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CASE STUDY – (1) – Introduction to Marketing – MKT201

First, visit the link below and download the case study:

Second, read the case study carefully and answer the following questions:

• Summarize the case study and explain the main lessons.

• What is the retail value proposition for Terra Bite?

• Can Terra Bite survive? Can it thrive?

• What is trust? And how they can get the customer trust?

• Could any retailer use a voluntary pricing strategy?


Third, answer the questions in a Word file, with considering these points:

• Not less than 5 pages

• The references page and cover page is not included in the page count.
• The contents of the assignment must be based on your opinion, discussion; details your own critical
• Your assignment must be written in English only.
• Plagiarism, copying and cheating will NOT be awarded any mark, and disciplinary actions will be
taken instead.
• Your assignment must be submitted to the LMS (PDF version), The deadline is on Friday 22/9/2023 at
11:59 pm
• The assignment constitutes 10 % of the course marks.

Those who DOT NOT submits ON TIME considered late submission. Your mark will be ZERO.

Criteria Grade comments

Summary (2 marks) Student provides a

Concise, complete, unified, and coherent summary of
only the most important facts in the case in two or three brief
Analysis (3 marks) Answer the questions related to the case
Development of (2 marks ) Provide examples or evidence that support the student answer
examples, or evidence and shows that they dig deep in their research
Recommendations (2 marks) The more related recommendation to the topic the more
Following the style (1 mark) Font Size 12, font name: Times New Roman, Single-spaced on A4
requirements paper.

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