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Test Bank for Global Issues Politics, Economics, and Culture, 5th Edition, Richard J.


Test Bank for Global Issues Politics, Economics, and

Culture, 5th Edition, Richard J. Payne

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Weapons Proliferation

1) The _____________ worldview places the constant struggle for power and dominance at the
center of international relations.
A) Khanian
B) Lockian
C) Hobbesian
D) Burkian

Answer: C
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

2) Which of the following is NOT a characteristic of why small arms and light weapons are
A) Easy availability
B) Single usage
C) Portability
D) Low cost

Answer: B
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

3) _____________, the world’s first artificial satellite, was launched by the Soviet Union.
A) Orbit
B) Challenger
C) Sputnik
D) Avenger

Answer: C
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding

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Difficulty Level: Easy

4) The idea of _____________ destruction originated from the reality that a nuclear exchange
between the United States and the Soviet Union would be suicidal.
A) ultimate
B) mutual assured
C) balanced
D) mutual balanced

Answer: B
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

5) The 1996 _______________ limits the right of countries to conduct nuclear weapons tests.
A) Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty
B) Proliferation Restraint Treaty
C) Nuclear Lockdown Treaty
D) New START Treaty

Answer: A
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

6) North Korea is known as the _____________ because of its imposed isolation from the
global community.
A) Island State
B) isolated regions
C) Hermit Kingdom
D) Hermit State

Answer: C
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

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7) _____________ weapons are extremely toxic and can be dispersed in many different ways
including gas, vapor, and liquid.
A) Chemical
B) Nuclear
C) Biological
D) Cluster bomb

Answer: A
Topic/Concept: Chemical and Biological Weapons
6.4: Distinguish between chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

8) The United States used _____________ to defoliate forests in Vietnam in its war against the
Vietcong forces.
A) nuclear weapons
B) anthrax
C) Agent Orange
D) mustard gas

Answer: C
Topic/Concept: Chemical and Biological Weapons
6.4: Distinguish between chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

9) _____________ weapons are made of living microorganisms and toxins that are capable of
causing fatal diseases.
A) Chemical
B) Biological
C) Nuclear
D) Conventional

Answer: B
Topic/Concept: Chemical and Biological Weapons
6.4: Distinguish between chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

10) The 1962 Cuban Missile Crisis

A) was a major reason AK-47s ended up in the hands of terrorists in Afghanistan.
B) was an exception to nuclear weapon restraint shown by superpowers during the Cold
C) directly resulted in the New START treaty between Russia and the United States.

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D) was a major reason for the development of Agent Orange.

Answer: B
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

11) What country adopted a “policy of pacifism,” prohibiting owning, producing, or allowing
nuclear weapons on its territory?
A) Brazil
B) Japan
C) Pakistan
D) India

Answer: B
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

12) The prevention of hair-trigger alert postures and the securement of weapons is concentrated
A) defusing.
B) disarmament.
C) defenses.
D) deterrence.

Answer: A
Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

13) Which of the following is NOT one of the advised actions for nuclear weapons possessors in
order to promote nuclear nonproliferation in other countries?
A) Pledge to not use their weapons to threaten countries without nuclear weapons
B) Maintain their nuclear weapons
C) Ensure nonnuclear states that their neighbors would be prevented from becoming
nuclear powers
D) Help countries that have renounced nuclear weapons and accepted international
monitoring to acquire nuclear technology for civilian purposes

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Answer: B
Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

14) _____________ are attachments to treaties that allow states to be excluded from the legal
effects of certain provisions of the 1925 Geneva Protocol.
A) Reservations
B) Provisions
C) Exceptions
D) Conditions

Answer: A
Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

True False

1) One reason small arms and light weapons are attractive is that they are expensive and not
readily available, making them rare finds.

Answer: False
Explanation: Small arms and light weapons are inexpensive, and are readily available.
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

2) One reason for the proliferation of weapons is that the transfer of arms contributes to
regional stability and diminishes the likelihood of war (Regional Balance of Power).

Answer: True
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

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3) Much of the global weapons trade is not motivated by financial considerations.

Answer: False
Explanation: Global weapons trade is motivated by financial consideration.
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

4) A nonproliferation regime is an interlocking network of treaties, agreements, and

organizations designed to prevent the spread or use of weapons of mass destruction.

Answer: True
Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

5) The Chemical Weapons Convention prohibits the development and acquisition of chemical
weapons, but still allows their use.

Answer: False
Explanation: Use is also prohibited.
Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

6) No countries have yet abandoned their nuclear weapons programs.

Answer: False
Explanation: Nearly 20 countries have abandoned them.
Topic/Concept: Case Study
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

7) The Non-Proliferation Treaty does not allow the International Atomic Energy Agency of the
United Nations to monitor nuclear weapons activities.

Answer: False
Explanation: It does allow them to monitor.
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place

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Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

8) Governments transferring weapons to other governments is one way in which small arms
and light weapons are transferred.

Answer: True
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Easy

Fill in the Blank

1) The ____________ limits the right of countries to conduct nuclear weapons tests.

Answer: Comprehensive Test Ban Treaty

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

2) The ___________ is a nuclear weapon capable of hitting reinforced concrete bunkers as

deep as 40 feet underground.

Answer: Robust Nuclear Earth Penetrator

Topic/Concept: America’s Nuclear Response to Nuclear Proliferation
6.3: Report the advocacy of the preemptive use of nuclear warheads against potential or
actual adversaries
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

3) Prohibiting the use of biological and chemical weapons is the ___________.

Answer: Geneva Protocol

Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

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4) The agreement prohibiting the development, manufacture, and stockpiling of biological
weapons is called the _____________.

Answer: Biological Weapons Convention

Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes
6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

5) ______________ is the reality that a nuclear exchange between two superpowers would be

Answer: Mutually assured destruction

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

6) During the Cold War, the concept of ________________________ refers to the idea that
neither the United States nor the Soviet Union could launch nuclear weapons against the
other without suffering catastrophic consequences itself.

Answer: mutual balance of terror

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

7) _____________ was the name of the world’s first artificial satellite.

Answer: Sputnik
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons
6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

8) Weapons that can be dispersed as a gas, vapor, or liquid, and are extremely toxic, are
considered ___________ weapons.

Answer: chemical
Topic/Concept: Chemical and Biological Weapons

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6.4: Distinguish between chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

9) Missiles, tanks, and heavy artillery are all types of _____________ weapons.

Answer: conventional
Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons
6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

10) _______________, which killed around 130,000 North Americans, was deliberately spread
by British forces during the Revolutionary War.

Answer: Smallpox
Topic/Concept: Introduction
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate


A) biological weapons 1) The ________________ prohibited the use

of biological and chemical weapons in war.
B) Antiballistic Missile Treaty 2) Weapons that are composed of living
microorganisms and toxins that are capable of
causing fatal diseases such as smallpox,
plague, and hemorrhagic fever are called
C) 1925 Geneva Protocol 3) The concept of ___________________
emanated from the reality that a nuclear
exchange between the superpowers would be
D) Nuclear Posture Review 4) The ________________ prohibits the
development, testing, or deployment of
missiles that are capable of defending entire
territories from intercontinental ballistic
missile attacks in order to enable the United
States to build a missile defense system.
E) mutually assured destruction (MAD) 5) The Bush administration advocated a
revitalized nuclear weapons complex that
could produce new nuclear warheads in
response to emerging global threats in the

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Answers to Matching:

1) C) 1925 Geneva Protocol

2) A) biological weapons
3) E) mutually assured destruction (MAD)
4) B) Antiballistic Missile Treaty
5) D) Nuclear Posture Review

Essay Questions

1. In light of America’s declining power and the need to cooperate with other nations, how
should it deal with Iran and North Korea?

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Evaluation
Difficulty Level: Difficult

2. Do you think the world would be a safer place without nuclear weapons? Why or why not?

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons

6.2: Analyze how the proliferation of nuclear weapons by different countries has made the
world an unsafe place
Skill Level: Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate

3. Discuss the dangers of small arms proliferation. Give examples.

Topic/Concept: The Proliferation of Weapons

6.1: Relate the problem of weapons proliferation to the Hobbesian worldview
Skill Level: Analysis
Difficulty Level: Moderate

4. Discuss the logic behind developing national missile defense systems. Do you think such
efforts will help increase or decrease the level of nuclear proliferation? Why or why not?

Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes

6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Analysis
Difficulty Level: Difficult

Copyright © 2017 Pearson Education, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Test Bank for Global Issues Politics, Economics, and Culture, 5th Edition, Richard J. Payne

5. Discuss global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons.

Topic/Concept: Nonproliferation Regimes

6.6: Appraise global efforts to control chemical and biological weapons
Skill Level: Understanding
Difficulty Level: Moderate

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