them down on the
space just above Setsuna�s shoulders. Setsuna turned to look above her shoulder as
she grasped the rock-hard shaft and directed it towards her wet pussy. Taking this
as the cue, the horse suddenly pushed its body forward, sliding its fat, horsecock
deep into Setsuna�s tight entrance with one swift thrust. Setsuna arched her back
as she screamed in both pleasure and pain. She held tightly on the edge of the
contraption as she bit her lower lip, trying to supress anymore screams as the
horse started to hump her wildly. She felt her pussy contract and wrap tightly
around the shaft as it pushed deeper, the cock reaching her womb. Tears of blissful
pain ran down her tightly-closed eyes as she rocked her body against the horse�s.
�G-Gods...W-What...a cock!! Oh...Ah...Ah,� Setsuna muttered out in pants as the
horse sped up, its orgasm building up again.
Getting up from her seat, Usagi smiled and walked over to Setsuna. �Does it
feel good Setsuna, that big thick horse cock inside you?� she asked as she watched
the beast sliding in and out of her. Meanwhile, the pregnant blonde began latching
all the shackles around Setsuna�s wrists, ankles, and thighs, ensure that she
couldn�t escape the device until Usagi wanted her to. Through the viewing window
in the saddle, Usagi could see how Setsuna�s belly had already stretched to massive
proportions as the nearly three foot long dick pounded into her!
�Y-Yes!! Yes, U-Usagi! The best....c-cock I�ve ever felt,� Setsuna screamed
out as she gave another low moan. Setsuna found it hard to believe that she didn�t
resist when Usagi locked her in place into the contraption. She would normally try
to get away but she didn�t. Of course she didn�t! How could she not want this
incredible fucking? The horse sped up even more, furiously pumping in and out of
Setsuna�s ravaged cunt. She merely replied with continuous moans of pleasure,
jerking her own body to match the horse�s rhythm. Soon, she felt an orgasm start to
rise from deep within her; an orgasm she had been waiting for for all her life.
�Ah!! Ah!! I-I�m cumming,� Setsuna moaned out loud, her voice practically shaking
the interior of the shed, as she reached orgasm. Her orgasm triggered the horse�s
own as its massive shaft quivered, erupting loads of loads of its warm and thick
cum deep into her womb. Both Setsuna and the horse gave out a sound of release,
inundating the area with a harmoniously lewd, orgasmic noise. Afterwards, the horse
slipped out of Setsuna�s cunt, it�s cock surprisingly still hard . Setsuna merely
collapsed back on the contraption and panted deeply and quickly. She whimpered as
she felt a load of cum seep out of her pussy and dripped down her thighs. �T-
Two...,� Setsuna gasped towards Usagi as she licked her lips, her lust not quite
sated yet.
Usagi grinned as she watched, loving the sight of Setsuna�s body being abused
so. Her hand went back down to her cocks, pressing them together and she stroked
both at once with her cum soaked fingers. Meanwhile, the blonde used her free hand
to knead and squeeze her unpierced tit, making her milk leak out slowly as she
watched the horse renew his thrusting into Setsuna�s well stretched pussy!
�F-Fuck!!! W-What a great cock! Oh...Ah! S-Such a fat dick,� Setsuna moaned
out like a whore as the horse began to pump into her body again. Whatever pain she
was feeling was replaced with incredible pleasure as her lust for the horse�s cock
grew even more. Words couldn�t describe how joyful she was for having such a
beastly prick pound her cunt in wild abandon. The horse simply fucked like the
animal it was, using the woman beneath it as its cocksheath. Setsuna didn�t care as
long as the horse kept on fucking her to orgasm. �C-Cumming...again!! Ngh! Ah! U-
Usagi! I�m s-sorry! I fear...I no longer crave for....oh....your c-cocks!! Ah!
This horse prick...i-is just too f-fucking let go,� Setsuna moaned,
her mouth agape in orgasm, her juices spewing out and coating more of the equine
shaft thrusting deep inside her. �M-More...shove...that horse cock deep inside my
pussy!!!� Setsuna begged towards the horse, her mind completely lost to the lust
that had grown inside of her.
Usagi only laughed as she brought herself to another orgasm, her cum spraying
over Setsuna�s moaning face as the tan skinned womans belly began to swell larger
and larger with the massive amount of horse sperm inside her. By now, the slug
inside her womb was already putting that cum to good use, beginning its
reproductive cycle and ensuring many generations of its species would come flooding
out of the womans now ruined pussy that was fit only for a horses dick.


Mamoru Chiba had never felt such a massive headache, he felt as though
someone had shoved a hot poker through his skull as he slowly regained
consciousness. He opened his dark blue eyes and looked around, but his vision was
blurry and he couldn�t see where he was. Wincing against the pain in his head,
Mamoru tried to remember wat had happened. The last thing he remembered was going
to see Usagi after she had been avoiding him for several weeks.
The dark haired man tried to jolt upright, only to find his muscles to be
unresponsive as his memory came flooding back to him. He had come back to Japan to
surprise her only to walk into her house and find her fucking her own mother with a
pair of twin cocks. Mamoru�s last sight had been of a strange red glow in Usagi�s
blue eyes before everything went black and he woke to find himself here.
�Oh, you�re finally awake.� said a familiar voice.
With some effort, Mamoru managed to turn his head and gasped when he saw Ami
Mizuno sitting across from the bed where he now lay. Though the blue haired girl
was nothing like he remembered her. Ami�s tits were huge, with silver bolt like
piercings in each nipple, her skin was well toned and shone slightly with a layer
of sweat. But more shocking than the fact that Ami was sitting across from him
stark naked was the sight of Makoto kneeling on the floor next to her, her mouth
wrapped lovingly around the girls foot long dick!
Ami smiled across at him, �Mmmm, she�s so good at sucking cock...� she cooed
as she leaned back in her seat and began playing with her pierced nipples. She
then moaned in obscene pleasure as Makoto began bobbing her head up and down
faster, making her enlarged tits jiggle and bounce. �Yeah, that�s a good cow, now
drink my cum!� Ami moaned as she began thrusting her dick into the brunettes
drooling mouth.
Against his better judgement, Mamoru looked down at Makoto, seeing to his
growing horror what had become of her. Like Ami, she knelt naked on the floor, her
massive tits now rested on her knees, the soft flesh jiggling with the motions of
her head and neck. Her body was adorned with several tattoos, the one he could see
clearly read: FUCK ME, and was tattooed just above her ass at the base of her back.
�What... what�s going on....� Mamoru asked hoarsely.
�Ahhhh....mmmmm, we�re heeeere... to watch...ooohhhh, the Masters... YES!!!
Birth...� Answered another voice. Turning his head the other way, Mamoru spotted
Haruka and wtached in horror as she was gangfucked by three men he didn�t
recognize. One man laid beneath the short haired blonde as she straddled his
member, while another knelt behind her, obviously fucking her in the ass. While
still a third stood in front of her, his thick dick in front of the moaning womans
face. Haruka gazed at the mans penis as though it were the most wonderful thing in
the world before she engulfed it between her lips, sucking at it like a mad woman
as the other two men continued pounding into her panting body.
�That little whore just can�t get enough dick.�
Mamoru knew that voice, but he could see where Rei was in the room, his body
already ached from so much forced movement.
�Oh don�t worry about me Mamo-kun, I�m busy fucking Minako in her ass, here
listen...� Rei said, there was a soft popping sound and Minako�s shrill cries
echoed in the room.
AHHHHH CUMMING AGAIN!!!!� she screamed.
Rei replaced whatever form of gag she was using and Mamoru could almost hear
her smile, �And you should know that she�s heavily pregnant now, with her own
father�s baby!� Rei informed him.
�Why...?� Mamoru croaked out.
�Why, because it feels good, that�s all.� Answered the sweet musical voice of
Michiru. She walked into Mamoru�s line of sight and smiled at him. Her body
didn�t look all that different, aside from being slightly pregnant. Michiru rubbed
at her belly and smiled, �Mmmm, alot�s happened while you were gone. All of us now
serve Mistress Usagi, even Hotaru and Setsuna. They wanted to be here, but Setsuna
doesn�t like to leave the stables, and we can�t fit a horse in here. As for
Hotaru, well, she�s busy entertaining some of our new friends elsewhere.� she
explained as she knelt down and drapped her arms around a large Great Dane that was
standing next to her. Mamoru hadn�t noticed the dog until now.
�Mmmm, I�d like you to meet my husband Brutaka, Usagi married us herself, and
I�ve already had a set of hybrid babies with him.� she said cheerfully. She then
turned to face the animal, placing her face to his muzzle in a sloppy open mouthed
kiss to which she moaned in ecstasy.
Mamoru fought down the bile he felt rising in his throat as he watch Michiru
kiss the beast in front of him as though it were the most natural thing in the
world. Then, to his sheer horror, he watched the aqua haired young woman drop down
to all fours and raise her ass in the air. The large dog barked once before
mounting Michiru, who moaned in total ecstasy as the beast began fucking her hard.
�Michiru is quite the dog whore.� said the one voice he truely didn�t want to
hear in this nightmare he�d woken up in.
Looking down toward the base of the bed he was tied to, Mamoru looked in
utter horror at the sight of what had once been Usagi Tsukino. The once pure and
innocent young woman he loved with all his heart was now a mere shadow of her
former self. Golden horns protruded from atop her head, and behind her a pair of
small red bat-like wings flapped lightly. Her once petite breasts were now
enormously large, easily a G-cup and leaked a steady stream of milk from their
nipples. Her stomach was massive, swollen with the late stages of a long
pregnancy, and the most repulsive sight of all, was the pair of twin cocks that
jutted up from below the swell of her stomach.
Usagi licked her lips and moaned, rubbing her hands through the hair of the
two women that knelt on either side of her. Both women were also pregnant, one he
recognized as Usagi�s mother Ikuko. The womans eyes were blank, devoid of all
thought save lust as she drooled and moaned as she sucked her daughters upper dick.
The second woman, Mamoru took a moment to recognized as Minako�s mother Yikiko
�Isn�t my new family just wonderful?� Usagi asked as she moaned in pleasure.
�Usako, what, what�s happened to you.� Mamoru asked.
�Quick version, I�ve lost my soul to a demon who�s impregnated me with
himself and now we�re going to turn this world into a sexual paradise!� she
Mamoru felt hope die inside him as Usagi pushed the women at her feet aside
like so much trash before climbing onto the bed with him. Her heavy tits jiggled
and bounced erotically with her every step as she crawled up to him.
�At first, I needed to remove the only obsticles in my masters way,� Usagi
continued with a nod towards the senshi around them who continued their orgy as
though nothing were happening. Their pants and moans were like nails on a
chalkboard to Mamoru as he was forced to listen, �With them out of the way, my
Master now needs a body to inhabit so he can rule this world with me at his side.�
The dark haired man now had a clear idea as to why Usagi released him from
whatever it was he had been trapped inside for god knew how long. Usagi smiled at
him as she reached down to stroke his cock, and for the first time, Mamoru realized
that he was naked! He tried with all his will to make his body move, but no matter
how much force he tried to exert, his limbs remained motionless, as though he had
been encased in lead. Usagi then leaned down and wrapped her pink lips around his
dick, the sensation was one of the most pleasurable feelings Mamoru could ever
remember, and inspite of everything around him, he felt his body becoming aroused,
his dick becoming rigid in the blondes mouth as she began bobbing her head up and
down with expert motions.
�Mmmm...mmmm.. Gah!� Usagi gasped as she pulled her head up from Mamoru�s
dick and slowly licked the shaft from base to tip before engulfing it again.
Around them, the other Senshi all moaned and panted in ecstasy as they fornicated
non-stop. Mamoru caught a glimpse of Makoto gettiing down on all fours as Ami
moved to slam her foot long dick up the brunettes asshole. She screamed in
pleasure as the penetration as rolled her ass with Ami�s thrusts, working to get
every inch of the blue haired girls dick inside her.
�Ahhhhh, yes, yesyesyesyesyesyes!!! Fuck me, fuck my holes!!!� Haruka
screamed as she came again and again. She then gagged slightly as one of the men
with her forced his cock down her throat again. Her face was an expression of
total mindless lust, without even a hint of her former fire in her eyes.
At the foot of the bed, Michiru panted and barked like a dog as she moaned in
pleasure. Already she could feel the beasts knot swelling inside her pussy, locking
her husband inside her. Drool ran down from her lips as her tongue hung from her
mouth like a true bitch in heat!
Back on the bed, Mamoru groaned as he tried to fight the growing sensations
of pleasure that ran throughout his body as Usagi continued sucking hisdick like a
professional whore. His mind began feeling cloudly, almost like the time Queen
Beryl had infected him with Dark Energy to change him into a darker version of his
past self.
After a few moments, Usagi knelt up on her knees and moaned, pawing at her
own heavy tits as a flood of juices gushed from below her cocks. �Ahhh, yes, I
feel it, it�s time!� she said in a shuddery voice. She squeezed her tits hard,
making her milk gush our in a pair of twin streams as she moved to straddle
Mamoru�s pelvis. Without waiting for him to protest, she impaled her pussy on his
cock, moaning in utter pleasure as she came instantly and began bucking her shaply
hips against him.
�AHHHH, OHH FUUUUUCK!!!!!� Usagi screamed as her belly began to shrink down
slowly as the essence that had been growing inside her for the last year finally
began to leave her body. As it did, the wings on her back grew larger, spanning
more than nine feet from one tip to the next. The pink hue on her lips turned to a
deep ruby red and she slowly ran her tongue over them. Both her cock began
spurting heavy globs of cum all over Mamoru�s body and the bed.
Below her, Mamoru felt a deep sinking sensation, his skin began to darken to
a deep shade of gray, with black tribal like marking spread over his broadening
chest. Pain unlike anything he had ever felt before consumed his entire being, yet
through it all, his erection remained like a rod of steel inside the woman he had
loved. On his forehead, a pair of curved black horns sprouted as his hair began to
recede back into his scalp, only to be replaced by a series of long tendrils not
unlike dreadlocks, each one ending in a penis like head. His eyes closed against
the pain, and when he opened them again they were a blood red color, with no
whites, pupils, or iris�. His canine teeth elongated into sharp fangs as his
fingernails lengthened into claws. At the base of his back, a long and thick tail
emerged, pushing out under his buttocks and waving about. This two ended in a
penis head, but this one more like that of a horse than a human.
Howling in pain and pleasure, Mamoru finally felt the presense of this being
that had taken his love from him. A dark and malevolent being that craved power
and the pleasures of the flesh. Slowly, all pain began to recede as Mamoru Chiba�s
soul was consumed by this thing inside his body.
�Ahhh, Welcome home, Master!� Usagi panted as she leaned back atop the Beast
she had birthed inside her former lovers body. She rubbed a hand over her now flat
belly, glad to finally have her figure back, but also saddened that she no longer
carried her master inside her. She then groaned in pleasure as she felt the cock
inside her growing, elongating, and thickening, stretching her pussy to the
absolute limit as the demon placed his clawed hands on her hips.
�At last,� The demon said, �This world, will be ours!� He then began lifting
Usagi up and down, pumping her on his massive cock as though she were just a sex
toy. The blonde haired demoness only moaned, letting herself go limp as she
submitted to her masters will. Her entire body shook with pleasure as she looked
down at her self. A large phallic shapped lump rose and fell on her stomach as the
masters cock stretched her body to accomodate its size. Pawing at her breasts
more, Usagi screamed in pleasure, feeling her twin cocks erupting with even more of
her cum while twin jets of milk streaked from her nipples.
The demon then stood up, holding Usagi aloft by his cock alone as he reached
up to grip her breasts, pushing her hands aside. The blonde then wrapped her legs
around his waist, pulling as much of his cock into her as she could.
Meanwhile, the tentacles that made up the demons hair began to lengthen,
spreading out to force their way into Ami�s ass and pussy as the blue haired girl
continued to fuck Makoto in her ass. The dickgirl welcomed her Masters cocks,
spreading her rounded ass cheeks to allow them inside her. At the same time, four
more tentacles pushed inside Makoto, one in her pussy, another in each nipple of
the cows massive tits, and one in her mouth. Rei was next, feeling the thick
tentacles pushing in her ass and pussy while another filled Minako�s empty pussy,
making the gagged girl howl against the ball in her mouth.
Haruka was last, the tentacles shoving aside the men that were fucking her
waiting holes and filling her with three in her ass, four in her pussy, and another
down her throat. The blonde cock whore showed no signs of discomfort as her body
was lifted off the floor and fucked in every orifice.
Michiru alone was left untouched by the demon�s tentacles, as the demon
wanted to honor her marriage to the animal currently fucking her pussy.
Next, the demon moved his tail up to Usagi�s waiting asshole. Her lips
trembled in anticipation of what was to come.
�My name, is Salanesh..� he told her before slamming the horse-like tailcock
up her ass, making Usagi howl in pain and pleasure as her body was doubly violated
and a second phallic lump formed on her stomach. She bucked and groaned, welcoming
every agonizing inch as she climaxed over and over. Next, the demon said, �And
you, will be my Queen!�
�Yes Master!!!� Usagi howled between orgasms!


Sakura Street Church, the largest Catholic church in all of Tokyo, built in
the style one might find in Rome or London. It stood out against the surrounding
buildings in the area as Rei walked onto the grounds. She instantly felt an
unpleasant tingle over her skin as her demonic form shuddered at being on holy
ground. Currently disguised in her human form, Rei walked down a foot beaten path
in the yard to one of the side entrances to the Cathedral. She had dressed in one
of her old highschool uniforms consisting of a blue skirt, and white sailor style
blouse. White knee high socks adorned her feet under a pair of black tennis shoes.
Master Yuragi had said his plans would require all nine senshi as well as
three holy women to work. She, Ami, and Kosame has come to the church to find
suitable nuns for the job. Rei looked around, spotting a handful of older women
that were rather unappealing to her. She walked into the church building through
the side entrance and made her way to the main chapel. There were only a handful
of people inside, most sitting quietly in the pews and praying softly to their God.
Rei pittied them, her God at least spoke with her and showed her pleasures
only a few even knew to exist! She felt a tingle in her loins as she thought about
how much fun it was going to be to take a Nun and turn her into her personal sex
A door opened to the rear of the chapel and Rei stifled a gasp. Three drop
dead gorgeous nuns walked out from another room and into the chapel. Even under
the modest garments and habits they wore, Rei could see that these women were
wasting their lives here. Each one had beautiful and large tits, one remarkably
so. Two had deep indigo colored eyes, and one peridot ones.
Out of the corner of her eye, Rei spotted Ami and Kosame, both having come
from different entrances into the chapel. They two spotted the sexy trio of nuns
and without word or gesture to one another, they each picked one. Rei�s choice,
the one with arguably the smallest breasts, headed towards her while the other two
went off in their own directions.
Smiling to herself, Rei licked her lips and moved to lean against the wall
near the door where she had come in from. She pulled a bottle of eye drops from
her pocket and quickly put a drop in each eye, the overflow looking much like real
tears as she began working up some fake sobs.
Sister Hiroko had just finished her nightly bible reading with her fellow
sisters and now walked to kneel and pray for the next days task, as she walked down
she noticed the a young woman praying and sobbing on her knees.�My what is the
matter my child?� She asked hoping to be able to sooth this youths soul.
Rei looked up at the woman with tearful eyes, the young Nun was even more
stunning up close, and Rei had to consciously fight to maintain her human disguise.
She then closed her eyes and buried her face in her hands, crying almost
hysterically and shuddering softly.
�Oh Dear, would you like ot speak privately?� Hiroko asked as she layed her
hand on Rei�s shoulder instatly feeling feeling a dark presence but thinking that
it was jsut the poor girls grief.
Nodding slowly, Rei let the woman help her up to her feet and leaned against
her as they walked out of the chapel. The woman smelled wonderful, clean, soapy,
but Rei could also smell her pussy, and she felt her cock aching to come out at
that wonderful odor as she continued crying.
Sister Takashiro took the crying girl to her office and helped her to sit
and then sat herself down behind her desk across from the teary eyed girl. � Now I
sense your in a great deal of pain , please tell me what is wrong I�m here to help
you and its not jsut me thats here its also the man up stairs.� she said as she
opened her cabinate door and pulled out her bible and layed it on the desk. � I�m
sure we can find the answer to your problem here.�
Grinning inwardly, Rei looked up at the woman and said, �I... I work at the
Cherry Hill Shrine...� she said, not a total lie, since she did live and work there
a few weeks back, �We had just brought on a new Shrine Priest and, the first night
he... he...� Rei began crying again, burying her face in her hands once more.
Hiroko got up and walked to the door and locked it before coming next to the
girl and putting her hand on her shoulder again, �Its okay child you can tell me
anything no one out side, the walls are sound proof and no one outside of them will
hear of it if you so wish.� she said walking around her desk and sitting back down.
�Really?� Rei asked, though her tone was no longer that of a grieving girl.
She then stood up slowly, as she did, a red orange glow surrounded her body and a
pair of bright red horns protruded from the back of her head and curved around to
sharp points in the front. A long purple devils tail emerged from under her skirt
as she turned around to face the nun with red and purple cat slitted eyes, �How
fortunate.� she said before rushing the woman and quickly pinning her up against
the wall, �For me anyway.� she said before pressing her lips to the womans in a
forceful kiss.
Hiroko was too startled to do anything as the demoness pinned her and in the
confusion of what jsut happend she did nothing to stop Rei�s lips from touching
her�s, But quickly she gained her senses back and realized that it was not a crying
girl infront of her but a demon. Hiroko moved her head and broke the kiss spitting
from the side of her mouht in disgust �Foul thing let go of me!� she demanded as
she fought to break loose from Rei�s grasp.
�Mmmm, no.� Rei said sweetly as she reached her free hand up to grope the
nuns left tit through the fabric of her frock. �Really, you religious types are
too easy!� she said as she gripped the frabric in her hand and tore it open with
ease, exposing her bra covered breasts. �Mmmm, such a lovely body you have under
that annoying fabric, it�s a shame you don�t show it off.�
Outraged at the demon�s words Hiroko with her free hand slaps at the demon�s
face with all her force. �How dare you!� yelled as she struggled again to get away
from Rei. �You might have tricked me before but now I see you for what you really
are Demon!� she said as she reached for her rosemary.
Rei winced only slightly at the slap, it didn�t really hurt, more like
surprised her as she moved to grab the womans cross and yank it away from her. The
beads of the necklace clattered on the floor as she held it up for her to see,
�Thou shalt not bow before any brazen image whether in the form of anything that is
in heaven above, or that is on the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the
earth, remember?� she asked as she tossed the meaningless piece of wood aside and
proceeded to tear away more of the womans clothes, leaving her clad only in her
habit and underwear.
Hiroko gave Rei a defient look as she tried to cover her breast by crossing
her hands over them but she could only manage to shield the top of them. �A sister
fo the church will never fall to the likes of you!� she said trying to sound tough
as she felt her faith failing her in this dark hour.
Rolling her eyes, Rei released the woman but stood between her and the door
as she summoned her powers of fire and quickly burned off her own clothes, their
ashes falling silently at her feet. She licked her lips as she stared at the nun
with a wicked grin on her face. Next, Rei reached a hand down between her legs and
began stroking her pussy slowly, moaning in pleasure as she felt a wonderful
throbbing in her clit as it elongated and burst forth to form into her eleven inch
long cock that oozed with precum. Gripping her shaft, Rei stroked her dick slowly,
enjoying the look of horror that was dawning on the womans face as she ran her
thumb over the soft spines that growned the head of her cock.
Staring away from Rei�s cock Hiroko looked up at the demoness face and saw
her dark grin and lustfull eyes, she was about to voice her faith and hate for the
demon again but when she tried she found she couldn�t talk. Hiroko tried to get up
but found her hand and legs frozen, What did she do to me? she asked herself as she
continued in vain to move any part of her body. No please this can�t be happening
to me, she thought as she felt Rei�s power feeling her and possesing her body.
�Take off your bra.� Rei commanded her with a smile as she kept eye contact
with her. She had exerted only some of her mental powers. It would have been
simple to just turn this woman into a sniveling whore, but Master Yuragi needed
these women begging for it of their own will. Besides, Rei was having too much fun
to end it so quickly. Tossing the hypocrisy of the womans own religion in her face
had been a joy, now she wanted to see her turn against her own vows and beg to be
fucked like a whore!
Hiroko Grit her teeth �NO!!� she screamed as she began to unhook her bra and
take it off slowly letting her breasts hang down. Feeling degraded Hiroko
concentrated every bit of will she had to try and give the most defiant look to Rei
even if it was only superficial since she could feel the demon�s hold on her entire
body increase with each second and there was nothign she could do about it. There
has to be a way I can fight her, she thought as she thought about Rei�s throbbing
member and instantly she shuddered, her defiant look gone.
Rei laughed, �Oh my, look at how hard your nipples are!� she said as she
stared down at Hiroko�s topless body, �Does the sight of my cock turn you on that
much?� she asked as she walked over to her and pressed the thorned head against her
cheek, smearing her precum on her skin.
Hiroko�s eyes widened in disgust as she felt Rei�s cock on her chick and its
warm liquids ooze down the side of her face �Y...oouu!� was all she could manage
to say. I can hardly speak, she thought as she tryed to finish her statement,
�Fooul Beeasss...t,� she finshed but even with just those two words she felt
completely drained and exhausted.
�Stand up.� Rei commanded, enjoying the sight of the woman struggling to defy
her will. The Sister was nearly the same height as Rei herself, putting their
faces almost level. The demonic dickgirl leaned in close and slowly licked her
precum from the womans cheek. She then reached her hands up and cupped them over
her generous breasts, easily a D-cup like her own, with plenty of jiggle to them.
�Mmmm, I just love big, soft tits...� she said before leaning down to suckle
on her left nipple while she pinched the right between her finger. Curious as to
what she would say, Rei eased her hold on the womans voice and smiled around her
�NO Please!� Hiroko pleaded, she was surprised that each word didn�t make her
feel exhausted but still felt powerless as she felt the tingle of pleasure coem
from her nipples . �Please...stop� she said trying to have some authority in her
voice but knowing it was futile to pretend when her whole body was no longer hers.
Rei only smiled and continued sucking the nuns nipple roughly, loving the
feel of it in her mouth as she swirled her tongue around it. She moved her free
hand up and down Hiroko�s naked back, enjoying the feel of her smooth skin before
moving down to grip her ass through the oversized cotton panties she wore. After
several minutes, she pulled her head up and took Hiroko over to her desk. Sweeping
her arm across it, Rei knocked off all the files, notbooks and pens that cluttered
the top.
�Lay down,� she told her, �Then rip your panties off for me!�
Hiroko tried to resist again but her body obeyed without hesitation laying
herself on her back and and grabbing her own panties, her hand pulled at them as
hard as they could. �AHHH!� she screamed as the panties were stretching and
sinking into her pussy. Finally, she heard a tearing sound and she discarded the
tourn scraps to the side leaving her pussy to the mercy of Rei. Hiroko tried to
stay faithfull and think that this is just a test but as she looked at Rei�s
throbbing cock and the lust in the demon�s eyes she doubted that she would pass.
�Mmmm, such a pretty pussy,� Rei said as she moved to stand between the
womans spread legs. Grinning widely since she hadn�t told her to spread them for
her. She slowly rubbed her cock in the thin patch of red pubic hairs, already
aching to plunge her meat deep into the woman, but she wanted to savor this more.
�Masturbate. Make that pussy nice and wet for my cock!�
Again her body betrayed her and without a moments hesitation her hands moved
to her pussy and began to rub it slowly, she blushed in shame as she could feel
herself becoming aroused. �Please god forgive me... PLease give me strength
agaisnt this demon, PLEASE HELP ME!� she prayed as her eyes started to water along
with her pussy.
�God can�t hear you, he doesn�t listen to sluts.� Rei said as she moved to
slide her middle finger up the womans asshole, stirring it around inside her as she
watched her pussy growing wetter and wetter. The slick sliding sounds of her
fingers dipping into that tight little hole made Rei hungry, and in her true
demonic form, sex was better than food for her.
�AHhhh.� Hiroko gasked as she felt her asshole being violated for the first
time, �No!� she said but her body continued its betrayal as her hands started to
rub her wet cunt harder and she could feel a pressure building in her lower body,
she was getting close to orgasm!
�Does it feel good?� Rei asked, �Do you like fingering yourself on your desk
inside a church? Admit it, you�re just a horny slut under all that Holy babble!�
�Hail Mary, full of grace, the Lord is with thee; blessed art thou among
women, and blessed is the fruit of thy womb,� Hiroko muttered as she felt herself
coming to the threshold of an orgasm with tears in her eyes. �Jesus. Holy Mary,
Mother of God, pray for us sinners, now and at the hour of our death. AMEN! � she
screamed in tears as her pussy exploded in orgasm with juices squirting everywhere!
Pulling her hand back, Rei smiled at the sight of the nuns fluids coating her
digits. �Mmmm, all sticky and wet,� she said as she pressed her fingers together
and pulled them apart several times, enjoying the sight of the ropes of fluids
stringing between her fingers. She then slowly licked her hand clean, as she
looked down at Hiroko�s naked and panting body.
Hiroko layed there panting her tongue sticking out a little from her mouth
and drool coming down her cheeks. She had come into the ministry not a virgin and
in fact a troubled child but through many years of discipline and faith she finally
thought she conquered the demon�s that plagued her when she was younger, but as she
layed there, her dripping pussy aching for more she could feel the last ten years
of hard work slipping away and her lust creeping up again. �Through my faith I can
over come Through my faith I can over come Through my faith I can over come .� she
kept saying to herself but instead of each time growing more confident in herself
she grew more doubtful as each repeatition made her more aroused.
Climbing up onto the desk with her, Rei laid her body overtop the nuns, their
tits mashing together as she rubbed her thorned cock against her belly before
kissing her deeply. Her tongue easily slipped past the womans lips as she reached
up to pull off her habit, letting her crimson colored hair fall out and over the
edge of the desk.
Hiroko didn�t resist at all this time and rahter welcomed the demoness�s
tongue carassing it softly. My God.. why hast thou forsaken me? she thought as she
felt Rei�s cock filled with hot cum against her stomach at that moment she looked
at Rei�s eyes andsaw a glimse of her future. She saw a future of damnation and
blasphemes acts but even then all her body could do was become more aroused at the
�Mmmm,� Rei purred against Hiroko�s lips as she gently broke the kiss. She
could feel the womans arousal in her own body, feeding her, sustaining her. She
moaned in pleasure as she rubbed her tits against the nuns, loving the feel of
their nipples flicking against one anothers. Kissing the nun once more before
climbing off of her and the desk. �Come here,� she told her, �And get down on your
Hiroko obeyed and thought for a moment of how if was only an hour ago that
she was kneeling to pray in faith and now is is doing it at the comman of a demon.
She quickly put that thought aside as she felt her body begin to fill with
exictement as it awaited the next command from Rei.
Rei grinned and loosened her grip on the Nun�s motor control a bit, she then
stepped forward so that her dick was right in her face. �Mmmm, do you like my
cock?� she asked, �I want you to suck it.�
Hiroko looked up at Rei and then looked back down as she and puckered her
lips �Yes...� she said before slowly wrapping her mouth around its thorny head as
she did tears began to roll down chicks as she begged for forgiveness for her
weakness. Please I can�t help myself this feels SO GOOD!!! she thought as she
began to lap at the head with her tongue.
�Mmmm, yes, that�s it....� Rei groaned in pleasure as she ran her fingers
through Hiroko�s thick red hair. She smiled as she watched the Nun�s ruby lips
gliding over her thick prick. Rei savored her growing victory, not only had she
loosened her grip on the womans body, but she hadn�t actually commanded her to suck
on her dick! �How does my cock taste, good?� she asked after a moment.
Hiroko looked up to Rei with her watery eyes and with a frown nodded before
putting herr lips around the demoness� thorny member. She began to move her tongue
around the little spikes, passing over them lightly and carefully. No I can�t ...I
can�t take this beast ..THING any further into my mouth...I WON�T! she thought as
she got her first taste of precum. AH! ...why ..why does it taste sooooo good? She
questioned herself as she swallowed it and savored the the taste as it went down.
�I...I will only take the head of your tool you foul beast.� she spat at Rei
feeling confident that she could win atleast this little battle and regain a littel
Rei smiled, this one was proving tougher than she thought, how delightful.
She then reached down and grabbed a fistful of her bright red hair, pulling the
womans mouth onto her cock and forcing several inches down her throat!
Hiroko looked up and saw Rie�s fiery eys looking back at her. I�M SORRY...
she instantly thought hoping Rei would hear her. I really don�t have any salvation
here do I? she thought as though Rei could hear her as she felt the spikes tickle
the back of her throat.
�Mmmm, that�s it, suck my cock...� Rei groaned in pleasure as she began
sliding her dick back and forth in the womans mouth. She then lifted her free hand
up to cup her own heavy breast, kneading and squeezing the soft mound. The dark
haired dickgirl cooed with pleasure and slowly released her grip on the nun�s hair,
eager to see just how strong her resolve was.
The edges of a smile appereared on Hiroko�s mouth as she began bobbobing of
her own free will, Thank you for your mercy, She thought as she began to show her
gratitude. She could feel the spikes of Rei�s cock tingle from the base of her
throat to the roof of her mouth and she was beginning to enjoy the sensation. She
looked up at Rei again, her stare was dulll and empty but it was unmistakable that
a hint fo bliss hid behind them.
�Ahhh, yeah, that�s a good girl....� Rei purred in pleasure, loving the feel
of the nun�s mouth gliding over her cock slowly. �Doesn�t it feel so much better
to just give in?� she asked after a long moment.
NO! a whisper said to Hiroko but she ignored it and wrapped her lips around
Rei�s cock and sucked on it as she slowly backed her mouth away from the base to
the tip, her mouth coming of the tip of the cock with a loud and slurpy popping
sound leavinga trail of precum from Rei�s cock to Hiroko�s lips. �Yes! Heehee it
really does.� she said staring blankly with a big grin on her face before going
back to work on Rei�s member. Hiroko had finally silenced the little voice that
told her how wrong this was. She no longer ignored the itch she felt in her pussy
that had been salivating profusely since the demon�s cock had touched her lips.
Nothing could scratc hthat better then thorns, she thought and let out her laugh as
a murmur around Rei�s throbbing member.
�Yeah, that�s it, don�t stop.... Ahhhhh....� Rei moaned in ecstasy as she
felt her cock throbbing inside the womans hot little mouth. She adored the look of
growing lust she saw on her face as she watched her member sliding deep into her
mouth. Such an expression is what belonged on every womans face as she began
thrusting into her mouth faster. �Yeah, drink my cum you Slut Nun!� she groaned as
her cock began spurting her steaming hot load into the womans mouth.
Hiroko had Rei�s cock halfway down her throat as she felt it begin to heat up
and finally explode in hot tasty cum. The cum reminded her of earlier this morning
when she had had her cup of coffee and it burned all the way down. As Hiroko took
gulp after gulp of coffee hot cum she ultimately couldn�t keep up and her mouth
began to over flow with steamy semen oozing down the sides of ehr lips.
�NGROGNHROGH� she gargled out as the thorny cock exited her mouth and began to
spray wildly onto her face, hair , and breast.
�Mmmmmmm ahhhh......� groaned Rei as she stroked her cock slowly, squeezing
out the last few drops of her cum and watching as the dripped down the woman�s
naked body. She then reached down and grabbed her chin, slowly pulling her up to
her feet and kissing her deeply, her tongue dancing inside the older womans mouth
and tasting her own cum.
Hiroko�s tongue danced with with Rei�s and swapped the demon�s infernal cum
back and forth. Hiroko now completly entoxicated with her lust and the smell of
cum. As they kissed Hiroko felt Rei�s cock rub up agaisnt her stomach some cum
still left on the tip dripped down pass her belly button and reached her clit
before going down the many streams created by her wettness. But Hiroko savoured
the burning feeling and couldn�t help it anymore. She broke the kiss and with a
chain of cum between them she began to ask longingly, �Please my slut nun cunt
itches for cock....! I want you to come inside my temple and defile it heehee..�
she begged feeling her sanity die a little more as she said that blasphamy.
Rei grinned and grabbed Hiroko�s shoulder, spinning her around and pushing
her down over her desk. She then began rubbing her length between the cheeks of
her smooth ass, smiling as her hot cum smeared over the broken womans skin.
�Aren�t you supposed to be a woman of God, chaste and pure?� she asked, �Does such
a woman beg to be fucked by a demon? You sound more like a whore to me, is that
what you are, a Whore Nun?� she asked with a grin as she pressed the tip of her
cock against her puckered asshole but didn�t enter.
�YES! A WHORE NUN!� Hiroko proclaimed, �HEEHEE!!! Please I.. I NEED your hot
cum insdie me. I don�t care about purity, I am a lowly demon fuck toy I... I..
I�M ALL YOUR�S.� she continued as she felt a drop of cum go into her asshole. �AH!
YES please!!!!� She closed her eyes, �I pray my beautiful demon queen, bless your
slut of a servant with your hot cum.� She prayed hoping the utter mockery of her
old ways would please Rai and she get what she wanted.
Each moment that the thorny cock was not sheathed inside her pained Hiroko,
all she knew now was that she wanted Rei to fill her up wit her steaming cum!
HAHHAHA What a fool I was to put my faith in someone I don�t see... HEEHEHEHHAHA
why ..why did I do such a thing when there are so many things in this world to see
and FEEL HEHEHE. she thought as she looked back again and gave Rei another longing
look then looked and pressed her ass chicks agaisnt Rei�s cock.
Savoring the look of mindless lustful longing on the womans face, Rei took
her time, slowly rubbing her thorned cock against the sopping wet folds of her
pussy. She reached out with one hand and lightly traced her fingers across the
Nun�s back, gently scratching her as she just slightly pushed the tip of her cock
into her pussy, enjoying the hot wet feel. The ebony haired demon just loved
hearing the woman beg, she was quite the slut under all that biblical nonsense.
Hiroko gasped in ecstacy as she felt Rei slowly put her cock inside her, with
her mouth wide open she began to drool as she clung to her desk with her hands
preparing to buck back at Rei. I wish I had a hymen so she could have the
pleasure of reaping it to pieces, she thought and whispered, �Sorry my mistress...�
as she felt the cock slide slowly at the point where her hymen would have been.
The way the thorns on Rei�s cock tickled and tenderly stang the sides of her
insides drove Hiroko crazy and she bagan to buck back at Rei.
�Ah ah,� Rei berated, pulling her cock back just before Hiroko could take
more inside her, �That�s a no no in this place.� she teased and began to back away
slowly with a wicked grin.
�No Please!!� Hiroko pleaded �I need IT!!! I want your massive cock inside
ME. Fuck me Please, Defile me and Defile this house of whorship!!! Please just
fuck me crazy!� Hiroko begged beginning to sob a little from Rei�s teasing.
The ebony haired dickgirl laughed at the whining nun and speared her cock
hilt deep into her pussy! She groaned with pleasure as she felt her hot walls
clenching around her shaft and began pounding her hip against the womans rounded
ass. The desk screeched against the hardwood floor as Rei�s thrusts began pushing
it forward little by little.
�UH! UH ! Uh! YES!� Hiroko screamed with a look of absolute ecstacy.
Grabbing onto the shaky desk she began to move her hips as much as she could to
follow with Rei�s rhythm.� AH Thank youuuu. Thank yoooouuu� she said as she lost
herself in the pleasure and began to drool as her eyes became empty and she
concentrated on bucking her hips and the hot cock impaling her.
�Mmmm, such a great pussy....� Rei groaned in pleasure, �I just love fucking
nice, tight, holes!� she said, thrusting in harder with every word. Looking down
at Hiroko, it was hard to tell that only a few minutes ago, this was a holy woman
devoted to helping lost souls find their way to God. Rei loved the sound of her
howling moans and the feel of her wet cunt sliding across her thorned dick. After
a while, she pulled out of the Nun and rolled her onto her back before slamming
back into her. She leaned down and mashed their big tits together, being sure to
rub their nipples against one anothers as her cum began rubbing into their skin.
�AH!� Hiroko gasped in pleasure and relief as Rei slammed her cock into her
again. As soon as their eyes met Hiroko kept her eyes locked to Rei�s, she was no
longer under any kind of mind control spell but she knew that her mistress would
enjoy to see the once full and beautiful eyes become empty and blank dots that
could only show lust. As the former nun felt the demon�s breast on her own she
moved forward and kissed her demon mistress slowly begnning to massage her tongue
as she moved her body moving her tongue side to side as her nipples moved the same
hitting Rei�s left to right.
Feeling Rei backing up again in desperation Hiroko wrapped her legs around
Rei to keep her cock inside her. �Please don�t stop I NEED IT, FUCK ME! FUCK ME!
FUCK ME like the slut nun I am!� she screamed almost stressing her voice.
�Mmmm, yeah, such a whore!!!� Rei groaned in ecstasy as she felt her cum
building inside her again. She pushed her cock into the woman deep, rolling her
hips and stirring it around inside her as she pressed her mouth to Hiroko�s in a
lewd kiss. �Yeah, take all my cum in your cunt, you whore!!!� she groaned as she
began cumming again, harder than before and instantly flooding her womb.
Hiroko Instantly orgasmed as she felt the torrent of hot spunk invade her
womb letting out a moan of pure pleasure. She loosned her legs as she barely had
the strengh to breath as each orgasm was followed by another and each ripped
through her body making her shudder in pleasure.
Cooing in satisfaction, Rei pulled her cock out slowly and let the last few
spurts of her cum land with wet plops on the womans naked skin. She felt full now,
having gotten a delightful meal out of the womans panting and abused body. Her
cock then slowly retracted back into her clit. �Down on your knees whore.�
Shaking and with her eyes still on Rei, Hiroko slowly came down from her desk
as glubs of cum slid down her inner thigh. As she got on her knees she she began to
giggle and a wide grin formed on her face, her eyes starring blanckly at the
demoneses. �I know now that I have an eternity fo fire waiting for me but I don�t
care.� she said, her grin growing bigger and her giggling louder.
�No, no fire and brimstone for you, ecstasy and rapture awaits, and many
babies. All you have to do is swear your soul to me, and I promise you an eternity
of pleasures beyond what you�ve imagined.� Rei said to her as she looked down at
�Of course Mistress I am yours every bit of me my body, my heart, and my soul
they are all yours for the taking!� she proclamed befroe giggling again, �I jsut
want to be your fuck nun, your cock warmer, I want to taste your taint everyday
becasue if I don�t I might go insane!� she said starting to shake again �So please
make me yours!�
Rei laughed and reached her hand down to spread the lips of her pussy wide.
A thin yellow stream then sprayed out from her urethra as she pissed all over the
nuns face and chest. �Bathe in it and prove your loyalty to me.�
Hiroko nodded and with a gigle began to wash herself with Rei�s piss. She was
remineded for a moment fo her baptizum and then giggled as she got a hand full of
it and dropped it on the top of her head. �I am yours Msitress.�
�That�s a good girl....� Rei said as she finished urinating all over the
woman, �Now find some new clothes, you�re going to help us make the world into a
unending sex pit!�


Smiling to herself, Rei walked naked alongside a newly redressed Sister

Takashiro out into the main chapel of the church. She felt so much better now that
she was naked, clothes just felt so confining to her now. As she walked into the
spacious room, she spotted Ami and Kosame coming out from other areas of the
church. Each of them escorted a rather well endowed nun along with them.
Rei grinned and moved to press her naked body against Hiroko�s, pressing her
eleven inch long dick against the womans back as she groped one fat tit in her
hand. �Mmmm, are you ready my little whore nun?� she asked her as she leaned in
and licked the edge of the trembling womans ear.
Hiroko felt the familiar heat of Rei�s cock on her back making her get a
little wet, not that anyone could notice sine she had been fully dressed again.
Hiroko replied calmly �Yes, my mistress...� while gazing blankly at her fellow
sisters and their escorts, she thought fora moment that just a few hours ago such
an image would bother her but now she could feel the crack of a smile creeping up
on her mouth.
Across the room, Ami waved her hand to Rei and Kosame, her big tits jiggling
erotically as she kept the hand of the busty nun next to her on her cock. The
young woman panted softly, eagerly stroking the dickgirls shaft as they made their
way to the chapel. �Mmmm, you just love cock, don�t you, Sister Komachi?� she
asked as she reached around the woman and grabbed her enormous tits, hefting them
in her hands.
Kira looked at Ami and nodded, concentrating on the throbbing feeling in her
hand. Moaning as she felts Ami�s hand caress her breasts over her dress she began
stroking Ami faster as a sign of her increased arousal.
Ami smiled and licked the redheads ear softly before taking her into the
center of the chapel. Just then, the main doors flew open with a loud bang. Ami,
Rei, and Kosame all smiled at the sight of Usagi walking in, her massive GG-cup
tits jigglingly with her every step. She had certainly dressed for the occasion.
Wearing a jet black corset that left her heavy tits hanging free, crotchless
panties that showed off her twined cocks nicely, and thigh high black boots with
dark red heels. The blonde looked so happy to be dressing in her slutty outfits
again as she walked into the room.
Behind her came Makoto, wearing her favorite cowprint corsets and matching
stockings. In her hand the top heavy cow carried several long leashes. At the
ends of those were Brutaka, the main house dog, Ikuko, Usagi�s mother, now heavily
pregnant and looking ready to give birth any moment now. Yukiko, Minako�s mother,
equally pregnant by Usagi, as well as Lilica, the house bitch.
Following behind Makoto came Minako, leading one of the large Black Stallions
by its bridle in one hand, and the other hand carried leashes with Setsuna, Haruka,
Michiru, and Hotaru crawling on all fours in front of her. All of the women were
stark naked and had likely caused quite a fuss outside.
Last to enter was their master, Salanesh, his hulking gray body needing the
wide space provided by the double doors leading into the chapel. The tentacles of
his hair waved about on an unfelt wind as he looked around the church with open
�This will do.� he said in his otherworldly voice.
With a wave of his hand, all the pews that lined the chapel flew to the
sides, shattering into splinters and leaving a wide open space. In that space, the
floor began to smolder and smoke, until flames borke out in a circular pattern that
Ami instantly recognized as a pentagram with some archaic writing on the inside
As soon as they heard the words �come!� they quickly obeyed and followed
their masters into the demonic circle. Immediately as they enter it they feel a
surge of lust and evil unlike anything they have felt before. Haruka, Michiru , and
Lilica almost fell over as they felt the lust surge through them, quickly getting
the scent of arousal from Haruka, Brutaka�s brought out his knot and quickly ran to
her, ramming his fully erect dog cock into her waiting pussy from behind.
�AH YES!!� she howls as struggles to stay on her shoulders against the
merciless ramming of Brutaka. Michiru managed to stand up and walk her way to
brutaka�s mouth where he eagerly laps at her. Lilica slowly crawled to Brutaka�s
back began to lick up his thighs trying to match her movements with his as he
continued to pound his dog meat into Haruka. Matching her rhythm right, Lilican
wraps her lips around his sack and begins to caress it with her tongue and sucking
on it lewdly.
�Mmmm, quite eager, aren�t they?� Usagi asked her master as she leaned
against him, reveling in the sight of such wanton lust and debauchery in front of
her. Salanesh only nodded and watched as Ikuko and Yuriko both crawled between two
of the pentagram points and immediately began grinding their pussies together,
their heavy bellies occasionally rubbing against each others as they panted and
moaned like wild animals.
Meanwhile, Setsuna immediately went to work rubbing the stallions large thick
dick between her own big tits, moaning lustfully as she felt the beasts musk
covering her already filthy body. The large beast and her now stood on one of the
pentagram points across from where some of the other slaves fornicated with a dog,
the char black markings in the floor began glowing red. She was between birthing
cycles of the slug creature inside her and that only made crave a cunt full of
horse cum all the more!
�Bring them into the circle, each of you take a point and rape them!�
Salanesh instructed his other three dickgirl servants.
Ami grinned and took Kira by her neck and threw her down to the pentagram,
she had taking childish delight in raping the nuns body and soul and now as she
stood over her looking at the warped look of lust and fright on Kira�s face she
began to leak precum. Walking pass the threshold of the circle Ami instantly felt
the dark energies fill her body with lust and power. Looking to those still
standing outside she called Makoto who happily came running making her breast
jiggle from side to side, as soon as she entered the circle Makoto gasped and a big
squirt of milk jetted out of her breasts. Ami laughed as Makoto dragged her
breasts the rest of way on all fours leaving a trail of milk behind her.
Putting them both face to face and breast to breast Ami put her fully erect
cock between them and watched with a great deal of ecstasy as the two big breasted
women tried to reach her cock with their mouths only to be blocked by bumping to
each others tits, causing Makoto to squirt more all over the Kira�s dress. �hahah
you too big cows can�t reach awww thats too bad I guess only on of you at a time
gets to enjoy my dick .� Both women gave a disappointed look to Ami and then an
angry look at the other. �Well since you Makoto already sucked my cock so much in
this past few months I guess it�s only right that Kira get to taste it for a while,
Turning to Kira she grabbed a fist full of her hair and pushed her head
against her cock making her take it in one big push down her throat letting out a
load moan as she feels the nuns hot wet throat begin to gag around her cock.
Before Makoto could try to voice any complaint, she felt several long
tentacles wrapping arms her limbs and torso. Lifting her up with ease and carrying
her into the center of the circle, Makoto moaned in ecstasy as she watched
helplessly while the Masters tentacle hair moaned to fuck each of her nipple,
raining her milk down around his and Usagi�s bodies. Still more tentacles pushed
into her ass, pussy, and mouth. The brown haired cow moaned in lust as she
surrendered to her master, letting her body go limp as she felt every oriface in
her body filled at once! Out of the edge of her vision, Makoto saw Minako and
Hotaru held aloft as well as their holes were likewise violated.
Ami looked up and saw her good little cow being violated by her master and
smiled feeling a hint of jalousy, but she knew her job moving her gaze back to her
charge she pulled the nun�s hair and released the gaging Kira from her grasp,
making the nun jerk back quickly coughing and gasping for air. Ami cracked a grin
tackled the nun to her back and then began to grab fist fulls of her clothing and
ripping them of revealing first of all her huge breasts. Ami had a great deal of
fun playing with them before, giving them a good slap left and right to watch Kira
squirm in pain Ami got on top of Kira�s stomach and placed her cock between the
nun�s breast, �Titwank me you whore nun!�
Kira Immediately obeyed and pushed her to breasts together over Ami�s
throbbing cock and began to move back and forth. Ami moved herself closer and had
her cock head reach just before Kira�s mouth, without even having to say a word or
stopping her titwanking Kira moved her neck up and began to suck Ami�s cock head.
Ami starting moving her own hips at Kira�s rhythm as she began to get close
to her first orgasm, �UH! Your tits are so warm and soft I can�t hold it anymore!�
As Kira felt Ami�s cum travel through her throbbing shaft he opened her mouth and
moved her neck up to not let a drop by her. �AH! YES!� Ami moaned as she felt
herself only become more aroused. Looking down at Kira, Amis eyes lit up with
happiness in seeing the nun�s face completely dripping with cum. Ami stood up from
Kira�s stomach leaving a trail of cum from her cock head to the nun�s mouth and
neck, then without warning grabbed the nuns cum covered hair and pulled her up to
her knees and then dropped her on her face hearing a loud splat from the cum on her
face hitting the floor, hardly giving the nun time to register the pain Ami tore at
the back of her dress revealing her wet pussy and tight asshole! With no
hesitations Ami thrusted her entire cock into Kira�s pussy taking a few seconds to
savor the nun�s gargled screams of ecstasy and pain. Before shoving two fingers
into Kira�s asshole and wiggling them inside her.
Watching as the orgy unfolded around them, Usagi couldn�t help but
masturbate, one hand stroking both her thirteen inch cocks while the other fingered
the nipple of one heavy tit. She watched as Kosame quickly ripped away her nuns
habit and pushed her down on all fours. The bright red haired womans tits jiggled
and wobbled enticingly as the dark haired dickgirl rammed her cock up the womans
ass, making her scream like a cheap whore. The two of them then began bucking
against each other like animals as Usagi turned to watch as Michiru had her turn
with her husband. Brutaka mounted the aqua haired girl with greater enthusiasm
than he had with Haruka and Michiru panted and howled like the bitch she was.
Lilica then moaned while the dog lapped away at her pussy as Haruka licked the
beasts asshole with open lust.
Across from them, Setsuna had finally managed to get the stallions cock up
her cunt, and Usagi delighted at the sight of her well stretched belly as the
animal pounded in and out of her ruined pussy. Meanwhile, above her and the
master, Makoto�s milk fell like rain and Usagi let herself bathe in it as she
watched the brunette being taken like an oversized fuckdoll. So beautiful, she
thought as she felt her cocks spraying her cum onto the floor as she brought
herself to orgasm.
Next to her, Salanesh chanted in low tones while he savored the pleasures of
his tentacles in the holes of the three senshi around him. Minako writhed and
bucked in his hold, moaning against the tentacle in her mouth as her eyes begged
him to fuck her ass deeper! Hotaru meanwhile struggled, wanting her master to
punish her with repeated lashings over her young naked body. Already the dark
haired child was covered in welts that would take days to fully heal, and she was
loving every agonizing second of it!
Hiroko was already on all fours with her ass sticking out seemingly begging
to be penetrated and defiled. She had lost all of her former self since walking
into the circle all she knew now was that she wanted pleasure and the only way to
get it was to be fucked by a huge cock. Rei knew her victims condition well she had
after all been the one that warped her into such a blasphemy, as she thought about
it Rei licked her lips. �You really want my cock don�t you, my little fuck nun?�
Hiroko felt her juices slide down the sides of her thighs as she gave another look
to Rei and nodded with a look of sadness in her eyes. Rei let out a loud laugh and
slapped the nuns ass ten times on each cheek with each slap seeing the nun�s pussy
squirt more juices. She really wanted to torment Hiroko and have her beg for more.
�Awww don�t worry remember I promised you that there will be no hell for you
just ecstacy.� Rei said as she began to rub her cock on Hiroko�s ass, making the
nun instantly moan as she the hot familiar feeling on her flesh again as the head
touched her puckered asshole.
Usagi moaned in pleasure as she watched the orgy continue, all around them,
the circle began glowing a violent shade of red as the lust inside it began to
peak. She then gasped as her master easily lefted her up with his hands and
speared her pussy on his cock. She screamed in a mix of pain and pleasure as her
stomach instantly tented with his cock and began humping herself against him while
her legs encircled his waist. Her GG tits bounced about wildly, making her milk
spray everywhere as the master used to more tentacles to penetrate them. The
piercing on her one nipples snapped instantly, but Usagi felt no pain now as she
moaned like the whore she was. Both her cocks sprayed cum into the air as the
masters chanting grew louder.
Ikuko and Yuriko slammed their hips into each other and locked themselves in
pussy to pussy. They then began to rub against each other as their pussies grew
wetter and wetter. Each moaned as they sucked their own breasts so that their milk
flowed freely, running down their swollen funbags and pooling beneath them. As both
of them couldn�t hold themselves any long they came covering each other with more
fluids only to realize just how much more horny they had become from the orgasm.
Rei took absolute pleasure in teasing Hiroko by putting her hot cock next to
her ass and just as Hiroko goes to accept it, she pulled it away, she could feel
the nun beginning to go insane from lust as she continued to tease her mercilessly
but even that pleasure was begin to seem like nothing compared to the lust that was
taking her over as the circles glow grew brighter and more blood red. �Do you
really want my demon cock inside you ? You forsaken slut!�
Hiroko with tears in her eyes looked back again and whimpered, �Yes.� With a
laugh Rei grabbed unto Hiroko�s hips and pulled them to herself while ramming her
own hips into the nun�s ass. Rei and held herself there hilt deep into Hiroko�s
tight ass as if savoring the first bite of a delicious meal which was just what sex
was to Rei now. More tears began to flow from Hiroko�s eyes some of joy and some of
pain, but to Hiroko it didn�t matter all that she felt could think about was Rei�s
huge hot cock inside her as she orgasmed three times from all the teasing Rei had
done before.
�Lust, Debauchery, and Fornication...� Salanesh chanted as he raised and
lowered Usagi up and down on his cock, making the blonde dickgirl scream in
ecstasy, �Passion, Pleasure, and Ecstasy... Let all the pleasures of the flesh flow
over this world and open the gates of perversion. Through the powers of the Devine
Avatars, and the corruption of three holy women, I command the Gates Of Perversion
The light around them turned almost blindingly bright as all the gathered
woman panted, groaned, grunted, and howled in utter pleasure as they all came in
one massive climax! The light then flared outward in a wave of pure unfiltered
Lust that corrupted the hearts and minds of every human it touched.
Everywhere the wave went, men and women began to fall upon each other like
wild animals. Mothers everywhere moaned in ecstasy as their sons raped their
holes. Daughters begged their fathers to rape them harder. Teachers and students
fell onto each other in the halls of their schools. Where there wasn�t a human
partner, people turned to animals. A young girl in the pet store through herself
into the kennel to allow herself to be ravaged by the dogs therein. Another woman
whinnied like a mare as her pize stallion stretched her pussy to the limits!
And everywhere, ancient gates long hidden from human view began to open with
a loud grating noise. From them demons of every make and shape flew and crawled
out, finding the hearest human and devling into their own perverted pleasures.
Back inside the church, Usagi howled! Ecstasy enveloped every cell of her
body and filled her with so much pleasure she thought she might die from it! The
wings on her back flapped madly as she leaned her head back and watched as her
mother and Yuriko both panted hard. Lying on the floor between both of them were
two newly born babies, both of them crying softly. She couldn�t help but laugh,
the two sluts had gone into labor during the ceremony and had given birth just as
the world was changed forever.
Salanesh then pulled Usagi up to face him. His long black tongue slid past
his lips and lapped at her face, tasting the sweat, milk, and cum that covered her
body. Usagi opened her mouth and groaned lewdly as the demon tongue rolled against
hers in a twisted french kiss.
�This, is our world now....� he said with hissing laughter, laughter that
Usagi and all the other dickgirls happily joined him in.


Nine Years Later...

�Hmmm mmm, mmm, gahh!� Haruka panted as she lifted her mouth up from her sons
cock and several lungfuls of air. Her entire body was soaked in cum and sweat, her
blonde hair matted to her scalp as she went back down for more. Oh how she loved
the taste of her boys, their scent covering her body as they filled her every hole.
It had been nine years since she�d given birth to her first set of children, and at
long last they could fuck her hungry wet holes.
The four of them were currently atop a circular table at a resturant in the
middle of town. Haruka had promised to take them away from the mansion and show
them around. Her other children remained home with the other Senshi, watching the
unending orgies that went on there. As they drove through the city, Haruka
delighted at the open sex acts and depravity they saw everywhere. The world was so
much better now, without the delusions of morality holding it back.
Moaning around her sons cock, Haruka savored the taste of his cum in her
mouth before swallowing it down. She then lifted her mouth off again and leaned up
to kiss him deeply, moaning in ecstasy as her other two sons both pistoned into her
ass and pussy beneath and behind her.
All around them, people watched while Haruka fornicated with her children,
many cheered her on while others began having sex with each other. The resturant
was quickly filled with the hot musky stink of sex and Haruka adored it! She
rolled her hips back and forth, stirring the short cocks inside her ass and pussy
and listening as her sons moaned in pleasure.
�Ahh, yes, that�s it boys, fuck your mother, fuck her hard!� Haruka screamed
in ecstasy, �Oh yes, every mother should have sex with her sons!!!!� she called out
before going back down on her sons cock again. The young man groaned in pleasure,
Haruka quickly making his four inch cock rock hard in her mouth again. Usagi had
named her boys Shota, Kevin, and Taka, all three of them had inherited their
mothers blonde hair, making it difficult for her to tell them apart. So much so
that Haruka only knew which was which when she was fucking them. Taka had the
largest cock of five inches at his young age, currently Haruka straddled him and
relished the feeling of his cock in her pussy. Kevin had the thickest dick, making
him perfect for fucking her asshole. And Shota, the smallest of the three, his
dick was the one Haruka could never get enough of in her mouth.
Beneath Haruka, Taka groaned with pleasure, humping his hips up and pounding
into his mother in time with his brothers thrusts! �Yeah, mom, you�re such a
whore!!!� he said to Haruka while reaching up to play with the blonde milk laden
tits. He leaned his head up and began nursing from her, loving the sweet taste of
his mothers breastmilk.
Haruka howled around Shota�s cock, taking every inch into her mouth along
with his balls. She rolled them around with her tongue, wanting to stay like this
with her boys forever. The blonde then felt Kevin spank her ass as he fucked it
harder, making Haruka cum yet again. She lifted her mouth off Shota�s cock once
more and screamed, �Yes, yes I�m a whore, fuck your whore mother boys!!!�
With that said, Shota grabbed handfuls of Haruka�s hair and forced her back
down on his dick. The blonde gave no resistence and lovingly sucked the boys short
prick. She felt Kevin cumming in her ass again, the sensation of his spunk pooling
inside her ass only excited her even more!
In the orgy around them, Haruka listened as brother fucked sister, father
fucked daughter, and mother fucked son. It was why she loved coming to family
resturants. The family groupings eventually broke up though as they began seeking
new partners in the crowd and Haruka quickly felt two new dicks, one in each of her
hands. She couldn�t see the faces of the men, nor did she care as she began
stroking the thick rods while Taka and Kevin groaned and came inside her. Haruka
prayed to her demon master that she could get pregnant yet again from her boys this
time. Just the thought of carrying the children of her children made her cum
harder than any cock ever had.
Shota moaned in pleasure and came inside his mothers mouth once more, �Thanks
for taking us out to dinner mom!�
�Yeah, can we do this again?� asked Taka.
�Oh, any time boys,� Haruka panted, �Just be sure to fuck momma even harder
next time!�

~The End?~

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