Robotics Project Lakad

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Project Title LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Name of Project Esnara, Dejana, K.

Proponents Tauli, Kyra Guane, E.
Gosadan, Elisha Kylle, M.

Region Cordillera Administrative Region (CAR)

Division Benguet

School Cordillera Regional Science High School

Grade Level Grade 9

Project Duration Four Months



Contact Number 09098683719


Physical Science
Life Science
Robotics and Intelligent Machines
Mathematics and Computational Sciences

(3.) Individual

(4.) THEME

Food Safety Water Conservation

Renewable Energy Cyber Security
Traffic/Road Congestion Health
Disaster Mitigation Agriculture and Environment
Others (please specify): Assistive Technology
ESNARA, D., GOSADAN, E., TAULI, K. | June 2022
LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Project Profile ........................................................................................................................... 1

Table of Contents ...................................................................................................................... 2

List of Figures ........................................................................................................................... 3

List of Tables ........................................................................................................................... 3

Executive Summary .................................................................................................................. 4


Rationale/Significance of the Study.............................................................................. 5

Theoretical Framework ................................................................................................. 6

Objectives ...................................................................................................................... 8

REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE ................................................................................ 9


Research Design...........................................................................................................13

Variables to be Measured and Analyzed ..................................................................... 13

Sensors/Materials Used ............................................................................................... 14

Model .......................................................................................................................... 17

Safety Risk and Concern............................................................................................. 18

Circuit Layout ............................................................................................................. 18

Code ............................................................................................................................ 21

FLOWCHART ........................................................................................................................ 32

EXPECTED OUTPUTS AND POTENTIAL IMPACTS ...................................................... 34

WORK PLAN AND TARGET DELIVERABLES ................................................................ 35

REFERENCES ........................................................................................................................ 36

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Figure No. Figure Description Page

Figure 1. PIR Motion Sensor 14

Figure 2. Ultrasonic Sensor 14

Figure 3. Arduino GSM Shield ` 15

Figure 4. Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout 16

Figure 5. Model of Walking Stick 17

Figure 6. Model of Wristband 17

Figure 7. Circuit Layout for Walking Stick 18

Figure 8. Emergency Notification Circuit 19

Figure 9. Circuit Layout for Wristband 20

Figure 10. NMEA Sentences 26

Figure 11. Parsed NMEA Sentences 30

Figure 12. Visualizing the User’s Path 31

Figure 13. Flowchart for Walking Stick 32

Figure 14. Flowchart for Wristband 33


Table No. Table Description Page

Table 1. Timetable of the Writing of the Initial Manuscript 35

Table 2. Workplan for the Assembly of the Robot and 35

Writing of the Final Manuscript

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ESNARA, D., GOSADAN, E., TAULI, K. | June 2022
LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


One of the most significant uses of walking sticks is to help maintain overall balance

and provide the blind the confidence to independently reach their destination. Globally, the

growing population of blind and chronically sick individuals has increased the demand for

walking sticks, as has the development of self-guiding walking sticks with digital features.

However, standard walking sticks are mostly designed to detect impediments and barriers on

pathways. The primary goal of this research is to program assistive technologies onto

personalized wristbands and walking sticks to aid the blind, not only in detecting stationary

obstacles, but also in crossing roadways.

On the walking stick, a motion sensor, ultrasonic sensor, and GSM module will be

configured, to help detect moving vehicles within a five-meter range, stationary obstacles in

the way, and help send emergency notifications to chosen contacts should the need arise. The

wristband will be fitted with a GPS module to determine the user’s location. With the Google

Maps Pedestrian feature of marking and locating crosswalks, the researchers also aim to utilize

this to help the user locate nearby crosswalks relative to their current location. Overall, this

research aims to provide the blind a safer navigational environment through assistive


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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Rationale/Significance of the Study

For the visually impaired, navigation is one of the most difficult challenges they face

in their daily lives. Navigating crowded streets, going up and down the stairs, and crossing

the road are simple, everyday tasks for others that pose great difficulty for these sight-impaired

individuals. They heavily rely on their hearing and touch, as well as assistive tools like walking

sticks and canes, to reach their destinations safely, but these senses and tools do not always

work to their advantage especially when crossing the road.

Crossing the road is one of the most endangering tasks for visually impaired

individuals as sight is crucial in determining when and where it is safe to cross. They rely on

the sound of traffic to safely navigate crossways, but in busy intersections, the overlapping

sounds of numerous vehicles make it difficult to determine which cars are moving and which

cars are not. Apart from that, the visually impaired also have difficulty finding crosswalks,

which can be dangerous as crossing the road on an unmarked pavement (or jaywalking) can

catch drivers off guard and increase the likelihood of accident and collision.

Although there have been numerous research and studies conducted to help the blind

navigate more freely and independently, there is yet to be a study aimed at helping the blind

navigate crossways more safely and locate crosswalks more accurately. This brings us to

LAKAD, a walking stick and wristband designed to help the blind locate pedestrian crossings

and determine the right time to cross. With LAKAD, the blind can move confidently without

relying on others, navigate intersections more safely, decrease accidents and collisions on the

road, and ultimately benefit in terms of safe travelling.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Theoretical Framework

The model and system idea employed by Jose et al. (2016) provide the theoretical

foundation of this investigation. According to their study on a smart walking stick forvisually

disabled individuals, the proposed combination of multiple functioning components forms a

real-time system that monitors the position of the user and offers dual feedback making

navigation more safe and secure. Initially, ultrasonic sensors play a major role in the

development of the model as they are used for the different sensing units in the system.

Ultrasonic sensors operate on a mechanism similar to radar which evaluates the qualities of a

target by interpreting the echoes from radio or sound waves accordingly. They produce high-

frequency sound waves and analyze the echo that the sensor hears back. After which, they

calculate the time gap between transmitting the signal and receiving the echo to measure the

distance to an object. The embedded system receives that signal. When compared to other types

of sensors, the main benefit of ultrasonic sensors is their immunity to noise.

In addition, a global positioning unit (GPS) technology with pre-programmed locations

plays a major role in the development of the model as it is used to determine the

most desirable route to take. The GPS module, which is integrated into the walking stick, is

used to track the human's current location and sends it to the level converter. The level

converter is then used to change the logic of the GPS receiver signal so that it is acceptable to

the embedded system. The position of the destination is set from a list using voice messages

and a memory card. If the user deviates from the desired path, the voice synthesizer and speaker

are used to generate voice messages. Additionally, a global system for mobile (GSM) module

and relay are used for the equipment switching. It aids in the transfer of information about the

desired operation on the equipment and generates corresponding switching actions. GSM users

connect to the service provider using Subscriber Identity Module (SIM) cards. Also, a battery

provides power to all of the system's units.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

The microcontroller, which is the heart of the device, uses GPS data to calculate the

distance to the destination and generate a message to warn the user ahead of time. The

ATmega328P microcontroller or Arduino Uno was used in the same study. This

microcontroller is a member of the 8-bit microcontroller family. The ATmega328P is an 8-bit

CMOS low-power microcontroller based on the AVR-enhanced RISC architecture. The

ATmega328P achieves throughputs approaching 1 MIPS per MHz by executing powerful

instructions in a single clock cycle, allowing the designed system to optimize power

consumption versus processing speed.

The theory examined by Singh, R., Succena, and Singh, N. (2016) lends further support

to this study. Their proposed system aims to allow visually impaired individuals to navigate

through a path of dynamic objects. The passive infrared sensor (PIR sensor) is among the

sensors used. It is an electronic sensor, also referred to as a "Pyroelectric" or "IR Motion"

sensor, that detects infrared light emitted by objects in front of it. When a nearby dynamic

obstacle, such as an approaching vehicle, is detected, the PIR sensor responds by sending a

signal to the connected relay (an electromechanical switch), which then turns on

the vibrating motor. The user is then notified by a buzzer of the presence of a dynamic

obstacle in the path.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


The main objective of this study is to make it easier for visually impaired individuals

to navigate busy roads through the smart stick and locate crosswalks with the wristband. This

concept suggests a motion sensor and ultrasonic sensor integrated into the walking stick to

assist them in safely and confidently crossing the road, as well as help them in acquiring

personal independence in a technology-controlled society where people strive to live freely.

The concept also suggests the integration of a GPS module and Google Street View system on

the wristband to help them locate nearby crosswalks.

Specifically, the study aims to create a system that provides:

1. A walking stick integrated with a PIR motion sensor that will detect moving objects

within a 5-meter range, and an ultrasonic sensor that will detect stationary objects or

obstacles in the path, such that when they are within 35 cm or 12 inches of the user, the

integrated buzzer will activate.

2. An emergency button additionally attached to the walking stick to send message

notifications to specific contacts regarding the user’s current location in case of an

alarming situation.

3. A wristband containing a GPS module to locate nearby crosswalks, and a Bluetooth

earpiece that sends signal transmissions through a voice output.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Lai and Chen (2006) conducted a study wherein they investigated the theory that the

blind is prone to possessing better senses of hearing and touch than normal people due to the

so-called "sensory compensation." The researchers have studied the sensory differences

between the blind and the sighted, specifically analyzing their hearing, touch, and kinesthesia

sensations through scientific methods. It further aims to provide a general guideline for product

designers working on "designs for the blind." An experiment revealed that the blind does not

develop better hearing due to a sensory compensation effect, as initially assumed. Another

experiment indicated that the blind has sharper sensation at their fingertips than the sighted.

Even so, the sighted were able to complete the test using the center of their palm in significantly

less time than the blind.

To sum up, the set of sensory ability experiments showed that the sighted performed

better than the fully blind in 12 tests out of the 22 items used, while the blind outperformed

the sighted in only 10 tests. The ANOVA analysis particularly explained that the difference in

sensory ability between the two groups was statistically significant in only eight of the 22 items

tested. Meanwhile, the two subjects did not have a significant difference in the remaining 14

tests. The findings in this study may as well serve as a reference for the design of specific

products for actual use in the future. It was suggested that product designers focus more on

improving product friendliness, appropriateness, and safety for visually impaired users.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

In a study conducted by Laxmi and Santhosh (2021), a shoe-based obstacle system for

people with visual disabilities was developed. Its main objective was to assist the user in the

likelihood of an obstacle in his or her path. Here, the system is fitted in the shoes of the

individual, while the force-sensitive resistor (FSR) sensor is in the lower part of the shoes. The

piezoelectric component of the sensor performs this function. Thus, the system will only be

activated when the person wears the shoes and stands. There were two sensors in the system

used to detect the obstacles – an ultrasonic sensor and an infrared sensor. The obstacle's

distance is calculated using an ultrasonic sensor, which is then sent to the system. The

technology employs an infrared sensor to detect fewer false positives. As soon as the distance

reaches the system, it is checked with the allotted distance limit. Depending on the calculated

distance, a buzzer will be activated, and the individual will be alarmed that there is an obstacle

ahead. If the distance between the obstacle and the sensor is less than 20 feet, the obstacle is

very close and PWM signals are activated at short intervals. If the obstacle is between 20 and

50 feet away, it is not too far away, and PWM signals are engaged at regular intervals. If the

obstacle is more than 50 feet away, it is not considered. In this investigation, the

microcontroller is connected to the sensor for data collection and to a Wi-Fi module for data

transmission to the cloud environment.

The researchers of the study used the Thingspeak cloud environment as it was said to

be economic and serves their purpose well. To access the Thingspeak web page, the caretaker

or guardian of the blind will be provided a unique Uniform Resource Locator (URL). The

guardian can keep an eye on the chart of obstacle distances in intervals on this website and

warn the individual if they come across anything dangerous. The research paper, however,

did not further discuss the actual performance of the device when used by thevisually disabled


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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

In a similar study conducted by Gayathri, et al. (2014), the concept of the overall system

presented in their study provides a low cost and efficient navigation aid for the blind by

providing information about the environmental scenario of objects around them. The embedded

system uses an ultrasonic sensor, pit sensor, water sensor, global positioningsystem (GPS)

receiver, level converter, driver, vibrator, voice synthesizer, keypad, speaker or headphone, and

battery. In the sensor unit, the ultrasonic sensor helps detect objects of not less than 3 cm wide

lying on the ground, situated certain meters from the user. When in use, a beam of ultrasound

with a frequency of 40kHz is sent forward at regular intervals. The sensor will then check if

there are any nearby obstacles by detecting the reflected sound beam. For water indication,

electrodes are attached to the bottom of the stick. The blind person will receive a notification

when water is sensed.

Meanwhile, infrared sensors are used to detect if there are any pit holes in the path.

These diffused photoelectric beam sensors, also known as IR proximity sensors, consist of both

a transmitter and a receiver. Infrared rays are then emitted and reflected on the receiver through

the object to be registered. Furthermore, the GPS unit consists of the microcontroller, a GPS,

and one voice module to generate the voice. The microcontroller stores the data of the current

location which it receives from the GPS system to be compared with the destination

of the user. Once the distance to the location is traced, an alarm will be produced to alert the

user in advance.

The resulting performance of the proposed method showed that the stick is only limited

to four locations. Consequently, the navigation system will need to convey information other

than that as the device is not feasible to provide guidance information at high intermittencies.

The study further recommends that the design be improved before commercial production.
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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Expanding the ultrasonic sensor's range, placing a system for estimating the speed of

incoming obstacles, using external synchronization to save more routes, and adding a voice

control with speech recognition were some of the suggested actions to improve smart stick’s

overall performance.

Singh (2020) conducted similar research with an objective aimed to develop a smart

electronic stick with features that are absent in the conventional stick. Designed with a

supporting rod structure, the smart stick also equips different sensors such as ultrasonic sensors

which are used for detecting obstacles that hinder the user's path, PIR sensors used to detect

pits on the road and uneven surfaces, a pair of electrodes that were fitted at the bottom to check

water on the road, a TCRT1000 sensor used for detecting pulse rate of the user, and a

temperature sensor used to detect body temperature. A GPS module, as well, has been included

to track the location of the user. Each sensor was positioned at different heights of stick

according to requirement. Results confirmed that with the help of this smart walking stick,

blind and elderly users can advance more than 15-20% travel speed, reduce minor collisions,

not lose their way, and increase safety and confidence. Results indicate that older users who

were blind could boost their travel speed by more than 15% to 20%, reduce minor collisions,

find their way without getting lost, and feel more secure.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Research Design

The study will use the one-shot research design for there are no controlled variables in

the study. The one-shot case design is a type of experimental research where a single group of

test subjects is treated and only a single measurement is taken afterwards. It only measures

the post-test results and does not have a control group (Campbell & Stanley, 1963). Likewise,

the researchers of this study will only measure the post-test results of the study and determine

if the treatment influenced the outcome. The researchers will try to see if the robot will work

and serve its function as an assistive robot for the blind.

Variables to be Measured and Analyzed

The dependent variable in this study, which is to be measured, is that of the

effectiveness of the walking stick and wristband in detecting the motion of cars and locating

crosswalks. This will be greatly affected by the construction of the walking stick and wristband

(independent variable), whether they are poorly designed, or the components used are faulty.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Sensors/Materials Used

The sensors to be used in this study are a Passive Infrared Motion (PIR) sensor,

ultrasonic sensor, and GSM module which will be integrated into the walking stick; and a GPS

sensor, specifically the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout System, that will be fitted into the


The PIR motion sensor has a wide lens range

and can detect moving objects within a 5 m to 12 m

radius, reducing the need to set a range in the code

later on. It has a simple interface to work with, and it

provides great control with minimal effort (Adafruit

IO, 2014).

Figure 1: PIR motion sensor

The HC-SR04 Ultrasonic Sensor, on the other hand,measures the distance to an object,

considering the travel time and speed of the sound. It emits an ultrasound at 40 kHz that travels

through the air and is reflected to the module if it encounters an object or obstacle (Jabbaar, 2019).

Figure 2: Ultrasonic Sensor

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Meanwhile, the Arduino GSM Shield allows the Arduino board to connect to the

Internet using the GPRS wireless network. This gives the ability to send an SMS textmessage

to certain mobile devices and even make or receive voice calls, given an external speaker and

microphone circuit. To interface with a cellular network, however, the board requires a SIM

card provided by a network operator.

Figure 3: Arduino GSM Shield

The Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout, on the other hand, can track up to 22 satellites

and make about 10 location updates in a second. It has a high-sensitivity receiver (-165 dBm)

and a built-in antenna, and only uses 20 mA of power for navigation. With its built-in data logging

ability, the person’s coordinates, as well as the time and date, are logged in every 15 seconds

when there is a fix (a “fix” is when the GPS sensor can detect at least three satellites to detect and

receive a signal from a satellite). The raw GPS data from the module can be opened through the

Arduino IDE when connected to the microcontroller (Adafruit IO, 2014).

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Figure 4: Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout

Additional electrical components include a vibration motor, buzzer, and push button

which will be fitted into the handle of the walking stick. A Bluetooth earpiece will also be

connected to the wristband, so that when a crosswalk is detected nearby, a certain audio output

will be transmitted through the earpiece and the user will be informed. Other electrical

components include jumper wires, a transistor, and of course, the Arduino Uno


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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


The design for the walking stick and

wristband is simple. The Arduino Uno

microcontroller, PIR motion sensor, and ultrasonic

sensor will be placed at the bottom of the walking

stick, right above the tip that meets the ground. The

vibration motor, buzzer, and pushbutton will be

placed on the handle.

Figure 5: Model for the Walking Stick

On the other hand, the GPS module and Arduino

Uno board will be attached to a regular wristband. A

regular Bluetooth earpiece will also be connected.

Figure 6: Model for the Wristband

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired
Safety Risk and Concern

Due to the outdoor nature of this study, the components and sensors used can be

exposed to various hazards, most specifically, water from rain, puddles, and other street-related

factors. To cope with this, the researchers devised a solution by enclosing the various

components and sensors in a metal box or cylinder for the walking stick and a small plastic

container for the wristband. This way, the components are protected from outdoor water and

are stored and organized in one place.

Circuit Layout

For the smart stick, the PIR motion sensor and ultrasonic sensor, as well as the buzzer

and vibration motor, will be connected to an Arduino Uno board as shown:

Figure 7: Circuit Layout for Walking Stick

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

In this figure, the PIR motion sensor is connected to digital pin 2 on the Arduino, with

the ultrasonic sensor trigger and echo pins connected to 9 and 10. Each has a power output of

5 volts. The vibration motor is connected to an NPN Transistor, which is connected to digital

pin 3 on the Arduino, while the buzzer is connected to pin 11.

For the emergency notification circuit, a GSM Module and pushbutton will be

connected to an Arduino Uno board as well. The GSM Arduino Shield will be connected to the

TXD and RXD pins of the Arduino, which enable the microcontroller to connect to mobile

devices. When the button is pressed, the GSM module will relay a text message to a chosen

supervisor’s mobile device, informing them that an accident has occurred.

Figure 8: Emergency Notification Circuitry

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

For the wristband, the Adafruit Ultimate GPS Breakout will be connected to an

Arduino Uno board.

Figure 9: Circuit Layout for the Wristband

The GPS module has a power output of 5V and is connected to pins 1 and 0 on the


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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


The code for the walking stick motion sensor and ultrasonic sensor circuit is as


int motorPin = 3; // the pin that the vibration motor is attached to

int sensor = 2; // the pin that the motion sensor is attached to

int state = LOW; // by default, no motion detected

int val = 0; // variable to store the sensor status (value)

const int trigPin = 9; // the pin the trigger pin is connected to

const int echoPin = 10; // the pin the echopin is connected to

const int buzzer = 11; // the pin the buzzer is connected to

// defines variables

long duration;

int distance;

int safetyDistance;

void setup()

pinMode(motorPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the motorPin as an Output

pinMode(buzzer, OUTPUT); // Sets the buzzer as an Output

pinMode(trigPin, OUTPUT); // Sets the trigPin as an Output

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

pinMode(echoPin, INPUT); // Sets the echoPin as an Input

Serial.begin (9600); // Initializes the serial

void loop()

val = digitalRead(sensor); // read sensor value

if (val == HIGH) { // check if the sensor is HIGH

tone (11, 450); // buzzer will beep

delay(250); // buzzer will beep for 250 milliseconds

noTone (11); // buzzer will stop beeping

delay (250); // buzzer will stop beeping for 250


if (state == LOW) {

Serial.println("Motion detected!");

state = HIGH; // update variable state to HIGH

else {

noTone (11); // buzzer will stop beeping

delay(50); // buzzer will stop beeping after 50 milliseconds

if (state == HIGH){

Serial.println("Motion stopped!");

state = LOW; // update variable state to LOW

// Clears the trigPin

digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);
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// Sets the trigPin on HIGH state for 10 micro seconds

digitalWrite(trigPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(trigPin, LOW);

// Reads the echoPin, returns the sound wave travel time in microseconds

duration = pulseIn(echoPin, HIGH);

// Calculating the distance

distance= duration*0.034/2;

// motor will vibrate if object is 30 centimeters away

safetyDistance = distance;

if (safetyDistance <= 30){

digitalWrite(motorPin, HIGH);


digitalWrite(motorPin, LOW); // motor will not vibrate

// Prints the distance on the Serial Monitor

Serial.print("Distance: ");


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Simply put, once the motion sensor detects movement within a 5 m radius, the buzzer

will activate, informing the user that a vehicle is approaching. (val == HIGH) means the

sensor has detected motion and with tone (11, 450); delay (250), the buzzer is

instructed to buzz for a duration of 250 milliseconds. The tone will not be constant


val = digitalRead(sensor); // read sensor value

if (val == HIGH) { // check if the sensor is HIGH

tone (11, 450); // buzzer will beep

delay(250); // buzzer will beep for 250 milliseconds

noTone (11); // buzzer will stop beeping

delay (250); // buzzer will stop beeping for 250 milliseconds

However, when the sensor detects no movement, the buzzer will not activate.

else {

noTone (11); // buzzer will stop beeping

delay(50); // buzzer will stop beeping after 50 milliseconds

if (state == HIGH){

Serial.println("Motion stopped!");

state = LOW; // update variable state to LOW

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

For the emergency notification circuit, the code is as follows:

int state = 0;

const int pin = 8;

void setup()


void loop()

if (digitalRead(pin) == HIGH && state == 0) {







Serial.print("AT+CMGS=\"+aacccccccccc\"\r");//International no.


Serial.print("HELP,Accident on [current location]");//Emergeny





state = 1;

if (digitalRead(pin) == LOW && state == 1) {

state = 0;

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

When the button is pressed, an SMS text message ("HELP,Accident on [current

location]")will be sent to a certain contact or supervisor, informing them of the user’s

current condition and whereabouts.

As for the GPS-Arduino circuit connection, the user’s location will be given in the form

of NMEA sentences like the following:

Figure 10: NMEA Sentences

These sentences provide information about the user’s location, and the first word of

an NMEA sentence defines the interpretation of the rest of the sentence. When a sentence starts

with GPRMC, it details the user’s latitude and longitude position, the cardinal direction of these

latitude and longitude positions, the current time, status code, ground speed in knots, date of

satellite fix, Course Made Good reading, magnetic variation, direction of magnetic variation,

and checksum.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

When a sentence starts with GPVTG, the Track Made Good and ground speed values

are given.

In a GPGGA sentence, data about the fix quality and the number of satellites is


and more information about the fix quality is given in a GPGGA sentence.

NMEA sentences are difficult to decipher and understand. For this reason, the

researchers have decided to parse these sentences and make them easier for both the readers

and researchers to understand through the following code:

#include <Adafruit_GPS.h>

#include <SoftwareSerial.h>

SoftwareSerial mySerial(3, 2);

Adafruit_GPS GPS(&mySerial);

char c;

void setup() {



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void loop() {


while (!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {

c =;


Serial.print("Time: ");

Serial.print(GPS.hour, DEC);


Serial.print(GPS.minute, DEC);


Serial.print(GPS.seconds, DEC);



Serial.print("Date: ");

Serial.print(, DEC);


Serial.print(GPS.month, DEC);


Serial.println(GPS.year, DEC);

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Serial.print("Fix: ");


Serial.print(" quality: ");


Serial.print("Satellites: ");


if (GPS.fix) {

Serial.print("Location: ");

Serial.print(GPS.latitude, 4);


Serial.print(", ");

Serial.print(GPS.longitude, 4);


Serial.print("Google Maps location: ");

Serial.print(GPS.latitudeDegrees, 4);

Serial.print(", ");

Serial.println(GPS.longitudeDegrees, 4);

Serial.print("Speed (knots): ");


Serial.print("Heading: ");


Serial.print("Altitude: ");


Serial.println(" ");

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

void clearGPS() {

while (!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {

c =;


while (!GPS.newNMEAreceived()) {

c =;


When the code is uploaded, the NMEA sentences will now look like this:

Figure 11: Parsed NMEA Sentences

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

With the GPS data finally gathered and parsed, the researchers will now take this data

and visualize the path taken by the user. By converting this into a .kml file using the website, the coordinates will be plotted on Google Maps and the user’s path will be

seen and tracked.

Figure 12: Visualizing the User’s Path

The researchers aim to use this concept in helping the blind locate nearby crosswalks

by plotting the user's coordinates and visualizing his/her path in real time as he/she ismoving.

The researchers also aim to integrate the Google Maps pedestrian mode feature of locating

pedestrian crossings so that through a speaker integrated into the circuit, a speech output will

be transmitted to inform the user that he/she is nearing a crosswalk.

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Figure 13: Flowchart of Methods for the Walking Stick

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired

Figure 14: Flowchart of the Procedures for the Wristband

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


The proposed system in the study is expected to provide several benefits to visually

impaired individuals. Fundamentally, the developed Arduino-based system attached to the

walking stick will aid the user when walking along busy streets. It will be able to detect

approaching vehicles and alert the user via vibrations in the handle. Meanwhile, the wristband

equipped with a GPS module will determine the user's current location, allowing him/her to

find the best route to the crosswalk. This will allow the blind person to travel more safely, with

fewer worries when crossing the road.

Furthermore, this study is structured to serve as a technological innovation designed

with the potential to impact a larger population in future generations. The strategies in this

study will contribute to community safety, decreasing the number of vehicular accidents

involving visually impaired citizens. Thus, the developed system in the study may be adopted

and implemented to sustain a safe environment, especially for visually impaired individuals.

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LAKAD: Assistive Technology for the Visually Impaired


Table 1. Timetable of the Writing of the Initial Manuscript

JUNE 6-9, 2022 Final Decision for the Title of the Research Proposal

JUNE 10, 2022 Distribution of Assigned Parts

JUNE 13-17, 2022 Chapter 1: Executive Summary

Chapter 2: Introduction

JUNE 18-20, 2022 Chapter 3: Review of Related Literature

JUNE 21-24, 2022 Chapter 4: Methodology

Chapter 5: Expected Outputs and Potential Impacts

Finalization of the Research Proposal

Table 2. Workplan for the Assembly of the Robot and Writing of the Final Manuscript

ONE WEEK Planning of the Research Project

THREE WEEKS Gathering of Materials

Assembling of the


ONE WEEK Testing of the Final Product

Checking of Mishaps on the Assembly and


TWO WEEKS Writing of the Final Manuscript

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