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LLPSI ___.

(Greetings: I) Salve!; II) Multum salvē!; III) Tē salutō!; IV) Tē salvēre iubeō!; V)
Salvus sīs!; VI) Pax tēcum!; VII) Deus tēcum!; VIII) Salūtem plūrimam dīcō!
Response is “Ave _____!”)
Welcome to Lingua Latina Conversations: Chapter ___, ___. In this conversation, you’ll
learn the vocabulary and grammar of Chapter ___, Capitulum ___, Lesson ___, Lectiō
___, in Hans Oerberg’s Familia Romana text. Listen to the following conversation
between ___ and ___. ___ is asking ___ about ___. You’ll hear ____ ask ____ and the
response ______.

Bene, Sexte! Tū discipulus bonus es! / Optime, Sexte! Tū probus es discipulus! /

Bene factum, Sexte! Tū es discipulus industrius! / Iō triumphe, Sexte! Tū es
discipulus dīligēns! Tū mīrus es discipulus! / Sophos, Sexte! Tū verundus es
discipulus! / Macte, Sexte! Tū mirificus es discipulus! / Verendē factum, Sexte!
Euge, Sexte! Papae, Sexte! Palmam tulistī, Sexte! Iō, triumphe, Sexte!
dīligēns industrius studiōsus

Etiam, Ita, Sīc, Sānē, maximē, admodum, certē

Don’t worry if you understood very little of what you just heard. By the end of this
lesson, you’ll not only understand that conversation, but you’ll be able to participate
in it yourself.

a Here is
b Here is
a Do you remember
b Do you remember
c Here is
a What is
c Do you remember
b What is
c What is
a Give
b Give
c Give
a How do you say … in Latin?
b How do you say … in Latin?
c How do you say … in Latin?
Now you’ll play the role of ___. ___ will
ask you some ___ questions. Do your

best to answer them.

This is the end of Chapter __, Lesson __,

Part 1. Please continue with Part 2

f Welcome to Chapter __, Lesson __, Part

2. Listen to yesterday’s conversation
between ____ and ____.

Now listen as ___ and ___ continue

their conversation about ____. You’ll

Don’t worry if you understood only

part of what you just heard. By the end
of this lesson, you’ll not only
understand that entire conversation,
but you’ll be able to participate in it

Here is
g Here is
f Do you remember
g Do you remember
h Here is
f What is
h Do you remember

g What is
i Here is
h What is

i Do you remember
f Give
g Give
i What is
j Here is
h Give
j Do you remember
i Give
j What is
f How do you say … in Latin?
g How do you say … in Latin?

j Give
h How do you say … in Latin?
i How do you say … in Latin?
j How do you say … in Latin?

Now for a conversation. You’ll play the role of ___. Your ____, ___, will ask you
some questions about ___. At first, I’ll help you with your responses.

Let’s try that conversation one more time. This time you’ll respond without any
prompting from me.

This is the end of Chapter ___, Lesson ___. This is the end of today’s conversation.
(I) Bene valē!; (II) Optime valē; (III) Tē cūrā!; (IV) Cūrā ut valeās!; (V) Ut bene
valeās!; (VI) Deus tēcum!; (VII) Deus tē incolumem custōdiat!

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