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The line graphs give information the number of countable cost of month for
four different mobiles in a European country from January to September 2002.
Generally, there is an increase in the exception of Sim TX, all mobile plan costs
saw an upward trend during this timeframe, although the rate of increase varied.
Specifically, Lex and Domo saw slight price hikes, while Alpha experienced a
significant surge in cost.
In January, the line graph would start with Domo at the highest point, priced at
approximately 15 euros per month. Lex would follow next at 12 euros, then Sim
TX at 9 euros, and finally Alpha at the lowest point of 5 euros.
As the months progress, the lines representing Domo and Lex would show a
steeper upward trend compared to Sim TX, indicating a faster rate of increase in
their prices. This trend would persist throughout the nine months, with the
exception of June, where the line for Sim TX would momentarily rise above
On the line graph, the line representing Alpha’s prices would remain relatively
flat from January to June, indicating a stable price range of around 5 to 6 euros.
However, there would be a noticeable upward spike in the line between July and
September. In August, Alpha’s line would cross above Sim TX’s, and by
September, it would reach the highest point on the graph at 25 euros, indicating
that it became the most expensive plan.
The lines for Domo and Lex would show a more gradual upward slope. Domo’s
line would rise from 15 euros in January to 24 euros in September, while Lex’s
line would show a smaller increase, moving up by 5 euros over the same period,
from 12 euros to 17 euros.

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