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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region I
Schools Division Office I Pangasinan
Lingayen, Pangasinan

Semi-Detailed Lesson Plan on Exercise Programs: Training Guidelines and

FITT Principles (Health-Related Fitness)

I. Objective:
Learners must be able to do the following at the end of the activities with at least 85% proficiency:
 Recognizes barriers (low level of fitness, lack of skill and time) to exercise. (PE8PF-Ib-26);
 Designs a physical activity program for the family/school peers to achieve fitness; and
 Demonstrates understanding of guidelines and principles in exercise program design to achieve

II. Subject Matter:

Exercise Programs: Training Guidelines and FITT Principles (Health-Related Fitness)
a. K to 12 TM on Physical Education and Health 8 pages 27
b. K to 12 LM on Physical Education and Health 8 pages 25-26
c. Other References:
 The 21st MAPEH in Action (Worksheet in Music, Arts, PE & Health 8 by Gerardo C.
Lacia, et. al .2015) page 163.
 Enjoy Life with PE and Health IV Textbook page 36

III. Materials: Visual aids

(Laptop, TV, Pictures, etc…)

IV. Procedure:

A. Preparation
The Teacher will lead the learners with prayer, greet them and check their attendance.
B. Motivation
“Galaw-galaw Para Hindi Agad Pumanaw”

The Teacher will let the learners perform simple bending and stretching exercise in accordance with the
following commands: galaw-galaw, para, hindi, agad, and pumanaw. At first, the command should be in
proper order. Then, if the learners are already familiar with the movements, the command should be
done randomly to encourage agility among the learners.
 Galaw-galaw – bend the trunk to the right with hands on waist.
 Para - bend the trunk alternately left with hands on waist.
 Hindi – bend both knees with both arms stretch forward.
 Agad – jump and land with feet apart and both arms stretch upward.
 Pumanaw – jump and land with feet together and arms at side.

C. Presentation of the Lesson

After the activity the learners, the teacher will answer the following questions:
 How do you feel with the activity?
 When was the last time you perform physical fitness activity or exercise?
 For those who seldom and/or never perform physical fitness activity or exercise, what are
the reasons for it?
D. Development of the Lesson
The teacher will let the learners read the story and asked to answer the questions.

The Story of Jazzy

Many times, Jazzy tried to lose weight. She tried to cut out her snacks and skipped from
dinner. She even tried bending and stretching from the simple workout program on “YouTube” but still
she looked chubby, and her weight remains the same. She did not enjoy going to the mall because she
easily got tried even with a few minutes walking. She just made online shopping for everything she
wanted. Many times, she was asked by her friends to join in a zumba dance exercise, but she refused
because she was too busy with her boggling office work and tiring home responsibilities. She never
considered any physical activity or exercise in the gym because she has no enough budget to spend.
One day, her friend lent her a machine for her to try the “Wii Fit” and “Dance Dance Revolution”. She
tried it once, but she got bored doing it alone. She invited her brothers and sisters at home to join with
her but they were not interested. Instead, they spent their leisure time watching TV, playing video
games or surfing in the internet. Like Jazzy, they did not wanted to do any physical fitness activity
because for them such activity can cause then stress. Despite of everything, she really wanted to
pursue her desire to engage in fitness activities. After all she knew that this is the best way manage her
weight properly. She is determined to detach from her couch potato way and live with a healthy lifestyle.

1. What are the barriers in Jazzy’s desire to engage in health-related fitness activity or exercise?
2. What do you think are the ways to overcome the barriers to exercise?

E. Application of the Lesson

My Family’s Fitness Activity

With the given fitness activity on the four components of health-related fitness; (strength, flexibility,
endurance, and body composition), the teacher will let the students assess the level of participation of
their family and indicate the reasons if not participating.

V. Evaluation:
Direction: Get a ¼ sheet of paper and choose the best answer.

1. The following are training guidelines and f F.I.T.T principle EXCEPT

A. frequency C. agility
B. intensity D. time

2. Which of the following is an example of barrier to exercise?

A. planned exercise program C. lack of will power
B. active physical activities D. walking
3. The following are example of myths and fallacies on physical activity participation EXCEPT?
A. IF you are a woman, lifting weights will make you bulky like a man
B. a 4- 5 work out will burn more fat than shorter works
C. if you isolate a specific muscle, you will reduce fats
D. physical activities reduce health risks
4. Michael John was about to attend a birthday party. When he was about to wear his coat and tie, he
noticed that it doesn’t fit to him anymore. He had a self- assessment, so he wanted to measure the
visceral amount of fats carried in his body. What health- related fitness he should undergo?
A. waist circumference C. Curl ups
B. 90˚ push ups D. BMI
5. Mrs. Gina Perez, a PE teacher in a MAPEH-7 class conducted a physical fitness test. When she
started consolidating the result on health- related fitness, she found out that most of her students
were underweight. What health- related fitness did she administer?
A. 3- minute step test C. 3- minute step test
B. 40-meter sprint D. BMI

VI. Assignment:

Make a scrapbook with your picture showing the progress and regress of the family’s state of
health-related fitness.

Content/Relevance of idea - 5
Completeness of data - 5
Craftmanship - 5
Promptness – 5
T O T A L - 20

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