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OGL 343 Final Project Synopsis

Audrey Cason, Amber Carroll, Jenn Cernak, Brandon Chastain

1. Provide a synopsis of what general subject area your team has decided
to address as part of their campaign (public health, environment, or
social justice) as well as the specific issue.

Team Delhi has chosen to address an environmental issue, specifically the effects of
climate change on our health in the United States. The consistent increase of burning
fossil fuels is causing the earth’s temperature (including all water sources) to rise. This
in turn is negatively impacting water quality due to the rise in flooding and drop in sea
level. The warmer water and surge in flooding is a breeding ground for unhealthy
bacteria which is making its way into the water we drink, shower and swim in. These
bacteria are causing digestive problems which can normally be resolved with some over
the counter medication. Respiratory diseases also increase due to the amount of carbon
dioxide that is being released into the atmosphere. These respiratory issues can be
chronic which can require medical care. If it is over the counter or prescription
medication, doctor or hospital visits these treatments all cost money and medical
resources. In 2021 the U.S. spent $820 billion dollars due to fossil fuels and climate
change. There are many consequences that come from climate change that can prove
to be detrimental to not just the environment but also to human health.

2. What type of organization has your team decided to be? A small group of
volunteers? A non-profit? Or maybe a larger entity?
We are a non-profit organization focused on the effects of climate change on
healthcare. An increase in the frequency and severity of extreme weather events,
worsening air quality, water quality, and changing disease patterns will all severely
affect the health of underserved people. We want to inform the community about how
the climate changes us. We chose a non-profit status to reach people from all classes
and backgrounds. It will provide education and knowledge to the people who need it.
Non-profit organizations are usually tax-exempt from most taxes. Tax breaks allow the
organization to apply the money saved back into the organization. We hope that with
education on these topics we will be able to raise awareness and it will lead to
innovative solutions that can positively impact the climate crisis.

3. What is the name of your organization?

The name of our organization is Communities for Environmental & Healthcare Change.
4. How will your team help the cause?
Our team will help the cause by spreading awareness about our mission. Our nonprofit
will raise donations that will be directed to supporting at-risk citizens experiencing health
complications that are due to air pollution, food security, food and waterborne diseases,
wildfires, and more. We also want to raise money to help fund research projects that will
produce sufficient data for the issue to become mainstream.
We will also help the cause by providing information about affordable healthcare options
and referring them to clinics and hospitals that offer alternative payment plans for low-
income and vulnerable communities. There will be volunteer opportunities for people
who want to be involved with caring for the community they live in, as well as
opportunities for students who may need field experience.
5. What is your public campaign?
Our public campaign will be a social media movement. Our motto or slogan is “Be the
change you want to see and feel”. The hashtag #ClimateChangesUs will help campaign
awareness that will be directed to our website where information about the effects of
climate change on healthcare will help educate our audience. The campaign goal is to
spread awareness through easily accessible and educational resources. Along with a
social media presence we want to be physically present in local communities. To reach
this audience, we will advertise our nonprofit to local health care and science-based
vicinities to try to earn sponsors, partners, and supporters. This campaign would ideally
fund our own organization and our partners in environmental and health care programs.
Helping partners fundraise will help our nonprofit become established within our
community. Using social media, we will be able to reach the maximum number of
people by articulating the ideas properly.
6. Similar organizations that have been successful.
There have been many social movements that have been impactful, and their main
source of exposure came from social media, which is like what we are trying to
accomplish. For example, the me-too movement was about how there was sexual
misconduct in Hollywood and in our society in general. Women were scared to come
out about this topic, but slowly women started to share their story on social media which
gave other women courage to step forward as well, gaining justice for many women and
changed the social dynamic of what some thought was acceptable of how men treat
women. Similarly, our mission is to create awareness through social media which will
bring in positive social change and through those changed behaviors it will benefit the
7.Upload this component as a docx or pdf file

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