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Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

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Incidence and prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage T

in patients with and without atrial fibrillation: A cohort study

Thure Filskov Overvada,b, , Søren Due Andersena,c, Torben Bjerregaard Larsena,d,
Gregory Y.H. Lipd,e, Mette Søgaarda,d, Flemming Skjøtha,f, Peter Brønnum Nielsena,d
Department of Cardiology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Department of Internal Medicine, North Denmark Regional Hospital, Hjørring, Denmark
Department of Neurology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark
Aalborg Thrombosis Research Unit, Department of Clinical Medicine, Faculty of Health, Aalborg University, Aalborg, Denmark
Liverpool Centre for Cardiovascular Science, University of Liverpool and Liverpool Heart & Chest Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom
Unit for Clinical Biostatistics, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark


Keywords: Background: Intracerebral hemorrhage is a devastating vascular event. Clinical factors prognostic of recurrence
Intracerebral hemorrhage facilitating individualized post-bleeding patient management are sparsely described. We aimed to describe in-
Prognosis cidence of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage and explore the prognostic value of 25 clinical characteristics
Stroke prevention in patients with and without atrial fibrillation.
Methods: Cohort study of patients with incident intracerebral hemorrhage diagnosed from 2003 to 2016 iden-
Atrial fibrillation
tified using nationwide Danish administrative registries. Results reported as cumulative incidence of in-
Risk stratification
tracerebral recurrence accounting for competing risk of death. Univariate and multivariate prognostic factors for
recurrence estimated using Cox regression (hazard ratios [HRs], 95% confidence intervals [CI]).
Results: We identified 9255 patients with incident intracerebral hemorrhage (median age 73 years, 46.6% fe-
males, 16% with atrial fibrillation). Five-year risks of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage were approxi-
mately 10% in the study population, although slightly higher for patients without atrial fibrillation. Prognostic
factors for recurrence were broadly similar for patients with and without atrial fibrillation. Age in cate-
gories < 60 years (reference), age 60–70 years (HR 1.29, 95% CI 1.02–1.64), age 70–80 years (HR 1.59, 95% CI
1.26–2.00), age > 80 years (HR 1.19, 95% CI 0.91–1.55), nursing home residency (HR 1.48, 95% CI 1.02–2.13),
and Scandinavian Stroke Scale score (‘mild’ versus ‘moderate’ (HR 1.40, 95% CI 1.13–1.72) and ‘severe’ (HR
1.96, 95% CI 1.61–2.39)) were the strongest prognostic factors.
Conclusion: Risk of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage after five years was approximately 10%. Clinical
characteristics associated with recurrence were few and broadly similar for patients with and without atrial
fibrillation, with age and measure of incident bleeding severity, as reflected by Scandinavian Stroke Scale score,
being the most important.

1. Introduction 10 years [5].

The etiology behind intracerebral hemorrhage is multifactorial,
Stroke remains a leading cause of death and disability. The vast with leading causes being hypertension, cerebral amyloid angiopathy,
majority of strokes are of ischemic origin, but approximately 10% of or use of antithrombotic medication, particularly anticoagulant agents
strokes occur due to intracerebral hemorrhage [1]. Spontaneous in- [6,7]. An increasing number of patients are treated with antithrombotic
tracerebral hemorrhage is a devastating vascular event with an in- treatment, largely owing to a rise in prevalence of patients with atrial
cidence rate of 25 per 100,000 person-years and a one-month mortality fibrillation. Accordingly, the proportion of intracerebral hemorrhages
of up to 40% [2–4]. The majority of intracerebral hemorrhage survivors attributed to use of antithrombotic medication is rising [8]. Identifying
are left with permanent disability [4]. Adding to this, a substantial clinical characteristics associated with recurrence of intracerebral he-
proportion experience recurrence, with reports of up to 15% after morrhage would facilitate more individualized risk stratification that

Corresponding author at: Aalborg University Hospital Science and Innovation Centre, Søndre Skovvej 15, DK-9100 Aalborg, Denmark.
E-mail address: (T.F. Overvad).
Received 13 January 2020; Received in revised form 27 March 2020; Accepted 30 March 2020
Available online 21 April 2020
0049-3848/ © 2020 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

could improve secondary prevention strategies, for example, the plan- the National Prescription Registry. Information about definition of the
ning of the intensity of clinical follow-up or post-bleeding antith- clinical characteristics and their data sources is available in Supple-
rombotic treatment decisions. Many patients, e.g., with atrial fibrilla- mentary Table S1.
tion, have a continued indication for antithrombotic treatment [9]. The
potential benefit of resuming antithrombotic treatment must be ba-
lanced against risk of bleeding recurrence, but there is a paucity of data 2.4. Outcomes
providing guidance for this delicate clinical decision [10]. Specifically,
there are no randomized trials of the net clinical benefit of resuming Patients were followed through March 2016 for the primary out-
antithrombotic treatment post intracerebral hemorrhage, and no formal come of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage as recorded in the
recommendation of use of risk stratification tools to guide such treat- Danish Stroke Registry [16]. A secondary outcome was the combined
ment decisions [11–13]. outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage or death (recorded in the Civil
In this nationwide cohort study, we sought to describe the incidence Registration System), since some instances of intracerebral hemorrhage
of and prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage in recurrence are immediately fatal and therefore may not be recorded in
patients with and without atrial fibrillation. a hospital discharge registry.

2. Materials and methods

2.5. Statistical analysis
2.1. Study design and data variables
The index (baseline date) was defined as the date of discharge for
This was a register-based nationwide cohort study. Each person the incident intracerebral hemorrhage event. Baseline characteristics
living in Denmark has a unique identification number that allows for were presented overall and for patients with and without atrial fi-
individual-level linkage of information from nationwide registries [14]. brillation as number of patients and with proportions for categorical
For this study, we used data from four registries; 1) The Civil Regis- variables and with median, inter-quartile range, for continuous vari-
tration system containing information about age, sex and vital status, 2) ables. The cumulative incidence of recurrence of intracerebral hemor-
the Danish National Patient Register, which includes information on all rhage taking into account the competing risk of death and the cumu-
discharge diagnoses from Danish hospitals since 1977 [15], 3) the lative risk of the combined outcome intracerebral hemorrhage or death
Danish Stroke Registry, which holds information about all recorded were reported according to baseline status of atrial fibrillation [21].
stroke events in Denmark since 2003 [16], and 4) the Danish National Competing risk from death not related to the outcome of interest is a
Prescription Registry storing information about all claimed prescrip- potential problem in this study. Due to the register-based nature of our
tions from Danish pharmacies since 1995 [17]. dataset, we were unable to distinguish deaths due to bleeding recur-
rence and deaths due to other causes, particularly since many deaths
2.2. Study population after intracerebral hemorrhage occur rapidly after the bleeding event
[22]. In our analytic strategy, we included two different approached to
The study population consisted of all Danish citizens aged address competing risk of death 1) by using a composite endpoint in-
≥18 years with an incident diagnosis of spontaneous intracerebral cluding all-cause mortality. This approach does not allow for inference
hemorrhage diagnosed from 2003 to 2016 (International Classification about the direct association between exposure and outcome of interest
of Diseases (ICD) code I61) in the Danish Stroke Registry [16,18]. (not including death), but is the total association between the exposure
Hospital departments regularly treating patients with acute stroke or and (composite) outcome. 2) We used the Aalen-Johansen estimator to
transient ischemic attack are required by law to report details on the estimate the cumulative incidence of intracerebral hemorrhage recur-
events to the Danish Stroke Registry, which was founded in 2003. Ac- rence, which makes strong assumptions about the at-risk time of events
cordingly, the sensitivity of an intracerebral hemorrhage diagnosis in (stroke) after death [21]. For both approaches we estimated the in-
this registry is high (> 90%) [19]. Patients with a previous ICD-10 cidence of recurrence stratified by baseline status of atrial fibrillation.
intracerebral hemorrhage diagnosis from before the Danish Stroke We further applied a time-to-event analysis using a Cox proportional
Registry was founded (n = 180), patients registered with a traumatic hazards regression model with time since incident intracerebral he-
intracranial bleeding at the date of discharge for the incident in- morrhage as the underlying time axis to estimate associations with
tracerebral hemorrhage event (n = 81), and patients registered with outcomes. For the main analysis, patients were censored when reaching
thrombolysis treatment during admission (n = 84) were excluded. the primary outcome, initiating oral anticoagulation (warfarin, phen-
procoumon, dabigatran, rivaroxaban, or apixaban), dying, emigrating,
2.3. Predictor variables or at end-of-study. Patients were followed for a maximum of 5 years.
Univariate analyses were stratified according to the presence of base-
Potential prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral hemor- line atrial fibrillation. Due to too few events in the atrial fibrillation
rhage were described at baseline, i.e., at time of diagnosis of the in- subgroup, a post-hoc interaction analysis for a potential modification of
cident intracerebral hemorrhage event, and identified from existing atrial fibrillation status on the prognostic factors was performed to test
literature and included age, sex, household status, atrial fibrillation, whether it was reasonable to perform a multivariate analysis for the
diabetes mellitus, hypertension, heart failure, kidney disease, vascular entire study population as a whole. Results were presented using forest
disease, myocardial infarction, chronic pulmonary disease, previous plots. Missing variables were categorized as ‘missing’ and results are
ischemic stroke, previous major bleeding, migraine, depression, de- presented. The associations between the continuous variables age and
mentia, Parkinson's disease, epilepsy, smoking, alcohol intake, statins, Scandinavian Stroke Scale score and recurrence of intracerebral he-
selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs), antithrombotic treat- morrhage were also investigated using a restricted cubic spline with
ment status prior to the incident intracerebral hemorrhage, results presented graphically. In a sensitivity analysis, a landmark
Scandinavian Stroke Scale score, and surgical evacuation of the he- analysis starting follow-up 30 days after discharge for the incident in-
matoma. The Scandinavian Stroke Scale is a score used to predict tracerebral hemorrhage event was conducted, excluding patients who
outcomes after acute stroke based on various clinical observations [20]. experienced bleeding recurrence, death, or were otherwise censored
Information about comorbidities was obtained using a combination of due to emigration or anticoagulation prescription claims within the first
data from the National Stroke Registry and the National Patient Reg- 30 days after discharge. Results are reported with 95% confidence in-
ister. Information about use of prescription drugs was available from tervals. Stata v.15 was used for data analysis.

T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

Table 1
Baseline characteristics for patients with incident intracerebral hemorrhage
overall and stratified by atrial fibrillation status.
No atrial Atrial Overall
fibrillation fibrillation

N (%) 7797 (84.2%) 1458 (15.8%) 9255 (100%)

Age, median, IQR 71.4 79.4 72.9
(60.7–80.0) (72.3–85.1) (62.5–81.3)
< 60 years 23.7 (1846) 4.6 (67) 20.7 (1913)
60–70 years 22.6 (1763) 14.9 (217) 21.4 (1980)
70–80 years 28.5 (2224) 33.0 (481) 29.2 (2705)
> 80 years 25.2 (1964) 47.5 (693) 28.7 (2657)
Female sex 46.8 (3647) 45.7 (667) 46.6 (4314)
Household status
Cohabitant 54.5 (4248) 47.4 (690) 53.4 (4938)
Living alone 36.6 (2850) 44.3 (644) 37.8 (3494)
Other, e.g. nursing home 3.8 (299) 4.3 (62) 3.9 (361)
Missing 5.1 (394) 4.1 (59) 4.9 (453)
Scandinavian Stroke Scale 40 (22–52) 40 (23–50) 40 (22–52)
score, median, IQR Fig. 1. Cumulative incidence function of intracerebral hemorrhage recurrence
Mild (> 42) 41.6 (3242) 40.4 (589) 41.4 (3831) in patients with and without atrial fibrillation.
Moderate (26–42) 23.5 (1834) 26.4 (385) 24.0 (2219)
Severe (< 26) 25.8 (2015) 25.4 (370) 25.8 (2385)
Missing 9.1 (706) 7.8 (114) 8.9 (820) chronic kidney disease, vascular disease, myocardial infarction, chronic
Surgical evacuation of 4.4 (346) 3.5 (51) 4.3 (397) pulmonary disease, and major bleeding (see Table 1). Moreover, former
intracerebral hemorrhage smoking was more prevalent and current smoking less so, among pa-
Lifestyle tients with atrial fibrillation. Statins and oral anticoagulants were more
Never 31.4 (2451) 32.4 (472) 31.6 (2923)
frequently used among patients with atrial fibrillation whereas use of
Former 21.6 (1682) 26.1 (381) 22.3 (2063) antiplatelet therapy was highest among patients without atrial fi-
Current 22.8 (1774) 13.6 (199) 21.3 (1973) brillation. The Scandinavian Stroke Scale score was similarly dis-
Missing 24.2 (1890) 27.8 (406) 24.8 (2296) tributed among patients with and without atrial fibrillation.
Alcohol intakea
Risk development over time is shown in Fig. 1: the overall cumu-
Recommended 70.3 (5475) 72.1 (1046) 70.6 (6521)
Above recommended 10.0 (779) 5.9 (86) 9.4 (865) lative incidence of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage taking into
Missing 19.7 (1533) 21.9 (318) 20.0 (1851) account the competing risk of death was slightly higher among patients
Comorbidities without atrial fibrillation, with a cumulative incidence of just above
Diabetes mellitus 11.6 (901) 17.1 (249) 12.4 (1150) 10% after five years compared to approximately 9% in patients with
Hypertension 49.7 (3876) 61.7 (899) 51.6 (4775)
Heart failure 6.7 (523) 29.9 (436) 10.4 (959)
atrial fibrillation. Overall, 660 recurrent events were registered; 589 in
Chronic kidney disease 3.2 (250) 7.4 (108) 3.9 (358) patients without and 71 in patients with atrial fibrillation. In the main
Vascular disease 11.1 (863) 22.3 (325) 12.8 (1188) analysis, 431 (5.5%) patients without atrial fibrillation at baseline and
Previous myocardial 5.9 (462) 17.2 (251) 7.7 (713) 385 (26.4%) patients with atrial fibrillation at baseline were censored
during follow-up for claiming a prescription for an oral anticoagulant
Chronic obstructive 9.0 (699) 13.7 (200) 9.7 (899)
pulmonary disease drug. The risk of the combined outcome of intracerebral hemorrhage or
History of ischemic stroke 22.2 (1719) 31.3 (456) 23.5 (2175) death was markedly higher for patients with atrial fibrillation, see
History of major extracranial 7.8 (608) 15.2 (222) 9.0 (830) Supplementary Fig. S1.
History of nontraumatic 5.7 (445) 5.3 (77) 5.6 (522)
intracranial bleeding
(subarachnoid, subdural, or 3.1. Prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage
Migraine 4.7 (369) 4.0 (58) 4.6 (427) On univariate analysis, prognostic factors for intracerebral hemor-
Depression 27.9 (2175) 30.3 (442) 28.3 (2617) rhage were broadly similar between patients with and without atrial
Dementia 4.7 (369) 6.2 (90) 5.0 (459)
Parkinson's disease 0.9 (70) 1.2 (18) 1.0 (88)
fibrillation, with overlapping confidence intervals across all factors (see
Epilepsy 5.9 (460) 6.0 (88) 5.9 (548) Fig. 2). A statistical test for interaction between atrial fibrillation status
Medication and the prognostic factors revealed no statistically significant interac-
Statin 29.3 (2281) 44.5 (649) 31.7 (2930) tion, although previous major extracranial bleeding may carry different
Selective serotonin reuptake 24.6 (1918) 28.3 (412) 25.2 (2330)
prognostic information depending on atrial fibrillation status. Hence,
Oral anticoagulationb 2.8 (221) 56.6 (825) 11.3 (1046) for the purpose of a multivariate analysis, patients with and without
Antiplatelet therapyb 28.4 (2213) 23.1 (337) 27.6 (2550) atrial fibrillation were combined and the multivariate analysis per-
formed only for the entire population.
Figures are % (n) unless otherwise noted. Fig. 3 shows multivariate adjusted hazard rate ratios for recurrence
Recommended alcohol intake per week: ≤7 for women and ≤14 for men. of intracerebral hemorrhage at 5-year follow-up. Higher age was asso-
Patients with a claimed prescription within 180 days prior to the in-
ciated with higher rate of recurrence: Compared with patients aged <
tracerebral hemorrhage.
60 years, HRs were for age 60–70 years [HR 1.30 (1.03–1.65)], age
70–80 years [HR 1.60 (1.27–2.01)], and age > 80 years [HR 1.20
3. Results
(0.91–1.57)]. Household status ‘other’, e.g., nursing home patients (HR
1.48 (1.03–2.15)), and more severe bleeding as reflected by lower
We identified 9255 patients with incident intracerebral hemorrhage
Scandinavian Stroke Scale score category indicating more severe index
who met the eligibility criteria, of which 16% had a previous diagnosis
event (higher rates for ‘moderate’ [HR 1.40 (1.13–1.72)] and ‘severe’
of atrial fibrillation. Patients with atrial fibrillation were older and
[HR 1.94 (1.59–2.37)] versus ‘mild’) were also factors associated with
more often had a history of diabetes, hypertension, heart failure,
higher rates of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage. Non-significant

T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

Fig. 2. Univariate hazard rate ratios (95% confidence interval) for intracerebral hemorrhage recurrence after 5 years of follow up in patients with and without atrial
Footnote: Time since first intracerebral hemorrhage was used as the underlying time axis. P is for a statistical test for a modification by atrial fibrillation status on the
prognostic value of the predictors. Recommended alcohol intake per week: ≤7 for women and ≤14 for men.

trends for higher rates of recurrence were observed in patients with with wide confidence intervals overlapping unity were observed for
history of epilepsy, previous use of oral anticoagulation and statins. dementia, heart failure, Parkinson's disease, and use of antiplatelet
Conversely, rates of recurrence were lower in patients with co- therapy. The remaining investigated factors were not associated with
morbidities such as diabetes mellitus, history of non-traumatic in- recurrence risk.
tracranial bleeding, and living alone vs. being cohabitant. Lower rates Figs. 4 and 5 depict adjusted hazard rate ratios for recurrence of

T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

Fig. 4. Adjusted hazard rate ratios for recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage

according to age.
Footnote: Age modelled using a restricted cubic spline and adjusted for factors
as listed in Fig. 3. Shaded area represents 95% confidence interval.

Fig. 5. Adjusted hazard rate ratios for Scandinavian Stroke Scale score and
recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage.
Scandinavian Stroke Scale score modelled using a restricted cubic spline and
adjusted for factors as listed in Fig. 3. Shaded area represents 95% confidence
interval. Note that higher Scandinavian Stroke Scale score reflects less severe

3.2. Secondary analyses

Supplementary Figs. S2 and S3 show univariate and multivariate

hazard rate ratios for the composite endpoint of recurrence of in-
tracerebral hemorrhage or death stratified according to atrial fibrilla-
tion status. Some of the same factors found to be prognostic for in-
Fig. 3. Predictors of 5-year intracerebral hemorrhage recurrence in a multi- tracerebral hemorrhage alone were also associated with the combined
variate analysis. endpoint, including age, Scandinavian Stroke Scale score, epilepsy, and
Footnote: Time since first intracerebral hemorrhage was used as the underlying household status ‘other’, e.g., nursing home residents. In addition,
time axis. Analysis adjusted for all predictors in the table. Recommended al- traditional cardiovascular risk factors such as atrial fibrillation, dia-
cohol intake per week: ≤7 for women and ≤14 for men. betes mellitus, chronic kidney disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary
disease, history of ischemic stroke, dementia, current smoking, and
intracerebral hemorrhage for the continuous values of age and the high alcohol intake were associated with higher rates of the combined
Scandinavian Stroke Scale score, respectively, showing that both age outcome of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage or death. Statin use
and Scandinavian stroke score level correlate with rate of recurrence, was associated with lower risk of the combined outcome.
except for the very oldest patients. An analysis of the 8050 patients who were alive, event-free and
otherwise uncensored 30 days after discharge for the incident in-
tracerebral hemorrhage event indicated a lower 5-year cumulative in-
cidence of intracerebral hemorrhage recurrence of approximately 8%

T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

than in the main analysis, see Supplementary Fig. S4. In general, pre- There are currently no randomized trials available to guide whether
dictors of bleeding recurrence were similar irrespective of excluding the patients stand to gain from resumed antithrombotic treatment post-in-
first 30-days of follow-up, see Supplementary Fig. S5. tracerebral hemorrhage or specifically about the timing of resumption
[32]. Accordingly, clinicians around the globe have widely different
4. Discussion preferences [33,34]. In the absence of randomized trials, decisions for
clinical management, including antithrombotic treatment, can be sup-
In this nationwide cohort study of patients with intracerebral he- ported by knowledge about factors prognostic for recurrence of in-
morrhage, risk of recurrence was high for patients with and without tracerebral hemorrhage. We chose to censor patients in case they re-
atrial fibrillation, ≈10% after 5 years. We showed that risk profiles for sumed or initiated anticoagulation in order to derive prognostic data
bleeding recurrence were broadly similar for patients with and without from an untreated population. For example, although resumption of
atrial fibrillation. Of 25 investigated clinical factors, only few covariates oral anticoagulation is associated with reduced risk of ischemia in ob-
were robust prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral hemor- servational studies [35], patients at high risk of recurrence of in-
rhage, including age, Scandinavian Stroke Scale score, and household tracerebral hemorrhage even in the absence of anticoagulation should
status. perhaps be less aggressively treated with respect to resumption of oral
The prevalence of atrial fibrillation in our population of patients anticoagulation. Ongoing studies will ascertain the net clinical benefit
with intracerebral hemorrhage was in line with previous studies [23]. of resuming oral anticoagulation in this high-risk population.
Conversely, the overall risk of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage The issue of ‘shared’ risk factors often complicates treatment deci-
was lower compared with a recent Danish cohort study investigating sions regarding antithrombotic treatment, i.e., many factors prognostic
similar matters (≈10% vs ≈14% at 5-year follow-up) [24]. However, for ischemic events are also prognostic for bleeding. Many traditional
the previous Danish study used only administrative discharge registry stroke risk factors including heart failure, diabetes mellitus, hyperten-
codes from the National Patient Register to identify recurrence, which sion, vascular disease, smoking, and alcohol have been associated with
very likely includes administrative diagnostic recoding in relation to ischemic stroke in atrial fibrillation [36–38]. However, many of these
subsequent hospital admissions or control visits that contribute to an factors did not predict recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage in this
overestimation of risk. In addition, our study extends these findings by study. Such differences in risk profiles for bleeding versus ischemic
investigating prognostic factors in strata of atrial fibrillation, and by event may be particularly useful when weighing the potential risks and
including some important lifestyle factors (alcohol, smoking) and benefits of antithrombotic treatment.
measures of bleeding severity as reflected by the Scandinavian Stroke Multiple scores for estimating a patient's prognosis following in-
Scale score. tracerebral hemorrhage exist [39,40]. Most scores estimate either
In a smaller cohort study (only 68 recurrence of intracerebral he- functional disability or death, but when searching for evidence that
morrhages) of patients with primary intracerebral hemorrhage, clinical support decisions for resumption of antithrombotic treatment, knowl-
characteristics associated with recurrence differed from our study, with edge on the specific clinical prognosis of bleeding recurrence is needed.
previous ischemic stroke, previous use of aspirin, and diabetes mellitus In this regard, patients with atrial fibrillation are a specific clinical
being associated with higher risk of recurrence while treated hy- category, since most patients have a strong indication for antic-
pertension was associated with lower risk of recurrence [5]. oagulation.
Use of SSRI's has been associated with risk of intracerebral hemor-
rhage, but we found only a weak association with recurrence of in- 4.2. Strengths and limitations
tracerebral hemorrhage or death in patients without atrial fibrillation
[25]. Although we found no clear association between migraine and The study cohort was sufficiently large to investigate a large number
recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage, migraine has been associated of prognostic variables. Nonetheless, the number of outcomes among
with risk of hemorrhagic stroke independent of traditional cardiovas- patients with atrial fibrillation were limited, reducing the precision in
cular risk factors [26]. Statins have been associated with lower risk of this subgroup. Information on both incident and recurrent recurrence of
intracerebral hemorrhage in a cohort of stroke-free patients [27]. As intracerebral hemorrhage were based on data from a nationwide stroke
with the present study, the Scandinavian Stroke Scale score has been registry with mandatory registration. The positive predictive value of a
shown to be associated with death and disability after acute stroke [28]. diagnosis of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage in the Danish re-
gistries is unknown, but likely to be highest in the dedicated Danish
4.1. Clinical implications Stroke Registry compared with the administrative National Patient
Register, since some codes in the National Patient Register likely re-
Patients who experience intracerebral hemorrhage are considered a present carry-over diagnoses of the previous intracerebral hemorrhage
very high-risk population, with a substantial risk of particularly death event registered in relation to subsequent control visits [24]. Such false
but also of bleeding recurrence, which is confirmed by the present re- positive codes are not registered in the Stroke Registry. The positive
sults. Also, patients who experience intracerebral hemorrhage are at predictive value of a diagnosis of atrial fibrillation is also high (> 90%)
high risk of both recurrence as well as of ischemic events [29,30]. In the [41]. Ideally, studies with adjudicated outcomes including post-mortem
present analysis, we aimed to provide data that could guide clinical assessment of causes of death would provide more definitive data on
decision-making post intracerebral hemorrhage, including decisions on the incidence of and prognostic factors for recurrence of intracerebral
intensity of follow-up and selection of suitable candidates for continued hemorrhage, since some deaths are likely to represent undiagnosed
antithrombotic treatment. bleeding recurrence.
Importantly, this study did not aim to investigate causes of recur- We censored patients in case they claimed a prescription for oral
rence of intracerebral hemorrhage, but merely to identify clinical anticoagulation. Such patients are unlikely to be a random subset of the
characteristics associated with recurrence that can be used for risk study population, which may have impacted on the observed associa-
stratification purposes [31]. Therefore, the multivariate analyses served tions. We did not censor patients in case the claimed a prescription for
not to isolate the effect of the variables through confounder adjustment, antiplatelet therapy, since such treatment has been reported to be safe
but merely to identify the most robust prognostic factors. As such, the without an increase in associated bleeding risk following intracranial
presented associations do therefore not necessarily have a causal in- bleeding [42,43].
terpretation, and one cannot infer that, e.g., diabetes mellitus has a We did no formal adjustment for multiple comparisons [44]. Due to
protective effect on recurrence risk despite the lower event rate found the large number of factors under investigation, we cannot rule out that
in this subgroup. some of the observations are due to change, and we encourage future

T.F. Overvad, et al. Thrombosis Research 191 (2020) 1–8

studies to validate our findings. We lacked data on some potentially Ingelheim, Microlife, Roche, and Daiichi-Sankyo. Dr. Larsen has served
important and clinically relevant factors, including measures of an- as an investigator for Janssen Scientific Affairs, LLC, and Boehringer
thropometry, biomarkers, amyloid angiopathy, and information on Ingelheim and received speaking fees from Bayer, BMS/Pfizer,
imaging data including cerebral microbleeds, leukoaraiosis, and the Boehringer Ingelheim, MSD, and AstraZeneca. Mr. Nielsen has received
anatomical location and volume of the primary bleeding event [45–48]. speaking fees from Boehringer Ingelheim and Bayer, consulting fees
Also, information about Glasgow Coma Score has proven valuable for from Bayer and Daiichi-Sankyo; and grant support from BMS/Pfizer.
prediction of mortality in this population [39]. Information on blood Mr. Skjøth has received consulting fees from Bayer. Ms. Søgaard, Dr.
pressure levels were unavailable, which may have limited the prog- Overvad and Dr. Andersen report no disclosures.
nostic value of hypertension in this study.
Appendix A. Supplementary data
5. Conclusion
Supplementary data to this article can be found online at https://
Incidence of recurrence of intracerebral hemorrhage was frequent in
patients both with and without atrial fibrillation. Importantly, factors
prognostic for recurrence were broadly similar between patients with References
and without atrial fibrillation and included age, household status, and
stroke severity as measured by Scandinavian Stroke Scale score. This [1] E.J. Benjamin, S.S. Virani, C.W. Callaway, A.M. Chamberlain, A.R. Chang, S. Cheng,
information may help tailor clinical decisions regarding intensity of S.E. Chiuve, M. Cushman, F.N. Delling, R. Deo, S.D. de Ferranti, J.F. Ferguson,
M. Fornage, C. Gillespie, C.R. Isasi, M.C. Jiménez, L.C. Jordan, S.E. Judd,
clinical follow-up and antithrombotic treatment decisions in the high- D. Lackland, J.H. Lichtman, L. Lisabeth, S. Liu, C.T. Longenecker, P.L. Lutsey,
risk population of patients with intracerebral hemorrhage. J.S. Mackey, D.B. Matchar, K. Matsushita, M.E. Mussolino, K. Nasir, M. O’Flaherty,
L.P. Palaniappan, A. Pandey, D.K. Pandey, M.J. Reeves, M.D. Ritchey,
C.J. Rodriguez, G.A. Roth, W.D. Rosamond, U.K.A. Sampson, G.M. Satou, S.H. Shah,
Acknowledgements N.L. Spartano, D.L. Tirschwell, C.W. Tsao, J.H. Voeks, J.Z. Willey, J.T. Wilkins,
J.H. Wu, H.M. Alger, S.S. Wong, P. Muntner, Heart disease and stroke statis-
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