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Profile of the Respondents

The demographic characteristics of the respondents of this study is shown in table 1.

Based on the data gathered, most of the respondents are resident respondents which are 378

while only 10 are the lupon ng tagapamayapa. The ratio of 1 lupon is to 38 resident respondents.

The data gathered reveal that a little more than half of the respondents are female (54.8%) only

few are male (45.2%). Mostly are high school level (26.1%) and 51 years old and above (29.2%).

Moreover, resident respondents are mostly female (55.7%), with the least being male

(44.3%). The majority of resident respondents are high school level (26.3%), followed by high

school graduates (21.5%), and the least are college graduates (6.9%). This study shows a

relatively older resident respondents 51 years old and above (27.9%), 46-50 years old (17.20%),

41-45 years old (17%), and there was no 11-15 years old respondents (0%). This study’s

respondents are mostly stayin in the barangay for 10 years and above (26.80%).

According to the data collected, 80% of lupon ng tagapamayapa respondents are male,

with only 20% being female. Half of the lupon are college graduates (50%), followed by high

school graduates (20%) and high school level (20%), with only one elementary graduate (10%)

and no college graduate respondent. Lupong tagapamayapa shows that the majority are in the old

age 51 years old and above. Length of service are majority 4 to 6 years with no lupon serving

less 4 years or 9 years and above.

Table 1. Demographic profile of the respondents in terms of level of acceptance of the brgy.
Justice system in brgy. Tambulilid, Ormoc City, n=377.


Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %
Female 210 55.70 2 20.00 212 54.8
Male 167 44.30 8 80.00 175 45.2
Highest Educational Attainment
Elementary Level 51 13.50 0 0.00 51 13.2
Elementary Graduate 58 15.40 1 10.00 59 15.2
High School Level 99 26.30 2 20.00 101 26.1
High School Graduate 81 21.50 2 20.00 83 21.4
College Level 62 16.40 5 50.00 67 17.3
College Graduate 26 6.90 0 0.00 26 6.7
11-15 years old 0 0.00 0 0.00 0 0
16-20 years old 32 8.50 0 0.00 32 8.3
21-25 years old 23 6.10 0 0.00 23 5.9
26-30 years old 22 5.80 0 0.00 22 5.7
31-35 years old 18 4.80 0 0.00 18 4.7
36-40 years old 48 12.70 0 0.00 48 12.4
41-45 years old 64 17.00 0 0.00 64 16.5
46-50 years old 65 17.20 2 20.00 67 17.3
51 years old and above 105 27.9 8 80.0 113 29.2
Length of Stay
1-5 month 0 0.00 7 1.8
6-11 month 7 1.90 11 2.8
1-5 years 11 2.90 18 4.7
6-10 years 18 4.80 101 26.1
10 years and above 101 26.80 240 62
Length of Service
Less than 4 years 0 0.00
4-6 years 9 90.00 9 2.3
7-9 years 1 10.00 1 0.3
Figure 1 depicts the distribution of the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa's attendance at seminars.

According to the data collected, 100% of the lupon attended the Baranggay Justice System

seminar, 40% attended Criminal and Jurisprudence, 40% attended Local Government Code, and

0% attended the Due Process Law.

Figure 1. The Seminars Attended by the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa

In terms of receiving complaints, table 2 depicts the level of implementation of the

barangay justice system in Baranggay Tambulilid, Ormoc City. According to the data, the

median rating is 4, indicating a high level of implementation. The quartile variation is eleven

percent, indicating that the responses are inconsistent or not identical. The result means that on

the average the respondents perceive that the implementation of brgy. justice system in terms of

receiving clients is averagely implemented based on the rules and regulations of the barangay but

not the same across all residents. As a result, the implementation of the justice system in brgy.

Tambulilid was executed in accordance with the brgy's standard or policy and the legal system.

Specifically, there is an inconsistent average high implementation of the receiving complaints

(M=4) in terms of a high level of implementation of the understanding the conciliation process

(qv=25%), and a high level of adhering or complies to the procedure of receiving complaints as

provided in the provision of katarungang pambaranggay (qv=25%) and its implementation rules

and regulations (qv=11.11%).

Furthermore, residents independently demonstrate that the brgy justice system is

consistently averagely high in terms of receiving complaints (M=4, qv=11.11%). However, a

consistent high level of implementation is revealed in terms of the lupon perception of receiving

clients as the level of implementation of the bryg justice system (M=4, qv=0%).

Table 2. The level of Implementation of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of Receiving Complaints.
n=378 n=10
Receiving Complaints MEDIAN
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Barangay Lupong
understand what the 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 4 = High 25.00%
complaints being
2. Lupong Tagapamayapa
understand the 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 4 = High 25.00%
conciliation process.
3. The Lupon adheres or
complies to the
procedure of receiving
complaints as provided
in the provision of 4 = High 11.11% 4 = High 4 = High 11.11%
pambaranggay and its
implementation rules
and regulations.
General Average 0.00%
4 = High 11.11% 4 = High 4 = High 11.11%
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is
Table 3 depicts the level of implementation of issuance of summons as the barangay

justice system in Baranggay Tambulilid, Ormoc City. According to the data collected, summons

issuance has been highly implemented on average, as the median rating is 4 but inconsistent

since the quartile variation is 25%, which is greater than 10%. The results reveals that though

issuance of summons has been highly implemented in accordance to the rules and regulations of

the brgy. justice system it is not the same across all the responses of the residents. The same

result is found in the rating of the residents.

On the other hand, according to the lupon ng tagapamayapa there is highly implemented

summons, which exceeds and is frequently implemented by the Lupon based on the rules and

regulations of the barangay justice system. According to the data collected, there is a high level

of implementation of summons issuance in accordance with Katarungang Pambarangay rules

(M=5, qv=0%), the Lupon Chairman issues summon to the respondent one day after proper

receipt of complaint to appear before him for a mediation of their conflicting interests (M=5,

qv=0%), and the Lupon Chairman issues notice to the complaint and his/her witnesses one day

after proper receipt of complaint to appear before him for a mediation (M=5, qv=0%).

Table 3. The level of Implementation of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of Issuance of Summons n=10.
n=378 n=10
Quartile Quartile Quartile
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. The Lupon issues
summons in accordance 5 = Very
4 = High 25.00% 2.56% 4 = High 25.00%
with Katarungang High
Pambarangay rules.
2. The Lupon Chairman 4 = High 25.00% 5 = Very 0.00% 4 = High 25.00%
issues summon to the High
respondent one day after
proper receipt of
complaint to appear
before him for a
meditation of their
conflicting interests.
3. The Lupon Chairman
issues notice to the
complaint and his/her
witnesses one day after
5 = Very
proper receipt of 4 = High 25.00% 0.00% 4 = High 25.00%
complaint to appear
before him a mediation
of their conflicting
5 = Very
General Average 4 = High 25.00% 0.00% 4 = High 25.00%
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is

Table 4 display the level implementation of barangay justice system in barangay

Tambulilid, Ormoc City in terms of conduct of conciliation. Based on the data gathered, the

median rating was 4 means it is higly implemented and responses are consistent since the

quartile variation is equal to 0%. This means that conciliation is carried out in accordance with

the rules and regulations of the brgy's justice system in brgy. Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte. It

is also good to note that responses are consistent on the average regardless of the type of the

respondents. However, lupon tagamayapa perceives higly implementation (M=5) while residents

perceives high implementation of conduct of conciliation.

Specifically, of the Lupon Chairman fails in his conciliation efforts, he/she consistently

constitutes the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo (M=4,qv=0%). On the other hand, there are

inconsistent high level of implementation in terms of all settlement proceedings are open to the

public and informal (M=4,qv=0%) and the Pangkat ng Tagapagkasundo hears both parties and
their witnesses, simplifies issues, and explores all possibilities for amicable settlement


Table 4. The level of Implementation of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of Conduct of Conciliation.
n=378 n=10
CONDUCT OF CONCILIATION Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. The Lupon Chairman
constitutes the Pangkat
0.00% 5 = Very 2.56% 0.00%
ng Tagapagkasundo if 4 = High 4 = High
Consistent High Consistent Consistent
he/she failed in his
conciliation efforts.
2. The Pangkat ng
Tagapagkasundo hears
both parties and their
5 = Very 2.56%
witnesses, simplify 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
issues, and explore all
possibilities for
amicable settlement.
3. All proceedings for the
5 = Very 0.00%
settlement are open to 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 11.11%
High Consistent
the public and informal.
0.00% 5 = Very 2.56% 0.00%
General Average 4 = High 4 = High
Consistent High Consistent Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is

Table 5 shows the level of implementation of the barangay justice system in Ormoc

City's barangay Tambulilid in terms of statements and awards. Based on the data collected, the

median rating of 4 indicates that it is well implemented but the responses are is consistent, as the

quartile variation is greater than 10% which is 25%. This means that the statement and awards

are carried out in accordance with the brgy's justice system's rules and regulations but not the

same across households in brgy. Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte. The same average and

consistently is display in the resident respondents. The Lupong tagapamayapa, on the other hand,
believes that the statement and awards have been consistently well implemented, as the median

rating is 5 and the quartile variation is 0%. According to the findings, Lupon considers the

statement and awards to be highly implemented. According to the lupon ng tagapamayapa, the

secretary records and takes all minutes during the proceeding (M=5, qv=0%), putting aside their

personal interests and avoiding any possibility of "bribe" that may cause advantages and

disadvantages to the parties involved (M=5, qv=0%), and having integrity, impartiality, and a

sense of fairness in awarding awards (M=5, qv=0%).

Table 5. The level of Implementation of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of Statement and Awards.
n=378 n=10
STATEMENT AND AWARDS Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Set aside their personal
interests and avoid any
possibility of “bribe”
5 = Very 0.00%
that may cause 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
advantages and
disadvantages to the
parties involved.
2. Our Lupong
tagapamayapa secretary
5 = Very 0.00%
records and take all the 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
minutes during the
3. Possessing intergrity,
impartiality, and sense 5 = Very 0.00%
4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
of fairness in giving High Consistent
5 = Very 0.00%
General Average 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is
Table 6 shows the level of implementation of the barangay justice system in Ormoc

City's barangay Tambulilid in terms of settlement of disputes. Based on the data collected, the

median rating of 4 indicates that it is well implemented and that responses are inconsistent, as the

quartile variation is greater than 10%. The result means that the settlement of disputes are carried

out in accordance with the brgy's justice system's rules and regulations in brgy. Tambulilid,

Ormoc City, Leyte. However, the implementation is not the same across the respondents. The

same results is being observed when residents was being assessed.

On the other hand, Lupon ng tagapamayapa perceives a very high implementation of

settlement and disputes of the brgy. justice system. There is a very high consistency in the

implementation of effective Katarungang Pambaranggay ensuring that complaints and

respondents appear in the conciliation proceedings (M=5, qv=2.56%), a very high consistency in

the implementation of the effectivity of the Lupong tagamapamayapa chairman in conciliating

the conflicts between complainant and respondent (M=5, qv=0%), and a very high consistency in

the effectivity of Pangkat ng Tapagkasundo in conciliating the issues whenever the Lupong

Chairman fails in his mediation efforts (M=5, qv=0%).

Table 6. The level of Implementation of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of Settlement of Disputes.
n=378 n=10
Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. The pangkat ng
effective in conciliating 5 = Very 2.56%
4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
the issues whenever the High Consistent
Lupong Chairman fails
in his mediation efforts
2. The katarungang 4 = High 25.00% 5 = Very 0.00% 4 = High 25.00%
pamabaranggay is High Consistent
effective in executing its
settlement or arbitration
award within six
3. The katarungang
pamabarangay is an
5 = Very 0.00%
effective way of settling 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
disputes involving cases
under it coverage.
5 = Very 0.00%
General Average 4 = High 25.00% 4 = High 25.00%
High Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is
Table 7 shows the level of acceptance of the Baranggay Justice system in Ormoc City's

Barangay Tambulilid in terms of receiving complaints. Based on the data gathered, respondents

have a high level of acceptance in receiving complaints, with the median rating equal to 4. The

quartile variation, however, is not less than 10%, indicating that responses are inconsistent. This

means that responses differ from the average median response. Respondents have different

perspectives on receiving complaints from the barangay system. The same result is also seen in

view the residents independently.

Furthermore, the average response of the Lupon ng tagapamayapa is 5 and consistent,

indicating that there is a high level of acceptance of receiving compliants. Specifically, a high

level of acceptance when in terms of being aware of the complaint's resolution (M=4, qv=25%).

On the other note, Lupon ng tagapamayapa view a very high acceptance but inconsistent in

receiving clients in terms of following receipts of the lupong tagapamayapa and immediately

takes action (M=5, qv=11%), and barangay Lupong Tagapamayapa understanding what the

complaints are being addressed (M=4, qv=25%).

Table 7. The level of Acceptance of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid, Ormoc
City in terms of Receiving Complaints.
n=378 n=10
Receiving Complaints MEDIAN
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Following receipt of
the complaint, the
5 = Very
Lupong Tagapamayapa 4=High 25.00% 11.11% 4=High 25.00%
immediately takes
2. The Lupong
Tagapamayapa is 5 = Very
4=High 25.00% 0.00% 4=High 25.00%
aware of the High
compliant’s resolution
3. Barangay Lupong
5 = Very
understand what the 4=High 11.11% 11.11% 4=High 11.11%
complaints being
General Average 5 = Very
4=High 11.11% 0.00% 4=High 11.11%

Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is

Table 8 represents the level acceptance of justice system in Baranggay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City in terms of summons issuance. According to the data gathered, summon issuance

has a high level of acceptance because its median rank is equal to 4, but responses are

inconsistent because the quartile variation is 25%, which is greater than 10%. The findings show

that, while the rules and regulations of the brgy justice system are generally well-accepted by

residents, perceptions of their acceptance vary greatly. Results are the same when resident

perceptions are being assessed.

On the other hand, based on the data collected, there is very high but inconsistent level of

acceptance of the brgy justice system when perceives by the lupon. Specifically, in terms of

showing of pleasant behavior by the server to the respondents in delivering the summon (M=4,

qv=11%), delivering the summon by the server to the respondent in appropriate time for

scheduled hearing (M=5, qv=25%), but consistently high in stating the consequences by the

server to the respondent if the scheduled hearing in the summon is ignored (M=4, qv=25%).
Table 8. The Level of Acceptance of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid, Ormoc
City in terms of Issuance of Summons.
n=378 n=10
Quartile Quartile Quartile
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Showing of pleasant
behavior by the server to
4= High 25.00% 4= High 11.11% 4= High 25.00%
the respondents in
delivering the summon.
2. Delivering the summon
by the server to the
5= Very
respondent in 4= High 25.00% 11.11% 4= High 25.00%
appropriate time for
scheduled hearing.
3. Stating the
consequences by the
server to the respondent 5= Very 2.56%
4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
if the scheduled hearing High CONSISTENT
in the summon is
5= Very
General Average 4= High 25.00% 11.11% 4= High 25.00%
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is

Table 9 depicts the level of acceptance of the justice system in Baranggay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City, in terms of conciliation conduct. Conciliation conduct has a high level of

acceptance, according to the data, because its median rank is equal to 4, and responses are

consistent because the quartile variation is 0%, which is lesser than 10%. The findings show that,

residents generally accept the rules and regulations of the brgy justice system in terms of

conciliation conduct, and it is consistent across all the respondents.

Moreover, only the indicator making hearing of the case manageable during high tense of

emotion between complaint and respondent has been accepted very highly by the lupon ng

tagamapayapa (M=5,qv=2.56%).
Table 9. The Level of Acceptance of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid, Ormoc
City in terms of Conduct of Conciliation
n=378 n=10
CONDUCT OF CONCILIATION Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Bringing the complaint
and respondent in the
specified place of the
5= Very
Baranggay by the 4= High 11.11% 2.56% 4= High 11.11%
Lupong Tagapamayapa
2. Stating first the
objective of the
barangay Justice System
5= Very
by the Lupong 4= High 25.00% 11.11% 4= High 25.00%
Tagapamayapa between
the complaint and
3. Making hearing of the
case manageable during
5= Very 2.56%
high tense of emotion 4= High 25.00% 4= High 14.29%
High Consistent
between complaint and
0.00% 5= Very 2.56% 0.00%
General Average 4= High 4= High
Consistent High Consistent Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is
In terms of statements and awards, Table 10 depicts the level of acceptance of the justice

system in Baranggay Tambulilid, Ormoc City. According to the data, statement and awards have

a high level of acceptance because its median rank is equal to 4, but responses are inconsistent

because the quartile variation is 25%, which is greater than 10%. The findings show that, while

respondents generally accept the brgy justice system's rules and regulations in terms of

statements and awards, perceptions of their acceptance vary greatly. The same thing happened

when residents were being evaluated.

According to the data collected, there is a very high and consistent level of acceptance of

statement and awards when lupon ng tagapamayapa were being assessed. Specifically, there is a

very high consistent responses in terms of possessing integrity, impartiality, sense of fairness in

giving awards (M=4,qv=2.56%), and all settlement and awards of Katarungang Pambarangay are

in writing (M=4,qv=2.56%). However, statement and awards is highly accepted but inconsistent

in terms of setting aside their personal interests and avoid any possibility of “bribe” that may

cause advantages and disadvantages to the parties involved (M=5, qv=11.11%),

Table 10. The Level of Acceptance of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid, Ormoc
City in terms of Statement and Awards, n=377.
n=378 n=10
STATEMENT AND AWARDS Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Set aside their personal
interests and avoid any
possibility of “bribe”
5= Very
that may cause 4= High 25.00% 11.11% 4= High 25.00%
advantages and
disadvantages to the
parties involved.
2. Possessing integrity,
impartiality, sense of 5= Very 2.56%
4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
fairness in giving High Consistent
3. All settlement and
awards of Katarungang 5= Very 2.56%
4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
Pambarangay are in High Consistent
5= Very 2.56%
General Average 4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
High Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is

Table 11 depicts the level of acceptance of the justice system in Baranggay Tambulilid,

Ormoc City, in terms of dispute resolution. The data show that dispute resolution has a high level
of acceptance because its median rank is equal to 4, but responses are inconsistent because the

quartile variation is 11.11%, which is greater than 10%. The findings show that, while

respondents generally accept the rules and regulations of the brgy justice system in terms of

dispute resolution, perceptions of their acceptance vary greatly. Results are the same when

residents are being asked separately from the the Lupon ng Tagapamayapa.

However, there is a very high and consistent level of acceptance in terms Lupon members

are punctual during the schedule of hearings and/or deliberations (M=5, qv=2.56%), deciding

fairly for both parties (M=5,qv=0%), and showing respect and tact among its constituents during

conflict resolution regardless of age, sex, political affiliation and social status (M=5,qv=25%).

Table 11. The Level of Acceptance of Barangay Justice System in Barangay Tambulilid, Ormoc
City in terms of Settlement of Disputes
n=378 n=10
Quartile Quartile Quartile
Variation Variation Variation
Consistency Consistency Consistency
1. Our Lupon members are
punctual during the 5= Very 2.56%
4= High 17.65% 4= High 11.11%
schedule of hearings High Consistent
and/or deliberations.
2. Decides fairly for both 5= Very 0.00%
4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
parties. High Consistent
3. Show respect and tact
among its constituents
during conflict
5= Very 0.00%
resolution regardless of 4= High 25.00% 4= High 25.00%
High Consistent
age, sex, political
affiliation and social
5= Very 0.00%
General Average 4= High 17.65% 4= High 11.11%
High Consistent
Legend: 1=Very Low, 2=Low, 3=Moderate, 4=High, 5= Very High; Quartile Variation< 10% is
Table 12 shows the significant difference in brgy implementation of the barangay justice

system in brgy. Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte. The pvalue is 0.000 which is lesser than 0.05

then the test is highly significant in rejecting the null hypothesis. Based on the data gathered,

there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that residents perceptions

(Mean rank=190.67) has a lower rating than the lupon ng tagapamayapa (Mean rank=319.55) of

the level of implementation of brgy. justice system at the 1% level of significance. As a result,

lupon tagapamayapa perceives that they are doing their best to implement the rules and

regulations of the brgy justice system, but residents accept it much less.

In terms of issuance of summons (p=0.001), conduct of conciliations (p=0.000),

statement and awards (p=0.001), and settlement of disputes (p=0.000), Lupon ng tagapamayapa

perceived the implementation of the justice system significantly higher than the resident

respondents. The average rank of each acceptance indicator is significantly lower than the

implementation. The findings indicate that there is a need to address the implementation of the

lupon ng tagapamayapa because lupon perceptions towards its implementation is different from

the perception of the residents.

Table 12. Significant difference between implementation of the barangay justice system in brgy.
Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte.
Receiving Complaints 194.57 172.35 1668.5 0.505 Not Significant
Issuance Of Summons 191.19 299.95 825.5 0.001 Significant
Conduct Of
190.71 318.1 644 0 Significant
Statement And
191.02 306.45 760.5 0.001 Significant
Settlement Of
190.83 313.65 688.5 0 Significant
Overall 190.67 319.55 629.5 0 Significant
Legend: pvalue< 0.05= Significant; pvalue<0.01=Highly Significant.
Table 13 shows the significant difference in brgy acceptance of the barangay justice

system in brgy. Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte. The pvalue is 0.000 which is lesser than 0.05

then the test is highly significant in rejecting the null hypothesis. Based on the data gathered,

there is sufficient evidence to reject the null hypothesis and conclude that lupon perceptions

(Mean rank=307.15) has a higher rating than residents’ perception (Mean rank=191.00) of the

residents' respondents at the 1% level of significance. As a result, lupon tagapamayapa perceives

that they are doing their best to follow the rules and regulations of the brgy justice system, but

residents accept it much less.

In terms of issuance of receiving complaints (p=0.006), issuances summons (p=0.03),

conduct of conciliations (p=0.000), statement and awards (p=0.001), and settlement of disputes

(p=0.000), Lupon ng tagapamayapa perceived the acceptance of the justice system significantly

higher than the acceptance of the resident respondents. The average rank of each acceptance

indicator is significantly lower than the implementation. The findings indicate that there is a need

to address the acceptance of the lupon ng tagapamayapa because the residents' acceptance of the

brgy differs.

Table 13. Significant difference between acceptance of the barangay justice system in brgy.
Tambulilid, Ormoc City, Leyte.
Receiving Complaints 191.68 281.45 1010.5 0.006 Highly Significant
Issuance Of Summons 192.1 265.45 1170.5 0.03 Significant
Conduct Of
Conciliations 191 307 755 0.000 Highly Significant
Statement And
Awards 191.65 282.6 999 0.007 Highly Significant
Settlement Of
Disputes 191.01 306.85 756.5 0.001 Highly Significant
Overall 191 307.15 753.5 0.000 Highly Significant
Legend: pvalue< 0.05= Significant; pvalue<0.01=Highly Significant.
Testing the significant relationship of the acceptance and implementation using Spearman

Rho correlation is shown in table 14. Based on the data gathered, at 1% level of significant, there

is sufficient evidence to conclude that there is moderate positive relationship between

implementation and acceptance. The result indicated that as the acceptance increases the

implementation also increases.

Table 14. . Spearman Rho Correlation for testing the relationship between implementation and


0.518** 0.000 Highly Significant
Significance=*** p<0.01, ** p<0.05, * p<0.1; Test Stat: 0.00-0.19 =Very Weak, 0.20-0.39=Weak, 0.40-
0.59=Moderate, 0.60-79=Strong, 0.80-1.00= Very Strong/High.

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