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“Those who make things happen”

How to be a good leader

Hello everyone, I have a question for you:

What did you do NEW last week?

Did you learn anything new?

Have you tried a new product?

Have you cooked something for dinner that you've never done before?

Or maybe you took a different path than usual when you were on a walk with your dog?

Write in the chat-box: what have you done NEW in the past week. It doesn't have to be a success, it's
just something that goes beyond your routine.

I will get back to this in a moment, but let me introduce myself. My name is Magdalena Kamińska, and
I'm Training Manager for Central Europe Region, which means 18 countries. I have a great pleasure to
work with many Leaders and to learn from hundreds of Leaders. Now from Oriflame, previously from
other competitive direct selling company. I love my work because it gives me the opportunity to see
clearly why some of them achieve so much, and so fast. And how to move on from a struggling position.

No matter where you are now, I will do my best today to help you jump higher and overcome

I want to take you on a journey through leadership and motivation. And that is not an easy topic
because it is hard to define what it means to be a Leader, and it is even harder to define what it means
to be a good Leader.

But let's try. We will do it simply. I believe it will open your eyes.

Tommy Lasorda is not a well know American guy who work as a Manager in a baseball sport. Not
popular in Europe, but what he said once is probably very popular, and maybe even you heard it before -
so he said:

There are three types of baseball players (and people in business):

those who make things happen,
those who watch things happen,
and those who wonder what happens.
I like comparing leadership to sport (I'm also a huge sports enthusiast). In sport, we have goals to
achieve. We want to enjoy activity and we have to choose our team well. Every sport needs a coach and
a leader.

Leaders are those who make things happen. They are proactive. They are at the front. They are at the
forefront of the peloton. They make things happen because they see more, and see it faster than others.

Behind them, there are those who watch things happen. Those are followers. They are searching for
inspiration, want to learn from Leaders, want to grow, want to have a better life – but they are not so
fast, not in the front, they cannot make things happen yet. But they see, they learn. Those are your

Finally those in the end, who wonder what happens. They are too blind to take the new opportunity.
They are too scared to try. They prefer to stay in their comfort zone. Sometimes, they wake up and open
their eyes to see what has happened, and fortunately, it is never too late to join the first two groups.

As a leader and as a recruiter, you meet many people from all those groups: those proactive ones,
followers, and blind people.

Your role as a leader is to go as a first and leave a trail for others to follow you, and wake up.

How Leaders do that?

By trying new things! Bringing new ideas.

That is why in the beginning I asked you what NEW did you done in the past week. If you have a problem
answering, don't be mad at yourself. Do something new today!

But you can ask: “How baking a cake or going for a walk a different path can make me a good Leader?”

Here the answer is simple. It will be your key to leadership, so now listen to me very carefully.

As long as the world exists, we all want only one thing. It doesn't matter where we come from, where
we live, how old we are. It was so in prehistoric times, a hundred years ago, and it will be so, in another
hundred years!
We all strive for WELL-BEING!

That is a universal fact that applies across the globe – what we need is not a Lamborghini and caviar for
breakfast – we simply want WELL-BEING! That is why you have followers, that is why people join
Oriflame – to change their lifestyle, to have better mornings and more happy evenings. We search for
simple solutions we can use to change daily routine, improve our mood and have a better life.

But most of us are not ready to take a big step. That is why we search for simple, small improvements.
To look more beauty in a two minutes. To lost weight by drinking shakes easy to prepare.

That is why sharing great dish recipe – it is taking a Leaders role.

Showing video with your morning skin care routine – it is taking a Leaders role.
Teaching others new make-up trends – it is taking a Leaders role.

If you try new things, you can share new thing – it is taking a Leaders role.

You make things happen. People watch it and follow you.

When it comes to Oriflame, you can improve your role as a Leader by doing an investigation of your own
activities – what new I bring to my team, to my customers? How I share new ideas, how I motivate them
to better routine with beauty by Sweden approach? How do I help them buy products and… do more -
use them to have a better day and be satisfied with their everyday lives?

Assess yourself honestly - am I just reminding them to buy something from the catalog, or do I inspire
them to live a better life, to improve something by using products?

Let me ask this question one more time: What you plan to do today to inspire your team, your
customers to have a better evening?

Type on chat box! What you plan to do today to inspire your team, your customers to have a better

While you are typing your ideas, I will also share few:

Ask them what movie they like the most, what TV series put them in a good mood, and help them
choose the perfect home SPA or mask that matches their favorite movie! That is so simple.

Or ask them how they plan to spend a weekend? Share your idea for a family picnic and what you take
with you – cream with SPF, tender care, cookies made with our Wellness recipe?

Or share how you handle crazy mornings, when it is so hard to open eyes. What product is your
"cosmetic beauty friend" that makes you feel confident?
I strongly believe the products we use should meet the claims, but also make us feel beautiful and
fearless! Oriflame products give us extended, emotional value beyond their cosmetic tasks.
For me NovAge cleanser is my "cosmetic beauty friend", that wash from my face all worries and make
me ready to take any challenges!

That is the fundament of leadership - be at the beginning of the peloton, try new things and bring new
ideas on how to improve everyday life!

You don't need to be super creative, it is enough to take part in Oriflame training, be aware, listen
carefully, read e-mails, Oriflame webpage, and Beauty Edit – and you will find new ideas very easy.

Then the only thing you need to do is… TO TRY! And I know sometimes it is the hardest part.

Especially if we have negative believes. If we are afraid of other people's opinions…

And this way we will move to the second part of my training.

There is one thing that makes us fearless! Confidence that we are liked and accepted. Acceptance gives
us courage because it gives us the feeling that we find ourselves in a safe environment. It blocks shame
and fear. And makes us ready and open for everything.

There is someone who likes us, and even more, someone who loves us, absolutely unconditionally. Even
when we're the worst version of ourselves, there is someone for whom we are the whole world.

Who likes us that much? Who loves us that much? The first Leader we meet in our lives - PARENTS!

Parents love us, no matter what. They accept us. With them on our side, we're ready to stand up and fall
down. When we were small, we didn't fear anything! We didn't know shame. Their love gave us power!

We all have a great gift and talent for unconditional love.

But is unconditional love enough to be a good parent? No. There is yet another factor.

A wise and loving parent is demanding! He or she demands certain behaviours from a child, because
only this way is it possible to really support their development. And only this way can they teach the
child to work systematically and become responsible.
Only this way can they give the child a chance to believe IN THEMSELVES! So that they have big dreams
and reaches for them bravely!

Oh, if only being a parent was as easy as in my talk...

When we are children, parents tell us to “tidy your room” and “do your homework”. Then we dream
that when we will grow up, no one will tell us, to do things. Finally, we start our first work and we get
the first payment. And we are proud of ourselves. Yes, we have a reason to be proud. We can be very
proud!!! We rent a flat and we're happy because no one will tell us to wash the dishes now! And then a
pile of dirty dishes starts growing. It needs to be washed anyway. The only difference is that WE HAVE

From now on, from the moment you enter adulthood – YOU NEED TO BECOME YOUR OWN PARENT.

You already know what this means:

their children. The kids can be rascals, but still they love them. They are ready to forgive mistakes.


 Try to think about it for a moment. In a scale from 0 to 10, when 0 means nothing and 10 means
maximum, everything – how much you like yourself?
 And from 0 to 10 – how much you demand from yourself? How much you push yourself to be
better person, to try new things?

Do not be mad at yourself if the answer was not 10. That is OK. Everything is in your hand. Just become
yourself PARENT:

Start loving yourself by taking care of yourself. Show yourself you are worthy to spend time on skincare,
to eat healthy food, take vitamins, to wear make-up and jewelry. Do it for yourself with INTENTION.

What does it mean? You can cook a Sunday dinner and eat it with your family. But you can cook a
Sunday dinner with the intention that the family will love each other, be happy. Such a dinner tastes
better and gives more satisfaction. Therefore, take care of yourself with the intention of loving yourself,
being worthy of this self-care.
Set a goal and demand consistency from yourself.

What have you never achieved yet? Make a skincare to 21 women in three weeks, no matter if by on-
line events or live. Announce your challenge and go for it! Share results! I know what you think now
“What if I fail?”. You will try once again! And again, as long as finally you will win!
What else you have never tried? Mobile APP? Video? Whole day of making phone calls? Any other crazy
ideas? You can try what you want! You are a Leader here!

To summarize what does it mean “good leadership”, we can say:

Good leadership starts with SELF LEADERSHIP, with making thing happen. And then spread among those
who watch things happen, and wake up from wondering what happens.

Show your people what it is like to love yourself unconditionally. What you do for yourself, to take care
of your beauty and health. Bring NEW ideas how to improve everyday life to reach well-being. Lead by

Show your people what you demand of yourself. What NEW you plan to do and how you keep your
motivation, energy to go for it. Share your goals, share your path, ups and downs, share your learnings.
Lead by example.

Then, smile and be proud, how much good you have easily brought to the world.

I promise you; it will be a big jump!

Beauty by Sweden will help you on this journey.

Thank you and good luck!

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