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Name: ____________________________________
Class: _____________________________________ Date_____________
A. Fill in the black with the correct form of the present tense of To Be (am/is/are).
1. She ……………………………………… my best friend. 4. We …………………………… very busy today.
2. He ……………………………………… a good neighbour. 5. You ………………………….. late for the
3. They ………………………………… my parents. 6. I …………………………….. really happy for you!
B. Choose and write and correct form of subject and object pronoun.
1. I see …………………… (she/ her ) on the bus everyday.
2. (We/Us) ……………….…always walk to school together.
3. She sits next to……………..( I/me) in the classroom.
4. I always speak to …………….……(he/him) in English.
5. I know both of …………………..(they/them) very well.
6. (She/ Her) …………………. Is our math teacher.
C. Circle the subject and object pronoun in this story.
A farmer had five sons. They were strong and hardworking. But they always quarrelled with one
another. Sometimes, they even fought. The farmer wanted his sons to stop quarrelling and
fighting. He wanted them to live in peace. Plain words of advice or scolding did not have much
effect on these young people. The farmer always thought what to do to keep his sons united.
One day he found an answer to the problem. So he called all his sons together. He showed them
a bundle of sticks and said, “I want any of you to break these sticks without separating them from
the bundle.” Each of the five sons tried one by one. They used their full strength and skill. But
none of them could break the sticks. Then the old man separated the sticks and gave each of
them just a single stick to break. They broke the sticks easily. The farmer said, “A single stick by
itself is weak. It is strong as long as it is tied up in a bundle. Likewise, you will be strong if you are
united. You will be weak if you are divided.”
D. Fill in the blank the correct possessive pronoun.
1. This is Ben’s bike. The bike ______________.
2. This car belongs to Mr. and Mrs. Smith. It is _______________.
3. My brother and I made that chair. It’s _______________.
4. The cat has a sore leg. The cat is licking _____________ leg.
5. We bought that house last year. It is _______________.

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