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Aquatic fungi associated with decomposing Ficus sp. leaf litter in a neotropical

Article in Journal of the North American Benthological Society · June 2009

DOI: 10.1899/07-084.1

33 355

2 authors, including:

Jose Rincon
University of Zulia


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J. N. Am. Benthol. Soc., 2009, 28(2):416–425
Ó 2009 by The North American Benthological Society
DOI: 10.1899/07–084.1
Published online: 7 April 2009

Aquatic fungi associated with decomposing Ficus sp. leaf litter

in a neotropical stream

José Rincón1 AND Roberto Santelloco2

Departamento de Biologı́a, Facultad Experimental de Ciencias, Bloque A-2, Apartado 526,
Universidad del Zulia, Maracaibo, Venezuela

Abstract. Aquatic fungi are important decomposers of plant litter in temperate streams. However, these
microorganisms have been poorly studied in tropical streams. We assessed the dynamics of aquatic
hyphomycetes during the decomposition of Ficus sp. (Moraceae) leaves in an intermittent lowland stream of
northwestern Venezuela. Our goals were to: 1) determine the composition of aquatic hyphomycetes during
leaf decomposition, 2) assess the effect of different mesh sizes (i.e., coarse vs fine mesh) on assemblage
composition and activity, and 3) assess the role of habitat (i.e., pools vs riffles) on fungal assemblages.
Coarse- and fine-mesh litter bags were incubated in a pool and a riffle for 31 d. For each habitat and
treatment, we determined physicochemical variables, sporulation activity, and the structure and
composition of fungal assemblages. Leaf litter decomposition rates ranged from 0.058/d in fine-mesh bags
in the riffle to 0.031/d in coarse-mesh bags in the pool. Decomposition rates were significantly influenced by
habitat type, with the highest decomposition rates found in riffle habitats. Sporulation rates were
significantly different between habitats but not between mesh sizes. The highest sporulation rate (399 spores
mg1 leaf dry mass d1) and fungal diversity (16 spp.) was found in coarse-mesh bags in the riffle. Twenty-
one fungal species were identified during the study. Anguillospora longissima and Lunuluspora curvula
contributed up to 75% of the conidia produced in the coarse- and fine-mesh bags in the riffle, whereas
Filosporella aquatica and Lemonniera terrestris accounted for 65 to 75% of the conidia produced in the coarse-
and fine-mesh bags in the pool. In ordination space based on species composition, fungal assemblages
formed 2 clear groups that corresponded to habitat type. A temporal change in fungal species composition
was observed in riffle samples. Early succession assemblages (2–14 d) were characterized by the presence of
A. longissima, L. curvula, and F. aquatica, whereas late assemblages (24–31 d) were dominated by
Pyramidospora fluminea, Pyramidospora casuarinae, and unidentified sp 4. Overall, habitat type (pool or riffle)
influenced sporulation rates and assemblage composition of aquatic hyphomycetes. Our study suggests that
environmental factors associated with hydrology (e.g., stream velocity, width, depth) regulate fungal
composition and activity and, hence, leaf litter decomposition in this tropical stream.

Key words: tropical, decomposition, aquatic hyphomycetes, sporulation, intermittent stream.

Aspects of fungal dynamics associated with leaf subtropical Africa have addressed colonization and
litter decomposition are well studied in temperate diversity patterns of aquatic hyphomycetes during leaf
streams (e.g., Bärlocher and Kendrick 1974, Suber- decomposition in streams (Raviraja et al. 1996, 1998,
kropp and Klug 1976, Griffith and Perry 1994, Baldy et Rajashekhar and Kaveriappa 2003, Abdel-Raheem
al. 1995, Gessner 1997, Grattan and Suberkropp 2001, 1997), and a few taxonomic studies are available for
Happala et al. 2001, Crenshaw and Vallet 2002, Hieber neotropical streams (Hudson and Ingold 1960, Betan-
and Gessner 2002, Laitung et al. 2002, Gessner and court and Caballero 1983, Betancourt et al. 1987,
Robinson 2003, Robinson and Gessner 2003), but less is
Justiniano and Betancourt 1989, Schoenlein-Crusius
known about the role of fungi during leaf litter
and Piccolo 2003). In Venezuela, initial taxonomic
decomposition in tropical streams (Mathuriau and
studies were published by Nilsson (1962), and more
Chauvet 2002). A few studies in tropical Asia and
recent studies have been published by Smits et al.
E-mail addresses: (2007) and Cressa and Smits (2007). To our knowledge,
2 few studies have addressed patterns of aquatic

hyphomycetes associated with leaf litter decomposi- Methods

tion in neotropical streams (Mathuriau and Chauvet
Study site
2002, Rincón et al. 2005).
Litter quality (i.e., lignin, secondary compounds, We studied leaf litter decomposition in Carichuano
and nutrient content) (Abdel-Raheem 1997, Mathuriau Creek, an intermittent 2nd-order stream in northwest-
and Chauvet 2002) and habitat type (Rincón et al. ern Venezuela (lat 10842 0 –11808 0 N, long 72842 0 –
2005) influence biomass and colonization patterns of 72822 0 W). The stream is in the northern foothills of
aquatic hyphomycetes and leaf litter decomposition in Sierra de Perijá (Estado Zulia, Venezuela), which is a
tropical streams. High fungal activity associated with major structural component of the Venezuelan Andean
leaf decomposition appears to be characteristic of leaf Cordillera system. Carichuano Creek is a tributary of
processing in tropical streams (Mathuriau and Chau- the Guasare River, which flows into Lago de Mara-
vet 2002). Moreover, fungal colonization of decompos- caibo.
ing leaves appears to affect shredder feeding The stream drains a diverse tropical semideciduous
preferences in tropical streams, as it does in temperate dry forest, with ;17 to 20 plant species present in the
streams (Graça et al. 2001, Rincón and Martinez 2006). riparian zone. Tabebuia rosea and Calliandra sp. are
Abiotic factors, such as water temperature, nutrient dominant in this area, and Anacardium excelsum, Cartan
concentrations, pH, and alkalinity, seem to affect sp., Luehea sp., Lecithis ollaria, Hura crepitans, Centro-
fungal activity during leaf litter decomposition (Cha- lobium parense, Cecropia peltata, Guapira sp., Euphorbia
mier 1992, Suberkropp and Chauvet 1995). The effects cassearea, Ficus sp., and Inga spurea also are present
of other factors, such as habitat type (riffles vs pools), (Cifuentes 2002). Catchment geology is dominated by
on aquatic hyphomycete activity have been less limestone, and streams have a characteristic water
studied. The roles of macroinvertebrates and fungi chemistry classified as the bicarbonate–calcium type
appear to change with habitat in temperate regions, (152–320 mg/L CaCO3) (Cressa et al. 1993, Rincón and
and such changes have the potential to affect leaf litter Cressa 2000).
decomposition (Baldy et al. 2002, Langhans et al. The study area has a mean annual rainfall of 1102 6
2008). Pool–riffle sequences are particularly important 285 mm, and the annual average water temperature is
in intermittent streams where seasonal hydrological 27.78C. Two periods of rainfall, interspersed with dryer
changes can produce dramatic changes in some intervals of variable duration, occur each year (Espi-
physical and chemical variables affecting the stream noza 1987). Typically, the 1st rainy period begins in
biota (Rincón and Cressa 2000). In a temporary April and continues until June. A short dry period
Moroccan river, fungi were most active in spring follows for 1 to 2 mo. The 2nd rainy period starts in
when water was constantly flowing and decomposi- September and lasts until November or December, and
tion was fastest (Maamri et al. 1998). Our understand- is followed by another longer dry period (2 or 3 mo).
ing of the effects of stream habitat on fungal activity in Litterfall is strongly seasonal, with peaks at the end of
tropical streams is still very limited. the 2 dry periods (February and July) (JR, unpublished
Little is known about how macroinvertebrate data). Water flow is not continuous during the dry
species and aquatic fungal species interact to affect seasons and isolated pools are common.
leaf litter processing rates. Differences in the feeding
mode of macroinvertebrate species (e.g., scraping, Leaf-litter decomposition experiment
shredding) might influence fungal colonization and Freshly fallen Ficus sp. (Moraceae) leaves with no
leaf decomposition rates. Leaf decomposition rates can indication of partial decomposition or fungal coloni-
be accelerated in the presence of macroinvertebrates zation were collected from the riparian forest floor in
because aquatic fungi can penetrate damaged leaf January 2004. Air-dried leaves were weighed into 3.0
tissue rapidly. We studied leaf decomposition in fine- 6 0.1 g groups and enclosed in 15- 3 10-cm litter bags
and coarse-mesh leaf bags to assess the dynamics of (240-lm [fine] and 5-mm [coarse] mesh). Litter bags
aquatic hyphomycetes in an intermittent neotropical were anchored to the stream bottom with steel bars.
stream in northwestern Venezuela. Our goals were to: Leaf litter decomposition experiments were con-
1) determine the composition of aquatic hyphomycetes ducted from June to August 2004 (incubation periods
during leaf decomposition, 2) assess the effect of of 2, 7, 14, 24, and 31 d) in a riffle and a pool. Four leaf
different mesh sizes (i.e., coarse vs fine mesh) on litter treatments were used: coarse mesh in riffle,
assemblage composition and activity, and 3) assess the coarse mesh in pool, fine mesh in riffle, and fine mesh
effect of habitat (i.e., pools vs riffles) on fungal in pool. Five bags of each mesh size (coarse or fine)
assemblages. were retrieved from each habitat (riffle or pool) on

each sampling date. An additional 20 bags were used TABLE 1. Values of physicochemical variables in riffle and
to evaluate handling losses. Leaf bags were transferred pool habitats in Carichuano Creek, Venezuela, between July
to plastic zip-lock bags and transported to the and August 2004.
laboratory in ice chests. In the laboratory, the bags
Riffle Pool
were disassembled, and leaves were washed gently
with running tap water over a sieve (250 lm) to Variable Mean Range Mean Range
remove debris and invertebrates. On each sampling
Temperature (8C) 28.3 27.6–29.6 28.4 27.6–29.0
date, the contents of 3 randomly selected bags (n ¼ 3) pH 8.0 7.95–8.02 8.0 7.99–8.06
from each treatment were used to estimate leaf mass Dissolved O2 (mg/L) 9.5 8.9–10.5 9.8 8.7–10.4
loss; the contents of another 2 bags (n ¼ 2) were used to Conductivity (lS/cm) 580 562–590 555 447–607
determine fungal spore production. Leaf mass loss was Depth (m) 0.23 0.20–0.30 0.42 0.38–0.46
Width (m) 1.99 1.43–2.25 11.39 10.6–13.2
estimated after drying the leaf litter at 608C for 48 h. Current velocity (m/s) 0.46 0.31–0.57 0.11 0.10–0.13

Spore production
Eight leaf discs were cut from the leaves in each bag 1991). Differences in decomposition coefficients (de-
with a cork borer (1-cm diameter). Discs were termined from linear regression of ln[x]-transformed
incubated in a 250-mL flask containing 100 mL of data) between habitat types (pool and riffle) and mesh
autoclaved and filtered (0.45-lm pore size membrane sizes (coarse and fine) were tested using analysis of
filter) stream water and agitated in a shaker at 258C for covariance (ANCOVA) in Prism 5.01 (GraphPad
72 h (slightly modified from Bärlocher 2005). The Software, San Diego, California). Slope estimates were
entire volume with suspended conidia was filtered used to represent decomposition coefficients for each
through an 8-lm pore size membrane filter. The filter treatment and were compared with the Student–
was stained with cotton blue in lactophenol for 30 min Newman–Keuls (SNK) multiple comparison method
at 408C, and the conidia trapped on the filter were (a ¼ 0.05).
counted and identified at 4003 and 10003 magnifica- The effects of mesh size and habitat type on
tions under a light microscope. Generally, the entire sporulation rates were determined with 2-way analy-
surface of the filter was scanned and all conidia were sis of variance (ANOVA) (Sokal and Rohlf 1981). Data
counted. If conidial densities were very high, 25 were log(x þ 1)-transformed before analysis, and the
randomly chosen microscope fields were scanned analysis was done with Statgraphics centurion XV
and conidia in these fields were counted. Aquatic (Statpoint Technologies Inc, Warrenton, Virginia).
hyphomycetes species were identified with available Fungal assemblage composition in pools and riffles
keys for tropical areas (Marvanová 1997, Santos-Flores were analyzed with nonmetric multidimensional
and Betancourt-López 1997). Leaf discs were dried and scaling (NMDS) in PRIMER (version 5.2.9; PRIMER-
weighed to measure the amount of leaf material and E, Plymouth, UK). NMDS is a procedure for plotting a
results were expressed as conidia mg1 leaf dry mass set of assemblages in a space such that the distances
(DM) d1. between assemblages correspond as closely as possible
to a given set of dissimilarities/similarities among the
Physicochemical variables assemblages (Clark and Warwick 2001). Similarities
between 2 assemblages were calculated with the Bray–
On each sampling date, temperature, conductivity, Curtis similarity index. The abundance of each fungal
and pH were measured with field instruments (Check species was 4th-root(x)-transformed before the similar-
Mate 90; Corning, New York). Dissolved O2 (Winkler ities were calculated (Clark and Warwick 2001). In
method; Hauer and Hill 1996) was measured on 2 addition, a SIMPER routine (PRIMER-E) was done to
water samples collected at ;60% depth from each inspect the contribution of individual species to
habitat type. In addition, stream width, depth, and average dissimilarity between groups.
flow (Digimeter Model 9000; Scientific Instruments,
Milwaukee, Wisconsin) were measured. Results
Data analysis Physicochemical variables
Percentage mass remaining through time was fit to Physicochemical variables varied slightly during the
an exponential model mt/m0 ¼ ek t; where mt is the study period (Table 1). In the riffle, current velocity
mass remaining at time t, m0 is the initial mass, and k is increased steadily from day 2 to day 24, then
the decomposition rate coefficient (Boulton and Boon decreased sharply until day 31. In the pool, the current

TABLE 2. Mean (SE) leaf-litter decomposition rates (k) for

Ficus sp. leaves in coarse- (5 mm) and fine- (0.24 mm) mesh
bags incubated in the riffle and the pool of Carichuano
Creek, Venezuela. Treatments with the same letter were not
significantly different on the basis of Student–Newman–
Keuls (SNK) multiple comparison method (a ¼ 0.05).

Habitat Mesh k SNK grouping

Riffle Coarse 0.04693 (0.0045) ac
Fine 0.05847 (0.0036) a
Pool Coarse 0.03132 (0.0037) b
Fine 0.03819 (0.0047) bc

faster in fine- and coarse-mesh bags in the riffle than in

coarse-mesh bags in the pool.

Spore production
FIG. 1. Mean (61 SE; n ¼ 3) percentage dry mass (DM)
remaining of Ficus sp. leaves during decomposition in fine- Spore production peaked after 14 d in the riffle (399
and coarse-mesh litter bags in the riffle and pool of and 383 conidia mg1 DM d1 in coarse- and fine-mesh
Carichuano Creek, Venezuela. bags, respectively; Fig. 3A) and after 7 d in the pool
(339 and 166 conidia mg1 leaf DM d1 in coarse- and
velocity decreased slightly from day 2 to day 14, then fine-mesh bags, respectively; Fig. 3B). Spore produc-
peaked at day 24, and decreased by day 31. Stream tion declined by the end of incubation in all treatments
width and depth were ;63 and 23, respectively, and habitats.
higher in the pool than in the riffle, but current velocity Sporulation rates were significantly higher in the
was 43 higher in the riffle than in the pool (Table 1). riffle than in the pool (F ¼ 13.09, p ¼ 0.0010; Table 4).
Riffle and pool habitat did not differ in dissolved O2 However, sporulation rates did not differ between
concentration, pH, temperature, or conductivity. coarse- and fine-mesh bags (F ¼ 4.12, p ¼ 0.0508), nor
was the interaction term (mesh-size 3 habitat) statis-
Leaf litter decomposition tically significant (F ¼ 0.44, p ¼ 0.5126; Table 4).

Loss of leaf litter mass was rapid during the first 2 d Fungal assemblages
of immersion (40 and 17% for coarse- and fine-mesh
bags, respectively, in the riffle; 31 and 30% for coarse- Twenty-one taxa of aquatic hyphomycetes were
and fine-mesh bags, respectively, in the pool; Fig. 1). identified from sporulating Ficus leaves in both riffle
After 7 and 14 d of immersion, leaf litter mass loss in and pool habitat (Table 5). Anguillospora longissima and
coarse- and fine-mesh bags was higher in the pool than Lunuluspora curvula contributed ;75% of conidia
in the riffle. After 24 and 31 d of immersion, leaf litter produced in the coarse- and fine-mesh bags in the
mass loss was higher in the riffle than in the pool. riffle, whereas Filosporella aquatica and Lemonniera
Decomposition rates (k) ranged between 0.0585 terrestris contributed ;65 and ;75%, respectively, of
(fine mesh in the riffle) and 0.0313 (coarse mesh in the the conidia produced in the coarse- and fine-mesh
pool; Table 2), and differed significantly among
TABLE 3. Results of 2-way analysis of variance for the
treatments (ANCOVA; p , 0.001). Decomposition rate
effects of habitat (riffle vs pool) and litter bag mesh size
was significantly affected by habitat type and mesh (coarse vs fine) on Ficus sp. leaf-litter decomposition rate (k).
size, but not by their interaction (ANOVA; Table 3).
Habitat type accounted for 20.9% and mesh size Sum of Mean
accounted for 2.8% of the total variance. Decomposi- Source df squares square F-ratio p-value
tion rates did not differ between coarse- and fine-mesh Main effects
bags in the pool or between coarse- and fine-mesh Habitat 1 0.0057 0.0057 19.06 ,0.0001
bags in the riffle (SNK; Table 2, Fig. 2). Decomposition Mesh size 1 0.0015 0.0015 5.01 0.0285
rates did not differ significantly between coarse-mesh Mesh size 3 habitat 1 0.0001 0.0001 0.32 0.5719
Residual 67 0.0201 0.0003
bags in the riffle and fine-mesh bags in the pool (SNK; Total (corrected) 70 0.0274
Table 2, Fig. 2). Decomposition rates were significantly

FIG. 2. Mean (61 SE; n ¼ 3) leaf decomposition rates (k)

of Ficus sp. leaves during decomposition in fine- and coarse-
mesh litter bags in the riffle and pool of Carichuano Creek,
Venezuela. Treatments with the same letter were not
significantly different on the basis of Student–Newman–
Keuls (SNK) multiple comparison method (a ¼ 0.05).

bags in the pool (Table 5). Species richness was higher

in coarse- (16) and fine-mesh (14) bags in the riffle than
in coarse- (9) and fine-mesh (5) bags in the pool.
Conidia of Anguillospora crassa, Anguillospora gigantea,
Heliscus tentaculus, Triscelophorus acuminatus, Campylo-
spora filicladia, Flagellospora penicillioides, Flagellospora
FIG. 3. Mean (range) rate of conidia production on Ficus
curvula, Helicomyces sp., and 3 unidentified species sp. leaves during decomposition in fine- and coarse-mesh
were restricted to riffle samples, whereas L. terrestris litter bags in the riffle (A) and pool (B) of Carichuano Creek,
and 1 unidentified species were present only in pool Venezuela.
Differences in conidial composition between coarse- right and above samples from fine-mesh bags. The
and fine-mesh bags were small in both the riffle and species that contributed most to the separation of pool
the pool (Table 5). In the riffle, A. longissima and
and riffle samples were A. longissima (22%), Lunulu-
Lunuluspora curvula dominated both coarse- and fine-
spora curvula (16.5%), F. aquatica (12.2%), and Pyramido-
mesh bags, although some additional less-abundant
spora fluminea (11.9%).
species (,1% of total conidial production) were
Assemblage composition did not appear to vary
present (Pyramidospora casuarinae, T. acuminatus, F.
temporally in the pool samples, but assemblage
curvula, and 1 unidentified species). In the pool,
Filosporella aquatica and Lemonniera terrestris dominated composition in riffle samples showed a temporal trend
both coarse- and fine-mesh bags. Three species on axis 2 (Fig. 4). Two assemblages were defined for
(Campylospora chaetocladia, Lunuluspora cymbiformis,
and P. casuarinae) were found in coarse-mesh bags in TABLE 4. Results of 2-way analysis of variance for the
effects of habitat (riffle vs pool) and litter bag mesh size
the pool.
(coarse vs fine) on conidia production during decomposition
of Ficus sp. in Carichuano Creek.
Spatial variation of aquatic fungal communities
Sum of Mean
NMDS ordination of fungal samples indicated
Source df squares square F-ratio p-value
separation of pool and riffle assemblages on axis 1
(Fig. 4). Only 4 samples (2 replicates from day 2 coarse- Main effects
mesh bags, 1 replicate from day 24 coarse-mesh bags, Habitat 1 2.05 2.05 13.09 0.0010
Mesh size 1 0.64 0.64 4.12 0.0508
and 1 replicate from day 7 fine-mesh bags) from the
Mesh size 3 habitat 1 0.07 0.07 0.44 0.5126
pool grouped with samples from the riffle. No riffle Residual 32 5.01 0.16
samples grouped with pool samples. In the riffle, Total (corrected) 35 7.56
samples from coarse-mesh bags tended to group to the

TABLE 5. Relative abundance (%) of identified and unidentified taxa of aquatic hyphomycetes sporulating on Ficus leaves in
coarse- and fine-mesh bags incubated in the riffle and the pool of Carichuano Creek, Venezuela.

Riffle Pool

Taxon Coarse mesh Fine mesh Coarse mesh Fine mesh

Anguillospora crassa Ingold 2.0 1.9 — —
Anguillospora gigantea Ranzoni 1.0 0.9 — —
Anguillospora longissima Ingold 47.1 54.8 7.7 2.1
Campylospora chaetocladia Ranzoni 3.3 1.4 0.6 —
Campylospora filicladia Nawawi 1.6 — — —
Clavariopsis azlanii Nawawi 1.3 1.4 — —
Filosporella aquatica Nawawi 6.5 1.4 36.9 37.5
Flagellospora curvula Ingold 1.0 — — —
Flagellospora penicillioides Ingold 1.3 2.9 — —
Heliscus tentaculus Umphlett 0.3 0.5 — —
Helicomyces sp. — 0.5 — —
Lemonniera terrestris Tubaki — — 26.2 37.5
Lunulospora curvula Ingold 28.4 22.4 12.5 8.3
Lunulospora cymbiformis Miura 2.0 1.4 3.6 —
Pyramidospora casuarinae Nilsson 0.3 — 1.8 —
Pyramidospora fluminea Miura and Kudo 3.3 9.1 7.7 14.6
Triscelophorus acuminatus Nawawi 0.3 — — —
Unidentified sp.1 — — 1.8 —
Unidentified sp. 2 0.3 — —
Unidentified sp. 3 — 0.5 — —
Unidentified sp. 4 — 0.5 — —
Total number of species 16 14 9 5

riffle samples: early (days 2–14) and late (days 24–31). Discussion
Early assemblages often were dominated by A. longis-
Leaf decomposition
sima, L. curvula, and F. aquatica, whereas late assem-
blages often were dominated by P. casuarinae, P. Ficus leaves decomposed rapidly in both riffle and
fluminea, and unidentified sp. 4. pool habitats of this intermittent stream. Decomposi-
tion rates were comparable with those reported for
Ficus benghalensis in southern India (Raviraja et al.
1998), Ficus insipida in Costa Rica (Rosemond et al.
1998), Croton in the Colombian Andes (Mathuriau and
Chauvet 2002), and Hura crepitans in mid-north
Venezuela (Abelho et al. 2005). In contrast, Protium
brasiliense leaves in a tropical Cerrado stream in Brazil
(Gonçalves et al. 2007) and 3 species (Myrsine
guianensis, Cupania latifolia, and Nectandra lineatifolia)
in a headwater stream of Colombian Andes (Chara et
al. 2007) had slower decomposition rates than were
observed for Ficus in our study. Ficus decomposition
rates in our study were considerably higher than those
of Anacardium excelsum in the same stream (Rincón et
al. 2005). This difference might be a consequence of
differences in the chemical composition of Ficus and
FIG. 4. Nonmetric multidimensional scaling ordination Anacardium leaves (Rincón and Martinez 2006). Ana-
plot for fungal assemblage composition on Ficus sp. leaves
cardium leaves have high lignin and total polyphenols,
during decomposition in coarse- and fine-mesh bags placed
in a pool and riffle in Carichuano Creek, Venezuela. Samples whereas Ficus leaves have low lignin and polyphenols.
were collected on days 2, 7, 14, 24, and 31 after deployment Content of lignin and total polyphenols are good
of the bags. Points within ellipses labeled Pool or Riffle predictors of leaf litter decomposition rates (Campbell
represent samples from those respective habitats unless and Fuchshuber 1995, Ostrofsky 1997, Gessner and
otherwise labeled. Chauvet 1994).

Decomposition rates were not affected by mesh size Gessner 1997). This result is consistent with the strong
within a habitat. This result indicates that macroin- relationship between the maximum sporulation rate
vertebrates, particularly shredders, played a minor and the decay coefficients for 7 deciduous leaf species
role in decomposition, as has been reported for some (Gessner and Chauvet 1994).
tropical streams (Mathuriau and Chauvet 2002, Want- In our study, current velocity and turbulent condi-
zen and Wagner 2006, Gonçalves et al. 2006, 2007). In tions in riffles provided favorable conditions for
contrast, shredders have been associated with differ- aquatic hyphomycetes activity. Sporulation rate on
ences in decomposition rates of leaves in bags with Ficus leaves was greater in the riffle than in the pool
different mesh sizes in other tropical streams (Cheshire habitat, a result similar to that reported for sporulation
et al. 2005, Chara et al. 2007). Scarcity of shredders rates on A. excelsum leaves in Carichuano Creek
might be a biogeographical rather than a latitudinal (Rincón et al. 2005). In a fluvial system in France,
issue (Cheshire et al. 2005). The high abundance of sporulation activity was highest in the main channel
shredders in Colombian Andean streams (Chara et al. and very low in the floodplain pond (Baldy et al. 2002).
2007) contrasts with the low abundance of shredders Fungal biomass was highest in the river channel and
in lowland tropical streams (Dobson et al. 2002, lowest in ponds of a riverine floodplain in Italy
Mathuriau and Chauvet 2002, Wantzen and Wagner (Langhans et al. 2008). In addition, Maamri et al.
2006). (1999) reported a lower fungal biomass in a pool than a
Differences in current velocity between pool and riffle during leaf decay in an intermittent stream in
riffle habitats might partially explain the differences in North Africa. Fungal activity and biomass might be
decomposition rates in our study. Current velocity in limited by low turbulence and oxygenation in pools
riffles can accelerate decomposition by increasing (Bärlocher 1985, Chamier 1987, Suberkropp 1992,
physical fragmentation, improving the transport and Abdel-Raheem 1997).
colonization of fungal species, and supplying dis-
solved O2 and nutrients to microbial communities. Fungal assemblages
Differences in sporulation activity between habitats
The fungal assemblage on Ficus leaves in Carichua-
appear to support this idea. Rincón et al. (2005)
no Creek was similar to that found in other tropical
attributed differences in decomposition rates of A.
studies (Santos-Flores and Betancourt-López 1997,
excelsum between pools and riffles in Carichuano
Mathuriau and Chauvet 2002, Rincón et al. 2005).
Creek to current velocity. Langhans et al. (2008)
Species richness in our study (21 species) was nearly
suggested that current velocity promoted faster leach-
23 greater than previous reports of aquatic hyphomy-
ing and fragmentation and, hence, faster leaf litter
cetes for Venezuela (11 species; Nilsson 1962), but only
decomposition in river channels than in ponds in the
;½ of the number (50 species) reported by Smits et al.
floodplain of the Tagliamento River (Italy). In contrast,
(2007) from 7 streams in Venezuela. All species
decomposition rates did not differ significantly be-
identified in our study were included in a recent
tween main stem and floodplain ponds of the Garonne
compilation made for South America (Schoenlein-
River system in France, and fungal production was
Crusius and Piccolo 2003). However, the fact that we
similar between the 2 sites (Baldy et al. 2002). Baldy et
were unable to identify 4 species with available keys
al. (2002) suggested that fungi might be important
indicates the need for more surveys and taxonomical
agents of litter decomposition in standing water bodies
studies to improve our knowledge of neotropical
of fluvial systems when the physicochemical condi-
tions are favorable to aquatic hyphomycetes.
Sporulating fungal assemblages differed between
riffle and pool habitat. Higher species richness of
Sporulation rates and activity of aquatic hyphomycetes
conidia in the riffle than in the pool suggests that
Habitat type influenced fungal activity, assemblage conditions for reproduction of aquatic hyphomycetes
composition, and decomposition rates of Ficus sp. in are better in riffles than in pools. Fungal assemblages
Carichuano Creek. Sporulation rates in our study were in the riffle were dominated by A. longissima and L.
within the range reported in other tropical and curvula. Lunuluspora curvula is a widespread species
temperate studies (Mathuriau and Chauvet 2002, Gulis commonly found during the summer in temperate
and Suberkropp 2003, Rincón et al. 2005, Ferreira and streams (Webster and Descals 1981). This species also
Graça 2006). Early sporulation rates similar to those in is commonly reported as a dominant species of
our study have been reported for other fast-decom- tropical (Justiniano and Betancourt 1989, Mathuriau
posing leaf species in tropical (Mathuriau and Chauvet and Chauvet 2002) and subtropical streams (Abdel-
2002) and temperate streams (Gessner et al. 1993, Raheem 1997). Anguillospora longissima is a widespread

species commonly found in tropical (Schoenlein- 2002000392). We thank Jeimmy Uzcátegui and Mario
Crusius and Piccolo 2003) and temperate (Webster Nava for field assistance. We also thank Luz Boyero
and Descals 1981) streams. Different species (Filospo- and Alonso Ramı́rez for their kind invitation to the
rella aquatica and Lemonniera terrestris) were dominant Tropical Session at the annual meeting of the North
in the pool, a result that might indicate habitat American Benthological Society in Anchorage, Alaska,
preferences by the aquatic fungi. Filosporella aquatica USA. We thank Felix Bärlocher for his comments on
and L. terrestris have a typical tropical distribution but earlier versions of the manuscript. Several anonymous
also can be found in fungal assemblages in temperate referees provided useful comments on earlier versions
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