História Recompensa - Naruto X Temari - Recompensa - História Escrita Por SLKMLK - Spirit Fanfics e Histórias

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Bounty Story - Naruto vs Temari

(https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/historia/recompensa--naruto-x-temari 24820953)
- Reward

Written by: Slkmlk (https://www.spiritfanfiction.com/perfil/90e18edf5e8d4a49915e0c51c0aacf)

Author's Notes

Hey my people, new one-shot for you. I hope you enjoy

Good reading

Chapter 1 - Reward

Everyone was celebrating, the Kazekage had been rescued from Akatsuki's hands, his

kage was fine and full of health. On top of one of Sunagakure's buildings, were the

ninjas from Konoha and Suna, they also celebrated Gaara's return a lot

Temari, the redhead's sister, celebrated a lot, she had been very worried and

fear of losing his brother. Greeting some people, he soon noticed a blonde

leaning against the railings and looking at the movement in the streets. Walking towards him

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remembered the promise that the blonde had made, that he would save Gaara anyway and he

really kept his word, one of his strengths was that

"Naruto, what are you doing here away from everyone?" asked the blonde

"Ah Temari, I'm just thinking about a few things" Naruto replied, his eyes

eyes turned to the blonde

Even though he didn't want to, he analyzed the woman. Temari was beautiful, her breasts were big,

but nothing too exaggerated, her waist was thin and her ass was round. in the future she

it would definitely become prettier than it already was

“And what are you thinking about?” Asked the blonde, noticed the way he analyzed her, that

made her feel wanted

Temari also studied the blonde, he had grown a lot these last 3 years in

who passed training, it sure wasn't the same idiot she met in the exams

chunin in Konoha. His muscles stood out in that black jacket, his hair

blondes were now bigger and his blue eyes were still intense

"It's nothing much, just the stuff of life" replied Naruto, noticing her gaze

about him, was even happier now

"Well... since you're not going to tell me anything, how about you come with me?" Temari asked, she was

having a crazy idea that might work

“And where are we going?” asked Naruto, that change was quite sudden

"Relax, I want to give you something for saving my brother" He smiled at the blonde, who nodded

still kinda afraid

The two blondes distanced themselves from the staff and walked through the corridors of the building.

until they stopped in front of a room, which Temari quickly turned the key and opened. now naruto

understood what she wanted, he was more than happy to oblige.

“So what do you think?” Temari asked, she was a little anxious for what was to come.

to follow

“A nice room, but does it have good sound blocking?” smirked at the


"Has a great block" He walked to Naruto and pulled him in for a kiss, which was soon

returned in the same intensity

The two remained kissing for a long time, both enjoying each other's lips.

another, feeling the softness and how good the other's kiss was. They parted when the air was made

necessary, they were panting and feeling each other's breath because of the


“So this is what I get for saving your brother?” asked Naruto, staring

those green eyes of the blonde and was easily lost

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“Yeah, but I still haven't rewarded you for changing him too” Dropping his hand,

grabbed Naruto's member over his pants, making him let out a slight sigh

"I'll be more than happy to be rewarded" He whispered in Temari's ear and

squeezed her ass

Crouching down, she quickly unzips his pants and pulls his dick out. The blonde stayed

quite surprised by the size, it was about 25cm, she even swallowed dry and rethink the

idea you had. Taking that little monster in his hands, he noticed how they looked

small compared to him, gave the blonde a light handjob

"You sure are big" Said Temari, glared at Naruto and watched as he opened a

malicious smile

“I'm glad you liked it, I think you'll like it even more when you put it in your mouth”

Said the blonde, who ran his hand over her cheek

Temari lightly kissed the pink head of Naruto's cock, who sighed a little,

his mouth soon moved down the length of the blonde's cock. Your moves with

head were quick, she used her tongue to surround his entire cock, also used her

hands to massage the balls

"What a hot little mouth... suck my dick go... keep sucking" Moaned Naruto, the

blonde sucked him very well, it looked like his cock was in heaven

“Are you enjoying it, bastard?” She smiled at him, it was obvious she was enjoying it, her face didn't.

left doubts

“Less talk and more action” He undid her buns and grabbed her blonde hair.

woman "You look beautiful with your hair down" I was honest, she was even prettier with her hair down

Temari blushed, she had never received compliments on her hair, she was going to thank the blonde, but

she was stopped when his cock entered her mouth at once. This time he commanded the

pace and was more aggressive, moving his hips causing his cock to reach the

back of her throat

"Fucking hell... what a good mouth" Moaned Naruto with his eyes closed, taking advantage of the

maximum the sensation

Grasping Temari's blonde hair, he tied it around his wrist and pulled her toward him.

closer to his dick, to the base. He watched as the woman gave a slight gasp, but

did not call. He continued fucking the blonde's throat, this time faster and making her

his balls hit her chin

Sabaku was surprised at first by the blonde's actions, but over time she got used to it.

getting used to. His throat would definitely hurt in the morning, after all Naruto was getting into

his dick deep inside

"Fucking Temari... I'm going to... come" Warned Naruto, his limit was very close "Want to

that I... come inside... your little mouth?” He asked as he fucked her mouth mercilessly

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Temari just nodded, that cock inside her mouth making it impossible for her to

to say anything other than a few moans. She was looking forward to Naruto's milk, after all he

there seemed to be a lot inside those big balls

Naruto used Temari's throat some more and then he came, the feeling was too much.

pleasurable. The blonde gave a few soft moans as he dumped his load into the blonde's mouth,

she swallowed it all, leaving not a bit. Withdrawing her cock from Sabaku's mouth, the

let it breathe a little, her face was red because of the lack of air

The blonde gasped for air in her lungs. As much as Naruto had enjoyed

it was scary, she expected him to have a lot of milk, but that was nonsense.

Staring at the blonde, she saw that he was still hard and that surprised her a little, not so much.

because I knew he was an endurance machine

“You had a lot of fucking in store” Temari said, not complaining, just

pointing out a fact

"Sorry, I haven't had sex in a while" Said Naruto, it was true, the last time

who had had sex was with some women during the turn with Jiraiya

"Well, I guess it's my turn to get blowjobed now" Temari smirked

He got up from the floor and started to take off his clothes, first lowering the kimono straps,

exposing the black bra she was wearing. Then he took off the red band that

holding the bottom part of the kimono, thus showing Naruto her beautiful legs and the

also black panties that I wore

While Temari undressed, Naruto watched every detail of the woman. sitting on the

bed, I could see that despite training hard she still managed to keep in shape

feminine. For him, she was certainly one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen naked.

"You are beautiful" Said the blonde, he was praising the woman sincerely

“Thanks, but I guess you had to take your clothes off too, huh?” Said fun,

inside she was happy that he appreciated her

"Oh of course, how could I forget" He rubbed the back of his neck in embarrassment, he had admired so much

she forgot to take her clothes off too

Naruto then took off his jacket and showed his six-pack abs.

shapely, his arms strong and with some well-defined muscles. taking off your pants,

left his member showing, unlike Temari he didn't cover his private parts

The blonde also analyzed him, he wasn't bad at all. His eyes focused on what he had

between her legs and swayed from side to side. She was dying to have him inside her, just

to imagine your pussy was already all wet

Walking over to Naruto, she sat on his lap and wrapped her arms around him.

his neck, who promptly held her waist tightly. They both looked at each other

eyes, all they could see was the purest lust and desire for each other.

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5/25/23, 12:41 PM Bounty Story - Naruto x Temari - Bounty - Story written by Slkmlk - Spirit Fanfics and Stories

Naruto then started to place light kisses down Temari's neck, doing the same

let out a light sigh. The blonde ran his hands down the woman's back and unclasped her bra,

leaving the one showing by the pair of breasts

Admiring those two melons, I could say without a doubt that they were bigger than

that most women in Konoha, maybe only Tsunade had more than Temari.

Holding one of her breasts, he squeezed it hard, making the blonde let out a few low moans,

which only served to excite him even more.

"Suck my breasts... Naruto" He asked slyly, the blonde's grip on them was so good

Naruto just obeyed and grabbed one of her breasts while playing with the

other. It sucked so hard it looked like it wanted to get milk out of there. Temari's breasts were soft and

large, they fit perfectly in his hand, causing him to end up in them

Removing his hand from Temari's breast, he began to slide it into the blonde's panties,

looking to please her down there. Rubbing her clitoris, he noticed how her

her pussy was soaked, it looked like she was waiting a long time

Reversing positions, he threw her back onto the bed and spread her legs. from little to

little was taking off her panties and revealing a beautiful pussy, all smooth and pink

"The prettiest I've ever seen" He commented while staring at the intimacy of the


Temari blushed a little, she wasn't one to receive so many compliments and even more because of

your intimacy. For her, Naruto knew very well how to use words and managed to leave her

easily embarrassed by compliments

Naruto settled in between Temari's legs and then thrust two fingers inside her mouth.

her pussy, which moaned tasty. Meanwhile, he used his tongue to stimulate the grill

of the blonde, had the objective of driving her crazy

"Oooh...Naruto" Temari moaned his name while holding her blonde hair

Sabaku was lost in the purest pleasure, Naruto was managing to let go of her.

crazy. She pulled his head closer to her pussy, wanting to enjoy the

maximum. The blonde's fingers reached so deep that she was almost coming.

“I'm… ummp… almost… hammm… arriving” I said between groans “Don't stop"

He requested

The blonde just continued with what he was doing, he had no intention of stopping until she

enjoy for him. He thrust his fingers deep and fast, used his tongue to drive her crazy and

cum faster

When she felt a strong grip on her hair, she knew she had reached her destination.

limit and waited for the honey she would give him. Feeling a sweet taste in his mouth, he was delighted

with what she released, it was very good

Temari was panting, the orgasm had been wonderful, she would definitely need

more. Her body gave light spasms, the sensation had been very pleasant.

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"Temari, you have fantastic taste" Said Naruto as he sucked on his fingers.

were full of the blonde's honey

"And you... are great... in oral" I said amused and still a little tired, I needed air


"I think it's time for the main course" Said the blonde, his smile was huge, he

I was very excited

Taking advantage of the fact that she was still lying down, he opened her legs again and rubbed

the head of his cock on the blonde's sensitive bud, who moaned briefly. loved teasing,

even more women who were 'Bossy' like Temari, it was almost a fetish

Sticking his cock all at once, he heard her let out a loud scream, luckily the

room had sound blocking. He waited until she got used to it and started to thrust deep into the

Blonde's pussy, would fill it whole

“Such a tight pussy, Temari” He gritted his teeth, his cock being

crushed in there


had had one so big inside her, Naruto was tugging her

Her screams only served as encouragement for Naruto, who continued to punch hard.

in Temari's pussy. The blonde went without any mercy, he wanted at all costs to open that

tight pussy. He moved his hips at an impressive speed.

"Fuck Naru... Fuck me... finish my pussy" Asked Temari, now that's it

more used to the blonde's dick

Naruto thrust with force and pressure, holding the blonde's face, filled her face with slaps

her, leaving her finger prints. She looked like a little bitch, her hair stuck to her

forehead and body marks

"Let's go... hit more" He asked without shame, he didn't know when he had started to like it

pain, but there was no point in trying to find an answer

Naruto grabbed Temari's neck with both hands and squeezed tightly, making

making her face even redder, almost purple from lack of oxygen.

As he did that, he continued to fuck her pussy hard, inside it was hot and his cock

he was loving the feeling, but it was still tight and it was making him get close to

to enjoy

"I'm almost coming... I'm going to end up inside" I said between my teeth, for a second I saw

Temari's eyes widen

The blonde was a bit desperate, Naruto's grip was very strong and that was good, she

liked. The fact that he wanted to come inside her that scared her, she still didn't want to get pregnant and

much less be a mother

"Relax, if you get pregnant I'll take over" Said Naruto, he could see how she was looking

afraid, but it wasn't going to stop him from coming inside

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With a few more thrusts, he felt the head of his cock swell and then fill his

fucking Temari's pussy. He came non-stop, it didn't seem like he'd ever done it before.

some time ago

Temari was paralyzed, along with Naruto's orgasm came hers too, so

I was ecstatic. I had never had one as potent as that one, even more so with the fucking

a man inside her

Letting go of the blonde's neck, he realized that she would definitely get the scar.

her hands for a long time and that turned her on even more. She was panting for oxygen,

he gave her time to recover

"You... are... crazy" Said the blonde, she looked at the bedroom ceiling, her neck hurt.

a little

"Sorry, I got carried away" Said Naruto, he didn't really regret it, to say the least.

true he would do it again

Temari took a deep breath, that had been the best fuck of her life, Naruto had been

rough with her, hit her and fucked her hard. One day I would want to repeat the dose

"I think there's still a place left for me to end up" He said smiling, he wanted the little hole


“Wh-what, are you still not satisfied?” Temari asked in disbelief, how was

can someone have so much energy

Naruto grabbed her waist and got her on all fours, that white ass perched on the

His direction had him hard again, he would love to spank her. separating the

Temari's ass bands, was amazed at how her ass was so pink

as for her pussy but that was good

"You have a nice ass" He praised the woman, he liked those

The blonde was quite embarrassed, no man had ever seen that part of her, she

never released your ass to anyone. I was nervous, if Naruto was brutal it would hurt

and your ass would be busted

"I'll love to let him break in" He whispered in her ear, which shivered for


Pressing the head of his cock against Temari's ass, he groaned a little with

the grip that was being made. Apparently it was her first time in anal, but no

there was a problem, it was better that way

"OH MY ASS... SON OF A BITCH... BIG FUCKING DICK" screamed Temari, was

felt a fucking pain, felt like it was being ripped in half

"What a tight ass...fucking...it got all the way in" Naruto let out a sigh, finally able to

start to put

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He wasted no time and started thrusting hard, he didn't care for the screams of

Temari, that was music to your ears. That ass was so hot, despite

tight he was hot

"OH FUCK... IT HURTS... FUCK" The blonde screamed louder, Naruto was

punching with power and speed, she had doubts if she would be able to walk the next day

“That's how good it is, Temari” Continued punching deep “I'm going to bust that asshole”

He slapped her ass, leaving his handprint

The noise of bodies colliding echoed throughout the room, Naruto's hips bumped

against Temari's ass, which was moving a lot. The blonde's bag hit against the pussy of the

Sabaku, making things even hotter

"Don't stop... keep breaking my ass" Now the pain was gone, the pleasure was gone.

had dominated, she wanted her ass full of cum

"That's how you say it" Said Naruto, he was glad that she had gotten into the mood.

The blonde tugged at Temari's blonde hair and pulled her back, they shared a

kiss all messy but pleasurable. With each thrust he got closer to his limit and

I didn't feel like letting people know when I was going to come, so I increased the power of the dunks

"FUCKING FUCK" Temari screamed as Naruto went even deeper, it was

unbelievable how deep he could go inside her

A few more thrusts and he soon reached his orgasm, spurting spurts of cum

inside Temari's asshole, causing the woman to go wobbly on her legs and fall onto the bed, exhausted.

Even tired, he watched his cum leaking from both the pussy and Sabaku's ass,

I sure did a good job

“Loved my reward “ I said fun, I was tired but still had humor

"Me too" Temari said before passing out


The Konoha ninja who helped rescue the Kazegake were at the village gate,

parting with it. Everyone greeted Gaara and his brother Kankuro

“I thank all of you for saving me, but I thank you most of all,

Naruto" Said Gaara and stretched out his hand which was soon squeezed by the blonde's

"No need to thank you, you're a friend" Said Naruto smiling

"Too bad Temari isn't here to say goodbye" Kankuro said, he hadn't seen

the sister from the party the night before

"Really a pity, next time I guarantee she will be there" Said the


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“It's okay, she must be busy" Said the blonde “But let her know that next time

I want an apology for being late" He said jokingly with the redhead, who seemed

share the blonde's mood

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Until next time my good ones

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