Toddlers Affirmation Pack

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30 Days of Bible Based Affirmations for the Child You Love

I am
I can
I will

Precious James Ogbonna

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As a Children's Day Gift From Parent Up Africa

Today I boldly declare that
I am an amazing, fabulous
creature of God.
Psalms 139:14
Today I boldly declare that I have the

mind of christ. I am Smart, Witty and Wise

1 Corinthians 2:16
Today I boldly declare that learning
is easy, fun and exciting for me.
Today, I will be Kind, Generous, Loving
and Friendly to everyone I meet .
Today I boldly declare that I am safe

in God's care. God sends His angels to

take care of Me.

Psalms 91 : 11
Today will be an amazing day filled
with God's Favor, Blessings and Grace

Deuteronomy 28 :6
Today I boldly declare that God has
a great plan for my life. My future
is Colourful and Bright.
Jeremiah 29:11
Today I boldly declare that I
can achieve whatever I set my heart
to achieve
Today I boldly declare that I will
be favored by my Parents,
Caregivers Friends and Teacers
Today I boldly declare that I am
a Good and Godly influence on
other people
Today I boldly declare that I am
honest and I always do the right
things even when no one is watching
Today, I boldly declare that I
am smart and capable of
whatever I set my heart to do
Today, I boldly declare that I will be
kind,generous, loving and Friendly
to everyone I meet in School today.
Today, I boldly declare that I
will learn easily, efficiently and
Today I boldly declare that I will
understand and retain whatever
I learn in School.
Today , I boldly declare that my
ability to learn increases everyday.
Today I boldly declare that I am
in control of my emotions. I am
peaceful, calm and positive
Today I boldly declare that I am
born to be a light to the world. i
radiate the goodness of God
1 peter 2:9
Today I boldly declare that I can do
all things through Christ that
strengthens me

Philippians 4 :13
Today I boldly declare that i don't
give up when faced with challenges,
instead they make me stronger

2 Timothy 1 : 7
Today I boldly declare that i will
Live and not die but I will declare
the goidness of the Lord in my life
Psalm 118 : 17
Today I boldly declare that the
healing power of God works in
me. I am strong, healthy and fit
Today I boldly declare that
i was perfectly formed In my
mother's womb. I am special!
Today I boldly declare that God
Deeply values, loves and
cares for me
John 3: 16
Today, I boldly declare that I am filled
with the spirit of contentment.
What I have is Enough for me

1 Timothy 6 : 6
Today I boldly declare that I
Am God's masterpiece because I
was created in the image of god
Genesis 1 vs 27
Today I boldly declare that my
life is crowned with Grace and
granted eased
Today I boldly declare that my
Mind is anointed for growth
and accomplishment. I know what
to do, when to do and how to do
Today i boldly declare that I
am led by the Spirit of God. I am
growing good fruits in my
spirit and in my life
Fruits of the spirit creed

I walk in Love

I am full of Joy

Peace Rules in my Heart

I am Patient

Goodness guides my Heart

I am Gentle

I have Control over my Actions

I live by faith in God

I have a spirit controlled life.

Would You Like To Start An Affirmations Culture In
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Would You Like To Build Your Child's Self Esteem
and Self Appreciation Through Affirmations?
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Would You Like To Get All These And More all For 14TH JUNE
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For Completing The 30 days I am, I can ,

I will Affirmations Packs

Precious James Ogbonna


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