Explain The Classification of The Human Population Into Five Major Categories

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Explain the classification of the human population into five major categories.

There are five major categories under the classification of the human population which are (1) the non-
functioning, At the extreme left of the continuum point are people who have severe difficulties coping
with stress. Conscious reality becomes to painful for them and they frequently withdraw into their own
world, often manifesting deviant behavior. For their own care and safety, many are institutionalized.
Nonfunctioning people, young and old, characterized as they are by varying degrees to make decisions
about their lives, need to help of caring families and competent professionals to be able to function and
cope with their realities. Government agencies and volunteer concerned groups have established
centers for rehabilitation and continue to formulate plans for more effective care and assistance to this
group of people. (2) The marginally functioning, among the rural poor are peasants, fisherfolk, upland
and flatland farmers, and hill, forest, and tribal people. The poor are categorized as marginally
functioning only insofar as they are not yet able and/or have not been given the opportunity to fully
contribute as productive human resources to the country. But they are highly capable of surviving the
grim realities of their existence. Poverty alleviation programs (PAPs) are designed to increase the
awareness of the poor of their social, political, and economic rights as citizens of the country to raise
their self-esteem as human beings and to organize them into self-help communities and also to educate
them in health care, technical skills, and livelihood and micro-enterprise project development. (3) The
functioning, can be described as reasonably satisfied with the way they cope with stress. They adjust
and adapt fairly well to life’s realities. They are, for the most part, self-propelled in the pursuit of self-
actualizing goals, making considerable progress by following a variety of self-development models. They
are the productive human resource of their specific work organizations. (4) The fully functioning people
are a relatively small group who have attained a high level of satisfaction with regard to their
multidimensional growth. They are characteristically deeply aware of and challenged by the ongoing
process of self-actualization. They manifest a joyfulness and aliveness of mien and a mind and lifestyle
that is not limited by chronological age. This is not to say that they are without problems but that they
are not immobilized by the stresses of life. Their potentials unfold to the point at which they find
meaning in both the joys and pains that living brings. (5) The highly effective/self-actualizing, their
attitude is one of continuing openness for growth in their own lives and a passion for making life more
meaningful for others. Their self-actualization process is manifested is creativity and productivity that
emphasizes the transfer to others of confidence and capability. They have systematically planned how to
create the desired impact and have made a difference in the situations and events over which they have

Differentiate HRM from HRD.

HRM and HRD are distinct because HRM is a management department while HRD is a development
department. These two departments serve separate purposes and have different objectives. HRM is the
administration of all operations, whereas HRD only focuses on the training and development of
employees. Human resource management, or HRM, is in charge of making sure that a certain
organization's personnel perform effectively and with enthusiasm. The goal is to maximize each
employee's capacity for work. Since they are in charge of the creation and production of all the
organization's goods, HRM personnel are in charge of overseeing the varied activities of the employees.
The idea of HRM first emerged in the eighteenth century. Human resource development is known as
HRD. The administration of personnel training and development is the primary responsibility of this
department. It focuses on activities like staff development, mentorship, performance, and career
advancement, among others. HRM includes HRD.

Describe the evolution of HR Practitioner from Manager to Change Agent.

In the past, a human resources department could have prioritized hiring and maintaining staff. However,
the responsibilities of HR have expanded to encompass training, boosting productivity, regulating health
and safety, incorporating hybrid work methods, enhancing the employee experience, and creating a
healthy workplace culture. In recent years, HR professionals have served as change agents for
businesses, assisting them in becoming more responsive to the social and economic pressures of a
competitive marketplace as well as significant disruptions like the COVID-19 epidemic. If you are thinking
about a career in the human resources industry, it is crucial to thoroughly comprehend these new
aspects. By acting as a change agent, you'll assist the workforce in being ready for and better adjusting
to any upcoming changes your firm may go through. You may even start making adjustments to
promote a more harmonious workplace atmosphere and more productivity. Because they monitor and
deal directly with a company's most valuable resource—its employees—HR professionals are
outstanding change advocates. They can more accurately foresee the need for change, whether it be in
business culture, employee motivation, or workplace productivity, and they can also suggest ways to
accomplish it since they frequently have a better understanding of social trends and cultural politics.

Explain the integration of HRD Functions with Strategic Planning cycle.

No matter how small, all businesses have access to three types of resources: the technology they use to
provide a good or service; the money they need to run and expand the firm; and the people whose skills
they employ to achieve the company's objectives. The process of determining an organization's mission
and its long-term objectives in relation to its resources is known as strategic planning. Strategic and
human resource planning are directly related; neither one can exist without the other. One of these
resources is human talent. Finding out what a firm wants to do and why it is in business is the goal of
strategic planning. For instance, a company may determine that it has to diversify into new markets
because it has exhausted all of its options in its present ones. selling the same goods to consumers in a
foreign nation, who would otherwise be a whole different client base. acquiring a firm that employs a
different business model from that of the target company, which may or may not be complementary.
Strategic planning would entail evaluating each of these possibilities to see which best captures the
company's future goals. The executive team of the organization would then begin digging further into
the particular tactics that may help it achieve its long-term objectives. The objective of human resource
planning is to determine what competences, abilities, and knowledge the company will require in one,
three, or five years in order to achieve its strategic goals. For instance, hiring a comprehensive marketing
team, from a senior manager all the way down to a junior marketing associate or intern, is an apparent
early approach if the firm is currently outsourcing its marketing function but plans to bring this function

Explain the Continuum of Leadership Style by social psychologies R. Tannenbaum (1969) in relation to
the leadership of the HRD practitioner. Give specific experiences wherein you have encountered it
either personally or through someone else.

According to the Tannenbaum and Schmidt Continuum of Leadership, there are seven main
management philosophies that may be distinguished based on how much influence a manager exercises
over their staff. As a continuum of team autonomy, it may also be seen as having more collaborative
ways on the right and individual role-based work with tasks assigned by management on the left. There
are 7 components of the Tannenbaum Schmidt Leadership Continuum which are, tells, sells, suggests,
consults, joins, delegates, and abdicates. The continuum is intended to encompass the whole theoretical
range of decision-making behavior, from wholly top-down control to wholly abdicating responsibility,
and this is vital to keep in mind. Of course, the extremes to the left and right of this paradigm are home
to relatively few effective leaders in reality. In fact, when interpreted negatively, both extremes might
be seen as unhealthy. On our management training courses and management development programs,
we discuss a variety of leadership paradigms. Tannenbaum and Schmidt are no different from the rest in
that each has advantages and disadvantages. My life experience of being a leader is when I was given
the opportunity to be the team captain of our basketball team during my high school days, being a
captain, co-captain, or even simply a stalwart team member is a fantastic way to earn experience. Sports
may help you develop critical abilities like teamwork, communication, and ethics, all of which are
excellent leadership qualities.

What are your takeaways? Give at least five (5).

The HRD specialist as person and professional

Technical proficiency

The experiential base


The effective group facilitator and discussion leader

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