Actividad 2.

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Fundamentos de Informática


Actividad 2 –Modulo 7

Defina en inglés los siguientes conceptos Informáticos:

1. Computador: A computer is a computing device that is capable of receiving,

storing, and processing information in a useful way. A computer is
programmed to perform logical or arithmetic operations automatically.

2. Informática: Computer science or computing is the science that studies the

methods and techniques to store, process and transmit information in an
automated way, and more specifically, in digital format using computerized

3. Hardware:Hardware is the physical part of a computer or computer system. It

is made up of electrical, electronic, electromagnetic and mechanical
components, such as cable and light circuits, boards, memories, hard drives,
peripheral devices and any other physical material that is necessary to make
the equipment work.

4. Software:Software is a computer term that refers to a program or set of

computer programs, as well as data, procedures and guidelines that allow
different tasks to be performed on a computer system.

5. Sistema Operativo: The operating system is the software that coordinares and
directs all the services and applications that the user uses on a computer,
which is why it is the most important and fundamental. These are programs
that allow and regulate the most basic aspects of the system.

6. Internet:Internet is a neologism from English that means decentralized

computer network of global reach. It is a system of networks interconnected
through different protocols that offers a great diversity of services and
resources, such as access to hypertext files through the web.
Fundamentos de Informática

7. Navegador:As a browser (or browser, in English) it is designated, in

computing, the application or program that allows accessing web pages and
browsing a computer network, mainly the Internet, either from personal
computers or mobile devices.

8. Archivo:In the field of computing, the information element made up of a sum

of records (combination of bytes) is called a “file”. They bear this name
because they are the digitized equivalents of the files described above. So
much so that many of the “paper” files are currently being digitized, to reduce
their physical size and facilitate their organizarían and search.

9. Carpeta:Folder is a name used by Windows and other operating systems to

refer to directories and other information-containing spaces. In English:
folder,The use of the name “folder” or “folder” comes from a long time ago.
The name was first used in the design of a hierarchical file system for the
ERCA Mark 1 computers, published in 1958.

10. Memoria ram:In computing, RAM memory (acronym for Random Access
Memory, or Random Access Memory) is a type of operating memory of
computers and computer systems, where most of the software will be
executed: the operating system itself, the application and other similar

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