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A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is a systematic process or framework used to guide the

development of software applications or systems. It defines the stages and tasks involved in building
software, from initial planning and requirements gathering to testing, deployment, and maintenance.
Different SDLC models exist, each with its own set of principles, practices, and characteristics. Here are
some commonly used SDLC models:

 Waterfall Model: The Waterfall Model is a linear and sequential approach to software
development. It divides the project into distinct phases (requirements, design, implementation,
testing, deployment, and maintenance), with each phase dependent on the completion of the
previous one. This model is suitable for projects with well-defined and stable requirements.
 Spiral Model: The Spiral Model is a risk-driven and iterative approach that combines iterative
development with elements of the Waterfall Model. It emphasizes risk analysis and allows for
flexibility and adjustments during development. Projects are divided into cycles or "spirals," with
each spiral including planning, risk analysis, engineering, testing, and evaluation phases.
 Agile Model: Agile is a set of principles and practices that prioritize collaboration, flexibility, and
customer feedback. It includes various methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, and Extreme
Programming (XP). Agile promotes incremental and iterative development, with a focus on
delivering small, functional increments of software in short cycles (sprints).
 DevOps Model: DevOps is a cultural and technical movement that emphasizes collaboration
between development (Dev) and operations (Ops) teams. While not a traditional SDLC model, it
aims to integrate development and IT operations to enable rapid and continuous software
delivery, automation, and improved collaboration.
 V-Model (Validation and Verification Model): The V-Model is a variant of the Waterfall Model
that places a strong emphasis on testing and validation. It associates each development phase
with a corresponding testing phase, forming a "V" shape in its representation. This model
highlights the relationship between development and testing activities.
 Incremental Model: The Incremental Model divides the project into smaller, manageable parts or
increments. Each increment represents a portion of the complete system, and new features or
functionality are added incrementally. It allows for early delivery of a partial system and is
suitable for complex projects.
 RAD (Rapid Application Development): RAD is a model that prioritizes rapid prototyping and
quick iterations. It focuses on user involvement, feedback, and the development of prototypes to
rapidly build and refine the final software product.
 Big Bang Model: The Big Bang Model is characterized by minimal planning and documentation.
Development starts without a clear plan, and changes are made as the project progresses. This
model is typically used for small projects or proof-of-concept work.

The choice of SDLC model depends on the project's specific requirements, the organization's culture, and
the project's size and complexity. In practice, some projects may even combine elements of different
SDLC models to suit their needs.


Definition: A Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC) model is a systematic process or framework used
to guide the development of software applications or systems.
Purpose: It defines the stages and tasks involved in building software, from initial planning and
requirements gathering to testing, deployment, and maintenance.

Basic Stages in the SDLC:

 Planning: Define project scope, objectives, and requirements.

 Requirements Gathering: Gather and document user and system requirements.
 Design: Create an architectural and detailed design of the software.
 Implementation (Development): Write and code the software.
 Testing: Conduct testing to ensure software quality and functionality.
 Deployment: Release the software for production use.
 Maintenance: Provide ongoing support, updates, and bug fixes.

Variety: Different SDLC models exist, each with its own set of principles, practices, and characteristics.

 Waterfall Model: Sequential phases, rigid, well-defined requirements.

 Spiral Model: Iterative, risk-focused, adaptable.
 Agile Model: Collaborative, iterative, customer-driven.
 DevOps Model: Collaboration, automation, continuous delivery.
 V-Model (Validation and Verification Model): Emphasis on testing, phase correlation.
 Incremental Model: Divided into increments, early partial deliveries.
 RAD (Rapid Application Development): Quick prototypes, user involvement.
 Big Bang Model: Minimal planning, flexibility, small projects.

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