Examen Parcial - Semana 4 - ESP - SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL - INGLÉS 1 - (GRUPO B01)

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Examen parcial - Semana 4

Fecha de entrega 6 de jun en 23:59 Puntos 100 Preguntas 22

Disponible 3 de jun en 0:00 - 6 de jun en 23:59 Límite de tiempo 90 minutos
Intentos permitidos 2


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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

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Historial de intentos

Intento Hora Puntaje

MÁS RECIENTE Intento 1 39 minutos 95 de 100

 Las respuestas correctas estarán disponibles del 6 de jun en 23:59 al 7 de jun en 23:59.

Puntaje para este intento: 95 de 100

Entregado el 4 de jun en 10:04
Este intento tuvo una duración de 39 minutos.

Pregunta 1 25 / 25 pts


Choose the correct option to answer the questions below according

to the text.

Clara’s Life

My name is Clara. I am a student. I get up at 7.30 and I wash my face. I

don’t have a shower every morning. I have breakfast at 7.45 with my
brother. He is also a student and he goes to school with me. We go to
school at 8.15 by car. The lessons start at 8.30. We have got eight
lessons every day. I have lunch at 12.30 with my classmates. After school,
I go home with my brother. My brother always wants to play with me but I
often feel tired and I don’t want to play. I watch TV about thirty minutes
and then I do my homework. I always want to finish my homework before
dinner. I like having dinner with my family. My brother usually doesn’t have
much homework. He plays with his toys. He doesn’t like watching TV. He
usually watches cartoons on my mother’s laptop. My favorite lesson is
English. I learn a lot of new words in English lessons. I think it is very
exciting to speak another language.

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

1. How many lessons does Clara have a day?

[ Seleccionar ]

2. What does Clara do when she goes home after school? She watches

3. Why doesn’t Clara want to play with her brother after school? Beca
use she feels tired.

4. Which idea is NOT true according to the text? Clara doesn’t lik
e her brother.

5. Which idea is NOT mentioned in the text?

[ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

Respuesta 2:

She watches TV.

Respuesta 3:

Because she feels tired.

Respuesta 4:

Clara doesn’t like her brother.

Respuesta 5:

Clara can speak three languages.

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Pregunta 2 25 / 25 pts

Listen to the conversations and choose the correct answer for each


Conversation 1
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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

1. What’s Pam doing? She’s buying things.

2. Which sentence is true? [ Seleccionar ]

3. Which sentence is false? [ Seleccionar ]

Conversation 2

4. What’s the boy doing? [ Seleccionar ]

5. Which sentence is true? [ Seleccionar ]

6. Which sentence is false? [ Seleccionar ]

7. What is Jessica going to do? [ Seleccionar ]

Respuesta 1:

She’s buying things.

Respuesta 2:

Pam invites the boy to a party.

Respuesta 3:

The party is at 6:30.

Respuesta 4:

He is doing homework.

Respuesta 5:

He needs help.

Respuesta 6:

Jessica is doing her homework.

Respuesta 7:

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She’s coming in 30 minutes to help him.

Incorrecto Pregunta 3 0 / 2.5 pts

Choose the question that best completes the conversation.

- ________________?

- We are watching the history film.

How’s the film?

Who’s watching the film with you?

Where are you watching?

What are you doing?

Incorrecto Pregunta 4 0 / 2.5 pts

Choose the answer that best completes the sentences.

I can´t see well _______ tree in front of my house.




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Pregunta 5 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the answer that best completes the sentences.

Alice isn’t hungry. She is only having _____ apple for lunch.



Pregunta 6 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Complete the sentence with that, this, those or these:

My sister is _____ girl over there.


Pregunta 7 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the option that best completes the conversation.

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Do you think we should take an umbrella?

Yes, look at _____ clouds.





Pregunta 8 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the best option to complete the sentence:

- Excuse me. ________ a parking lot near here?

Is there

There is

There are

Are there

Pregunta 9 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Complete the sentence with is or are:

In my town there ____ three nice hotels.

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]


Pregunta 10 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the option that best completes the sentence.

Michael Arthur ________ in the company today.





Pregunta 11 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the correct answer to the question.

Is this dessert enough for everyone?

No, it is’nt.

No, it is not.

Not it is no.

Not, it’s n’t.

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Pregunta 12 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the correct question according to the answer.

- ____________________________.

- It’s next weekend.

When is your mom´s birthday party?

What is your mom’s birthday party?

How is the party?

Where is your mom’s birthday party?

Pregunta 13 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

My parents love ____________ from the 80s. I like popular music




rock music


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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Pregunta 14 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

Let’s buy the tickets for the ____________.

classical music



rock star

Pregunta 15 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

Most of young people don’t read the _________. They prefer to read the
news on the internet.





Pregunta 16 2.5 / 2.5 pts

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Complete the sentence with the best option:

"I need a _____ to clean up some food I have in my face."




Pregunta 17 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Complete the sentence with the best option:

"Most people in Colombia prefer to have rice for their _____."


coffee break


Pregunta 18 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

In the next class’ presentation, we have to _________Colombian

indigenous tribes.


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look over

talk about

Pregunta 19 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

My friend is __________________ of buying a new car.





Pregunta 20 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

We should _____________ the exam before sending it.

turn around


look over

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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]


Pregunta 21 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

The ________ in the station always wear a uniform.




police officers

Pregunta 22 2.5 / 2.5 pts

Choose the word that best completes the sentence.

That ­__________ will be in prison for many years.





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4/6/23, 10:06 Examen parcial - Semana 4: ESP/SEGUNDO BLOQUE - VIRTUAL/INGLÉS 1-[GRUPO B01]

Puntaje del examen: 95 de 100

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