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Automation Plan

Data Linking Tutorial:

Tutorial Notes:

 Automatic updates with Google Sheets, must re-upload with Excel

 Data linking is to a specific row or cell to a shape (need to change the layout of data
the Excel sheets (possibly combine 9200 and 9300)
 Can include and exclude data with linking rows and columns

1) Reorganize Excel sheets to only include what is needed on the network diagrams; al
small (for example) networks must have the same Excel layout to match exact cells w
exact spaces on the diagram for later templating. (Decide if there will be an Excel sh
for each location or one with all of the locations reorganized- depended on what is
needed for step 4)
2) Link a data set from one specific Site to its respective network template - (say HOU d
matched with small office template) using the method taught by the tutorial. (Decid
which data to link and where to link it)
3) Duplicate this new template with linked data (continuing with the HOU example) an
name it as its respective site, HOU. Now you have a linked data template for small
networks and one for HOU
4) Duplicate the template and replace the HOU data Excel sheet with the Excel sheet o
desired small network site, say WCD, linking the WCD data to its respective places o
duplicated copy

Plan notes:

-Relies on the assumption that when the linked template is duplicated the data links will stil
this way we are able to upload new data for a different site

- This plan also works for general Regus, Medium and Large networks that are without adde
(such as an extra switch) because only the data values are automated. Specially accommoda
sites will need to be accounted for in its own template.

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