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Bulletin of the Seismological Society of America, Vol. 104, No. 5, pp. 2503–2511, October 2014, doi: 10.


Evaluation of Site Effects on Strong-Motion Records in Concepción

during the 2010 Maule, Chile, Earthquake
by Saburoh Midorikawa, Hiroaki Yamanaka, Kosuke Chimoto, Rafael Riddell,
Hiroyuki Miura, and Koichiro Saguchi

Abstract In the 2010 Maule, Chile, earthquake (M w 8.8), many high-rise buildings
in downtown Concepción (CONC) sustained severe damage. The accelerogram ob-
served at CONC had large amplitudes and long periods. The spectra contained strong
peaks with periods around 2 s, whereas the spectra from a neighboring site (CCSP) did
not exhibit strong peaks. Because CONC and CCSP are located in the Concepción
basin and at the edge of the basin, respectively, these observations suggest that the
spectral differences are due to site geological effects. To quantitatively evaluate site
effects, microtremor array observations were conducted as a subsurface structure sur-
vey in Concepción. The S-wave velocity profiles were estimated from the inversion of
the Rayleigh-wave phase velocity and the horizontal-to-vertical ratio. The different
spectral characteristics of the records at CONC and CCSP could be explained by
the theoretical amplification factors computed from the velocity profiles. Further stud-
ies on seismic microzoning of the city with an emphasis on the subsurface structure
should improve disaster planning in Concepción.

A gigantic earthquake (M w 8.8), which occurred in effects on records with an emphasis on the subsurface struc-
Chile on 27 February 2010, impacted an area exceeding ture using a microtremor array survey in Concepción.
50;000 km2 , damaged 370,000 houses, and affected over
two million people (Elnashai et al., 2010). The earthquake
produced many strong-motion records (Barrientos, 2010; Earthquake and Strong-Motion Records
Boroschek et al., 2010), including ones with large ampli-
Large earthquakes frequently occur along the coast of
tudes and long periods in Concepción, Chile. The city of
Chile due to subduction of the Nazca plate under the South
Concepción sustained extensive damage. For example, 58
American continental plate. The 2010 Maule, Chile, earth-
buildings with three or more stories suffered severe damage
quake occurred in the seismic gap along the coast of Chile,
(Leyton et al., 2012). The damage distribution of the earth-
where the last large earthquake (M 8.5) occurred in 1835
quake was very similar to that of the Mw 9.5 earthquake in (Beck et al., 1998). The magnitude of the 2010 earthquake
1960, suggesting that severe damage is due to site and/or was M w 8.8, and the aftershock area was approximately
basin effects (Assimaki et al., 2012). Thus, it is important 500 km long by 150 km wide. Several researchers have pro-
to investigate site effects in the city to understand potential posed earthquake fault models. For example, Poiata and Ko-
damage and to establish an effective disaster plan. ketsu (2010) estimated a reverse-fault model with strike and
Although site effects in the city of Concepción have dip of 11° and 18°, respectively. Figure 1 shows the surface
been discussed (Nicolau del Roure et al., 1980; Ramirez and projection of the slip distribution. Concepción is located just
Vivallos, 2009; Assimaki et al., 2012; Boroschek, Contreras, above the southern part of the fault plane.
et al., 2012; Leyton et al., 2012), many of the discussions Strong-motion records from the Maule earthquake were
were qualitative. Preliminary subsurface profile models have obtained at approximately 30 sites (Barrientos, 2010; Boro-
been proposed from a gravity survey (Nicolau del Roure schek et al., 2010). The accelerogram recorded in downtown
et al., 1980; Vivallos et al., 2010), but quantitative assess- Concepción (Concepción Centro, CONC) is characterized by
ments are limited due to insufficient information on the sub- large amplitudes and long periods, and many high-rise build-
surface structure of the city. To develop a more reliable ings suffered severe damage. On the other hand, the accelero-
subsurface model and to realize a more quantitative discus- gram of a suburb of Concepción (Concepción San Pedro,
sion on the site effects, a geophysical survey in the city is CCSP), which is about 6 km southwest of CONC, does not
necessary. Herein, we investigate the impact of site geologic exhibit such features. Figure 2 shows the locations of CONC


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2504 S. Midorikawa, H. Yamanaka, K. Chimoto, R. Riddell, H. Miura, and K. Saguchi

Figure 2. Locations of CONC and CCSP.

80 m (Boroschek, Yanez, et al., 2012). The obtained shear-

wave velocities near the surface and at a depth of 70 m are
370 and 1600 m=s, respectively. At CONC, a velocity struc-
ture model with a sediment depth of 134 m was initially pro-
posed based on borehole data with depth of about 30 m and a
gravity survey (Nicolau del Roure et al., 1980). Because
depths below 30 m were roughly estimated from a gravity
survey, the model may be less reliable below 30 m. There-
fore, a geophysical survey of the deeper layers is necessary
at CONC.

Microtremor Array Observations

Figure 1. Fault model by Poiata and Koketsu (2010).
We conducted microtremor array observations at CONC
and CCSP, along with a geological map modified from Ser- and CCSP in November 2012 using four or seven vertical ac-
vicio Nacional de Geologia y Mineria (1982). celerometers (Fig. 5). Five arrays were temporarily installed
Figure 3 compares the velocity time histories of the re- with different spacings. The array size L was 2–54 m at
CONC and 1.9–30 m at CCSP. Although we also conducted
cords at CONC and CCSP. The peak horizontal velocity at
measurements of microtremors using arrays with spacings of
CONC is about 70 cm=s, which is almost twice that observed
more than 100 m, we did not use the data due to the low co-
at CCSP. Figure 4 compares the velocity response spectra of
herence of microtremors at long periods. In this study, the
the records. The CONC spectra have strong peaks at around
accelerometer used was a highly sensitive moving-coil type
2 s with response amplitudes as high as 350 cm=s. The peak
sensor with a high damping coefficient of 26 and a natural
spectral velocities are comparable to the records observed in
frequency of 3 Hz (Kudo et al., 2002). This type of acceler-
Kobe, Japan, during the 1995 Kobe earthquake (M s 6.9; ometer has been successfully used for microtremor observa-
Ohba, 1995) and in Mexico City during the 1985 Michoacan tions. The ground acceleration from the vertical seismometer
earthquake (Ms 8.1; Seed et al., 1988). Both Kobe and was digitized in a data logger at a sampling interval of 0.01 s.
Mexico City sustained catastrophic damage. The sampled data were transmitted to a personal computer via
On the contrary, the spectra at CCSP do not contain a wireless local area network connection, allowing
strong peaks, and the spectral amplitudes at longer periods microtremor data for frequencies up to 30 Hz to be quickly
are much smaller than those at CONC. The different spectral acquired (Grutas and Yamanaka, 2012). For each array, micro-
features at CONC and CCSP suggest that site geological tremor data were recorded in 15–20 min intervals.
effects strongly impact the records; CONC is located on The microtremor data were processed to obtain the
Quaternary deposits in the Concepción basin, whereas CCSP phase velocity of the Rayleigh waves. We applied the spatial
is near the edge of the basin where the surface geology con- auto correlation (SPAC) method (Okada, 2003). First, the ac-
sists of the Paleozoic basement rock (Servicio Nacional de celeration records were divided into 20.48 s segments with-
Geologia y Mineria, 1982; Fig. 2). out impulsive artificial disturbances due to traffic and/or
A downhole measurement of the shear-wave velocity at pedestrians near the sensors. After the SPAC coefficients
CCSP provided the velocity structure down to a depth of were calculated for all segments, the segments were stacked

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Evaluation of Site Effects on Strong-Motion Records in Concepción 2505

Figure 3. Velocity time histories at (a) CONC and (b) CCSP.

(a) Concepcion Centro (CONC) (b) Concepcion San Pedro (CCSP)

1000 1000
h = 0.05

Velocity Response Spectra (cm/s)

Velocity Response Spectra (cm/s)

100 100

10 10

L-comp(N240E) N000E
T-comp(N150E) N090E
Up Up

1 1
0.1 1 10 0.1 1 10
Period (s) Period (s)

Figure 4. Velocity response spectra at (a) CONC and (b) CCSP.

to obtain the average, which was subsequently used to esti- strumental noise level, as can be inferred from the SPAC co-
mate the phase velocity. Each of the arrays used 14–25 seg- efficients in Figure 6.
ments. Figure 6 displays an example of the SPAC coefficients The phase velocity at CONC is characterized by low val-
obtained at CONC. The SPAC coefficients tend to decrease at ues at frequencies above 5 Hz. Similarly, the phase velocity
frequencies below 2 or 3 Hz. at CCSP is also small at frequencies above 10 Hz, suggesting
Figure 7 shows the Rayleigh-wave phase velocities es- a low S-wave velocity near the surface. At low frequencies,
timated at CONC and CCSP. The thin lines denote the high the velocity at CCSP is higher than that at CONC, suggesting
and low limits of the phase velocity from our analysis of the the basement depth is shallower at CCSP. Because of the
array data. From the wavelength, the high limit was deter- city-noise environment around CONC, the standard devia-
mined to be five times as large as the maximum station spac- tions of the observed phase velocity are larger in the entire
ing of the arrays, whereas the low limit was controlled with a frequency range, as shown by the bars in Figure 7. On the
spatial aliasing, which is related with the minimum distances other hand, the phase velocity observed at CCSP has smaller
of the stations. Although we tried to estimate the phase observation errors at frequencies above 5 Hz.
velocities within these limits, at CONC the appropriate phase The two horizontal components of the microtremors
velocity of the Rayleigh waves could not be estimated at were measured at both sites, and the horizontal-to-vertical
frequencies below 2.6 Hz. This is probably because the (H/V) spectral ratio was calculated. The horizontal spectrum
power of the low-frequency microtremors was below the in- is defined as the root mean square of the two horizontal spec-

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2506 S. Midorikawa, H. Yamanaka, K. Chimoto, R. Riddell, H. Miura, and K. Saguchi

Figure 6. Examples of spatial auto correlation (SPAC) coeffi-

Figure 5. Array configuration using four sensors. cients at CONC. Numbers denote the array radii.

tra. Figure 8 shows the ratios at the two sites. The ratio at previous results (Nicolau del Roure et al., 1980; Boroschek,
CONC exhibits a narrow peak at a period of about 1.4 s, Yanez, et al., 2012). The S-wave velocity of the bottom layer
whereas CCSP has a broad peak from 0.6 to 0.9 s. Because was determined in advance because the low-frequency phase
the processing averaged the spectral ratios for 10 segments of velocity was unavailable.
the records with a duration of 81.92 s, variations in the ratios Figure 9 shows the S-wave profiles from the inversions
could be also estimated. The error bars are slightly larger at at the two sites. The thick lines in Figure 9 and Table 1 show
periods greater than 1 s at the two sites (Fig. 8). the optimal models with the minimum misfit. The dashed
The phase velocities and the H/V ratios were jointly in- lines in the figure show the previous results (Nicolau del
verted into 1D S-wave velocity profiles (Arai and Tokimatsu, Roure et al., 1980; Boroschek, Yanez, et al., 2012). Because
2005), assuming the four-layer model. An optimal model many models were examined in the inversions, we selected
was searched with simulated annealing by Yamanaka (2005), acceptable models that had misfits less than 1.1 times the
which is a Monte Carlo method with an efficiency algorithm minimum misfits. The thin lines in the figure denote the
to reach an optimal model. The S-wave velocity and thickness acceptable models. The S-wave velocity at CONC is well
of each layer were determined so that the observed phase determined, with a small variation of the acceptable models.
velocity C0 f i  at frequency fi and the H/V ratio R0 fj  at Despite the large fluctuation of the phase velocity at high
frequency f j fit the theoretical ones for the Rayleigh wave frequencies at CONC, the S-wave velocity profile is well
CC fi  and RC f j  using the misfit defined as constrained by the large and narrow peak in the H/V ratio.
Figures 7 and 8 compare the observed and calculated data for
N  0  the phase velocities and ratios, respectively. The observed
1X C fi  − CC fi  2 phase velocities and ratios are adequately explained by the
N i1 σ C fi  theoretical ones, except for differences in the spectral ratios
M  0  of CCSP at periods longer than 1 s. This large ratio in the
1X R fj  − RC fj  2
 ; observation may be due to contributions of Love waves
M j1 σ R f j  and/or body waves (Arai and Tokimatsu, 2004; Bonnefoy-
Claudet et al., 2008).
in which σ C fi  and σ R f j  are the standard deviations of the Compared to CCSP, the S-wave profile at CONC is char-
observed phase velocities and the H/V ratio, respectively. N acterized by thicker layers with S-wave velocities less than
and M are the numbers of the observed data of the phase 400 m=s over the basement. The obtained velocity profile at
velocity and ratio, respectively. We assumed an ellipticity CONC is consistent with that of the previous study (Nicolau
for the fundamental Rayleigh wave to determine the theoreti- del Roure et al., 1980). At CCSP, based on the observed low
cal H/V ratio. The ratios at frequencies from 0.3 to 10 Hz phase velocity at higher frequencies, a layer with a smaller
were used in the inversion. The P-wave velocity was calcu- S-wave velocity (about 110 m=s) covers the surface down to
lated from the S-wave velocity using the empirical relation a depth of 7 m. Although the basement depth is deeper in our
determined by Kitsunezaki et al. (1990) and the density of model, the S-wave velocities at CCSP are consistent with
each layer. Table 1 shows the search limits after considering previous results (Boroschek, Yanez, et al., 2012).

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Evaluation of Site Effects on Strong-Motion Records in Concepción 2507

Figure 7. Comparison between the observed phase velocities and the theoretical Rayleigh-wave phase velocities for the inverted models
at (a) CONC and (b) CCSP. Bars indicate standard deviations of the observed phase velocities. Phase velocity limits are shown as thin lines
considering the maximum and minimum wavelengths.

Figure 8. Comparison of the observed horizontal-to-vertical ratio to the theoretical ellipticity for a fundamental Rayleigh wave at
(a) CONC and (b) CCSP. Bars indicate standard deviations of the observed ratios.

Table 1
Inverted S-Wave Velocity Models
V S (m=s) H (m) Density (t=m3 ) V S (m=s) H (m) Density (t=m3 )

155 (100–250) 3 (1–20) 1.8 110 (80–150) 7 (1–10) 1.8

220 (200–300) 23 (1–30) 1.8 360 (300–450) 38 (10–40) 1.8
370 (300–450) 98 (10–200) 1.9 510 (450–650) 55(20–100) 2.0
3300 — 2.3 1600 — 2.3

Parentheses denote the search limits.

Figures 10 shows the theoretical amplification factors which V S is the shear-wave velocity in m=s. Because of the
due to multiple reflections of the SH waves calculated from thick, soft layers, CONC has a higher amplication. The res-
the S-wave velocity profiles at CONC and CCSP. The con- onance periods of the ground are 1.4 and 0.8 s at CONC and
stant Q-value for each layer was assumed to be V S =10, in CCSP, respectively.

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2508 S. Midorikawa, H. Yamanaka, K. Chimoto, R. Riddell, H. Miura, and K. Saguchi

Figure 9. S-wave velocity profiles inverted from the phase velocities observed at (a) CONC and (b) CCSP. Thin lines indicate models
with misfits less than 1.1 times that of a thick line. Dashed lines indicate S-wave profiles from previous studies.

Evaluation of the Site Effects in Concepción piled by Riddell et al. (1985). The peak acceleration and
velocity of the record are about 0:1g and 8 cm=s, respec-
The available digital strong-motion data at CONC is tively, which are 5–10 times smaller than the 2010 main-
very limited, which is probably because an SMA-1 accelero- shock record. Figure 11 compares the velocity response
graph was used to record an analog trace of acceleration on spectra of the 1978 and the 2010 earthquakes at CONC.
70 mm film and its signal-to-noise ratio is insufficient to rec- The sharp peak periods of 1.6 s (1978) and 2.0 s (2010) sug-
ord weak motion. We found one digitized record at CONC gest that this location has strong site effects.
from the Chilean strong-motion data set (1945–1981), which A very small aftershock of the 2010 event was also ob-
was obtained during the 1978 earthquake (M 5.3) and com- served at this site about one month after the mainshock (31
March 2010) during microtremor measurements (Midori-
kawa and Miura, 2011). The aftershock record shows a pre-
dominant period of 1.5 s (Fig. 12). The H/V spectral ratio of
the microtremors at the site also shows a predominant period
of 1.4–1.5 s (Ramirez and Vivallos, 2009; Midorikawa and
Miura, 2011). The predominant periods in the 1978, the 2010
aftershock, and the microtremor records all correspond to
the resonance period from the structure model shown in
Figure 10, validating the model.
The predominant period of the 2010 mainshock record,
however, shifts to a longer one than those of smaller records.
Such a period shift has been observed in strong-motion re-
cords on soft soil and has been attributed to a nonlinear soil
response (Tokimatsu et al., 1989; Wen et al., 2006). To dis-
cuss site effects, including nonlinear ones, quantitatively, we
computed the spectral ratio of the 2010 record at CONC
compared to that at CCSP (Fig. 13a). The peaks at a period
around 1.8 s have an amplification of about 10. At periods
less than 1 s, the ratios are less than 1, and a trough appears at
a period of 0.9 s. The solid line in Figure 13b shows the ratio
of the theoretical amplification factor at CONC compared to
Figure 10. Theoretical amplification factors due to multiple re- that at CCSP. Similarly, the theoretical ratio shows a peak
flections of the SH waves at CONC and CCSP. and trough at periods of 1.4 and 0.7 s, respectively. However,

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Evaluation of Site Effects on Strong-Motion Records in Concepción 2509

Concepcion Centro (CONC) 0.1

h = 0.05

2010 Mainshock UD
Velocity Response Spectra (cm/s)



Fourier Spectra (cm/s*s)

1978 earthquake




0.1 1 10
Period (s)

Figure 11. Comparison of the response spectra for the 1978

and 2010 earthquakes at CONC. 0.1 1 10
Period (s)
the observed peak and trough periods are about 30% longer
than those of the theoretical ones, suggesting a nonlinear soil Figure 12. Fourier velocity spectra of an aftershock record at
The shear modulus and damping of soil vary with the
amplitude of shear strain. Assuming that the soil profile can nonlinear calculation is applicable when the soil model is
be represented as a two-layer model composed of the surface approximated to be a two-layer model. The ratio of the am-
soil and the bedrock, the effective shear strain γ eff that is plification factor at CONC to that at CCSP was also recom-
developed in soils during an earthquake can be roughly esti- puted considering nonlinear soil response and is shown by a
mated as dotted line in Figure 13b. The ratio shows a peak and trough
at periods of 1.8 and 0.9 s, respectively, which agree well
γ eff  0:3 PGV=V S with the observed ones shown in Figure 13a. Thus, the large
amplitude of the long-period ground motion recorded at
(Tokimatsu et al., 1989), in which PGV is the peak ground CONC can be explained quantitatively with site effects from
velocity and V S is the shear-wave velocity of the soil layers. the proposed subsurface structures. Such strong site effects
For CONC, PGV is about 70 cm=s and V S is around 300 m=s, should be considered in the seismic design of buildings in the
yielding an estimated γ eff of 0:7 × 10−3 . At this strain level, city, and further studies on seismic microzoning of the city
the equivalent shear-wave velocity and damping factor are should improve disaster planning in Concepción.
estimated to be about 80% of that at the low strain level and
about 5% of the critical (Q-value of 10), respectively, which
are taken from the data for clay in Ishihara (1996). For CCSP, Conclusions
PGV and V S are about 40 cm=s and 450 m=s, respectively,
yielding an estimated γ eff of 0:3 × 10−3 . At this strain level, The 2010 Maule, Chile, earthquake (M w 8.8) produced
the equivalent shear-wave velocity and damping factor are many strong-motion records. In particular, CONC, which
about 90% of that at the low strain level and about 3% of the had an accelerogram with large amplitudes and long periods,
critical (Q-value of 15), respectively (Ishihara, 1996). sustained severe damage to many of its high-rise buildings.
The amplification factors at CONC and CCSP were re- The spectra for CONC had strong periods of around 2 s,
calculated using the equivalent shear-wave velocities and whereas the spectra at a neighboring site near the edge of the
damping factors at the large strain level as pseudononlinear Concepción basin (CCSP) did not have strong peaks. The
calculations. It should be noted that the simplified pseudo- aftershock and smaller strong-motion records at CONC also

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2510 S. Midorikawa, H. Yamanaka, K. Chimoto, R. Riddell, H. Miura, and K. Saguchi


Parzen window = 0.1Hz


Spectral Ratio


0.2 1 5.0
Period (s)

Figure 13. (a) Observed and (b) theoretical spectral ratios of CONC to CCSP.

show a predominant period of 1.5 s. These observations sug- sity of Chile (Riddell et al., 1985). The 2010 aftershock record
gest strong site effects at CONC. was obtained from a data file prepared by Tokyo Institute of
To evaluate the site effects, microtremor array observa- Technology (Midorikawa and Miura, 2011).
tions were conducted as a subsurface structure survey in
Concepción. The Rayleigh-wave phase velocities were esti- Acknowledgments
mated at two sites. The phase velocity at each site was in-
We thank the two reviewers whose comments improved our manuscript.
verted jointly with the H/V ratio of the microtremors to the This study was jointly supported by the Ministry of Education, Science, Culture
S-wave velocity profile over the basement. The S-wave pro- and Sports of Japan (MEXT) Global Centre-of-Excellence (COE) Program,
file at CONC is characterized by thicker layers, with S-wave “International Urban Earthquake Engineering Center for Mitigating Seismic
velocities around 350 m=s over the basement. The theoretical Mega Risk” in Japan, and the FONDEF Research Project D10I1027 “Desar-
amplification factors were calculated from the velocity pro- rollo de plataforma de amenaza sísmica para el norte de Chile y propuesta de
actualización de normas de diseño sismo-resistente: Análisis de los efectos del
files obtained. At CONC, the calculated predominant period terremoto del Maule 2010 y caracterización de terremotos tipo en el segmento
agrees with those of the aftershock and the smaller strong- Taltal-Arica” in Chile. Microtremor measurements were conducted with the
motion records, confirming the validity of the obtained pro- assistance of the staff at Catholic University of Chile. Information on
file. However, the period of the 2010 mainshock record is strong-motion stations was provided by R. Boroschek, University of Chile.
about 30% longer than the calculated one. To explain this
longer period, the effect of a nonlinear soil response is con- References
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