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Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

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Original article

Frequency regulation capabilities in wind power plant T

Asma Aziz , Aman Than Oo, Alex Stojcevski
Deakin University, Australia


Keywords: The design of frequency regulation services plays a vital role in automation and eventually reliable operation of
Synthetic inertia control power system at a satisfactory and stable level. Frequency response capability offered by wind plant is not same
Active power frequency control as the primary control capability of conventional plants, hence the integration of wind energy based generation
Automatic generation control at large scale has widespread impacts on power system stability and reliability. With the changing generation
Frequency control ancillary service
mix, modern electric power systems are facing a critical challenge in the real-time balancing of demand and
supply. This paper comprehensively reviews the various control functionalities available in wind energy systems
for supporting frequency regulation at different levels of frequency control services starting from inertial control
to the secondary control. An insight to new research challenges for better frequency control ancillary services in
wind integrated system is also provided. Though wind-based ancillary services are still in research and devel-
opment stage in most of the countries, future wind energy system participation is expected to contribute to
enhanced market efficiency, improved system reliability and macro economic benefits to all stakeholders.

Introduction for a combined energy output of 4.8 MW [4]. Today most onshore wind
turbine generators have a capacity of 1.5–5 MW. The largest wind off-
Present power system is undergoing several changes in its core shore turbines (IEC class S) at present is installed at Burbo Bank wind
structure which are associated with the adoption of new power pro- farm, U.K. Each turbine has a capacity of 8 MW, rotor blades of 262 feet
duction technologies and rapid integration of Renewable Energy length (80 m) and 195 m tower height [5] [6].
Sources (RES). There has been a tremendous increase in generated Design and operation of power system in presence of wind energy is
megawatts by the RES all over the world including Australia. There one of the major issues in wind power integration. Renewable energy
were 43 countries with Renewable Energy Target (RET) in 2005 which including wind power integration assessments are widely transformed
rose to 164 countries in 2015 [1]. Table 1 provides a comparison of RET now since their starting stage in late 1970s and early 1980s [17]. Lit-
for some of the countries. Proven and mature wind power technology erature presents wide difference in the viable penetration level of the
has profoundly penetrated energy matrix at global level, hence among intermittent generations in the power system. Technically, penetration
all available RES, maximum impact potential lies with wind energy at level of wind energy system is dependent upon existing generation
largest scale. Wind is the most cost competitive renewable source of systems, their regulation capabilities, demand characteristic and cor-
electricity generation behind hydro. Share of wind and solar as primary relation with resources [17,18]. Electrical system modelling including
renewable generation in electricity production for some of the countries wind turbine technology and wind intermittency are the major factors
in year 2016 is represented in Fig. 1. Energy is generated from wind in contributing to the system integration effects [19]. Low penetration
79 countries around the world, and 24 of the countries have already level and negative integration impacts are the strong reflection of
installed capacity of more than 1000 MW by 2013 [2]. Denmark leads simplistic and conservative assumptions and data input for wind-speed
the world, followed by Sweden, Spain, and Germany [3] while Australia variations and spatial diversity in the wind integration studies [17].
ranks 11th in the world for wind generation per capita ahead of Past studies raised the concerns that the integration of wind energy
countries like China and France. Among renewable energy sources, systems at large penetration level will have widespread technical im-
wind power had the fastest growth in Australia; increasing on average pacts on power system stability and reliability. Studies showed that
by 67% per year since 2000 [4]. There has been a steady increase in size wind energy integration effects on system frequency and power fluc-
and output power of wind turbines. Australia’s first large-scale grid- tuation are nonzero and become more significant at higher sizes of
connected wind farm (at Crook well, New South Wales) in 1998 com- penetrations [19–22]. Type-I, Type II, and Type-III (without auxiliary
prised eight 600 kW wind turbines each with a rotor diameter of 44 m controls) wind turbines react weakly to frequency changes – hence,

Corresponding author.
E-mail address: (A. Aziz).
Received 2 August 2017; Received in revised form 9 September 2017; Accepted 9 October 2017
2213-1388/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Nomenclature R speed regulation or droop of governor

R var variable droop
ACE Area Control Error Mact actual power margin available at a wind turbine
AGC Automatic Generation Control Mmax maximum power margin available among all wind tur-
AEMO Australian Energy Market Operator bines
EMS Energy Management System PAGC power output from automatic generation control
FCAS Frequency Control Ancillary Service Kpi proportional time constant of AGC controller
MPPT Maximum Power Point Tracking Ki integral time constant of AGC controller
ROCOF Rate of Change of Frequency NIA sum of the actual power flows on all tie lines or inter-
SCADA Supervisory Control and Data acquisition connectors
TSO Transmission System Operator NIS sum of the scheduled flows on all tie lines or inter-
VSWTG Variable Speed Wind Turbine System connectors
ROC Renewable Obligation Certificate B frequency bias setting
CPF Causer Pays Factor IME interchange (tie line) metering error
AEMC Australian Energy Market Commission T-ω curve torque-speed curve
AWEFS Australian Wind Forecasting System P-ω curve power-speed curve
NWP Numerical Weather Prediction Pref − del power set point for the de-loaded wind turbine
RTFDDA Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation ωdel deloaded wind turbine rotor speed
AEEGSI Autorità per l’energia elettrica, il gas e il sistema idrico ωmeas measured rotor speed for wind turbine
MSD Mercato Servizi di Dispacciamento ωopt optimum rotor speed
CPS Control Performance Standard Pmax maximum mechanical power from turbine
FLSR Frequency Limited Sensitive Response Pdel deloaded Power
FSR Frequency Sensitive Response K del deloading constant
WECC Western Electricity Coordinating Council K opt optimum mechanical power constant
FERC Federal Energy Regulatory Commission β0 pitch angle
RET Renewable Energy Target Δβ offset pitch angle
RES Renewable Energy Source Cp turbine power coefficient
ENTSO-E European Network of Transmission System Operators for Cp (λ opt,β ) coefficient of power at optimum value of tip speed ration
Electricity and pitch angle
UCTE Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Electricity λi tip speed ratio at ith time step
f frequency ρ air density
rate of change of frequency A turbine blades swept area
Δf frequency deviation R blade length
HG inertia constant of conventional generating unit Vwind velocity of the incident wind
SG MVA rating of conventional generating unit KG system stiffness
W kinetic energy of rotating mass MG inertia of power supply
Hz/s Hertz per second Pavail available wind power
LP wind penetration level v wind speed
J moment of inertia of a rotating mass DR cmd derating command mode
M equivalent moment of inertia of all generators and the Pref reference power setpoint
motors connected to the grid Poperator transmission system operator commanded power set point
Pm generator mechanical power ωref reference angular rotor speed
Pe electrical load PAPC active power setpoint to turbine controller
Heq equivalent system inertia constant Pfinal − ord final power command provided to generator-converter
SB system MVA base model
SGi power rating of individual generating unit Lp wind penetration level
ΔPSG change in active power output of synchronous generators HWT frequency responsive wind plant inertia
in conventional generating plants Td total time delay associated with generating unit model
ωr angular speed p.u. per unit
Pprimary primary frequency control power Pinertia inertial power output from wind turbine

leads to smaller effective system inertia and degraded frequency re- [32,33], energy storage schemes [29,30] and efficient demand response
sponse [23–25]. Increased penetration of old technology based wind [33,34], the result needs to be supported with satisfactory analysis of
generation in power system would, therefore necessitate a larger de- technical and economic implications. It is noticed from some of these
pendence on regulation ancillary services to return to normal operating studies that wind integration simulation studies based on hourly wind
conditions [26–28]. In contrast to technical impact studies, there are load data and production cost reflect higher penetration level while
several techno-economic and social-economic modelling based recent absence of cost production models for short term operational concerns
research supporting 100% or near 100% renewable energy integration like load frequency control gives lower penetration level.
to grid [28–31]. 100% renewable energy for 139 countries including Despite maximum elimination of interfacing concerns for wind en-
USA by 2050 is shown feasible by electrification of all applications ergy and reducing technology costs, actual wind integration at this
which will reduce demand by 42% [32,33]. Even though most of these large scale is still challenging globally. Collective evaluation of funda-
studies affirms that grid stability and security could be maintained mental technical, economic and regulatory challenges in a consistent
under 100% renewable energy scenario by stronger network inter- framework is a requirement to ensure a safe, reliable, affordable, and
connection [29] and coordination with flexible loads like electric car sustainable future energy system. Given this discussion, this study aims

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

to support wind energy system integration at large scale by evaluating response, a comparatively slower; secondary controller generally
its technical functionalities and highlight latest challenges. This paper termed as Automatic Generation Control (AGC) is activated to bring
reviews the concept of frequency regulation capabilities from wind frequency to the set point. There are three different schemes for sec-
energy systems. The brief outline of the paper is as follows: Section 2 ondary AGC control as shown in Fig. 3. Some country like Australia has
briefly introduces the idea of the frequency regulation services and centralized AGC where single transmission system operator (TSO)
their nomenclature in various countries. A detailed review of various controls all synchronous control areas. Pluralistic secondary control
frequency control functionalities available in wind power plants is implements decentralized AGC where multiple TSOs regulate multiple
given in section 3. Final section 4 discusses some challenges which need control areas. Europe is an example where various countries are con-
more research and implementation for better frequency regulation trolled through their respective TSOs and follow same guidelines for
services participation from wind power plants. regulation. USA presents hierarchical secondary control where regional
transmission organization (RTO) controls multiple states and in-
dependent system operator (ISO) usually controls single state, and both
Introduction to frequency regulation in power system are governed and regulated by the Federal Energy Regulatory Com-
mission (FERC) [37].
Load/Demand is the primary independent control variable in a Tertiary control is the centralized and manual control utilized by
power system. Rest of the dependent variables and controllable power TSOs in case the secondary reserves are saturated or exhausted before
system elements respond to serve the continuously varying load. System stabilizing the system frequency. Tertiary control is applied to guar-
frequency is one of the dependent variable which indicates the system’s antee the timely provision of the adequate secondary control reserves
energy balance and needs to be regulated for the stable operation. Low and economical distribution of the optimal secondary power control
frequency indicates the load increment while high frequency represents set-points to various generators. Variation of generators set-points or
the high generation. System frequency is controlled by injecting active load participation is done automatically or manually through tertiary
power into electric grid through power plants. This control is indis- control. In case of contingency event, tertiary control is also im-
pensable for stable operation of network ensuring continuous adapta- plemented to restore the secondary control. Tertiary control may in-
tion of generation to demand. Frequency below a certain prescribed volve power connection tripping, power redistribution, changing of
level will deteriorate power quality and may eventually result in system load control and interconnector power variation through changing
outage. Any investigation of system frequency response requires fre- constraint equations. AGC and Tertiary control requires both increasing
quency regulation analysis at three different stages followed lastly by or decreasing power. Load shedding, peak load generating units like gas
an emergency contingency regulation service. turbines or pumped storage units in turbine operative mode provide
Fig. 2 represents a typical frequency regulation scenario under tertiary control for power increment while pumped storage in pumping
contingency event which leads system frequency to cross governor dead mode is used for power decreasing stage. Tertiary control may extend
band and start deviating up to minimum limit defined as nadir point. more than the range of secondary control restoration which is around
Normal power imbalance between generation and consumption is in- 15–30 min in most grid codes while network optimization after a
stantaneously covered through system synchronous generator’s natural contingency event may take longer duration [38]. Fig. 4 presents the
inertial response at first stage followed by same synchronous gen- timing ranges of all three controls where the overlapping of primary
erator’s governor response. The generator inertia is regarded as the first with secondary can be noticed and tertiary control extending ahead of
level of frequency control reserve, and it has the characteristics of a secondary control due to system optimization.
differential controller [36]. Since inertia is proportional to the rotating
mass of generators; greater the inertia, the lesser will be acceleration,
and smaller will be the frequency deviation. The conventional power Regulation services nomenclature
plants which remain connected to grid even in case of frequency de-
viations accomplish active power-frequency control through turbine Different countries have adopted different nomenclature for these
governor’s reaction to nominal synchronous speed variations and the three frequency regulation services. Table 2 provides the terminology
respective boilers-turbine frequency responsive controls. Under broad adopted in various countries for generation demand regulation. For
range of ambient conditions, frequency sensitive power plants are ex- example, European Network of Transmission System Operators for
pected to provide automatic power variation within a given time frame Electricity (ENTSO-E) [39] has proposed more explicit terminology for
and ramp limit to control the frequency drop. Frequency nadir point regulation services: Frequency containment reserve services, Frequency
achieved just after contingency event and the frequency settling time is restoration reserve services and Tertiary replacement reserve while
highly dependent upon the generator’s droop characteristic. A power some countries like Australia [50] and U.K [42] have no explicit re-
plant with higher droop and slower governor response will lead to presentation for tertiary control
lower nadir point during a contingency. After governor based primary

Table 1
Renewable energy target comparison.

Country Renewable energy target (share of electricity in 2020 unless specified) Share of wind and solar in electricity production (2016)

Australia [7] 23.5% 7.91%

Brazil [7] 23% by 2030 5.96%
Canada [8] Province-level targets (projected national share: 70%) 5.6%
China [9] 15% final energy by 2015 Tech-specific targets; 200 GW wind 5.39%
Denmark [10] 100% by 2035; 50% by wind > 40%
France [11] 27% by 2020 and 32% by 2030 5.49%
Germany [1] 40–45% by 2025 17.99%
India [12] 57% by 2027 4.28%
S-Africa [13] 21% by 2030 2.08%
U.K. [14] 30% 14.11%
USA [15] 30% by 2030 7.06%
EU [16] 20% 13.22%

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 1. Percentage of wind and solar generation share in electricity production for some of the countries in year 2016, Data derived from [35].

Wind power plant participation in frequency regulation receiving considerable research focus from academics and industry.
Wind plant capability to participate in frequency control ancillary
Frequency regulation has become more challenging under the services has been analyzed based upon various technical and opera-
conditions of low power-system inertia due to the high wind energy tional functionalities [52]. Among various functionalities, active power
penetration in the power system. Renewable energy sources like wind control is the most important feature for frequency response from wind
having new production and nonlinear control technology imply new power plant. This is followed by droop based frequency sensitivity and
energy management system (EMS) in modern power systems. This power set-points processing and management.
system is indispensable for stable operation of grid ensuring continuous Fig. 5 highlights related concepts available in scientific literatures
adaptation of generation to demand. Under broad range of ambient which have been applied for power-frequency regulation capability of
conditions, frequency sensitive power plants are expected to provide wind energy systems for different levels of frequency regulation. These
automatic power variation with frequency drop within a given time functionalities have been investigated either at individual wind turbine
frame and ramp limit. The conventional power plants which remain (WT) level or wind farm level [53–58].
connected to grid even in case of frequency deviations accomplish ac- Following next sections discuss all relevant concepts related to the
tive power-frequency control through turbine governor’s reaction to frequency regulation capabilities of wind power plants.
nominal synchronous speed deviations and the respective boilers-tur-
bine frequency responsive controls. For emulated synchronous gen-
erator like response, parameters like droop, dead-band, and headroom/ System inertia in presence of wind penetration
reserve power are needed to be considered in variable speed wind
turbine generator (VSWTG) modelling for frequency-active power Conventional power system operation is based around traditional
control. Wind turbine active power frequency regulation analysis is synchronous generators operating in synchronism, i.e. with the same
frequency (50/60 Hz), with a lot of kinetic energy stored in their

Fig. 2. Regulation services during frequency variation.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 3. Secondary control schemes.

rotating masses. Angular velocity of these synchronous generators is the mechanical power supplied by the generator (Pm) and the electric
proportional to system frequency. Kinetic energy which is stored in power demand (PL). Rate of change of frequency (ROCOF), denoted as
rotating masses provides a cushion for the momentary imbalance of , is thus directly related to system power imbalance and system in-
power. This stored rotating energy in the synchronous generator is re- ertia. On the system MVA base value Ssys , equivalent system inertia
ferred as Inertia having the ability to oppose changes in frequency and constant (Heq ) based on conventional generation can be calculated as:
represented by inertia constant as:
HG =
Wi Heq = ∑ i = total generating units HGi *
Ssys (4)
SG (1)

1 where HGi and SGi are the inertia rating and power rating of in-
W= J (2πf )2
2 (2) dividual generating units.The system inertia constant depends on two
factors which includes the number of operating generators and the in-
where H is inertia constant in MWs/MVA denoting the time duration
ertia constant of each of these generators. A larger equivalent system
during which the generating machine can supply its rated power (SG ) in
inertia Heq is preferable as it signifies a higher amount of stored kinetic
MVA exclusively with its stored kinetic energy (W ) in MJ or MW s, J is
energy. Increasing ROCOF due to reduced system inertia have sig-
the moment of inertia of rotating mass in kg-m2 and f is system fre-
nificant effect on system frequency regulation. Inertia constant per unit
base MVA for different power plants and synchronous condensers is
dW df 2HSG df represented in Fig. 6. Single wind turbine has inertia constant value in
= J (2π )2*f * = = (Pm−PL)
dt dt f dt (3) the range of 4–6 s which is comparable to hydro and fossil steam based
plants in similar MVA ratings range. An inversely proportional trend
The change in kinetic energy leads to classical swing equation as between inertia constant and machine rating can also be observed for
shown in Eq. (3), which describes the inertial response of synchronous power plants.
generator as change in frequency following a power imbalance between

Fig. 4. Time range of various frequency control services.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Table 2
Regulation services nomenclature adopted by various countries. (See below-mentioned references for further information.)

Wind integrated system inertia calculations to system, thus decoupling generator speed with system frequency.
System inertia decreases with increasing wind power plant pene- Literature presents following three different equations for calculating
tration as these power electronics based units are not directly connected power system inertia in the presence of wind plant.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 5. Active power frequency control research study line in wind based power plants.

Fig. 6. Inertia constant values of various plants, data derived from


A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

1 With Hi and SGi representing inertia rating and apparent power and wind power plant integrated to it. System inertia is taken as H = 5
rating of individual generating units, wind integrated system inertia and droop D = 4%. System inertia under normal wind plant integration
constant,Hsystem can be calculated as Eq. (5): is calculated by Eq. (5) while Eqs. (7)–(9) are applied for frequency
N responsive wind plant integration. Fig. 7 gives system frequency de-
∑i SG,i ∗Hi viation when the normal wind plant is integrated to the area. Effect of
Hsystem =
Ssystem (5) increased penetration can be seen with increasing deviations in fre-
N quency. It can be seen in Fig. 8 that frequency deviation reduces from
where Ssystem = SG,i + Sn,wind
1.5 Hz to around 0.4 Hz at 60% penetration of frequency responsive
2 Assuming a fraction of frequency responsive wind power plant
wind plants. Frequency deviations are further reduced to 0.2 Hz if fre-
(z wind) contribution to system inertia by displacing a fraction of
quency responsive wind plants also participate in secondary control.
conventional generation (zconv − gen) , new system inertia can be cal-
Frequency responsive wind plant model and secondary frequency
culated as Eq. (6) [61]:
control models are presented in next sections of this paper.
Hnew = Hold (1 + zwind−z conv − gen ) (6)
Synthetic inertial control capabilities in VSWTG
3 Wind integrated system modified inertia constant,Heq using delay
theory of turbine governor [62,63] can be calculated as Eq. (7): Background
Wind turbine generators (WTGs) are categorized into fixed/semi
Heq = Hsystem (1−Lp) + HWT Lp (7) fixed-speed WTG (Type 1 and 2), and variable speed WTG (Type 3 and
4) from inertial response perspective. Inertial response of type 1 and
where Hi and SiSi are the inertia rating and apparent power rating of
type 2 WTGs is slower and lower in comparison to synchronous gen-
individual generating units. L p is wind penetrationlevel. Hsystem is cal-
N erators and type 3 and 4 WTGs. Fixed-speed WTGs have a lower cou-
culated as Eq. (5) with Ssystem = ∑i SG,i only. For frequency-responsive pling of induction generator rotational speed to system frequency, and
wind plant, wind inertia contribution HWT to power system by pro-
thus a marginally smaller inertia constant. Types 3 and 4 VSWTGs
viding ΔPe extra active power when the system is subjected to step load
provide negligible inertia as the fast control of power electronic con-
disturbance ΔPL is calculated as Eqs. (8) and (9):
verters maintains a practically constant output power irrespective of
d changes in grid frequency. It is however, possible to achieve short term
− lnX −2Heq (1−Lp)
HWT = inertial response from variable speed wind turbines by modifying its
2Lp (8)
control loop. The inertial response from wind turbine has been in-
Td D troduced with different phrases such as synthetic inertial response [64],

2Heq (1 − Lp) ⎛1− ΔPe Lp ⎞ + ΔPe Lp
⎜ ⎟ inertial response [65,66], inertia emulation [56], short-term frequency
⎝ ΔPL ⎠ ΔPL (9) regulation [67], and temporary frequency control [62,68]. A segment
Total time delay Td associated with hydro governor turbine model is of VSWTG’s kinetic energy is transformed into electrical power through
calculated on the basis of delay theory originally given in [63]. Sum- the inertial control and transferred to grid through converters.
mation of governor time constant, valve motion delay time and turbine
response delay time results in total time delay Td at which minimum Concept of inertial control
frequency deviation occurs after system disturbance. Value of Td is The basic idea behind most of these inertial response studies is to
calculated as 3.7814 s for hydro governor-turbine model with system add an additional signal as shown in Fig. 10 to the speed or torque
parameters given in [62]. controller of variable speed wind turbine. Auxiliary signal sensitive to
Following third method of wind integrated system inertia calcula- frequency appears as the reference power set point in VSWTG model
tion; under the 0.1 p. u. load disturbance and 0.05 p. u. temporary thereby momentary increasing the wind turbine output power. Practi-
active power support from VSWTG, a power system control area with cally, 5–10% of additional active power is possible in a time frame of
equivalent inertia of 6 s sees this frequency support from a machine 5–10 s through inertial control under the constraint of minimal rotor
with 3.4 s inertia constant. This inertia constant will change to 7.17 s if speed [52]. Wind turbine inertial response is essentially energy neutral,
0.1 p. u. of extra temporary active power support from VSWTG is as- meaning that the period of increased power is followed by a period of
sumed. Considering these inertia values, it will not be wrong to infer decreased power. Temporary frequency response or inertial response
that with increasing power support from wind turbines, wind turbines involves injection of active power for a short duration which is followed
can phase out conventional generation inertia. Figs. 7–9 are the simu- by a power decay and lastly a power retrieval stage such that wind
lated frequency deviation examples for a control area having thermal turbine returns to initial pre-event condition. All these stages are

Fig. 7. Frequency deviation in a control area for different level of

normal wind plant penetrations under 0.01 p. u. load disturbance.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 8. Frequency deviation in a control area for different level of

frequency responsive wind plant penetrations under 0.01 p. u. load

depicted in Fig. 11. The inertia constant H of a wind turbine is in the of change of frequency as input while second virtual inertia model [60]
order of 2–6 s [65] which is comparable to traditional generation with takes absolute variation in frequency as input signal. Power reference
2–10 s [69]. Wind turbines inertial response is highly dependent upon signal in inertia-droop based first model is calculated as:
turbine torque and pitch control. The kinetic energy in the rotor is high
enough to support the frequency but must be released using control df
P ∗f = K Δf + Kin
actions in the converter active power control to mimic inertia dt (10)
In the inertial response, a part of the kinetic energy stored in the
where Kin is the inertia constant weighting frequency deviation deri-
turbine is released by temporarily increasing the output power. As the
vative and is equal to 2H. Combination of the df and droop control loop
energy is released from the rotor, its speed decreases. Slow turbine dt
maintains the active power support over an extended response time. A
speed tends to reduce the aerodynamic lift, thereby lowering the de-
high pass filter is included, so that permanent frequency deviation does
livered mechanical shaft torque and increasing electrical torque which
not affect control while low pass filter reduced frequency measurement
could aggravate the speed decline and may lead to aerodynamic stalling
noise. In second inertia control model, an additional power signal Pinertia
of blades. To avoid stalling, the overproduction period is followed by a
is provided to turbine control loop which can be described as:
period of underproduction where the turbine speed is increased, and
the energy in the rotating mass is restored. The inertia based fast fre- KTs
quency response controllers differ from synchronous inertia in the sense Pinertia = min [ max((f −fdb ), 0) Plm]
(1 + Tl s )(1 + Ts ) (11)
that they are designed to respond to low frequency and large con-
tingency event. Further, their speed of response can be tuned as per where K is the controller gain, and Tl and T are low pass filter and
requirement of system stability. Synthetic inertia provision is relatively washout filter time constants associated with the power shaping and
controllable depending upon converter control response speed as well power conditioning block respectively, Δf represents the frequency
as the wind turbine loading conditions. Type 3 WTG speed can drop as deviation from set-point, fdb is the frequency deadband and is the
low as 0.7 p. u, depending on the controls installed, allowing up to 5.25 maximum power increase that can be requested. The response to low-
times more kinetic energy to be obtained compared to conventional frequency deviations is ensured through implementing max function in
synchronous machines of similar ratings [70]. The kinetic energy the control.
available from type-4 wind turbine is generally more than type-3 wind Third inertia control model is based on continuous measurement of
turbines, due to their speed variation from zero to full speed. frequency [71]. Wind turbine control provides a predefined power in-
crement when grid frequency drops below a threshold or trigger fre-
Examples of wind turbine inertial control models quency. Additional power (Pinertia) supplied by wind turbine control is
Three common virtual inertia models are shown in Fig.12. Inertia linearly dependent upon frequency deviation from nominal frequency
droop model [56] takes absolute variation in frequency as well as rate as:

Fig. 9. Frequency deviation in a control area for different level of

normal wind plant penetrations under 0.01 p. u. load disturbance.
Both of the thermal and wind plant participates in secondary control
as per the participation factor decided on the basis of system inertia.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 10. Virtual inertia model.

finertia,trigger −f (t )
Pinertia (t ) = Pinertia,set
finertia,trigger −finertia,min (12)

The maximum power increment up to the 10% of the wind turbine

nominal power is defined as Pinertia,set while the trigger frequency at
which power increase commanded is determined by finertia,min . The in-
ertial power increase is implemented till the time t < tinertia,max and in-
ertial control ceases if the frequency moves ahead threshold such that:
finertia,return > finertia,trigger + 0.05Hz (13)

A receding horizon controller (RHC) is proposed in [72] to provide

frequency regulation by wind power. This controller is proposed to
takes future load and wind variations into account and therefore claims
to optimally exploit the kinetic energy reserves of the wind turbine over
a certain time horizon to damp over frequencies. Wind power fore-
casting involves conversion of atmospheric forecasts into turbine power
output forecasts. Inaccurate measurement and forecasting may highly
affect wind turbine output and turbine life. 20% error in wind speed
forecasting may introduce around 41% error in wind power output
Fig. 11. Temporary inertial response stages. [157]. Wind power calculation through manufacturer provided curve
applies an over simplified approach where wind power is modelled

Fig. 12. Inertia and droop control models for frequency

response from VSWTG.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

primarily as the cube function of hub-height wind speed alone while proposed in [75] so that sudden load changes are nor mask and con-
practically other factors like wind shear and turbulence are also in- ventional generators response in not delayed. Fast Droop control is
volved [73,74]. A Fast coordination between wind turbine control offered as a viable alternative to synthetic inertia control in wind pe-
loops, wind farm controller and swift interaction between all related netrated system, but the optimal selection between these two strategy
input data is necessary for wind turbine frequency response. Inclusion was shown to be highly dependent upon power system composition of
of load and wind forecasting puts a question on the practical applica- other generating units [76].
tion of this controller as the proposed work is based on simplistic input
data for load and wind. Anticipation of actual wind energy at time Inertial control limitations
horizon less than 1 min is hard as wind power forecasting involves lot of Provision of repetitive inertial response leads to heat generation and
uncertainty due to spatial and temporal variability of wind fields and stress on turbine components due to aero-mechanical limits electrical
different forecasting tools. Accurate wind power forecasts, related un- limits and speed ratings limits. The inertial control must respect elec-
certainty and their corresponding effect on wind turbine controller is trical and mechanical loading limits of wind turbine generators. The
computationally challenging and require a multiscale simulation ap- inertial control must provide margin above stall, and is consequently
proach [74]. Integration of wind forecasting will significantly increase limited when the initial rotor speed is low. This means that the power
the processing time of the turbine controller. Efficient and high fidelity response is limited whenever the wind speed is at or below rated. At
forecasting models relating power to atmospheric conditions may off low wind turbine power levels, the available energy of the inertial re-
course benefit wind turbine manufacturers to refine their power curve sponse starts to decline rapidly below about 50% rated power, dropping
which would be beneficial in improving turbine controls and assessing to zero below about 20% [77]. Wind turbines specially type 3, present a
components fatigue. An enhanced inertial control scheme coordinated limitation of power curtailment down to a level of 15–25% of the rated
with primary frequency regulation and conventional generators was power to avoid rotor stall [25]. While the issue of improving turbine

Fig. 13. Wind turbine generator generic model for primary frequency control. CP refers to the coefficient of wind turbine. More details can be found in [60].

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

life, is being addressed at industrial level, wind turbine inertial control Primary frequency control capabilities from VSWTG
operation only during large under frequency event which represent
security and continuity-of-service risks to the grid is the preferred op- Background
tion in many grid codes [40]. Delivery of synthetic inertia lowers the Following the inertial frequency response of the power system,
wind turbine's rotor speed. Re-accelerating to optimal speed thereafter which reduces the ROCOF, the primary frequency response stabilizes
absorbs some of the wind power that the turbine can export to the grid. the frequency at a new value by increasing (or decreasing) the power
This power reduction can be up to 60% for some wind turbines ne- generation in proportion to the frequency variations. Primary frequency
cessitating extra reserve activation. This energy recovery phase delays control is a proportional control having system frequency as control
the grid’s frequency recovery. Post-inertia recovery could cause a signal and it is independent of rate of change of frequency. Primary
“double-dip” in system frequency, increasing the risk of triggering frequency control is represented as:
protective relays at substations and causing blackouts [78]. 1
Pprimary = − Δf
R (14)

Related grid codes scenario where R is speed regulation or droop of governor and Δf is frequency
TSOs have been working on grid code requirements for im- deviation from set point value. Droop values which indicate the re-
plementation of a generic inertial response from wind power plants quired change in power output in response to changes in frequency are
(WPPs) [79]. Hydro-Québec (HQ) was the first TSO to include man- defined in the grid codes, and vary in different power systems. In a
datory inertial response from the wind turbines in its grid codes. Ac- typical large power system, the power plants allocated to accomplish
cording to the HQ’s revised grid code 2005 [80], all new wind turbines primary frequency response should be capable of increasing their
must present the capability of providing a power increment up to 6 output real-power within about 10 s of the pre-defined frequency var-
percent of their nominal capacity for 9 s within 1.5 s during low-fre- iation and should be capable of maintaining this response for a further
quency events. With the installation of first synthetic inertia enabled 30 s. For example, in Nordic power system, the frequency controlled
wind turbine in 2011, currently two-third of Quebec’s wind capacity is normal operation reserve must be at least 600 MW and fully activated
shared by inertia-compliant turbines. In view of double-dip implica- for frequency deviations of ± 0.1 Hz. The frequency controlled dis-
tions of inertial response from wind turbines, HQ plans to limit power turbance reserve must be at least 1000 MW and fully activated at
reduction during recovery to no more than 20 percent of a wind tur- 49.5 Hz [87]. In Union for the Co-ordination of Transmission of Elec-
bine’s capacity. Transmission operators like Independent Electric tricity (UCTE), 50% of the primary control reserves must be activated
System Operator (IESO) in Ontario [81,82] and National do Sistema within 15 s, and 100% within 30 s [88]. In Australian NEM, regulation
Elétrico (ONS) in Brazil [83] have formulated similar grid codes re- raise/lower Frequency Control Ancillary Services (FCAS) of 130/
quiring active power control from wind farms > 50 MW and inertial 120 MW must be available for bringing frequency in restoration range
response respectively. Inertial capability was demonstrated for Spanish (49.5–50.5) within 5 min [50]. Primary frequency response from wind
grid by the ACCIONA Energy managed wind farms on 28 th Feb. 2016 turbine is the autonomous frequency sensitive active power response
whereby a power increment of more than 150 megawatts (MW) was analogous to governor controls for synchronous generation. Working in
provided in response to an instruction given by Red Eléctrica de España coordination with supervisory control, wind turbine primary frequency
(REE) [84]. European Requirements for all Generators (RfG) also ad- controls respond to substantial grid frequency deviations during low or
dress the topic of frequency regulation, allowing TSOs to seek synthetic high grid frequency events by raising or lowering active power output
inertia response from WPPs [85]. The Irish TSO EirGrid [45] and respectively.
Australia TSO AEMO [86] have also identified the need for fast fre-
quency response in the form of inertia control in their grid in con- VSWTG control loop for power set-point processing
sideration of renewable energy target for 2020. Power set-points are target for required electrical energy genera-
tion. These targets can be based on available wind, operational mode or

Table 3
Ramp rate comparison for different power plants.

Type of PLANT Reference Minimum load [%PNom ] Average ramp rate Type of Plant References Minimum load Average ramp rate [%
[%PNom /min] [%PNom ] PNom permin]

OCGT [89] 40–50% 8–12% Integrated Gasification [91] 50 3–4%

* *
20–50% ( State of the art) 10–15% ( State of
the art)

CCGT [89] 40–50% 2–4% Natural gas combined cycle [91] 40–50% 2–6%
30–40% (20% for 4–8% (*State of the
Sequential combustion) art)
(*State of the art)

Hard coal-fired [89] 25–40% 1.5–4% Compressed Air Energy [92] 50 4–10%
Storage Plant (262 MW)
25–40% (*State of the art) 3–6% (*State of the

Lignite-fired power [89] 50–60% 1–2% Battery Energy Storage [92] 0 20%
35–50% ( State of the art) 2–6%

Pumped-Storage [90] 0–40% in turbine mode > 40% Nuclear [92] 50–80% 1–5%
Hydropower Plant
70–100% in pump mode
Wind [70] > 30% for Type 3 0.05–0.25 p. u./s State of the art refers to the plant which are currently available for installations
0–100% (state of the art) 20–30% per second

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

required frequency response. Active power set-points characteristics plants under favorable wind conditions.
and the expected behavior of the different generating units under dif-
ferent set-points are defined in grid codes. An accuracy up to 2% of
VSWTG operation for primary frequency response
power set-point is usually required from wind power plants. Wind
Wind power plants can participate in frequency control by ramping
power plants can be operated as grid code compatible unit by mod-
their output up and down as per the set droop characteristic for a
ifying its control loop. Like inertial control, active power based primary
certain time-period. Wind turbines operating on the basis of maximum
control capability in wind plant also requires a coordination with
power capture curve to extract maximum wind energy requires re-
torque control and speed control loop of wind turbine model. Fig. 13
placement to deloading power curve to save the available power as
shows a type 3 wind turbine generator model [60] with a modified
reserves for the long-term negative frequency control. De-loaded wind
torque speed control loop for achieving grid code compatible active
turbine operation provides a power margin for ramping capability of
power-frequency response. A simpler torque-speed control loop of
wind turbines during negative frequency deviations. Most of the past
VSWTG is also highlighted as an inset in the same Figure. The VSWTG
researches focus on modifying individual turbine control algorithm for
model is included here to present the interaction and coordination of
analyzing primary frequency control capabilities from wind turbines.
different power set-points inside turbine control loop. Rotor speed error
As represented in Fig. 4, wind plant primary control functionalities are
is provided as input to both torque and pitch control loops. Pitch
based on either achieving de-loaded performance [62] [93,94] to en-
compensation block receives frequency responsive active power set-
hance VSWTG’s frequency response or implementing droop control for
point PAPC generated from frequency responsive controller. Power order
frequency stability [95–98]. De-loading through rotational over speed
from torque controller (Pinp ) is altered by passing frequency responsive
control [99–102] and pitch control has been discussed in various stu-
active power set-point PAPC through the power response rate limiting
dies [103–105]. Both methods are based on the idea of achieving a non-
block. Final power order provided to generator converters model is
optimal working point in the torque–rotor-speed curve of the turbine as
generated by summing active power set-point PAPC to the difference
shown in Fig. 15.
between active power limited set-point power and power order set-
point from speed controller as represented in Eq. (15):
Concept of deloading VSWTG
sTw ⎞ In maximum power point tracking (MPPT) operating mode, turbine
Pfinal − ord = PAPC + ⎛
⎜ ⎟ (PAPC−Pinp)
⎝ 1 + sTw ⎠ (15) active power set-point is determined such that:
Additional power set-points for inertial control or droop control 0.5πR5ρ
when turbine is participating in a cluster can also be added to the Popt = K opt ωr3, where K opt = Cp (λ opt, β0)
λ 3opt (16)
control loop. One of the major requirement of sufficient and faster
frequency response is generators ramp rate limit which is defined as When turbine switches from MPPT mode to commanded reserve
percentage of the rated power output of the generating unit per unit of power mode, MPPT power set-point (Popt ) changes to deloaded power
time. Normally the ramp rate is specified in MW per minute, MW/min reference (Pref − del ) and power-speed characteristic of wind turbine is
or in percentage of nominal load per minute, % PNom/ min . Nominal load varied consequently. Basic concept behind various deloading method is
or nameplate capacity (PNom) is the steady state total power output of a to operate wind turbine at deloaded power set-points achieved through
power plant functioning under design conditions while Pmin (%PNom) deloaded/reduced power of coefficient (CP,deload ) which is a function of
represents the lowest total power which is deliverable under design pitch angle (β ) and tip speed ratio of (λ ) turbine. Whole concept can be
operating conditions. The ramp rate in presented VSWTG model is expressed as: Achievement of CP,deload = f (λ,β ) , subjected to rotor speed
implemented by including a washout filter whose time constant (Tw ) is (ω) limitation ωmin ⩽ ωdel ⩽ ωmax and pitch angle limitation:
detrimental to rate limit imposed on changes in power order set-point. −βmin ⩽ β ⩽ βmax .
Table 3 gives the typical ramp rate values of different power plants. As In rotor speed control deloading method as shown in Fig. 16, the
can be seen, wind plants have comparatively faster fast ramp rate for wind turbine controller changes the reference rotor speed towards op-
active power changes. Under favorable wind conditions, wind power timal speed value such that generator active power is increased. Re-
plants can increase their active power from minimum level to rated ference power set-point to rotor converter control of VSWTG model is
level within 6–10 s [52]. A simulated example of power deviation in p. retrieved from measured rotor speed, de-loading margin and torque-
u. MW in a control area with frequency responsive wind plant and speed (T−ω) or power speed (P−ω) curves. Under the assumption that
thermal plant is shown in Fig. 14. Frequency responsive wind plants are maximum turbine power and rotor speed are known, power set point
capable of providing power output change comparable to thermal for de-loaded wind turbine can be calculated as:

Fig. 14. Comparison of power deviation for thermal-based control

area integrated with frequency responsive wind plant when both
participates in secondary control. 0.4 participation factor (PF) for
thermal and 0.6 PF for the wind is considered here.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 15. Representation of optimum and de-loaded curve for VSWTG.

Fig. 16. Control loop for de-loading control of VSWTG.

can be calculated by increasing pitch angle as given in Eq. (22):

Cp (λ opt , β ) = (100−K del )% × Cp,opt (λ opt , βmin ) (22)

Fig. 18 gives an example of pitch angle offset variation with respect

to de-loaded power serve variation while Fig. 19 presents the zoomed
frequency nadir point obtained under 10% and 20% pitch de-loaded
VSWTG operation. An improvement in frequency nadir point with in-
creased deloading can be noticed in the figure. Besides the precise
setting of pitch angle offset values, fast servo time constants are also
important for the deep analysis of this method. Two-dimensional

Fig. 17. Pitch droop de-loading control.

(ω −ω )
Pref − del = ⎡ del meas ⎤ (Pmax −Pdel ) + Pdel
⎢ (ωdel−ωopt ) ⎥
⎣ ⎦ (17)

Pdel = K del Pmax (18)

K del = 1−
100 (19)
Pmax = K optmax ωopt (20)

1 CPopt
K opt = ⎛ ⎞ ρ ⎜⎛ 3 ⎞⎟ πR5
⎝ 2 ⎠ ⎝ λopm ⎠ (21)

In pitch controller based deloading method, which was first pro-

posed in [103] and shown in Fig. 17, pitch angle is regulated as a
summation of pitch angle (β0) from pitch controller and an offset pitch
angle (Δβ ) such that βref = β0 + Δβ and Δβ = K1 Δf . Applied pitch offset
value (K1) can depend upon the droop characteristics, active power
Fig. 18. Pitch angle offset variation with de-loaded power reserve in VSWTG.
reference or de-loading power. De-loaded VSWTG by certain value K del

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 19. System frequency variation with pitch droop de-loaded


for wind turbine investigations as inaccurate measurement may highly

affect wind turbine output and turbine life. Owing to high dependence
on available power reserves upon maximum allowable rotor over-
speed, de-loading of wind turbine currently finds the limited practical
application. It is highly important to investigate and then adopt proper
methodology for deloading operation for improving turbine life and
capacity factor of wind farms.

Static and dynamic droop control for VSWTG primary frequency response
An important requisite for stability of VSWTG during primary fre-
quency response provision is that its primary frequency power con-
tribution should always be sufficiently lower than the available power
margin. Both static and variable droop control concept has been ex-
plored in literatures for primary frequency response of individual wind
turbine. Fixed power response is achieved by implementing static fixed
droop value as given by equation 11. Variable power response is
achievable through dynamic droop value which can be calculated based
on wind and power reserve conditions [108] or by ROCOF [109]. Under
Fig. 20. Frequency Grid Code UK [111]. variable droop setting as given by Eq. (23), optimum wind turbine
operation was proposed such that wind turbine having highest power
reserve is assigned lowest droop value so that it gets maximum parti-
lookup table dependent rotor speed and pitch control based hybrid de-
cipation in primary frequency response.
loading control is presented in [106]. Rotor over speeding technique is
applied for lower rotor speed while for rotor speed near or above rated M −Mmin ⎤
Rvar = Rmax −(Rmax −Rmin)*⎡ act
value, pitch control is applied. This method has a limitation in the form ⎢ Mmax −Mmin ⎦
⎣ ⎥ (23)
of complex lookup table processing for non-linear Cp calculations and
requires extremely fast coordination between speed controller and Here M denotes power margin which is calculated as power margin:
comparatively slow acting pitch controller. A model reduction based M = PMPPT −Pout . So Mmax denotes maximum power margin available
control architecture dependent upon integrated pitch angle and power among all wind turbines while Mact is the actual power margin available
regulation is proposed in [107] for primary control during sub-syn- at a wind turbine. Dynamic droop leads to achieving improved system
chronous and super-synchronous operation of the wind turbines. Pro- stability and avoiding reserve exhaustion. Another study presented a
posed methodology has practical limitation due to the necessity of in- control system for active power control of wind turbine by tracking a
cluding wind measurement and online model tuning. power reference and provides a primary frequency response with con-
stant and dynamic droop in absence of any dead-band with diminishing
Deloading methods limitations turbine structure loading [110]. Simulations were conducted on NREL
With all type of deloading methods, wind farm participation in CART 3 turbine with a simple generator rather than a variable wind
primary frequency regulation is improved but this leads to reduction of turbine generator model. Communication link has an important role in
wind farm annual capacity factor. Deloading wind turbines by a fixed droop response as there can be a delay of 1s at wind turbine level while
percentage may require rotor over speeding and can have detrimental there can be an additional delay up to 2s at wind farm level.
effect on turbine life. Moreover, maintenance of rotor speed within
rated limit also requires a strong coordination with wind speed mea- Few related grid codes
surement. Pitch control methods are preferable in medium and high Grid codes like that of U.K. [41,42] requires a response from wind
wind speed but lower in comparison to over-speeding method which is farms under normal conditions and limited up/down response under
preferable in low wind speed. Combination of pitch and over speed high-frequency conditions. The response to a deviation should begin
control is preferable in medium wind speed. Including wind speed within two seconds, and the wind farm should be capable of achieving
measurement is highly questionable for determining power set-points up to 10% response at 10 s for a 0.5 Hz ramp over 10 s [111]. Fig. 20

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 21. Active power set-point for wind turbines as per UK grid code.
System frequency used to depict active power set-point for wind farms
is shown below.

shows the example of UK grid code which requires two types of fre- view of changing requirements from transmission system operators due
quency response from wind farms: to diverse generation portfolio, future wind farms will be required to
participate in primary response for islanded and interconnected grids.
1. Frequency Sensitive Response (FSR) Mode: Wind farm power
changes proportionally to both up and down frequency deviation Wind power plants participation in secondary frequency control/AGC
from reference frequency signal according to set droop character-
istic (3–5%). The frequency sensitive mode is the generic term for The AGC problem has been extensively studied during the last four
describing primary control and/or secondary control for negative decades and it has been one of the most highlighted issues in the design
frequency deviation. The wind plant should be capable of being in and operation of independent and interconnected power systems.
FSM within 2minutes of receiving the instruction. Preponderance on renewable sources like wind energy that demand
2. Frequency Limited Sensitive Response (FLSR) Mode: There should not different management as compared to conventional system, has moved
be any power variation corresponding to any frequency changes ex- the electricity grid in a transition phase to a new model. Automatic
cept when the system frequency exceeds set an upper limit of 50.4 Hz. Generation Control (AGC) is one of the major units of EMS in con-
This mode supports high frequency response during positive fre- temporary electrical grid dealing with new production and nonlinear
quency deviations such that the active power output is reduced by a control technologies [115]. The analysis and design of AGC system in a
minimum of 2% of output for every 0.1 Hz rise above 50.4 Hz. more deregulated complex environment plays a vital role in automation
and eventually reliable operation of power system at a satisfactory
Fig. 21 shows the active power set-point for wind turbines as per level. The secondary frequency Control or AGC represents an important
frequency sensitive and frequency limited sensitive response and the tool for regulating FCAS dispatch and distributing the imbalance in
corresponding frequency. Frequency sensitive response provides both energy market between designated generating units. AGC which is
up and down power set-point as per the system frequency. Ireland grid slower than the two-aforementioned inertial and primary responses,
codes follow UK grid code for deloaded wind turbine operation and regulates the frequency at its nominal value. It is the IEEE working
ENTSO-E grid code have also indicated the need of deloaded operation group which provided the standard definition for power system AGC
for primary control. Being a member of ENTSO-E, Germany receive [116]. AGC as defined by IEEE is the regulation of the power output of
support for primary control reserves from highly-interconnected net- electric generators within a prescribed area in response to changes in
work with an established integrated electricity market with 43 TSO’s system frequency, tie-line loading, or the regulation of these to each
from 36 countries across Europe [112]. This allows trading across other, to maintain the scheduled system frequency and/or the estab-
borders and high synchronous generation from neighboring countries lished interchange with other areas within predetermined limits.
help to regulate and support frequency deviations within 30 s in Ger-
many. Hence, country like Germany [40] have grid codes that do not Conventional AGC model
require deloaded operation but require power curtailment in case fre- Load-Frequency Control (LFC) is used as part of AGC to maintain a
quency rises. According to Australia’s national electricity market constant frequency and to regulate tie line flows. It has made the op-
(NEM), it is compulsory for generators > =30 MW to participate in eration of interconnected systems possible and today it is still the basis
FCAS [113] [114] though none of the wind farms participate in it. In of any advanced concept for guidance of large systems. Secondary

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

WECC [117].

Wind AGC model

It has been indicated by recent investigations that large penetration
of wind energy has an impact on modern power system frequency
regulation along with AGC systems and other control operation issues
[22]. Hydro turbine governors require large transient droop compen-
sation because of opposite transient power change of the turbine due to
gate opening at penstock [69]. Because of this phenomena, during a
generation deficit situation, the decelerating power (energy) is higher
for a hydro turbine compared to that of a steam turbine with/without
the reheat. This results in long resetting time for stable speed operation
and give a relatively slow response. For a hydro plant dominated
system, frequency settling time may increase in case of large penetra-
tion of intermittent wind generation. However, it also provides a op-
portunity for fast active power support from frequency responsive wind
plants to arrest initial frequency decline. Steam and gas turbine output
is highly dependent upon fuel and load limit. Wind power fluctuation
during the conditions of high load and low fuel can have detrimental
effect on system frequency. North American Electric Reliability Cor-
poration (NERC) has enacted control performance standard (CPS) for
evaluating frequency control performance in a control area. Control
areas must not be less than 95% compliant with CPS1 and no less than
85% compliant with CPS2 [118]. CPS1 and CPS2 deteriorate with in-
Fig. 22. Basic loop of AGC control. creasing wind penetration and this effect is observed more for large
interconnected systems Application of several computational techni-
ques have been researched for the frequency regulation in conventional
reserve requires the capability of increasing the output real-power power system; however, the large integration of wind energy system
within about 30 s and maintaining the response for a further 30 min. has created a gap in theory and application. AGC simulation model
LFC or AGC is implemented usually through Proportional-Integral (PI) assumes a direct physical connection for wind power generators set
or Integral controller as shown in Fig. 22 and mathematically written as point change and secondary control signal provided by the transmission
Eq. (24) below. system operators. This direct connection is still not practically available
1 in most of the wind farms.
ΔPAGC = −(Kpi + ) ΔACEi Fig. 23 gives a generalized AGC simulation model for a control area
sKi (24)
with n conventional generator units and wind power plants. The
where ΔPAGC is the AGC controller correcting power set-point which is parameters of Fig. 23 are defined as follows: Δf is the frequency de-
applied to governing generators in the control area, ΔACEi is the area viation, ΔPM is the mechanical power output from turbine unit, ΔPC is
control error for an area i. Kpi and Ki are gain of AGC controller. The the supplementary regulation command set-point, ΔPL is the load dis-
AGC controller gain settings follow a common guideline for pool op- turbance, Hsys is the equivalent inertia constant of the control area, Dsys
eration in the synchronous area. ACE is the real-time representation of is the equivalent damping coefficient, B is the frequency bias, Ri is the
utility’s obligation to regulatory authority for maintaining net power droop constant, ΔPP is the primary control power command, ∝i is the
inflow/outflow along with a small bias obligation to maintain fre- LFC participation factors, ΔPWP is the wind power, and Mi (s ) is the
quency. AGC participating Generators are adjusted every 2 or 4 s such governor-turbine model. TSOs control the amount of wind power to be
that the ACE is close to zero. The ACE is calculated as per the following captured by sending control signals to AGC capable wind plants. During
Equation 25: the frequency deviation, due to the load/generation disturbance, the
ACE = (NIA−NIS )−10B (FA−FS )−IME (25) AGC regulation mechanism generates raise or lower power commands
for participating generating units as per their participating factor.
where, ACE is the Area Control Error in MW. Negative values denote a Practically the participation factor for generating unit is a complex
condition of under generation and positive values denote over gen- problem involving economic dispatch and unit commitment, it can be
eration. NIA is the algebraic sum of the actual power flows on all tie simply expressed in simulation studies in terms of the defined partici-
lines or interconnectors (MW). NIS is the algebraic sum of the scheduled pation factors. Wind farm participation in AGC is highly dependent
flows on all tie lines or interconnectors (MW). It is defined as the mu- upon suitable wind conditions. This uncertainty in AGC participation is
tually prearranged intended net MW flow on the area tie lines, in- compensated by conventional generation units. Assuming n generating
cluding dynamic schedules. NIA − NIS is basically tie-line interchange units in AGC system with n-1 being conventional unit and one wind
error or flat tie-line control which compares the net tie-line actual in- farm, participation factor distribution can be obtained as:
flow/outflow with power scheduled to be sold or bought. Flow into a
∝2 + ∝3 + ⋯.+∝n = 1−∝W (26)
system is defined as negative while flow out as positive value. B is the
frequency bias setting (MW/0.1 Hz). Frequency bias reflects the ability where ∝i , i = 2, …, n are the participation factors associated with the
of any control area to respond to frequency disturbance under the conventional units and ∝W is the wind farm's participation factor. Un-
utility’s obligation to generate or absorb power to regulate the total certainty in wind farm participation can be represented as per pene-
system frequency. FA is the actual frequency (Hz). FS is the scheduled tration factor Lp as:
frequency (Hz). IME is Interchange (tie line) Metering Error which is ∝W = Lp−γ (27)
accounted from meters installed at end of tie-lines. Time error is the
accumulation of frequency deviation over a defined time-period. When where γ is any random parameter between zero and γ . The aim of the
time error reaches ± 10 s, the Interconnection Time Monitor initiates a AGC controller is to drive the variations in tie-lines power and fre-
time correction. More advance formula for ACE can be found from quency to steady state value by matching generation with demand. In a

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 23. Generalized AGC simulation model considering renewable power regulation [119].

high wind penetrated power system, with varying wind power and load generator that is available for dispatch (without consideration of net-
uncertainties, there is a spatial variation of frequency standards and work limitations, price bids etc.). For an unconstraint wind farm, un-
required regulation over the control area. So, for wind penetrated constraint intermittent generation forecast (UIGF) is based upon actual
control area, traditional lumped ACE changes to distributed ACE and MW output received through SCADA system while in case of constraint
conventional AGC changes to spatially differentiated frequency reg- wind farm, generation forecast is based on meteorological data, number
ulation. The control area ACE reflect the wind farm total power var- of available wind turbine, wind speed and MW set point [120]. Due to
iations which is usually smooth in comparison to individual wind tur- spatially distributed wind farms having variable wind resources, single
bine power. ACE signal representing generated wind power changes can wind turbine generator output cannot be held representative of net
be given as Equation 28 [119]: generation output of a wind farm, so estimated power has to be in-
cluded in dispatch rules. An inaccurate forecasted wind generation may
ACE = B Δf + (ΔPtie − con + ΔPtie,WTG )−IME (28)
hamper the dispatch operation of energy market due to increased area
where, control error.

ΔPtie,act = ∑ (Ptie − con,act −Ptie − con,sched ) (29) Wind-AGC research

Lots of research is underway to review and analyze the wind energy
ΔPtie,WTG = ∑ (Ptie − WTG,act−Ptie − WTG,estim) association with AGC performance criteria, capabilities, and technolo-
gies for ensuring proper system performance. The conventional LFC
Ptie − con,act is actual conventional generator power and Ptie − con,sched is designs based on classical control have less adaptability, are not very
scheduled power from conventional generator. Ptie − WTG,act is actual wind efficient and are therefore not suitable for modern power systems with
power and Ptie − WTG,estim is estimated maximum wind generation which is large interconnections, varied structure and more penetration of re-
included in central dispatch process. BΔf is frequency bias setting newable energy sources, specifically wind energy with varied uncertain
multiplied with frequency changes between scheduled and actual source and urgent demand for power quality. It is expected that ap-
power. The forecasted wind energy is generally based upon the number plication of modern robust, automatic and intelligent control techni-
of available generators, wind measurement, and the current generation ques to the LFC schemes will be more adaptive and appealing approach
level. Wind farm real time supervisory control and data acquisition for wind based power system to overcome impositions set up by tech-
(SCADA) data and metrological SCADA data from the turbine nacelle nical standards of energy market regulators. AGC implementation in
are provided for generating wind farm power forecasting into dispatch wind energy system is studied basically at two levels: at wind farm level
system. Generation forecasts for individual unconstraint semi-sched- and wind turbine level. Fig. 24 presents the basic concept of AGC im-
uled wind generators dictates the generation capacity of a wind plementation in wind-based power plant. To bring control area

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

In another study, three different operating modes (de-rated, abso-

lute reserve and spinning reserve) [123] are defined such that operating
mode is de-rated or normal where:
Pref = Poperator, if Poperator ⩽ Pavail (29)

Pref = Pavail, if Pavail ⩽ Poperator (30)

A WPP running as a spinning reserve will produce less power at all

wind speeds; thereby always providing a power reserve. Frequency
controller will act as spinning reserve controller or de-rating controller
to vary the WPP grid power production as per transmission system
operator request. During wind farm operation, turbine set-point can be
multiplied by active power demand which is provided by farm con-
troller to generated frequency responsive power demand.
Even though wind farm operators strive for maximum power
output, wind-AGC especially downward regulation is highly dependent
upon grid code implementation. For example, Irish grid code implies all
grid integrated generating units to operate at a reduced output level.
Fig. 26 is an simulated example of various power set-point generated
through a wind turbine frequency response controller shown in Fig. 13,
at variable wind speed and fluctuating grid frequency. The blue color is
the power set-point required as per a specific grid code while green is
Fig. 24. Basic schematic diagram for wind farm frequency control. the available wind power. This available power is curtailed according to
desired command mode thereby providing a reserve power which can
be used to control frequency deviations. We can notice an increase in
frequency to required set point level, TSO sends reference power set-
generated electrical power from 1 per unit to 1.1 per unit when the
points to wind farm controller which in turn dispatches demanded
turbine is working in reserve mode. Fig. 27 presents the simulated re-
power set points to individual wind turbines. A more detailed re-
sults for a control area frequency response when wind plant is in-
presentation can be seen in Fig. 25 where TSO can provide different
tegrated to it with different frequency control capabilities. Highest
types of power set-point (balance, ramp or delta) as per system need.
deviation and longest settling time are observed when wind plant is just
Dead band and droop settings are provided by TSO. Basic idea behind
feeding power to control area and smallest deviation with lowest set-
this model is to replace MPPT power set-point to wind turbine con-
tling time is observed for control area without wind plant. Grid code
troller with power set-point from wind farm controller while MPPT
compatible wind plant with automatic generation control (AGC) par-
power output is sent to controller as instantaneous available power. In
ticipation presents the best performance with its frequency response
case of no power limitation from TSO, same MPPT power set-point is
comparable to control area without wind plant with identical settling
provide to turbine controller. Active power set-point is primarily con-
strained by the available wind and different power commands re-
garding de-rating power or reserve power from TSO. Three de-rating
command mode were defined in [122] as: Wind AGC barriers
Modern wind turbines are available with power set-point processing
DR cmdPrated, Pavail−(1−DR cmd) Prated and DR cmdPavail (28) methods but their frequency response capability is generally limited by

Fig. 25. VSWTG based wind farm controller supporting AGC [121].

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 26. WTG power set-points and corre-

sponding generated WTG power.

Fig. 27. Frequency response comparison for a control area under 0.1
per unit load disturbance and different wind integration scenario.

the technical constraint in the form of communication delay with wind varies. In liberalized energy markets including USA, Europe, Australia
farm controller and individual wind turbines. All grid code compatible etc., electricity exchange is separated into two types of market: trading
wind farms integrated to the grid are required to ensure a fast pitch market (Wholesale/Retail/Capacity/Spot) and the balancing/ancillary
control as well as other mechanical controller participation in the fre- service market. Electricity trading market is classified depending upon
quency response services in acceptable time. Fast Coordination and dispatch and bidding cycle and varies from country to country. Fig. 28
processing of power set-points at wind turbine and wind farm level is a represents the classification of electricity market in presence of re-
key to improve frequency support from wind power plants. Lack of newable energy. A detail review of these market is out of scope of this
power set-point prioritization and providing synchronous connection to paper. More information about market structures can be obtained from
different stakeholders is also not commonly available in wind farm [141–143]. Wind energy generation presently receives jurisdiction
controllers. A reasonable range of communication latencies for present support through price and quantity regulation in energy spot market
technology commercial wind plants is on the order of 200–500 ms [52]. besides voluntary and indirect support [143]. Table 5 presents various
Due to the time delay limitation involved at farm controller level and market support schemes for wind energy. In fixed price-oriented
unavailability of a specific standard for connection, researchers are scheme, the wind energy producers are either paid an above-market
focusing on possibility of implementing AGC control at wind turbine price for the energy generation and the required quantity is determined
level itself. Table 4 provides some of the relevant studies related with by energy market. Example Germany, Denmark, Spain and France,
wind-AGC investigations where modifications were done at turbine Canada, Ireland and Greece. In legally obligated quotas or quantity
level or wind farm controller level. based scheme, the share of the energy supply is guaranteed by gov-
ernment while the market determines the energy price. Examples, UK,
Frequency regulation challenges in wind integrated system Sweden, Poland, Italy, Belgium, Japan and several states of US. The
capacity of installed wind energy systems is significantly different due
Renewable energy market schemes and its integration with FCAS market to the diverse economics of the two schemes. There are some jurisdic-
Electricity markets around the world are regulated by the respective tions like Denmark and Spain, which operate both types of the schemes
governments, either directly or through nominally independent energy and is known as Green marketing. Green marketing or voluntary system
regulators. Electricity market in general, is a complex system with Program is based on customer willingness to pay extra price for re-
different capital intensities, very different fuel costs and risks associated newables. In all direct schemes, price for wind energy is directly or
with generation technology. Different countries have different energy indirectly related with trading market schemes and respective pricing
market structures and their interaction with renewable generations mechanism. Energy markets participants are also required to make

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Table 4
Wind – AGC: A Review.

Refs. Methodology Special Findings

Modelling frameworks for wind energy penetration effect on AGC performed by synchronous generators

[123] Analytically traceable AGC model is developed using non-Linear differential Electrical network modelling is included in analytical AGC model which is
algebraic equations (DAE) describing synchronous generator, wind plant and usually suppressed in conventional AGC model. The electrical network also has
electrical network. Third order model of conventional system and first order some smoothing effects on frequency response under wind power variability.
model of wind system was used in this study with the assumption of small The dynamic behavior of the overall closed-loop system is affected under
forecast error electrical network constraints, which is not captured in traditional AGC models.
No wind participation in AGC is assumed for developed model. Even though no
direct results for power system frequency performance metrics under wind
penetration were provided, analytical AGC modelling framework was applied to
the simplified Western Electricity Coordinating Council (WECC) model
[124] Flexible Energy Scheduling Tool for Integration of Variable generation (FESTIV) Proposed high-resolution steady-state power system simulation model provides
is presented to mimic actual system operations at a high time resolution using flexibility in configuring systems parameters and different operational and
an amalgamation of security constraint unit commitment, security constraint market structures. Model allows for wind energy penetration impacts analysis in
economic dispatch and AGC program based on four different modes terms of reliability and costs by varying dispatch interval, forecast errors and
AGC modes. The variability and uncertainty impacts on the PJM 5-bus system
under actual wind and load data is investigated using Absolute ACE in Energy
(AACEE), CPS2 violations, σACE, and costs as the metrics under different modes
of AGC. Under perfect forecast, it is observed that the only variability in dispatch
could occur because of different ramping capabilities of power plants.
Persistence wind and load forecast errors have significant effect on imbalances,
CPS2 violation and ACE increment
[125] A model is developed for power system imbalance control by program Wind power variability may lead to higher ACE, especially if insufficient
responsible parties PRPs via minimization of their energy program deviations amounts of reserves are taken into account during the unit commitment and
and the assessment of AGC performance with high integration of wind power economic dispatch calculations. The capabilities of the generation mix face
increasing challenges at higher wind power penetrations and additional reserves
are required for keeping area control error at the same level
[126] Distributed networked control (DNC) scheme and its stability analysis Time varying network-induced delays in the states of the subsystems models and
framework for automatic generation control is presented for networked latency in the interconnection links due to random packet dropouts is considered
interconnected power systems with participation of wind turbine in proposed model. A linear matrix inequality (LMI)-based method is proposed to
design the distributed AGC controller for better system performance in wind
integrated 4-area power system
Active power frequency control strategies at wind turbine level and/or wind farm controller level
[127] A hierarchical architecture with a supervisory control system for active and Improved AGC performance without significant extra costs and better
reactive power control at wind farm substation was presented. Supervisory integration of wind with grid is possible when supervisory system controls active
control system active power output is dependent upon TSO provided power set and reactive power while machine system controls turbine power set points.
[110] [128] Active power controller was incorporated with AGC command tracking from Static and dynamic droop curves were implemented and Field tested for NREL’s
wind farm controller 550 kW 3-bladed Controls Advanced Research Turbine (CART3) for frequency
regulation participation at all three levels. Fast Wind power AGC response
especially at high wind speed and AGC error is low with multiple turbines in
wind farms.
[129] DFIG based wind farm hierarchical control strategy to regulate the wind farm Implemented in DIgSILENT, the central wind farm control level controls the
power production to the reference power ordered by the system operators power production of the whole farm by sending out reference power signals to
each wind turbine, while the local wind turbine control level ensures that the
reference power signal sent by the central control level is reached
[130] An aggregated wind power plant model which is integrated into a generic power Wind plants can deliver extra control support such as temporary frequency
system model response (TFR) and power oscillation damping (POD) to enhance the stability of
power systems with large share of wind power
[131] Power/load optimization in presence of ambient wind, wake deficits, wake Centralized wind farm model and control principles are used for control of a
meandering, the wind turbine system, the wind farm controller, and a network wind power to increase energy quality and reduce the fatigue loads
[132] Modelling of wind turbines and simple wind farm for power set-point tracking Investigated the effect of individual wind turbines on wind farm performance
under AGC operation is presented under the set-point operation. Pitch angle control and rotor speed control
strategies is investigated for power set point tracking and effect on frequency
response. Simplified wind farm is proposed based on effectiveness of set-point
operation. Wind turbines can track and produce output power for the condition
when reference set-point is less than maximum power point else maximum
available wind power is harvested
[133] A control strategy to control active power of wind farms is proposed to A coordinated deloading strategy is applied to wind turbines for active power
participate in the load frequency control of power systems command tracking which is provided by system level controller. The proposed
coordination control strategy allocates participation factor to wind turbines and
conventional generation by monitoring online ACE, active power output of wind
farm and maximum generation, thereby calculating ramping capability of
generating plants
Wind plant coordination with conventional generation plants and/or energy storage for AGC
[134] Coordinated control strategy for the AGC between combined heat and power Proposed control strategy has shown that the WPPs can actively help the AGC,
plants (CHPs) and WPPs to enhance the security and the reliability of a power and reduce the real-time power imbalance in the power system, by down
system operation in the case of a large wind power penetration regulating their production when CHPs are unable to provide the required
[135] Wind farms incorporating energy storage systems for AGC participation Energy storage devices are used to neutralize the uncertainty of wind power
plant output and maximize the dispatch ability. With reduced uncertainty, wind
farms are shown to have better AGC performance
(continued on next page)

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Table 4 (continued)

Refs. Methodology Special Findings

Modelling frameworks for wind energy penetration effect on AGC performed by synchronous generators

[136,137] DFIG based wind farm integrated with thermal energy system was used in study Operational impacts of the wind power fast fluctuations are largely absorbed by
the thermal unit’s large mechanical and thermal time constants as well as control
dead-bands and the system dynamics varies with the size of the AGC time delay.
It is estimated in this study 5% of rated plant power can be accepted as
perturbation power by thermal plants, without exceeding the 1%frequency
deviation margin
[138] Cooperation scheme for wind power and battery storage providing frequency A real-time cooperation scheme is proposed to exploit the complementary
regulation characteristics of battery storage and wind power and an optimal bidding
strategy is developed for participation in joint energy and regulation markets
Intelligent AGC
[139] (PSO-Fuzzy PI) Fuzzy logic load frequency controller and Particle swarm Intelligent computational techniques were applied to improve AGC controller
optimization technique were applied performance in New England test system with wind penetration but no specific
wind farm frequency support was accounted
[140] Intelligent agent-based control scheme, using Bayesian networks (BNs) based The BN provides a robust probabilistic method of reasoning under uncertainty
AGC framework is proposed in a multiarea power system. and undefined system dynamics. Multiagent structure application in the control
framework realizes parallel computation and a high degree of scalability. The
proposed system is tested for optimal performance of AGC system through
simulation and laboratory experiment

supplementary control contributions to TSO for the stable and reliable similar fashion like generating units bidding into the energy market and
power system. FCAS represents a guarantee that power will be con- receive financial incentives. To meet control area performance criteria,
tinued to be delivered in the case of system contingency. AGC enabled FCAS participants must track and keep a record of in-
Implemented under different names in different countries, fre- stantaneous fluctuations in demand load for the continuous duration so
quency regulation services are generally divided into two categories: as to keep ACE within limits. FCAS requirements are calculated by
Compulsory provision of ancillary services and market oriented provi- contingency size, total inertia of power system and load demand.
sion of ancillary services [144]. For example, in North America, new Payments for ancillary services include payments for availability and
generators are required to provide compulsory primary frequency re- delivery of the services. Like electricity trading market, FCAS price also
sponse. In UK, all licensed generators are obliged under the Grid Code depends very much on the institutional setting in which the regulation
to provide mandatory frequency response. In market-oriented ancillary service is delivered.
services, FCAS providers bid their services into the FCAS markets in a Wind turbines have been considered as passive components in the

Fig. 28. Classification of electricity markets in presence of renewables. Most of the liberalized markets globally recognize this classification though it varies in terms of time horizon for
dispatch and trading. Block in green show the market where effect of wind energy is highly crucial.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Table 5
Market support schemes for wind energy, derived from [143,144].

Direct Indirect

Price-driven Quantity-driven (Legal Obligatory quotas)

Regulatory Investment focused • Investment subsidies • Tendering system • Environmental taxes (CO2 taxes)
• Tax credits
Generation based • (Fixed) Feed-in tariffs • Tendering system
• Fixed Premium system • Tradable Green Certificate system
• Renewable Portfolio Standards

Voluntary Investment focused • Shareholder Programs Voluntary agreements

• Contribution Programs
Generation based • Green tariffs

past. They could cut off from grid in case of grid voltage or frequency provide active power response by ramping from zero to 85% rated
crossing permissible limit. With large penetration of wind energy, such output in 4 s. Table 6 lists various technical and operational function-
response may aggravate grid instability. Wind farms are now con- alities matched with respective frequency control services, their im-
sidered as power units having similar characteristics as that of con- plementation level and their availability status in current industrial
ventional generation units. So, FCAS availability holds a very sig- world [52]. It can be noticed that current wind turbines provide good
nificant value for high wind energy penetrated power system with low power frequency support technical capabilities but their provision in
inertia. For the TSO, assignment of control duties gets constricted with ancillary market is limited due to regulatory policies and some opera-
the presence of spatially distributed wind farms. TSO aims to minimize tional challenges. New frequency responsive wind plants still face a
the payments to participants for providing AGC ancillary service while challenge for adaptation from present grid structure and seek reg-
capital-intensive wind energy participants striving for maximum rev- ulatory certainty and stability from government for economic gains.
enue, voluntarily opt out of FCAS provision. Wind farms which pro-
duces electricity at low prices and have active power frequency support Challenges
capabilities have option of gaining financial revenues by participating Technically, wind generation can secure the quality, stability, and
in the FCAS market for provision of the regulation services. The ancil- reliability of the grid by delivering ancillary services. Proper manage-
lary services market for renewables is slowly growing in many countries ment of FCAS can be a key factor for better penetration of the wind in a
worldwide. Wind farms have been participating in FCAS in Quebec, deregulated complex power system. But some challenges remain in
Ontario and some European Countries. As a recent example, the Italian optimizing the control of the wind farms to maximize the economic
energy and gas regulator Autorità per l’energia elettrica, il gas e il sis- opportunities while ensuring that the power system operates securely.
tema idrico (AEEGSI) has issued directions authorizing pilot renewable In consideration to increasing wind energy penetration, following
energy power generators and storage units to participate to the ancil- challenges needs attention for proper management of FCAS in wind
lary services market known as Mercato Servizi di Dispacciamento penetrated large grid like Australian National Electricity Market.
(MSD) operated by the country’s grid operator Terna [145]. Australia
electricity market operator (AEMO) is supporting first trial for FCAS
from 100 MW Hornsdale 2 wind farm [146]. Newzeland’s 64.4 MW Te Wind energy forecasting improvement. The balancing market and day
Uku Wind Power Plant has successfully completed commissioning test ahead spot market, shown in green color in Fig. 28 is very important for
for providing frequency regulation services [147]. Utilizing governor better integration of wind energy in electrical grid. Main challenge for
control on full converter based wind turbines, the wind farm can wind integration lies in accurate and reliable forecasting. With
increasing wind energy penetration, uncertainty in wind power

Table 6
Wind energy system frequency support functionalities and their participation in frequency control ancillary services.

Type of functionality Functionality Frequency Regulation Services

Inertial/Fast Primary Secondary Tertiary Implementation Level


Technical Active Power Control ✓ ✓ ✓ WT/WF

Frequency Sensitive/Droop WT/WF
Control Mode
Frequency Sensing ✓ ✓ ✓ WT/WF
Power Set Point Processing ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ WT/WF
Set Point Priority Management • • • • WF
Temporary Power Increment • WT

Operational Active Power Production WT

Power Production Forecasting ✓ ✓ WF
Communication and Control ✓ ✓ ✓ ✓ WT/WF
Wind Power Plant Management WF
✓ Functionality required and today generally available. • Functionality rarely available/
Functionality required but not always available or optionally available. not implemented but

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Table 7
Wind energy forecasting classification on the basis of time horizon, application and methods.

Wind forecasting horizon Time scale Application Forecasting methods

Very Short Term Seconds to minutes Wind turbine control, frequency response Persistence forecasts (for below 5 mins) with real time SCADA
Short term Hours to days Economic dispatch Reserve requirement Day-ahead Physical, Statistical model + NWP model (Now-casting models for
electricity market 1-3h)
NWP models + real-time Four-Dimensional Data Assimilation
(RTFDDA) for 3-6h)
Medium term Days to week Unit commitment Maintenance scheduling NWP model + Three-Dimensional Variation Methods (3DVAR) for
12 h-2 weeks
Long term Week to years Wind power planning Power system planning Climatology (> 14 days)

forecasting has direct effect on wind turbine operation, reserve to long term forecasting for generator scheduling and system long term
requirements and grid stability. Wind forecasting has seen continuous planning respectively. The dispatch levels for generators are calculated
improvements since last twenty decades of operational use [148]. by normally centralized forecasting system which provides wind fore-
Table 7 provides wind power various forecasting techniques, their cast for time frame from 12 to 36 h (Europe), 1 to 168 h (PJM) and
horizon in terms of time scale and applications [149,150]. Persistence 5 min-2 years (Australia). The accuracy of wind forecasts depends on
forecasting is applied for very short term time horizon, generally up to the location, time of year, SCADA quality from individual wind tur-
5 min and short term up to 48 h. Persistence forecasting is based on the bines, wind farm layout, and weather conditions. Wind power varia-
assumption that conditions at the time of forecasting will remain tions can arise over numerous time horizon, ranging from sub-hourly
constant. State-of-the-art forecasting techniques utilize a modelling fluxes to diurnal, seasonal, and ever interannual [148,150]. Accurate
chain to predict the wind energy for look-ahead periods. Fig. 29 prediction of wind power output a few hours or few days in advance is
represents an example of the entities involved and respective data comparatively more difficult than annual generation prediction. Wind
flow in short term prediction of wind power output. Output of power forecasts also have the highest uncertainties mainly due to the
Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) model is coupled with wind temporal and spatial variability along with predictability of the wind
power prediction conversion model which also utilize the on-site field. It is a general acceptance that power forecast errors are highly
SCADA data and other data related with orography and wind farm affected by NWP model errors [152,153]. Most NWP models face a
layout. Different countries apply different forecasting duration and difficulty in incorporating any physical terrain which is less than the
models (NWP and wind power prediction models) for wind energy size of its smallest grid cell [150]. Hence NWP model accuracy is af-
estimation. A detailed review of current state of the art in wind power fected with presence of structures like mountains. There has been an
forecasting can be obtained from [149,151]. increase in temporal resolution with most of the metrological systems
Diverse practical applications demand assorted forecasting under giving hourly data but many others are still handle three-hour data
different timescales. Wind farm operators are more interested in very [148]. There are further concerns regarding higher temporal resolution
short term forecasting (< 5 mins.) local to wind farm and very specific due to storage and computing requirements. Day-ahead forecasting
to the operating turbines. As discussed previously in section 3, wind errors for wind generation have declined in the previous years but they
turbine controllers apply wind power calculation in their algorithm for are still much higher than errors when the forecast is made few hours
providing frequency response [60] through wind-power curve. Persis- before real time [174]. Fig. 30 gives the relation between mean abso-
tent wind forecasting using real time SCADA data is applied for these lute error/average production and prediction rate for wind generation
very short term range. Non-linear S shaped wind power relationship in Spain. Mean average error for one hour ahead forecast for a wind
always tends to amplify the uncertainty in the wind forecasting. turbine varies from 4 to 5% of rated capacity which rises to 8% of rated
Talking about the balancing market, frequency regulation costs are capacity for day ahead error in year 2015. UK National Grid has an
highly dependent upon generation technology, predictability of de- error of approximately 5%, measured as mean absolute forecast error
mand, predictability of wind generation and the specific regulation against capacity [155].
framework of the respective jurisdiction. Electrical grid with pre- In the case of wind farms inability to match the forecasted power
dictable balancing requirements can easily schedule least expensive submitted to the dispatch market, there is extra burden on other gen-
regulating units for frequency regulation ancillary service. Grid op- eration technologies to raise or lower their power output for regulating
erators are interested in short term wind forecasting for balancing as- system, thus increasing total regulating cost. Similarly, if there is excess
sessments while electricity traders and system planners require medium power in market and wind farms are generating more then offered

Fig. 29. Short term prediction of wind power output.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

Fig. 30. Example of wind forecasting error variation

with respect to prediction time horizon [154].

forecast, other generators must adjust their output for maintaining 7. Wind ramp forecasting
system balance. In both the case, the wind farms will be penalized and
get a lower price for his electricity production than the spot market Dispatchable wind farms. Wind farms are currently not dispatchables in
price. The regulation price and penalty varies from system to system. most of the countries but could provide flexibility to the system
There is a linear variation of regulating cost with wind penetration. The operations. With higher wind energy penetration, deloaded wind
spatial distribution and variability of wind resources affect power turbines operation or wind integration with energy storage for fast
system on time scale being followed by AGC and raise the cost of regulation services will become more practical for making wind farm as
electricity. Nevertheless, in comparison to wind forecast errors, varia- dispatchables generation technology. Dispatchability improvement
bility has lesser impacts on electricity cost and system operation authorize time shifting of wind power dispatched to the electricity
[150,152]. System operating cost has rose by 1–4 €/MW h of wind grid, enabling wind generators to supply baseload power, exploit
generation at 20% wind energy penetrations [143]. In terms of fore- energy arbitrage and provide ancillary services [138]. Various studies
casting horizon, short term forecast errors have considerable impact on have support the concept of wind farm dispatchability with storage
ACE and balancing costs while ACE and system reliability is lesser ef- support as technically and financially feasible option [158–162]. The
fected by day-ahead forecasts. Sufficient frequency reserves can miti- policy of dispatching wind farms is being translated into many
gate impacts of day ahead forecasting though at an increased cost. With countries. Countries like UK and Spain, requires participation of wind
increased wind penetration, most the cost is anticipated to be borne power plants in electricity markets and they are self-responsible for
solely by wind farms leading to an escalation in regulation costs for power forecasting and balancing services [163]. Dispatching wind
wind generators. There are many instances when erroneous forecasting farms will require inter-collaboration of several small wind farms,
results from Australian Wind Forecasting System (AWEFS) have re- simultaneous control of different related devices and the application of
sulted in scheduling error declaration by the transmission operator and business and market dynamics to the control of the wind farms.
penalty imposed on wind farms [156]. Coordination of the large number of wind turbines under changing
Considering the significant impact of wind forecasting on system wind conditions, their associated controls under external power set-
balancing and stability as well as wind farm frequency support, it is of points and power production is a complex task with severe
utmost importance to advance the present forecasting techniques and computational limitations. Latest wind farm controllers have
their operational issues over wide range and resolutions. Replacing capability to control multiple wind turbines, but availability of TSO
deterministic forecasting with probabilistic forecasting along with wind provided active power set-points and prioritization of different power
power pooling can reduce the wind power variability and diminish the set-points is still lacking in practice [52]. Dispatchables wind farm
uncertainty. A collaboration of various NWP models with real time field controlled through intelligent wind farm controller are not entirely
data can provide a common benchmark for error and uncertainty available in practice though they are being discussed in literature
quantifications. In recognition of need for forecast advancement, [164,165]. Absence of fast and direct communication link between TSO
International Energy Agency (IEA) has set up a task force on wind en- and wind power plant is a factor affecting wind-based ancillary service.
ergy forecasting [148]. Following are some of the important recognized Very few countries like Spanish grid code requires a dedicated
forecasting issues which need further research and investigation: connection between wind farm controller and TSO [166].

1. Common availability of frequent and rapid update cycle model. Governor dead-band setting regulation. Dead-band and speed droop are
2. Meteorological forecasting below 1 km horizontal resolution two significant parameters in conventional turbine governor action
3. Data assimilation (specially from offshore wind farms) during system event [39]. Long-term system frequency regulation
4. Improvement in NWP model physics (specially in terms of stability reliability is highly dependent upon implemented dead-band.
and its daily pattern calculations and nowcast model for problematic Governor dead band determines the minimum frequency variation
conditions like thunderstorms, small low pressure systems) needed before the governor action is activated. In response to frequency
5. Effect of icing. deviations, generating units depart from their dispatch power targets
6. Modelling of wind farms interaction under the wake effect and wind according to the set droop characteristics. Droop response of generating
direction forecasting machine can be avoided when frequency lies within the upper and

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

integration has direct relation to 80% of the identified bottlenecks in

the European grid [168]. Unbalancing at deregulated interconnections
under variable wind power and frequency relaxation thus, increase
balancing costs. A small change in governor dead-band may have sig-
nificant changes in timing and frequency responsive primary control
from conventional generating units. Large governor dead-band settings
disable primary control and successive smaller contingency events
compromise the grid security and stability and may lead to outage too.
Recent South Australia outage on 28 Sept 2016 highlighted the effect of
the changed or relaxed governor settings from 0.1 Hz to 0.3 Hz. With
governor control, relaxed; conventional units get slow in responding to
frequency disturbance. Even though frequency relaxation through
dead-band increment has benefits in the form of lower reserves under
AGC control and saving through avoiding expensive generator dispatch
[77,169]; disabling governor control in synchronous generation to gain
incentives may also bring significant undesirable impact on grid FCAS
capability and penalty on wind farms who opt out from providing
regulation services. Without tighter dead-band, response of synchro-
nous generators soon after an event is not reliable which will rather be
Fig. 31. Frequency relaxation on the basis of interconnection size. dependent upon market enablement. Wind integrated interconnected
network calls for a review of frequency operating bands under wide
lower dead-band range. Frequency control is generally tighter in case of dead-band for improving FCAS and better wind integration to the grid.
large interconnection as probability of disturbances reduces. Network
interconnection can be divided into three zones from frequency control Clear technical grid code regulations and wind turbine wear and tear
perspective as shown in Fig. 31 [167]. In zone 1 where interconnection implications. Wind turbines are subject to dynamic forces arising due to
is small, active participation of all participating generators and load is dynamic variations in wind speed and direction. Various loadings on
desired to avoid undesired large frequency deviations. A tight wind turbine generators can be classified into deterministic and
frequency control through low dead-band ensures interconnection stochastic loadings [170]. A classification of different loadings on
flow to the contract. So, there are possibilities for relaxing frequency WTG is represented in Fig. 32. Wind turbine structure undergo
control in zone 2 from economic perspectives. With growth in fatigue damage which originates from various deterministic or
interconnection, frequency standard deviation is improved. However, stochastic loads variation. There may be more than 500 million load
frequency control problem becomes uneconomically suboptimal if same cycles occurring over a wide range of load ratios (Minimum load in one
tight frequency control standard is followed. This relaxation of load cycle divided by the maximum load in one load cycle) for a typical
frequency relaxation is a progression of steps with interconnection normal wind turbine [171]. Onshore WTG unit has a life span of
growth. With very large interconnection, frequency regulation is more 20 years which could typically include 10 million revolutions. The life-
than just flat frequency control and becomes interconnection time fatigue Damage Equivalent Loads (DEL) is used to calculate fatigue
management with tie-line frequency control. Such type of control can damage and it accounts for the amount of time the turbine is expected
be present in zone 3. to operate at each wind speed condition. Critical locations and of
Large wind penetration in a network system have significant effect correlation of load with fatigue strength at those locations account for
on zone 1 and zone 2 and respective interconnection flow and active failure probabilities. The bearings in gearbox undergoes irregular
support from synchronous generating units is desired. Grid congestion repeat start, acceleration, deceleration and stop operations. Gearbox
and intra interconnection management is a major problem with in- which converts rotor speed of 5–22 rpm to 1000–1600 rpm normally
creasing wind penetration. It is advocated that renewable energy fails within 5 years requiring replacement [172]. Fig. 33 presents
general failure rate of different components in a wind turbine [173].

Fig. 32. Classification of WTG loadings.

A. Aziz et al. Sustainable Energy Technologies and Assessments 26 (2018) 47–76

balancing costs (€3/MW h) for 20 years for new onshore wind farms. In
UK, conventional generators are compensated by a margin of 25%
accounting for fuel costs during low frequency response while there is
no such mechanism for wind plants [175]. Wind plants or their trade
suppliers must incur revenue loss associated with Levy Exemption
Certificates (LECs) and Renewable Obligation Certificate (ROCs). In
fact, wind generators are required to pay for reduction in output under
the assumption of fuel saving cost. Some of the countries like Australia
takes a technology neutral approach to the provision of FCAS; any
technology that is able to demonstrate the ability to provide the
particular FCAS service to the specified standards is allowed to do so.
Australian energy market operator (AEMO) has the requirement for
FCAS to ensure the frequency to be contained within 49 to 51 Hz in the
Fig. 33. Major failures in a WTG system. event of step changes in supply that result from credible contingencies
known as “separation event.” An impact assessment of large-scale
As can be noticed from Fig. 32; gearbox, generator and rotor blades are renewable energy target done for Australian Energy Market
three important components in terms of increased failure. All three Commission (AEMC) reported an increase in regulation requirement
makeup an important configuration for achieving frequency response from ± 120 MW to ± 800 MW and increase in frequency regulation
from wind turbines. As given in Table 3, wind turbine can ramp up the cost from 10 million per annum to 200 million per annum in 2020 due
power in the range of 0.2 p.u./sec but the corresponding effect on to projected increase in intermittent wind energy. Causer-pays
turbine components and total life time is still not clear when ramping is methodology is being implemented in Australia for settling regulation
provided on sustained basis for frequency regulation. Investigative costs, with generators or loads paying for any deviation from their
studies are required to assess the effect on these components when WTG expected dispatch. AEMO determines Causer Pays Factor (CPF) to
participates in successive frequency response services. Also, wind measure the variation of dispatched generator output from dispatch
generating plants providing frequency regulation undergo wear and level. The difference between the unit’s generation and the linear
tear for which they must be compensated through Operation and interpolation of the current and previous dispatch interval values are
Maintenance costs (O & M). used as the measure of expected dispatch [176]. Scaled deviations are
Though there is no significant technological barrier in provision of recorded every 4 s, averaged for every 5 min’ dispatch interval and
frequency regulation from wind turbine, precise requirements from finally averaged for 28 days’ period. A negative CPF means that
TSOs are a necessity now. Wind turbine manufacturers have expressed deviating generator must bear the increasing share of FCAS
lack of clear specifications and regulatory standards from TSOs for regulation cost. Frequency control in most of the countries like
activating frequency control services and analyzing their impact on Australia has traditionally only been provided from synchronous
power system [52]. For example, the wind inertial control raise the thermal generation. There has been little incentive for wind farms to
system inertia by substantially releasing the kinetic energy from the contribute to frequency regulation so wind farms prefer not participate
rotating mass, but the load disturbances may also be masked by the in FCAS. Participation of wind farm in ancillary service market besides
extra wind inertial power for a limited time. This masking effect could spot market can provide a boost to their revenue. Consistent integration
lead to delay in response from the synchronous generators to the fre- of wind calls for improved policies development and encouragement
quency events. Fast frequency response from wind turbines which de- from governing authority for efficient diverse frequency regulation
livers temporary instantaneous power also brings a power supply sag ancillary services market, better energy economics and compliance to
and can have significant impacts on system stability. Varied decen- control performance standards.
tralized and distributed control methodologies to implement inertial
and AGC response at turbine level and real scale power plant level with Conclusion
high ROCOF ride-through capability is still very nascent and needs
more attention as research in this field appears to be sparse Design and operation of power system in presence of wind energy
are one of the major issues in wind power integration. Variable speed
wind turbine generators (VSWTG) having incommensurable dynamic
Incentivize frequency response from wind farms. Although most of the characteristics than conventional synchronous generators no longer
contemporary WTGs exhibit the capability of quickly reducing power receive negative load treatment. In view of increasing renewable pe-
during high grid frequency, the challenge is in providing a rapid netration and compulsory grid codes for frequency support, there is
increase in active power. Due to the entry barriers to regulation increasing necessity for wind farms to perform as dispatchables gen-
market, wind farm owners without any financial incentives have eration technology. Modern power electronics based VSWTGs are cap-
restrictions about this approach which can have significant economic able of supporting frequency regulation services at all three levels. This
implications. Besides technology; system infrastructure and market paper presented frequency response capabilities of wind energy system
policies also play a vital role in satisfactory FCAS participation of and perspective challenges for improving frequency regulation in wind
wind power plant. Frequency regulation costs are ambiguous, and penetrated system. Advancement of wind energy forecasting tech-
significantly dependent upon the regulatory and institutional nology over very shorter horizon is one of the most important challenge
frameworks and may vary considerably between countries. Wind in promoting wind energy integration. Effective research and im-
farms revenue in quantity based energy markets gets reduced during plementation of these forecasting technologies will help wind energy
power curtailment. Currently, wind farms are balancing responsible market participants to make better contributions to power generation
both financially and legally alike conventional generations in many of and frequency control ancillary services. Current wind plant receives
the EU member countries. But except Germany, Spain and Denmark, direct and indirect support from respective jurisdictions in electricity
wind farm participation in frequency control is not supported by any trading market but the economic benefits are still absent in most of the
special financial incentives. Spain’s experience shows that making wind countries for their contribution to balance the system generation and
generators subject to the same balancing and scheduling obligations as demand. Market operators need to realize the capabilities and current
conventional power plants does not jeopardize the development of this state of the art of wind generation technologies. Development of ef-
technology [174]. Denmark has fixed an additional compensation for fective policies incentivizing wind farm contributions in frequency

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