Unit 1 Present Perfect Simpleaux

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PRESENT PERFECT SIMPLE AUX…. you,we,they….have…..past participle verb

He, she it…has….past participle verb

The present perfect tense is commonly used in everyday life to talk about experiences, actions, or
situations that happened in the past but have a connection to the present. It is a useful tense for
basic language learners to express events or activities that have occurred at an indefinite time
before now.

Here are a few examples of how the present perfect tense can be used:

1. Talking about past experiences:

 "I have visited New York City." (This means that at some point in your life, you
went to New York City.)

 "Have you ever eaten sushi?" (This asks if the person has had the experience of
eating sushi at any time in their life.)

2. Expressing actions that started in the past and continue in the present:

 "She has lived in this town for five years." (She moved to the town five years ago
and still lives there.)

 "They have studied English since they were in high school." (They started studying
English in high school and are still studying it now.)

3. Discussing recent events or activities:

 "I have just finished my homework." (You completed your homework very

 "He has already seen that movie." (He watched the movie at some point before

4. Talking about achievements or accomplishments:

 "They have won the championship three times." (They won the championship on
three separate occasions.)

 "She has written a book." (She completed the process of writing a book.)

Remember that the present perfect tense is formed by using the auxiliary verb "have" (or "has" for
third-person singular) followed by the past participle form of the main verb.

While the present perfect tense may take some time to grasp fully, it is an essential tense for
communicating about past experiences and events that have a connection to the present. Practice
using it in various contexts to become more comfortable with its usage.
Here are 20 easy exercises to practice using the present perfect tense:


1. Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the verb in parentheses: a) She __________
(visit) Paris twice. b) Have you ever __________ (try) sushi? c) We __________ (live) in this
city for five years.

2. Rewrite the sentences using the present perfect tense: a) I saw that movie. -> I
__________ that movie. b) They bought a new car. -> They __________ a new car. c) She
finished her work. -> She __________ her work.

3. Choose the correct option to complete the sentence: a) They __________ (already / not)
visited London. b) He __________ (just / never) tasted chocolate cake. c) Have you
__________ (ever / always) wanted to learn how to play the guitar?

TUESDAY or WEDNESDAY…English grammar in use start with proper unit…

4. Make questions using the given words: a) __________ you __________ (read) that book?
b) __________ they __________ (travel) to Europe? c) __________ she __________ (see)
the latest episode of her favorite TV show?

5. Complete the dialogue with the appropriate present perfect form of the verbs in
parentheses: Person A: __________ you __________ (ever / be) to Japan? Person B: No, I
__________ (never / go) there, but I __________ (always / want) to visit.

6. Rearrange the words to form grammatically correct sentences: a) I / just / finish / my

homework. -> __________ b) She / never / visit / that museum. -> __________ c) Have /
you / ever / eat / sushi? -> __________


7. Write sentences about your own experiences using the present perfect tense.

8. Describe three things you have accomplished in your life.


9. Write a short paragraph about a place you have traveled to and what you did there.

10. Make a list of three books you have read recently. People you have seen, Friends you have
seen or met plus activities you have dome together


11. Write sentences about three movies you have watched and whether you liked them or

12. Talk about a skill you have learned or a hobby you have pursued.
13. Write sentences about three countries you have visited and what you liked about each

THURSDAY… see the next video… https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KBOqUkyHZz4

Answer the next questions about friendship one and one…

1. Have you ever reconnected with an old friend after a long time?
2. Have you made any new friends recently?
3. Have you ever had a falling out with a close friend?
4. Have you ever lost touch with a childhood friend?
5. Have you ever regretted ending a friendship?
6. Have you ever had a best friend who moved away?
7. Have you made any lifelong friends in the past year?
8. Have you ever become friends with someone you initially disliked?
9. Have you ever had a friend who betrayed your trust?
10. Have you ever had a friend who always stood by your side?
11. Have you ever helped an old friend in a time of need?
12. Have you ever made friends with someone from a different culture or
13. Have you ever had a friend who inspired you to become a better person?
14. Have you ever lost a friendship due to a misunderstanding?
15. Have you ever rekindled a friendship that had faded away?
16. Have you ever felt grateful for a friend's support during a difficult time?
17. Have you ever had a friend who introduced you to new hobbies or interests?
18. Have you ever remained friends with someone despite living far apart?
19. Have you ever made a friend while traveling or on vacation?
20. Have you ever been surprised by the kindness of a stranger who became a
21. Have you ever had a friend who motivated you to pursue your goals?
22. Have you ever had a friend who challenged your perspective on life?
23. Have you ever made friends with someone you met online?
24. Have you ever had a friend who made a significant impact on your life?
25. Have you ever felt betrayed by a friend you trusted deeply?
26. Have you ever had a friend who helped you through a difficult decision?
27. Have you ever become friends with someone through a shared hobby or interest?
28. Have you ever had a friend who made you laugh uncontrollably?
29. Have you ever felt supported by your friends during a major life event?
30. Have you ever had a friend who encouraged you to step out of your comfort
31. Have you ever made friends with someone from a different generation?
32. Have you ever lost touch with a friend due to a disagreement?
33. Have you ever had a friend who believed in you when you doubted yourself?
34. Have you ever had a friend who surprised you with a thoughtful gesture?
35. Have you ever had a friend who taught you an important life lesson?
36. Have you ever had a friend who you can always rely on for advice?
37. Have you ever bonded with a friend over a shared childhood memory?
38. Have you ever had a friend who helped you overcome a fear or phobia?
39. Have you ever had a friend who stood up for you in a difficult situation?
40. Have you ever had a friend who you haven't seen in years but still consider a
close friend?

1-Describe a memorable event that has happened in your life using the present perfect tense.

2-Write sentences about three famous landmarks you have seen or want to see.

3- Make a list of three things you have achieved in the past year.
4-Write sentences about three friends you have known for a long time and how you met

5’Describe an experience or activity with your friends using the present perfect tense.


14. Write a short paragraph about a goal you have accomplished and how it makes you feel.

15. Create a conversation between CLASS discussing those goals or recent experiences using
the present perfect tense.

These exercises should help you practice and reinforce your understanding of the present perfect
tense. Remember to pay attention to the correct form of the verb and the appropriate use of time
expressions such as "ever," "just," and "never."

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