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The rumen microbiome: balancing

food security and environmental
Itzhak Mizrahi 1 ✉, R. John Wallace2 and Sarah Moraïs1

Abstract | Ruminants produce edible products and contribute to food security. They house a
complex rumen microbial community that enables the host to digest their plant feed through
microbial-​mediated fermentation. However, the rumen microbiome is also responsible for the
production of one of the most potent greenhouse gases, methane, and contributes about 18%
of its total anthropogenic emissions. Conventional methods to lower methane production by
ruminants have proved successful, but to a limited and often temporary extent. An increased
understanding of the host–microbiome interactions has led to the development of new
mitigation strategies. In this Review we describe the composition, ecology and metabolism
of the rumen microbiome, and the impact on host physiology and the environment. We also
discuss the most pertinent methane mitigation strategies that emerged to balance food security
and environmental impacts.

In recent years, the mammalian gut has been recognized dependence of the ruminant host on its microbiome, such
as a fundamentally important microbial ecosystem1. systems are excellent models to understand fundamental
Intriguingly, in specific mammalian lineages, complete aspects of the ecological and evolutionary relationships
obligatory dependence exists between the host and its between animal hosts and their microorganisms.
associated microorganisms, whereby the microbial Nevertheless, the rumen microbiome is also respon-
communities perform fundamental processes, such sible for the production of one of the most potent
as digestion of the feed for the host. Among the most greenhouse gases, methane. During the last few dec-
representative and ecologically relevant examples are ades, worldwide methane emissions from agricultural
ruminants — foregut fermenters that rely critically on livestock have continuously increased (Fig. 1a), with a
their associated gut microorganisms to digest their plant significant 1.9-​fold increase from 1961 to 2017. These
feed2. This phenomenon enables ruminants to convert emissions are only expected to further increase in the
the complex polysaccharides such as cellulose and future, owing to the growing global demand for milk
hemicellulose that comprise the major part of the plant and beef9. Consequently, methane is one of the six gases
biomass, mostly indigestible to humans, into nutritive that have required international measures by the Kyoto
food. This capacity has established ruminants as inte- Protocol, as it represents 14% of the total greenhouse
gral parts of our societies, culture and even evolution3, gas emitted and has 28 times the global warming poten-
since their domestication in the Neolithic era more than tial of CO2. The mean total methane emissions for the
10,000 years ago. The ability to digest their plant feed is 2010–2015 period were estimated by satellite observa-
conferred upon the host animal principally by the func- tion at 548 Tg year–1 (ref.10). About two-​thirds of these
Department of Life Sciences,
tioning of microbial communities residing in the rumen emissions (356 Tg year–1) are from anthropogenic
Ben-Gurion University of compartment, situated in their upper digestive tract. sources, of which 100–117 Tg year–1 are from livestock,
the Negev and the National Unlike non-​ruminants, in which microorganisms have a emanating either directly by exhalation or from the
Institute for Biotechnology minor role in the digestion process4, ruminants require biowaste generated by farms, such as manure (Fig. 1a).
in the Negev, Marcus Family
a complex community that codes for a multitude of func- More than half of the emitted livestock emissions are
Campus, Be’er-Sheva, Israel.
tions that will enable the animal to exploit and digest attributed to non-​dairy cattle, with the rest distributed
The Rowett Institute,
University of Aberdeen,
plant fibre5. The function of the rumen microbiome is across other livestock (Fig. 1b). In addition, it seems that
Aberdeen, UK. tightly linked to host physiology, including to the devel- there are no marked differences between grazing and
✉e-​mail: opment of the rumen epithelium6,7, possibly involving non-​grazing animals in relation to methane emissions in the modulation of host gene regulation by short chain areas such as Asia and Africa in which documentation
s41579-021-00543-6 fatty acids (SCFAs)8. Due to the paradigmatic obligatory of these husbandry regimes exists11.

NAture RevIeWS | MicrObiOlOGy volume 19 | September 2021 | 553


a Worldwide methane emissions Nevertheless, in view of its relatively short lifespan in

the atmosphere (12 years), methane mitigation strate-
gies seem feasible, and ruminant gut microorganisms
constitute a primary target for such strategies.
Recent years have brought major advances in under-
standing the rumen ecosystem and its interaction
with the host13. Specific community structures, micro­
organisms and their metabolic pathways, together with
Methane specific metabolites that drive community composition
emissions in and ecosystem function, were connected to the host
2017 (Gg) genome and its attributes, such as the host energy har-
2,000 vest efficiency14–22. In this Review, we discuss our current
6,000 understanding of the composition and ecology of the
8,000 rumen microbiome with regard to methane emissions
10,000 and potential ways to modulate them.

The rumen microbiome

140,000 Composition of the rumen microbiome. The rumi-
nal microbiome comprises representatives of bacte-
Methane emissions (Gg)

ria, protozoa, archaea and fungi, with their respective

100,000 abundance and diversity following the same order.
80,000 Unlike the eukaryotic domain, the archaeal and bacte-
rial domains are essential to the viability of the rumi-
nant host2. The Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes bacterial
40,000 phyla are the most abundant members, at both the
DNA and protein levels23–25, and comprise key fibre
degraders, which include cellulose degraders, such as
0 Fibrobacter succinogenes, Ruminococcus flavefaciens and
1960 1980 2000 2020 2040 Ruminococcus albus2, and several bacterial species that
Year are highly efficient in hemicellulose degradation, such
b Emissions by animal type as members from the genera Prevotella, Butyrivibrio
Others and Pseudobutyrivibrio26. All of these bacteria belong
Goats to core genera that were found in almost all ruminants
across many studies25,27 and were present in 80–100% of
the animals in a recent large cohort survey comprising
1,000 cows28. Therefore, they may have an imperative
Buffaloes role in the metabolism and function of the rumen micro-
Non-dairy cattle
biome (Fig. 2). Members of the Prevotella, Butyrivibrio
and Ruminococcus genera have been particularly studied
as dominant species in the colonization and degradation
of the hemicellulose portion of the fibre, as they com-
Dairy cattle prise a broader fibre-​related enzymatic repertoire that
could enable them to digest the available fibre26,29–32. In
addition, bacteria that were previously shown to utilize
Fig. 1 | Global methane emissions. Methane emission data estimated or calculated the degradation products of cellulolytic bacteria such
from Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAOSTAT) enteric as Treponema bryantii33 are also found to be present
fermentation, depicted by region and animal. a | Global annual emissions from 1960 to in all of the 1,000 cows analysed in the cohort study28
2017, and predicted emission trend for 2030 and 2050 (red dots). World map colour- (Fig. 2). Dominant members of the rumen microbiome
coded to indicate low to high methane emissions of data collected in 2017. India, Brazil, also comprise microorganisms that utilize secondary
China, the USA, Argentina and Pakistan exhibit the highest levels of methane emissions. fermentation products of other microorganisms, such
b | Level of contribution to methane emission by animal type. The ‘others’ category on as Selenomonas ruminantium and members of the
the chart encompasses non-​ruminant animals that include (from high to low in order
Succinovibrionaceae family34,35 (Fig. 2).
of importance with regard to methane emission) camels, swine, horses, mules together
with asses, and llamas. Data include enteric methane emissions from both grazing and It is important to note that low-​abundance taxa do
non-​grazing animals11. not translate into less significant members of the micro-
bial community. For example, only very few cellulolytic
species have been isolated from the rumen micro­biome,
Owing to the increase in methane emission, the two and they comprise a very small portion thereof, but
main natural methane sinks (that is, the atmosphere scores off other species that consume the products of
Core microbiome
and the soil) are no longer sufficient for balancing its primary fibre digestion. In this context, the cellulolytic
A group of microorganisms
commonly found within removal10. The accumulation of methane in the atmos- bacterium F. succinogenes occupies only 0.5% of the
the microbiome across phere is equivalent to half of the total global carbon imbal- bacterial diversity36 and occurs in most of the reported
multiple hosts. ance, which greatly contributes to the greenhouse effect12. core microbiome studies and in all of the animals in the

554 | September 2021 | volume 19


recent cohort study28 (Fig. 2). F. succinogenes is considered the case of cellulose, and various pentose sugars in the
a key cellulolytic species37,38 that fuels the metabolism of case of hemicellulose26. In the second level, these soluble
other microbiome members by producing soluble sugars sugars are imported into the microbial cells by specific
and succinate from cellulose (Fig. 3). transporters and metabolized via various pathways such
Another example of important low-​abundance taxa as the Embden–Meyerhoff–Parnas pathway and the
is the archaeal domain that typically represents a small pentose phosphate pathway for the utilization of hexoses
proportion of the total rumen microbial richness and and pentoses, respectively, as well as additional atypi-
abundance2, and includes methanogens that are the sole cal metabolic pathways suspected to be encoded in the
methane producers in this ecosystem. Despite the fact genomes of the microorganisms in the rumen45,46. These
that environmental conditions such as diet and geo­ atypical utilization pathways include an incomplete
graphy were shown to affect the composition of the Embden–Meyerhoff–Parnas pathway and a pyrophos-
methanogenic community18,39,40, methanogens are ubiq- phate (PPi)-​dependent phosphofructokinase pathway.
uitous to all foregut animals and therefore represent part Due to the anaerobic nature of the metabolism in the
of the ruminant core microbiome27. This is supported by rumen, a great proportion of these sugars are then fer-
the aforementioned recent study28, which showed that mented via various downstream pathways, which results
species represented as operational taxonomic units from in the excretion of organic acids and SCFAs, as well as
the genera Methanobrevibacter and Methanosphaera various metabolites and gases such as carbon dioxide
occur in 100% and 60% of the animals, respectively, and hydrogen47–49. Finally, in the last level, some of these
although they occupy only a small percentage of the excreted metabolites, such as lactate, succinate, hydro-
relative abundance (Fig. 2). gen and carbon dioxide, are further converted into pro-
pionate, butyrate, acetate and methane, among others.
Rumen metabolism. In the rumen, metabolic cascades For example, some of the key core microbiome mem-
are carried out by the microbial community in a com- bers, such as S. ruminantium, Coprococcus catus and
plex and coordinated manner, whereby successive, cross-​ Succiniclasticum ruminis, convert lactate and succinate
feeding across food webs exists among different rumen into SCFAs (Figs 2 and 3). The high amounts of hydrogen
microorganisms, generating trophic-​like levels41. When generated are mainly utilized by methanogens to reduce
dividing the species comprising the rumen microbiome carbon dioxide to methane. Hydrogen is also used by
into functional groups, it becomes evident that there is a sulfate-​reducing and nitrate-​reducing microorganisms,
huge functional redundancy in this ecosystem42. Indeed, and is involved in the production of unsaturated fatty
even when considering only the fibrolytic function acids and microbial biomass, but to a lesser extent.
located at the top of the metabolic cascades, a multitude In addition, although homoacetogenic and acetogenic
of carbohydrate-​active enzymes are distributed through- bacteria are present in the rumen, acetogenesis is thermo-
out most of the rumen microbiome26,43. In general, there dynamically less favourable than methanogenesis50, and
is a lack of understanding of the role and importance of reductive acetogenesis mostly occurs in the absence of
functional redundancy that is apparent at all layers of the methanogens51. There is also evidence for the presence
rumen metabolic cascades. This widespread functional of methanotrophs (bacteria that oxidize methane into
redundancy was exemplified in the recent cohort study CO2) in the rumen52, but with limited activity.
that revealed very high vari­ability among the animals, The methanogens are essential for generating
with only a small proportion of the core microbiome electron sinks and represent a crucial driving force for
existing in 90% of the cohort28. Although these micro­ the entire food chain. All methanogens are members
organisms are likely to be of major importance to the of the archaeal phylum of Euryarchaeota that com-
host, they only represent a fraction of the overall ecosys- prises seven orders, of which Methanobacteriales,
tem richness, which suggests that the rest of the micro- Methanomicrobiales, Methanomassiliicoccales and
Food webs organisms retain a high degree of redundancy; therefore, Methanosarcinales are commonly found in the rumen
The interconnections among the rumen ecosystem function is carried out by vari- ecosystem. The genus Methanobrevibacter of the
different microbial food chains.
ous different species that perform similar functions. Methanobacteriales order is the most dominant, account-
Electron sinks Consequently, although species and taxonomic identity ing for up to 70% of the rumen archaeal community16.
In this context, microorganisms may vary among animals, the functions encoded by the With respect to their physiology and ecology, three dif-
within a microbial community microorganisms seem to be more stable44. Recently, pro- ferent methanogenic groups can be distinguished, which
that accept electrons at the teomic data suggested that this functional redundancy alludes to the different ecological roles in the rumen
final step of the electron flow.
is fostered by microbial niche compartmentalization23. regarding metabolic precursors of methanogenesis53.
Hydrogenotrophs In broad terms, rumen metabolism can be divided These groups include: hydrogenotrophs, which utilize
Methanogens that use H2 to into three trophic-​like levels of chemical transformations hydrogen to reduce CO2, CO or formate to methane54;
reduce CO2 to methane. of plant fibre macromolecules and polymers (Fig. 3a). For methylotrophs, which use methylated compounds such as
the first level, we focus on the degradation and meta­ methanol or methyl amines; and acetoclastic methanogens,
Methanogens that use a bolism of cellulose and hemicellulose, which are the most which use acetate for this process55,56. Members of the
methylated compound as the abundant and recalcitrant sugar polymers of the plant genus Methanosarcina can use all of these precursors,
input metabolite to produce cell wall. In this level, the plant cell wall structures are and thus belong to all of the groups5. Methanogens are
methane. colonized by microorganisms that utilize enzymes present in the rumen just minutes after birth57. The early
Acetoclastic methanogens
belonging to different glycosyl hydrolase families to methanogenic community is already active in newborn
Methanogens that use acetate deconstruct these polymers into soluble forms; these animals but differs from the community of mature ani-
to produce methane. include shorter polymers and monomers of glucose in mals in terms of substrate utilization58. In fact, whereas

NAture RevIeWS | MicrObiOlOGy volume 19 | September 2021 | 555


Previously Prevalent core rumen

Phylum Family Genus reported Known core rumen isolates and their morphology microorganisms
Spirochaetes Spirochaetaceae Treponema Treponema bryantii
Fibrobacteres Fibrobacteraceae Fibrobacter Fibrobacter succinogenes
Methanosphaera Methanosphaera stadtmaniae
Euryarchaeota Methanobacteriaceae
Methanobrevibacter Methanobrevibacter ruminantium
Atopobiaceae Olsenella Olsenella umbonata
Actinobacteria Pseudoscardovia Pseudoscardovia suis, pig gut isolate
Bifidobacterium Bifidobacterium ruminale
Succinimonas Succinimonas amylolytica
Ruminobacter Ruminobacter amylophilus
Proteobacteria Succinivibrionaceae Succinivibrionaceae n.d.
Succinivibrio Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens
Succinivibrionaceae n.d.
Prevotellaceae_NK3B31 n.d.
Prevotellaceae_Ga6A1 n.d.
Bacteroidetes Prevotellaceae Prevotellaceae_YAB2003 n.d.
Prevotellaceae_UCG-003 n.d.
Prevotellaceae_UCG-001 n.d.
Prevotella Prevotella ruminicola
Rikenellaceae Rikenellaceae_RC9 n.d.
Veillonellaceae Dialister No gut isolates
Selenomonadaceae Selenomonas Selenomonas ruminantium
Anaerovoracaceae Mogibacterium No gut isolates
CAG-352 n.d.
Ruminococcus Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Colidextribacter No isolate
Oscillospiraceae UCG-005 n.d.
NK4A214_group n.d.
Lachnospiraceae_XPB1014 n.d.
Oribacterium Oribacterium sp. strain C9
Lachnospira Lachnospira multiparus
Coprococcus Coprococcus sp. Pe15
Lachnospiraceae_UCG-009 n.d.
Firmicutes probable_genus_10 n.d.
Lachnoclostridium Lachnoclostridium clostridioforme
Lachnospiraceae Shuttleworthia No gut isolates
Lachnospiraceae_AC2044_ n.d.
Acetitomaculum Acetitomaculum ruminis
Lachnospiraceae_NK4A136 n.d.
Moryella No gut isolates
Butyrivibrio Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, B. hungateii, B. proteoclasticus
Pseudobutyrivibrio Pseudobutyrivibrio xylanivorans, P. ruminis
Lachnospiraceae_NK3A20 n.d.
Hungateiclostridiaceae Saccharofermentans No gut isolates
Christensenellaceae Christensenellaceae_R-7 Christensenella minuta, human gut isolate
Acidaminococcaceae Succiniclasticum Succiniclasticum ruminis
Acholeplasmataceae Anaeroplasma Anaeroplasma abactoclasticum
0 20 40 60 80 100
% occupancy in a cow
cohort across Europe
(ESV level)

hydrogenotrophs constitute the majority of methano- methanogenic communities58. Knowledge of such func-
gens in mature animals, newborn calf microbiomes tional dynamics is critical to develop potent community
present a higher proportion of methylotrophs40, sug- modulation and intervention strategies.
gesting that different metabolic environments present at The food web hierarchy of consumption, from the
different stages of life enrich for metabolically different macromolecules down to the final electron acceptors,

556 | September 2021 | volume 19


◀ Fig. 2 | Overview of the most prevalent rumen microbiome core members. Phylum, F. succinogenes66, hemicellulolytic bacteria and addi-
family and genus-​level assignment of the prevalent exact sequence variants (ESVs) tional carbohydrate fermenters67,68. Moreover, hydrogen
observed in the Ruminomics survey of 1,000 cows28. Genera of ESVs reported as core in utilization by methanogens and the decrease in hydro-
other large-​scale surveys19,25,27,162–164 are indicated by checkmarks. ESVs with species-level gen partial pressure were suggested to relieve hydrogen-​
annotation in the SILVA database are shown in bold whereas ESVs with only genus-
mediated product inhibition in biomass hydrolysis,
level annotation are assigned with names of known rumen isolates belonging to the
specific genera. ESVs for which defined species annotation was not possible due to
thereby enabling an increase in anaerobic digestion69.
either lack of clear genus-​level annotation or existing isolates are indicated as not Indeed, the abundance of methanogens and cellulolytic
determined (n.d.). ESVs for which isolates can be found in environments other than the microorganisms in rumen samples from various animals
gut are marked ‘no gut isolates’, and ESVs from genera with no existing isolates in any was positively correlated70. Therefore, these two distinct
environment as ‘no isolate’. Cell morphologies of the mentioned isolates are indicated processes that are situated at the far ends of the rumen
based on published microscopic images. Bar plot, colour-​coded according to the trophic cascade are mutually dependent. This was exem-
family-​level annotation, shows the ESV percentage (%) of appearance across a cohort plified in a study examining the microbial succession
of 1,000 cows (termed occupancy). during the fibre degradation process, showing that an
increased abundance of methanogens was responsible
also gives rise to substantial microbial feedback interac- for the relief in hydrogen partial pressure, which in turn
tions between the different trophic-​like levels41. These enabled further fibre degradation and resulted in two
complex networks yield vast arrays of metabolites pro- apparent fibre degradation phases30.
duced by the microorganisms, some of which are uti- These metabolic hydrogen-​t ransfer interactions
lized by the ruminant host for its energy needs. This potentially require physical proximity between the coun-
is exemplified by SCFAs, which are absorbed through terparts. Indeed, methanogenic species are occasionally
the rumen wall and serve up to 70% of the host’s energy found in association with microbial hydrogen producers
needs2. Furthermore, rumen microorganisms them- in the rumen. An example of such physical proximity
selves are an important protein source for the animal, can be observed with the ciliate protozoa, which belong
being digested, subsequently, in the lower digestive to the rumen eukaryotic domain. Protozoa are consid-
tract2,59. Hence, the rumen microbial symbionts and ered major hydrogen providers and therefore interact
their secreted metabolome (that is, the overall meta­ with methanogens71,72. Physical associations have been
bolite assortment) form the basis for the welfare of the observed between several genera, such as Entodinium,
animal, affecting global food security as well as methane Polyplastron, Epidinium and Ophryoscolex, and the
production and emission. methanogens73,74. Methanogens were found to colo-
nize protozoa both intracellularly and extracellularly75,
Hydrogen-​mediated microbial interactions. Hydrogen and this interaction results in a mutualistic relation-
represents a key molecule in the adult rumen ecosys- ship that is believed to enhance methane formation in
tem with regard to methane production and rumen the rumen. Physical interactions were also observed
community dynamics. Hydrogen accumulates during between methanogens and bacteria. In specific cases,
plant fibre fermentation and is removed by methano- these interactions were suggested to be mechanically
gens through methanogenesis. Therefore, in this way, mediated via an adhesin-​like protein, such as the case
methanogens fulfil their cardinal role as the main elec- of Methanobrevibacter ruminantium67 where a protein
tron sink in the rumen. Moreover, by utilizing hydro- was identified from its genome that was verified to bind
gen, methanogens potentially affect other microbial to protozoa and to the rumen bacterium Butyrivibrio
species that are sensitive to hydrogen partial pressure. proteoclasticus76. Such information may shed mecha-
A recent study 60 that examined sequenced rumen nistic light on the interactions between eukaryotic and
microbial genomes and existing rumen metatranscrip- bacterial domains and the methanogens, as it is clear that
tomes found that two-​thirds of the genomes encode they are cardinal in driving methanogenesis.
and express enzymes that potentially utilize hydrogen,
such as [FeFe] hydrogenases, [NiFe] hydrogenases, [Fe] Rumen microbiome compositional states and functional
hydrogenases and nitrogenases. Indeed, hydrogen pres- outcomes. The energy harvested from the feed and
sure has been suggested to influence rumen methane absorbed by the animal or emitted to the atmosphere in
formation and fermentation balances through microbial the form of methane is largely affected by the activity and
growth kinetics and fermentation thermodynamics61. composition of its rumen microbiome. Despite the fact
A seminal example exists for R. albus and R. flavefaciens. that methanogens are the sole known methane produc-
These major cellulolytic microorganisms are considered ers in the rumen, the relationship between methane pro-
key fibre degraders in the rumen. In vitro, these spe- duction and methanogen abundance is not clear. Indeed,
cies have been shown to change their metabolism to in several studies, the abundance of methanogens was
increase energy yields in the presence of methanogens directly correlated to high methane-​emitting ruminants,
that consume the hydrogen produced and decrease its whereas in many other studies no direct correlation was
partial pressure, thus increasing the free energy asso- apparent14,77,78. Nevertheless, the composition of the
ciated with glucose fermentation and, consequently, bacterial79 and eukaryotic communities is suggested to
ATP gains and energy yields62–64. Similar examples with exert a large influence on the methanogenesis potential
regard to such syntrophic interactions with methano- of the rumen microbiome, as methanogens depend on
gens in the production and consumption of hydrogen the activity of other microorganisms. For instance, in a
were found with other cellulolytic species, such as the recent study, the variation in composition of the core
rumen fungus Neocallimastix frontalis65, the bacterium microbiome, mostly comprising non-​methanogenic

NAture RevIeWS | MicrObiOlOGy volume 19 | September 2021 | 557


a Trophic level
degradation Cellulose

Soluble sugar
utilization and
fermentation Methanol
CO2 H2
H2 Propionate
II Acetate
Lactate H2

Secondary product
fermentation Succinate Propionate
H2 Butyrate
IIIa Lactate Butyrate
Succinate Propionate
H2 Acetate

and acetogenesis Butyrate Propionate
Methanol H2 Methane
IIIb CO2 Acetate
CO2 H2 Methane
Methane Propionate

b Utilization Production


l e


Bu nat
llu in
He ose





M te

Pr e

ce tall












CO et






Known core rumen isolates and their morphology






Treponema bryantii
Fibrobacter succinogenes
Methanosphaera stadtmaniae
Methanobrevibacter ruminantium
Olsenella umbonata
Bifidobacterium ruminale
Pseudoscardovia suis
Succinimonas amylolytica
Ruminobacter amylophilus
Succinivibrio dextrinosolvens
Prevotella ruminicola
Selenomonas ruminantium
Ruminococcus flavefaciens
Oribacterium sp. strain C9
Lachnospira multiparus
Coprococcus sp. Pe15
Lachnoclostridium clostridioforme
Acetitomaculum ruminis
Butyrivibrio fibrisolvens, B. hungateii, B. proteoclasticus
Pseudobutyrivibrio xylanivorans
Pseudobutyrivibrio ruminis
Succiniclasticum ruminis
Christensenella minuta
Anaeroplasma abactoclasticum

558 | September 2021 | volume 19


◀ Fig. 3 | Overview of rumen microbiome metabolism. a | Trophic-​like levels of the rumen in methane production is coupled with an increase in
fermentation cascade and the corresponding isolated microorganisms occupying each propionate used as energy by the host, which there-
level. At the first trophic-​like level (I), the main polymers of the plant fibre feed (cellulose fore might explain observations connecting reduced
and hemicellulose) are degraded into small oligosaccharides by specialist cellulolytic methanogenesis and increased milk production21.
and hemicellulolytic microorganisms. At the second level (II), the soluble sugars are
An additional community state that is associated
fermented by most of the members of the rumen microbiome. The third level (III) can be
divided into two sublevels for utilization of the second-​level fermentation products.
with low methane emissions is generally characterized
At the first sublevel (IIIa), a small range of secondary fermenters utilize organic acids by bacterial groups that directly compete with meth-
to produce short chain fatty acids (SCFAs). At the second sublevel (IIIb), methanogens anogens for hydrogen. Within these groups, the family
and, potentially, acetogens utilize mostly hydrogen and, to a lesser extent, methanol Succinivibrionaceae was highlighted in many studies
to produce methane and acetate. The microbial richness at each level is denoted as and was initially found in high abundance in the micro-
the shape area. b | Utilization and production of various metabolites by representative biomes of low methane-​emitting wallabies82 but also in
isolates of core rumen microbiome members, colour-​coded according to their respective higher abundance in extremely low methane-​emitting
trophic levels in part a. ruminants14,17,78,83,84. This group was further identi-
fied as one of a limited number of heritable bacteria17.
species, could be used to predict the amounts of meth- Thus, the Succinivibrionaceae family could represent
ane emissions from animals with high accuracy17. This a potential target for a methane mitigation strategy in
suggests that the metabolic relays between microbiome microbiome-​directed breeding programmes (see below).
members not capable of methanogenesis drive energy Moreover, another study40 recently recorded a spike in
flow towards methane emission. the abundance of members of the Succinivibrionaceae
It seems that the microbial web of interactions in family a month after birth, which was replaced by a
the rumen microbiome defines the ultimate commu- spike in methanogen abundance after a dietary shift
nity composition, function and, thus, outcome (that at the age of 3 months. These findings suggest that
is, alternative stable community states). Therefore, the Succinivibrionaceae and methanogens are mutually
rumen ecosystem can be stabilized at several alternative exclusive, and specific conditions would potentially
microbiome states depending on the microbial interac- enable Succinivibrionaceae to outcompete methano-
tion types and the strength of the resulting metabolic gens. Indeed, it has been demonstrated that an increase
feedback41,80. The establishment of alternative stable in hydrogen supply can increase succinate production85
community states is connected to methane production as succinate formation has a lower enthalpy than meth-
and its emission by the animal41. Indeed, two parallel ane production86 and is a major metabolic product of the
studies in geographically distanced locations (Israel and Succinivibrionaceae family.
New Zealand)4,81 identified two distinct community These naturally occurring rumen microbiome
compositions that were found to correlate to two dif- compositions that are linked to the production of less
ferent rumen ecosystem functions. One state was con- methane and increase feed efficiency without interven-
nected to higher methane emissions and lower host feed tion may be the target of future studies for decreasing
efficiency, whereas the other was linked to higher SCFA methane emission while maintaining food security.
production and higher host feed efficiency. In both Conversely, several non-​methanogenic microbial groups
studies, lactate and hydrogen seemed to be bifurcating have been consistently associated with high meth-
connections for functional microbial groups and functional ane emission, among which are taxa from the genera
outcome. The downstream branches of this metabolic Ruminococcus, Prevotella and Mogibacterium, as well as
bifurcation are lactate utilization and methanogenesis — protozoa14,17,78,83,84,88. It remains to be determined how
both utilize hydrogen, and therefore are suggested to robust these community state compositions and func-
compete. The outcome of this competition is suggested tions are with regards to dietary changes and whether
to determine the establishment of the above two com- they could be manipulated using dietary interventions.
munity states. Thus, alternative stable community states
stem from interactions between functional microbial Methane mitigation strategies
groups, such as lactate utilizers versus methanogens, Can we mitigate methane emissions from ruminants
and thus might determine the amount of methane that and still maintain food security for mankind? More than
is being emitted41. Hence, in this scenario low methane 50 years have passed since the initial development of miti-
emissions are characterized by microbial groups that gation strategies to limit the impact of methane produced
excrete metabolites that have the potential both to by agriculture. Extensive research has been conducted to
inhibit methanogens and to function as precursors in find effective strategies to reduce methane emissions from
Alternative stable metabolic cascades that compete with methanogenesis. the agricultural sector. Besides the greenhouse effect,
community states For example, lactate can inhibit methanogenesis through these emissions also represent a substantial energy loss
Assemblages of functional a decrease in pH and, at the same time, is metabolized by and contribute to decreased feed efficiencies21. Studies
groups that are locked and
pathways that utilize hydrogen, thereby steering rumen suggest a connection between methanogenesis inhibition
stabilized by metabolic
feedback and result in distinct metabolism away from methanogenesis and towards spe- and an increase in productivity of the animals89,90. In gen-
composition, function and, cific SCFA production. Within this compositional state, eral, the direct inhibition of methanogens affects fermen-
thus, outcome. species of the genus Sharpea were highlighted as lactate tation patterns of the rumen ecosystem as well as host
producers, whereas the Coprococcus and Megasphaera physiology, as it changes the metabolic thermodynamics
Functional microbial groups
Groups of organisms that share
genera were designated hydrogen and lactate utilizers and directs more energy towards the host in the form of
similar functionality within the that produce propionate from these precursors via the specific types of SCFAs such as propionate rather than
ecosystem. acrylate metabolic pathway14,81,84,87. Hence, a decrease emission of methane into the atmosphere91. Nevertheless,

NAture RevIeWS | MicrObiOlOGy volume 19 | September 2021 | 559


there is considerable variance between studies, and there- 3-​NOP was designed to inhibit the methyl-​CoM reduc-
fore it is tempting to speculate that such variation stems tase (MCR) complex103, which mediates the final step of
from the potential alternative community states in which the methanogenesis pathway across all methanogens102.
individual microbiomes are locked in, and, consequently, In most studies, 3-​NOP inhibits methanogenesis in vivo
from their ability to support mitigation treatments and by up to 60% when given as a food supplement without
channel energy from methane production to SCFAs compromising animal performance and health90,109.
that the host can use. Given the ecological importance Supplementing animal feed with A. taxiformis resul­
of ruminal methane emissions, many comprehensive ted in the substantial reduction of methane production
reviews were published that describe the progress and (95–99% reduction) in an ex vivo rumen microbial com-
problems associated with conventional mitigation munity105,110. Moreover, supplementation of sheep with
strategies42,92–99. We review and summarize the main A. taxiformis resulted in a consistent and dose-dependent
research avenues, including direct and indirect strategies reduction in methanogenesis, mitigating methane pro-
used in adult animals, as well as strategies at the point duction by up to 80% without an effect on the host’s weight
of parturition, and will expand discussions on recently for a period of 72 days111. The inhib­itory effect seems
developed breeding programmes (Fig. 4). to be specific, direct and immediate, as the reduction
of methanogenesis precedes the effect on methanogen
Strategies to reduce methanogenesis. Many strate- abundance with no measurable effect on SCFA produc-
gies to reduce methane emissions directly target the tion as reported in an ex vivo study of the rumen micro­
methanogenic communities or methane itself. These biome105. Several highly active inhibitory A. taxiformis
include inhibitors of the methanogenesis reaction and compounds such as bromoform have been identified in
treatments that directly affect methanogens or meth- studies using ex vivo rumen micro­biomes106. Additional
ane removal by methanotrophic bacteria100. Inhibitory direct strategies to inhibit methan­ogenesis include meth-
compounds in the form of structural analogues101–103 or anogenic viruses and vaccines. Although proviruses
algae supplementation104–106, which inhibit one or more have been detected in rumen methanogenic archaeal
enzymatic steps of the methanogenesis pathway, have genomes67,112, no rumen archaeal viruses have been iso­
been used. However, in general, the effectiveness of these lated to date. Nevertheless, a lytic viral enzyme from
compounds is often transient107,108, presumably due to M. ruminantium was shown to lyse methanogenic cells
adaptation and resistance mechanisms. It is worth men- in vitro67, including members from the Methanobrevibacter
tioning two compounds due to their promising potential: and Methanosphaera genera113. Immunization against
3-​nitrooxypropanol (3-​NOP)90,102,103,107–109 and the red ruminal methanogens seems to only have a transient
macroalgae Asparagopsis taxiformis that contains vari- effect, probably because the vaccine fails to provide
ous halogenated methanes103,104. The organic compound immunity against such a diverse group of methanogens114.

Adult (direct) Adult (indirect) Birth Prior to birth

• Direct inhibitors of • Chemical composition of the • Defaunation • Breeding towards
methanogenesis or fibre • Modulation of low methane-
methanogenic archeae • Concentrate level in ration rumen microbiome emitting animals
(A. taxiformis and 3-NOP) • Lipids and plant extracts development from • Breeding towards
• Anti-methanogen • Alternative metabolic birth (historical modulation of
vaccines pathways and hydrogen sinks contingency effects) specific microbiome
(for example, favouring composition
• Antimicrobials (monensin)
• Supplementation of
alternative electron sinks
(sulfate and nitrate)

Fig. 4 | Methane mitigation strategies. Microbiome-​guided examples of methane mitigation strategies and interventions
that can be applied at different stages of animal development. In mature animals, antimicrobial feed additives that directly
affect methanogens, such as Asparagopsis taxiformis and 3-​nitrooxypropanol (3-​NOP), represent promising direct strategies.
Indirect approaches in mature animals include feed supplementation with alternative chemical electron sinks (for example,
nitrate and sulfate) that are of risk to the animal, antimicrobials (for example, monensin) that are commonly used, and
microbiome modulation for alternative metabolic electron sinks (for example, propionate-​producing pathways) that are
still in research and development. Among the strategies to intervene and mitigate methane at birth, defaunation was proven
to be effective but likely inapplicable at the farm scale; historical contingency effects are still in research and hold great
promise. Prior to birth, breeding programmes are already deployed but show negative effect on animal productivity and
microbiome-​guided breeding is still in research.

560 | September 2021 | volume 19


Box 1 | Antimicrobial resistance in the rumen microbiome

As the use of antimicrobials is still a current mitigation practice in many The mobile genetic pool and HGT are tightly linked to environmental
countries, and could also be reconsidered as a major strategy if an changes, such as those imposed by husbandry regimes16,173. It was
efficient antibiotic would come to light in the future, we discuss the reported that AMR genes varied in abundance in a diet-​specific
current global effect of such treatments on our environment and human manner174. Similarly, age — a known driver of rumen microbiome
life. We additionally elucidate general mechanisms of gene transfer composition — also affects the composition of the resistome175.
studied in this system that could augment antimicrobial resistance (AMR) Together, these studies suggest that AMR genes that naturally occur
gene spread. in rumen microbial genomes are changing in abundance, as a result
In livestock agriculture, substantial amounts of antibiotics are used to of fluctuations in microbiome composition, regardless of antibiotic
treat, prevent and control disease165–167. Growth promoters are also used treatments. Nevertheless, the impact of antibiotics on the resistome
to improve feed efficiency, which are sometimes administered orally remains a debate, as several studies have reported the conservation
as feed additives. A major concern for human health is the threat that, of AMR genes in the rumen microbiome, independent of the examined
upon antibiotic supplementation, AMR determinants found in microbial antibiotic treatments176,177, whereas others have reported an increase
genomes will be selected, enriched and transferred across the food in specific AMR genes following antibiotic treatment177,178.
chain168. Compared with other livestock sectors, the quantities of The resistome in ruminant waste was analysed in wastewater, manure
antibiotics used for cattle are much lower than those used for chicken and soil from beef and dairy farms in an attempt to quantify the potential
and pigs167,169. Nevertheless, with a density of 1 × 1010–1 × 1013 bacterial environmental spread of AMR genes via agricultural waste and to
cells per gram of rumen contents2, microbial richness of hundreds of determine how or if they could affect human health175. Differences in
species and large phylogenetic diversity, the rumen ecosystem could be AMR genes were noted in each sample group, suggesting that specific
a fertile ground for horizontal gene transfer (HGT)170. waste management regimes should be applied for each type of waste.
A large part of the potential for gene mobility is carried by the plasmi- Furthermore, it was reported that the increase in AMR genes in soils
dome171. The rumen plasmidome was shown to be highly mosaic in nature, fertilized with manure was only temporary in countries with limited
even at high phylogenetic levels, notably the phylum level, thus supporting antibiotic usage policies179. This could infer that differences in microbial
the high frequency of gene-​shuffling events that occur by HGT via plas- compositions, ecology and phylogenetics in these two environments
mids, with an estimated 7% of these genes being associated with viru- of manure and soils render HGT between their microbial inhabitants180.
lence171. An analysis of a ruminal microbial genome database43 revealed Nevertheless, across seven different European countries, strong
that, across the main phyla, most genomes harboured resistance to at least correlations were reported between specific antibiotics used in livestock
one antibiotic class. The most abundant AMR genes were related to resis­ and AMR in Escherichia coli isolates from treated livestock181. Policies to
tance to β-​lactams, glycopeptides, tetracycline and aminoglycosides172. decrease antimicrobials use in livestock agriculture were established and
The tetracycline resistance genes were suggested to spread via plasmid have already taken effect, but, nevertheless, caution should be used when
conjugative mechanisms into non-​phylogenetically related bacteria, administrating antibiotics to livestock owing to the possible threat of
thus raising concern for further dissemination into the environment. AMR emergence and spread.

Newly sequenced genomes of isolated methanogens to be uneconomic. In addition, the use of nitrate and
and recently assembled archaeal genomes115 could help sulfate compounds in large quantities would lead to the
to identify and develop broad-​spectrum molecules and formation of products poisonous to the microbiome or
treatments that impair methane formation67. the animal97,123. Furthermore, nitrate, sulfate and other
Indirect mitigation strategies do not directly target sulfur-​based compounds are known to decrease feed
methanogens or methanogenesis, but influence methane intake97,123.
formation by modifying rumen metabolic cascades. Such The above-​mentioned strategies relate to alternative
strategies would involve modulations of the trophic net- hydrogen sinks, which could compete with the methano­
works to decrease hydrogen availability for methane pro- genic sink, but additional fermentation pathways,
duction and to create less thermodynamically favourable upstream in the redox potential, such as propionate
conditions for the establishment of methanogens86. and butyrate fermentation, use reducing equivalents or
In this context, homoacetogens are a group of bacte- directly utilize hydrogen and thus could stoichiometri-
ria that can reduce CO2 to acetate using hydrogen, and cally lower hydrogen availability to methanogenesis86,124.
could therefore theoretically compete with methanogens Indeed, supplementation with intermediates of carbo­
(Fig. 3). Studies suggest that acetogenic microorganisms hydrate fermentation, such as acrylate, fumarate or
could be used to replace methanogens in the rumen malate, results in lower methane emission, but the
microbiome51,116 to mitigate methane production, but levels vary considerably between experiments117,118,125.
such attempts have essentially failed and only transient Alternatively, selective antimicrobials that alter the com-
effects were observed117,118. This is probably due to the position of the rumen microbiome to produce less hydro-
Horizontal gene transfer fact that hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis is thermo- gen (that is, less substrate for methane formation) were
(HGT). The lateral mobilization dynamically more favourable than the reduction of CO2 proposed. These include unsaturated fatty acids, mixtures
of genetic material between to acetate64. of lipids, essential oil compounds (see below)98,126–128 and
distinct microorganisms.
By contrast, a more viable strategy is the use of ionophores such as monensin129. Although ionophore
Rumen plasmidome feed additives, such as nitrate, nitroethane and sulfate, antibiotics are not currently used in human or animal
The collective plasmid that are thermodynamically more favourable electron therapeutics130, their use in animal production is con-
population in the rumen. acceptors for hydrogen than CO2 and can be reduced troversial and some were even banned for use in mem-
by several prevalent microbial inhabitants of the rumen ber countries of the European Union131 (Box 1). Hence,
The collection of antibiotic
ecosystem119–122. A drawback of such feeding additives is other compounds such as the bacterial peptide nisin132
resistance genes in a given that as the inhibitory effect follows stoichiometric rules, that, similar to monensin, increase the permeability of
environment. large dietary inclusions of these compounds are likely cell membranes of microorganisms were suggested as

NAture RevIeWS | MicrObiOlOGy volume 19 | September 2021 | 561


alternatives. Although monensin and nisin differed in to select for lower methane-​emitting animals, targeting
The microbial transformation their effect on rumen fermentation and microbial com- smaller rumen sizes and, therefore, low particle retention
of unsaturated fatty acid position in an ex vivo rumen microbiome study, nisin times142, but it is noteworthy that this breeding strategy
to saturated fatty acid. was shown to have a similar functional effect of decreas- also lowers feed efficiency146. To launch breeding pro-
Residual feed intake
ing methanogenesis and increasing propionate produc- grammes, specific host genetic markers linked to lower
A parameter that describes tion but, unlike monensin, did not negatively affect fibre methane emission but that do not affect productivity
feed efficiency, measuring the digestibility133. need to be identified. As mentioned above, particular
difference between the actual As mentioned above, lipids and plant extracts (tan- microbiome compositions have been connected to lower
feed intake and the predicted
nins, saponins and essential oils) were proposed as methane emission and higher feed efficiency (approx-
intake, based on an animal’s
body weight, weight gain and
possible antimicrobial strategies because they might imated by the residual feed intake). Now, an increased
milk composition, and is a also reduce hydrogen bioavailability via microbial understanding of the relationships among host genet-
proxy for the animal’s ability biohydrogenation98. However, the potential of biohydro- ics, rumen microbiome composition and methane emis-
to extract energy from its feed. genation to function as a hydrogen sink is too small, as sion is central to develop microbiome-​guided breeding
only 1–2% of the hydrogen produced during micro- strategies.
bial fermentation is consumed by biohydrogenation134. In this context, microbiome composition, host traits
Hence, the mode of action is not entirely clear but and genetics have been associated in several recent
several notions have been put forward, including studies17,19,28,147. The identification of heritable micro­
membrane disruption, alterations in chemotaxis and organisms is based on statistical connection and does
substrate acquisition, lowering accessibility of die- not provide any mechanistic insights into the under-
tary particles by coating them and decreasing cation lying mechanisms of host–microorganism interac-
availability due to salt formation and toxicity due to tions; never­theless, one could hypothesize that the host
obstruction of nutrients135. Meta-​analyses support a immune system and other physiological factors such as
consistent reduction in methane production upon the buffer’s strength of host saliva that influences rumen
lipid supplementation126,127, which is correlated with pH, directly affect the abundance of specific micro­
the supplemented amounts98. Another meta-​analysis of organisms in the rumen. Indeed, changes in gene regu­
23 in vivo studies also demonstrated an improvement in lation of rumen epithelial cells and their morphology
feed efficiency, fat and protein-​corrected milk following correlate with methanogenesis, SCFA production and
supplementation with Agolin oil during periods longer rumen microbiome composition, thus connecting host
than 1 month128. physiological factors to rumen microbiome composition
Dietary polysaccharides influence methanogenesis in and function6,8,148.
various ways. For example, an increase of starch content A recent study of 1,000 cows28 from different farms
in the feed decreases methanogen activity, possibly as an throughout Europe revealed 39 microorganisms that
increase in lactate production due to starch fermenta- are heritable and central in the microbiome inter­action
tion decreases the pH and inhibits methanogenesis, and networks. Seven of those microorganisms could be
therefore propionate formation is promoted due to the strongly associated with the methane production trait.
increase availability of reducing equivalents14,136–138. These include one member from the Succinivibrionaceae
In addition, the plant particle retention time in the rumen genus, four from the Prevotella genus, one member from
is also thought to have a major role in methanogenesis — the Bacteroidales order and one from the Shuttleworthia
the longer the retention time, the higher the amount genus along with protozoal species of the subclass
of methane produced11. A thermodynamic model of Trichostomatia. It would be extremely interesting to pursue
rumen fermentation implied that not only the quantity the biological nature of these heritability associations to
of hydrogen produced is connected to methane emission host genetics and to methane emissions. The fact that
but also the rate of digestion. Higher rates and shorter these heritable microorganisms are more interconnected
retention times led to negative feedback with insufficient than others in the interaction networks suggests that they
time for methanogens to establish and utilize the hydro- might have a pleiotropic effect on microbiome compo-
gen, which could be rerouted to propionate production61. sition with a potential for lowering methane emission if
Thus, a major recommended methane mitigation prac- they could be manipulated via breeding programmes.
tice is increasing forage digestibility to reduce the reten- Furthermore, as the host genome and rumen micro-
tion time139 by techniques such as feed grinding140,141 or biome were shown to be also independent in their
introduction of exo­genous fibrolytic enzymes as feed contribution to methane emissions, future strategies
supplements. It was also established that smaller rumen should possibly target both host genetics via breeding
volumes decrease the feed retention time and, sub­ and rumen microbial composition via complementary
sequently, methane production, although such a strategy mitigation methods147.
might negatively affect the energy harvest efficiency141.
On the basis of those findings, it was suggested that Strategies to mitigate methanogenesis during microbial
physical and genetic characteristics of the animal can succession. Another suggested strategy to manipulate the
influence methane production141,142. rumen microbiome towards lower methane emissions
is to intervene at the first stages of the succession and
Breeding and genetics to mitigate methanogenesis. assembly process of the rumen microbiome (early-​life
Methane emission is a heritable trait with measured intervention)149–151. For example, targeting the proto-
heritability estimates of 0.3–0.45 g day–1 of dry matter zoal population, which is colonized by methanogens,
intake143–146. Breeding programmes have been initiated has been extensively investigated152–155, and defaunation

562 | September 2021 | volume 19


(that is, the removal of protozoa) decreased methano- reported cultured microorganisms of rumen origin159,160.
genesis by 13–35%88,153,156. Nevertheless, in most of the A better understanding of isolated rumen microbiome
studies, long-​term effects have not been considered members is crucial to unravel the metabolic interactions
and only short-​term effects were documented157. Only among the resident microorganisms, and to enable the
recently, a major high-​resolution study spanning 3 years rational design of the microbiome. Specifically, catego-
of the cows’ life revealed that the initial species pool after rizing bacteria using similar input and output metabo-
birth has a long-​lasting effect on the assembly process lites into functional groups will guide future microbial
and adult composition of the rumen microbiome40. assemblies41. In addition, the development of methods
In the latter study, the authors investigated the effects of to investigate the methanogenic population associated
caesarean section and vaginal delivery on the assembly with protozoa could provide useful insights161. Moreover,
and development of the rumen microbiome. Comparing future breeding strategies would benefit from fundamen-
rumen microbiome assembly of these cohorts, which tal research of isolated heritable microorganisms that
had uniform dietary regimes, rearing conditions and show strong associations with the methane production
very similar genetic backgrounds, the authors found trait and the mechanism underlying these associations.
that historical contingency effects, such as access to the These microorganisms should then be targeted during
maternal species pool, shape rumen microbial commu- rational microbiome engineering for intervention in the
nity development, with long-​lasting consequences on rumen microbiome.
temporal dynamics and taxon composition at the adult Many mitigation strategies suffer from drawbacks
stage40. This was suggested to reflect the outcome of such as microbial adaptation or modification of ani-
niche modification by microbial groups in each of the mal productivity. The main drawbacks, as we see them,
delivery modes, which was deemed a strong determi- stem from a lack of mechanistic knowledge of the rumen
nant in defining microbiome composition and assem- microbiome assembly, development and function and of
bly trajectories15,128,158. Furthermore, a change in dietary the host–microbiome interactions. An increased under-
regime (from a high-​starch diet to a fibre-​rich diet) during standing of those aspects would enable predictions of
development of the rumen microbiome was followed the effects of different treatments on microbiome devel-
by an increase in Methanobacteriaceae and a decline opment and on mature community states. Such know­
in the hydrogen-​utilizing family Succinivibrionaceae. ledge could be gained from longitudinal studies with high
Therefore, the dietary regime in early life might be resolution that are still very scarce.
another potential way to select for low methane emission The development of new technologies currently
during animal development40. available for microbial ecology, such as advanced
microscopy, including cryo-​e lectron microscopy,
Conclusions deep sequencing, broad-​scale metabolomics of thou-
In this Review, we summarized 60 years of research sands of different metabolites, proteomics and stable
into rumen microbial ecology and host microbiome isotope probing using nanoscale secondary ion mass
interactions, while focusing on the factors that affect spectrometry technologies, integrated with classical
methan­ogenesis, as well as the main characteristics of culturing techniques and accumulated knowledge of
the methanogenic community, how they are intercon- the rumen microbiome creates the opportunity to fully
nected with other members of the rumen microbial understand the rumen ecosystem and modulate it to
community and how these connections are intertwined decrease methane emissions while maintaining food
with developing methods for methane mitigation. security.
A large part of our existing knowledge for the function Finally, for these findings and technologies to be
of rumen microbial groups has mainly been gained adapted by policy-​makers and the agricultural sector,
from isolated microorganisms. To further increase our research should focus on combining the various afore-
understanding of the function of the different microbial mentioned approaches, while keeping in mind that
groups in the rumen, we need to increase the repertoire mitigation strategies should only interfere to a minimal
of known rumen isolates, as there still exists a large extent with the protein necessity of humanity.
discrepancy between the typical rumen composition
gained from culture-​independent techniques and the Published online 12 May 2021

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intervention in early life to manipulate rumen 166. European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control community involved in rumen microbiome research and the
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goats postweaning. J. Anim. Sci. 91, 4832–4840 European Medicines Agency (EMA). ECDC/EFSA/EMA (Agricultural Research Organization, Volcani Center, Israel)
(2013). second joint report on the integrated analysis of the and E. A. Bayer (The Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) for
150. Abecia, L. et al. Feeding management in early life consumption of antimicrobial agents and occurrence critical reading of the manuscript. Research in the authors’
influences microbial colonisation and fermentation of antimicrobial resistance in bacteria from humans laboratory was supported by grants from the European
in the rumen of newborn goat kids. Anim. Produc. Sci. and food-producing animals. EFSA J. 15, e04872 Research Council (No. 640384) to I.M. and from the Israel
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Effect of progressive inoculation of fauna-​free sheep 170. Shterzer, N. & Mizrahi, I. The animal gut as a melting and the other, anonymous, reviewer(s) for their contribution
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